Consultation in mathematics (senior group) on the topic: Orientation on a sheet of paper. Games for the formation of skills to orient on the plane (orientation on a sheet of paper, i.e.

Author: Emelyanova Sirina Raisovna Place of work educator MBDOU No. 10 "Constellation" ZMR RT Republic of Tatarstan Zelenodolsk
In my work, I use a file technique, which I called "Magic Leaves". There are two types of A4 sheets of paper, one lined by 1.5 cm, the second by 2 cm. The peculiarity is that the squares here are large and convenient for children, as well as reusable - The sheets are inserted into corner folders, and on top of the squares need to be drawn with a felt-tip pen.

The technique consists of several stages..
1. Acquaintance with the sheet.
It begins with an introduction to a simple white sheet, which can be carried out starting with middle group.
-What is it? Paper
-What shape is it? Rectangular
This side is at the top and is called the top.
This side is at the bottom and is called the bottom.
This side is on the right and is called the right side.
This side is on the left and is called the left.
This corner is at the top left and is called the top left.
This corner is located at the top right and is called - top right, etc.
At this point I am using fairy tale - game- travel through the sheet - "The Magic Leaf". Once upon a time there was a Leaf and five pencils. They decided one day to play together and went pencils on a journey across the sheet. The yellow pencil went first, he found the top side and drew a yellow line. The red pencil went second, he found the underside and drew a red line. The right side was drawn with a green pencil, and the left side with a blue one. A black pencil remained in the center of the sheet, he built a house there. They decided to divide the corners equally, and drew them in two colors. All the pencils gathered in the house and began to think how else to play with them. Thought and thought, and decided to play catch-up. A yellow line was drawn at the top, and a yellow pencil ran up, a red pencil ran down, green ran to the right, and blue ran to the left. Then, to make it not boring, the pencils ran in twos: yellow and green ran to the upper right corner; in the upper left - yellow and blue; in the lower right - green and red; and in the lower left - blue and red. And the black pencil could not catch them. During the game, children understand that this is not just a sheet, but it is colored, and you can play with it. They visually indicate each side, and understand that the sheet has landmarks: top, bottom, Right side, left side, the center of the sheet is the middle.

3. Drawing in cells.
At this stage, the children are given tasks to consolidate the orientation on the sheet. For example, find the top left corner and draw a triangle there. Find the upper right and draw a circle there, find the lower left and draw a square there, and an asterisk in the lower right. You can also fix colors and counting: find the top left cell and draw a blue circle in it, move down 4 cells and draw a yellow triangle, move 3 cells to the right and draw a green square, move down 5 cells and draw a red square, move to the right from the green square 7 cells and draw a black circle, from the black circle go 3 cells down and draw a blue triangle, etc. Tasks and colors can be any.

4. After the child has mastered orientation on the sheet, begins Drawing by cells "Do it like this". The child is offered a sample drawing and asked to repeat the exact same drawing.
Drawing by cells is a very exciting and rewarding activity for children. This is a playful way of developing a child's spatial imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers, coordination of movements, perseverance, and the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Children reinforce concepts such as left, right, down - up.

5. "Draw the second half." Children are offered a sample with one half of the drawing ready, and it is necessary to finish the drawing by completing the second part. The child traces the finished side of the drawing and draws on the opposite.

6. Then the children are offered "Mathematical dictation". An adult dictates a sequence of actions indicating the number of cells and their directions (left, right, up, down), the child performs the work by ear.
The duration of one lesson with graphic dictations should not exceed 15 - 20 minutes. But if the child is carried away, do not stop him and interrupt the lesson. By completing assignments, the child will expand his horizons, increase his vocabulary, learn to navigate on a sheet and in a notebook, and get acquainted with different ways images of objects, dictations can be successfully applied for children from 5 years old. Mathematical dictations contribute to the development of short-term memory. Targets within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard assume that the child, on graduation to school, has the ability to volitional efforts and the ability to hear and follow sequential instructions, and dictations perfectly contribute to this.

7. "Continue the row." In this game, the child has the beginning of a row with a picture on a piece of paper, and he needs to continue the row to the end. At the beginning
the child is offered the simplest images, and then they become more complicated: several colors are introduced, several elements, the top and bottom images, elements that need to be drawn without taking your hands off the sheet. Etc. You can complicate and conduct a lesson for a while using an hourglass. Then the child checks himself how much he did right and develops self-control.

Topic "Orientation in space and on a sheet of paper"

To promote an increase in the interest of teachers in the search for interesting methods and techniques in working with children for the development of mathematical concepts in orientation in space and on a sheet of paper.

To raise the level of professionalism of educators.

To acquaint with the techniques and methods of work to familiarize children with orientation in space and on a sheet of paper;

Create conditions for the active participation of teachers in conducting a master class;

To develop the interest of colleagues to work on consolidating orientation with children in space and on paper in order to further use them in their pedagogical activities.

Equipment: sheets of paper with cells and numbers; pictures: airplane, ball, rocket; colored cardboard.

Master class progress


"Orientation in space is one of the sections of the program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts in children." But this does not mean that the topic "Spatial representations" is purely mathematical.

Mastering spatial perception, representations and orientation increases the effectiveness and quality of cognitive activity. For example, the quality of a drawing is determined by compositional construction, aesthetic expressiveness - by symmetry, rhythm - by the alternation of elements. And mastering the rules of the road is absolutely impossible without basic knowledge of space.

For most children, it is difficult to orientate in space. To make the learning process easy and interesting, I use in my work didactic games aimed at the ability to navigate on a piece of paper, I explain the meaning of the expressions "in the center", "in the middle", "right", "left", "left (right) upper corner "," left (right) bottom corner ". The work is carried out on a sheet of paper and is based on the active activity of children with handouts.

Productive activity:

1. Didactic game"Aerobatics". (children have a sheet of blue cardboard and a picture - an airplane)

Our rest ends,
The work begins.
We will work hard
to learn something.

Educator: Soon the holiday is Victory Day, a parade will be held on Red Square, various types of troops and military equipment... Guess the riddle which technique I have asked:

Boldly floats in the sky
Overtaking birds flight.
Man controls it.
What? (airplane)

Q: Well done, the parade will be attended by pilots who will show aerobatics. Today we will be pilots with you.

In front of you lies the take-off field (sheet of paper). What figure does it look like to us? What does a rectangle have? Show me the top corners, bottom corners, right side ... ie. etc.

Q: Put your plane on the take-off field-sheet of paper, below. The plane rises quickly.

Q: Where is your plane?

Q: Then it rapidly falls down, rises to the upper right corner.

Q: Where did you put your plane? Etc.

The following games are held by analogy: "Football", "I am driving a car", "Cosmos. Children follow the teacher's verbal instructions and can work in pairs. The game plot attracts children, their cognitive activity increases.

2. D / game "Take a step".

Children are given a nesting doll (counter, etc.)

Educator: Our nesting doll wants to take a walk, but she is still small and does not go anywhere alone, let's take a walk with her.

Q: Put your nesting doll on number 1. Now take two steps to the right.

What number is the matryoshka on now? (3)

Q: Is the next step one down?

Where is the matryoshka now? (7)

Q: Then one step to the left? (6)

Q: Tell me where and how many steps do you need to take to get to the emoticon?

In the future, children can independently give instructions on how to move on the sheet.

3. D / game "Count the triangles"

Educator: Guess my riddle:

Three peaks are visible here,
Three corners, three sides -
Well, perhaps that's enough! -
What do you see? - ...

Triangles of different colors are drawn on a piece of paper in each corner.

Which triangle is in the left upper corner? (blue).

How many triangles do you see there? (3) etc.

With the help of this game, not only orientation on the sheet is fixed, but also develops logical thinking, the ability to correctly find triangles, quadrangles.

4. D / gra "Collect and unfold the figures"

Educator: Look at how our figures are scattered. I probably already guessed who scattered them like that. And you will also find out if you guess my riddle.

Modest gray thief,

I slipped in almost inaudibly
He took away a crust of bread,
Hidden again in the burrow.
Keeps ears on top
A very smart little animal.
Do you know her, baby?
The naughty girl is ( Mouse).

Educator: Our mouse ran, waved its tail and scattered all our figures. Help me collect them, but we will collect them according to my instructions.

Take the red circle that lies on the right side of the box.

Why did you take this figure? (circle, red, right side)

Take the blue square under the box.

Why did you take this figure?

Bring what lies to the left of the box.

What did you bring? Why?

This game will help to fix the orientation in space, color, geometric shapes.

So the lesson ended.
Let your laughter ring again
We can rest safely
And then back to work.

Games for the formation of skills to orientate on a plane (orientation on a sheet of paper, that is, in a two-dimensional space)

Orientation on a plane. In the older group, children must learn to navigate freely on a plane, that is, in two-dimensional space. At the beginning school year in mathematics classes, children are taught to place objects in a specified direction: top to bottom or bottom to top, left to right or right to left. Much attention is paid to sequential selection, description and reproduction mutual arrangement geometric shapes in relation to each other.

Further development of orientation on the plane is teaching children the ability to find the middle (center) of a sheet of paper or table, the upper and lower, left and right edges of the sheet, the upper left and right, lower left and right corners of the sheet. The main part of 3-4 lessons is devoted to this work. In the first lesson, the teacher demonstrates a table and gives a sample description of the arrangement of objects in relation to the sheet. Children describe and reproduce the pattern. Later, they are taught to act as directed, and the model is shown after the task is completed. Now it serves as a means of self-control. After completing the task, the children describe how many of which figures are placed and where. Starting from the second or third lesson, the teacher invites them to first repeat the task, and then complete it.

Children should use exact words to indicate the position of objects in relation to the sheet, floor, platform. In mathematics classes, children get the first ideas about certain spatial connections and relationships. Their assimilation takes place in different forms. practical activities children (for example, fine)

Game "Name the neighbors". For this, a sheet of paper is used, on which images of various objects are randomly located.

Option 1: the teacher asks to find an image of an object and determine:

  • - what is shown to the right of it,
  • - what is drawn under it,
  • - what is at the top right of the given item, etc.

Option 2: the teacher asks to name or show the item (s) that are:

  • - in the upper right corner,
  • - along the underside of the sheet,
  • - in the center of the sheet, etc.

Harry Potter Labyrinth game. The teacher distributes to each child a sheet on which a maze is drawn and the arrow indicates the beginning of the path. Then the children are invited to help find their way to the cup, for this it is necessary to follow the instructions, and then check the correctness of their implementation. First, the sheet with the labyrinth must be positioned so that the entrance to it is on the left (right, top, bottom), then follow it (lead the line) until the turn, turn in the desired direction according to the instructions. For example, the entrance to the labyrinth is at the bottom, go up, left, up, right, down. Having reached the end, the children can check themselves: the teacher drew the same route with a marker on the film, superimposing it on his sheet, the child sees whether he has done all the way correctly.

Game "Geometric dictation". In front of the children is a sheet of paper and a set of geometric shapes. The teacher gives instructions, and the children must perform at a fast pace. For example, put a red square in the upper left corner, a yellow circle in the center of the sheet, etc. after completing the task, children can check the correctness of the performance:

option 1: the teacher has a pre-prepared sheet with drawn geometric shapes according to the dictation;

option 2: one of the children (under the supervision of a teacher) performs work on a magnetic board, which can then be turned to all children.

Game "I'm going by car". In front of each child is a sheet of paper (A3) and a small typewriter.

Option 1. Children, listening to the instructions of the teacher, move the machine in the right direction. For example, in the lower right corner of the sheet is a garage, from there we will go along the lower side of the sheet to school. It is in the lower left corner, and after school we will go to the zoo, which is in the upper right corner, etc.

Option 2. The teacher starts the game, the children take turns coming up with and saying the following guideline.

Game "Kaleidoscope". For the game, children are invited to draw an ornament or stick on ready-made shapes (geometric shapes, cut out pictures) and talk about their work. To do this, it will be rational for the educator to give the topic of work. For example: "Bookmark", "Rug", "Patchwork Quilt", "Easter Egg", "Picture Frame" and others.

Game "Decorate the Christmas tree". Option 1. Each child has a Christmas tree on the sheet, but all the balls on it are white. Children paint the balls according to the instructions of the teacher.

Option 2. For children, a blank Christmas tree made of paper and geometric shapes cut out of paper different colors... Children take turns calling the landmarks - where to stick which figure.

Troyan Natalia Anatolievna

For a child to be successful in school, he must be free to navigate in space and master basic spatial concepts. Spatial representations are necessary for teaching a child to count, writing, drawing, reading and many other disciplines, which are based on establishing relationships between objects and phenomena, their sequence, and therefore their spatial capabilities. Dotting, headings, exercise titles, correct design work for almost all young children is a difficult moment in school life. Working in a notebook requires strict discipline.

Formation of graphic skill as a technical side of writing largely depends on the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. This is due to the fact that the shapes of the letters are determined not only by the composition of the elements included in them, but also by their number, size and location relative to the working line. Therefore, in order for a child to acquire a graphic skill, he must consciously master the visual image of a letter, clearly imagine what elements it consists of and in what spatial-quantitative relations these elements are combined in each individual letter.

Exercises for the development of visual and spatial perception help the formation and improvement of orientation on a sheet of paper and the skill of moving a hand on it. The work is carried out on a sheet of large format and is based on the active activity of children with toys and geometric material. First of all, it is necessary to explain the meaning of the expressions in the center, in the middle, on the right, on the left, on the side, on the top, on the bottom, on the side on the right, on the side - on the left , left (right) top corner, left (right) bottom corner, top (bottom) line, etc.

1. "Snowflakes are falling"(Development of the ability to distinguish between the top and bottom of the sheet.) Children put snowflakes made of paper on the top of the sheet. Then they take each snowflake and show where it falls (to the bottom of the leaf). Their actions are accompanied by the words: "from top to bottom."

2. " Butterflies are flying "(development of the ability to distinguish between the top and bottom of the sheet). It is performed in the same way as the first exercise. Relying on the adult's show and his verbal instructions, and then only according to his verbal instructions, the children move the butterfly across the sheet of paper, commenting on their movements: "up - down", "from bottom to top".

3. "Airplane", "Machine"(development of the ability to distinguish between the right and left sides of the sheet). The plane "scatters" along the runway, the car "goes" from the house to the garage. Children accompany their actions by indicating the direction of movement: "from left to right".

4. " Geometric dictation ".

Option 1. Children are offered cards with various shapes (square, circle, point, cross) and tasks for them. For example:

Write a letter (draw a stick figure) to the right or left of the vertical line.

Put a circle, to the right of it - draw a cross, to the left of the cross, put a point.

Draw a point, below the point - a cross, to the right of the point - a circle.

Draw a square, to the right of it - a cross, put a point above the cross.

Option 2... Children examine the finished composition of the ornament, analyze it and reproduce it from memory, using pre-prepared geometric shapes. For example, place a square in the center of the sheet, a circle at the top, an oval at the bottom, a triangle at the right edge, and a polygon at the left. Or: blue circle in the center of the sheet, red - in the upper left corner, green - in the lower left, yellow - in the upper right, black - in the lower right.

Option 3. The adult says where which shapes should be placed, but does not show anything. For example, put a square in the middle of a sheet of paper, place eight triangles around (with an acute angle to the square), small circles between the triangles, and squares above the triangles; in the upper and lower left corners, expand the circles, connecting them with a straight line.

5. "Flight in space". On a sheet of dark paper (space), the children move the circle (spaceship) in accordance with the indicated direction (route spaceship): from the middle (center) to the upper left corner, then to the lower right, etc.

6. "Name your neighbors." For this, a sheet of paper is used, on which images of various objects are randomly located.

Option 1: an adult asks to find an image of an object and determine:

What is pictured to his right,
- what is drawn under it,
- what is at the top right of the given item, etc.

Option 2: the adult asks to name or show the item (s) that are:

In the upper right corner,
- along the underside of the sheet,
- in the center of the sheet, etc.

7. "Labyrinth". An adult gives the child a sheet on which a labyrinth is drawn and an arrow indicates the beginning of the path. Then the child is asked to help find the way out of the maze. .

8. "I'm going by car." In front of the children is a sheet of paper (A3) and a small car. Children, listening to the instructions of an adult, move the car in the right direction. For example, in the lower right corner of the sheet is the garage, from there we will go along the bottom side of the sheet to school. It is in the lower left corner, and after school we will go to the zoo, which is in the upper right corner, etc.

9. "Decorate the Christmas tree." A tree is drawn on the sheet, but all the balls on it are white. It is necessary to paint the balls according to the instructions of an adult. "In the center - a blue ball, to the right of it - a yellow one, below - a red one, etc."

10. "Cell". Children are invited to circle the cell anywhere on the sheet, then circle the cells through one to the end of the page, a line is obtained; circle the cells through one down to the end of the page, you get a column. First, children act in imitation of an adult, then according to oral instructions. Use in ornaments different elements: dots, sticks (vertical, horizontal, diagonal - one cell long). In complex patterns, children learn to determine the pattern of the pattern (alternation of elements). It is useful to teach you to draw continuous patterns without lifting your hands (preparation for continuous writing).

11. "Graphic dictation". On a sheet of paper in a cage, children, in accordance with the instructions of an adult, draw lines: "One cell to the right, two down, three to the right, two up." The figures of dictations should be simple at first, and then gradually become more complex. Dictations can be performed as right hand(if she is the presenter) and left, and then two together.

It is advisable to either draw graphic dictations at the same time with the children on your sheet, or offer the correct sample for comparison after drawing. Comparison and analysis of the resulting picture will help children develop criticality to the results of their activities and introspection.

For a more complete and deep assimilation of the material in all games, you can use such an interesting technique - to transfer the "teacher" functions to the child, since as a result of teaching, the teacher himself learns best.

Another option for complicating the work with these games is the subsequent "reading" of the resulting patterns. The child needs to be told where he placed which figures or how he drew the resulting pattern.


1. Zegebart G.M. Not just mazes. - M .: Genesis, 2011

2. Metlina L.S. Mathematics in kindergarten... Moscow: Education, 1984

3. Morgacheva I.N. A child in space. Preparing preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment for teaching writing through the development of spatial representations. Toolkit... - SPb .: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2009

4. Suntsova A.V., Kurdyukova S.V. We study space: left-right, top-bottom, close-far. - M .: Eksmo, 2010

5. Trigger R.D. Literacy Preparation: A Teacher's Manual. - Smolensk: Publishing house "Association XXI century", 1998

Techniques for teaching orientation on a sheet of paper.

V preschool age there is a basic formation of spatial representations and ways of orienting children both in the surrounding space and on a plane. The correctness and beauty of numbers, letters, execution of graphic assignments etc. Therefore, it is very important to give children such tasks that will develop visual-spatial orientation.

To teach a child to navigate on a sheet of paper, you should start by getting to know the sheet itself.

What is it? (Paper)
-What shape is it? (Rectangular)
-This side is at the top and is called the top.
-This side is at the bottom and is called the bottom.
-This side is on the right and is called - right.
-This side is on the left and is called - left.
-This corner is at the top left and is called - top left.
-This corner is at the top right and is called - top right, etc.

To consolidate these concepts, you can invite the child to play the following games:

"Snowflakes are falling"

Purpose: development of the ability to distinguish between the top and bottom of the sheet.

Children put snowflakes made of paper on the top of the sheet. Then they take each snowflake and show where it falls (to the bottom of the leaf). Their actions are accompanied by the words: "from top to bottom."

"Butterflies are flying"

Purpose: development of the ability to distinguish between the top and bottom of the sheet.

It is performed in the same way as the first exercise. Relying on the show of an adult and his verbal instructions, and then only according to his verbal instructions, the children move the butterfly across the sheet of paper, commenting on their movements: "up - down", "bottom up".

"Airplane", "Machine"

Target: development of the ability to distinguish between the right and left sides of the sheet.

The plane "scatters" along the runway, the car "goes" from the house to the garage. Children accompany their actions by indicating the direction of movement: "from left to right".

"Flight in space"

On a sheet of dark paper (space), children move the circle (spacecraft) in accordance with the indicated direction (route of the spacecraft): from the middle (center) to the upper left corner, then to the lower right, etc.

Draw a square in the middle of the paper.

Draw a triangle to the right of it.

Draw a circle below the triangle.

To the left of the triangle, put a point.

Another option for complicating the work with these games is the subsequent "reading" of the resulting patterns. The child needs to be told where he placed which figures or how he drew the resulting pattern.

You can use another version of the dictation:

Children examine the finished composition of the ornament, analyze it and reproduce it from memory, using pre-prepared geometric shapes. For example, place a square in the center of the sheet, a circle at the top, an oval at the bottom, a triangle at the right edge, and a polygon at the left. Or: blue circle in the center of the sheet, red - in the upper left corner, green - in the lower left, yellow - in the upper right, black - in the lower right.

Next game "Name your neighbors." For this, a sheet of paper is used, on which images of various objects are randomly located.

Option 1: an adult asks to find an image of an object and determine:

What is shown to the right of it?
- What is painted under it?
- What is at the top right of the given item? etc.

Option 2: the adult asks to name or show the item (s) that are:

In the upper right corner,
- along the underside of the sheet,
- in the center of the sheet, etc.

"Graphic dictation". On a sheet of paper in a cage, children, in accordance with the instructions of an adult, draw lines: "One cell to the right, two down, three to the right, two up." The figures of dictations should be simple at first, and then gradually become more complex.

It is advisable to either draw graphic dictations at the same time with the children on your sheet, or offer the correct sample for comparison after drawing. Comparison and analysis of the resulting picture will help children develop criticality to the results of their activities and introspection.

"Cell". Children are invited to circle the cell anywhere on the sheet, then circle the cells through one to the end of the page, it turned out line; circle the cells through one down to the end of the page, it turned out column... First, children act in imitation of an adult, then according to oral instructions.

Use different elements in the ornaments: dots, sticks (vertical, horizontal, diagonal - one cell long). In complex patterns, children learn to determine the pattern of the pattern (alternation of elements). It is useful to teach you to draw continuous patterns without lifting your hands (preparation for continuous writing).

Another type of assignment: "Drawing in cells"
You can also fix colors and counting: find the top left cell and draw a blue circle in it, move down 4 cells and draw a yellow triangle, move 3 cells to the right and draw a green square, move down 5 cells and draw a red square, move to the right from the green square 7 cells and draw a black circle, from the black circle go 3 cells down and draw a blue triangle, etc. Tasks and colors can be any.

"Redo the drawing." After the child has mastered the orientation on the sheet, you can offer him a sample of the drawing and ask him to repeat exactly the same drawing.

"Draw the second half." Children are offered a sample with one half of the drawing ready, and it is necessary to finish the drawing by completing the second part. The child traces the finished side of the drawing and draws on the opposite.

"Continue the row." In this game, the child has the beginning of a row with a picture on a piece of paper, and he needs to continue the row to the end.

At first, the child is offered the simplest images, and then they become more complicated: several colors are introduced, several elements, the top and bottom images, elements that need to be drawn without taking your hands off the sheet. Etc. You can complicate and conduct a lesson for a while using an hourglass. Then the child checks himself how much he did right and develops self-control.

These games contribute to the development of memory, speech, imagination; development of skills of orientation on a sheet and in a notebook; form elementary mathematical concepts, perseverance and patience.