Box find a word with a steam consonant. The consonant sounds of the Russian language (solid-soft, ring-deaf, steam-not paired, hissing, whistling)

Russian is quite complicated, and everyone is known. To be competent, it is necessary to pay special attention to spelling from the initial classes, because at this time the basis of human spelling literacy is formed. The difficulty of the language is often associated with incomprehensible pronunciation, that is, the inconsistency of pronounced sounds and letters. Often it binds to pair consults.

In contact with

Paired consonants are such letters that, according to their signs characterizing them, have a definite pair. One of these signs is opposed to ring and deaf sound.

Certain consonants may differ only at how the voice is involved in pronunciation. Other signs they coincide. Others who do not have a pair in accordance with the signs: deaf - ringing - not pair. These include: l, m, x, c, h, sh, th.

In order to be competent, it is necessary to know these letters and sounds, as well as know the rules. Examples of words with a pair letter are rooted:

  • pole (P) - check - pillars
  • frost (c) - is checked in a word frost or frosty
  • bORD (T) KA - check - beard

Spelling words with steam harmony in the root

When pronuncified, paired sounds can replace each other. However, this is not reflected in the letter. It follows from this that letters in the word remain unchanged, whatever sounds in place they were not heard. Thus, in Russian, the principle of uniformity of morpheme is implemented. This law completely subordinates the spenting of the consonants having a couple. Presents the rule in such paragraphs:

If the pair sound is in the root, then the error is very easy. To make mistakes not to do, you need to select verification words according to the rule. The rule sounds like this: To check the pair of consonants, it is necessary to choose such a check word so that after this consonant stood a vowel or sonore sound.

For example, "Snow". At the end, the sound "K" is heard. To check, select such a word so that after the consonant there was a vowel - "snow". Now the sound of "g" is heard, it means that the letter "g" is written.

Thus, the pair letters found in the root of the word require checking when they are in a weak position, that is:

  • at the end of words (for example, Chizh);
  • when they are in the middle of the word, and after them there is a pair consonant (for example, birch, light, etc.).

Those letters that are in a strong position, do not need to check. It usually happens when there is a vowel or sonorous consonant after the consonant.

Spelling in the third grade

In the third grade, children are actively trained by the diploma and rules of the Russian language, because this is the basis for spelling. It is simply necessary to know these rules, because in view of some features of the Russian language, put the correct letter is difficult. Letters having a couple for kids constitute a special difficulty when writing. Especially when they are at the end or root. The third class of errors should already be much smaller, especially if the child learned the rule well, which was discussed above.

To write correctly, you must be able to highlight the root. First, it is allocated in the first value, and then in the check. The vowel, standing after the check root, must be emphasized by two features. With this analysis, it becomes immediately clear how the initial option is written, and why.

The purpose of the teacher is to bring the correctness of writing to their students to their disciples and teach them to select single-handed words. When a child knows how to do it, he admits much less mistakes.


There are many examples on which the student can clearly see the spelling. Visuality is the best way to remember the rule and correctly write in the future. Examples can serve:

  1. Tooth - teeth (hears "P", and writes "b" - it becomes clear after checking).
  2. The grass is a blade or herb (the sound "f" is heard, and it is necessary to write "B". Again, if you check and pick up another word, it will not be possible to write it wrong).
  3. The horse is a horse (the sound of "T" is heard, but checking, we get the correct writing with the letter "D".
  4. Oak - Oaks (at the end hears "P", although when checking it becomes clear that it is necessary to write "b".

There are many such examples, and, having learned to choose them, the child will write much more competent and allow less errors. The main thing is to help him learn to do it.

The Russian language is noted by the inconsistency of spelling and pronunciation. Such a feature creates a lot of difficulties. In order to own the Russian language perfectly, it is necessary to study the foundations of spelling from the initial classes. Special attention is required by paired consonant sounds in the root of the word.

The main question of students interested in what and how the paired consonants look like.

What are paired sounds, you can understand the comparison. Consults in the root of the word are compared in accordance with certain features. Among the multitude of learning criteria, it is customary to allocate the principle of opposing sounds on the basis of deafness / bell.

Considering the consonants in the root of the word, students notice a characteristic feature. When identifying the method of pronunciation and place of education, the sound comparison occurs depending on the voice participation. When learning what paired sounds, attention accents on the sound process. Participation of voices gives an idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a thing as steam consonants in the root.

Note! The consonants in the root of the word form a specific combination of sound compliance.

According to the root of the word, it is advisable to distribute on 3 groups of sounds, namely:

  1. b, in, g, d, z, s;
  2. p, F, K, T, W, C;
  3. y, l, m, x, c, h, sh.

Elements from the first two groups correspond to each other on the principle of belling / deafness. The third group is allocated by the lack of a pair combination for this principle.

Paired consonants

Basics of spelling

The study of paired consonants in the root of the word is carried out within the framework of the 3 class educational program. This is due to the fact that the 3 class is marked by the development of the foundations of spelling and rules of the Russian language.

A separate place in the training program is allocated to the cash spelling rate of paired sounds.

Writing paired consonants in the root of the word requires increased attention from the teacher of the Russian language.

This is due to the problematic performance of the spelling of the right letter. Without creating a rule, students will face difficulties in writing ordinary texts and checks.

As a result, there will be problems with the successful end of the school year and the translation into the next class. Errors will be present not only when studying at school, but also upon admission to the secondary or higher education institution. Do not please the prospect of the illiteracy of employees in the workplace.

note! In Russian, when writing a word is not guided by pronunciation.

The pronunciation of paired sounds is noted by the ability to intermitted each other. In writing, such interchangeability is not reflected. Writing steam consonants in the root of the word is accompanied by the invariance of letters. The presence of other sounds is not taken into account. This feature is the basis of the morphem uniformity. This principle is used when choosing which pair consonant in the root must be written.

Paired consonants in the root and their writing obeys the following rule:

  • The identical display of the word root is taken into account. The principle of uniformity is determined by semantics.
  • Verification of writing is performed by selecting single-root words or a variety of word form. As a check word, such where a dubious letter is accompanied by a sonorn or vowel sound. Under the ancestry are the sounds of th, l, m, n, r.

The basis of spelling is conjugate with the ability to highlight the root. First of all, it is necessary to allocate the initial value. The secondary is considered to form a verification option. The discovery of the vowel present after the test root is observed underline 2 devices. The analysis of this nature makes the apparent correct writing of the initial option. Also become clear causes of displaying one or another consonant.

The presence of letters in a strong position does not require verification. It is relevant for words in which the sonorous consonant or vows follows the consonant sound.

The fundamental task of the teacher is the ability to convey the necessary knowledge to a group of students. The ability of students to select for testing one-sided words determines their success in spelling.

Useful video: Deaf and Wake-up pair consonants in the root of the word


Such properties like the bellier and the deafness of consonant sounds can be determined by the semantic shade.

Examples include the following pairs:

  • Bush - Gust. Towards bucket A combination is used over River, by the way gust - soup.
  • Pillar - pillar. For pillar Applicable adjective telegraphfor pillarAlexandrian.
  • Bark - Mountain. Mountain Combined with adjectives high, bark - with clarification oak.
  • Bowl - heat. Heat Executed adjective unbearable, shara - noun surface.
  • Ros - roses. Word considered in combination with noun boy, roses - with the word bouquet.
  • Tom - House. For at home Actual adjective newfor tomafat.

Paired consonants require mandatory verification. This necessity is due to the occurrence of confusion in meaning. For example, a couple of words ros - Rose. This combination is marked by the presence of consonants at the end of the word. It forms sounds in a weak position.

Checked consonants are exposed to change:

  • Adjective and nouns - on cases and numbers.
  • - by numbers and persons.

For verification, a suffix method of word formation is used with the appearance of other parts of speech.

Consider the methods of verification on the example of words:

  • pillar];
  • le [x] cue;
  • bere [s] ka;
  • about [p] ka;
  • kana [f] ka;
  • skala [t] ka;
  • coro [n] ka;
  • drozhe [t] ka;
  • bula [f] ka;
  • boo [t] ka;
  • doro [sh] ka;
  • storo [W] ka;
  • subit [sh] ka;
  • [C] ka;
  • obra [s] ka;
  • morco [f] ki;
  • boro [T] ka;
  • dream [K].

The method of changes in the number leads to such results of the inspection as:

  • table [n] - pillars;
  • kolo [s] ki - spikelet.


The soffix method of word formation generates the following test words:

  • le [x] cue - lightly;
  • bere [s] ka - Berezonka;
  • skala [t] ka - folding;
  • pro [n] ka - cork;
  • bula [f] ka - pin;
  • pause [t] ka - ride;
  • coro [n] ka - box / boxes;
  • bU [t] ka - booth;
  • ska [d] ka - roll;
  • storo [sh] ka - watching;
  • doro [sh] ka - Roast;
  • submit [sh] ka - girlfriend;
  • point [s] ka - pointer;
  • obra [s] ka - trim;
  • sala [C] Ki - Salazok.

Actual use of the invincible method, for example:

  • kana [f] ka - ditch;
  • boro [t] ka - beard.

Changing the case leads to such versions as:

  • morco [f] ki - carrots;
  • dream [to] - snow.

According to the results of the inspections, it becomes possible to form a final version:

  • table [P] - Poles - Post;
  • kolo [s] ki - spikelets - spikelets;
  • bere [s] ka - Berezonka - Birch;
  • le [x] cue - lightly - light;
  • coro [n] ka - Box / Corobeinist - Box;
  • about [n] ka - cork - cork;
  • bula [f] ka - pin - pin;
  • skala [t] ka - fold - fold;
  • ska [d] ka - roll - roller;
  • drozhe [t] ka - ride - trip;
  • boo [t] ka - booth - booth;
  • subit [sh] ka - girlfriend - girlfriend;
  • doro [sh] ka - Road - track;
  • obra [s] ka - trim - trimmed;
  • storo [sh] ka - watching - a guide;
  • boro [t] ka - beard - a beard;
  • point [C] Ka - Pile - Pointer;
  • morco [f] ki - carrots - carrots;
  • kana [f] ka - ditch - groove;
  • dream [K] - Snow - Snow.

Useful video: spelling of bell and deaf consonants in the root


Knowledge of the foundations of the Russian language significantly simplifies the writing process. A thorough study of paired consonants in the root of the word warns the errors and illiteracy of students.

In contact with

Each first-grader knows that the sound is the unit of speech, which we pronounce and hear, and let's read the letters. They are divided into vowels and consonants. Of the 33 letters of the Russian alphabet 21 are called consonants. They are divided by bells and deafness, softness and hardness. Study the classification of letters start from grade 1, but it will have to use it a student until graduation. When studying phonetics, each student must learn to distinguish deaf sounds from the bell. During the letter, they are indicated by transcription - [b]. Disassemble and memorize paired consonants will help the table.

Paired consonants on call-deafness

All consonants in Russian form a pair, the ringing consonant sound is opposed to a deaf. Total pair letters 12, steam turns 6:

Paired and unpaired consonants need to know to be successful in spelling. Many spells of Russian are substantiated at the selection of single-handed words for this classification, for example:

  • soft - soft,
  • tooth teeth.

The first pair contains the letter G, which, when pronunciation, it is unclear, and its spelling brings difficulty. The second words are verified when the spell is pronounced. Younger schoolchildren often make mistakes in these works.

It can be noted that not all the letters of the alphabet form a pair. This is due to the fact that in the phonetics there are rules that need to be remembered. They are based on the fact that sounds can only be ringing or only deaf. Remember them easily, as they have a slight amount. As a rule, students by the end of 1 class know them by heart. These include r, n, l, m, th - sonorny, always ringing, c, h, sh, x - always deaf.

Steam consonants for soft-hardness

The consonants are customary to divide on solid and soft. In phonetics, the mitigation process occurs in several situations:

  • when after consonant is the vowel: Yu, I, E, E, and (blizzard, buttercup);
  • either stands a soft sign (blizzard, drink).

If, after the consonant, there is a vowel, except for E, E, Yu, I, and, then it does not allow to soften. For example, in the words of Peony, the Earth after the consonant goes the vice, which provokes the process of mitigation. In such words as a lamp, water, no letters E, E, Yu, I, and, so, when pronouncing all sounds solid.

There are also letters that, with their speech playback, will always be soft or solid. These include: sh, h, y, c, sh, g. The classification of letters and sounds you need to know every student for successful learning.

Remember Paired bellows and deaf will help a special table. It is easy to navigate it.

Such a table or similar can sometimes meet in the elementary class office. It is proved that the younger schoolchildren have more visual-shaped thinking, so they need to provide new information in the form of illustrations or pictures, then it will be effective.

Each parent can create such a table on the desktop of the first grader. Do not be afraid that this tip will lead to the laziness of the student. On the contrary, if he often look at the image, then it will remember everything you need faster.

There are more consonant sounds in Russian, so you need to remember their classification. If you list all the deaf and ringing, then you turn out the number 12. The letter h, sh, y, sh, c, g, p, n, l, m, are not taken into account, they belong to the unpaired.

There are hints for children, how faster will learn to recognize when analyzing the words ringing and deaf consonant. To do this, press the palm to the throat and pronounce the separate sound. Deaf and ringing consonants will be pronounced differently and, accordingly, to be different in the palm of palm. If vibration is given in hand - it is ringing, if not - deaf. Many guys enjoy such a tip when studying phonetics.

There is another exercise that helps to determine exactly what a consonant before the student is. To do this, it is necessary to close your ears, but it is desirable to be silence. Try an exciting letter, listen to her closed ears. If it does not hear, then it is a deaf sound, if on the other hand is clearly ringing.

If you try, today any parent can find a lot of interesting, fascinating and cognitive exercises and rules that will help the baby with ease of developing new knowledge. This will make the learning process more interesting and engaged, which will affect in turn.

As you know, speech sounds can be divided into vowels (spoken by only voice) and consonants (noise is involved in their pronomization). Many consonants can be divided into pairs of their characteristics, but not all.

Paired and unpaired consonants by deaf-belling

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that such sounds that are not partial in all signs, there are only four. We will talk about them at the end of the article. Most of the same sign included in the pair, and otherwise there is no. Therefore, it is impossible to write about the consonant "non-fine" - it is necessary to specify, on what basis.

The consonants differ by deaf-belling. This means that when they pronounce some of them, more votes (sonorous, ringing) are used, and in other more noise (deaf) or even one noise (hissing).

Sonorny - these are very ringing consonants, there are many voices in them, and there is little noise.

Two sorneal consonants - [l] and [p] - can even for some circumstances to form a syllable, that is, behave like vowels. Surely you met an erroneous writing the "Theater". It is explained by the fact that [p] in this word is a group-forming. Other examples are the words "Alexander", "Meaning".

Unpaired ringing sound sounds are just a sonorn. Five of them:

Sometimes [th] do not belong to the sonorn, but it still remains ringing unpaired. Let's look at the table.

It can be seen that, except for ringing unpaired, there are sounds that are unpaired deaf. Most of them are hissing; Hissing does not apply only a deaf unpaid consonant sound [C].

In this article we consider only Russian sounds of speech. In other languages, the distribution of pairs can be different. For example, in Tibetan, there is a deaf pair to the ringing [l].

Softness Couples

In addition to the deafness-belling, Russian consonants form pairs of hardness-softness.

This means that some of them are perceived as softer. Then we usually somehow refer to the letter: for example, we write a soft sign or one of the vowels E, Yu, Yu, Ya.

Oral speech is prim than (it is clear that it appeared before writing), so it is wrong to say: "Sound [H '] in the word horse is soft, because after it is worth it." On the contrary, we write b, because n 'soft.

According to hardness, the consonants also constitute a pair. But in this case, not all. In Russian, there are unpaired soft and unpaired solid consonant sounds.

Unpaired solid consonant sounds are mainly hissing ([F], [W]) and [C]. They are always formed from a long-ground noise.

But in the ancestor of our language, Staroslavyansky, on the contrary, [W] and [W] were always soft and did not have a solid pair. Then soft was not [K], [g] and [x]. Currently, you can meet (once the only possible) pronunciation with soft [z '] [yeast] or [free] (rain), but it is now optional.

Unpaired soft is [th '] and again hissing [h'] and [sh '].

That is, all hissing are or always solid, or always soft. The letter B after them does not indicate softness, it performs a grammatical function (for example, not even knowing what "the shoulders" is, any will immediately say that this is the word of the female kind, because in the male race after the hissing b it is not placed). Solid unpaired hissing consonant sounds in the Word may have with them, but this does not mean that they should soften. This means that we have noun 3 declines, adverb or verb.

Unpaired soft consonant sounds in the word cause a desire to put after them b what is often not required. Therefore, it makes sense to remember that in combinations of CC, CN, and the like. B after h is not needed.

Sounds "completely unpaired"

In Russian, most of the consonants or steam rooms on both of the signs, or pair, one sign and unpaired differently. for example, in the word [p'en '] (stump) sound [p'] pair and deaf-belling (P '- b'), and on hardness-softness (P '- P), and the sound [n'] pair By hardness-softness (H '- H), but unpacking the deaf-belling.

However, there are several sounds, unpaired on both grounds. These are the sounds [th '] (unpaid ringing, unpaired soft), [h'] (unpaired soft, unpaid deaf), [sh '] (unpaired soft, unpaired deaf) and [C] (unpaired solid, unpaired deaf). Such sounds often riddled in the Olympics in the Russian language. For example, "Guess the sound according to the characteristic: unpaid solid, unpaid deaf." We already see that this is [C].

What did we know?

From the article about steam and unpaired consonants, we learned that in Russian there are both pair and unparalleled consonants. Paired consonants differ in deafness-belling and hardness-softness.

Test on the topic

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1. Grammar tale.

Paired and unpaired

Somehow the king of the alphabet and the Queen of the alphabet staged a fairy-tale ball, which all letters were invited. There they crashed to couples and began to dance. Vowels danced with vowels, and consonants - with consonants. The letters a - I, U - Yu, s - and, E - E, oh \u200b\u200bdanced Waltz. They had fun!

The consonants also danced in pairs, but the hardness interfered with them a little, and they are puffers, sniffels and whistles from the zeal. These were the couples: B - P, B - F, G - K, D - T, Zh - W, Z - S.

And the letters b, in, g, d, g, w ringing off his legs into the tact of music. These were too ringing letters.

But P, \u200b\u200bF, K, T, W, with were deaf to music. Walking letters have fun shouting their names in tact with music, and the deaf letters shupto whisper as an echo, the names of their girlfriends. That's what they were strange couples.

But they were on the ball and lonely letters. They did not want to dance and preferred loneliness. It is l, m, n, r, y, x, c, u, b, b.

Couples did not have. These are unpaired letters. Since then, it happened. On the holidays, paired letters dance in a pair with their partner. And the unpaired letters just sit quietly and look at the dancing.

2. Consonants, as you know, are deaf and ringing. Some of them are so similar to each other - real "twins"; Equally go, look, dress up. But when some speak - they are heard, and others are very difficult to hear how they are trying. These are paired by calling - deafness. For each of this pair there is a suit to adequately represent the sound in the alphabet.

Is it not too illness?

No, in no case, because they, among other things, also help distinguish words in meaning: ball - heat, count - goal, dust - ill, rod - duck, etc.

These letters - twins need to be well to learn, because with them there will be a lot of trouble. In the alphabet they occupied as many as two floors.

And the troubles are that the bellows on the end are stunned and you need to guess (using the test word), which letter should be written. You need to change the word so that the consonants heard clearly:

oak - oaks, eyebrows - eyebrows, eyes - eyes, etc.

3. Words for spelling parsing and commented letters.

Fur coat, hat, snowdrift, fungi, pillar, hawk, mushroom, timid, oak, fish, strong, tulup, tanglaws, club, bug, oaks, sponge, soup, ropter, chill, fry, zyabko, tooth, fragile, shell, Error, foot, scratches, repka, sickle, bread, teeth, sickle, sliver, smile, forehead, lipka, modeling, club, coat of arms, creaking, pigeon, ohaccas, dove, cork.

B - F.

Buttons, Cooking, Cream, Cow, Plumbing, Lucky, Health, Plutcher, Telegraph, Float, Shop, Many firewood, Wardrobe, Ready, Giraffe, Carrot, Love, Sweatshirt, Head, Gallock, Beak, Shoes, Sleeve, Prunes , Trevy, beautiful, polite.

Mr. K.

Snow, light, meadow, onion, soft, claws, ravine, enemy, circle, beach, cake, boot, overnight, flag, cottage cheese, tongue, surgeon, friend, plow, kok, side, sound, god, around, tank, Oblog, Stack, Post, South, Fist, Spring, Iron, Thursday, Fisherman, Dale, Wolf, Galconok, Countryman, Worm, Bruise, Siny, Elannik, Glacier, Sailor, Dubnyak, Bunny, Bulletin, Traveler, satellite, worker, joker.

D - T.

Circuits, Charging, Notebook, Patch, Forget, Sweet, Breast, Labor, Year, Brother, Boat, Hike, Tent, Stresty, Camel, Baby, Wheels, Scrolls, Steamer, Staja, Riddle, Old age, Gait, Hedge, Smooth, horse, city, playground, kindergarten, residues, ferrod, west, hail, light, smooth, view, rare, rain, mole, row, bed, cool, frost, newspaper, pilot, cat, code, scarves, factory, oil , entrance, bridge, detachment, people, bed, duck, congress, bookmark, garden, portrait, in order, copper, branch, nemid, wiring, short. Hires, shaky, bear, cob, saucer, landing, bookmark, medical, package, thread, sensitive, threshing, walking, machine gunner, find, cleaning, coin, dilapidation, berry, liquid, beard, towns.

Well - Sh

Legs, spoons, cups, mugs, yout, walkway, cart, rye, friendship, plush, guard, landscape, pillow, bash, pies, good, fit, snowballs, wilderness, brooch, trembling, palm, roots, bugs, Jumping, Bags, Flags, Liliesh, Soldiers, Rams, Bear, Drawing, Mouse, Mitten, Girlfriend, Report, Pencho, Cover, Okroshka, Morry, Boots, Cock, Nuts, Pttashka, Bump, Frog, Snowballs, Luki, Chizh shirt, crew, book, horns, beach, baggage, chamomile, harmonica, chips, ears, scallop, rusher, pencil, garage, rsh, quiet, shower, reed, midge, playpen, quiet, pig, edge, jogging, potatoes , Pantry, Lavash, Toys, Cook, Brother, Makushka, Hut, Kids, Bunny, Panty, Pynes, Washbask, Mushrooms, Pantry, Grandma, Old Wings, Feeding, Parsley, Poor, Polyushko, Fishing, Mother, Freckles, Deturk , Volyushka, baby, face, winter, baby, cashew.

Z - S.

Sharp, low, barbos, frost, elm, steam locomotive, hayfather, birch, races, wagon, narrow, taste, watermelon, cargo, sail, frost, frost, hoarfrost, rosasnik, horror, fairy tale, Denis, Vityaz, Communication, Lynx, gnawing, interest, eye, boat, down, slice, bandage, blouse, close, hint, collective farm, pointer, puttail, flattery, climb, ointment, clipping, pole, spike, crucian, inscription, shepherd, rus, please, paint, nose, slippery, pasture, radish, carry, crawl, sled, carving, lead, junction, canopy, tray, nipple, pussy, bowl, disappeared, slices, voice, loader, correspondence, viscous.

4. Find paired consonants in proverbs.

Honey is - to climb into the hive.

Collect the berry, pick up the body.

To eat fish, it is necessary to flatter in the water.

The tail head is not a pointer.

Bread - everything head.

Bread - father, water - Mother.

Small spool but precious.

On Senka and the hat.

One with a compass, and seven with a spoon.

In the language of honey, and on the heart of ice.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

Snow is deep - a year is good.

Grandma with a khan, and grandfather with a spoon.

The sweeter of all fruits is the fruit of honest labor.

His eyes - diamond.

More expensive diamond your two eyes.

Not a fur coat warms, but bread.

5. To these nouns, pick up the nouns with the suffix-and-q.

La ... ka - _________, Blo ... ka - _____________,

tetra ... ka - ___________, faith ... ka - ____________,

about ... ka - ____________, re ... ka - ______________.

6. In this adjective, pick up adjectives-antonyms.

Thick - ________________, high - __________________,

Filly ________________, bitter - ___________________.

7. To make the proposals suitable by the meaning of the word nouns with bell and deaf consonants in the middle of the word.

The blizzard notes __________________________________________.

Pupils of the class did for books _____________________________.

8. Insert the missing consonant for word, write down the test word.

Osh ... ka, _________________ - Vare ... ka,

Boom ... ka, __________________ - nor ... ka,

Coffee ... ka, ___________________ - screens ... ka,

SKA ... ka, ___________________ - Selo ... ka,

About ... Ba, ___________________ - Lang ... ka.

9. Make an offer with the words of each line.

Mouse, cat, eyes, legs.

Friendship, books and notebooks,

Fur coat, hat and boots,

And birch, and serving.

10. Insert the missed letters.

Dream ... ki, bust ... Ki, Fla ... Ki, Cry ... Ki, Ore ... ki.

11. Pick the desired words.

What is the name of the hut, where does the watchman live?

Decoration in the ears.

Till clasp on the belt.

Part of a table or chair.

12. Transformation of words.

Change one letter in words. Select each check and write down.

Forest - (Lion), God - (Dog), fairy tale - (pointer), spoon - (boat), repka - (pinch), circle - (friend), bread - (Khlev), Clap - (beak), boat - (Hat).

13. Word deck.

Each new word should begin with the letter for which

ends the previous one, and end with a paired call or deaf


Cold - ... (Grandfather - Dog - Gas - Tooth - Brod - ...).

Bus - (Trail - Friend - Year - Drozd - Debt - Grad - ...)

Frost - (Tooth - Baggage - Beetle - Cube - ...)

14. Stress in the words of consonant, whose pronunciation is divided from


Flag, detachment, house, cold, ruler, ice, chalk, hike, frost, table, flower,

soup, book, glass.

15. Emphasize the words of paired ringing and deaf consonants.

Hammer - young, sickle coat of arms, WHO nose, pond-rod, mouth-genus, raft fruit,

frost - grown, tooth-soup.

16. Extract consonants.

Sugro ..., Zo ..., this ..., moro ..., hand ...

17. Stress in the words, ringing and deaf consonants, assisted to them

test words.

Notebook, bookbook book,

iron -_________, fungi -_________,

pie________, Dubki -__________,

watchman -_______, narrow -__________.

18. Stress in words, ring consonants.

Car, oaks, berry, leg, banner, metro, ax, sea, Saturday,

summer, modeling.

19. To these words from the first column, select the word from

second column. Make up proposals with them.

wind me ... kay

bunny at ... Kaya

loda ... cue

road Cre ... cue

pillow ro ... cue

20. Stress in the words of deaf consonants.

Lilac, ax, furniture, bread, mistake, peas, circus, people, book, clock, ruler, sheep.

21.Tore missed words with pair consults.

The student did in dictation three ____________.

The aquarium lives gold _____________.

A narrow ___________ led to the forest.

The watchman lives in ____________.

At the shore of the river there was a diet _________.

In the Berler's hall ... Brown _____________.

22. Emphasize in the words pair deaf and ring consonants in the middle

Cat - spoon, toy-track,

stroller bandage, snowballs,

shock-hat, cow-carving.

23. Write the verbs in the past time.

Tears - ___________, Okabnet - ______________,

will be frozen - ________, disappear - _____________,

camellas -________, spray -______________.

24. From the poetic passage, write all the voiced consonants first, and

then - deaf.

The wind autumn in the forests rises,

Noisily goes more often.

Dead leaves breaks and fun

In a raby dance carries. (I.Bunin)

25. Errors.

What words confuse Andrei? Do you understand the proposals in his record?

The class is written under the dictation:

"I brought a mushroom from the forest."

Only Andrei dismissed:

"I brought the flu forest."

Well, tell me why?

Players own bass,

And singer enviable pass

The river flood the river,

And the rafts grow in the garden.

Explain why

At school is not lucky to him?

26. Find all the orfograms and explain their spelling.

Behind the village - meadow,

And on Groke - onions.

And on the river - raft,

And on the pear - the fruit.

27. Read the poem F.I. Tyutchev.

Still the lands of the saddeen, still nature did not wake up

And in the spring breath breathes, but through the thinning sleep

And the dead in the field stem peckered, the spring heard she

And fir-tree branches. And she involuntarily smiled.

1) Consider how many deaf consonants in each line.

2) Find the most "deaf" string (that is, such where the most deaf consonants) and the most "sonorous" (where the most volatile consonants). Read them out loud once again.

3) Think how the content of these rows is connected with the number of deaf consonants?

28. Imagine you in your kitchen. Wow, how many different

items! I show you the subject, and you call it and to

called the word select verification.

These words: a cup, a spoon, a mug, a shovel, a frying pan, a mittens

tack, napkin.

29. Raise the desired card (BF, Z-C, D-T).

Stork makes dusting ... ku - Pelican dives Lo ...

That iscripping, then they felt ... ku, that's what it means to ... ka!

Osmino ... put on the pea ... ki, cancer hall ... on the scooter,

And the seal died with the area ... ki. All in ..., and he is ....

30. Write the words: de ..., Pruh ..., Clee ..., Ry ... ka, rod ... Make text in

these support words. Try to call for help control -

vowel and determine the correct writing. What words you checked

by changing the word, and what did the related word picked up?

Unprofitable consonants

Sometimes consonants

Play with us in hide and seek.

They are not pronounced

But they are written in a notebook.

Sometimes there are in words

Terrible consonants.

They are not pronounced

And what to write is not clear to you ...

To know how to write, not wonderful, not perfect,

It is necessary to change the word, but terribly and dangerous

And for the sound incomprehensible letter t write in vain.

Quickly search. Everyone knows how charming

The letter t write appropriate.

1. Conversation about unprofitable consonants.

Not all consonants in words are pronounced; Some of them disappear are hidden. If a word with a non-pronounced consonant cannot be checked - you should remember writing it.

And why still disappear sounds?

The fact is that three consonants in a row are very difficult to pronounce, so we simplify their pronunciation thus simplify. And the writing cannot be simplified. Not just that there are unprofitable consonants. They have their own story. For example, why in the word staircase we write the letter t? In ancient Russian language was the word of injecting. So it turned into a staircase under the influence of words such as sugarcartes, inkwell. As for the lyrics itself, it is formed from the verb to climb, to climb, with the help of suffix -tv (a).

It means that the noun staircase is not impaired in a noun - this is the rest of the suffix -tv (a).

2. Words for spelling parsing and commented letters.

In some words, the letter D, T, B, L is not pronounced, but they are written.

To check the wrong consonant, you need to pick up

a single word so that this consonant is well heard.

Some words can not be checked. Remember: feeling, staircase.

D - star, late, holiday, heart.

T - valiant, sad, bone, oral, staircase, surroundings, area, whistle, famous, adorable, fierce, honest, happy, messenger, cane, cabbage, rainy, joyful, private,

Giant, regional, domineering, serf.

In - feeling, hello.

L - sun.

The combination of CNN.

CH - wonderful, beautiful, terrible, dangerous, in vain, tasty, interesting, cramped, fresh, heavenly, sailing, consonant, mute, cleaned.

ZN - ugly, kind, iron, collective farm, serious, diamond.

3. Include and write out words with non-promotable consonants. Nearby

write down verification words.

a) valiant, staircase, leaf, kind, whistling, reed, briefcase,

cloud, Bulletin, Window, Hello.

b) health, sun, leaf, heart, star, book, friend, famous

joyful, surroundings, columns, fierce, honest, holiday,


4. Spariate words denoting signs of items. Insert

missed letters. Next to write down words denoting items.

Woke ... Noah (who?) .... Praz ... Nichny (what?) ....

Hears ... ny (what?) ... Stars ... Noah (what?) ....

Capus ... Noah (What?) .... Čes ... who?) ...

5. Spariate the text inserting the missed letters

St ... IT M ... Retail P ... year. Inimes launched birrors in the forest, ... Sinky,

old Ol ... Hu. Roil lious ... Single ... Lyana. Admission ... Bullets Bullets, cinemas. Under the fir tree, the hare fell in a dream ....

Suddenly the zash ... sang in the forest, I ran to be burned. It became in l ... Su T ... MN. Cash ... bodies wind. D ... Revaya Upool ... were. Paul ... Tesi Sugarbikes with fir la .... Dream ... Spring. Started in ... South.

CO ... NCE OUT ... TILO OKEN ... Khir ... zero dry branch in a dream of a break ... Body Prelas ... Naya Bird. The shepherd drives herd to pass ... Beach.

Dream ... fell poses ... but. GOOS ... NIE ST ... Yat days. Everyone is waiting for Rados ... ny praz ... nickname.

6. Dream from nouns adjectives.

Joy - ____________________,

bad weather - ___________________,

happiness - ____________________

star - ______________________

whistle - ______________________,

charm - ___________________.

7. Make a sentence from word data and write them down. Insert

missed letters.

Find out our, winter, difficult, month ...

Covered, carpet, snowy, everything.

Naath ... Naya, the weather is worth it.

Blowing, yaros ... ny, wind, cold.

Watch, on, trees, chest ... But, naked.

8. Determine the words with non-promotable and dubious

consults and pick up the words check for them.

Frost and sun, wonderful day!

You still dreamed, the friend is adorable.

Easy and happily plays blood blood,

Desires boil - I'm happy again, young!

Three maidens by the window

Look late in the evening ...

"Hello, prince you are my beautiful!

What do you quiet, how is the day rainy? .. "

9. Read the poem expressively, explain all the orfograms, and

then try to write in memory any four who remember you

Sun is watching from the sky but the sun will high

Millions of years. And go away.

Pouring to earth sun and live heart

And warm and light. Heats day and night.

So the heart is better

Sun itself

No clouds

Do not eclipte him!

10. Riddles. Write a deposit with verification words

Spread the carpet, day and night it knocks it,

Growing pea: it would seek.

Either the carpet does not raise, it will be bad if suddenly

Not a pea to collect. This knock will stop.

(Starry sky) (heart)

Well, who of you will answer6

Not fire, but hurts.

Not lantern, but shines brightly,

And not a baker, but bake? (The sun)

11. From words, data in brackets, form the adjectives obtained

write phrases.

Day (holiday); evening (late); Morning (bad weather); smile (joy);

act (honor); labor (valor); Life (happiness); View (sadness).

12.Dopushit the proverbs with words with non-promotable consonants.

Hands work - soul ....

Not in force ... and in truth.

In the big ... and distant close.

... Labor is our wealth.

... no hours are observed.

Words for references: happy, honest, heart, holiday, honesty.

13. Spariate, replacing selected words synonyms with non-promotable


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