Life goals - the more, the better! What are the hundred goals you need to set for yourself in life.

This article will focus on how to set goals correctly and then successfully achieve them. We build our own life or others do it for us, so it is important to learn how to set goals and achieve them.

By definition, a person cannot achieve something significant in life if he does not have specific goals and a certain plan upon their achievement. If we live without a purpose, then such a life loses its meaning, and we lose taste for it.

I hope you understand that in such a situation a person cannot be happy, successful and healthy. It is not for nothing that many "success trainers", lecturers, psychologists talk about the importance of setting goals correctly.

What is the correct goal?

The ultimate goal can be achieved only if it is clearly and correctly formulated. It is then that all the visible and invisible resources of a person are turned on, which helps to achieve the desired.

Every sane person needs to have goals in life. In other words, it is necessary to understand what I want from life, and what should I strive for from the standpoint of reason and wisdom.

It is important not only to feel your desires, but also to understand where they came from. Perhaps I will disappoint you, but most of the goals and desires that a person has, ultimately bring harm and suffering.

Many desires arise under the influence of our environment: parents, friends, TV, our own imperfect life experience. But due to the fact that it is not we, the surrounding society is not ideal, then our goals and desires are far from perfect.

In addition to that article, I will say that the correct goal, at least, does not harm others, but as a maximum, disinterested and harmonious with the universe.

A person is able to live life with enthusiasm and benefit for the whole world only when he has great goals in life.

Do you have a goal that makes you wake up every morning? Does it inspire you so much that many things fade into the background?

It is great happiness and good luck to have such a goal in life. But such a goal in life is always inextricably linked with the fact that we think less about ourselves and more about others. Think about these words.

Let's say that you have previously identified goals that are truly yours, as well as useful for you and those around you. Now you need to arrange all this as correctly and efficiently as possible.

  • It is necessary to develop a desire to achieve a certain goal.

We must passionately want something, this is where inspiration and enthusiasm comes from. Without this, we will not achieve anything, and most goals will remain simply in dreams and illusions.

  • The goal must be written down on paper

Goals must be written down on paper. That's when dreams turn into goals.

But you can say that the goals are in your head and at any moment you can remember and formulate them. The problem is, it doesn't work.

For a day, about 50,000 thoughts are sweeping through the human brain (according to scientists). When we write down goals on paper, we distinguish them from tens of thousands of other thoughts, most of which we happily forget.

Thus, we give a signal to our mind, for which the goals become a certain beacon, towards which it begins to strive.

  • The goal should be as specific as possible

The goal should be set as specific and clear as possible. Vague goals are usually achieved 2-5% of the time.

For example, wrong target:

I want to learn several foreign languages

Correct goal:

By January 2020, I am fluent in English and German, my vocabulary is 10,000 words in each language.

  • Having a clear and precise understanding of the path to the goal

It is not enough to write down goals, you still need to know how we will achieve them. When we have specific steps that need to be taken to achieve a goal, the goal becomes clearer and additional enthusiasm arises after overcoming each intermediate stage.

Going back to the example with foreign languages, then you can schedule the following:

  1. Choose a methodology for achieving the goal (with a tutor, among native speakers or on your own);
  2. What vocabulary and level of proficiency in it will be considered an achievement of the goal;
  3. How much time each week and how many days a week you need to devote to this;
  4. What financial costs will be needed for this;
  5. Do this for each language separately.

This is in a nutshell. If desired, the goal can be prescribed even more carefully and the higher the likelihood that it will be achieved.

How to achieve your goals?

Of course, it's not enough to know how to set goals correctly. You also need to achieve your goals, otherwise, why waste all this time.

By this time, you should already have clear and specific goals in all four areas of life, written on paper. Also, do not forget to write down the main goal of your life (about this in the article, the link to which is above).

Below you will learn a very simple and very effective method of achieving goals.

  • Write down in detail a plan for achieving a specific goal

This has already been discussed above, but many people still miss this moment or do not attach much importance to it. Understand this is really important.

For several years, I myself have simply prescribed the desired goals, but did not make detailed plans for achieving them. As a result, many of them have not been achieved and have been happily forgotten.

It is important to break down the main goal into smaller goals or milestones. We need to clearly and clearly understand what we want to achieve as a result. We must clearly see ourselves and the realization of our goal in 5 years, 1 year, month, week, 1 day.

  • Take action every day

We constantly need to do something that brings us closer to our goal. Spend at least an hour a day on achieving your goal.

For example, if you want to have a beautiful inflated body, then you need to regularly do physical exercises, study literature and videos on this topic, eat right, follow the regime and much more.

  • Find an example to follow

Find someone who has already achieved a similar goal, who is the best in this field or field of activity. Read and study his experience, if possible, communicate with him personally.

As the saying goes, who we think about is what we become. Therefore, the sages recommend always thinking about God, taking an example from exalted personalities. Well, for more mundane purposes, take an example from that person who has already achieved the highest level in what you want.

  • Decisively give up desires that get in the way.

Know how to give up secondary goals and desires that interfere with the achievement of the main goal. On the way to the goal, there are always some obstacles or temptations that must be resolutely avoided.

Focus on the main goal, think about how you will feel when you achieve your goal. This will help overcome obstacles on the way to achieving the goal.

  • Check yourself regularly

Test yourself every day. Have you forgotten about your goal? Aren't you going the wrong way? What have you done today to achieve your goal?

This will break out of the illusion and sleepy state in which most people spend their entire life. Many people learn how to set goals correctly, but then they do nothing and immerse themselves in the daily routine.

Just always ask yourself unexpected questions:

What do I want in 1 year, 5 years? What exactly needs to be done in order to achieve this? Am I doing this?

We can plan a lot, strive to achieve, but at one moment everything can change dramatically. Therefore, it is important to live in harmony with the world around you and trust the flow of life and God.

Many of us have problems in life only because we do not know how to live in harmony with nature and consider ourselves wiser than her. We are a small part of the One Whole and we need to accept His protection.

A reasonable person goes to the intended goal, but does not become attached to the result and trusts God, because he knows that the Lord knows best what is good for us and what is harm.

Bonus: approximate goals for the year that will make you better

So you have studied the next article and learned how to set goals correctly, and then achieve them. But this is all theory. I want you to do something practical and meaningful for your life. Reading about the correct setting of goals and their achievement is not enough, you need to do something else.

For example, it's important to set specific goals that will make you better over time. And since the main goal of this blog is to help you change and become happier, then accept bonus in the form of recommended self-development goals.

If you really set these goals in your life and begin to achieve them, then you will purify yourself and your heart, raise the level of consciousness and the quality of life.

Here is a list of goals for the year to improve yourself and your life.:

  1. Take responsibility for your life. Learn not to blame others in every moment, but to look for reasons in yourself or to benefit from the lesson that life gives us;
  2. Learn to get up early in the morning and go to bed early. It is optimal to fall asleep at 21-22 hours, and get up at 4-6 in the morning every day, regardless of the day of the week and calendar;
  3. Do spiritual practice (pray) or simple meditation every day, starting at 10 minutes a day;
  4. Learn to do breathing exercises and do them for at least 10 minutes a day, this is very calming and sobering up the mind;
  5. Develop in yourself detachment to money, compliments, results of activities, other people's opinions, cars and others, this will make you more and more free and peaceful;
  6. Learn to live in the present moment and not dream about the future or regret the past;
  7. Monitor your emotions and live them consciously (for example, catch yourself when you start to get angry and calm down, as this will only lead to bad things);
  8. Do not fuss and do not rush to live, be calm, so your efficiency will increase;
  9. Choose your communication very carefully and filter your environment (including movies, music, internet, etc.): read -;
  10. Control your speech - idle chatter takes a lot of energy from us;
  11. Live with humor and smile more, gloomy people are unhappy themselves and others do not like them;
  12. And of course, set specific and clear goals in all important areas of life for 1, 5 and 10 years.

Implement, set goals right and improve your life! Be happy!

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Video example of correct goal setting

Watch the video in which you will learn the rules of correct goal setting using a live example:

http: //site/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/kak-pravilno-stavit-celi.jpg 320 641 Sergey Yuriev http: //site/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-2.jpgSergey Yuriev 2017-06-05 05:00:30 2018-11-06 12:22:42 How to Set and Achieve Goals: A Secret Guide

The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." You can take this first step by setting realistic goals.


Part 1

Formulate a goal

    Think about what is important to you. Research results show that the likelihood of achieving goals is highly dependent on the level of motivation. Think about what areas of your life you would like to make changes. At this stage, the goal can be quite broad.

    Try to figure out what you want to be in the future. This image will bring a little positiveness and happiness into your life, as well as help you understand what goals are most important to you. To understand what you want to become in the future, you need to take just two steps: imagine yourself in the future, when all your goals have been achieved, and then understand what characteristics and skills you need to have in order to become who you want.

    • Imagine a future in which you have achieved your goals. How will you look like? What will be most important to you now? Focus on what you want to achieve, not what your friends or family expect from you.
    • Try to present every detail. Be optimistic, you can dream up whatever you want. For example, if you work as a baker, you can imagine your own bakery. How she looks like? Where is? How many employees do you have? What product?
    • Write down all the details of your dream. Think about what characteristics and skills would help you achieve this result? For example, if you want to open your own bakery, you must understand this business, you must be able to manage money, interact with people, negotiate, monitor the demand for bakery products. Write down all the skills you need to achieve this goal.
    • Think about what skills and characteristics you already have. Be honest with yourself and don't judge yourself. Then think about what characteristics and skills you need to develop.
    • Consider how you can develop these skills. For example, if you really want to open your own bakery, but have little understanding of business, enroll in courses in business or financial management.
  1. Prioritize. Once you've made a list of the areas in your life that you would like to change, try to understand which ones are most important to you right now. If you try to succeed in all areas at once, you will most likely fail. You will feel overwhelmed and your goals seem out of reach.

    • Divide the list of goals into three categories: general goals, second and third order goals. The general goals category should contain the goals that are most important to you. Break the remaining goals into the other two categories in order of importance. Typically, specific goals are recorded in the general goals category.
    • Perhaps the most important goals for you are: "improving your well-being", "improving family relations" and "vacation abroad". In the second category, you will have goals: "to find friends", "to be a good housewife", and in the third category: "to learn to knit", "to succeed at work", "to play sports."
  2. Now start fleshing out. Once you've identified the areas of your life that you want to improve, set more specific goals. To do this, ask yourself the questions: "how?", "What?", "Why?", "When?", "Where?"

    It is very important to understand that it is you who are responsible for achieving this goal. Your perseverance is likely to play a key role in most goals, but in some, like “spending more time with your family,” your family should also be involved. Therefore, it is important to decide who is responsible for what goals.

    • For example, the goal of “learning how to cook” applies only to you, so only you will be responsible for it. But if your goal is to “have a party,” then only part of the responsibility will be on you.
  3. Try to specify the goal by answering the question “what?". Understand what kind of result you want to get. For example, the goal of “learning how to cook” is too broad. Think about what exactly you want to cook. For example, the goal should be “learn how to cook Italian food for friends” or “learn how to cook chicken noodles”.

    • The more specific the goal, the clearer it is for you what steps you need to take to achieve it.
  4. Answer the question “when?". Break down your goals in stages. Establish an approximate time frame for achieving each goal.

    • Be realistic. The goal of “losing 10 kg” is hardly achievable in a couple of weeks. Think about how long it will take you to reach your goals.
    • For example, the goal of “learning how to bake a chicken in batter until tomorrow” is hardly a realistic goal. This goal will cause you to become anxious and nervous because you don't have enough time to learn something.
    • And the goal of “learning how to bake a chicken in batter by the end of the month” is a fairly achievable goal, because you will have enough time to learn something and practice. However, it is better to break this goal into several stages, because this will greatly increase the likelihood of your success.
    • For example, this goal can be broken down into smaller steps: “I want to learn how to bake chicken in batter. By the end of the week, I'll have found some good recipes. I will cook chicken for each of these recipes. Then I will choose what I liked best, cook chicken and invite my friends to dinner. "
  5. Answer the question “where?". Thus, you can determine exactly where you will work to achieve your goal. For example, if you plan to exercise 3 times a week, you need to decide if you will go to the gym, exercise at home, or run in the park.

    • In our case, if your goal is “to learn how to bake chicken in batter,” consider whether you will take additional cooking lessons or cook at home.
  6. Answer the question “how?". By answering this question, you will understand how you are going to achieve each of the stages of your goal. This step is necessary in order for you to understand what actions will have to be taken in order to achieve your goal.

    • Let's go back to our chicken example. To achieve this goal, you will have to find some good recipes, buy chicken and other foods, prepare utensils and utensils, and take time to practice.
  7. Answer the question “why?". As stated earlier, the more motivated you are, the faster you will reach your goal. You must understand why this goal is so important to you. By answering this question, you will understand what motivates you. Think about what the achievement of this goal will give you?

    Try to formulate your goals in a positive way. Research has shown that a goal sounds more realistic when it is formulated in a positive tone. In other words, you will achieve your goal faster if it is something that you are striving for, and not something that you are trying to avoid.

    • For example, if you are going to eat right, then the goal of "stop eating junk food" will be formulated in negative terms. This formulation unconsciously tunes you into the need to limit yourself.
    • Instead, formulate the goal in a different way: "Eat at least 3 times a day vegetables and fruits."
  8. You should set goals when you know exactly what you want to achieve. Achieving your goals will require hard work and a sense of motivation. Therefore, make sure again that these are exactly the goals for which you are willing to try. Remember that you are only responsible for your actions, so you cannot control the achievement of the goal if someone else is responsible for it.

    • Try to focus on what you can do to achieve this goal. This will help you not to lose heart if you fail at some point. Feeling successful, you can achieve a certain result, and even if it is not exactly what you planned, you will still be happy with it.
    • For example, the goal of “becoming president” depends not only on you, but also on the actions of other people (in this case, on the willingness of voters to vote for you). You cannot control these actions, so this goal is theoretically achievable, but not under your responsibility. Nevertheless, getting into the list of candidates is a completely achievable goal. Its achievement depends to a large extent on you and your efforts. Even if you didn’t win the elections, but you are among the candidates, you can already consider this as a success.

    Part 2

    Develop an action plan
    1. Think about how you can achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. Make a list of the tasks you need to complete to achieve your goal. To do this, pay attention to the answers that you gave (to the questions "where?", "What?", "When?" And so on).

      • For example, you might have a goal like this: "I want to go to college and study law in order to become a lawyer and help my family win cases in court." This is a specific goal, but it is quite difficult to achieve it. To make it easier to navigate and start somewhere, break this goal into several subgoals.
      • Here are some sample subgoals:
        • To graduate school
        • Participate in the debate
        • Select university
        • Enter university
    2. Set a time frame. Some goals are easier to achieve than others. For example, the goal of “walking in the park for an hour 3 times a week” is pretty easy, you can start working on it today. But some goals are achieved over the years.

      • For example, it will take more than one year to achieve the goal of “becoming a lawyer”. You will need to achieve several subgoals and go through several stages that will lead you to this main goal.
      • Take into account possible troubles and other life twists and turns. For example, the goal of "choosing a university" must be achieved before you are going to apply there, and there will be little time for this. Also keep in mind that each institution has its own requirements and time frames for submission of documents.
    3. Turn subgoals into tasks. Once you've broken down a goal into multiple subgoals, try to set yourself goals that will lead you to those subgoals. Set a time frame for each task.

      • For example, if your goal is “to become a lawyer,” then the first subgoal is “to graduate well high school»Can be divided into several stages. For example, “sign up for additional classes in law and history ”and“ attend additional courses in law ”.
      • Some subgoals have a specific time frame. This is important to remember in order to always be motivated. If a sub-goal does not have a time frame, we advise you to independently allocate yourself a certain period of time for which you will cope with this task.
    4. Turn tasks into responsibilities. You will soon feel that reaching your goal is not that difficult! Research has shown that specific goals, broken down into tasks, lead to increased productivity, even if the tasks themselves are quite difficult. These tasks can be a lot of hassle, especially if you are not completely sure that you are truly striving to achieve this goal.

      • For example, if you have a task “enroll in law and history classes,” you can limit it to a time frame by dividing it into subtasks. You may end up with the following subtasks: "find out the class schedule", "discuss attending classes with the teacher", "sign up for classes before [date]"
    5. List the sub-items that you have already completed. You may have already achieved some of the subgoals or are about to achieve them. For example, if you want to go to law school, you should be more interested in news and changes in legislation.

      • Make a list of even the smallest actions that can help you achieve your goal. You will realize that many of the items on the list have already been completed or are being completed. This will give you a sense of motivation and progress.
    6. Think about what you need to learn and grow. If you have many goals, you may not be able to develop all of your qualities at once. Think about what skills and knowledge you already have. Exercising yourself in the future will help you.

      • If you realize that you need some more qualities, start developing them in yourself.
      • For example, if you want to become a lawyer, you must develop the ability to speak to the public and the ability to structure your speech. If you are very shy, you will have to develop your communication skills with other people in order to achieve your goal.
    7. Make a plan for every day. Most people put off important things "for later", "for tomorrow", in the end and never starting to deal with them. Even if it is something very minor, but you can do it today - do not delay. This will help you get even a little closer to your goal.

      • The tasks completed today will move you further. For example, if you need to agree with someone about something, then first you need to collect enough information about this someone. And if your goal is “walking 3 times a week”, then first you need to buy comfortable shoes. Even the smallest actions will motivate you to move on.
    8. Think about what is stopping you. In fact, there are not so many real obstacles to achieving the goal in the world. Think about what is holding back your progress. This will help you fight this "brake" more effectively.

We all know and love to dream. But when we open our eyes, we see that in real life only a few of us make our dreams come true. In part, this happens precisely for the reason that someone sets the right goals for themselves, and someone does not. Why does this happen? Why does someone succeed, and someone does not? And most importantly: what goals should you set for yourself in the 21st century? Let's try to figure it out.

Ask yourself: what do you really want? What is really important to you and what is not? The answer to this question is kind of a key. If you do not know what exactly you want to achieve in life, or you often switch from one option to another, you cannot open the lock. It seems obvious, but most people realize their plans this way for the simple reason that they do not understand very clearly what they really need. It seems that I want both more money and free time. I want a strong relationship with a loved one, but at the same time, inner freedom. Man scatters his energy. Works in all directions. But in the end, he does not achieve results in any of them.

Many people ask, what should be the goal? Big or small? Global or Local? Short term or long term? The goal should be formulated to inspire you. Your goal should motivate you. At the very thought of her, you should be energized.

Because goals like "paying off the loan" do not inspire a person at all. On the contrary, they once again only remind of something unpleasant, sad. And repeating this attitude every day is very easy to drive yourself into depression.

The goals of modern man are a little different from what people wanted 20 or 30 years ago. The world is changing. People change. Desires, goals, all of this is also transformed in one way or another. Still, there are 4 types of goals that any modern person should set for himself. Let's take a look at them:

  1. You should have a goal to improve something in yourself. Develop some skill. Get rid of some flaw. In general, to become better externally or internally. This forms in a person the habit of improving, developing. After all, a person must improve, follow a certain internal program of personal growth. Because if this is not done, the person begins to degrade. The result of this degradation is obvious: a TV box of chips and some kind of show. Think about what skills you would find useful in the future? What character traits would you like to develop in yourself? This will be the first goal you need to set yourself.
  2. You should strive to improve your financial situation.The more civilized the world in which we live becomes, the more relevant the issue of money becomes. It seems to be a paradox. But the more "perfect" human civilization becomes, the more role money plays in it. Therefore, the second most important reason is sufficient financial inflow. And the second goal that you need to set yourself is to increase your income level.Why only the second and not the first? Because a degraded person, by definition, cannot increase his income. These are two opposite vectors. No, though! Increase it for a short time. Having cheated. Substituting. Outwitting. But you cannot create a stable source of income for yourself in this way.Think about what opportunities to raise your income level do you have today? There may be some interesting area for investment, but are you postponing this decision? Or is there an opportunity to move to another job, but you are afraid to do so? Write down your financial improvement goal. This will be the second goal to strive for.
  3. Don't forget to rest.Vacation is the last thing most people think about. But we are not robots! We have mood swings. The battery may suddenly run out. And in general, a person's rest directly affects his performance. Therefore, the third goal that we will set for ourselves is a good rest.Think about how you would like to relax? What would you like to do? What places would you like to visit? Unleash your desires and shape your third goal.
  4. Think about your health today... As a rule, people start to take care of their health only when something already starts to hurt. But our health is also the health of our children. They certainly shouldn't pay for our way of life!Remember that we are living in an age of enhancers, substitutes, dyes, and other food additives. Vegetables and fruits are chemically processed. You cannot drink water from the tap, although 20-30 years ago this was the norm. It is not for nothing that doctors say that a person digs his own grave with a spoon. Therefore, think about it and set a goal for yourself related to your health.

These four goals are the most important in the life of any modern person. Of course, we are all individual and surely each person has many other dreams and desires. But they are likely to be slightly less prioritized. What goals do you set for yourself today?

Many people dream of a happy life, but for them this happy life seems unattainable, so dreams remain dreams. To ask the question "How to achieve the set goals?", You need at least from reflections "Now, if I were beautiful, smart and had a million dollars, I would be happy!" and lamentations "How unhappy I am!" go to planning life.

The question of the ability to correctly identify and successfully achieve personal goals is deeper and more difficult than it might seem at first glance. This is a question not so much about a number of correct steps on the path to success, but about the type of thinking of a person, about his world outlook and attitude.

Even if we provide a subject who does not understand the value of the knowledge gained, does not believe in himself or has an attitude of the type "This is my lot, nothing can be done ...", a simple, fast, one hundred percent effective and effective algorithm for achieving goals, he is more likely not will take advantage of them, rather than adopt.

This would be the same as giving the monkey an umbrella after showing you how to use it. She may understand the algorithm of actions, but she is unlikely to appreciate the excellent opportunity to hide from the rain at any moment, she is used to living without an umbrella and, most likely, out of habit, she will continue to get wet in the rain or hide in the foliage of trees.

People keep on living out of habit, even if life does not suit them, they continue to envy others and doubt themselves, they know exactly what they don’t want, but they don’t know what exactly they need for happiness, they are afraid of changes and have many other fears and prejudices.

Many books and articles have already been written, psychologists conduct trainings and seminars on the topic "How to achieve the set goals", but according to statistics, only 10% people apply in practice their theoretical knowledge or practical skills.

It is not enough to gain knowledge of how to achieve the goal, you need go to action, start applying knowledge in practice. The dream needs to be transformed into a goal!

Yes, a person is far from omnipotent, there are goals so lofty and global that life is not enough to achieve them, but this does not mean that they are unattainable in principle and that it is useless to try.

Features of the thinking of a purposeful person

A purposeful person will always achieve his goal if his goal is desirable, reasonable, humane and beautiful in its essence.

In order to develop in yourself purposefulness and learn how to achieve your goals, you need to remember a few rules:

To achieve goals over and over again, it is very important to be grateful to myself, fate, loved ones for everything that has been, now there is also for the fact that there is always an opportunity to achieve even more.

How to Achieve Your Goals: 7 Steps to Success

To achieve what you want, psychologists recommend:

  1. Formulate the goal correctly.

This step makes a huge difference. Having made a mistake in formulating a goal, there is a chance of not achieving what you want or, having achieved, not living up to your own expectations.

The chosen goal should be personally significant, desired and personally determined by the person who wants it! A person himself strongly and sincerely should want to achieve the goal and feel that having achieved it, he will be satisfied.

The goal should be specific, relevant, really achievable, measurable, defined in time.

It should be as clear a task as possible, written down in a positive way on a piece of paper. Better yet, to describe your goal separate notebook.

  1. Describe the current state of affairs.

Situation on this moment- this is the starting point, from which the path begins, intermediate results, the final state of affairs and the changes achieved in life will be compared with it.

  1. Make a list of bonuses, which will be obtained as a result and together with the achievement of the goal.

Bonuses are those advantages and additional benefits that will bring with it the achievement of the desired. The more you can find, the better.

  1. List possible internal or external obstacles on the way to the goal.

Obstacles that can be eliminated in advance, eliminated, be ready for the rest, think over possible actions and take into account their likelihood when drawing up a plan to achieve the goal.

  1. Make a plan to achieve the goal.

How to achieve the goal? What specific actions should be taken and in what order?

The plan can consist of just one action, or it can include many points and sub-points, depending on the complexity of the goal.

Having come up with a plan, you need to paint it step by step, stage by stage, in the correct sequence.

It is important to understand that not every goal can be achieved only on their own, so you need to think over and write down what additional knowledge, information, materials, devices, things, funds, and so on you need to acquire, as well as make a list of specialists, relatives, friends, mentors, whose help will be needed.

  1. Start to act!

Daily you need to re-read your goal and do something from what is scheduled in the action plan! Every day you need to take steps towards your dream.

To maintain motivation, read the list of bonuses, and to strengthen faith in yourself - a description of where you started the journey. If obstacles arise, find them in the list of possible obstacles and correct further actions. If the obstacle turned out to be unexpected, do not lose heart, but look for a way out of their situation.

Not giving up halfway and continuing to be active helps visualization- a clear and precise presentation of the goal as if it has already been achieved.

Both small and large goals require perseverance, perseverance, self-confidence, patience, gaining new knowledge, the ability to think strategically and creatively, mental and physical strength.

Pursuit of the goal develops personality, in the process of achieving it, a person grows above himself and gets pleasure from it, and when the goal is achieved, he becomes even more strengthened in faith in his capabilities, feels the desire to further grow and develop personally.

How often do you manage to achieve your goal?

Each person has his own main goal in life, to which he aspires. Or even multiple goals. Throughout life, they can change: losing their importance, some are removed, and instead, others appear, more relevant. How many should there be, these goals?

Successful people argue that a person's 50 goals in life are not at all the maximum. The longer the list of your goals, the better you will be able to sort out your true desires.

For example, at the age of fifteen, John Goddard set himself not even 50 vital, main goals that he sought to achieve, but 127! For uninitiated information: we are talking about a researcher, scientist-anthropologist, traveler, owner scientific degrees, Member of the Society of French Explorers, the Royal Geographical Society and the Archaeological Society, multiple Guinness Book of Records holder.

On his half-century anniversary, John celebrated 100 of the 127 goals he had set. His busy life can only be envied.

Goals so that there is no shame and pain

A happy person is called accomplished, successful. No one would call a loser happy - being successful is part of being happy. Almost everyone remembers Ostrovsky's famous phrase from "How I Was Tempered to Become" about how to live your life. Especially bright is the end of the quote: “So that it does not hurt excruciatingly ...” So that at the end of life it is not painful and ashamed of the time spent aimlessly, you need to set tasks for yourself today.

To consider life successful, a person must achieve 50 of the most important life goals by old age. Summing up his life, a person compares what he dreamed of with what he achieved. But it so happens that over the years it is difficult to remember many of your desires and goals, so it is difficult to make comparisons. That is why it is so important to write the 50 most important goals in life on a piece of paper, periodically re-read the list.

Another important aspect- try to write it down. This means that your goals must meet five important criteria: concreteness, measurability, relevance, attainability, limited time.

Human needs

Before making a list, you should understand what is a priority, vital for a person. Air, drink, food, sleep are the 4 most important needs of organic life. The second row is health, housing, clothing, sex, rest - necessary attributes of life, but secondary ones. Unlike animals, a person is not only characterized by elementary satisfaction of vital needs, he wants to do this, receiving aesthetic pleasure.

It is impossible for a person to live without satisfaction of primary needs, and without satisfaction of secondary needs, it is difficult. Therefore, if at least one link of this chain is destroyed, a person suffers physically - firstly, morally - secondly. He is unhappy. But even if all the vital needs of the individual are satisfied, his life cannot be called happy. Here's a paradox.

Therefore, the 50 vital, priority goals of a person must necessarily include points, thanks to the implementation of which the primary and secondary needs of a person would be satisfied.

Listing goals such as “buy your own house” or “relax by the sea”, “do the necessary medical operation” or “cure and insert teeth”, “buy a fur coat” and “buy a car” may not be so important for complete happiness ( why - will be discussed below), but achieving them makes living on earth for people more comfortable. To meet these needs, to achieve the goals listed above, an individual needs money. And, selecting the 50 most important goals of a person, it is imperative to include an item on the financial condition of the individual in the list. Examples of such goals:

  • find a high-paying job;
  • open your own business;
  • to ensure that the business generates a net income of more than $ 10,000 per month, and the like.

Sample list of 50 goals

Spiritual self-improvement:

  1. Read the collected works of J. London.
  2. Finish English courses.
  3. Forgive grudges against parents, friends.
  4. Stop being jealous.
  5. Increase personal effectiveness by 1.5 times.
  6. Get rid of laziness and procrastination.
  7. Write at least 1000 characters daily for your unfinished novel (personal blog).
  8. Make peace with your sister (husband, mother, father).
  9. Start writing a personal diary every day.
  10. Attend church at least once a month.

Physical self-improvement:

  1. Visit the gym 3 times a week.
  2. Go to the sauna and pool weekly.
  3. Do a set of exercises every morning;
  4. Every evening, walk for at least half an hour at a brisk pace.
  5. Refuse completely from the list of harmful products.
  6. Go on a three-day cleansing hunger strike once a quarter.
  7. After three months, learn how to sit on the twine.
  8. In winter, go on a ski trip to the forest with your grandson (son, daughter, nephew).
  9. Lose weight by 4 kilograms.
  10. Pour cold water in the morning.

Financial goals:

  1. Raise monthly income up to 100,000 rubles.
  2. Raise the TC of your website (blog) by the end of this year to 30.
  3. Go to the level of receiving passive income.
  4. Learn to play on the stock exchange.
  5. Learn how to make custom websites on your own.
  6. Repay the loan at the bank ahead of schedule.
  7. To entrust all household chores to automatic machines in order to save time for earning money.
  8. Save on meaningless and harmful things: cigarettes, alcohol, sweets, chips, crackers.
  9. All products are purchased in wholesale stores, except for perishable ones.
  10. Buy a dacha for growing fresh organic products.

Comfort and pleasure:


  1. Monthly donate 10% of the profit to the orphanage for gifts to children.
  2. Organize a New Year's performance for orphans with gifts by the local theater - to fund.
  3. Do not pass by those asking for alms - be sure to give alms.
  4. Help a shelter for homeless animals - donate money for food for dogs.
  5. For the New Year, all the kids at the entrance to make a small present.
  6. On the day of the elderly, present all pensioners with a set of products.
  7. A large family to buy a computer.
  8. Give unnecessary things to those in need.
  9. Build a playground in the yard.
  10. Help the financially talented girl Tanya to go to the competition in Moscow "Light your star".

Demand as the main component of happiness

In addition, for the full happiness of the individual, something else is needed. And this "something" is called recognition. Only being in demand does a person feel their significance, feel pleasure, happiness. The criterion of recognition for each person is different. For some, a simple "thank you" for the cooked dinner is enough. Others feel a feeling of complete happiness from the manifestations of tenderness of a sexual partner - this is recognition, a separation of the personality from all others.

For some, it is enough to bring sterile cleanliness in the house and hear words of admiration from neighbors, while others need to see delight in the eyes of those they meet at the sight of their appearance, figure, outfits, hairstyles. For others, it is important to recognize them as wonderful parents. For the fourth, recognition is needed at a broader level. These fourth ones do not limit the circle of people they want to be recognized as, relatives, loved ones, neighbors, fellow travelers, passers-by.

These are scientists, discoverers, big businessmen, people of creative and other professions. The most successful are people who receive recognition from both their loved ones, friends, children, neighbors, and from colleagues, fans, viewers, readers - a wider circle of people. It is important to add the relevant items to the list of “50 goals in my life”. Examples of such goals might be:

  • find your soul mate to create a family, which (who) will be such and such, to whom I will have respect, love (passion), feelings should be reciprocal;
  • help your son complete school successfully;
  • give children a higher education;
  • defend a thesis;
  • to release your own collection of stories (CD of songs) or organize an exhibition of paintings.

Intermediate goals

Achieving global goals requires action to help move forward. Therefore, it is necessary to write intermediate goals related to professional development, education, and skills acquisition. And in the list of "50 human life goals" examples of these can be:

  • read the collected works of Dostoevsky;
  • reading aids for a businessman, which was authored by John Rockefeller (for example, "" success;
  • study of life stories and ways to success of prominent figures in science and culture;
  • studying of foreign language;
  • obtaining a second education.

This list can be continued at its own discretion, based on the main goals.

Motivating goals

In order to achieve the main goals, incentives are needed that take the position of intermediate goals. They are included in the list by designating; "50 intermediate human life goals"... The list of these goals includes items:

  • go on a trip around the world;
  • buy a new laptop;
  • make repairs in the apartment;
  • update your wardrobe for the new season.

Some may write the points "to do a plastic surgery of the face" or "to carry out abdominoplasty of the abdomen." Indeed, for many, improving their appearance is a hidden desire, of which they are sometimes ashamed. But when making a list of motivating goals, you must definitely write those that will give a person pleasure in life. These goals do not have important vital needs, but without joy and pleasure a person withers, he is bored with life, the meaning of achieving the main goals is lost.