Classification of military conflicts. Summary of the lesson "The character of modern wars and armed conflict" Psychological classification of wars and military conflicts

4. Definition and classification of wars and military conflicts

In military-scientific, special and fiction, there are many theories and definitions of the concept - war. Summarizing the most famous theories can be said - war, this is a confrontational policy carried out using the armed forces and any other available funds in order to achieve victory over the enemy.

In the military doctrine of the Russian Federation, the determination of military conflict is given. This concept covers all types of armed confrontation, including large-scale, regional, local wars and armed conflicts.

Military conflict - a form of permission of interstate or domestic contradictions with the use of military force (the concept covers all types of armed confrontation, including large-scale, regional, local wars and armed conflicts);

Modern war can be:

according to military-political goals - fair (not contrary to the UN Charter, which has a goal to defend sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity of their state, freedom and unity of their people, the right to dispose of its sources of raw materials, the establishment of equal international relations, the preservation of national cultural values, etc. .);

unfair (contrary to the UN Charter, which is aimed at seizing someone else's territory, other people's sources of raw materials, enslavement of another people, subordination of another state, etc.);

according to the uses used - using nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction;

Using only ordinary means of lesion;

scales - local, regional, large-scale.

Local war - the war between two and more states, having a limited military-political goal, in which military operations are conducted within the boundaries of opposing states and which affects mainly the interests of only these states (territorial, economic, political and others);

Regional War - War with the participation of two or more states of one region, which is the national or coalition armed forces using both the usual and nuclear means of defeat, in the region with adjacent water areas and in air (cosmic) space over it, during which parties will chase important military political goals;

Large-scale war is the war between the coalitions of states or the largest states of the world community, in which the parties will pursue radical military-political goals. A large-scale war can be the result of an escalation of armed conflict, a local or regional war with the involvement of a significant number of states of different regions of the world. It will require the mobilization of all available material resources and the spiritual forces of the States Parties;

Armed conflict - an armed clash of a limited scale between states (international armed conflict) or opposing parties within the territory of one state (internal armed conflict);

Armed conflict can be a consequence of the growing armed incident, border conflict, armed promotion and other armed clashes of a limited scale, during which the means of armed struggle are used to resolve the contradictions.

The main characteristics of the armed conflict:

High involvement in it and the vulnerability of the local population;

Application of irregular armed formations;

The use of sabotage and terrorist methods;

The complexity of the moral and psychological situation in which the troops operate;

Distraction of significant forces to ensure the safety of movement routes, areas and location of troops;

The danger of escalation into a local or civil war.

5. Methods and means of conducting modern war

Armed struggle;

Power failure or suppression;

Information and ideological (religious) struggle;

Political and diplomatic pressure;

Economic pressure and expansion;

Demographic expansion and aggression;

Technical, biological, psychological and mental impact, suppression and submission.

Each of the ways has its own characteristics that define the goals of the war. Methods are usually combined in various combinations.

Power suppression and intimidation - Objective: Show superiority over the enemy in the amount and quality of the armed forces, the ability of the economy and society to transfer maximum voltages. Tighten the enemy into the arms race and weaken exorbitant expenses. Broken the will of the enemy to opposition and make the concessions and passing their positions.

Political and diplomatic pressure - Objective: undermine the international prestige of the enemy, to present it from the worst side, to make justify themselves in existing and non-existent sins and retreat from those positions on which his foreign policy was based. Slop his allies to your side and isolate in the international arena.

information and ideological (religious) impact - the goal: to influence the population of the enemy, to initiate disbelief of the bodies of their own power, state institutions, armed forces, traditions and past countries. Change the mind of the enemy's population, to create in its medium a group of agents of influence and supporters of a foreign lifestyle. Subordinate the population of the enemy to their ideological and religious influence.

economic pressure and expansion is a goal: to discredit the economic policy of the enemy, reduce the export of its industrial goods. Expand the import of goods and conquer the enemy market. Install control over the natural resources of the enemy. Destroy industrial production and science. Choose the financial system, subjugate the remaining enterprises to your management.

demographic expansion and aggression is a goal: to reduce fertility and increase the death mortality of the enemy. Expand the migration to the enemy's territory of elements alien to him ethnically and culturally. Ensure the formation of cohesive alien communities, organize their independence and inviolability for the state power of the enemy. Turn into part of the enemy territory inhabited by the communities alien to him.

biological impact - Objective: Weakening of health and improving the death rate of the enemy's population through consumption of substantial and dangerous products, drugs, clothes, toys, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, smoking mixtures. Distribution of infectious diseases. The introduction of stereotypes of behavior contributing to the growth of morbidity, injury and mortality.

technical, psychological and mental impact, suppression and submission - purpose: to bring individuals and groups of the population from the normal state and subordination of the state power of the enemy. To change these people to fight the state power of the enemy, etc.

The means of maintaining modern war are:

Armed Forces, intelligence and counterintelligence services, internal affairs bodies, etc.

Armament, military equipment, etc.

Missionaries of all stripes, traitors and agents of influence;

Media, historical, political fiction, art, theater, cinema, etc.

State and public organizations.

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Curriculum 1. Modern views on the classification of armed conflicts 2. Sources of local (regional) wars and armed conflicts 3. The use of armed forces in local wars and armed conflicts. Experience in training and conducting hostilities.

Classification of military conflicts on the intensity of hostilities: for military-political goals: according to the uses used: on scale of the intensity of hostilities: for military-political purposes: according to the uses used: the scale of high intensity of high intensity average intensity low intensity low intensity fair intensity The war is an unfair war with the use of nuclear and other types of weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction using nuclear and other types of weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction using only conventional means of lesion using only conventional means of lesion Local regional large-scale.

Local Wars are the actions of the tactical and operational scale of various intensity, these are the actions of the tactical and operational scale of various intensities characterized by the wide range of the forces attracted - from regular formations to operational-strategic groups using various methods and forms of action, as well as the entire existing in the opposing parties. Arsenal means of armed struggle. Characterized by the wide range of attracted forces - from regular formations to operational strategic groups using various methods and forms of action, as well as the entire Arsenal of the means of armed struggle among the opposing parties.

The classification of local wars in the nature of hostilities The first group of war, in which regular armed forces took part on both sides, and the geographical conditions allowed the use of large masses of troops, all types of weapons and techniques. Wars in which regular armed forces took part on both sides, and the geographical conditions allowed the use of major masses of troops, all types of weapons and techniques. The first group of war in which regular armed forces took part on both sides, and the geographical conditions allowed the use of large masses of troops, all types of weapons and techniques. Wars in which regular armed forces took part on both sides, and the geographical conditions allowed the use of major masses of troops, all types of weapons and techniques. The second group of war in which the fighting took place in the specific conditions of host theaters with limited use of forces and funds. Wars in which fighting took place in the specific conditions of theaters of hostilities with limited use of forces and means. The second group of war in which the fighting took place in the specific conditions of host theaters with limited use of forces and funds. Wars in which fighting took place in the specific conditions of theaters of hostilities with limited use of forces and means.

Armed conflict This is one of the forms of resolving national-ethnic, religious and other contradictions using the means of armed struggle within one state or between neighboring states in which the state (state) does not go into a special state, called the war.

The second question sources of the emergence of local (regional) wars of local (regional) wars and armed conflicts and armed conflicts sources of local (regional) wars of local (regional) wars and armed conflicts and armed conflicts

Instability of the geopolitical position in the world The instability of the geopolitical situation in the world of lack of legal state borders of the absence of legal state borders The power attempts to seize the "controversial" territory. Power attempts to seize the "controversial" territories. Conditions of the Local War of Hanging Local Local War War Coalition Intelligence Using Unconventional Forms and Action Formations Application of Aeromobile Forces, Asians and Troops Special Forces Active Information Anti-Fiction Dorganization of the State and Military Management System Probability Investment In War of New State Deviation of Troops, Rear, Economics throughout the Parties The use of the latest systems of weapons and military equipment participation in the war irregular armed formations.

Armed incident - armed promotion - resolution of national, ethnic, religious ethnic, religious contradictions with the help of the means of armed struggle. - the desire of states (coalitions) to establish a dictate in the region - the resolution of conflict situations by armed with provoking by radical-right political leaders, parties and movements of national-ethnic, religious contradictions related to territorial claims; Deep contradictions caused by the bundle of socio-ethnic, national-ethnic, religious signs of the threat of international terrorism, the spread of nuclear weapons, other types of weapons of mass destruction and means of its delivery. International nature with the participation of two or several states with the participation of two or several states international internal character within the territory of one state the conditions for the emergence of armed conflict The main causes of armed conflict:

Stages (phases) of an armed conflict: the second phase of the third phase of the fourth phase of the first phase of the birth of the conflict. Development of the conflict. Escalization conflict crisis. Unstable military-political situation, aggravation of socio-economic, national contradictions, border sanctions. Provocation, soil, provocations, separate separately indications of state state-group. The use of opposing opposing thermaloregular military units and compounds. connections. Active hostilities in the conflict area with conflict with the involvement of attractive, and strategic strategic preserves of the conflict

The purpose of the application of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other troops in a large-scale (regional) war in a large-scale (regional) war - the protection of independence and sovereignty, territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and its allies, the reflection of aggression, the defeat of the aggressor, coercion to the termination of hostilities on the terms, The interests of Russia and its allies are the protection of independence and sovereignty, the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and its allies, the reflection of aggression, the cause of defeat by the aggressor, coercion to the termination of hostilities on the terms of the interests of Russia and its allies in a large-scale (regional) war in large-scale ( Regional) War - Protection of Independence and Sovereignty, territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and its allies, reflection of aggression, damage to the aggressor, forcing him to terminate hostilities on the terms of the interests of Russia and its allies - protection of independence and sovereignty, territorial oh integrity of the Russian Federation and its allies, reflection of aggression, damage to the aggressor, coercion it to the cessation of hostilities on the conditions that meet the interests of Russia and its allies in local wars and armed conflicts in local wars and armed conflicts - localization of the focus of tension, creating prerequisites for termination war, armed conflict or for coercion to terminate them in the early stages; - localization of the focus of tension, the creation of prerequisites for termination of war, armed conflict or for coercion to terminate them in the early stages; In local wars and armed conflicts in local wars and armed conflicts - localization of the focus of tensions, the creation of prerequisites for the termination of war, armed conflict or to coordinate them in the early stages; - localization of the focus of tension, the creation of prerequisites for termination of war, armed conflict or for coercion to terminate them in the early stages;

The tasks of the general official compounds, parts and units in the local war and armed conflict General: preparation and maintenance of defensive battle in the strip (zone) of responsibility when reflecting the attacks of regular and irregular troops of the enemy, both with adjacent, and from their territory preparation and maintenance of defensive combat in The lane (zone) of responsibility when reflecting the attacks of regular and irregular troops of the enemy, both with adjacent and from their own territory: private: - Fighting regular compounds and parts of the enemy in their limits (zones) of responsibility; - The struggle with the armed formations, the forces of special operations, DRG, air regulations, enemy raid detachments, etc. Private: - Fight with regular compounds and parts of the enemy in their limits (zones) of responsibility; - The struggle with the armed formations, forces of special operations, DRG, air deposits, raid troops of the enemy, etc.

Factors of the behavioral features of the use of combustrial compounds and parts in the local war of military political factors: - causes; - conditions of occurrence; - scale and geography; - Political goals of the parties. Military political factors: - causes; - conditions of occurrence; - scale and geography; - Political goals of the parties. Other factors: -Rorodno-geographical conditions of the fighting area, combat area, - the level of operational equipment of the territory, - the possibility of supporting or participating on the opponent's opponent's other states other factors: -Rorod-geographical conditions of the fighting area, combat area, - The level of operational equipment of the territory is the possibility of supporting or participating on the opponent's side of other states of other states of operational and strategic (operational-tactical) factors: - the number, composition and training of combustinal compounds and parts, their armament; - the location and scale of foci of the resistance of the NVF, the nature of their actions; - Specific methods (tactics) of actions; -Karakter using the opponent of settlements, industrial enterprises, communications, other facilities for combat operations; enterprises, communications, other facilities for combat operations; - Composition, combat capability, level of training teams, headquarters and troops. Operational-strategic (operational-tactical) factors: - quantity, composition and training of combustrial university compounds and parts, their armament; - the location and scale of foci of the resistance of the NVF, the nature of their actions; - Specific methods (tactics) of actions; -Karakter using the opponent of settlements, industrial enterprises, communications, other facilities for combat operations; enterprises, communications, other facilities for combat operations; - Composition, combat capability, level of training teams, headquarters and troops.

Basic forms of applying aircraft in large-scale and regional wars in local wars and armed conflicts and armed conflicts in local wars and armed conflicts and armed conflicts of operations, strategic operations combat operations

Classification of operations and hostilities in the local war on the scale along the scale by types by type of operational and operational and operational operational and operational-tactical tactical - defensive operations; - good operations; operations; -5 operations; - resonant methods; - Mural landing operations; operations; -special operations - defensive operations; - Russian operations; operations; -5 operations; - resonant methods; - Mural landing operations; operations; - Special operations - systematic fighting; Actions; -Adars; - Special operations operations (aerobilets, (aeromobile, search and punitive, etc.) - systematic fighting; actions; -Adars; - Special operations operations (aerobilets, (aeromobile, search and punitive, etc.)

Forms and methods of hostilities in local wars An offensive: from the position of direct contact with the enemy with an extension from depth and deployment in a combat order for an attack from the go. Objectives: Fighting the regular troops of the enemy; The struggle against the NVF, including in the areas captured by them, the forces of special operations and the enemy DRG; The release of border making and restoring the elements of the protection of the state border. Defense maneuverable; positional maneuverable; Objectives: Apply the enemy the maximum losses; win some time; stop its promotion at certain turns; Create conditions for transition to the offensive together with suitable operational reserves.

Non-traditional forms and methods for organizing the application and actions of troops in the local war. Specific construction of combat orders of troops, the creation of non-traditional elements (combat tactical groups, raid detachments at all. Aerobilets; Intelligence and combat units) including aerobilets; intelligence-combat detachments) appropriate approaches to solving problems of fire lesion enemy, control, ensuring the defeat of the enemy, management, ensuring the corresponding approaches to solving the tasks of the enemy's fire lesion, management, ensuring the defeat of the enemy, management, security Beating important objects, communications and combat orders of troops (RV and A, air defense troops, etc.). (RV and A, air defense troops, etc.). Beating important objects, communications and combat orders of troops (RV and A, air defense troops, etc.). (RV and A, air defense troops, etc.).

The fighting in armed conflicts are highly shaved actions with a separation from the main forces, with a high degree of tactical and fire independence, with a "inverted" front, wide use of ambushes and sudden shocks. Methods of action: Raid actions of various detachments, raid actions of various detachments, aerobile actions Aeromobile actions Intelligence-fighting; reconnaissance combat; ardent assault; ardent assault; Application forms: Tactical maneuverable groups; tactical maneuverable groups; raid troops; raid troops; tactical air landings; tactical air landings;

Territorial command Temporary operational guide (thief); temporary operational command (wok) at the dominant role of the BB team (from the Russian Armed Forces - operational groups of associations, compounds); Temporary operational grouping (VOG) (from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, reinforced motorized rifle battalions (3-4) or military tactical groups) controls and grouping of troops (forces) created in the resolution of armed conflict

Unconventional forms and methods of action in an armed conflict offensive battle for reconnaissance, reconnaissance, drums, raid-ass, raid-search, aerobilets, raid-ass, raid search, aeromobile, shock-fire method, shock-firing method, blocking, blocking, environment, environment, persecution, persecution, search, search, sinking, swinging, offensive for the purpose of mastering the city, (by the settlement) if there is a large number of civilians in it, an offensive in order to master the city, (by the settlement) if there is in it is a large number of civilians, demonstration of actions of troops (forces); Demonstration of actions of troops (forces); Defensive battle, stabilizing; deterrent and stabilizing; boro-blocking; boro-blocking; dispersed moving aerobile defense, etc. Distributed moving aerobile defense, etc.

Stages of training troops to participate in armed conflict. First stage: Preliminary preparation. It is carried out in advance: - during the prediction of the situation; - during the forecasting of the situation; - in the threatened period; - in the threatened period; - in the period destabilization of the situation in the region; - in the period destabilization of the situation in the region; Second Stage: Direct Preparation. Since the decision is made at the highest level of force. Since the decision is made at the highest level of force.

First stage Adjustment training - the study and analysis of the military-political situation in explosive areas; - forecasting the possible nature of local wars and armed conflicts, their scale, the conditions of unleashing, the combat composition of the enemy's troops and determining their potential possibilities; - planning of the actions of the compounds and parts in relation to possible options for the development of combat operations; - targeted combat and mobilization preparation of troops and governing bodies, taking into account their purpose, - ensuring their constant readiness for nomination to the area of \u200b\u200bdestinations or hostilities and the implementation of relevant tasks - ensuring the necessary reserves of material resources and their placement with local conditions, and engineering equipment The terrain is the socio-political and moral and psychological preparation of personnel, studying and summarizing the experience of combat operations.

The second stage is direct preparation depends: - from the objectives of the opposing parties; - the degree of exacerbation of the situation in the conflict zone is character, the intensity of the development and scale of armed conflict; - from the military-economic potentials of the parties and their official views on the use of armed forces in local wars.

The main features of armed conflicts

Considering the specifics of armed conflicts of the 1990s. - The beginning of the XXI century must be highlighted in their shares:

1. Conflicts in forms and principles of fighting were very different.

2. A significant part of conflicts had an asymmetric nature, that is, there was between opponents standing at different stages of technical treatment, and therefore the qualitative state of their armed forces.

3. All conflicts developed on a relatively limited territory, however, using forces and means placed outside of this territory

4. The role of the initial period of armed conflict or war increased significantly.

5. The main role in the initial period of the war, of course, was given to the long-range high-precision weapons acting in conjunction with aviation. However, in the future, the basic severity of combat operations lay on the ground forces.

Based on the analysis of the most common features of the conflict of the end of the XX - early XXI centuries, you can make the following principled conclusions regarding the military-political characteristics of the armed struggle At the present stage and in the foreseeable perspective.

1. The Armed Forces confirm their central role in the implementation of force operations.

The real combat role of semi-axis, militarized formations, militias, units of internal security forces turns out to be significantly less than expected before the start of armed conflict.

2. The decisive moment to achieve military political success is the seizure of a strategic initiative during an armed conflict.

Passive conduct of hostilities based on the "exhalation" of the offensive rush of the enemy will lead to the loss of manageability of its own grouping and subsequently to loss conflict.

3. The peculiarity of the armed struggle of the future will be that during the war under the blows of the enemy, not only military facilities and troops will be, but at the same time the economy of the country with all its infrastructure, civilian population and territory. In this regard, there is a need to conduct a highly organized and efficient work of the civil defense system, as well as the system of mobilization preparation and the mobilization of the country.

4. Despite the increase in the role of mortgage and funds deployed by the time of the threatened period, a significant role in the outcome of the armed conflict will be played by the presence of a warning reserve and system of mobilization and deployment.

5. The fighting will be characterized by a combination of maneuverable operations and positional actions. Intelligence and diversion actions and partisan war are considered as part of the "ordinary" war.

6. The key condition of victory in almost all conflicts will play undermining the moral spirit of troops and stimulating ferments, especially in the officer corps.

7. Of great importance for the outcome of armed conflicts will have strong instruments for conducting information and propaganda work among the troops and the population of the enemy.

8. The criteria for military victory in armed conflicts will be different, however, the main importance is still solving political tasks.

The main feature of conflicts of the new historical period will be the redistribution of the role of various spheres in armed confrontation. The course and outcome of the armed struggle as a whole will be mainly determined by the conference in the air-space sphere and the sea, and land groups will be enshrined by military success and will directly ensure the achievement of political goals.

Definition, classification of wars and their characteristics

War - This is the continuation of the state's policies or coalition of states, peoples, nations, classes and individual social groups using the means of armed violence to achieve political, economic, military and other purposes.

The main goal of war - defeat the "non-contact" way of economic potential of any state, on any distance.

Classification of wars:

On scale (depending on the scope of hostilities and the composition of warring states): world; local; Regional

By duration: Mature and protracted;

By means of lesion:

Using only ordinary weapons;

With the use of nuclear weapons.

By tension:

High intensity of hostilities;

The average intensity of hostilities;

Low intensity of hostilities.

The corresponding types of wars can be defined as follows:

Local war. The war between two and more states, limited to political goals in which military actions will be carried out, as a rule, within the boundaries of opposing states and addresses mainly the interests of only these states (territorial, economic, political and others

Under certain conditions, local wars may grow into a regional or large-scale war.

Regional War. War with the participation of two or more states (even groups of states) of the region. It is conducted by national or coalition armed forces using both regular and nuclear lesions on the territory, limited borders of one region with the ocean, seas, air and outer space, during which parties will pursue important military political goals.

Large-scale (world) war. War between the coalitions of states or the largest states of the world community. It can be the result of an escalation of armed conflict, local or regional war by engaging in them a significant number of states of various regions of the world. In the large-scale war, the parties will pursue radical military-political goals. It will require the mobilization of all available material resources and the spiritual forces of States parties.

(based on the priority of the national interests of the state and universal values).

1. Socio-political foundations of conflict classification:

a) in relation to national interests:

Comply with national interests;

Do not meet national interests.

b) by type of contradictions:






c) on the socio-political composition of the parties:


National liberation;


d) by the nature of political goals:

Celestial goals;

To restore international peace;

In defense of sovereignty.

2. Legal basis of classification:

Violating international law;

In accordance with international law.

3. Strategic foundations of conflict classification:

a) on scale:

Military shares;







b) according to the method of conducting hostilities:





c) by means:

With the use of non-conventional means of lesion;

Using conventional means of lesion;


d) intensity:

High intensity;

Average intensity;

Low intensity.

Classification of Wars in Western Sociology

The problems of war, its causes and essence, the typology of wars are in the field of view of philosophers and sociologists of Western countries.

The following types of wars of the contemporary era are distinguished based on:

1. The nature of the weapon used:

Using nuclear weapons;

With the use of only ordinary weapons.

2. Spatial scope:



3. Scale of nuclear weapons:

Universal Nuclear War;

Limited nuclear war.

From the point of view of a military specialist, this division makes sense. We have a similar classification of wars. However, this classification does not always take into account the socio-political aspect of the war. Not always clearly indicated by a single objective criterion of wars.

American sociologist M. Midlarsky divided wars for 4 types:

a) geographically limited, short-term, without significant human victims;

b) long-term regional with a large number of participants, larger victims in order to provide a certain political influence;

c) long-term violent wars with a large number of victims aimed at changing the policy of the state - enemy;

d) "regulatory wars" leading to indigenous changes in the system of political power both within the country and internationally.

There are other approaches to the classification of wars. American sociologist K. Wright in the work of "Studying Wars" comes from an abstract understanding of the essence of war. He identifies the war with any conflict having a place not only in human society, but also in the animal world.

K. Ryt allocates the following 4 types of wars:

1. Wars between animals (violence of one species of animals against others);

2. Wars between primitive peoples (they contribute to the development of culture);

3. "Historical Wars" of the past between civilized peoples with writing;

4. Wars conducted by highly developed nations with the use of modern technology and weapons.