Prisoner is sitting behind bars. Alexander Pushkin ~ prisoner (I sit behind the grille in the dungeon of raw)

I sit behind the grille in the dungeon of raw. The eagle fed into captivity in captivity, my sad friend, waving the wing, the bloody food pecks under the window, pecks, and throws, and looks out the window, as if one thing was thinking with me; I call me a look and scream to my own and wonder if you want to fly away! We are free, brother, brother, it's time! There, where the Mountain whites is white, where the sea edges will shine, where the wind is walking ... yes I ! .. "

The verse "prisoner" was written in 1822, during the "southern" link. Arriving to the place of its permanent service, in Chisinau, the poet was shocked by a fermented variety: instead of the blooming Crimean coast and the sea - the endless steppes scorched by the sun. In addition, there was a lack of friends, boring, monotonous work and a feeling of full dependence on the bosses. Pushkin felt a prisoner. At this time, a poem "Prisoner" was created.

The main theme of the verse is the topic of freedom, brightly embodied in the formation of an eagle. Eagle - prisoner, as well as a lyrical hero. He grew up and focused in captivity, he never knew freedom and nevertheless tends to her. In the call of Eagle to Freedom ("Let's fly away!") The idea of \u200b\u200bPushkin poems is being implemented: a person must be free, like a bird, because freedom is the natural state of every living being.

Composition. "Prisoner", like many other Pushkin poems, is divided into two parts, differing from each other with intonation and tone. Parts are not contrasting, but gradually the tone of the lyrical hero becomes more excited. In the second stanza, the calm story is rapidly moving into a passionate appeal, in a cry of freedom. In the third he reaches his peak and, as it differs on the highest note in the words "... only the wind ... Yes, I am!"

The poem "prisoner" was written in 1922, when Pushkin was in the link in Chisinau. At this time, he got close to M.F. Orlov and the future Decembrists V.F. Raevsky. Orlov in 1920 accepted the command of the 16th Division. He was configured by militant, planned to take part in the Greek uprising, which, in his opinion, was part of the plan of the Russian revolution.

After the defeat of the Chisinau Mug, who was led by M. Orlov, and the arrest of V. Raevsky Pushkin wrote a poem "prisoner". But in this poem, the poet considered himself a prisoner only partly, especially since he had the opportunity to leave Chisinau from Chisinau, where it became uncomfortable and unsafe.

The topic of this work, of course, influenced both the poet's passion for romantic ideas. One of the main topics (hardly leading) from revolutionary romantics was at that moment the topic of freedom. Romance writers described expressive images of the slave, prison, the motives of flight, liberation from the capture. It is enough to remember, and. The poem "prisoner" - from the same thematic series.

On the plot of the verse, his trip to the Caucasus was influenced, where nature itself suggested romantic scenes, images, paintings and comparisons.

I sit behind the grille in the dungeon of raw.
Eagle fed in captivity,
My sad comrade, waving the wing,
Bloody food pecks under the window,

Pecks, and throws, and looks out the window,
As if one was thinking with me;
I call me a look and scream
And wipe wanted: "Let's fly away!

We are free birds; It's time, brother, it's time!
There, where the cloudy Mountain
There, where the sea edges light
There, where we walk only the wind ... Yes, I! ..

You can also listen to the poem of Pushkin "prisoner" performed by the wonderful artist of the avant-garde Leontiev.

New 1822 Pushkin meets in Chisinau. It was already the third year of the southern link of the poet. Arriving in Chisinau from the picturesque Crimea, he falls into the sad Bessarabian steppe, scorched by the sun. The local society, which, mainly, from officers quartered near the units, was closed for the poet. These were people older and more experienced him, they went through Patriotic WarAnd, of course, to take into its circle of "secular" man from the capital, especially expelled, did not really strive. Lack of friends, monotonous monotonous work and boring provincial life - all this he will have to endure for almost three years. Pushkin felt here like in imprisonment. Once, what happened with the focus in Chisinau Ostrog, he saw two eagles that were in it and were chained for the paws. Under the impression of the picture and personal experiences from the Chisinau links of the poet and wrote his song of freedom - the poem "prisoner".

The genre of poem - lyrical romanticism, typical of young Pushkin. Its characteristic feature is that inner world The hero is revealed even in such a small work completely. The poem is written by amphibehi, one of the rare sizes used by the poet, the rhyme of the verse is a steam room, with an emphasis on the last syllable.

The main characters of the poem - prisoner and eagle. The author allocates their common aspirations several times: the prisoner considers the eagle with his companion and believes that they have a single goal - to break free. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem "prisoner" is dreams of freedom. Each line somehow talks about it, but nowhere the word "freedom" itself is not mentioned. All poem built on antithesis. Passive "I sit behind bars" is offered a magnificent alternative: "Let's fly away!" The deaf chamber, the "dungeon of crude" is opposed by mountains, clouds and sea. Two prisoners, hero and eagle, at the beginning of the poem - two free friends: eagle and wind at the end.

The work suggests that the existing order of things is unnatural, it needs an urgent replacement. Colorful epitles, are even more showing how badly incomparable present and beautifully free future. Already one "in the dungeon of raw" draws in the imagination of the sad and gloomy image of the sharpening caasemate, which I want to leave as soon as possible. And the unnatural "Spearled Neil Yell Young" is generally absurd - the eagle is a symbol of freedom, he should not live in the shakes.

The poem ends with a desperate appeal to break out to the will. This is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. You can reflect on the will as much as you like, dream of it, but the main thing is to go to her. Repetition "It's time, brother, it's time!" In the third quatrains, as it were, this appeal enhances. Analysis of the poem "Prisoner" opens up the inner world of Pushkina and people close to him in spirit. The poet makes us comprehend that freedom is an invaluable gift; What to live and act in your will - great!

Home\u003e Literature\u003e Who is the author of the lines sitting behind the grille in the dungeon of raw

  • It's Pushkin))
    And Lermontov "Take the dungeon to me ..."
  • Pushkin, prisoner

We are free birds; It's time, brother, it's time!

Alexander Pushkin:
Alex'undre Serge'evich P''shkin (May 26 (June 6) 1799, Moscow - January 29 (February 10) 1837, St. Petersburg) - Russian poet, playwright and prose. Member Russian Academy (1833).

Most biographers and bibliographers Pushkina speak about him as a great or greatest Russian poet, as the creator of new Russian literature, in their work approved the norms of modern Russian literary language . His works are recognized by the standard of language, like the works of Dante in Italy or Goethe in Germany.

During the lifetime of the poet, they began to call the genius, including printed. From the second half of the 1820s, he began to be considered the "first Russian poet" not only among the contemporaries, but also the Russian poets of all time, and around his personality among readers there was a real cult.

Alexander Pushkin, Straot of work O. A. Kiprensky
Alexander NKShP, Ivan Petrovich Belkin,
Feofilak Kosichkin (magazine), P. Art. ARZ. (Old Arzamassetz). A. B.
Date of Birth:
May 26 (June 6) 1799
Place of Birth:
Moscow, Russian Empire
Date of death:
January 29 (February 10) 1837 (37 years)
Place of death:
St. Petersburg, Russian Empire
poet, Prose, playwright
Years of creativity:
romanticism, realism
Poems, stories, poems, novel in verse, drama
Product language:
russian, French
To a friend poem (1814)

  • skin sit?
  • Alexander Pushkin

    I sit behind the grille in the dungeon of raw.
    Eagle fed in captivity,
    My sad comrade, waving the wing,
    Bloody food pecks under the window,

    Pecks, and throws, and looks out the window,
    As if one was thinking with me;
    I call me a look and scream
    And wipe wanted: "Let's fly away!

    There, where the cloudy Mountain
    There, where the sea edges light
    There, where the wind is walking. Yes I. "

  • A. S. Pushkin)
  • Oh, I taught this verse in 4th grade. Posted by Pushkin!
  • Pushkin, Alexander.
  • Pushkin A. S.
  • A. S. Pushkin
  • Lermontov
  • Eh, I am ashamed not to know! Alexander Sergeevich.
  • My Mirfotovidoblog.

    Sariel Menu of the user on the answers of the student (113) 7 hours ago (link)
    Violation! Violation! Give sticker! New

    Interestingly, the word "freedom" is never found in the "prisoner", while this feeling poem is permeated through. Freedom - this is what the heroes of the poem, freedom - this is what the author lacked.

    I sit behind the grille in the dungeon of raw.
    Eagle fed in captivity,
    My sad comrade, waving the wing,
    Bloody food pecks under the window,

    Pecks, and throws, and looks out the window,
    As if one was thinking with me;
    I call me a look and scream
    And wipe wanted: "Let's fly away!

    We are free birds; It's time, brother, it's time!
    There, where the cloudy Mountain
    There, where the sea edges light
    There, where the wind is walking. Yes I. "

  • In early May 1820, Pushkin was forced to leave the capital and go to the southern link. The reason for this was the "crazy" poems like OD "Volosts" and "Village", a taking jokes, kalaibura, epigrams, who eagerly rewrite the winsted young people and could not not attract the attention of the royal government. The three weeks of Pushkin drove in the family of General Raevsky, his friend. The welcoming atmosphere of the House of Raevsky, where the talent of the young poet was honored, and the charming nature of the Southern Crimea did the link of Pushkin truly happy days. But the time flew quickly, soon I had to leave Raevsky and go to the place of its permanent service - to Chisinau.
    Having arrived at the specified place, the poet was shocked by a fermented variety: instead of the blooming Crimean coast and the Azure Sea - bare-sided endless steppes. Immediately affected the absence of friends, noisy conversations and disputes with them.
    There was no one constant fun Gama, who in the morning to night filled the house of Raevsky. There was only a stationery, boring, monotonous work and a sense of complete dependence on the bosses. To dispel this oppressive boredom to drive a sense of mortal longing and loneliness, a feeling of abandoning, forgetting, cut off because of all that made his life with life, and not existence, the poet engaged in self-education: read, reread, thought. And, despite the fact that his horizons became wider, and the answers were found for many questions, the feeling of dependence on something and someone did not give someone to the poet of peace. He felt a prisoner. At this time, the Pushkin poem "prisoner" is written.
    The poem is small in volume: there are only twelve lines in it. But every word complies with its place that it cannot be replaced by any other. In the form of his poem resembles a folk work, so it was so easily to be executed as a song.
    The idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem "prisoner" is a call for freedom. We understand this right away, just read it. Call for freedom - in the cry of an eagle, whipping under the window of the prisoner food. The eagle is also a prisoner, he grown and fed into captivity, but the desire for freedom in it is so great that no other joys can replace it. "Let's fly away! "- Calls upon the freedom-loving bird of prisoner. And further explains, encourages: "We are free birds; It's time, brother, it's time! "In these words, Pushkin's thoughts are about the nature of his man, like a bird, should be free. Freedom is the natural state of every living being.
    "Prisoner", like many other Pushkin poems, is divided into two parts, differing from each other with intonation and tone. Parts are not contrasting, they have gradually increasingly increasing the feeling. It begins with the call of Eagle: "Let's fly away! "Here, a calm story is rapidly moving into a passionate appeal, in a cry of freedom. Intensifying more and more, this cry hangs on the highest note. He is in words: "... only the wind. Yes I! ".
    Interestingly, the word "freedom" is never found in the "prisoner", while this feeling poem is permeated through. Freedom - this is what the heroes of the poem, freedom - this is what the author lacked.

    I sit behind the grille in the dungeon of raw.
    Eagle fed in captivity,
    My sad comrade, waving the wing,
    Bloody food pecks under the window,

    Pecks, and throws, and looks out the window,
    As if one was thinking with me;
    I call me a look and scream
    And wipe wanted: "Let's fly away!

    We are free birds; It's time, brother, it's time!
    There, where the cloudy Mountain
    There, where the sea edges light
    There, where the wind is walking. Yes I. "

  • ~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~

    I sit behind the grille in the dungeon of raw.

    Eagle fed in captivity,

    My sad comrade, waving the wing,

    Bloody food pecks under the window,

    Pecks, and throws, and looks out the window,

    As if she conceived one thing.

    I call me a look and scream

    And wipe wanted: "Let's fly away!

    We are free birds; It's time, brother, it's time!

    There, where the cloudy Mountain

    There, where the sea edges light

    There, where we walk only the wind ... Yes, I! ... "

    Analysis of the poem "Prisoner" Pushkin

    A. S. Pushkin in 1820-1824 For her too, free verses were serving. Southern link (in Chisinau and Odessa). The poet threatened significantly more severe punishment (reference to Siberia with deprivation of noble rights). Only a personal petition of friends and acquaintances helped to make sentencing. Nevertheless, the pride and independence of the poet very much suffered. Creative Natura Pushkin could not calmly bring violence over his personality. He looked at the link as a severe insult. The poet in punishment was instructed to engage in routine stationery, which was further oppressed. A peculiar "rebellious" author was a negligence attitude towards their duties. It continues to write caustic epigrams and "non-disabilities" poems. In 1822, he created a poem "prisoner", in which allegorically described its position. It is assumed that Pushkin described his impressions of visiting Chisinau Ostrog and conversation with prisoners.

    Pushkin uses a multistage comparison. He represents the prisoner, which is "in the dungeon of raw." The prisoner, in turn, is compared with the "young eagle", locked in the cage. Great importance It has a characteristic of the captive - "fetched in captivity". She can interpret bico. Either Pushkin hints at the unlimited nature of the autocratic power, in which any person cannot consider itself absolutely free. Its imaginary independence at any time can be limited and closed in a narrow frame. Either he emphasizes that he got into the link in very early ageWhen it started to form his character. Such rude violence over a young man can seriously damage him independent state. In any case, the poet declares a sharp protest against his "concluding".

    Analysis of the poem Pushkin "Prisoner"

    The poem "prisoner", written by Alexander Pushkin in 1822, belongs to the period of its southern link (1820-1824), when the poet on the orders of the Governor-General of St. Petersburg was forced to leave the capital and go to Chisinau. Despite the fact that the local township, Prince Ivan Inzov, belonged to the poet quite condescendingly, a new appointment to the service in the office of the remote province of Pushkin perceived as a personal insult. Being in nature, freedom-loving and deprived of the right of choice, the poet understood that he was expected for too free verses at least a link to Siberia. And only thanks to the petition of friends, he retained the title of nobleman and the position of college secretary. However, your stay of you dusty and dirty Chisinau, the poet perceived as imprisonment. And precisely this period of life devoted the poem "prisoner".

    From the first rows, Alexander Pushkin draws a very sad picture, comparing the southern city with raw dumplings. He was waven in his actions and often ignored official duties, but the lack of opportunity to return to St. Petersburg or Moscow caused the feeling of powerless malice from the poet. Therefore, the sultry south was associated with his prison chamber, and work in the office - with imprisonment.

    The imagery with which Pushkin characterizes this period of life is reinforced by a variety of metaphors. So, in the poem "prisoner" to emphasize the hopelessness of his position, the poet holds a parallel with an eagle focused in captivity, which is his fellow in misfortune. At the same time, the author notes that a proud bird, who never experienced a drinking feeling of freedom, is much stronger and freed by he, because he seems to be a crock and look like "... Wakes up:" Come on, fly away! "."

    And, yielding to her persuasion, the poet himself realizes - "We are free birds; It's time, brother, it's time! " What exactly meant Pushkin, comparing himself with a young eagle? First of all, it was awareness of his own freedom-loving "I", as a result of which the stratum of the poet was only intensified. The author understood that he was born by a free and independent person, and no one had the right to indicate how and where he lives. However, the existing royal regime seeks to impose its rules of the game to all subjects Russian Empire Regardless of titles and rank. This discovery not only shocks the poet, but also makes you look for a way out of this situation. In the poem "prisoner" he is quite unequivocally hinting that he is going to go "there, where the sea edges will shine." And indeed, soon the poet submits a petition in the name of Count Vorontsov, which is the Garde of Odessa, about transferring it to the service in the office of this port city. Such a step is caused by not the desire to leave the boring provincial Chisinau, and the desire to at least change something in his fate and turn the power of the power to the power, violating their direct orders. By itself, the translation into Odessa did not change the fate of the poet, who was still forced to live in the link, but allowed him to assert and prove that only he himself had the right to dispose of his own life. So, no one is able to ban poet to write poems and make them the public domain.