Sheet appears. Poor babe, poorly modulated speech, lubricated articulation

Masalepan was Natalia.
The development of speech begins with a cry of a newborn. It has been proven that the cry is carried out by subcortical structures of the brain. In the period up to 3 months, it is of definitely reflexive character, and after the conditionally reflex and becomes intonationally expressive.
Up to 3 months:
Normally: Creek is a loud, clean, medium or low tone, with a short breath and an elongated exhalation (UA-A-A), a duration of at least 1-2 seconds, without intonational expressiveness. The crying is dominated by voice sounds that have a nasal shade (e, ah).
In children with cerebral palsy (dysarthria): Creek may be absent in the first weeks or is painful. Creek is weak, short, high tone; It can be shrill or very quiet, similar to sobbing or screaming (which the child usually produces on inhalation). A painful feature is also a nasal shade of voice. In severe cases, the cry may be absent in general (Aphony). All of the above is noted due to a violation of the tone of articulation and respiratory muscles.
In the period of the newborn, the cry arises for hunger, cold, pain, and from 2 months to stop communicating with a child or changing the position of his body. From the same age, the appearance of a cry before bed with the overexcitation of the child is noted.
From 3 months:
Normally: the development of the intonational characteristic of the cry begins: the cry is modified depending on the state of the child. A child in different ways signals his mother about painful sensation, feeling of hunger, discomfort due to wet diapers, etc. Gradually, the frequency of the scream is reduced and a heating appears instead.
Pathology: Creek remains monotonous, short, quiet, little modulated, often with a nasal tint. The intonation expressiveness of the scream does not develop: there are no differentiated intonations expressing shades of joy, discontent, requirements. Creek is not a means of expressing the condition of the child and his desires.
At the following stages of development, the cry began to acquire the nature of the active response of the protest. So, at the age of 6-9 months, the child shouts in response to the appearance of unfamiliar people. By the end of 1 year, the child screams loudly in response to the fact that he selected one or another item. He cries his protest but attitude to dressing, seeding with feeding, etc. Creek arises as a familiar reaction to any unpleasant stimulus who influenced it once. It can be trimming nails, bathing in a bath, etc. It is characteristic that these negative emotional reactions arising as combination reflexes in children with cerebral paralysis are quickly fixed.
1. Mastiukova E. M., Ippolitova M.V. Violation of speech in children with cerebral paralysis: CN. For speech therapist, M.: Enlightenment, 1985.
2. Prikhodko OG Early help to children with motor pathology in the first years of life: a methodological manual. - SPb.: Karo, 2006.

Mased Bocharkov Anastasia.
The consultation is a kind of predetermined vocalization of the child of the first months of life, to which there are broken soft singel sounds or syllables: "A-A-A-A", "Ga-A", "Gu-U-y", "A-GU" and etc. Usually appears at the end of the first - beginning of the second month of life and noted until the appearance of the lepture (approximately six to seven months) (S.Yu. Mescheryakova)
Spontaneous short sound sounds in children with cerebral palsy appear with a delay of 3-5 months, and some children appear only by the end of the first year of life. The pathology of voice reactions in children with motor disorders can be expressed in varying degrees: in the form of a complete absence or inferiority, specific features of pronouncing the sounds of the humor. The complete absence of voice reactions is observed only in children with severe damage to the nervous system. The inferiority of voice reactions is manifested in the lack of or poverty of the intonational expressiveness of the consideration, the absence of even the elements of self-resolution, poverty and monotony of sound complexes, the rarity of their occurrence. The monotony of sounds are combined with their specific utterance: sounds are quiet, fuzzy, often with a nasal tint that do not correspond to phonetic units of the language.
Most often, children in the period from 3 to 6 months emit undifferentiated vowel sounds and their combinations: [a], [s], [e], [ue], [EO], [uh], and posterior sounds [g], [ To], [x], are absent, since the root of the tongue is necessary for their articulation, which in children with cerebral paralysis is extremely difficult due to its voltage and limiting mobility. The intonation color does not have these sounds. Most children need constant stimulation of sprouting the sounds of a humid.
Separate undifferentiated sounds are essential elements. At the same time, they are short, devoid of singers of sound. The posterior sounds ("g", "k", "x") are often absent in the ground, since the root of the tongue is necessary for their articulation, which is difficult due to its voltage and limiting mobility.
With pseudobulbar symptoms, violations of voice formation and screaming are preserved. In the spasticity of the articulatory muscles, an increased tone of the tongue and lips appears. Language is tense, the tip of the tongue is not expressed, the lips are tense, which causes the limit of arbitrary movements during the articulation.
In hypotension, the lethargy of the chewing and mimic muscles of the articulator muscles is noted. In children, she is larger, as a result of which the mouth is semi-open. In the case of dystonia, the muscles of the articulation are constantly reduced, which is accompanied by hyperkinetic components.
In children with cerebral palsy, muscle hypertension is reflected in the pathological symptoms of asymmetric shain-tonic reflex. Pathological growth of tone in the muscles of the language and lips, sharp hypertension or hypotension, lack of arbitrary movements of the articulation organs, postural activity, friendly movements, arbitrary manual motility are clear indicators of delay in the formation of motor activity, as well as in the appearance of chain rectifier reflexes.
At the age of 6-9 months, most children are extremely low risk activity.
In children with severe lesions of the articulation apparatus, there is no voice activity for a long time. The time of self-resolution in the meservation ranges from five months to a year, which is significantly lagging behind the norm. Many children self-resistant in the mooring are not observed at all.
Due to the fact that in children with cerebral paralysis, the sounds of the humor are monotonous and inexpressive, they cannot serve as a means of communication with others, which in turn adversely affects the process of forming the need for speech communication and leads to a delay in mental development as a whole.
It should also be noted that the low activity of the rusty slows down the course of the formation of spectual and resistant analyzers.
1. Archipova E.F. Correctional work with children with cerebral paralysis. Dorceiver period: book for speech therapist. - M.: Enlightenment
2. Badalyan L.O., Zhurba L.T., Timonina O.V. Children's cerebral paralysis. - Kiev: Health, 1988
3. Gritisko OG. Early help to children with motor pathology in the first years of life: a methodological manual. - SPb.: Karo, 2006

Mary Mary shahina.
Sheet is essential in the development of speech. In the period of laying (6-9 months) there is a compound of individual articulation into a linear sequence, which is considered a significant mechanism of the phrase formation. Sheet is a reuse of syllables under the control of hearing. Thus, during the lepture period, the vocal integration is necessary for speech.
The child first repeats the sounds, as if imitating himself (Autoeholalia), and later begins to imitate the sounds of adult (Echolalia). To do this, he must hear sounds, select the most frequently audible and simulate its own vocalization. The stand of canonical vocalization is characterized by the repetition of two identical syllables (Ba-Ba, Pa Para, Ma-Ma, Da-yes). In addition to typical recurrent syllables, the child also pronounces individual syllables and vowels. In the brand, each sound is articulated on exhalation, that is, coordination between breathing and articulation is trained.
During the povel period there is a further improvement of the overall motility of the child: the functions of the seating, crawling, the capture of items and manipulate them are formed. A close relationship was found between the severity of the shepherd and common rhythmic repeated engine reactions. It has been established that the total rhythmic motor activity stimulates the development of the lepture.
Approximately 6-7 months, shell acquires a socialized character. The child makes one more when communicating with adults. He listens to others. Gradually begins to use voice reactions to attract attention to others.
A characteristic of the healthy child of this age is that the pronouncement of sounds is becoming a type of its activity. At the same time, a healthy child begins to develop the initial understanding of the proceeding speech, it begins to pay attention to the movements and actions of an adult and understand their meaning.
During this period, the child can simultaneously look at the subject and utter bell sounds. He seems to listen both of himself and the adult, "says" himself, but also with his surroundings.
Children with cerebral paralysis usually noted the absence or extreme rudimentaryness of the lepture. The sounds issued by them are monotonous, intonationally inexpressive. The child cannot arbitrarily change the height and volume of the voice.
Most often, there are violations of children with motor disorders, there are violations A, E and lip-lifts consonants M, P, B (if the tone of the circular muscle of the mouth is not expressed). The most characteristic of the povert are combinations of vowels A, e with lifting consonants: Pa, Ba, Ma, Ama, APA. Rarely encounter lip-tooth, front, medium, posterior sound sounds. There are almost no opposition opponents of the consonants: ringing deaf, solid soft, flush slot.
The pronouncement of individual sounds is often accompanied by a general increase in muscle tone, the appearance of violent movements. The reaction to the converted speech is manifested by poor sound complexes, devoid of emotional color. Most often, the voice activity of children in this period at the level of humiliation. Self-resistance in the mercy is just beginning to develop. The desire for sound resistance is usually absent or expressed slightly.
Sound activity is extremely low. The child does not try with sounds to contact with others. This is combined with impairment of motor development: the child usually does not sit by the end of the year or is sitting unstable, it is not worth it, does not go, it does not take place, it does not have or poorly expressed substantive and manipulative activity. In the motor sphere, a violation characteristic of a cerebral paralysis is detected in the form of muscle tone pathology, the presence of zotonic reflexes, lack of coordination of movements.
1.Mastuyukova E. M., IPPolitova M. V.Naping speech in children with cerebral paralysis: KN. For speech therapist. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985.
2. Grittleko OG, early assistance to children with motor pathology.: Methodical manual. C - St. Petersburg: Publisher "Karo", 2006
3.Smirnova E.O., Children's Psychology: Textbook for universities. 3rd ed., Pererab. - SPb.: Peter, 2010. - 299 p.

First words.
Amounted to Mironenko Marina.
With the appearance of the child first words begins the stage of formation of active speech. At this time, the child appears special attention to the articulation of others. He is very much and willingly repeats for the speaker and says words. At the same time, the kid confuses the sounds, rearranges them in places, distorts, lowers.
The first words of the child are generalized and semantic. One and the same word or sounding it can be denoted by the subject, and request, and feelings. You can understand the child only in a specific situation.
Individual timing of the appearance of speech fluctuate. So, most of the children-dysarthritis in the second year of life are on the precomply level of development. At the beginning of the second year, they have a decrease in the need for speech communication and low voice activity. The child prefers to communicate with gestures, faithful and scream. Usually such children utter a few words, and sometimes they are delayed the development of the initial understanding of the processed speech.
The age dynamics of the speech development of children with dysarthria depends on many factors: localization and severity of brain lesions; early beginnings, systematic and adequacy of correctional speech therapy work; The state of the child's intelligence.
The first three years of life in children with cerebrals and motor disorders syndromes there is a slowest rate of speech development. In the second year of life, the development of common motility is usually ahead of the development of speech. His first words children begin to pronounce about 2-3 years. By the end of the early age, only some of them communicate with the surrounding and short proposals from 2-3x words.
In the systematic conducting correctional speech therapy occupations by the end of the 3rd year of life, the tempo of speech development begins to be ahead of the development of the general motorcycle of the child.
A phrase speech is usually formed by 4-5 years, and in the older preschool age (5-7 years) there is its intensive development. As a rule, children do not implement their speech opportunities in communication (single-lined stereotypical answers give to the questions).
The active dictionary at an early age increases extremely slowly, the passive dictionary greatly exceeds it, we are talking about long for a long time. The relationship between the word, the subject and action is established with difficulty. Due to the inaccuracy, non-systematization, and often the erroneousness of the knowledge and ideas about the child around the child occurs a variable decrease in the dictionary and its slow formation. Children do not have the necessary language means to characterize various items and phenomena. The margin of words denoting actions, signs and quality of objects is particularly limited in such children.
Restriction of speech communication, violation of auditory perception and attention, low speech activity and underdevelopment of cognitive activity cause serious violations in the formation of a grammatical system of speech, as a result of which grammatical forms and categories are learned with difficulty. Children are difficult to use the right case endings, approval of words in the proposal and when building proposals.
In children with dysarthria, the phonetic side of speech is not enough. At an early age, many sounds are absent. In the consequence, some of them pronounced distortionally or replaced by close articulation. For children with this violation, a pathological assimilation of the background is characterized (the sequence of their assimilation does not coincide with the same sequence at the norm).
Thus, children appear defective articulation stacked, which are subsequent as the formation of a pathological speech stereotype. And most children have violations of phonderatic perception.
1. Archipova E.F. Correctional work with children with cerebral paralysis. - M., 1989.
2. Balobanova V.P., Bogdanova L.G., Venediktova L.V. and others. Diagnosis of violations of speech in children and organizing speech therapy work in a pre-school educational institution. - SPb.: Childhood press, 2001.
3. Gritisko OG. Early help to children with motor pathology: methodical manual. - SPb.: Publisher "Karo", 2006.


Lepet, or "bad speech," - the stage of the child's deranged development, as follows for the consideration and preceding the emergence of the first words and phrases. It appears in about the late first - beginning of the second half of the life of the child and lasts until the end of the first year.

Later stage (aged 8.5-9 months) - " modulated Lepet.", Or" melodic bow ", when a child is able to repeat the intonation and sequence of sounds as a repeat of the speech of an adult. At this stage, using open syllables, the child is already beginning to identify them objects of the outside world.

see also



  • Lepot (developmental psychology. Dictionary / under. Ed. A. L. Hungarian)
  • Primary vocalization, roaking and baking (psycholinguistics: general course)

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Watch what is "leaf" in other dictionaries:

    Sheet, Lepet, MN. No, husband. 1. The incoherent, obscure speech. Baby talk. Infant basting. || Gentle chatter, easy conversation (poet.). "Their languid gaze, a brought tolets no longer domineer." Pushkin. 2. Turn. Innight, light noise, sound ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    SUD Pulling the leisure of the dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 informatrary. 2012. Sundays., Number of synonyms: 7 Buttology ... Synonym dictionary

    lepet - Sheet, poverty, talk. Lopotage poverty, talk. burst Dictionary of Tezaurus Synonyms of Russian Speech

    Sheet, a, husband. Incoherent, obscure speech (child). Children's (also to transfer: about what n. Neelenizumny, unconvincing). Lp L. Ruch (overrun). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Lepet - A variety of predic vocalization of a child, appearing at the end of the first beginning of the second half of life. It is a variety of combinations of repeating syllables or individual syllables of the type "TA", "BA", "MA", etc. Used ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    lepet - A, m. 1) Incorrect, incoherent, unclear child speech. Who is given and the first smile and the first children's bastard? (Mamin Sibiryak). 2) unbelieving; Neelective reasoning, an explanation, etc. To what is now sobbing, empty praise unnecessary ... Popular Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Lepet - Sounds that publish babies may be produced without intent to express any meaning. When items gradually begins to include sounds typical of a child's speech environment and used for communication, various ... ... Explanatory dictionary of psychology

    Children's bow [on the lawn]. . Presenter. What is l. meaningless, very simple, frivolous. ZS 1996, 335, 378; Vakhitov 2003, 46 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    lepet - See: Children's pushing on a green lawn ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

    lepet - Sheet, A, M Language phenomenon Speech of the child: The inconclusive, unclear, incorrect. The speech of the children of the first year of life is "hurt" and pushing ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns


  • Children's bow, Larisa Maksimova. Volodya Chernov suggested me to lead in the story of the story of the Story heading Children's pusket. Namely, take in children whose parents are stars, an interview about their difficult childhood. I sluggish ...

Baby babies - Topic Development Stage. Before the transition to it, it goes, and after the first words and even phrases appear. Chronologically children's bowls take place in the second half of the first year - appears approximately 6-7 months and is replaced by the next stage at the beginning of the second year of the child's life.

Baby babies: Features of the stage of land development

Speaking of children's bowel, we mean sister-like vocalization. An open syllables of the child expresses its demands and desires, and often just "plays." Pediatricians note that the baby's bowing goes hand in hand with an objective manipulative care of the baby. Over time, the sludge chains acquire more and more diversity: they are not only the same (ba-ba; ma-ma; pa-pa, etc.), but also a variety of syllables (such, bu-ba and t. d.)

  • At the beginning, the composition of the babies of the child is diverse, although it is quite chaotic: the character of the sounds and their sequence is quite difficult to determine. Over time, the baby appears "Favorite" sounds - the composition of the shelter is impoverished, but the "phrases" acquire a steady nature and even begin to designate something concrete.
  • At the age of 8.5-9 months, the child changes its character, pediatricians are called the "modulated", or "melodic". Please note that the child is already able to imitate - it diligently repeats the intonation of an adult and reproduces the sequence of sounds.

Regardless of the linguistic environment of the child, in the brave speech most often there are sounds - p, b, t, m, d, n, k, g, s and x.] most often these are open syllables that are easy to pronounce the challenges.

It was successful, parents should assist him at each of its development stages. In the case of a baking child, help is also required.
  • In order for the baby to hear the sounds, pronounced by adults, it is very important to create the right atmosphere - in the room there should be quietly, the child should feel comfortable and calm.
  • The active development of the children's missum is promoted by the gradual enrichment of the sound environment - familiarize the child with new sources of sounds:, audio recordings, etc.
  • Use the mutual relationship between different shapes of activity: Encourage, motor activity, socialize the child, allowing it to "speak" with peers.
  • Keep contact with the child - "say" with him in his language, observing the visual contact for the concentration of attention and stimulation of the intelligent toddler reflex.
  • Try to keep the child constantly heard about and understood her connection with different objects - talk to the baby, encouraging it to join you in an interesting dialogue.

A special place in the development of the baby's babies is given to the muscle training of the muscles and shoes.

Many parents note that the Stage of the Boy's Book is one of the most beloved and fun - this is the amazing moments of conscious communication with the baby, laying a solid foundation for a strong psycho-emotional connection between you!

Training Articulation Speech Sounds is a very difficult task, and, although the child starts trying to pronounce the sounds from one and a half-month age, he takes almost three years in order to master this art. The bustle, the sweater, laying, modulated tinets are a kind of game and that is why they give the child a pleasure; He stubbornly, for many minutes repeats the same sound and, thus, trains in the articulation of speech sounds.

Usually, at the very first manifestations of the mercy, the mother or someone from the loved ones begins to "talk" with a baby, repeating: "A-ah! A-gu! " and so on. The kid lifestically picks up these sounds and repeats them. Such mutual imitation contributes to the rapid development of increasingly complex predish reactions when the child begins to pronounce entire monologues of the lepture. If you are not engaged with the child, then the buoyancy and shells it is pretty soon stopped.

In order for the kid to goulil and poverty, it is necessary that it is full, dry and warm, and most importantly - so that he has emotional communication with adults. Against the background of joyful revival, all voice reactions become expressive and persistent: children "speak" with a variety of intonations and for a long time 10, 15 minutes in a row. During such a game with the child, it is very important to create such conditions so that he heard itself, and an adult. Here is a mother with a four-month Yura: he pronounces the sounds of Agu-U, and the mother, withsting a small pause of 1-2 seconds, repeats these sounds. Yura lively picks up them and again says "AhU-U", etc., then the case is happily swinging. Very great importance is the emotional adult reaction, which plays with a child. If he expresses the faith and intonation a pleasure, joy when the child imitates the sounds, then the successes will be particularly significant. Already from the first months, adult approval is a strong incentive for children.

Preach reactions will be poorly developed when they deal with the child, but he cannot hear himself and adult. So, if there is a loud music in the room, people talk or no other children talk to each other, the child will very shit. All the vocal reactions of the baby, constantly located in a noisy setting, are developing with a lot of getting and very poor in the number of sounds that it learns to articulate. This circumstance should be especially necessary to keep in mind those parents who believe that the child from an early age should be involved in noise, otherwise they say, OP is spoiled and will then demand some special conditions, "Our Lucy, you know, not the princess! Why should life dying if she wanted to drink or sleep? " - with indignation says such dad.

Sounds that publish babies may be produced without intent to express any meaning. When the cake gradually begins to turn on the sounds typical of the child's speech environment and used for communication, various clarifying words are used, for example, aimed bowel, controlled by stale, etc. It should be noted that even a completely deaf baby misses the first few months of life almost as well as normal hearing babies.


a variety of predic vocalization of a child appearing at the end of the first - early second half of life. It is a variety of combinations of recurring syllables or individual syllables of the type "Ta-Ta", "BA", "MA", etc. Used by a child for the name of objects, expressing their desires, requirements, accompany objective manipulative activity, often observed As a "game" of a child with voice sounds. L. Baby is activated in response to a child-facing speech of an adult (so-called. Response L.). At the end of the first year of life, there is a "striking speech" - L., intonationally imitating a whole phrase or several phrases to imitate the speech of adults. "Stretch speaking" - a precursor of the appearance of active speech; Unlike other predeterous vocalization, L. may be diagnostic, as there is no mentally retarded children. In the deaf children there is a spontaneous L., but there is no response. S. Yu. Meshcheryakova


the voice reactions of the child to the stimuli of the order; It appears normally on the second month of life in the form of a variety of simple sound complexes (consideration) and is increasingly complicated, turning into a multiple repetition of the syllables; When developing deviations appear in a later date


overall Slavonic., From the sound-resistant "lep") - the sounds preceding the speech, which from 2 and to 6 months of age gives the baby. At the same time, many sounds are published, which are not in their native language. The preferences of those or the background depends, as expected, from mood arising. They say, for example, about food phonams, funneys, etc. intentionally repeated phonons, imitating oral speech, denote the term iteration (normal phenomenon, in contrast to the appropriate speech disorder in adults). When sheet starts to turn on the sounds of the speech environment and used by a baby for communication, use clarifying words. For example, aimed bowed, controlled by stovet and others. The term linguistic bowel is denoted by a babbit brave speech, which is already a means of communication. At this time, a delayed imitation of the heard sounds of speech preceding the appearance of echolalia is metalalia (cf. phonography). In the first 6 months, the deaf from the birth of infants, but further, unlike children with normal hearing, they will be overcome less actively, and they stop them with a one-year-old age.