General characteristics of people habitat. Human habitat features

Favorable conditions for the life of a person on our planet are very limited, its habitat occupies only a small part of the biosphere, but by changing, both the environment and the creation of new, specific environments, is now inhabited by almost all natural zones of the Earth.

For a favorable life, the following components of a person have significance: air, water, soil, the contents of the bowels, animal and vegetable world, climate, components of the energy medium. Consider their details

When breathing through our lungs, thousands of cubic meters of air are passing annually, therefore, it is precisely pollution of the air environment, primarily on the human body.

Air environment For a person can be:

¾ Outdoor (Outside), located outdoors (street, park, forest), in which most people on average are carried out to 10-15% of the time during the day;

¾ internal production (workplace), on which approximately 30% of the time is usually carried out (8 hours);

¾ Inside residential (inside) - residential premises (houses, apartments). In them, usually a person spends up to 70% of the time.

The air of the clean outer environment is most favorable for breathing in composition and properties, but at present its quality is reduced for various reasons. The main problems associated with the state of the outer environment will be discussed below (see section 2.4). The quality of the air of the internal production environment is one of the main items of consideration of the discipline "Safety of vital activity", which is a mandatory component of education in the direction of "Technosphere Safety"

The inner air in the residential premises has, as a rule, an increased maintenance of carbon dioxide and other chemicals: formaldehyde (sources - furniture, plywood, foam), asbestos (insulating material), various combustion products, such as CO, NO, etc.

Water environment. A person does not live in aquatic environment, but water quality is of great importance for him. For humans, the water environment includes surface and underground water.

- Surfacewaters are focused mostly in the World Ocean, the surface of which is 361 million km 2 (2.4 times more land area (149 million km 2)).

- Underground Waters are: salty, saltwaters (lesser salinity) and fresh.

Fresh water is most important for a person, which is only 2.7% of the total volume of water on Earth, and only 0.36%, it is available in easily accessible places.

River waters are the greatest practical importance for a person. Water lakes is used to a lesser extent, and the glacial waters are still practically not used. Significant water reserves are concentrated in the aquifers of rocks (groundwater).

Formally, the Russian Federation is one of two water-based countries (along with Brazil). One resident of Russia accounts for 28.5 thousand m 3 / year of fresh water, but the distribution of the river flow is extremely uneven. The average minority total flow of the rivers of Russia is 4270 km 3 / year, however, more than 90% of it falls on the basins of the Northern Ice and Pacific Oceans. In the Pools of the Caspian and Azov Seas, where 80% of the population of Russia lives and its main industrial and agricultural potential is concentrated, there are less than 8% of the total annual flow.

For example, the Rostov, Astrakhan, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Belgorod, Kursk region, the Republic of Kalmykia and some other regions are not sufficiently provided with its own water resources. In addition, there is a progressive decrease in water resources of the country's southern rivers under the influence of economic activities. The decrease in the annual flow on average ranges from 10 (Volga) to 50% or more (Kuban, Terek, Ural, etc.), which exceeds the level of environmentally permissible water intake.

The soil It is a surface fertile layer of the earth's crust. It directly depends on the amount of food produced. In the biosphere, it performs two basic functions that are of great importance for humans:

· Production of organic matter;

· Mineralization of dead organic residues.

Currently, the soil has also become a biological filter, absorbing and neutralizing industrial and household waste.

Most often, the soil is considered as land resources, i.e. Earths systematically used or suitable for use for specific economic purposes. Land resources are limited. They are not replaced by other means of production. They differ in agricultural properties, fertility and location. The land fund of the world is distributed as follows:

1. Earth treated - 11.3%, of which are arable 10.4%;

2. The unrelated lands - 88.7%, of which, meadows and pastures are 25.8%; Forest lands - 29.6%; Other lands - 33.3%.

The quality of productive lands in different parts of the earth can vary greatly. At a significant part of sushi, land use in general and farming in particular is limited to various natural factors:

28% of the sushi surface occupy deserts and semi-deserts, i.e. territories exposed to strong aryry

On 23% of lands in the soils, there is either a shortage of biofil elements, sharply reduced productivity, or the accumulation of toxic compounds (soil salinization);

22% of the land falls on the mountains, in these areas, agriculture is constrained by high surface slopes, high risk of erosion development and soil failure;

10% of lands are experiencing excessive moistening with groundwater stagnation and swallowing;

6% agriculture is limited as a result of the development of permafrost.

Thus, only 11% of the land, serious limiting factors are absent and possibly more or less complete agriculture.

At the beginning of the 21st century, one person accounted for about 0.3 hectares of Pashny (in Japan 0.04g, in the United States, 0.63 hectares, in Russia 0.88 hectares). Since 1970, this amount is continuously reduced, despite the permanent involvement in the agricultural turnover of new lands. This is, first of all, with the growth of the population.

It should be noted that due to intense agriculture, the quality of the lands decreases. In a dry and hot climate, this often leads to desertification. Such a phenomenon is observed from ancient times. So, at present, the desert is most of the territory of Front Asia (Iran, Iraq, Syria), which at one time (approximately 10 thousand years ago) appeared agriculture.

The main reasons for the reduction in the number and quality of agricultural land: pollution of soils, overgrowth of the forest and shrub of small and remote areas, the development of erosion processes, flooding and fearing land.

Soils around large cities and industrial centers for several tens of kilometers are contaminated with heavy metals, petroleum products, fluorine connections.

Erosion - this is the process of the destruction of soil cover and demolition of soil particles by water flows (water erosion) or wind (Wind erosion).In Russia, the area of \u200b\u200bpashnya, subject to water and wind erosion, is 82 million hectares, or 64% of its total area. Every year, the area of \u200b\u200beroded lands increases by 0.4-0.5 million hectares, and the loss of fertile soil is 1.5 billion tons. A significant part of irrigated and dried farmers requires a comprehensive reconstruction, a reorganization and a collector-drainage network is necessary. Despite the drainage of land reclamation, the area of \u200b\u200boverwhelmed and wetlands is constantly increasing. Of all the farmland, 7.3% have saline lands to varying degrees. Although work is constantly carried out on the deoxidation of soils, their area is practically not reduced and is now about 5 million hectares. The state of arid territories in Russia is worsens everywhere, desertification acquires more and more significant scales. The pace of reclamation of disturbed lands is also unsatisfactory.

The state of land resources around the world, and above all in developing countries, causes serious concerns due to the tasks of increasing food production.

Subsoil -part of the earth's crust below the soil layer, and in its absence - below the earth's surface and the bottom of the water bodies and drains extending to the depths available for geological study and development. The main component of the subsoil is mineral resources- A combination of minerals contained in the depths of the Earth, which are the basis for the development of the sectors of the national economy. As part of mineral resources, non-ferrous and rare metals, noble metals, energy raw materials, non-metallic minerals, raw materials for the construction industry, therapeutic sources and dirt.

Subraser give raw materials not only industry, but also agriculture (for the production of mineral fertilizers). On the globe every 15-18 years there is a doubling of mining. Russia's share in the global mining and industrial production is 14%. In our country, 9-10% of the global oil production, 20-25% of natural gas, 5-7% of coal, 7-8% of iron ores, 12-20% of nickel and cobalt, more than 10% of tungsten, 26% diamonds are extracted annually. 12% of potash salts, 6% phosphoric concentrate, considerable part of other non-ferrous and rare metals, gold, silver, platinum and platinoids. Mineral and raw materials continues to remain the main component of Russian exports, providing about 70% of all foreign currency revenues in Russia.

In terms of the volume of explored reserves, Russia occupies a leading position in the world. In the depths of Russia, the territory of which is 12% of land sushi, 14% of world oil reserves, 35% of gas, 11% of coal, 26% of iron ores, a significant part of the world's gold, diamonds, non-ferrous and rare metals are concentrated.

In general, the problem of quantitative growth in production concerns only a limited circle of minerals (manganese, chromium, antimony, mercury, muscovite, platga). However, it should be noted that the level of loss is sufficiently high with an underground method of coal production (23.5%), chrome ore (27.7%), potash salts (62.5%). Serious damage is the state from losses of valuable components during their processing and transportation. The most acute issues of complex use of mineral raw materials remain the most acute. Currently, the mining complex has become one of the largest sources of environmental pollution.

Vegetable Pokrov Playing a huge role in a person's life. Plants are involved in the formation of soil humus, in the formation of the gas composition of atmospheric air. The most important floral resource of the globe is a forest that produces more than 60% of biologically active oxygen. (One tree in 24 hours restores such an amount of oxygen, which is necessary for a normal breathing of three people during the day). Green plants of continents make up 99.2% of the biomass of the organisms of the Earth, and on the forest there are more than 90% of the entire plant biomass. Therefore, forests occupy the most important place in human life and nature. Forest as an integral part of the biosphere is a powerful climate and water balance. Its high role in purification of atmospheric air from harmful impurities and pathogens, replenishing oxygen reserves, maintain the equilibrium of the chemical composition of the atmosphere, especially the balances of oxygen, carbon and nitrogen; in maintaining the hydrological regime of rivers; warning of soil erosion; Combat with droughts and sukhovymi. 1 hectare of the forest, depending on its species composition, is capable of absorbing 5-10 tons of carbon dioxide during the year and is distinguished by 10-20 tons of oxygen. In addition, the forest is the habitat of a variety of species of wild animals, the place of growing mushrooms and berries, the wood supplier is the most valuable raw materials for the economic activity of a person. It has been proven that only the recreational value of forests is ten times higher than the cost of all wood.

The role of wood plantations is not only in the holding of dust, absorb carbon dioxide, but also in the wonderful quality of plants to allocate phytoncides in the environment biologically active substances, overwhelming and developing pathogens of microorganisms. Forest strips are the best tool for optimal snow distribution on the fields. Unfortunately, in many regions of Russia, as in the whole world, there is an increase in the rate of negative changes in plant cover and a decrease in floristic diversity. From 8 to 21% of species of wild flora need protection.

Despite the growth in the last years of the forestry area, the quality of the forest is worsening by reducing the completeness and reducing the age composition of plantations.

Animal world to renewable natural resources. It is of great importance for soil-forming processes, participates in the formation of the gas composition of the atmosphere, the water regime and the vegetation world of the biosphere.

Science is known two reasons for animal disappearances: natural processes caused by environmental changes and human activity. When the pace of environmental change is superior to the adaptation abilities of species, the latter die out. Now there is a tendency to depletion of fauna by about 10% of the world fauna.

The faunistic diversity of wild animals on the territory of Russia was estimated in 1991 by the following indicators: insects up to 80 thousand species, aquatic boss-blocks up to 12 thousand, freshwater fish about 400, sea fish about 2400, amphibian 26, reptiles 66, birds 720, mammals328 species . Now there is a tendency to depletion of fauna, especially in areas with a high concentration of industry and the population, by an average of about 10% of the world faunistic diversity.

Climate. The climatic environment is an important factor determining the development of various types of living organisms. The climate is not less important to develop human society as a whole, so for the economic development of individual countries.

A characteristic feature of Russia is that most of its territory climate is colder than in other countries. For example, we give the average temperature of January in different cities of the world: Moscow - -6.5 ° C; Washington - + 2.2 ° C; New York- + 0.3 ° C; Rome - + 8.1 ° C; Stockholm - -2.3 ° C; Paris - + 4.2 ° C. It is also worth noting that the cold period in our country is on average for 2-3 months longer than, for example, in Europe.

49% of the country's territory is occupied by eternal soils. From the point of view of ecology, the climatic conditions of Russia are least favorable: first, elevated heating fuel costs lead to additional air pollution during the cold season, and, secondly, the northern regions are more sensitive to pollution and less resistant to external influences.

Energy environment As the human habitat component is formed under the influence of noise, vibration, ultrasound, infrasound, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation. They can be natural and artificial origin.

Noise are any sounds that go beyond sound comfort. Most often these are unordered sound oscillations; But there are also ordered, preventing the perception of the necessary sounds or causeing an unpleasant sensation and damaging hearing organs. Noise levels can be characterized by the intensity of sound. The noise is measured in decibels, the audible range in stacked in 140 decibels.

The higher the sound frequency in the ultrasound area and audio sound, the hardest to bear noise. The sudden sudden sounds of high frequency are carried out especially hard. The human ear perceives the sounds with a frequency of 16-20000 Hz. Unreasonable oscillations with a frequency of less than 16 Hz infrasound, and with a frequency of more than 20,000 Hz ultrasound and hyperzvuk. Adaptation to noise is impossible. With noise 30-40 dB, light discomfort is felt. 50-60 dB negatively affects the human nervous system, especially engaged in mental labor (distracting, irritating).

Vibration is called complex oscillations in mechanical systems, which are transmitted through the soil and perceived only when contacting the vibrating body; At a frequency of 1-100 Hz, they are perceived as concussions.

Main sources of vibration Technological equipment of shock action (hammer, presses), powerful energy installations (pumps, compressors, engines), rail transport. Vibrations apply to the soil and reach the foundations of social and residential buildings, often causing sound oscillations that are destroying on the designs and structures.

Electromagnetic contamination (according to N. Reemers) arises as a result of changes in the electromagnetic properties of the medium, leading to disorders of electronic systems and changes in thin cellular and molecular biological structures. Natural changes in an electromagnetic background (with a change in solar activity, magnetic "storms", etc.) are called electromagnetic anomalies. Recently, in connection with the widest development of electronic control systems, transmissions, communications, electric power facilities, anthropogenic electromagnetic pollution was published - the creation of artificial electromagnetic fields (EMF). Their influence on our life is diverse, but not enough studied.

Thus, electromagnetic contamination occurs as a result of changes in the electromagnetic properties of the medium. Recently, great attention is paid to artificial electromagnetic fields (EMF), the source of which is radio transmission devices, electrified vehicles, power lines, etc.

Ionizing radiation is the type of radiation whose interaction with the medium leads to the formation of ions. Several decades ago it proceeded only from natural sources of radioactivity. With the beginning of the use of nuclear energy to natural radiation, artificial radiation load due to civilization was added. The effects of ionizing radiation on living organisms in the zones of radioactive contamination may cause severe lesions, including genetic.

The main types of ionizing radiation are:

α rays Heavy, positively charged particles moving at a speed of 107 m / s and absorbed by the aluminum foil thickness of several microns (millionth of the meter). These particles are helium nuclei.

β - lungs, negatively charged particles moving at a speed close to the speed, and absorbed aluminum layers with a thickness of 1mm. These particles are electrons.

γ rays - severely penetrating radiation, not deviating either in electrical or in magnetic fields. The nature of γ rays is a rigid radiation, having an even shorter wave than X-ray radiation.

Radioactivity- Spontaneous conversion of unstable nuclide into another nuclide, accompanied by the emission of ionizing radiation.

The main characteristic of the degree of danger of ionizing radiation is the dose of radiation (energy portion transmitted by the radiation of the substance). Several doses groups are isolated. For example, E. proszazing dose - The amount of G-radiation capable of ionization of dry air. The exposure dose characterizes the potential danger of G-radiation. Absorbed dose The amount of energy of any type of radiation, absorbed in a unit of mass of the substance. This is a physical dose of radiation.

Equivalent dose The amount of energy of any type of radiation, absorbed in a unit of mass of the substance, taking into account the quality of radiation. This is the most important dose from the point of view of the biological effect. It cannot be measured, but must be calculated.

The problem of impact on the natural environment and human health of the energy medium deserves the closest attention.

By means of habitat, the space used by living organisms for existence is understood. Thus, the topic is directly related to the question of the vital activity of any creature. There are four types of habitat, there are also a variety of factors that convert external influence, so they should also be considered.


So, what is the animal habitat? The definition appeared in the nineteenth century - in the works of Russian physiologist Sechenov. Each living organism constantly interacts with the surrounding phenomena, which was decided to call the medium. Its role has a dual nature. On the one hand, all the life processes of organisms are associated with it directly - so animals get food, the climate is influenced by them, on the other, their existence has no less influence on the environment, which is largely determining it. Plants maintain the balance of oxygen and shadow the soil, the animals make it more loose. Virtually any change causes living organisms. Habitat needs a comprehensive study by each who want to have an idea of \u200b\u200bbiology. It is also important to know that some creatures can live in different conditions. Amphibians are born in an aquatic environment, and winter and eat often on land. Beetles living in the air often need soil or water for breeding.


The aqueous medium is a combination of all oceans, seas, glaciers and continental waters of our planet, the so-called hydrosphere, in addition, the snow of Antarctic, atmospheric fluids and those are also included in it, and those that are contained in organisms. It takes more than seventy percent of the surface with the bulk of the oceans and the seas. Water is an integral part of the biosphere, and not only water bodies, but also air, and soil. It is necessary for any organism for survival. Moreover, it is the water that distinguishes the Earth from the next planets. In addition, she played a key role in the development of life. It accumulates organic and inorganic substances, tolerates heat, form climate and is contained both in animals and plant cells. That is why the water medium is one of the most important.


A mixture of gases forming an atmosphere of the Earth plays a crucial role for all living organisms. Air habitat directed evolution, since oxygen forms high metabolism, which determines the structure of the respiratory organs and the water-salt metabolism system. Density, composition, humidity - all this is of serious importance for the planet. Oxygen was formed two billion years ago in the process of volcanic activity, after which its share in the air increased steadily. The modern human habitat differs in 21% of the content of this element. It is also important part of the ozone layer, which does not allow ultraviolet radiation to get to the surface of the Earth. Without her, life on the planet could be destroyed. Now the safe habitat of a person is under threat - the ozone layer is destroyed due to negative environmental processes. This leads to the need for conscious behavior and permanent choice of the best not only for people, but also for the Earth decisions.

The soil

Many living organisms live in Earth. The habitat is also used by plants that serve as food for most living bees of the planet. It is impossible to definitely determine whether the soil is inanimate formation, therefore it is called a biocosa body. According to the definition, this substance that has been reworked in the process of livelihoods of organisms. The soil habitat consists of a solid mass, including sand, clay, or particles; liquid component; gaseous - this is air; Alive is creatures, its inhabitants, all sorts of microorganisms, invertebrates, bacteria, mushrooms, insects. At each hectare of land there are five tons of such forms. The soil habitat is intermediate between the aquatic and ground-air, therefore, the organisms living in it are often characterized by a combined type of respiration. You can meet such creatures even at an impressive depth.

The interaction of organisms and environment

Each creature differs from the presence of metabolism and cellular organization. The interaction with the medium occurs constantly and should be studied comprehensively due to the complexity of the processes. Each organism directly depends on what is happening around. The ground-air habitat of a person affects him with precipitation, soil conditions and temperature range. Some of the processes are useful for the body, some are indifferent, and others bring harm. Everyone has a separate definition. For example, homeostasis is the constancy of the internal system, which are distinguished by living organisms. Habitat can change that requires adaptation - movements, growth, development. Metabolism - metabolism accompanied by chemical reactions, such as breathing. Chemosynthesis call the process of creating organic organics from sulfur or nitrogen compounds. Finally, it is worth remembering the definition of ontogenesis. This is a combination of organism transformations, which are affected by all habitat factors for the entire period of its existence.

Environmental factors

For a better understanding of biological processes, it is also necessary to explore this definition. are a complex of surrounding conditions that affect the living organism. They are divided according to a difficult classification into several species. The adaptation to them is called adaptation, and its external appearance, reflecting the habitat factors, is the name of life form.

Biogenic substances

This is one of the types of environmental factors affecting living organisms. The habitat includes salts and elements that come with water and food. Biogenic of them are those that are needed in large quantities for the body. For example, it is phosphorus, important for the formation of protoplasm, and nitrogen, the basis for protein molecules. The source of the first are dead organisms and rock rocks, and the second is atmospheric air. The lack of phosphorus affects the existence is almost as acute as the lack of water. A little inferior by the meaning of such elements as calcium, potassium, magnesium and sulfur. The first is necessary for shells and bones. Potassium ensures the work of the nervous system and the growth of plants. Magnesium is included in chlorophyll molecules and ribosomes, and sulfur is the composition of amino acids and vitamins.

Abiotic environmental factors

There are other processes affecting living organisms. The habitat includes factors such as light, climate and similar, which are by definition as abiotic. Without them, the processes of breathing and photosynthesis, metabolism, seasonal flights, reproduction of many animals are impossible. First of all, the light is important. Its length, intensity and duration of exposure are taken into account. In relation to Him, a whole classification is allocated, which is studied by biology. The habitat, filled with light, needs heliophitis - meadow and steppe cereals, weeds, tundra plants. Scalophytes are needed shadow, they prefer to live under the woods of the forest - these are forest herbs. Optional helophids can be adapted to any conditions: such a class includes trees, strawberries, geranium. No less important factor is the temperature. Each body has a specific range, comfortable for vital activity. Water, the presence of chemicals in the soil and even fires - all this also concerns the abiotic sphere.

Biotic factors

Anthropogenic factor

Water, air or terrestrial habitat is always associated with human activity. People are intensively changed by the world around them, strongly affecting his processes. Anthropogenic factors include each impact on organisms, landscape or biosphere. It can be direct if it is directed at living beings: for example, incorrect hunting and fisheries undermine the number of certain types. Another option is an indirect impact when a person changes the landscape, climate, air condition and water, the structure of the soil. Consciously or unconsciously, but a person destroys many types of animals or plants, while cultivating others. So a new environment appears. There are also random types of exposure, such as a sudden factory of alien organisms with cargo, misuse of the marshes, the creation of dams, the spread of pests. However, some creatures die out without any participation of a person, so accused people in all environmental problems just unfairly.

Limit factors

All sorts of influence on organisms from all sides is manifested in varying degrees. Sometimes substances that are required in minimal quantities are key. Accordingly, it was designed by it suggests that its endurance is considered the weakest in the chain of the body's needs. Thus, if there are all elements in the soil, except for one needed for growth - the crop will be bad. If you add only the missing, leaving all the other in your previous quantity - it will become better. If you add all the rest, without correcting the lack, no changes will occur. The missing item in such a situation will be a limiting factor. However, it is worth considering the maximum impact. It describes the law of the tolerance of Sheford, assumed that there is only a certain range in which the factor may remain beneficial for the body, in excess it becomes malicious. The ideal conditions are called the optimum zone, and deviations from the norm - oppression. Maxims and minima of influences are the name of critical points, followed by the existence of the body simply impossible. The degree of tolerance to one or another variations are different for each living creature and allow them to relate to more or less enduring varieties.

Socio-demographic qualities of personality

These include: Paul, work experience, age, education, marital status, place of residence, etc. ..

It is known that women are more executive than men. They are better referring to maintaining order, they have the above sense of debt, to a lesser extent being susceptible to injuries.

The number of injuries depends on the experience of workers. The greatest number of injuries are at the beginning of labor activities due to insufficient development skills. With work experience 3-7 years, a second peak of injuries is observed. The peaks of injuries are explained by psychological nature.

The first peak of injuries is associated with uncertainty in itself, its safety, and the second is generated by negligence, and sometimes risk (the motive of the benefit).

Literature:, p.62-184.

1.3. Danger - the result of human interaction with the habitat

Under the living environment, it is customary to understand the holistic system of natural and anthropogenic (created by man) objects and phenomena, in which labor and rest of people proceeds, i.e. All that is directly or indirectly affects the life and human activity. Any noticeable deviations from the usual, determined during the long-term biological evolution of human existence leads to injuries or diseases.

The main characteristics of the habitat are:


atmospheric pressure,

external pressure

oxygen concentration

concentration of toxic substances

concentration of pathogenic microorganisms,

the density of the power flow of electromagnetic radiation,

ionizing radiation levels

electric potential difference

noise level.

Increased or decrease in human body temperature can lead to injury or death. The change in body temperature can occur as a result of thermal radiation through convection or as a result of direct heat transfer from the skin or to it, inhalation of the too cold or hot air, consumption inside too cold or warm liquids, etc.

A sudden change in the surrounding air pressure due to an air shock wave can lead to injury or death.

As a result of excessive pressure applied to individual parts of the human body, mechanical injuries occur, bruises, fractures, etc. These injuries can lead to disability and death.

Reducing the oxygen concentration in the air also leads to injuries or death. Excess oxygen is also dangerous. So, with 25% and more oxygen in the air, fire danger increases sharply.

The presence of harmful substances in the environment leads to severe diseases.

The excess concentration of microorganisms leads to infectious diseases.

The effect of electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths is harmful to human health if the intensity exceeds the maximum permissible values.

The human body has adapted to existence in a natural radioactive background (up to 20 μR / h). Raising the level of radiation leads to chronic diseases.

The human body is sensitive to the difference in electrical potentials of about tens of volts. The potential difference in hundreds of volts can lead to death.

Noise load leads to chronic diseases.

Introduction_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3

1. Small as an element of habitat_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6

2. The connection of the habitat_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7

3. Human habitat_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _8

Conclusion_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14

List of references used_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _16


A person from birth has inalienable rights to life, freedom and desire for happiness. His rights to life, rest, health care, a favorable environment, work in conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements, it implements in the process of life. They are guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

It is known that "Life is the form of existence of matter." This suggests that a person exists in the process of vital activity consisting of its continuous interaction with the habitat in order to meet its needs. The concept of "vital activity" is wider than the concept of "activity", since it includes not only the human labor process, but also the conditions for its recreation, life and migration in the environment.

The basic principle of the existence and development of the entire living is the principle of the obligation of external influence: "The living body develops and exists only if there are external influences on it." The self-development of the living body is impossible.

The implementation of this principle in nature is achieved by the interaction of the living body with its environmental environment, and in other conditions the interaction of everything living with its surrounding habitat.

Ecology is engaged in studying the state of habitat and the processes of the interaction of creatures with a living environment - science about the house. According to B.A. Nemirovsky, ecology is a biological science, which is engaged in the study of the collective coexistence of living organisms in one communal apartment entitled "Environment".

From the end of the XIX century, significant changes in the habitat environment began to occur. The biosphere gradually lost its dominant importance and in the settlements of people regions began to turn into a technosphere. Coming in nature, the laws of which are still far from vigorous, creating new technologies, people form an artificial habitat - technosphere. If we consider that the moral and generalistic development of civilization lags behind the pace of scientific and technological progress, becomes an obvious increase in risk to the health and life of a modern person. In the new technosphere conditions, the biological interaction is increasingly replaced by the processes of physical and chemical interaction, and the levels of physical and chemical factors of impact in the last century continuously increased, often providing a negative impact on humans and nature. Then the society had the need for the protection of nature and man from the negative impact of the technosphere.

Anthropogenic, that is, caused by the human activity, the environmental changes have acquired such dimensions in the second half of the 20th century that a person directly or indirectly became their victim. Anthropogenic activity, failed to create the technicraft of the necessary quality as in relation to person and in relation to nature, was the root cause of many negative processes in nature and society.

Thus, the technosphere must be considered as a former region of the biosphere, transformed by people using direct or indirect impact of technical means in order to comply with its material and socio-economic needs.

As Academician A. L. Yarshin notes (R. 1911), even the Second World War with its colossal negative consequences did not violate the prevailing equilibrium. However, then the position is radically changed. A rapid increase in population population began, and the number of city inhabitants grew. This caused an increase in urbanized areas, including landfills, roads, carpentry, and so on, which led to the degradation of nature, sharply reduced the ranges of the spread of many plants and animals due to cutting down of forests, the growth of livestock, the use of herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers. There was a problem of burial nuclear waste and many other problems.

The impact of man on Wednesday, according to the laws of physics, causes response opposition to all its components. The human body painlessly transfers certain impacts until they exceed the adaptation limits. The integral indicator of life safety is the life expectancy. In the early stages of anthropogenesis (for a primitive person), it was approximately 25 years.

The development of civilization under which the progress of science, technology, economics, agriculture is understood, the use of various types of energy, up to nuclear, creation of machines, mechanisms, the use of various types of fertilizers and means to combat pests, significantly increase the number of harmful factors negatively affecting man. Creating a technosphere, a person sought to improve the comfort of habitat, to the growth of communicability, to ensure protection against natural negative impacts.

But developing the economy, the human population created the socio-economic security system. As a result, despite the increase in the number of harmful effects, the level of human safety increased. All this has favorably affected the terms of life and in conjunction with other factors (improving medical care and the like) affected the life expectancy of people. Currently, the average life expectancy in the most developed countries is about 77 years.

So, created by the hands and intelligence of man technosphere, designed to satisfy his needs in comfort and security, did not justify the hope of people. The emerging production and urban habitats were far from the level of security from permissible requirements.

1. Man as an element of habitat.

The most common system (higher hierarchical level) is the system of "Human environment" (CO).

The most important subsystem, which is considered by the BZD is the "Environment Man" (h-OS).

- "Man-Machine-Production Environment", etc.

The central element of all Belarusian systems is a person, so a person plays a trochy role:

1. Protection object,

2. security object,

3. Source of danger.

The high price of the operator error - up to 60% of accidents occurs due to human fault.

2. Constitution of the habitat.

Human habitat is divided into industrial and non-production (domestic).

The main element of the production environment is labor, which in turn consists of interconnected and interconnecting elements (Fig. 2), which constitutes the structure of labor: C - subjects of labor, M - "Machines" - means and objects of labor; PT - labor processes consisting of actions such as subjects and machines, PRT - Labor products such as targeted and side in the form of harmful and hazardous impurities in the air, etc., for production relations (organizational, economic, social relations -Ithological, legal in labor: relations associated with the culture of labor, professional culture, aesthetic, etc.). Elements of the non-production medium: natural medium in the form of geographic landscape (Mr.), geophysical (g), climatic (K) elements, natural disasters (Sat), including fires from lightning and other software sources, natural processes (PP ) in the form of gasms from rocks, etc. It can manifest itself both in non-productive form (sphere) and production, especially in such sectors of the national economy as construction, mining industry, geology, geodesy and others.

A person is in a close connection with all elements of habitat in the process of its activities.

Interest in the medium of their habitat was always peculiar to a person. And this is understandable, since not only the well-being of families, the kind, tribe, but also its existence depended on the quality of this environment.

In the Middle Ages, the domination of scholasticism and theology weakened interest in the study of nature. However, in the Renaissance Epoch, the Renaissance Great Geographical discoveries again revived biological studies of naturalists.

3. Human habitat.

The habitat surrounding a modern man includes a natural environment, an artificial environment created by a person and a social environment.

Every day, living in the city, walking, working, learning, a person satisfies the widest range of needs. In the system of human needs (biological, psychological, ethnic, social, labor, economic), it is possible to highlight the need for environmental environmental environment. Among them are the comfort and safety of the natural environment, an environmentally comfortable dwelling, provision of information sources (works of art, attractive landscapes) and others.

Natural or biological needs are a group of needs, providing the possibility of physical human existence in a comfortable environment, is a need for space, good air, water, etc., the presence of a suitable, usual environment for a person. Environmentalization of biological needs is related to the need to create an eco-friendly, clean urban environment and maintaining a good condition of natural and artificial nature in the city. But in modern big cities, it is unlikely that you can talk about the presence of sufficient volume and the quality of the environment necessary to each person.

As industrial production grows, more and more diverse products and goods were produced, and at the same time pollution increased dramatically. Environmental urban environment did not fit the necessary person to historically existing sensory effects: cities without any signs of beauty, slums, dirt, standard gray houses, polluted air, sharp noise, etc.

But still, it can be confidently to state that as a result of industrialization and natural urbanization, the environment has gradually become "aggressive" for organs of feelings, evolutionally adapted for many millions of years to the natural environment. Essentially, a person is relatively recently recently in the urban environment. Naturally, during this time, the main mechanisms of perception could not adapt to the changed visual environment and changes in air, water, soil. It did not pass without a trace: it is known that people living in polluted areas of the city are more inclined to various diseases. Most often, cardiovascular and endocrine disorders are common, but the entire complex of various diseases occurs, the reason for which is the overall decrease in immunity.

Due to sharp changes in the natural environment, many studies have arisen aimed at studying the state of the environment and the health status of residents in a particular country, city, district. But, as a rule, it is forgotten that the city resident is carried out most of the time in the premises (up to 90% of time) and the quality of the environment within various buildings and structures is more important for the health and well-being of a person. The concentration of pollutants indoors is often significantly larger than outside air.

A resident of the modern city most sees flat surfaces - facades of buildings, square, streets and straight angles - intersection of these planes. In the nature of the plane, connected by straight corners, are very rare. In apartments and offices there is a continuation of such landscapes, which cannot but affect the mood and the well-being of people constantly there.

The habitat is inextricably linked with the concept of "biosphere". This term was introduced by the Australian Geologist Zyus in 175. The biosphere is a natural area of \u200b\u200blife distribution on Earth, including the lower layer of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the top layer of the lithosphere. With the name of the Russian scientist V. I. Vernadsky, the creation of teachings on the biosphere and its transition to the nosphere is connected. The main in the teachings about the noosphere is the unity of the biosphere and humanity. According to Vernadsky, in the era of the noosphere, a person can already "think and act in a new aspect, not only in the aspect of a separate person, family, state, but also in the planetary aspect."

In the life cycle, the person and the surrounding habitat form the permanent system of "Man - Habitat".

The habitat is an environment environment due to currently a combination of factors (physical, chemical, biological, social), capable of rendering direct or indirect, immediate or remote impact on human activity, his health and offspring.

Acting in this system, a person continuously solves at least two main tasks:

Provides its need for food, water and air;

Creates and uses protection against negative impacts, both from the habitat, as well as similar.

The habitat is part of nature that surrounds a living organism and with which it directly interacts. The components and properties of the medium are diverse and changeable. Any living creature lives in a complex and changing world, constantly adapting to it and regulates its livelihoods in accordance with its changes.

Adaptations of organisms to the medium are called adaptations. The ability to adapt is one of the main properties of life in general, as it ensures the possibility of existence, the possibility of organisms to survive and multiply. Adaptations are manifested at different levels: from biochemistry of cells and behavior of individual organisms to the structure and operation of communities and environmental systems. Adaptation arise and change during the evolution of species.

Separate properties or elements of the medium are called environmental factors. Environmental factors are diverse. They may be needed or, on the contrary, harmful to living beings, promote or prevent survival and reproduction. Environmental factors have different nature and specificity of action. Environmental factors are divided into abiotic (all properties of inanimate nature, which directly or indirectly affect living organisms) and biotic (these are the forms of exposure to living creatures each other).

Negative impacts inherent in habitat exist as much as the world there is. Sources of natural negative impacts are natural phenomena in the biosphere: climate change, thunderstorms, earthquakes, and the like.

The constant struggle for their existence forced a person to find and improve the means of protection against natural negative impacts of the habitat. Unfortunately, the appearance of housing, fire and other means of protection, the improvement of ways to obtain food is all this not only defended a person from natural negative impacts, but also influenced the habitat.

For many centuries, the habitat of a person slowly changed its appearance and, as a result, the species and levels of negative impacts changed a little. So, it lasted until the middle of the XIX century - the beginning of the active growth of human impact on the habitat. In the XX century, the zones of increased pollution of the biosphere arose on Earth, which led to partial, and in a number of cases and to complete regional degradation. These changes largely contributed:

High rates of population growth on Earth (demographic explosion) and its urbanization;

Increase in consumption and concentration of energy resources;

Intensive development of industrial and agricultural production;

Mass use of means of transport;

Rising costs for military targets and a number of other processes.

The man and the environment surrounding it (natural, industrial, urban, household and others) in the process of vital activity constantly interact with each other. At the same time, life can exist only in the process of movement through the living body of the streams of substance, energy and information. The person and the surrounding medium interacts harmoniously and develop only under conditions when energy flows, substances and information are within the limits favorable perceived by the person and the natural environment. Any excess of the usual levels of streams is accompanied by negative impacts on a person and \\ or natural medium. In natural conditions, such impacts are observed when climate change and natural phenomena.

In the conditions of the technosphere, negative impacts are due to its elements (machines, structures, and the like) and human actions. By changing the magnitude of any flow from the minimum significant to the maximum possible, one can pass a number of characteristic states of interaction in the system of "Man - Habitat Environment": Comfortable (optimal), permissible (leading to discomfort without negative effect on human health), dangerous (causing prolonged exposure Degradation of the natural environment) and extremely dangerous (lethal outcomes and destroying the natural environment).

Of the four characteristic states of the interaction of a person with a habitat, only the first two (comfortable and permissible) correspond to the positive conditions of everyday life, and the other two (dangerous and extremely dangerous) are unacceptable for human life processes, the preservation and development of the natural environment.


There is no doubt the assertion that the technosphere has a destructive influence on nature, which means that the environment is the environment. Consequently, a person must solve the task of environmental protection, improving the technicuprof, reducing its negative impact to permissible levels and ensuring safety in this environment.

A wasteful lifestyle with a huge cargo lies with the environment. One of the main reasons for the permanent degradation of the environment worldwide is the structure of consumption and production, which does not provide sustainability, especially in industrialized countries. In this case, sustainable development means manageable, coordinated with the evolutionary laws of nature and society, that is, such a development in which the vital needs of the people of the current generation are satisfied without imprisonment of such a possibility of future generations.

A person is the most gifted and powerful representative of all living on Earth. He began in the XIX century to wide conversion of the appearance of our planet. He decided not to wait for mercies from nature, but just to take it all that he needed, without giving her anything in return.

Applying more and more new technologies and technology, people tried to create a habitat as not dependent on the laws of nature. But a person is an integral part of nature and therefore cannot break away from her, it cannot completely go into the mechanical world created by him. Destroying nature he went "back", thereby destroying all his existence. The current period of the development of society is characterized by a large increase in the conflict between man and the environment. Nature began to revenge a person for his rampant consumer relations to her. Polluted the nature of poisonous substances, using their technical achievements, a man infects himself.


1.Akimov V. A., Forest V. V., Radaev N. N. Risky in nature, technosphere, society and economics. - M.: Business Express, 2004.- 352 p.

2. Safety of vital activity: studies. For universities. / Ed. S. Belova; 5th ed., Act. and add. - M.: Higher. Shk., 2005.- 606 p.

3. Safety of vital activity: studies. For medium prof. Exchange / under. Red.S.V. Belova; 5th ed., Sp. and add. - M.: Higher. Shk., 2006.- 424c.

4. Kiryushkin A.A. Introduction to the safety of vital activity. - SPb.: State University, 2001.- 204 p.

6. Rainer N. F. Hope for the survival of mankind. Conceptual ecology. M., IC "Russia Young", 1992.

7.hushan T. A., Khvan P. A. Safety of vital activity. Rostov. 2000.

The overall characteristic of the habitat. Technosphere. Biosphere.

One of the most important concepts of ecology is the habitat. Wednesday is a combination of factors and elements affecting the body at its habitat.

Any living creature lives in a difficult, ever-changing world, constantly adapting to it and regulates its livelihoods in accordance with its changes. Living organisms exist as open, mobile systems, resistant when the influx of energy and information from the environment. On our planet, living organisms have mastered four major habitats, each of which has a combination of specific factors and elements affecting the body.

Technosphere - This is part of the biosphere in the past, transformed by a person through direct or indirect impact of technical means in order to greatest compliance with its material and socio-economic needs.

Creating a technosphere, a person sought to improve the comfort of the environment, to the growth of communicability, to ensure protection against natural negative impacts. All this has a positive effect on living conditions and in conjunction with other factors (improvement of medical care, etc.) on the life expectancy of people.

But the creation of the technhosphere with the hands and intelligence of man, intended to satisfy his needs in comfort and security, did not justify the hope of people. Irregular economic activity, reinforced by the achievements of scientific and technological progress, led to damage and exhaustion of natural resources, changes in the regeneration mechanisms of the biosphere, the deformation of the substances and energy flows on the planet for many millions of years on the planet, violation of the dynamic equilibrium of the global earth socio-system.

In the global ecosystem, the biosphere, which is one whole, nothing can be won or lost, can not be the object of general improvement. All that was produced from her human labor should be returned.

This "bill of exchange" cannot be avoided, it can only be delayed.

Technosphere includes regions, cities, industrial zones, manufacturing and domestic environment. The new, technosphere includes human habitat conditions in cities and industrial centers, industrial, transport and domestic conditions of life.

Biosphere - Earth shell, populated by alive organisms and transformed by them. The biosphere was formed 500 million years ago, when the first organisms began to be born on our planet. It penetrates the entire hydrosphere, the upper part of the lithosphere and the lower part of the atmosphere, that is, inhabit the ecosphere. The biosphere is a totality of all living organisms. More than 3,000,000 species of plants, animals, mushrooms and bacteria live in it. Man is also part of the biosphere, its activities are superior to many natural processes.

The term "biosphere" was introduced in biology by Jean-Bathist Lamarmark at the beginning of the XIX century, and in geology proposed by the Austrian geologist Eduard Zyus in 1875.

  • Upper border in the atmosphere: 15-20 km. It is determined by the ozone layer, delaying short-wave ultraviolet radiation, destructive for living organisms.
  • Lower border in a lithosphere: 3.5-7.5 km. It is determined by the temperature of the transition of water into steam and the temperature of denaturation of proteins, but mostly the distribution of living organisms is limited to incur into several meters.
  • The boundary between the atmosphere and the lithosphere in the hydrosphere: 10-11 km. Determined by the bottom of the World Ocean, including bottom deposits.

Over time, the biosphere is becoming increasingly unstable. There are several tragic for humanity premature changes in the state of the biosphere, some of them are associated with the activities of humanity.

The state of the problem of BZD. BZK item.

Life safety (BC) is a science that studies the general properties and patterns of the influence of dangers and harmfulness per person and developing the basis for protecting it and habitat.

Purpose of study Safety of vital activity - the formation and propaganda of knowledge aimed at reducing mortality and loss of people's health from external factors and reasons. Creation of human protection in the technosphere from the external negative impacts of anthropogenic, technogenic and natural origin. Object protection is a man.

Subject of study Safety of vital activity - the dangers and their aggregate, as well as means and systems of protection against dangers.

BZD solves three interrelated tasks:
1. Hazard identification, i.e. Image recognition indicating quantitative characteristics and hazard coordinates
2. Danger protection based on costs and benefits.
3. Liquidation of possible (based on the concept of residual risk) negative hazards.

Axioms of BZK

The main provisions of life safety theory can be represented as a series of axioms.

Axioma 1.. Any activity is potentially dangerous.

This axiom involves the following: technical equipment, machinery and technology created by a person, other than positive properties and results, have the ability to generate hazards. For example, the creation of internal combustion engines solved many transport problems. But at the same time he led to increased injuries on roads, he gave rise to difficult tasks for the protection of a person and the natural environment from toxic emissions of cars.

Axioma 2. For each type of activity there are comfortable conditions that contribute to its maximum efficiency.

This axiom actually declares the principal possibility of optimizing any activity in terms of its safety and efficiency.

Axioma 3. Natural processes, anthropogenic activities and objects of activity have a tendency to spontaneous loss of sustainability and (or) the ability to long negative effect on the habitat, i.e. residual risk.

Axioma 4. The residual risk is the root cause of potential negative impacts per person, technosphere and natural environment (biosphere).

Axioma 5.. Safety is real if negative effects per person do not exceed the maximum permissible values, taking into account their complex impact.

The next axiom actually repeats the previous one, but refers to negative environmental impacts.

Axiom 6. Environmentally friendly is real if negative impacts on the biosphere do not exceed the maximum permissible values, taking into account their complex impact.

Axioma 7. The permissible values \u200b\u200bof technogenic negative impacts are ensured by compliance with environmental and safety requirements for technical systems, technologies and their regional complexes, as well as the use of ecobioschita systems.

Axioma 8. Ecobiosette systems on technical objects and in technological processes should have the priority of commissioning and control facilities.

Axioma 9. The safe and environmentally friendly operation of technical equipment and industries is implemented in accordance with the qualification and psychophysical indicators of the operator by the requirements of the developer of the technical system and subject to the operator of the norms and safety rules and environmentalities.


Danger is a property of lively and inanimate matter, capable of causing damage to man, natural environment and material values \u200b\u200b(resources).

All hazards on the sources of their occurrence (origin) it is customary to divide on natural and anthropogenic.

Natural dangers arise in natural phenomena in the biosphere, such as flooding, earthquakes, tsunami, etc., and are also due to climatic conditions and terrain. Their feature is the surprise of occurrence, although some of them have learned to predict, for example, hurricanes, landslides. Natural dangers that pose a threat to life and human health are distinguished into natural dangers. Hazards such as heat, cold, fog, natural electromagnetic fields and radiation, are usually not considered, because They do not pose the immediate threat to a person. Divided into lithospheric (mountain colors, stoneplaes), hydrosphere (water erosion, villages, tides), atmospheric (shower, snowfall), cosmic (solar radiation). The general patterns of such phenomena are as follows: the more intensity, the less the phenomenon; Each type of danger is preceded by certain signs; There is a certain spatial deritance.

Anthropogenic hazards are mainly associated with the transformative human activity. The sources of anthropogenic hazards are the people, as well as technical means, buildings, structures - everything that is created by a person (elements of the technosphere). Damage from anthropogenic hazards is higher than the more density and the energy level of man-made means (technical systems). A person always interacts with technical means (tools of labor, household appliances), which help him in labor and everyday life, and on the other hand, are the source of so-called man-made hazards. Technogenic hazards affect the person and in nature. The danger to a person is determined by the characteristics of the technical systems and the length of the human being in the danger zone.

In a special group of dangers, environmental and social. Social hazards are those who are common in society and threaten the lives and health of people. By nature, social hazards are divided into related: with mental influence on a person (blackmail, fraud, theft, etc.); with physical violence (robbery, banditry, terror, rape, storing, etc.); with the use of substances that destroy the body (alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacocuria, etc.); with social diseases (AIDS, venereal, etc.); with suicide. In the age of age are divided into characteristic of children, young people, women, the elderly. Organizations are random and organized, on the scale - local, regional, global. At its heart, these dangers are generated by socio-economic processes in society. They are contradictory by nature due to the imperfection of human nature. The development of international relations, tourism and sports contributes to their distribution.

Environmental hazards will consider such that directly in everyday life activity affect human health through food, water, air, soil. These dangers are higher than the more environmental pollution by human activity: pesticides, heavy metals, dioxins, dust, soot, herbicides, etc. Detailed classification of these hazards is considered in the course "Ecology".

In all cases, when exposed to any hazards, the main measures of protection against dangers is: the exclusion of dangers; Blocking the dangers and organizational and technical measures aimed at reducing these hazards to permissible limits.

The reasons.

Wood.Any danger is implemented, bringing damage as a consequence of some reason or several reasons, so the prevention of hazards or protection from them is possible only when reasons. There is a causal relationship between realized hazards and reasons: the danger is a consequence of a certain reason, which, in turn, is a consequence of another cause, etc. Thus, the causes and hazards form hierarchical, chain structures, or systems. The graphic image of such dependencies resembles a branching tree, therefore, in the literature analyzing the safety of objects, such terms such as the "tree of the reasons", "tree of failures", "tree of events", etc. In the trees under construction, there are branches of the causes and branches of dangers, reflecting The dialectical nature of causal relationships. The separation of these branches is inappropriate, and sometimes it is impossible, therefore, graphic images obtained in the process of analyzing the safety of objects are called "trees of causes and dangers." Building "trees" is an effective procedure for identifying the causes of various undesirable events (accidents, injuries, fires, accidents, etc.). Branch boundaries are determined by the logical expediency of obtaining new branches and determine the resolution of the tree.


The risk is the ratio of the number of certain adverse manifestations of hazards to their possible number for a certain period of time.

R rine (1 / year), N- The number of adverse manifestations of danger over a certain period of time (year), N-possible number of danger manifestations for the same period

Types of risk: A) individual and social risk.

Individual risk is characterized by the realization of the danger of a certain type of activity for a particular individual. Accident frequency coefficient.

QC \u003d T * 1000 / p, T - the number of accidents (injuries) occurred during a certain period of time. P is the average number of workers in the same period.

Individual risk is characterized by a danger to a separate person.

Group, or social, risk is the relationship between the frequency of incident (accidents, disasters) and the number of people affected by them.

B) also distinguish direct and indirect risk.

Direct risk is associated with a direct effect on a person of one or another danger, such as moving parts of the equipment. Polluting OS waste of their activities, a person exposes itself to indirect risk, since a man-changed can, ultimately, become unsuitable for its existence in it.

Concept of acceptable risk. In modern conditions, absolute security was transferred to the concept of permissible (acceptable) risk, the essence of which in the desire for such a danger, which the society will take on this period of time.

Acceptable risk Currently, according to international agreement, it is believed that the effect of man-made hazards (technical risk) must be in the range from 10 -7 ... 10 -6 (1 / year -1), and the value of 10 -6 is the maximum acceptable level of individual risk. In national rules, this value is used to evaluate fire safety and radiation safety. In some countries, for example, in Holland, acceptable risks are established in the legislative order.

Negregably small is considered the individual risk of death 10 -8 per year.

For ecosystems, the maximum acceptable risk is the one at which 5% of biogeocenosis species may suffer.

Motivated (reasonable) and unmotivated (unreasonable) risk. In the case of industrial accidents, fires, in order to save people and material values, a person has to go on a risk exceeding acceptable. In this case, the risk considered reasonable (motivated). For a number of hazardous factors, such as radiation accidents arising in the case of radiation accidents, the magnitudes of motivated risk exceeding an acceptable risk - "Planned enradiation",allowable forces involved in the elimination of consequences of consequences.

unmotivated (unreasonable) The risk is called the risk exceeding an acceptable and arising from the reluctance of employees at the production of security requirements, use the means of protection, etc., which, as a rule, leads to injuries and forms the prerequisites of accidents at work.

In addition to collective acceptability, there is also individual acceptability, established for itself deliberately or unconsciously and is a balance between risk and benefits. At certain cases, people are ready to voluntarily go to risk, 1000 times more than acceptable. The decisive role in the adoption of such a decision lies in human psychology.



Tools of collective protection - ventilation, grounding, reducing the fence.

Individual protection (PPE) - special clothing, gas masks, earplugs, helmets.

Improving system reliability. Under reliability it is understood as the property of the system to perform the specified functions, keeping the values \u200b\u200bof the established indicators in time.

Reliability indicators: a) average trouble-free operation time; b) the probability of trouble-free operation; c) failure intensity. Indicators of maintainability: the probability of recovery; average recovery time; Recovery intensity.

Psychology of BZK

Psychology is a science of psychological reflection of reality in the process of human activity. In psychology allocate several industries, including labor psychology, engineering psychology, security psychology.

Psychology of labor - studies the psychological aspects of labor activity. The psychology of labor, which arose at the turn of 19-20VV., Was originally called psychotechnics.

Engineering psychology - studies the processes of human interaction with technical systems, as well as the requirements for the design of machinery and instruments, taking into account the psychological properties of a person.

Security psychology - studies psychological aspects of activities. The subject of security psychology is the psychological processes, the state and properties of the person affecting the safety conditions.

In other words, the psychology of safety is studying psychological, i.e. Human-dependent, causes of accidents and develops methods and means of protection against them.

Security psychology is a fundamental aspect of anthropogenic hazards, which spends the problem of man's role as the main participant in accidents and accidents.

The main task of the security psychology is to clarify the psychological causes of accidents.
The causes of production accidents and injuries associated with the human factor are combined by three main directions

Anthropogenic causes of accidents

The degree of danger in the labor process depends on the nature of production activities. Automation of production, eliminating physical work, replaces its high neuropsychic load per person. Due to the increased load on mental activity, people may occur sharp protracted and chronic neuropsychiatric disorders.

Many years of experience shows that with each accident and accidentally trace human errors contributing to tragic consequences.

Under erroneous actions, acts deviate from the provisions provided for regulatory actions or from the right decisions of the PR normal situations are divided into systematic and random.

Social hazards.

Social dangers - These are the actions of some classes, groups, layers, personalities, directed (deliberately or unconsciously) to destroy others. As well as deprivation of their vital conditions and objects, causing damage leading to physical and spiritual degradation, destruction of the personality, ethnos, society, states.
Conditionally social hazards can be reduced in three groups:
1. Outgoing from other spheres of public life - politics, economics, military defense cases, etc.;
2. arising from the social sphere for economics, policies, military and environmental safety, etc.;
3. Prisoners in the social sphere.
Particularly destructive dangers for the social sphere are based primarily from politics and economics. Real and potential shock therapy policies on the national industrial complex (about 50% of economic power), health, education, recreation systems, etc. are lost. Painfully responds to the position and health of people, lead to the loss of food, medical and pharmaceutical, spiritual and cultural independence, to the subordination of Russia west in the most important issues of the life support of the people. Some Western policies believe that the one who has food is a weapon, an equivalent atomic bomb and can talk with the world of food force. Food and commercial intervention inflicted irreparable damage to agriculture of the country: more than 50% of the country's population needs are satisfied with imported supplies.
The second group of social hazards is associated with antagonization, approval of an imperfect social structure and relationships. Formation and growth of aggressive, expansionist, extremist social groups and layers (large owners, financial, trade and mafia deltsi), separation of society on the poor and rich by robbery by most minority (which, as the Plato said, is equivalent to the emergence of two hostile states inside one) , the emergence of humiliated and oppressed groups, strengthening the capacity of hostility inside the social structure give rise to a whole premium of social hazards for society as a whole, as well as its main spheres - politicians, economics, science and technology, military security. Social reasons underlie many, including armed conflicts.
In the UN Secretary-General B.Gali in 1992, the "Peace Development Program" of the deep reasons of armed conflicts coming in the world, economic troubles, social injustice and political dictate are named.
Radical reforms led to the fact that more than 50 million (one third of the population) lives below the poverty line, and the hidden unemployment is 7-9 million people. The long-term increase in poverty for most people give rise to mass discontent with politics and authorities, which can pour out in unpredictable actions.
Social threats are classified according to the following features:
·\u003e In a focus against social interests (needs) of citizens, groups, layers and the whole society;
·\u003e On objects, institutions, areas of the social sphere, which they threaten (food supply and nutrition systems, health, utilities, etc.);
·\u003e Scales (destructive potential of hazards, spatio-temporal characteristics - general, regional, local, short-term, long-term, etc.);
·\u003e In the forms of manifestation (intentionally organized, natural, etc.);
·\u003e Sources and reasons;
·\u003e For funds (violent, non-violent, military, etc.).
Sources of social hazards are:
·\u003e Unjust distribution of property, income, vital goods, power;
·\u003e Restoration of an antagonistic social structure consisting of classes, groups, layers and political forces having irreconcilable opposite interests and goals, among which aggressive, expansionist in nature are distinguished;
·\u003e A sharp decline in the social capabilities of the state due to the decline in production, as well as large miscalculations and the initial antisocial focus of the policy of "radical reforms", their compulsory nature;
·\u003e The deterioration of the global social situation, as well as the desire of the West to strengthen the impact on Ukraine for the sake of its selfish interests.
Social hazards appear in the form of mass protests, unrest, social explosions, etc. The main indicators of social threats are the rate of increasing processes in the social structure and attitudes of the subjects, the sphere of social security of the vital activity of people.
Social security goals are:
·\u003e Providing a solid civil world based on justice, freedom, equality of opportunities and solidarity of people; purposeful formation of a socially safe state, society, personality;
·\u003e Conservation and development of society: reliable life protection, restoration and improvement of people's health and life, creating conditions and incentives for highly efficient creative labor, improving the abilities and talents, approval of high spirituality and culture;
·\u003e The formation and implementation of a socially-oriented policy of modernization of the Company, designed to restore and ensure in the future the sustainable socio-economic development of the country in the name of the common benefit of the people and each personality;
·\u003e The commensurate opportunity of the state to promote the improvement of the global social situation, participation in the formation of world politics and the construction of international structures, designed to overcome injustice, operation, poverty, hunger, mass epidemics, social diseases, etc.
All types of safety (military, political environmental, etc.) in a decisive extent depends on the salvation and improvement of production, raising the living standards of the people, restoring and strengthening its health, the development of culture, to increase its social activity, especially in the fields of economics and policies.
In general, it is unlikely to cause an objection to the assertion that the social security of a person, its habitat - the most important characteristic of the quality of life and the most important component of national wealth.

Examples of social hazards:
1. Alcoholism.

2. Military actions.

3. Terror by mail.

Natural dangers

Natural dangers - natural phenomena representing the immediate threat to the life and health of people, for example, earthquake, flood, tsunami, hurricanes, storm, soloch.

Earthquakethis is Underground oscillations or shocks that arise as a result of the displacement of the earth's crust or the top of the mantle.

Flooding - flooding of terrain as a result of water level rise.

Tsunamithis is Huge wave.

Hurricanes - this is Cyclones that occur in tropical latitudes, and the wind power reaches 64 nodes (74 miles per hour).

Storm - This is a shower, accompanied by a strong thunder of a squall, which can easily cause floods in the river, flood or union. The bora is often preceded by a thunderstorm, strong electric lightning discharges.

Tornado is an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs in a thunderstorm cloud. It is an air vortex propagating from the cloud down.

Lithospheric hazards.

Lithospheric danger is a dangerous natural phenomenon of geophysical origin, which is characterized by a sudden violation of the life of the population, the destruction of the destruction of material values \u200b\u200bof injuries and victims among people. Lithospheric hazards include: earthquake, landslides, villages, volcanoes, etc. They often have a negative environmental impact.

An earthquake is underground oscillations or shocks that arise as a result of the displacement of the earth's crust or the top of the mantle. The elastic oscillations of the earthquake can be transmitted to very long distances, which sometimes reach hundreds of kilometers. Here, as we understand, it all depends on the force of the earthquake.

Landslide - slaughtering and separating masses of rocks down the slope under the action of gravity.

Sel.- A stream with a very large concentration of mineral particles, rocks and rocks of rocks (up to 50-60% flow volume), which suddenly occurs in the pools of small mountain rivers and dry logs and caused, as a rule, storm sediments.

Volcanoes - Geological formations on the surface of the earth's crust or bark of another planet, where the magma comes to the surface, forming Lava, volcanic gases, stones (volcanic bombs) and pyroclastic flows.

Hydrospheric hazards.

Basic concepts about flooding

Flooding is a significant flooding of water water as a result of the water level rise in the river, a lake or a sea caused by various reasons. The flooding on the river comes from a sharp increase in the amount of water due to the melting of snow or glaciers located in its pool, as well as as a result of the abundant precipitation. Flooding is often caused by an increase in the water level in the river due to climbing the ice bed during ice-frequency (congestion) or due to clogging of the bed under the fixed ice cover of the intro-ice and the formation of an ice cork (burrow). Often, the floods arise under the action of winds that catch the water from the sea and causing a rise in the level due to the delay in the mouth of the river-brought water. Flooding of this type was observed in Leningrad (1824, 1924), the Netherlands (1953). On the sea coasts and islands, floods may occur as a result of the flooding of the coastal strip of wave formed during earthquakes or eruptions of volcanoes in the ocean (see tsunami). Such floods are often on the shores of Japan and on other islands of the Pacific Ocean. Floods can be caused by dams of dams, fender dam. Floods occur on many rivers of Western Europe - Danube, Seine, Ron, and others, as well as on the Yangtze and Juanhe rivers in China, Mississippi and Ohio in the United States. In the USSR, large floods were observed on r. Dnieper (1931) and Volga (1908 and 1926).

Flood classification

The cooling, burial floods (congestion, burgers) are a large resistance to the water stream in some areas of the river bed, which occurs when the ice material is accumulated in the narrowings or rays of the river during the ice-behable (litter) or ice driers (congestion). Spread floods are formed at the end of winter or early spring. They are characterized by a high and relatively short-term rise in the water level in the river. Correct floods are formed at the beginning of winter and are characterized by significant (but less than when the water level) rise in water levels and a more significant flood duration.

Nagonaya floods (arrivals) wind harnesses of water in the marine mouths of rivers and on windy sections of the coast of the seas, large lakes, reservoirs. Possible at any time of the year. Characterized by the absence of frequency and significant water level rise.

Flooding (floodings), formed during breakthrough dams of water from a reservoir or reservoir, formed during the breakthrough of the structure of the pressure edge (dam, dams, etc.) or with emergency reset of water from the reservoir, as well as during the breakthrough of the natural dam, created by nature when earthquakes, landslides, collaps, movement of glaciers. Characterized by the formation of a breakthrough wave, leading to the flooding of large areas and destruction or damage to objects of objects (buildings, structures, etc.)

Causes of floods

Long rains.

Long rains are one of the most common causes of flooding. Depending on the terrain relief, the type of soil is created the risk of accumulation of excessive aquatic masses. Water displacement, combining multiple threads create a serious threat to residents and their property.

In cases of prolonged duration, high rain intensity increases water levels in reservoirs (most often rivers). It appears anti-abnormal spills, provokes a large cluster of water in areas with embossed depressions, flooding a large area with water masses.

Melting of snow.

Currently, there is a change in climatic conditions in various localities. A sharp drops of temperature cause a sharp freezing of a large amount of water and also a sharp melting. It becomes the cause of many natural disasters, including floods. In certain areas, for example, in a mountainous area, where snow could be kept and accumulated sufficiently for a long time, due to changes in climatic conditions (sharp warming, seismic activity) begin to melt and shifted, which becomes a source of landslides, timelines and floods.

Wave Tsunami

After lesion, sushi is a few huge tsunami waves, not only numerous sacrifices and destruction remain, but a large amount of water, which for a long time remains on its surface, than causes serious damage.

Tsunamithis is Huge wave. Causes of Tsunami formation

Underwater earthquake (about 85% of all tsunami). With an earthquake, a vertical bottom of the bottom is formed under water: part of the bottom is lowered, and the part is raised. The surface of the water comes to the oscillatory movement vertically, striving to return to the initial level, the average level of the sea, and generates a series of waves. Not every submarine earthquake is accompanied by a tsunami. Tsunamic (that is, the tsunami-generating wave) is usually an earthquake with a shallow-located hearth. The problem of recognition of the tsunamigenicity of the earthquake has not yet been solved, and the warning service is focused on the earthquake magnet. The strongest tsunami is generated in subduction zones.

Landslides. The tsunami of this type arise more often than they were assessed in the twentieth century (about 7% of all tsunami). Often, the earthquake causes a landslide and he also generates a wave. On July 9, 1958, as a result of an earthquake on Alaska, a landslide arose in the lithuania bay. The mass of ice and earth rocks collapsed from a height of 1,100 m. A wave was formed, reached on the opposite shore of the bay of height of more than 500 m. This kind of cases are very rare and, of course, are not considered as a reference. But much more often occurs underwater landslides in rivers delta, which are no less dangerous. The earthquake may be the cause of the landslide and, for example, in Indonesia, where the shelf sedimentation is very large, landslide tsunami is especially dangerous, since it happens regularly, causing local waves with a height of more than 20 meters.

Volcanic eruptions (about 4.99% of all tsunami). Large underwater eruptions have the same effect as an earthquake. With strong volcanic explosions, not only the waves from the explosion are formed, but the water also fills the cavities from the erupted material or even the caldera resulting in a long wave. The classic example is the tsunami formed after Krakatau eruption in 1883. Huge tsunami from Volcano Krakatau was observed in the harbors of the whole world and destroyed 5,000 ships for a total of 5,000 ships, 36,000 people died. Human activity. In our age of atomic energy, a person in his hands appeared to cause concussions, used only to nature. In 1946, the United States made a submarine atomic explosion with a TNTIL equivalent of 20 thousand tons with a depth of 60 m in the marine lagoon. The wave that arose at a distance of 300 m from the explosion rose to a height of 28.6 m, and 6.5 km from the epicenter, it also reached 1.8 m. But for long-range wave propagation, it is necessary to oust or absorb some volume of water, and tsunami from underwater landslides and explosions always carry a local character. If you simultaneously make an explosion of several hydrogen bombs at the ocean day, along a line, then there will be no theoretical obstacles to the occurrence of tsunami, such experiments were carried out, but did not lead to any significant results compared with more accessible types of weapons. Currently, any underwater tests of atomic weapons are prohibited by a series of international treaties.