Drawing task for graphic work 2. Practical and graphic work on drawing

Lesson 1 *
Organizational and methodological requirements
in physical education lessons

Planned results:

universal competences– the ability to actively engage in collective activities (outdoor game "Trap"), to interact with peers in achieving common goals (not to collide with other players, to run away from the catch, to navigate in space);

personal - active involvement in communication and interaction with peers on the principles of respect and benevolence, mutual assistance and empathy in the mobile game "Lovishka"; manifestation positive qualities personality and management of their emotions in various situations and conditions; discipline in achieving goals; providing disinterested assistance to peers, being with them common language and common interests;

metasubject - characterization and objective assessment of the action based on the acquired knowledge and experience; detection of errors during the execution of educational tasks (building in one line); communication and interaction with peers on the principles of mutual respect and mutual assistance; managing emotions when communicating with peers and adults; analysis and objective assessment of the results of their own work, search for opportunities and ways to improve them;

subject - rendering feasible help and moral support to peers in the performance of educational tasks, a benevolent and respectful attitude when explaining mistakes and ways to eliminate them; compliance with safety requirements; interaction with peers according to the rules of outdoor games; finding distinctive features in the performance of a motor action by different students, the allocation of distinctive features and elements.

cognitive: general educational– familiarization with the role and meaning of physical education lessons, with the requirements for clothes, shoes, with basic hygienic rules, with the rules of behavior during physical education in the gym and on the sports ground, with the rules of the outdoor game "Lovishka" and the game-exercise "In their places "; execution of drill exercises: formation in one line;

regulatory -

communicative- be able to:

personal: self-determinationstrive to win in the mobile game "Lovishka", the exercise game "In their Places", give adequate positive self-esteem;meaning formation– –

Tasks : to acquaint with the content and organization of physical education lessons, with the requirements for clothing, shoes; explain the rules of behavior during physical education in the gym and on the sports ground; teach to build in one line.

Inventory: stopwatch.

I. Introductory part.

Dialogue between teachers and students about the importance of physical culture in the life of each person and society as a whole. A story about the requirements for clothes, shoes, appearance, basic hygiene rules that must be observed by each person.

Teacher . Physical education is the most important element in the life of any person, it helps to gain health, which is very important for our society, because the more healthy people, the healthier the society. Lessons can only be taken in a special form. In the roomthis is a "short" form: T-shirt, sports shorts, socksand sports shoes: sneakers, sneakers. Prepare a second set of clothing in warm weather"Long" form: tracksuit, T-shirt, socks, sports shoes. Do not forget that after a physical education lesson, it is important to observe body hygiene and not neglect water procedures. Let's define where and how we will build.

II. Main part.

It is necessary to help students line up in one line in height, make sure that the construction is even, exactly along the line or according to special symbols (landmarks), heels together, toes apart, arms along the body.


Lesson 5. Rolls and grouping

Lesson 5 (see lesson 2)
Rolls and grouping

Planned results:

universal competences–

personal -

metasubject -

subject -

Universal learning activities:

cognitive: general educational– familiarization with the rules of the game "Passing the ball in the tunnel", with the technique of performing acrobatic exercises (grouping, rolls); execution of organizing marching commands and techniques, acrobatic exercises (holding the grouping, rolling left and right);

regulatory - accept and preserve learning task when doing exercises and participating in a game; accept the teacher's instructions and strictly follow it; carry out final and step-by-step control; adequately perceive the teacher's assessment; be able to assess the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made;

communicative- be able to: negotiate and come to common decision in joint gaming activities; to ask questions; control the actions of the partner; use speech to regulate your action; interact with peers in the game;

personal: self-determinationmeaning formationshow a cognitive interest in the study of the subject;moral and ethical orientationknow the basic moral and ethical standards; demonstrate the ability to solve moral problems based on decentralization; evaluate their actions; are guided by the fulfillment of moral standards.

Tasks : repeat the warm-up with bags (rubber circles), rolls to the right and left; play the game "Passing the ball in the tunnel".


Since the exercises learned in the previous lesson are quite complex, it is advisable to repeat them.

Lesson 17. Forward somersault

Lesson 17 (see lesson 14)
Somersault forward

Planned results:

personal - the manifestation of positive personality traits and the management of their emotions in various situations and conditions; discipline, perseverance in achieving goals;

metasubject - characterization and objective assessment of the action based on the acquired knowledge and experience; detection of errors when performing training tasks (organizing combat teams and techniques, walking with tasks, running, warm-up with rubber balls with spikes, forward roll); organization of the place of study; managing emotions when communicating with peers and adults; analysis and objective assessment of the results of their own work, search for opportunities and ways to improve them;

subject - rendering feasible help and moral support to peers when performing educational tasks (forward somersault), a benevolent and respectful attitude when explaining mistakes and ways to eliminate them; careful handling of inventory, compliance with safety requirements; interaction with peers according to the rules of the game; finding distinctive features in the performance of a motor action by different students, the allocation of distinctive features and elements.

Universal learning activities:

cognitive: general educational– performing somersault forward; running, walking with assignments, organizing combat teams and techniques, warm-ups with rubber balls with spikes;

regulatory - accept and save the learning task while doing the exercises; accept the teacher's instructions and strictly follow it; carry out final and step-by-step control; adequately perceive the teacher's assessment; be able to assess the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made;

communicative- be able to: negotiate and come to a common decision in joint gaming activities; to ask questions; control the actions of the partner; use speech to regulate your action;

personal: self-determinationgive adequate positive self-esteem;meaning formationshow a cognitive interest in the study of the subject.

Tasks : repeat the warm-up with massage balls, forward somersault; develop circuit training skills.

Inventory : stopwatch, massage balls by the number of participants (rubber balls with spikes"Hedgehogs"), 4 mats, located two in a row (the rows are parallel to each other).

Changes in the III (final) stage: students are lined up in one line, but not close, but so as not to touch each other. Conducted a short attention task– turns right and left, but with closed eyes. The teacher commands: "To the right!"

The exercise ends with the command "Stop!" Children open their eyes, note which of the children stayed where they were, who deviated. The teacher announces the end of the lesson.

Lesson 2. Rolls and grouping

Lesson 2 *
Rolls and grouping

Planned results:

universal competences– the ability to actively engage in collective activities (mini-game "Passing the ball in the tunnel"), interact with peers in achieving common goals (manage to get up so that the ball rolls under the student and does not touch him);

personal - organization of their own activities (doing warm-up with bags, rolls, grouping); active involvement in communication and interaction with peers on the principles of respect and benevolence, mutual assistance and empathy in the mini-game "Passing the ball in the tunnel"; the manifestation of positive personality traits and the management of their emotions in various situations and conditions; discipline, perseverance in achieving goals; rendering disinterested assistance to peers, finding a common language and common interests with them;

metasubject - characterization and objective assessment of the action based on the acquired knowledge and experience; detection of errors when performing educational tasks (building in one line, performing exercises with bags, rolls, grouping, combat teams, running, walking); communication and interaction with peers on the principles of mutual respect and mutual assistance; organization of independent activities (warm-up with bags, performing rolls, grouping), taking into account the requirements of its safety, safety of equipment, organization of the place of training; managing emotions when communicating with peers and adults; analysis and objective assessment of the results of their own work, search for opportunities and ways to improve them;

subject - rendering feasible help and moral support to peers in the performance of educational tasks, a benevolent and respectful attitude when explaining mistakes and ways to eliminate them; careful handling of inventory, compliance with safety requirements; interaction with peers according to the rules of the mini-game; finding distinctive features in the performance of a motor action by different students, the allocation of distinctive features and elements.

Universal learning activities:

cognitive: general educational– familiarization with the rules of the game "Passing the ball in the tunnel", with the technique of performing acrobatic exercises (grouping, rolls); execution of organizing marching commands and techniques, acrobatic exercises (holding the grouping, rolls to the right and left);

regulatory - accept and save the learning task while doing exercises and participating in the game; accept the teacher's instructions and strictly follow it; carry out final and step-by-step control; adequately perceive the teacher's assessment; be able to assess the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made;

communicative- be able to: negotiate and come to a common decision in joint gaming activities; to ask questions; control the actions of the partner; use speech to regulate your actions; interact with peers in the game;

personal: self-determinationstrive to win the "Trap" mini-game; give adequate positive self-esteem;meaning formationshow a cognitive interest in the study of the subject;moral and ethical orientationknow the basic moral and ethical standards; demonstrate the ability to solve moral problems based on decentralization; evaluate their actions; are guided by the fulfillment of moral standards.

Tasks : to learn a warm-up with bags (rubber circles), the game "Passing the ball in the tunnel"; repeat the rolls to the right and left.

Inventory : mats (one for two students), stopwatch, middle ball, bags according to the number of students.

I. Introductory part.

Formation in one line.

Explain to children that gymnastics– traumatic section school curriculum, because most classes are carried out with objects or special equipment is used, for example: a gymnastic wall, a jump rope, gymnastic sticks. Therefore, everyone should be very careful and follow only the instructions of the teacher.

Execution of combat commands: "Class, to the right!", "To the left, bypassing in steps!"

Running (1 min). Pupils must run strictly one after another, not overtaking and keeping the distance.

Respiration restoration (20– 25 seconds): “Step march! Hands up, rise on toes, breathe. Lower your arms, half bend forward- exhale ".

Walking in a circle, the students take one pre-prepared bag. (Make sure children hold the bags in their hands.)

Execution of the commands: "Class, stay where you are!" If the area of ​​the hall does not allow making a large circle, then a semicircle can be formed.

Pouch exercises

Lesson 34. Outdoor game "A trap with a bag on his head"

Lesson 34
Outdoor play
"Trap with a pouch on his head"

Planned results:

universal competences– the ability to actively participate in collective activities (outdoor game "Trap with a bag on his head"), to interact with peers in achieving common goals;

personal - organization of their own activities (implementation of organizing drill commands and techniques, warm-up exercises in movement, for balance, walking with tasks, in verse accompaniment, running, rolling backward, forward, right-left, grouping, lifting the body in 30 seconds); active involvement in communication and interaction with peers on the principles of respect and benevolence, mutual assistance and empathy in the game "Trap with a bag on his head"; the manifestation of positive personality traits and the management of their emotions in various situations and conditions; discipline, perseverance in achieving goals; rendering disinterested assistance to peers, finding a common language and common interests with them;

metasubject - characterization and objective assessment of the action based on the acquired knowledge and experience; detection of errors when performing training tasks (organizing drill commands and techniques, walking with assignments, in verse accompaniment, warm-up exercises in motion, for balance, running, grouping, rolling right and left, backward, forward, lifting the body in 30 seconds); communication and interaction with peers on the principles of mutual respect and mutual assistance; organization of the place of study; managing emotions when communicating with peers and adults; analysis and objective assessment of the results of their own work, search for opportunities and ways to improve them;

subject - rendering feasible help and moral support to peers when performing educational tasks and playing, friendly and respectful attitude when explaining mistakes and ways to eliminate them; careful handling of inventory, compliance with safety requirements; interaction with peers according to the rules of the game; finding distinctive features in the fulfillment of a motor action by different students, the allocation of distinctive features and elements.

Universal learning activities:

cognitive: general educational– performing warm-up exercises in motion, for balance, running, walking with assignments, in verse accompaniment, organizing combat teams and techniques, grouping, rolling backward, right, left, forward, lifting the body in 30 seconds; participation in the game "Catch with a bag on his head";

regulatory - accept and save the learning task while doing exercises and participating in the game; accept the teacher's instructions and strictly follow it; carry out final and step-by-step control; adequately perceive the teacher's assessment; be able to assess the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made;

communicative- be able to: negotiate and come to a common decision in joint gaming activities; to ask questions; control the actions of the partner; use speech to regulate your actions; interact with peers in the game;

personal: self-determinationstrive to win in the game "Catch with a bag on his head"; give adequate positive self-esteem;meaning formationshow a cognitive interest in the study of the subject;moral and ethical orientationknow the basic moral and ethical standards; demonstrate the ability to solve moral problems based on decentralization; evaluate their actions; are guided by the fulfillment of moral standards.

Tasks : perform a torso lift in 30 seconds; repeat forward somersault, rolls on the back in a tuck; to carry out an outdoor game "A trap with a bag on his head."

Inventory : mats and bags by the number of people involved.

I. Introductory part.

See lesson 33.

II. Main part.

See Lesson 33 (pay attention to the systematic performance of exercises in order to develop the skill of performing a forward roll, grouping, lifting the body).

III. Final part.

Outdoor play "A trap with a pouch on his head." At the end of the game - formation. Summarize the lesson, announce its end.

2.1. The concept of ESKD standards... If every engineer or draftsman performed and executed drawings in his own way, without observing uniform rules, then such drawings would not be understandable to others. To avoid this, in the USSR, state standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD) have been adopted and are in effect.

ESKD standards are regulatory documents that establish uniform rules for the implementation and execution of design documents in all industries. Design documents include drawings of parts, assembly drawings, diagrams, some text documents, etc.

The standards are established not only for design documents, but also for certain types of products manufactured by our enterprises. State standards (GOST) are mandatory for all enterprises and individuals.

Each standard is assigned its own number with the simultaneous indication of the year of its registration.

The standards are revised from time to time. Changes in standards are associated with the development of industry and the improvement of engineering graphics.

For the first time in our country, standards for drawings were introduced in 1928 under the name "Drawings for all types of mechanical engineering." Later they were replaced by new ones.

2.2. Formats... The main inscription of the drawing. Drawings and other design documents of industry and construction are made on sheets of certain sizes.

For economical use of paper, ease of storage of drawings and their use, the standard establishes certain sheet formats, which are outlined with a thin line. At school, you will use a format with side dimensions of 297X210 mm. It is designated A4.

Each drawing should have a frame that limits its field (Fig. 18). Frame lines are solid thick main lines. They are drawn from above, to the right and from the bottom at a distance of 5 mm from the outer frame, executed by a continuous thin line along which the sheets are cut. On the left side - at a distance of 20 mm from it. This strip is left for filing drawings.

Rice. 18. A4 sheet design

On the drawings, the title block is placed in the lower right corner (see Fig. 18). Its shape, size and content are set by the standard. On educational school drawings, you will perform the main inscription in the form of a rectangle with sides of 22X145 mm (Fig. 19, a). A sample of the completed title block is shown in Figure 19, b.

Rice. 19. The title block of the training drawing

Production drawings, performed on A4 sheets, are placed only vertically, and the title block on them is only along the short side. In drawings of other formats, the title block can be positioned along the long and short sides.

As an exception, on educational drawings of A4 format, the title block is allowed to be placed both along the long and along the short side of the sheet.

Before starting the drawing, the sheet is applied to the drawing board. To do this, attach it with one button, for example, in the left upper corner... Then a flight tire is placed on the board and the upper edge of the sheet is placed parallel to its edge, as shown in Figure 20. Pressing a sheet of paper to the board, attach it with buttons first in the lower right corner, and then in the remaining corners.

Rice. 20. Preparing the sheet for work

The frame and columns of the main inscription are made with a solid thick line.

    What are the dimensions of an A4 sheet? At what distance from the outer frame should the lines of the drawing frame be drawn? Where is the title block in the drawing placed? What are its dimensions? Review Figure 19 and list what information it indicates.

2.3. Lines. When making drawings, lines of various thicknesses and styles are used. Each of them has its own purpose.

Rice. 21. Drawing lines

Figure 21 shows an image of a part called a roller. As you can see, the drawing of the part contains different lines. In order for the image to be clear to everyone, state standard establishes the outline of lines and indicates their main purpose for all drawings of industry and construction. You have already used different lines in your technical and service classes. Let's remember them.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the thickness of lines of the same type should be the same for all images in this drawing.

Information about the lines of the drawing is given on the first flyleaf.

  1. What is the purpose of the solid thick baseline?
  2. Which line is called a dashed line? Where is it used? How thick is this line?
  3. Where is the dash-dotted thin line used in the drawing? How thick is it?
  4. In what cases is a solid thin line used in a drawing? How thick should it be?
  5. What line is the fold line shown on the scan?

In Figure 23, you can see an image of the part. On it, the numbers 1,2, etc., mark various lines. Make a table in your workbook according to this sample and fill it out.

Rice. 23. Exercise assignment

Graphic work number 1

Prepare a sheet of A4 drawing paper. Draw a frame and columns of the title block according to the dimensions shown in Figure 19. Draw different lines, as shown in Figure 24. You can also choose a different arrangement of line groups on the sheet.

Rice. 24. Assignment for graphic work No. 1

The title block can be positioned along the short or long side of the sheet.

2.4. Drawing fonts... Sizes of letters and numbers of the drawing font. All inscriptions on the drawings must be made in a drawing font (Fig. 25). The outline of letters and numbers in the drawing font is established by the standard. The standard defines the height and width of letters and numbers, the thickness of the stroke lines, the distance between letters, words and lines.

Rice. 25. Inscriptions on drawings

An example of building one of the letters in the auxiliary grid is shown in Figure 26.

Rice. 26. An example of building a letter

The font can be either tilted (about 75 °) or non-tilted.

The standard specifies the following font sizes: 1.8 (not recommended, but allowed); 2.5; 3.5; 5; 7; ten; fourteen; twenty; 28; 40. The size (h) of the font is the value determined by the height of uppercase (capital) letters in millimeters. The height of the letter is measured perpendicular to the base of the line. The lower elements of the letters D, Ц, Щ and the upper element of the letter Y are performed due to the gaps between the lines.

The thickness (d) of the font line is determined depending on the height of the font. It is equal to 0.1h ;. The width (g) of the letter is chosen to be 0.6h or 6d. The width of the letters A, D, F, M, F, X, Ts, Sh, W, b, Y, Yu is 1 or 2d more than this value (including the lower and upper elements), and the width of the letters G, 3, C is less d.

The height of the lowercase letters is roughly the height of the next smaller font size. So, the height of lowercase letters of size 10 is 7, size 7 is 5, and so on. The upper and lower elements of lowercase letters are performed due to the distance between the lines and go beyond the line by 3d. Most lowercase letters are 5d wide. The width of the letters a, m, c, b is 6d, the letters w, t, f, w, u, s, y are 7d, and the letters z, c are 4d.

The distance between letters and numbers in words is taken equal to 0.2h or 2d, between words and numbers -0.6h or 6d. The distance between the bottom rulers of the lines is taken equal to 1.7h or 17d.

The standard also specifies another type of font, type A, which is narrower than the one just discussed.

The height of letters and numbers in pencil drawings must be at least 3.5 mm.

The outline of the Latin alphabet according to GOST is shown in Figure 27.

Rice. 27. Latin script

How to write in drawing font... It is necessary to draw up drawings with inscriptions carefully. Indistinct writing or carelessly applied numbers of different numbers may be misunderstood when reading the drawing.

To learn how to write beautifully in a drawing font, first, a grid is drawn for each letter (Fig. 28). After mastering the skills of writing letters and numbers, only the upper and lower lines of the line can be drawn.

Rice. 28. Examples of execution of inscriptions in drawing font

The contours of the letters are marked with thin lines. After making sure that the letters are written correctly, circle them with a soft pencil.

For the letters Г, Д, И, Я, L, M, P, T, X, Ц, Ш, Щ, only two auxiliary lines can be drawn at a distance equal to their height A.

For letters B, C, E, N. R, U, H, b, Y, b. I between the two horizontal lines should add another one in the middle, but which is performed by their middle elements. And for the letters 3, O, F, Yu, four lines are drawn, where the middle lines indicate the boundaries of the roundings.

For quick execution of inscriptions in a drawing font, various stencils are sometimes used. You will fill in the main inscription with a font of 3.5, the name of the drawing - with a font of 7 or 5.

  1. What is the font size?
  2. What is the width of uppercase letters?
  3. What is the height of size 14 lowercase letters? What is their width?
  1. Complete a few inscriptions in the workbook on the teacher's assignment. You can, for example, write your last name, first name, home address.
  2. Fill in the main inscription on the sheet of graphic work No. 1 with the following text: drew (surname), checked (surname of the teacher), school, class, drawing No. 1, title of the work "Lines".

2.5. How are dimensions applied... To determine the size of the depicted product or any part of it, dimensions are applied to the drawing. Dimensions are divided into linear and angular. Linear dimensions characterize the length, width, thickness, height, diameter or radius of the measured part of the product. The angular dimension characterizes the magnitude of the angle.

Linear dimensions in the drawings are indicated in millimeters, but the unit designation is not applied. Angular dimensions are indicated in degrees, minutes and seconds with the designation of the unit of measurement.

The total number of dimensions in the drawing should be the smallest, but sufficient for the manufacture and control of the product.

Dimensioning rules are established by the standard. You already know some of them. Let's recall them.

1. Dimensions in the drawings are indicated by dimension numbers and dimension lines. To do this, first draw extension lines perpendicular to the segment, the size of which is indicated (Fig. 29, a). Then, at a distance of at least 10 mm from the contour of the part, a dimension line parallel to it is drawn. The dimension line is limited by arrows on both sides. What the arrow should be is shown in Figure 29, b. The extension lines extend beyond the ends of the arrows of the dimension line by 1 ... 5 mm. The extension and dimension lines are drawn with a solid thin line. Above the dimension line, closer to its middle, the dimension number is applied.

Rice. 29. Drawing linear dimensions

2. If there are several dimension lines in the drawing parallel to each other, then a smaller size is applied closer to the image. So, in Figure 29, at first, size 5 is applied, and then 26, so that the extension and dimension lines in the drawing do not intersect. The distance between parallel dimension lines must be at least 7 mm.

3. To designate the diameter, a special sign is applied in front of the dimension number - a circle crossed out by a line (Fig. 30). If the dimension number does not fit inside the circle, it is taken out of the circle, as shown in Figure 30, c and d. The same is done when drawing the size of a straight line segment (see Fig. 29, c).

Rice. 30. Drawing the size of circles

4. To designate the radius in front of the dimension number write a capital Latin letter R (Fig. 31, a). The dimension line to indicate the radius is drawn, as a rule, from the center of the arc and ends with an arrow on one side, abutting the point of the circular arc.

Rice. 31. Dimensioning arcs and angles

5. When specifying the size of the angle, the dimension line is drawn in the form of a circular arc centered at the apex of the angle (Fig. 31, b).

6. In front of the dimension number indicating the side of the square element, a "square" sign is applied (Fig. 32). In this case, the height of the sign is equal to the height of the digits.

Rice. 32. Drawing the size of the square

7. If the dimension line is located vertically or obliquely, then the dimension numbers are positioned as shown in Figures 29, c; thirty; 31.

8. If the part has several identical elements, then it is recommended to apply the size of only one of them in the drawing, indicating the quantity. For example, the entry in the drawing "3 holes. "0 10" means that the part has three identical holes with a diameter of 10 mm.

9. When depicting flat parts in one projection, the thickness of the part is indicated, as shown in Figure 29, c. Please note that before the dimension number indicating the thickness of the part, there is a Latin lowercase letter 5.

10. It is allowed to indicate the length of the part in a similar way (Fig. 33), but in front of the dimension number in this case they write a Latin letter l.

Rice. 33. Applying the dimension of the length of the part

  1. In what units are linear dimensions expressed in engineering drawings?
  2. How thick should extension and dimension lines be?
  3. What distance is left between the outline of the image and the dimension lines? between dimension lines?
  4. How are dimension numbers applied to oblique dimension lines?
  5. What signs and letters are applied in front of the dimension number when indicating the size of diameters and radii?

Rice. 34. Exercise assignment

  1. Draw in your workbook, keeping the proportions, the image of the detail given in Figure 34, enlarging it 2 times. Apply the required dimensions, indicate the thickness of the part (it is 4 mm).
  2. Draw circles in your workbook with diameters of 40, 30, 20 and 10 mm. Apply their sizes. Draw circular arcs with radii of 40, 30, 20 and 10 mm and dimension.

2.6. The scale... In practice, it is necessary to make images of very large parts, for example, parts of an aircraft, ship, car, and very small parts of a clock mechanism, some devices, etc. Images of large parts may not fit on sheets of a standard format. Small details that are barely visible to the naked eye cannot be drawn in full size with the existing drawing tools. Therefore, when drawing large details, their image is reduced, and small ones are increased in comparison with the actual dimensions.

Scale is the ratio of the linear dimensions of the image of an object to the actual one. The scale of the images and their designation in the drawings sets the standard.

Reduction scale -1: 2; 1: 2.5; 1: 4; 1: 5; 1:10, etc.
Natural value -1: 1.
Magnification scale-2: 1; 2.5: 1; 4: 1; 5: 1; 10: 1, etc.

The most desirable scale is 1: 1. In this case, when executing the image, you do not need to recalculate the dimensions.

The scales are written as follows: M1: 1; M1: 2; M5: 1, etc. If the scale is indicated on the drawing in the title block specially designed for this, then the letter M is not written before the scale designation.

It should be remembered that, no matter what scale the image is made, the dimensions in the drawing are applied real, that is, those that the part should have in nature (Fig. 35).

The angular dimensions do not change when the image is reduced or enlarged.

  1. What is scale for?
  2. What is called scale?
  3. What are you aware of the magnification rates set by the standard? What are the magnitudes of the reduction you know?
  4. What the records mean: M1: 5; M1: 1; M10: 1?

Rice. 35. Drawing of the gasket, made in various scales

Graphic work number 2
"Flat part" drawing

Perform drawings of the "Gasket" parts according to the existing halves of the images, separated by the axis of symmetry (Fig. 36). Add dimensions, indicate the thickness of the part (5 mm).

Perform the work on an A4 sheet. Image scale 2: 1.

Directions for work... Figure 36 shows only half of the part. You need to imagine how the part will look in full, keeping the symmetry in mind, sketching its image on a separate sheet. Then you should go to the execution of the drawing.

A frame is drawn on an A4 sheet and a place is allocated for the main inscription (22X145 mm). The center of the working area of ​​the drawing is determined and the image is built from it.

First, the axes of symmetry are drawn, a rectangle is drawn with thin lines corresponding to the general shape of the part. After that, the images of the rectangular elements of the part are marked.

Rice. 36. Tasks for graphic work No. 2

Having determined the position of the centers of the circle and semicircle, they are carried out. The dimensions of the elements and the overall dimensions, that is, the largest in length and height, the dimensions of the part, indicate its thickness, are applied.

They circle the drawing with the lines established by the standard: first - circles, then - horizontal and vertical lines. Fill in the title block and check the drawing.


Introduction to the subject of drawing

The history of the emergence of graphic methods of images and drawing

Drawings in Russia were made by "draftsmen", a mention of which can be found in the "Pushkarsky Prikaz" by Ivan IV.

Other images - drawings-drawings, represented a view of the structure "from a bird's eye view"

At the end of the 12th century. in Russia, large-scale images are introduced and dimensions are affixed. In the 18th century, Russian draftsmen and Tsar Peter I himself made drawings by the method of rectangular projections (the founder of the method is the French mathematician and engineer Gaspard Monge). By order of Peter I, the teaching of drawing was introduced in all technical educational institutions.

The entire history of the development of the drawing is inextricably linked with technical progress. At present, the drawing has become the main document of business communication in science, technology, production, design, and construction.

It is impossible to create and check a machine drawing without knowing the basics of the graphic language. Whom you will meet while studying the subject "Drawing"

Varieties graphic images

Exercise: sign the names of the images.

The concept of GOST. Formats. Frame. Drawing lines.

Exercise 1

Graphic work # 1

“Formats. Frame. Drawing lines "

Examples of work execution

Test tasks to graphic work No. 1

Option number 1.

1. What designation according to GOST has the format 210x297:

a) A1; b) A2; c) A4?

2. What is the thickness of the dash-dotted line if the solid main thick line is 0.8 mm in the drawing:

a) 1mm: b) 0.8 mm: c) 0.3 mm?


Option number 2.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

1. Where in the drawing is the title block located:

a) in the lower left corner; b) in the lower right corner; c) in the upper right corner?

2. By what amount should the axial and center lines protrude beyond the contour of the image:

a) 3 ... 5 mm; b) 5 ... 10 mm4 c) 10 ... 15 mm?

Option number 3.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

1. What arrangement of A4 format is allowed by GOST:

A) vertical; b) horizontal; c) vertical and horizontal?

2.. What is the thickness of a solid thin line if the solid main thick line is 1 mm in the drawing:

a) 0.3 mm: b) 0.8 mm: c) 0.5 mm?

Option number 4.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

1. At what distance from the edges of the sheet the drawing frame is drawn:

a) left, top, right and bottom - 5 mm each; b) on the left, top and bottom - 10 mm each, on the right - 25 mm; c) left - 20 mm, top, right and bottom - 5 mm each?

2. What type of line are the center and center lines in the drawings:

a) a solid thin line; b) dash-dotted line; c) dashed line?

Option number 5.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

1. What dimensions according to GOST has the A4 format:

a) 297x210 mm; b) 297x420 mm; c) 594x841 mm?

2. Depending on which line the thickness of the drawing lines is selected:

a) dash-dotted line; b) a solid thin line; c) solid main thick line?

Fonts (GOST 2304-81)

Types of fonts:

Font sizes:

Practical tasks:

Drawing font parameter calculations

Test tasks

Option number 1.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What value is taken as the font size:

a) height lowercase letter; b) height capital letter; c) the height of the spaces between the lines?

Option number 2.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What is the height of the uppercase letter of rift # 5:

a) 10 mm; b) 7 mm; c) 5 mm; d) 3.5 mm?

Option number 3.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What is the height of lowercase letters that have protruding elements c, d, b, p, f:

a) the height of the capital letter; b) the height of the lowercase letter; c) greater than the height of the uppercase letter?

Option number 4.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

Do uppercase and lowercase letters differ in spelling? A, E, T, G, I:

a) differ; b) do not differ; c) differ in the spelling of individual elements?

Option number 5.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What does the height of the numbers in the drawing font correspond to:

a) the height of the lowercase letter; b) the height of the capital letter; c) half the height of a capital letter?

Graphic work number 2

"Drawing of a flat part"

Cards - Quests

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Geometric constructions

Division of a circle into 5 and 10 parts

Division of a circle into 4 and 8 parts

Division of a circle into 3, 6 and 12 parts

Dividing a segment into 9 parts

Securing the material

Practical work:

Build the third according to these types. Scale 1: 1

Option number 1

Option number 2

Option number 3

Option number 4

Securing the material

Write your answers in your workbook:

Option number 1

Option number 2

Practical work No. 3

"Modeling by drawing".

Directions for work

To make a cardboard model, first cut out its blank. Determine the dimensions of the workpiece from the image of the part (Fig. 58). Mark (outline) the cutouts. Cut them along the outlined outline. Remove the cut out parts and bend the model according to the drawing. To prevent the cardboard from straightening after bending, draw a line from the outside with some sharp object in the place of bending.

A soft wire of arbitrary length (10 - 20 mm) must be used for modeling.

Securing the material

Option number 1 Option number 2

Securing the material

In the workbook, make a drawing of the part in 3 views. Apply dimensions.

Option number 3 Option number 4

Securing the material

Work on cards

Securing the material

Using colored pencils, complete the card assignment.

Amount (build up)


Assignment task

Oval -

Algorithm for constructing an oval

1. Construct an isometric projection of a square - a rhombus ABCD

2. Let's denote the points of intersection of a circle with a square 1 2 3 4

3. From the top of the rhombus (D) draw a straight line to point 4 (3). We get the segment D4, which will be equal to the radius of the arc R.

4. Draw an arc that connects points 3 and 4.

5. At the intersection of segment B2 and AC we get point O1.

At the intersection of the segment D4 and AC, we get the point O2.

6. From the obtained centers O1 and O2 draw arcs R1, which will connect points 2 and 3, 4 and 1.

Securing the material

Perform a technical drawing of the part, two types of which are given in Fig. 62

Graphic work No. 9

Detail sketch and technical drawing

1. What is called sketch?

Securing the material

Exercise tasks

Practical work No. 7

Reading Drawings

Graphic dictation

"Drawing and technical drawing of the part according to the verbal description"

Option number 1

Frame is a combination of two parallelepipeds, of which the smaller one is set with a large base in the center of the upper base of the other parallelepiped. Through the centers of the parallelepipeds, a through stepped hole runs vertically.

The total height of the part is 30 mm.

The height of the lower parallelepiped is 10 mm, the length is 70 mm, and the width is 50 mm.

The second parallelepiped is 50 mm long and 40 mm wide.

Bottom step hole diameter 35 mm, height 10 mm; the diameter of the second stage is 20 mm.


Option number 2

Support represents rectangular parallelepiped, to the left (smallest) face of which a half-cylinder is attached, which has a common lower base with the parallelepiped. In the center of the upper (largest) face of the parallelepiped, along its long side, there is a prismatic groove. At the base of the part there is a through hole of a prismatic shape. Its axis coincides in the top view with the axis of the groove.

The parallelepiped is 30 mm high, 65 mm long, 40 mm wide.

Half cylinder height 15 mm, base R 20 mm.

The groove width of the prismatic shape is 20 mm, the depth is 15 mm.

Hole width 10 mm, length 60 mm. The hole is located at a distance of 15 mm from the right edge of the support.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.

Option number 3

Frame is a combination of a square prism and a truncated cone, which stands with a large base in the center of the upper base of the prism. A through stepped hole passes along the axis of the cone.

The total height of the part is 65 mm.

The height of the prism is 15 mm, the size of the sides of the base is 70x70 mm.

The height of the cone is 50 mm, the bottom base is Ǿ 50 mm, the top is Ǿ 30 mm.

Bottom hole diameter 25 mm, height 40 mm.

The diameter of the upper part of the hole is 15 mm.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.

Option number 4

Sleeve is a combination of two cylinders with a stepped through hole that runs along the axis of the part.

The total height of the part is 60 mm.

Lower cylinder height 15 mm, base Ǿ 70 mm.

The base of the second cylinder Ǿ 45 mm.

Bottom hole Ǿ 50 mm, height 8 mm.

Top part of hole Ǿ 30 mm.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.

Option number 5

Base is a parallelepiped. In the center of the upper (largest) face of the parallelepiped, along its long side, there is a prismatic groove. There are two through cylindrical holes in the groove. The centers of the holes are spaced from the ends of the part at a distance of 25 mm.

The parallelepiped is 30 mm high, 100 mm long, 50 mm wide.

Groove depth 15 mm, width 30 mm.

Hole diameters 20 mm.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.

Option number 6

Frame is a cube, along the vertical axis of which there is a through hole: from above it is semi-conical, and then turning into a stepped cylindrical one.

The edge of the cube is 60 mm.

The depth of the semi-conical hole is 35 mm, the upper base is Ǿ 40 mm, the lower one is Ǿ 20 mm.

The height of the lower step of the hole is 20 mm, the base is Ǿ 50 mm. The diameter of the middle part of the hole is 20 mm.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.

Option number 7

Support is a combination of a parallelepiped and a truncated cone. The cone with its large base is placed in the center of the upper base of the parallelepiped. In the center of the smaller side faces of the parallelepiped, there are two prismatic cutouts. A cylindrical through hole Ǿ 15 mm was drilled along the axis of the cone.

The total height of the part is 60 mm.

The parallelepiped is 15 mm high, 90 mm long, 55 mm wide.

The diameters of the base of the cone are 40 mm (bottom) and 30 mm (top).

Prismatic cut-out length 20 mm, width 10 mm.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.

Option number 8

Frame is a hollow rectangular parallelepiped. In the center of the upper and lower base of the case, there are two conical lugs. A through hole of cylindrical shape Ǿ 10 mm passes through the centers of the tides.

The total height of the part is 59 mm.

The parallelepiped is 45 mm high, 90 mm long, 40 mm wide. The wall thickness of the parallelepiped is 10 mm.

The heights of the cones are 7 mm each, the bases Ǿ 30 mm and Ǿ 20 mm.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.

Option number 9

Support is a combination of two cylinders with one common axis... A through hole passes along the axis: from above it is a prismatic shape with a square base, and then a cylindrical shape.

The total height of the part is 50 mm.

Lower cylinder height 10 mm, base Ǿ 70 mm. The diameter of the base of the second cylinder is 30 mm.

The height of the cylindrical hole is 25 mm, the base is Ǿ 24 mm.

The side of the base of the prismatic hole is 10 mm.

Note: when applying dimensions, consider the part as one-piece.


Graphic work No. 11

"Drawing and pictorial representation of the part"

On an axonometric projection, build a drawing of the part in the required number of views at a scale of 1: 1. Apply dimensions.

Graphic work No. 10

Part Sketch with Construction Features

Draw a drawing of the part, from which the parts have been removed according to the applied markings. The direction of projection for building the main view is indicated by an arrow.

Graphic work No. 8

"Drawing of a part with transformation of its shape"

General concept to transform the form. Linking a drawing to markup

Graphic work

Execution of a drawing of an object in three forms with the transformation of its shape (by removing part of the object)

Carry out a technical drawing of the part, making notches of the same shape and size in the same place instead of the protrusions indicated by the arrows.

Assignment for logical thinking

Theme "Design of drawings"

Crossword "Projection"

1. The point from which the projection beams emanate in central projection.

2. What is obtained as a result of modeling.

3. The face of the cube.

4. The image obtained during projection.

5. In this axonometric projection, the axes are at an angle of 120 ° to each other.

6. In Greek this word means “double dimension”.

7. Side view of a person, object.

8. Curve, isometric projection of a circle.

9. The image on the profile plane of the projections is a view ...

Rebus on the topic "View"


Crossword "Axonometry"


1. Translated from French"front view".

2. Concept in drawing on what the projection of a point or object is obtained.

3. The border between the halves of a symmetrical part in the drawing.

4. Geometric body.

5. Drawing tool.

6. Translated from Latin"Throw, throw forward."

7. Geometric body.

8. Science about graphic images.

9. Unit of measurement.

10. Translated from Greek "double dimension".

11. Translated from French "side view".

12. In the drawing, "she" is thick, thin, wavy, etc.

Technical vocabulary of drafting

Term Definition of a term or concept
Analysis geometric shape subject
Main view
Additional view
Local view
Overall dimensions
Geometric body
Division of a circle
Division of a segment
Drawing tools
Tracing paper
Drawing layout
Curve curves
Circular curves
Line - leader
Extension line
Transition line
Dimension line
Solid line
Dashed line
Dash-dotted line
Monge method
Main inscription
Drawing outline
Circle in axonometric projection
Axonometric axes
Axis of rotation
Projection axis
Axis of symmetry
Projection plane
Axonometric projections
Isometric rectangular projection
Frontal dimetric oblique projection
The size
Dimensions overall
Dimensions constructive
Coordinating dimensions
Part item dimensions
The gap
Drawing frame
Technical drawing
Mating point
Simplifications and conventions
Drawing formats
Projection center
Mating center
Working drawing
Dimensional number
Reading a drawing
Hatching Hatching in perspective


Practical and graphic works on drawing

The notebook was developed by the teacher of the highest category of drawing and fine arts Nesterova Anna Aleksandrovna teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 1 in Lensk"

Introduction to the subject of drawing
Materials, accessories, drawing tools.

Topic: Graphic work No. 2 "Drawing of a flat part"

  1. Targets and goals:

Target: To acquaint students with the topic "Drawing of a flat part", symmetrical about one plane of symmetry. "

Objectives: 1 DEVELOPING : development of creative thinking.

2 EDUCATIONAL: the formation of independence, accuracy.

3 EDUCATIONAL: teach how to correctly position parts on the format, apply dimensions to drawings.

  1. Lesson type: combined.
  2. Equipment: drawing tools, notebook, textbook, teaching multimedia tables.
  3. Lesson plan:
  1. Org. moment.
  2. Homework check.
  3. Theoretical part.
  4. The practical part.
  5. House. exercise.
  6. Lesson summary.

During the classes:

Knowledge check:

Frontal work:

1) remember the types of lines and their style.

2) I ask questions about the application of dimensions.

3) work on the cards "Find the mistake"

Several students work at the blackboard (finish the drawing with the missing lines, build a 3-rd projection using 2-nd data, correct dimensioning), several students work at their workplaces.

Theoretical part:

Algorithm for building a part: APP (multimedia)

  1. Analysis of the geometric shape and symmetry of the part.
  2. Establishing the main view, analyzing its graphic composition, for example: a rectangle has rectangular cutouts, in the center - a circle. The image is symmetrical about one axis of symmetry.
  3. Selecting the format position: if the length is greater than the height, then - horizontally; if the height is greater than the length, then - vertically.
  4. Selecting the scale of the image.
  5. Determination of the working area of ​​the drawing.
  6. Compositional solution of the drawing:
  1. holding a vertical axis of symmetry.
  2. calculation of the placement of the overall rectangle along the height of the working field according to the formula
  1. building a dimensional rectangle.
  1. Layout and construction of the image:
  1. Refinement of the outer outline of the contour of the part.
  2. Refinement of the inner contour of the part.
  1. Dimensioning by length, height and thickness (overall dimensions)
  2. Stroke: circles, horizontal lines, vertical, oblique. Filling the title block in the drawing.

Practical part:

Task cards


Pages 30-31, Figure 36 (a, b)

Lesson summary:

1. What have you learned new?

2. What practical skills have been consolidated.

3. What new practical skills have you acquired?

4. What did you succeed in the lesson?

5. What else needs to be worked on.

6. Analysis and results, evaluate the work of students.


To use the preview of presentations, create yourself a Google account (account) and log into it: https://accounts.google.com

Slide captions:

Drawing of a "flat" part symmetric about one plane of symmetry Construction algorithm

1. Analysis of the geometric shape and symmetry of the part.

2. Establishing the main view, analyzing its graphic composition, for example: a rectangle has rectangular cutouts, in the center - a circle. The image is symmetrical about one axis of symmetry. Circles

3. Selecting the position of the format: if the length is greater than the height, then - horizontally; if the height is greater than the length, then - vertically. 50 120

4. Selecting the scale of the image. 5. Determination of the working area of ​​the drawing. Working field

6. Compositional solution of the drawing: a. holding a vertical axis of symmetry. b. calculation of the location of the overall rectangle along the height of the working field according to the formula in. building an outline rectangle. L slave. fields N N h det.

7. Layout and construction of the image: a. clarification of the outer outline of the contour of the part. b. clarification of the inner contour of the part.

8. Dimensioning in length, height and thickness. S

Stroke: circles, horizontal lines, vertical, oblique. Filling the title block. S

In fig. 37 shows an example of a variant of the task for performing the computational-graphic work "Projection drawing", as well as a visual image of a given part with a cutout.

The drawing of the part made according to this assignment in three projections with the correct dimensions is shown in Fig. 38. This example will help students understand their assignment, get started with graphic work and avoid numerous mistakes in its design.

Recall that there are only two projections of the part in the task, therefore the dimensions are distributed over two images. However, when designing a drawing, dimensions should be applied evenly on all three projections.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the number of images of a part (types, sections, sections) should be the smallest, but providing a complete picture of its design when using the set in corresponding standards of symbols, signs and inscriptions.


    Popova G.N., Alekseeva S.Yu. Mechanical engineering drawing: Handbook. -L .: Mechanical engineering, Leningrad. branch, 1986.

    Levitsky V.S. Mechanical engineering drawing. - M .: graduate School, 1988.

    Gordon V.O., Sementsov-Ogievsky N.A. Descriptive geometry course. - M .: Nauka, 1994.

    Frolov S.A. Descriptive geometry. - M .: Mechanical Engineering, 1978.

Application. Variants of assignment for computational and graphic work

Variants of the assignment for computational and graphic work on the topic "Projection drawing" are given in table. P1. The rules for choosing a variant of the assignment are determined by the teacher.

Table A1. Variants of the assignment for the RGR on the topic "Projection drawing"









