The practice of neurolinguistic programming in childbirth. A few simple NLP tricks to help you improve your life

And the attitudes formed in childhood are very tenacious. In addition, often a person simply does not know what and how to fix in order to change his life for the better.

The dream of controlling one's own consciousness and attitude to the world was embodied in the development of various psychological and psychotherapeutic practices. One of the most popular of them nowadays is NLP - neurolinguistic programming.

The first developments in this area appeared in the 60-70s of the last century. American linguist John Grinder and American psychologist Richard Bandler are considered the founders of NLP. By creating theoretical basis neurolinguistic programming, they proceeded from the following position: all information we receive from the world around us is transformed using logical and linguistic (linguistic) mechanisms. And this happens even before the comprehension of the data received by us from the senses. Therefore, a person does not deal with objective reality, but with his own subjective ideas about this reality. Consequently, a change in a person and his life is possible only through a change in these ideas with the help of neurolinguistic mechanisms and the formation of models of consciousness.

NLP was not originally an independent direction or school in psychology, such as humanistic psychology or psychoanalysis. Its developers used the techniques and verbal techniques of representatives of three psychotherapeutic directions: Ericksonian hypnosis by M. Erickson, family therapy by V. Satir and gestalt psychology by F. Pearls.

NLP currently has many followers and critics alike. The cautious attitude of classical psychologists to neurolinguistic programming has led to the fact that this system of techniques is rarely used in psychotherapy, but is widely used in various trainings on vocational training personnel, especially advertising and sales managers.

NLP - what is this technique

As already noted, the attitude towards NLP is controversial: along with enthusiastic reviews, there are many skeptics, and some psychologists generally consider neurolinguistic programming to be almost quackery, and ordinary people who are not related to psychology often identify NLP techniques with tricks of psychics or brainwashing (well, since this is programming).

However, NLP is officially recognized as a branch of practical psychology, and skepticism is often associated with the specifics of techniques and techniques that use the power of the word.

What is the essence of the NLP technique

Neuro-linguistic programming is based on the following objective laws of the human psyche and characteristics of human behavior:

  • Human consciousness is a product of the individual's interaction with the environment, when external influences are transformed, transformed into mental processes.
  • Language, more precisely, speech or linguistic formulas, plays an important role in the formation of stereotypes of consciousness and models of behavior based on them.
  • By analyzing his experience and the experience of other people who have achieved success, a person with the help of speech formulas is able to program his attitude to the world and his behavior.
  • Specially designed strategies and linguistic models are needed to successfully manage life and behavior. Developing them is the task of a practicing psychologist - an NLP specialist.

As you already, I think, understood, there is nothing supernatural or paranormal in neurolinguistic programming. The power of the human word and self-belief have long been known, as well as one of the fundamental principles of NLP: "If you cannot change a situation, then change your attitude towards it." However, the apparent simplicity of the practice of neurolinguistic programming leads to the fact that ill-trained people who do not know the basic foundations of psychology begin to engage in it. The attempts of these would-be specialists to invent their own methods that do not bring the desired result is one of the reasons for the skepticism towards NLP.

Audials, Visuals, and Kinaesthetics: Three Approaches to Impact in NLP

People perceive and process information differently, depending on which channel of perception they dominate: visual, kinesthetic or auditory. And the nature of this information is different. The dominance of one channel or representative system leads to the "filtering" of these senses, that is, what some people hear may not be seen or felt by others. Therefore, an important condition for the effectiveness of NLP practices is an orientation towards the dominant channel and, accordingly, towards psychological characteristics kinesthetics, visuals and audials.

This is also worth considering for people who would like to use the techniques of neurolinguistic programming to control their own lives. It is possible to determine which representational system dominates in a person by the characteristics of his behavior and speech.

  • Visuals are focused on visual images, for them it has great importance shape, size and color of items. For these people, the orderliness of things, the harmony of the surrounding space are important, so they are annoyed, for example, by clothes lying around in the wrong place, a book not standing on a shelf in the closet, but lying on the sofa, and the asymmetry of the company logo can make them refuse to buy. They describe reality in visual terms, in their speech there are many words related to vision: "look", "see". They “vaguely understand”, “clearly represent”, “see prospects”, and their achievements are “visible”.
  • Kinesthetics are people who live by the sensations of the body. For them, tactile perception, a sense of movement, the speed of a car or the comfort of a soft sofa are important. They attach importance not to color, but to the convenience of things. So nothing annoys them more than a tight collar or cookie crumbs in bed. They assess the reliability of a business partner by shaking hands or smelling perfume. Since the thinking of kinesthetics is focused on bodily sensations, they also have many corresponding words and verbal formulas in their speech: “feel”, “it feels like ...”, “soft”, “rough”, “touching”, “hard look” , "Tough decision", "uncomfortable position".
  • Audials perceive the world as a combination of sounds. They also memorize information better by ear. The timbre of the interlocutor's voice is important for them; they prefer to communicate with business partners by mobile phone or Skype. In speech, audials often use words and phrases related to auditory perception: “listen”, “it somehow doesn’t sound”, “noisy”, “quiet”, “sonorous”; they are waiting for an “explanation”, which often “does not tell them anything”, but they themselves “take the floor”.

NLP techniques

There are many different NLP techniques nowadays. Their advantage is that, unlike other areas of psychotherapy, neurolinguistic programming methods can be applied independently and you can feel their effectiveness on yourself. For this, a small training seminar with a specialist or even detailed instructions is enough. There are, of course, techniques of varying degrees of complexity, but here we will get acquainted with the most accessible and popular.

Anchoring technique

In the life of each of us there are situations that are significant, as they have had a serious impact on our life. They can be associated with negative ones, but we are in in this case interested only in positive ones, those that evoke memories of a feeling of bliss, unclouded happiness.

Images of such happy situations are spontaneously recalled, but the process can be made conscious and organized. For a similar purpose, the "anchor" serves. Having chosen the most attractive situation that is in memory (meeting with a loved one, a combination of a feeling of freedom, warm sun and gentle sea, etc.), you need to associate it with a specific action. It can be clapping your hands, clicking your fingers, rubbing your earlobe, etc. This connection will be the "anchor". Some material object can also be used as an "anchor": a key chain, a ring on a finger, a souvenir or a talisman. And if this item is initially associated with the chosen situation, even better.

The connection of the memory with the "anchor" must be reinforced by mentally repeating to oneself several times. This will lead to the development of a conditioned reflex, which can be “switched on” at any time, it is enough to perform an action or look at the object chosen as an “anchor”.

The situation on which we have anchored is called “resource” - from it we will draw a positive mood, strength and be charged with positive energy at any time. The anchoring technique is very helpful when you need to solve difficult problems or when it seems that nothing positive around us is happening.

SMART - goal setting technique

One of the main problems of many modern people- fuzzy goals or no clear idea about them at all. Therefore, these people, without thinking about anything, seem to float with the flow and are very surprised when they are carried to the stones of problems and troubles.

The goal is a necessary reference point for moving forward, and indeed for any movement. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to set the right goals, which is one of the techniques of neurolinguistic programming - SMART. This is an acronym for 5 rules to follow when setting a goal.

  • S - specific - accuracy and specificity. When setting a goal, clearly and in detail indicate the specific result that you want to achieve. So, “I want to be rich” is a very vague and unclear goal, therefore it is not able to stimulate your activity. But "I want to make money to buy a new apartment" - more specifically.
  • M - measurable - measurable. Be clear about how long and what resources it will take to achieve your goal.
  • A - attainable - attainable and realistic. Be aware of the possibility of achieving the goal and do not strive for the obviously impossible. This will only lead you to disappointment and loss of faith in yourself.
  • R - relevant - relevance, relevance and relevance to your requirements. The goal should be meaningful to you, and its achievement should qualitatively change something in your life or in yourself.
  • T - time-bounded - time constraint. Set tight deadlines for getting what you want. A goal lost in a distant, hazy perspective will never be an incentive to be active.

By following these rules, you can not only learn to set goals that are meaningful to you, but also achieve them and realize your dreams.


According to the theory of NLP, for a person, not only and not so much objective reality is important, but his own attitude towards it. It is the perception and assessment of the situation that shape behavior and determine our emotional state. If we are upset about an act loved one, then it's not about him and not about the act itself, but about our attitude to it. Emotional assessment is a kind of frame into which we insert the events of reality. It is enough to change the frame, and reality will be perceived in a different way.

This is the essence of the reframing technique. Frame is a "frame" and reframing is a change of a frame. With the help of reframing, you can not only change your attitude towards what happened, but also get rid of the thought patterns that have a traumatic effect on us.

Reframing the context

From the point of view of NLP, changing the perception of a situation is possible with the help of verbal formulas that describe the event in a different way. This is the so-called context reframing, which has become popular in recent times... By the way, this is not a new invention at all. We can find an example of context reframing in the fable of the blind ancient Greek storyteller Aesop, translated by I.A.Krylov. The fable is called "The Fox and the Grapes." The fox, who no matter how she jumped, was unable to reach the bunch of grapes, declares that it is still green, so you shouldn't be upset.

And here's another example of "folk" reframing. When the bride runs off with another man before the wedding, it is, of course, a very unpleasant situation. But folk wisdom with the words of a famous song teaches: "If the bride leaves for another, then it is not known who is lucky." Agree, the perception of the situation radically changes from this.

Sometimes, to change the assessment of an event, your behavior, it is enough to just slightly change the phrase describing the event. For example, here are 3 versions of verbal formulas, in fact, with the same meaning, but how they affect the emotional state and attitude to the situation in different ways:

  1. "I want to achieve results, but I have problems."
  2. "I want to achieve results, even though I have problems."
  3. "I want to achieve results, despite the fact that I have problems."

Along with context reframing, there are other types of reframing: content reframing, result reframing. But one of the most difficult is considered the reframing "six steps", which appeared the very first of all types of this technique.

Reframing "six steps"

Its purpose is to change an unwanted pattern of behavior or habit, which are called patterns in NLP. This type of reframing consists of 6 stages or steps:

  • Stage 1. Decide on the problem, that is, clarify for yourself what specifically does not suit you in your behavior.
  • Stage 2. Designate this trait or stereotype of your behavior with some symbol, color, letter, that is, create a visual image and clearly fix in your mind the connection between it and the unwanted pattern. Imagine this image as a part of yourself and feel your attitude towards it.
  • Stage 3. Why are you following this pattern of behavior? There must be some kind of positive reason or intention behind it. Identify them and clearly understand the essence of these intentions.
  • Stage 4. Come up with a set of alternative behaviors that also satisfy positive intention and can replace the unwanted pattern without harming you.
  • Stage 5. Refer to your subconscious mind with the desire to replace an unnecessary stereotype with one of the alternative behaviors.
  • Stage 6. Check if all parts of you agree with the suggested alternative. This last step is called the Environmental Review.

Communication with parts of your I, with your subconscious, addressing them with a request or with gratitude at first glance seems strange. However, in accordance with the theory of NLP and psychology in general, we are not always aware of the activities of different spheres and levels of consciousness and subconsciousness, and even more so we do not always control them. Therefore, establishing contact with these areas of our psyche is not only useful, but also necessary in order to learn how to manage your life.

The use of verbal influence in NLP encourages the followers of this direction not only to develop speech skills, but also to treat their own speech very seriously and carefully, including the inner one, to the formulations that we use. After all, it is not for nothing that it is said: "As you name the ship, so it will float."

Reading time 8 minutes

NLP methods of influence on a person belong to the section of psychotherapy. In other words, it is the interaction of speech mechanisms and the human psyche. It is also called neurolinguistic programming. This is a kind of suggestive influence. It occurs through suggestion on the movement and thoughts of a person. Next, let's try to figure out how NLP techniques work.

What is NLP made of

NLP methods of influence belong to the section of neurolinguistic programming. Through it, the connection of the individual with his subconscious is established. There are rich hidden resources within a person. Not every person knows how to use them.

Thanks to access to invisible resources, information is extracted from the subconscious. It is delivered to the conscious part of the human psyche. The best NLP techniques can work in a positive and negative way. In the unconscious sphere, stereotypical thoughts about perception are laid outside world... For example, an individual forms an opinion about the structure of the world, ways of obtaining information, correct behavior... So the psyche can be influenced both to the benefit of the individual and to damage it. It is external nervous activity the human body.

The basis for the assimilation of information by the psyche is divided into the following systems:

  • stage of data perception;
  • processing of information;
  • systematization and storage.

NLP methods of influence on a person have certain principles. They can enhance human performance.

It is customary to highlight the following factors:

  1. With agreement or a report, existence occurs with oneself and the surrounding world. It is enough to acknowledge the existence of certain phenomena in the world.
  2. With clear ideas, effectiveness appears. It can relate to a specific situation or process. At the same time, it is important to have clarity in consciousness, an unambiguous understanding.
  3. Mindfulness helps you achieve results. Feelings should be open, this accelerates the movement towards the intended goal.
  4. With flexibility in approaches, you can skillfully achieve the assigned tasks.

Thus, NLP methods of influencing a person are able to change his consciousness. This requires certain both external and internal settings.

Why Beliefs Work

NLP methods of influence on a person belong to the highest logical levels of the mind. Such values ​​are in the depths of consciousness, they are not always clear to the layman. Often such information motivates, prompts to action. It is important to answer to yourself the questions as to why I am doing this, why it is so valuable to me.

People are constantly influenced by beliefs. Some people tend to give up good opportunities that can make a big difference in their lives. They are controlled by subconscious processes, they cannot always be recognized by the mind.

Often, an individual convinces the people around him and himself that a certain statement is correct. You can often hear accusations of external circumstances, friends, acquaintances in the situations that happened. A person shifts responsibility to everything and everyone around, but not to himself.

The most important problem is hidden inside a person. His subconscious is responsible for all processes. It is this that gives commands, prompts to action, sometimes even forms thoughts. Templates, attitudes, signs are stored in the subconscious. They do not always help in life, but, on the contrary, can lead to a dead end.

The human brain gives it any convenient formulation, gives reasons, and thereby further confuses its owner. NLP techniques affect the personality, penetrate into his subtle matter.

It is enough to repeat the same phrase in the affirmative several times a day. Reality will not keep you waiting. Through NLP, an impact on a person can occur. For example, positive attitudes are formed according to this scheme. Before starting to work with beliefs, it is important to understand which of them lead to success and which act as destructive pendulums.

Most of a person's beliefs are formed during childhood.

They are imprinted on the subconscious level. Failures experienced become experiences, some people stop believing in themselves, believe that nothing can be changed in life. In such situations, it is worthwhile to observe yourself for some time, your thoughts. You need to understand what exactly motivates you to make certain decisions, what prevents you from acting. You can fix phrases on a sheet of paper that are issued at the subconscious level, and then work with them. The speech apparatus, as a rule, becomes a kind of mirror of human thinking. Observing the words, you can understand what exactly acts as a limiter.

It is not at all necessary to attend NLP training, sometimes it is enough to keep a diary where you can write down all your thoughts. After a few days, you can return to them, emphasize all phrases that affect reality, encourage action and decisions. It is worth working out each of the theses, writing several more options for the development of events for it. You can sort out your fears and, on the contrary, understand what exactly makes you happy and gives you pleasure.

Influence: technology fundamentals

With the help of neurolinguistic programming, thinking is influenced. This means that there is no difficulty in managing yourself and your life. NLP training also allows you to influence other people. There is no difference in working with the information field of your psyche and the psyche of another person.

A valuable skill is usually the ability to convince people, to influence them. For this reason, it is worthwhile to study NLP methods of influencing a person in more detail. Especially such abilities are necessary for an individual working in the field of management. For example, NLP technology is useful for a sales manager, politician, actor.

Neuro Linguistic Programming is the backbone of the marketing industry. Through such methods, there is an influence on a potential buyer. NLP is not only about covert management of people.

Please note that one of the most valuable and at the same time simple techniques is tuning. It is enough to adjust to the representational system of another person. In this way, an influence on the perception of the world will occur, approval will open at the subconscious level.

The adjustment takes place through gestures, posture and manner of speech. The interlocutor can be won from the first seconds with eye contact. Techniques and books on NLP help you to better recognize the people around you, and therefore to more effectively influence them.

Such techniques are often used by the media. NLP methods of influence on a person help to manage the masses. Focuses of speech are considered to be the most common methods. They quickly establish contact with the interlocutor, establish a close relationship with him. In this way, you can quickly gain the location of a person, gain his trust, and become a friend.

NLP magic tricks

NLP techniques are similar in structure to the performance of an illusionist. Thanks to the bright costume and the play of light, the viewer is distracted from the essence. Language tricks work on the same principle.

Some people think that listening to another stranger is nothing special. In fact, at the subconscious level, trust arises, a willingness to fulfill a request or agree to an offer. Managing a person at the subconscious level is used in the famous advertising slogans. The level of a person's identity is often affected. The person begins to associate himself with a certain target group. Subconscious mechanisms are turned on. From this point on, it is worth learning NLP for beginners.

Let's look at a few examples of language tricks that can make it easier to manage people:

  1. The three consensus method. The scheme is based on the inertia of the human psyche. Three times you need to get consent from the interlocutor, no matter in what way. After receiving the third "yes", the interlocutor can agree to everything.
  2. The method of the illusion of choice according to the NLP principle. It lies in the fact that a person is offered several important ways out of the situation. In this way, they divert his attention away from true things. The method of influence on a subconscious level is often used by parents in relation to their children.
  3. Trap words. These include expressions such as “you know” and “you understand”. Thanks to such phrases, the subconscious mind falls into the NLP trap.

You can also use commands to encapsulate the questions. Often such a speech turnover is used as "what ... what". Note, these are the first signs of manipulators.

This is what NLP looks like for every day. For more detailed information, you can study the works of Michael Hall, Bodenhamer and Kovalev. They all practiced NLP techniques. For example, just read the book “77 NLP Techniques” to get started.

NLP methods of influence on a person are limitless. Today it is impossible to determine the exact number of techniques for influencing the human subconscious. Reality changes every day, moves with it human psyche... Such techniques help in managing other people's thoughts, decisions of other people. According to this scheme, you can get what you want from others.

There is the question of whether it is possible not to fall under the influence of NLP. It is important for oneself to answer the question of how much I need this thing or this action here and now. Don't make decisions very quickly. Better to postpone the question indefinitely. It is worth waiting for self-consciousness to make a decision on its own. So thoughts and actions will be more conscious. These are the techniques that The 77 Best NLP Techniques teach the reader.

Methods of exposure to humans

NLP methods of influence on a person allow you to manipulate and control groups of people and individuals. Such practices are available to everyone.

Impact on an individual using hidden methods can be divided into several stages:

  1. The attachment occurs first. It can be obtained through eye contact. It is enough to copy the behavior of another person, for example, his movements, breathing and speech rate.
  2. Next, you need to get consent from your interlocutor several times.
  3. At the end of such a technique, you can nod your head in the affirmative with the interlocutor, if necessary, then pause.

As soon as there has been an adjustment to a change in the posture of another person, his gestures and facial expressions, it is important to catch the person's gaze, the pace of his breathing. In this way, you can win negotiations, become a better interlocutor.

NLP techniques are often used in love relationships. It makes no difference in which area the skills are tested. Using this technology, you can fall in love with a man or a woman. NLP technology allows you to manipulate other people, their feelings.

The effectiveness of the method primarily depends on the person who uses it. There are times when the interlocutor is not influenced. This means that he works well with his subconscious and does not allow attacks from the outside world.

The most common technique for winning over your partner is simply to adopt their values. It is enough to turn on specularity and believe it. It is natural for a person to love himself, the affairs in which he is engaged, especially if it is a hobby or thing.

Knowledge of NLP techniques can give a person unlimited power. The only question is how he will use it. This technique affects both the crowd as a whole and the individual. It is important to understand exactly what the impact should be, whether it should have positive or negative connotations. The owner of the scheme has full control over his own life and the lives of other people. Along with this, one should not forget about responsibility, because every action has consequences, including seduction of the opposite sex.

The interaction of speech mechanisms and the human psyche is one of the areas that develops NLP - a section of psychotherapy called " neurolinguistic programming ". As a form of suggestive influence (through suggestion), NLP focuses entirely on verbal formulations that contribute to changing human behavior. How this is implemented, let's try to figure it out.

NLP Basics

Neuro-linguistic programming as a technology of influence strives to establish a connection between an individual and his own subconscious. Possessing rich hidden resources of the psyche, each person should be able to use them.

Access to invisible resources is carried out by extracting them from the subconscious and delivering them to the conscious part of the psyche. There is also a reverse mechanism: stereotypes of perception of the surrounding world (ideological attitudes, information) are laid in the sphere of the unconscious, contributing to the development ofchanges in human behavior that are positive for the psyche.

The higher nervous activity of a person, including the psyche, works on the basis of the process of assimilating information, which, based on the NLP approach, is divided into a number of subsystems:

  • perception of data (localized through representational systems);
  • data processing (localized in the mind);
  • data storage (localized in the subconscious).

Adherents and followers of the NLP approach also focus on certain principles contributing to the effectiveness of a person as a person:

  1. Consistency(rapport): must exist both with oneself and with the surrounding world. It is more constructive not to try to change anything / someone, but to recognize the fact of the existence of this or that phenomenon “as it is”.
  2. Clarity of views(result): concerns the effectiveness of something (situation, process, achievements) - it must have clarity, be understood unambiguously and be objective (represented in the mind).
  3. Openness and attentiveness(sensitivity): refers to the process of achieving a result - only concentration and attention to your feelings, which should be open, will show whether there is movement towards the goal.
  4. Plasticity in approaches(flexibility): associated with the ability to successfully change their actions until the moment you achieve what you want.

Representative systems

The main techniques used by NLP to influence a person are based on knowledge about the features of the sensory channels of information perception by an individual.

Three main categories (modalities) representative systems display the leading channel of external information, which is primarily the person's attention:

  • on the visual (visuals) - visual sensations are central in perception;
  • on the auditory (audial) - auditory sensations are central in the course of perception;
  • on kinesthetic (kinesthetics) - tactile sensations are central during perception.

Any person possesses all the described modalities of perception, but one is usually used to the maximum - this is the main modality (representational system).

The main (preferred) channel of information perception is formed in an individual in the course of his development.

Usually, this formation is influenced by a whole complex of factors:

  • from natural, natural (features and properties of objects of the external world),
  • to socio-cultural (social, intellectual, cultural environment, in which the formation of the individual as a person takes place).

"Secrets" of the abbreviation H-, L-, P-

From a methodological point of view, “ neuro»H- represents the conditioning of all processes (associated with behavior, multiple actions of the individual) by a set of neurological mechanisms that take place in the brain and throughout the human body.

« Linguistic"L- emphasizes the importance of verbal functions: through language we manage to organize, streamline our actions and thoughts, and also interact with the people around us.

« Programming»P- indicates the existence of certain programs and methods of action that help a person to streamline (organize) his psyche (himself) in order to achieve the required result.

The purpose NLP is the consideration of the question of how exactly you need to build and organize your experience, what influences it and how it can be managed. The assimilation of the renewed experience looks for a person as a process of obtaining a new education - retraining of the brain.

Techniques and methods of exposure

The methods of influencing a person through NLP are aimed at harnessing the potential hidden opportunities a person through the formation of those programs and methods of action that allow you to achieve the proper result. It is both self-action and the impact on the psyche of another individual (patient, communication partner, etc.).

Of the more well-known techniques, NLP practitioners mention the following:

NLP has also developed techniques manipulation people, aimed exclusively at changing the behavior of people around them to the desired:

  • technique " demand more»: You need to focus on the result, much more than a person needs - such“ inadequacy ”will force the opponent to refuse the requestor, but then you can demand and achieve the fulfillment of already realistic goals (there will be a desire to avoid negativity from refusing to fulfill the request);
  • technique flattery: widely known and used by many, positive words and praise (even unfounded) can achieve an unconditional and uncritical attitude towards oneself - although here it is important not to "go too far" (not to use outright lies);
  • technique paraphrasing: it seems that the thought of the interlocutor is being retold, but a different meaning is put into the words, which is necessary for the manipulating individual (this is how psychological pressure is carried out).

NLP, as an approach that contributes to the ordering of one's personality (psyche), does not say what is "right / wrong", but rather orients the individual towards "environmental friendliness" as a character trait - towards what is most inherent in him and does not violate the harmony of the person himself. It also helps to avoid what is “not environmentally friendly”.


If you are even a little interested in psychology, then you have probably heard about neurolinguistic programming (NLP) too. In this article, we will try to explain the three basic rules of NLP and present several techniques that will help you test the system's operation in life. You don't have to pay anyone or buy anything: just read the article and see how NLP works.

  1. Three basic rules of NLP

Before moving on to practical techniques, let's consider three rules of neurolinguistic programming, on which everything is built. educational materials, courses, techniques and methods of study. Having mastered the three rules, it will be much easier and clearer for you in the future.

  1. Consciousness affects the body and vice versa.

In this postulate, NLP is similar to spiritual practices. You must understand that your consciousness directly affects physical health and well-being, and vice versa. Let's take a simple example. Let's say you are traveling in tight public transport. You become uncomfortable, your mood spoils. This is a simple example of how the body affects consciousness.

When you watch a good movie, communicate with interesting and pleasant people, dance to your favorite music - your mood and well-being and physical condition improve. Suffice it to recall the placebo effect: Back in the twentieth century, scientists discovered that a focus group of influenza patients who received sugar pacifiers instead of medication did as well as those who received regular pills. The power of our thought is unlimited. You just need to tune in to the right wave.

A person who has mastered NLP can influence not only others, but can also change the physical state of the body and directly affect his health.

  1. The objective world is subjective

A complex formulation that hides a very simple postulate - we all see the world in different ways. Trying to be as objective as possible, we still impose our subjective experience on the perception of a particular situation. In philosophy, this is called the relationship between the terms "objective reality and subjective reality." At the same time, objective reality can be assessed only from the outside, and since we all live in this world and in society, we do not have objective experience.

The main task of NLP is to teach you to look at the world through the prism of the subjective other person. This will help you understand the intent of his actions and can make communication more effective. Trying to be objective is pointless, as it is unrealistic.

  1. There is a positive intention behind every action.

Everything we do, we do with some positive intention. NLP apologists believe that each person acts from some positive but selfish motive. Even by selflessly helping others, we want recognition or reputation building. " good man". We run for health, and we get angry in order to satisfy our desires, and so on.

This is completely normal. In NLP, you must learn to understand what positive intentions are at the heart of the actions of the people around you.

  1. NLP Techniques for Beginners

Neuro-linguistic programming is a deep science, which you can master almost all your life. However, we promised you a few simple tricks that you can apply right now. Below are a few simple exercises that will give results with minimal effort.

  1. Target formation techniqueSMARTEF

This is not even a technique, but a template, model or stencil for building goals correctly. Did you know that a large part of the success of a conceived depends on a correctly formulated goal. Perhaps your desires would be destined to come true with one simple condition- The universe, and you yourself must understand what exactly you want.

Building a goal using the SMARTEF technique is very simple. To do this, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Concreteness. The goal should not be vague, but specific. Want a new car? Immediately present it in a color, a specific model, configuration and modification. Better yet, go to a car dealership and choose your car.
  • Measurability. Imagine the moment when you have already achieved your goal. When this happens, how much time, money or effort will you spend on achieving it, how satisfied will you be?
  • Attractiveness. We have already written that we do everything with positive intentions. Find your own - the one that feeds this goal. Realized desires should benefit us.
  • Realism. It makes no sense to dream of flying to Pluto in the next 10 years. The goal must be achievable, you must clearly understand all the resources and tools that will be needed to achieve it.
  • Time frame. Goals without a deadline are never realized. Always use a timeline: new job by May, travel to Europe this fall and so on.
  • Environmental friendliness. A parameter that shows what you will gain (secondary benefits) after achieving the goal, and what you can lose if you do not achieve the desired result. This is a kind of risk management.
  • Positive wording in the present. It is important to speak and present a goal that has already been realized. At the same time, the formulation of the goal should only be positive. Let's say: instead of “I don’t want to get sick,” you need to imagine “I’m healthy”.
  1. NLP Technique from Walt Disney

Unexpected to see exactly one of the world's most famous cartoonists here? His creative methodology has been adopted by NLP specialists as an effective tool for achieving goals and setting goals correctly.

It consists in this: each of your new idea, a thought or goal must pass through three internal filters: the dreamer, the realist and the critic. The dreamer is responsible for presenting a goal in the present, a fully completed task or a realized idea. This is exactly your component, which has already imagined how you are driving with a breeze in a new car.

The last inner filter is the critic. He must identify weaknesses in the plan and idea even before the stage of its implementation. In essence, he is the opposite of the dreamer and evaluates the realist and his proposals for achieving the goal.

  1. Dealing with current situations and memories

In NLP, you can work not only to improve the future, but also to adjust our patterns of thinking and behavior in relation to situations that have already happened. Now we will talk about the negative that prevents us from relaxing, about negative memories.

An interesting fact, but in NLP it is customary to interpret many things literally. For example, the expression "gaps in memory" or "blank spot" helped to form specialists an interesting technique for working with memories. If you want to forget something, imagine the situation in your head and gradually highlight it, literally to “ white spot". Just try it - the negative will go away much faster. And if you want to remember something faster, try to fill the picture with bright colors in your head or "darken" it.

The second method for reducing negative emotions and memories is the technique of modeling the future. This is a simple exercise called 50 Years Later. Its essence is simple - just imagine how important this situation will be in 20, 50 years? As a rule, all worries about this just go away. Don't believe it - just try it!

We tried to collect those NLP exercises and techniques that you can apply now and see the result. Just give it a try - no additional resources required. But if you want more, our specialist will help you to delve into this topic. Good luck!

NLP: Neuro-Linguistic Programming. This is a way (or even language) of describing a person's subjective experience, his mental, behavioral and communicative decisions.

For example - we often ask questions related to communication. Why can't we in any way achieve mutual understanding in communicating with bosses / colleagues / parents / children? NLP followers advise: develop your powers of observation and mental flexibility.

To do this, learn to feel and involuntarily imitate-copy postures, gestures, facial expressions, breathing and speech turns of the interlocutor. As if adjusting to the manner of communication of the partner. The result will be the establishment of trust between you. After reaching it, move on. The interlocutor will feel that you are interested in communicating with him and treat him with respect - thereby you will be personally significant for him.

Assuming that the best enemy of the Good is in the social aspect
NLP eliminates contradictions and conflicts in those who do not understand and / or do not
loves geniuses, although he is forced to follow their Greatest Discoveries
towards Progress

Let's imagine for a few minutes .... Who I would be if I didn't know anything about neuro-linguistic programming. My life would be ... full of petty and unnecessary experiences, unpleasant feelings. I would be full of fear for myself and for those around me. He was trifling, argued over trifles, would have raked under himself like a philistine, did not understand art, was suspicious, cynical and possibly smoked, drank and swore, envied the lucky ones, and went to the break, blaming others or himself for failures.

I could not adequately, i.e. moderately and confidently, trust people (because I would be mistaken in people and would not notice when they lie to me, when they are sincerely mistaken, and when they are "hysterical", that is, they wishful thinking (now this is very popular not only in the media). That is, first of all, I would notice reality less and be more delusional in myself and those around me, including my parents, although I was lucky with them.

Naturally, all this led to the fact that I would not acquire a special quality of life. No, this is not wealth and comfort, but a great understanding that everything is possible... For example. Write an article? Yes... Have fun answering questions? Please... Build a promising relationship or get out of a hopeless situation with dignity and courage? Wonderful... Etc. Etc. This would not be just optimism. A sure way.

I would not be able to quickly grasp and develop the ideas that life throws at me. Go exactly to your goals. Build their projects... I'm not talking about the fact that I could get involved in bad companies and lose yourself. Those. instead of achieving and unlocking my potential, I would have to play by someone else's rules and step on a rake with no hope of rectifying the situation. Perhaps I would play chess and dominoes well. Or danced. Agree. On NLP, the white light did not converge like a wedge. I am glad that since school I was fond of psychology, science fiction, martial arts. But I wouldn't have to choose from more. But I would understand less how the world of human relations works. And I could not confidently develop myself.

Of course. I am very good at NLP. Still would. I have been practicing it for 26 years. And there is no good without a silver lining. I can get involved in things that others cannot do. Or others may not understand me, simply not accustomed to the pace of my life. But here we have to talk about universal human rights, morality and morality. And I am glad that there are people on the planet who have achieved a lot without NLP. And I can talk to them. And that's why. Because we understand each other very well.

And about NLP training ... You want absolutely free nlp lesson on creativity from the NLP practice course? Here. Made for you: http: //нлпspace/stryd/
P.S. And the last thing. It's my opinion. I have been fortunate enough to learn from the founders of NLP themselves. John Grinder, Judith Delozier, Anne Entus, Robert Dilts, Richard Bandler, Merlin Atkinson, Jeffrey Zyg, Peter Vritz, Jan Ardui, Brian Vanderhorst. And not that gopota who has no psychological education. But he calls himself CoachAmi:-) I was not mistaken with the choice of teachers. And I wish you the same, friends.

Eh .. there would still be my video to place. I really like it ... Made with NLP. Photos and text are mine. And the music is licensed. You can watch this short video. Do not pay attention to advertising. Try to do the same :-) Will it work? Small result from NLP.