Who is who in the RVSN. Zakharov Vladimir Leonidovich

Fancy attacks

Cavkorpus continuously spent unsuccessful fights, seeking to break through through the Warsaw highway.

The Germans, as always, having tightening the mobile reserve on the highway, with the help of fire of artillery, tanks and aviation, easily defeated his attacks. Now the fighters survived were in deep snow, on a strong frost, hungry, exhausted battles and sleepless nights. And those who do not fall asleep, will not freeze and wait for the darkness, will be able to move away to the nearest settlements, it will be possible to rebuild, at least a little snack, but the most important thing is to calm down if tomorrow at dawn will not be sent to battle tomorrow. In the evening in the house of the chief of intelligence of the building A.K. Kononenko entered the Communication Head Colonel Bukhiko and said:

- Deputy Zhukova General G.F. Zakharov * ". He is from Belov. Driving on Sanya from Kaluga himself, it was visible, I was afraid to fly on U-2. Causes you with a report.

When Kononenko entered Belov's house, there was a stranger with a wide, sullen face of an unfamiliar general. He silently showed him on the table with his hand, giving to understand where he should deploy his card for the report. Kononenko reported that on the site of the Warsaw highway, where the body was unsuccessfully tried to break through, the 10th German Money Motion was defended, and the right and left - 34th, as well as the 216th Infantry Divisions. All indicated compounds were part of the 4th German army. The depth of the defense of the Germans was small. The highways were located in the settlements, adapting them, as a rule, to circular defense. The roads between such items were cleared, and they patrolled tanks and armored personnel carriers.

* Georgy Fedorovich Zakharov (1897-1957). In the Soviet Army and the CPSU since 1919. A participant in the Civil War. Since 1939, after the end of the Military Academy, the General Staff is the head of the Ural Staff. Since June 1941 - Major General. During the war, the head of the headquarters of the 22nd Army, the head of the headquarters and the commander of the Bryansky front, from December 1941 to May 1942 - Deputy Commander of the Western Front, then the head of the headquarters and deputy commander of a number of fronts, from June to November 1944 - Commander of the 2nd Belarusian Front, then the commander of the 4th GW. army. Since 1944 - Army General. After the war, Committing the Military District. (Great Patriotic War, Encyclopedia, p. 282).

The general listened, without interrupting, but the fingers on his hands and the knees trembled. He quietly asked with some hiss: "Well, one lousy division of the Germans is defended in front of you, and you are going to batch in place in place and you can't break through her weak defense?" He fell silent, deeply inhaled the air, delayed and said again: "In addition, you have two small divisions, and you ..." And he cursed dirty, with difficulty holding away anger. The general one, it can be seen, did not know that the light cavalry divisions, and the two rifle divisions had less than three thousand people each, which is the main burden of combat, lay on two Guards Cavalry Divisions. But they went to the attack on the tanks and the fortifications of the Germans almost with bare hands, carried huge losses.

"No, Comrade General," replied Kononenko, - without tanks, without artillery through the highway we should not break through. We will put all people, and there will be no success. And the division of the Germans is not so Parshiva, as you said, she has almost ten thousand people, there are enough tanks, in an unlimited amount of ammunition, her soldiers are heated in settlements and in specially equipped dugouts, it does not feel a shortage of food, and we? We fight with almost bare hands and, in addition, the injignment, we even have a horse often remain without fuez, and what is the sense from the cavalry, if his horse is hungry? "

The misfortune of Kononenko, as it turned out, was in the inability to crush the soul.

Zakharov sharply moved his reporting card, giving it to understand that the report was over, sat on a chair and, often breathe, asked: "And why don't you have tanks, artillery, shells, min?" He took a deep breath, took a pause, jumped up and shouted pickedly: "So-y-u? Where is food?! Where are your rear?! " And again rudely swore. The question was asked clearly not to the address. In addition, the answer should be kept on such questions. The front of the front clearly did not cope with his responsibilities for ensuring and supplying troops. He worked in the dissonance with the tasks that the commander put the troops. Or maybe the commander acted in dissonance with the capabilities of the rear?

Kononenko watched Zakharov in surprise. That sweated, his eyes, who came out of the orbits, did not see anyone. He rushed to Kononenko. In the face of which he cried the blow of the pistol "Walter" and shouted to Fallete: "Shot, bastard, who should clear the road I, yes?! I myself went to you on the sleigh! I - deputy. Complert! " At the same moment, the representative of Aviation, General Nikolanko, appeared between them. He easily, with his left hand pulled Zakharov's gun, and in his right hand he held the cigarette "Kazbek" with a revealed box. Running the box almost to the very face of the sworded general, he calmly and persistently told: "Do not worry, snack a cigarette, snack, zero!" At the same time, with his left hand for his back he made Kononenko signs - go away.

Returning to his house, Kononenko caught there Bukhiko and the head of the special department of the Cobernyuk. In a few words told them about the "report."

"Do not pay attention," said Cobernyuk, "I know this abnormal time from a pre-war time, he then chose a" number ". In short, we will not give you offense. Beleov will arrive, we will talk to him on this issue. "

In the evening, General Belov arrived and headquarters headquarters Colonel of Greeks. Zakomfront, after a stormy scandal, I slept tightly, and General Nikolanko told them in detail about what happened.

General Belov called Kononenko and asked: "Well, how did you like the new" bomber "?". With the light hand of Belova, all the headquarters began to call General Zakharov "Bomber". But he brought the corpus much more misfortunes and victims than a bomber could bring.

Only later, carefully looking at the actions, the words and actions of Zakharov, Kononenko, as he writes, I understood what a terrible malice was filled with all his creature, as he wildly hated people. An angry mist is his and so not a clear reason. In his old notebook about Zakharov, it is written: "... He is so abundant and tightly filled with anger that no other qualities can already be accommodated in it. Glory to many generals comes through the mountains of corpses. Their glory is always accompanied by death. There was no case that the general refuses the awarded award due to the fact that his merit cost hundreds of times more lives and blood than could cost. I always caused a bewilderment, as such people as Zakharov and such people, trust and subjugate the troops? ".

Zakharov G. F.

A source: www.biograph-soldat.ru.
Date: 1950s

Zakharov Georgy Fedorovich - General, Member of the First World War and Great Patriotic War.

Georgy Zakharov was born in the family of a peasant-poor man on April 23 (May 5) of 1897, in now the existing village of Shilovo Kamyshin district (modern territory of the Krasnoarmeysky district). In 11 years, Georgy got into Saratov, where he worked on plants and warehouses, he studied at Sunday School. Since 1915, in the royal army, after graduating from the school, in 1916, he fell on the West Front of the First World War, where he fought in the rank of a podoruk. After the October Revolution, he returned to Saratov, in 1919 he joined the RCP (b) and from August of the same year he fought with White Guards on the Eastern Front, commanding the 4th rifle rotary of the 51st separate battalion of the 4th Army. In 1920 he graduated from Saratov infantry courses, in one of the battles of the Civil War in the Urals, was injured, after treatment, he commanded the 1st Rifle battalion in Vladikavkaz. In 1923, Zakharov graduated from the courses "Shot", in 1933 - the Frunze Military Academy, in 1939 - the Military Academy of the General Staff, after which, before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he headed the headquarters of the Ural Military District. After the attack of Hitler's Germany on the USSR Georgy Fedorovich since August 1941 to May 1942 was the head of the headquarters of the 22nd Army, the headquarters of the Bryansk Front and the Deputy Commander of the Western Front forces (participated in particular Rzhev-Vyazemsky operations), then headquartered for three months North Caucasian Front, from August 1942 to February 1943 he was the head of the headquarters and the deputy commander of the troops of the Southeast, Stalingrad and South Fronts. From February to July 1943 he commanded the 51st Army, then until June 1944 - the 2nd Guards Army (Donbass Offensive Operation, Forcing Dnieper, Fights Behind Crimea and Sevastopol), after which four months was the commander of the troops 2nd Belorussky Front. On July 28, 1944, Georgia Fedorovich Zakharov was awarded the rank of army general. Until March 1945, Zakharov headed the 4th Guards Army (Budapest, Balaton defensive and Vienna offensive operation), ended the war by the Deputy Commander of the 4th Ukrainian Front. With the onset of peacetime, he held different team positions, was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 3rd convocation. Professional and personal qualities of Zakharov received different estimates, from critical at the initial stage of war to positive with the development of the offensive of Soviet troops. The general was remembered as a person of proud, harsh and sometimes capable of rudeness. Georgy Fedorovich died on January 26, 1957, was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery (the grave is decorated with a sculptural monument).

Head of Staff 33 Rocket Division 1991-1995

Commander of the 42nd Rocket Division 12/30/194 - 21.12.96

He graduated from the Serpukhov Higher Military Command and Engineering School (1976), the Command Faculty of the Military Academy. F.E. Dzerzhinsky with honors (1987).

He served in the rocket troops in positions: Senior Operator Engineer, Deputy Commander of the Group, Commander of the Preparation and Starting Group, Deputy Commander of the Division for Combat Management, Division Commander, Commander of the Rocket Regiment, Chief of the Division Staff, Commander of the Rocket Division (Nizhny Tagil) , Head of the Chita Rocket Army headquarters, Head of the Omsk Rocket Army, Deputy Head of the RVSN Military Academy. Peter the Great (since 2004), Head of the RVSN Military Academy. Peter the Great (since 2009).

In December 1994, Colonel V.L. Zakharov is appointed commander of the rocket division (Nizhny Tagil).

His substituents were: Deputy Commander of Division Colonel A.A. Bashlakov, Deputy Armed Forces Colonel A.N. Bulls, Head of Staff Colonel A.V. The cat subsequently became the commander of the division after Vladimir Leonidovich.

In the fighting part of the rocket division from 1961 to 1977 were the first-generation rockets of the R-16U, then from 1978 to 1985, the RAST-10 Rockets ("Pioneer"), which were then replaced by missiles of the RC-12M rocket complex "Poplar". Commander of Division General V.L. Zakharov had directly supervised, putting on the combat duty of the last regiments with PGRK "Poplar".

By 1995, the rocket regiments of PGRK "Topol" were put in the missile division. Since 1995, the main form of training of division regiments was low-cost methods of teaching subordinates. The organization of combat training of troops was constantly adjusted in conditions of limited funding.

The peculiarity of these years in the division was a sharp increase in all points of management of the number of computing equipment, new software. The officer of the division began to study computer equipment and programming. This was facilitated by the attitude of the division commander, who seen the prospect of developing these issues. The tasks of the development of infrastructure of the positional regions of the Division, the preparation of military patrol routes and support for them in good condition remain important.

In 1995, in the rocket division began a phased replacement of the armament of the Topol missile complex for technique with improved characteristics. The final stage of the modernization of weapons was reconstruction and setting on combat duty of stationary command points of rocket regiments.

Vladimir Leonidovich Division commanded confident. Subordinates believed demanding, without overlooking and excessive persuasion. He ahead of time (for 2.5 years), the rank of colonel was assigned to the position of the regiment commander. He independently decided to still be the head of the Rocket Division headquarters and skillfully controlled their execution. I found good interaction with the commander of Major General G.A. Kuniev. The division was always on a good account in the RVSN, equipped, but on political decisions in connection with the deployment in Belarus, it was transferred to the combat staff of the Vladimir Rocket Army, and then disbanded.

The experience of passing service from Colonel V.L. Zakharova was large enough, so he came to the post of commander of the Tagil Rocket Division, he came to the trained commander, the formation was quickly ...

In the division there were problematic issues, since the division was part of the inner military district and therefore experienced difficulties in supply. Climatic conditions are also not from the best - mining terrain, snowy winter, poor condition of roads of battle patrol routes and the need to maintain them in the right state.

After the command of the Division, Major General V.L. Zakharov is appointed to the position of headquarters of the Chita Rocket Army, and then the Omsk Rocket Army. In these posts managed to organize the necessary interaction with the troops of military districts and, first of all, with commander and headquarters.

From the post of headquarters of the Omsk Rocket Army, Major General V.L. Zakharov is appointed by the Deputy Head of the RVSN Military Academy. Peter the Great. In this position, thanks to its military experience, knowledge, respect for people, interest in solving many issues of the Academy's personnel won the honored authority of officers and civilian personnel. Vladimir Leonidovich becomes an authority among the professorical and teaching staff in the field of military theory and practice.

It should be noted that at this time Vladimir Leonidovich is elected by the Chairman of the Council of the Vetaran Organization of the Tagil Rocket Division. Using the respect from the veterans of the Division, in its public work, primary attention pays for the involvement of all veterans to active work on clarification among young people of the rocket troops.

V.L. Zakharov independently prepared outside the walls of the RVSN Military Academy in the troops and defended his thesis in 2006 on important issues of covering positional districts from the enemy. Currently, in the walls of the Academy, fruitfully works on a doctoral dissertation. Perfectly dealt with the combat use of RVSN.

In February 2009, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Head of the RVSN Academy. Peter the Great - 30th for the entire period of its existence.

Awarded orders "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" II and III degree, "For military merit", as well as medals and signs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

(Rod. 06/18/1953 in der. Old Rudnya Novosybkovsky district of Bryansk region), Lieutenant-General (2005), Candidate of Military Sciences (2006). In the Armed Forces from July 1971. He graduated from the Serpukhov Higher Military Command School. Leninsky Komsomol (1976), Military Academy. F.E. Dzerzhinsky (1987).

From July 1976 in the Mozyr Rocket Division: Engineer - Senior Operator, from April 1977 Deputy Commander of the Group, from July 1978 Commander of the Preparation and Starting Group, from February 1980 Deputy Commander of the Division on Combat Management since October 1981, the commander of the Division, and from February 1985, the head Staff - Deputy Commander of the Rocket Shelf. Since July 1987, the commander of the rocket Alexandrian Red-known Order of Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Regiment of the Romena Division. Since February 1991, the head of the headquarters is the Deputy Commander of the Mozyr Rocket Division. Since December 1994, the commander of the Lower Tagil Rocket Division. From December 1996 Head of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Chita Rocket Army. Since June 1999, the head of the headquarters is the first deputy commander of the Omsk Guards Rocket Army. From August 2004 Deputy Head, since October 2008 Head of the RVSN Military Academy. Peter the Great. In February 2009, he was appointed Head of the RVSN Military Academy. Peter the Great.

Awarded: orders "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 2 Art. (1991) and 3 tbsp. (1985), "For military merit" (1996) and medals.

General Georgy Fedorovich Zakharov is one of the most educated leadersar of the Red Army. By the time of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, his shoulders had already had tremendous experience and participation in battles. He commanded the Roths, battalions, shelves, fronts, armies and military districts. About how the combat path of the Soviet military leader, we will tell in the article.

early years

Georgy Zakharov was born on 04/23/1897 in the village of Shilovo Saratov province. His parents were poor peasants, the family consisted of thirteen people. When Georgia was eleven years old, his father took him to Saratov to study at Sunday School. In parallel with this, the boy worked as a student on a clove plant, then a warehouse in a warehouse, then an assistant in tailoring and shoe workshops. So the childhood and youth of the future general passed.

Zakharov entered military service in 1915. A year later graduated from the school of ensigns. He was a member of the First World War: in the rank of a podoruk, he fought on the West Front and led Polurota.

Interwar period

When Georgy Fedorovich returned to Saratov, he was appointed to command a partisan detachment, and then sent to the Ural Front. From August 1919, he fought on the Eastern Front with White Guards, led the rifle rota. In 1920 he graduated from infantry courses in Saratov. In the Urals, in one of the battles received a rather serious injury and was forced to pass long treatment. After recovery, I went to Vladikavkaz to command a rifle battalion.

In 1922, Zakharov was submitted to Moscow to study at the "Shot" courses. He graduated from the first category and in 1923 was appointed commander of the battalion. This post was not long, after which he began to lead the regiment of cadets of the Military Kremlin School of VTCIK. Once, George Fedorovich summoned Vladimir Ilyich Lenin himself and began to be interested in how students live.

In 1929, Zakharov was appointed commander-commissioner regiment of the Moscow Proletarian Division and during the same period entered the RKKA Military Academy for the evening course. At the end of their studies in 1933, he received the post of Department of Rifle Division. Since March of the same year in the Military Engineering Academy. Kuibysheva was headed by the Department of Tactical and Technical Administration, from May 1935 - the Department of Engineering Support. In 1936, Zakharov appropriated the title of Major, at the same time he was appointed by the head of the headquarters of the Leningrad Rifle Corps.

In 1937, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) was sent by Georgy Fedorovich to study at the Military Academy of the General Staff. Upon graduation in 1939, he received the title of Colonel and became at the headquarters of the Ural Military District. In this position, it remained before the beginning of the Patriotic War. In June 1940, Zakharov assigned the title of Major General.

During the years

When the war began, Georgy Fedorovich headed the headquarters of the twenty-second army. Marshal A. Eremenko in his memories responded about him as a very volitional man, but rude and hot-tempered. From August 1941, General Zakharov was the head of the headquarters of the Bryansky Front, and from October - the commander of the troops of the same Front.

In December 1941, he was appointed a deputy in the western front troops, then he headed the headquarters of the North Caucasian and Stalingrad fronts. According to General S. Ivanova, Georgy Fedorovich was a harsh person and no longer for the staff, but to team work.

In October 1942 - February 1943 General Zakharov was a depositant for the troops of the Southern and Stalingrad fronts. The colleagues responded about him as a smart military leader who did not emphasize his influence, did not infringe upon the pride of the soldiers and skillfully suggested if incorrect decisions were taken.

Since February 1943, Georgy Fedorovich was in the position of commander of the fifty-first army of the South Front. As a commander participated in the Mius operation. Then he managed the second Guards Army of the same Front, and from July 1944 he moved to the Second Belarusian Front, where he was commander. Zakharov stood at the head of the front during the Belarusian and Lomza-Rujan offensive operations. At the end of July 1944 he was assigned the title of General Army.

From November 1944, the warlord commanded the fourth Guards Army. Lieutenant-General I. Anornos responded about Georgia Fedorovich as a self-confident man, not devoid of talent and abilities. From April 1945, Zakharov became the departure of the fourth Ukrainian front troops and in this position met victory.

Post-war years

After the war, Georgy Fedorovich commanded the troops of the East Siberian and South Ural Military Districts. In 1950-1953 He was the head of the "Shot" courses. Then headed the main department for the preparation of the ground forces. In 1950-1954 He was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

General Zakharov died on 01/26/1957 in Moscow. He was buried on the metropolitan urban cemetery, the grave decorate the sculptural composition. Together with George Fedorovich, his spouse, Maria Pavlovna, is resting.


Georgy Fedorovich passed a big fighting path and was awarded many orders and medals. He is the owner of the Order of Lenin; three orders of Suvorov, two of which are the first degree, and one - the second; four orders of a red banner. In January 1943, the warlord was awarded the Order of Kutuzov of the first degree. He also has the Order of B. Khmelnitsky first degree.


In May 1975, one of the squares of Sevastopol was assigned the name of Zakharov. In 1944, during the liberation of the city from Nazis, Georgy Fedorovich in the rank of lieutenant-General commanded the second Guards army. The opponents planned to strike on the northern side of Sevastopol and the Paint Isthmus, but our soldiers led to Zakharov managed to break through the strengthening at the scene and the first to reach the northern direction. As a result of the competent leadership of the army, combat operations ended with the liberation of the city.

Zakharov Square in Sevastopol is located in the Nakhimovsky district, at the passenger pier. Until 1975, she was called North, and until 1934, O. Schmidt, Head of the Ice Treasury Expedition Head, was named.

In April 2010, in the Republic of Belarus issued a commemorative coin in honor of George Zakharov and the Second Belarusian Front. At the monetary sign depicts a portrait of a general.