Maria Nagai. Maria Fedorovna Nagaya

Maria Fedorovna Nagaya (? - 1608) Moscow Queen, unofficial, seventh, wife Ivan Grozny , daughter Boyarina F.F. Naked Fedza. Married in 1581 and the next year the Son gave birth Dmitry . After the death of her husband (1584), together with his son and his brothers, was exiled to Uglich, where she lived to the death of Dmitry (1591). Maria Fedorovna Naguya and her relatives accused of negligenting the possible heir to the throne, as a result of which the sowful of the queen brothers were sharpened in the dungeon, she herself was tonsured to the monastery on the Vyksa River. From there they caused her Boris Fedorovich Godunov Shortly after the addession of the throne (year), but after a short time he was sent back. After accepted Falsmitria I. In Moscow (year) was forced to trust the death of death to recognize the latter with his son and solemnly entered Moscow, where he lived in the Ascension Monastery. All members of her family returned freedom, ranks and confiscated property. After the murder of Falsitria (1606), Maria Fedorovna Nagaya renounced him.

Maria Nagaaya (SC. 1612), in the atocacy of Martha (from 1592), the last wife Ivan IV. The daughter of the Scholnichnoye Fedor Fedorovich Nagogi (see: Nagi). Marriage took place in 1580, and her son was born. Tsarevich Dimitri (19.10.1583-15.05.1591). After the death of the Terrible Maria, she was sent to Uglich, her son in a lot of late father. After the death of the son, the monastery of Cherepovets was exiled to Sudin and was tonsured. You called myself Tsarevich Dimitri Healthwoman (see: Lhadmitry I. ) I called it to Moscow and solemnly met about with. Tyaninsky July 18, 1605. Maria recognized him for his son, which did not reject all the time of his rule. According to custom, he accepted Marina Mnishek and settled her in His Monster's monastery before marriage, referred to her friendly and welcoming. After the death of the impostor refused him as a son. From her name, Vasily Shuisky sent a refusal diploma. With the solemn transfer of the relics of Dimitria on June 3, 1606 in Moscow, in Misdomally died in his deception. Buried in the Resurrection Monastery in Moscow.

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The seventh wife of Grozny - Maria Nagaya

And again Ivan plunged into the rampant, orgy, the non-digestion, until he heard that the Opto-Boyarina Fedor Nagogi in his faith, where Fedor had served a link, rose a daughter - unprecedented beauty and status. The king immediately ordered the immediately return naked with the whole family to Moscow.

When he saw the daughter of Fyodor - Maria, his heart was furious. Maria was high and slight, full to the extent that did it unusually attractive. The ash braid, heavy and thick, fell below the belt, and the big gray eyes looked gently, detecting the mind and the good soul of the girl.

The king said:

Maria Fedorovna will be the queen of Moscow. With these words, the bride fainted. Nagid did not remain anything, how to say that his daughter lost consciousness from unexpected happiness - not from the form of a baked and bald yellow-green elder.

A week later, on September 6, 1580, the same protopopop Nikita, who put a long-growing, and unhappy Maria, which was recessed after the first marriage night, in the Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the young walked.

Notable at the wedding of Maria Nagya with Ivan Vasilyevich was that his father's father was his own son - twenty-one-year-old Fedor, the friendship of the groom - a twenty-year-old Prince Vasily Shuisky, and the bride's friend - the same age of Shuisky, Boris Godunov, son-in-law Skuratov and literally tomorrow Schurin Tsarevich Fedor, because on the sister of Godunov, Irina, Tsarevich was to marry the next day - September 7, 1580.

"And what about this notable?" - You ask, dear reader.

And I will answer you: And the fact that they all have become after the death of Ivan the Terrible one after another Russian kings.

Maria Fedorovna Nagae appeared to witness a genuinely deep drama in the life of the king: In November 1581 he killed his eldest son - Heir to the throne of Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich.

In different ways they talk about it now, but such a murder version has been deposited in the people's memory. Twenty-year-old Tsarevich stood up for his pregnant wife Elena, in the Maiden Sheremetev, by the way for the third, because the first and second wives were long in the monasteries. Not a patient "meeting", that is, the objections, the father in the heat of anger hit his firstborn in the temple with the staff. According to one version, Tsarevich died instantly, on the other - two days later, on the third - in ten, but the date of death of Ivan Ivanovich is called exactly - November 19.

The king did not intend to kill the heir and son and from grief almost died. After the funeral of the Son, he could not come to himself for a long time - wept, prayed and, surrender, completely lost his strength, and the desire to sin.

But as soon as a little bit easier, he immediately took up for the previous one. Once, feeling a tide of the unbridled lust, he grabbed his hands-sitting rider - Irina, his wife Tsarevich Fedor, and tried to sang her to bed, but Irina ran away.

Used material: Voldemar Balyazin Interesting story Russia, M. 2001


Nagi, noble and boyars genus, in the XIV-XV centuries.

Nagy Mikhail Fedorovich (? -1612), Brother of the last wife Ivan IV, Mary.

Nagya Semen Fedorovich - Senior Uncle Tsaritsa Mary.

). Later, the new Tsar Fedor Johnovich forbade the clergy to remember the name of his only brother Tsarevich Dmitry during worship on the grounds that he was born in the sixth marriage and therefore is illegitimate.

The wedding discharge of its marriage is preserved. The famous historian A. A. Zimin writes: "The wedding took place shortly after the care of the Batory from the Great Onions. According to Gores, Grozny married to reassure the son of Ivan and Boyar, excited hearing herself about the intended king's escape in England. Obviously, this reasoning is nothing but to suckness. The wedding of the king took place in an intimate setting. There were the closest to him face, mostly sovereign courtyards. "In the father's place" (instead of his father, at the place of his father), Tsarevich Fedor, and the heir to the throne of the Ivan - "Thousands"). "

Jerome Gordi writes that "the queen was accompanied by a different retinue, she was released with a dress, jewelry, feeding, horses, and so on. "All this is on a wide leg, as a sovereign".

The fragment of the late "New Chronicler", based, obviously, on earlier sources, talks about the reason for the expulsion of the kind of Nagich: On the night after the death of Ivan IV, Boris Godunov "With their advisers, put treason on Nagih and their Poimakh and Dasha for bailiffs"; The same fate has suffered many, "Koih King Ivan king": they sent them far cities And dungeons, their homes were ruined, the estates and wrappers are distributed. Zimin writes that "the story, of course, bears the features of the anti-famous edition and the explicit Romanov" rehabilitation "nagich. The decision to send Nagih from Moscow was probably accepted by the entire Duma, who had fastened their shares in favor of the younger brother Fedor Tsarevich Dmitry. But mainly it corresponds to reality. Schemes were three sons A. M. Nagidoy: Andrei, judging by later data, sent to ARS; Mikhail, who was highlighted in 1583/84 in Kazan, in 1585/86 found himself in Cochaysk, and in 1586/87 - 1593/94. - in Ufa; Athanasius - Novosili (1584). Their secondary brother Ivan Grigorievich in 1585/86 was located in Kuzmodemyansky Ostrog, and from 1588/89 to 1593/94 - in a new-planned city on Lozwe. Senior Uncle Tsaritsa Mary Semen Fedorovich Nagoya with Son Ivan in 1585/86-1589 / 90. served in Vasilsursk, and another uncle - Athanasius in 1591 was in Yaroslavl. Under Queen Mary (soon, Fedor Fedor (died in Uglich) (died about 1590), Uncle Andrei and the Brothers Mikhail and Grigory Fedorovichi. "

The new king, as mentioned above, for some sources, eventually forbade the clergy to remember Tsarevich Dmitry because of its illegality.

"For inacidation for the son and for the murder of innocent Bityagovsky with comrades," Nagaya was tonsured in a nun as Materna. Regarding the monastery, information varies - the monastery is mentioned in the dusting near Cherepovets or Nikolovytsin desert. Her brothers for negligence to the child were sharpened in the dungeon.

With Boris

In 1598, Fyodor died, which did not improve the position of Nagya. From the monastery, she was called by Boris Godunov in 1604 to Moscow, on the occasion of rumors about Lhadmitria I, but nothing opened and was sent back.

This scene, colorfully described by Kostomarov (Following Isaac Weighing), was based on the Nikolai Gi.

He says, ordered to bring Dimitri's mother to the Novodevichi Monastery; From there they brought her night to the palace secretly and introduced Boris to the bedroom. The king was there with his wife. "Tell the truth, whether your son is alive or not?" - Grozno asked Boris. "I don't know," said Staritsa. Then the queen of Marya (Boris's wife) came to such a rage that she grabbed a lit candle, shouted: "Oh, you b ... ! You dare to say: I do not know - if you really know! " - And threw her candle in the eyes. Tsar Boris defended Marfu, and otherwise the queen would look like her eyes. Then Staritsa Marfa said: "I was told that my son was secretly taken away from the Russian land without my knowledge, and those that they told me so, have already died." The angry Boris ordered to take an old man in conclusion and keep with the greatestness and deprivation.

After the death of Vasilisa, the mellow tsar again sought himself a bride.

He chose Natalia Korostov. But her uncle, Novgorod Archbishop Leonid, was encouraged for her. With him, John came in a tsarist. The Archbishop was invited to a capital ward, fed, and then tied, stitched into the skin and put the pieces.

N.Samokish. "Fun at the court of Ivan Grozny"

Natalia Korostov settled in the palace. She became the prey of the king, but did not receive the title of Queen. Natalia used the location of the king just a few months. Then she disappeared without a trace.

The disappearance of Natalia coincided with the appearance in Moscow Boyar Fyodor Nazhogo. A boyar lived in a link for many years and, unexpectedly, for him, he suddenly received from John an order immediately return to the capital. Nagya could not explain to himself, thanks to which the king took a discharge from him. Meanwhile, it was very simple. In the Votchin of the Opt Bohrin by chance, passage, was the prince of Odoyevsky, one of the ambassadors who constantly traveled from Moscow to the Polish king. Returning to Moscow, the prince came up with a way to arrange the king. He described the beauty of Mary Nagya in bright colors. John so fascinated by this description that he immediately ordered the boyar to Moscow with all his family.

Maria Nagaya, indeed, was the ideal of Russian beauty. High, statist, with large expressive eyes and a thick oblique below the belt, she captivated everyone who had to see her.

M. Sokovnin. "Russian beauty"

The next day after the arrival of Nazhogo, the king called him to himself, looked, complained to him the Votchin near Moscow and, as a sign of much grace, announced that the other day would visit him. Indeed, two days later at the house of Nazhogi, on the outskirts of Moscow, the royal train appeared. John arrived riding. By this time, he was already so angry that he was hard to stay in the saddle, but he tried to seem younger than his years. He drove into the courtyard and jumped off his horse without an extraneous help. Sweet, observing the customs of politeness, carried away at the gate. Boyar Fedor Nagoya met the king on the porch with deep bows. In the extensive, richly removed area of \u200b\u200ba high guest was waiting for a boyfriend with a tray, on which there were two golden charms: for the king and the owner. John entered, looked back, frowned and, not responding to the Bachelor's bow, said:

- Do not okay, boyar. I am with all the Milts, and you have conceived to offend me. Naked confused.

"Amend, the great sovereign," he said. - Is it possible for me and threaten to repair you offense? What did you see it? "And in that," answered John, "that I don't see my daughter my daughter."

- And she, they say, the beauty is incospaid.
These words were explained by Nagya, which he must withdraw the opals.

It must be said that Mary's fearfulness was promoted for the son of one of the boyars who lived next to the victim in which Nagya spent more than ten years. Haradshnyh therefore did not come to Moscow. It was dangerous to confess to this, because the king ordered Naggog to appear in Moscow with the whole family. For a few seconds, boyar swelled, then decisively stated that the hallee swear and therefore could not leave his spotty. But John did not like to change his intentions. He came to Naked to see his daughter, and had to see it by anything.

"Nothing, boyar," he said fun. - Although the unfortunate is haunting, and I want to see her. Arrange me to her. The boyars were so frightened that the tray dropped. The charms swollen on the floor, the wine broke. The moment was critical. Boyar fell into his feet and repented that he deceived him that Marin was not in Moscow.

Cyril segrey. "Ivan groznyj"

Against expectations, the king was not angry. Digitly grinning, he said: - That's, Fedor! It is not easy to spend me. And now now send for a fearful. The day after tomorrow I will come to you again. And if then it will not be here, do not proceed ....

The king turned, came out, sat down at the horse and left.

Nagoy now rushed into his victob and returned to Moscow with his daughter.

At the appointed time, John came to Naked. This time the wine brought him a fear of Maria. She made a strong impression on him. Contrary to all customs, he told Fyodor with her:

-Well, Boyarin, I myself will be a wool myself. I loved your daughter to be her by the Moscow queen.

Historians of the XIX century write that after these words, Maria fainted. I doubt. The fainting was the ladies tradition in the XVIII century, and this girl from the XVI century, which grown in nature, magnificent and ruddy, most likely, look or movement expressed the reluctance to get such "happiness" from the hands of Ivan the Terrible. Later, Ivan aparted her:

- I did not want to be my wife! I remember everything!

"Departure of Family Ivan Grozny." Miniature from the chronicle facial sector of the XVI century.

Of course, this time the church rite was committed without the participation of Patriarch and Bishops. It took place on September 6, 1580, and "the young walked the same protopop Nikita, who put under the crown and the unfortunate Maria Dolgoruky, drowning after the first marriage night."
Pop Nikita ... That Nikita, which caused the once rapid displeasure "Witch's Daughter" Annushka Vasilchikova and was remembered for that instantly rebuilt, and then he took a permitting prayer for his cohabitation with Vasilisa Melenetva, the sovereign came in handy and led the wedding rite again. During this time, Nikita jerked in his priestly, no one could say that he "Circle Rakitov bushes is crowned", and numerous guests remained quite satisfied with the wellpage and extent of the rite. "
In any case, the wedding feast was furnished very solemnly and wineflowed by the river. The father of Ivan the Terrible, as well as at the weddings with a dog, kolovkaya and Vasilchikova, was his son Tsarevich Fedor, friendship from the bridegroom - Prince Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky, Bride's friend - Boris Fedorovich Godunov. What is characteristic, they all have become one after another after the death of Ivan the Grozny Russian kings. In addition to Boris Godunov, Mikhail Alexandrovich Nagoya, Brother Evdokia, Die Wife Vladimir Staritsky became the friend of Mary.
Professor R.G. Skrynnikov notes that "the wedding was not played by the royal rank." This means that this magnificent and crowded ball is not arranged in the Kremlin, but in the Alexander Sloboda, and the wedding took place in the usual Slobodsk church. Accordingly, and live a new queen was not in the luxurious Kremlin palaces, but at a sufficient distance from the capital.
The next day after the wedding of the king, September 7, 1580, his son Fyodor married Irina Godunova, Boris Godunova's sister.

Maria Nagaya entered the hostess in the Tsarsky Terem. On a short time in the palace, life was peacefully. Myaria conquered fate.

The king himself was pleased with his new wife. I didn't like it alone in it: it often, without apparent reason, I began to cry. It annoyed him. Once, hearing her in tears, he was angry, which threatened

"You will roar, throw a psam or a stop in the monastery."

Both perspectives were afraid of Maria, the young was cheerful, and the image of the monastery walls was associated with her coffin. The walls of the Kremlin Teremes kept the pain of Queen Anastasia, the suffering Martha Doggy, Anna Kolovskaya, Mary Dolgoruki, Vasilisa Meleneteva, and others. Maria Nagaya tried not to remember them.

Of course, Maria from such a statement did not become better, but after that, a very cold relationship was established between her and the king.

The repetition of the old one began. Again at night the palace glanced with drunk songs, again the wild rampant reigned in it. But John had no oldest forces. It happened that he suddenly faltered among the orgies. He forgot the names of his pets; Sometimes I called Godunova Basmanov, I was wondered why there is no Vyazemsky, executed many years ago, and so on. His eldest son John, who inherited all bad qualities from his father, took an active part in orgies.

Gradually, the crowned husband stopped visiting her overhaul at all. I forgot her sovereign, I completely forgot. As Casimir Valishevsky writes, "the king married his son Fedor on the sister of Boris Godunova Irina and created, so new familyon which his love focused. "

The idea that her possible son will be the heir to the throne was foggy. The first, two were two of them: Ivan and Fedor. Secondly, she understood that her marriage is illegal: a conditionally wedded wife, it is difficult to say which in the account.

And in November 1581, Maria Fedorovna Nagaaya became the witness of a genuinely deep drama in the life of the king: as it is considered, he killed his eldest son - the heir to the throne of Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich.

In the biography of Ivan Grozny from VB Cobrina We read: "The death of the heir to the throne aroused the inadequate difference from contemporaries and disputes from historians. Sometimes find different political reasons for this murder. It is said that the king was afraid of the young energy of his son, envied him, with suspicion referred to the desire of Tsarevich himself headed the troops in the war with a response pricious for the possession of the Livonia. Alas, all these versions are based only on dark and contradictory rumors.
It looks like the truth (but also there can be neither verified, nor proved) another version: Tsarevich stood up before his father for his pregnant wife, which the father "learned" by a stick. One thing is clear: the king did not have the intention to kill the Son. He was in desperate from the death of the heir and even himself imposed a serious punishment for the authoritolub: several months called himself not to the king, but only the Grand Duke. "
A few hours after Ivan Grozny, the unfortunate Elena, was "learned", the unfortunate Elena was resolved by a stillborn child and spent no less than a week in the fever. Thus, Ivan Vasilyevich Vomig lost her son-the heir, whom he prepared from ornament to the throne, and a possible grandson. It took quite a bit of time, and the Tsarevich widow took the lead to the Novodevichy Monastery under the name of Leonida.

Repin I.E "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan"

Be that as it may, a huge, paralyzing will of the Mount of the King lasted about a month. When this period passed, a huge change took place in Grozny: he began to go to the temple every day and put endless earthly bows there, made many cash deposits in the monasteries. The king could not come to himself for a long time - wept, prayed and, surrendered, completely lost his strength, and the desire to sin.

But Maria Nagaaya became simply hated. Well, if not hated, the unloved is certain.

As Professor R.G. writes Skidnniknikov, "... Life with a young naggy seems to be in Ivan's burden."
Child! Now, if her child was born, she would have nothing to be afraid. No matter how colds are chosen to her, he will not dare to offend the mother of Tsarevich. Even he, who is not written, will not dare! This very constructive thought would like Maria to action, and after some time it was no longer worried about this: she knew that she was pregnant and now she would definitely be a real queen, one, unique, without any hated rivals nearby.

And on October 10, 1582, Maria gave birth to Ivan the Terrible Son, who was called Dimitri. The child turned out painful and sick. He often cried, just facing everyone with his squeaky voice. But it was nothing, almost all the babies day and night yell, thereby developing the lungs. The main thing is in mental terms it turned out quite normal.

"Mary Nagaya with Son Dimitri", Dolls, author Alexander Kukinov

After the birth of Ivan the Terrible deigned to visit his wife, and for the first time for many months she finally saw him. Running a screaming baby in his arms, Ivan Vasilyevich threw a close look at her - and Maria, lying in bed, literally measured, so empty and cold was this look. The procunning queen with fear was waiting for its further fate.
According to strict church ideas, Dmitry was illegitimate, but so far his father was alive, no one dared even cry on this topic.
Now one of the many of her fears remained alone - the usual concern of the mother for the health of the child. Monastery? What monastery? Did not happen to send the mother of the Heredky Tsarevich to the monastery!
Maritochka did not doubt the MiG that her son will be king. In the terme, it was known for all the senses who went to the court at the courtyard.

"Ivan Grozny, Maria Nagaya and Tsarevich Dimitri", author Al. Kukinova

After the death of the son, Terrible thought endlessly over the destiny of the country, and his hand was not climbed to appoint Fedor's heir. "Yes, what of him is the sovereign, from the wretched?! It is a pioneer to call him on the bell tower! Who comes to the kingdom? "
Mariushka was told that one day the king, collecting his boyars, ordered them to choose a successor from his environment, besides Tsarevich Fedor. They said that the king decided to renounce the throne, to retire to the monastery and there to end the days, wasting serious sins. But the wise experience of the boyars did not believe his humility: there were still witnesses of the famous "renunciation" in the 53rd year, after which so many boyaris flew. No fools! Everyone is clear that the king of his neighbor is experiencing. And it is also clear that Fedor does not consider a decent successor ...
But here he, the successor decent, lies on a wide queen bed, sleeps strong sleep, then frowning, then smiling with some kind of his own, incomprehensible infant dreams.
Black cloud swept, closing the life of Marta! Before quiet, forever frightened, she feels strong and boldly, she even looked around, straightening spiritually and seeing in her eyes facing her unusual enhancing and respect. Mother of the future king, government!
How strange that this tiny little man, this weak child became her defender and the Savior ...

Rumors about the intention of the king to look for another wife in the overseas lands, of course, reached Marita, filling her horror. "

And Ivan Vasilyevich, who worked to the spouse and at one glance at her fell into rabies, and really started the walling - sent the embassy to english Queen Elizabeth, hoping to get the hand and heart of her niece Mary Hastings.

He was 52 years old, he looked straw. Because of some kind of rotting, the disgusting smell came out inside from him, a disturbing life with countless sexy fun turned it into ruins, but the fire of ferocious passions was not extinguished - he fired Mary Hastings in the first night, he wanted to show himself a delete one Called ingenic doctors, Russian signs and signs.

The king foresaw that Queen Elizabeth could argue that he was married, and ordered to give it the conditions on which a new marriage could take place. The Pisemsky should have explained that the marriage of John is invalid, because it is not recognized by the archipers of the Greek Church. In a special decree, the king wrote Pisem:

"And to tell it to the royal majesty that Maria Nagaaya is not a queen, and will be tonsured to the monastery."

In the monasteries and churches were kept tirelessly to pray for the health of the king. He distributed generous alms, produced from the dungeons of prisoners. I complained: he was promied, and in proof, removing his shirt, demonstrated his chest and spin, covered with blisters. Attached to the wounds of precious stones, which allegedly must heal it. "

A few months before the death of Ivan the Terrible fell ill, so that he almost finally lost his strength and had to raise him.

Speaking modern tongueIvan the Terrible in the last six years of life has developed powerful salt sediments on the spine. They are called osteophytes and are pathological growths on the surface of bone tissue. The development of osteophytes is accompanied by limiting mobility and causes acute pain with each movement. As they say, the enemy does not wish, especially since the level of development of medicine.

However, when the immensely suffering to Ivan Grozny reported that the queen Maria asks him to "appear before his eyes", he replied rudely: "Let him sit in his terme and does not drive there, where they do not ask."

As a result, Maria saw her husband only in the coffin.

He did not believe that he would die, although the sorcerers predicted the date of death: March 18, 1584. On this day, waking up, he felt excellently, ordered to escape the bath, glared with pleasure. I sent a partner to the locked in the basement to the sorcerers, so that the sovereign was alive and cheerful and still did not decide the sovereign, to burn them or burned into the land for false rivers ... "Let it be not angry," the prisoners answered, - the day only came, and He will end with a sunny sunset. " Passionate hurried back, but late - seated after the bath to the bed John IV asked to file chess and, arranging the figures, fell. And flew the spirit of the great sinner ...

K.E. Makovsky "Death of Ivan Grozny after playing chess"

Professor R.G. Skrynnikov We read: "In the third hour of the day, March 18, 1584, the king ordered to prepare a bathhouse. From Bani, the king was moved to the bedroom and put on the bed. The sovereign wished to rush the game of chess. At the Moscow courtyard, this game was in fashion. Ivan ordered to call the nobleman of Rodion Birkin, a skilled chess player. A large society - Belsky, Godunov, Sanovniki and the staff of the servant gathered in the overtaking. The sovereign began to put the shapes, but his hands did not obey him. All the figures stood in their place, "except the king, whom he could not put on the board" (Gordsay). Without coping with the king, the patient lost his strength and poured a chance. In the room rose muddle. Some hurried to call the confessor, others were sent for vodka, for men, in a pharmacy behind the nogotkaya and pink water.

P.I.Geller. "Metropolitan before the death of Ivan Grozny dedicates him to Schima"

Even his mighty body could not stand those orgies, among which his life proceeded.

What can be said about the attitude of the king to the wives? Only two of the eight women - Anastasia and Vasilisa - used the location of the king, and then Anastasia only at first had sexual attractiveness for him. And he cheated a lot, three other wives died early, he killed one, two sharpened into the monastery and planned to send one to the monastery, and death prevented. It was a spouse unreliable, non-permanent, capricious and selfish. I am spoiled by the full availability of any sexual pleasure, he looked at every new wife as another sexual use and after meeting the passion quickly lost interest to her, thinking about the new fun and the political benefits conjugate.

He is unceremoniously addressed and with his son's wives. Son, Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich, in all imitating father, had a third wife, although the first two did not die. The king was married her son to eighteen years old on Evdokia Saberova, after three years, sending the first wife to the monastery, won the second-paraspe for him, but she sent it there. The third marriage married his son on Elena Sheremetheva. But uncle declared her a traitor. Pregnant daughter-in-law beaten in the bedroom for indecent, in his opinion, dress. The next day, Elena produced the miscarriage. Sarevich, as a fierce character, as well as his father, stood up for his wife and received a wound in the temple of the royal rod. Son Ivan, heir to the throne, died in 10 days. The rage that fed terror so long turned to his own family of the king and climbed the fate of the dynasty.

The king survived the Son only two years. A bridal, weakweight and childless Fedor ascended to the throne (actually, he had no sons, there was only a daughter, but she died in infancy).

Tombstone monuments of graves King Ivan Grozny, Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich and Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral

The death of Ivan Grozny opened a new page of the history of our country.

And what about Queen Maria ... In 1584, she, along with the son of Dmitry, was sent to the city of Uglich. Of course, Maria hoped that after the death of her husband would remain a widded queen, and her son would be called the heir to the childless Tsarevich Fedor. However, she calculated, and very soon she had to get along with the idea that the throne passes to Fedor Ivanovich, who did not think to call Dmitry Brother. Well, what, let it, but Maria solved firmly, which will not allow him to separate himself with his son and will be preserved his enemy's enemy: because Tsarevich Fedor is not eternal ...

So she, together with his son, was in Uglich. There they also sent all the most prominent from Nagi.

In Uglich for Tsarevich, a small stone palace was erected, but settling in the city, the boy suddenly began to suffer from the attacks of epilepsy, which his mother hid carefully, secretly hoping that her son would ever get a royal crown.

And on May 15, 1591, irreparable happened: Nine-year-old Dmitry died with obscure circumstances. According to one of the versions, he in the attack of epilepsy himself ran into a knife, playing with other children in the "knives". The eyewitnesses of the tragedy were mostly unanimous - Dmitry began the next attack, and during the convulsion he accidentally hit himself with a knife straight into the throat. According to another version, Dmitry ordered to kill Boris Godunov, because the boy was a direct heir to the throne and interpreted Godunov in slow, but faithful promotion to him.

Recent studies still provide evidence that Godunov still did not have any attitude towards the death of a small Dmitry.

Sergey Blinkov "Maria Nagaya and Tsarevich Dimitri"

The Tsarina herself stubbornly adhered to the version that Dmitry was slaughtered by some Osip Volokhov, Nikita Kachalov and Danila Bityagovsky (the son of Deca Mikhail, sent to supervice tsarist family), And it was done on a direct orders from Moscow.

"He, he is a killer!" She shouted, showing a finger on Bityagovsky.

Naturally, the Investigation Commission led by Prince Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky was appointed. He ordered to bury Dmitry in the local Transobrazhensky Cathedral, although the Commission, ultimately, announced an accident; This meant that Tsarevich turned out to be an involuntary suicide, and the church was treated with prejudice to such people.

All the fact that they were accused of "disturbing" for the possible heir to the throne ... Maria himself Naguya and her relatives. As a result of the widow of the queen, the titles were deprived of the titles and planted, and she herself was forcibly tonsured in a nun and placed in the Goritsky Devichy Monastery on Beloozer. There she received the name of Inokini Martha.

L.E. Morozova and B.N. Morozov write about this: "So Maria Nagaya lost everything: first the son and hope with him to return to the royal palace, then a fairly honorable position of the royal widow, Uglichsky, and, finally, freedom. From now on, her housing was becoming a small wretched cell in a distant northern monastery, and she herself turned into a simple nun Martar, obliged to pray, fast and Eastovo to serve God to get forgiveness for her numerous sins. "

A unique photo of 1910 of the famous photographer S.M. Procudine - Gorsky (the world's first widely applied method of color photographing) - "Pokrov, shyd by Inokine Martha (Maria Nagaya)" which in 1910 was in the city of Glich in the temple of Tsarevich Dimitria.

This is the church of Tsarevich Dimitria on the blood in G.uglich in the summer

... and so in winter

But with his mournful monastic fate, Maria Marph did not want to humble.

Already on the ninth day after the death of Fyodor Ivanovich, His wife Irina (who forgot - sister Boris Godunova) broke into the nun. And on February 17, the throne took Boris Fedorovich Godunov. As N.M. writes Pronin, "Irina left the throne to give way to his brother. And left on time. Ahead was a decisive fight ... "

Almost immediately after graduation from the throne, Boris Godunov began to walk rumors that Tsarevich Dmitry is alive. The newly converged king raised the threat over him, because compared to the "born" sovereign, he was nobody.

The opposition did not sleep, and at the beginning of 1604 the letter was intercepted by a letter of one Inogen from Narva, in which it was announced that Dmitry managed to be miraculously saved and the Moscow Earth will soon comprehend big misfortunes.

On October 13, 1604, the Lhadmitria I army forced the Dnieper a little higher than Kiev and moved to Moscow, but in January 1605, government troops broke the impostor in the battle of Dobrynichi, who was forced to go to Putuft with the few remnants of his soldiers. And on April 13, 1605, Boris Godunov, who had recently seemed cheerful and healthy, felt bad. From his ears and nose he had blood, and soon he died.

After that, Fedor, the son of Boris Godunova, born in 1589, became king, born in 1589, the young man formed and very intelligent. But his reign was the shortest in Russia's history and continued only forty-nine days. In Moscow, there was a rebellion, provoked by Lhadmitria, and on June 20, 1605, Tsar Fyodor and his mother Maria Grigorievna (reminded - the daughter of Maluratov Skuratov) brutally strangled. Alive was left only to Ksenia, the daughter of Boris Godunov, but she was waiting for an impoverished fate of the supervisor.

And what all this time did the Maria Marpha interested us, which, as we have already said, did not want to humble with their sorrowful monastic fate?

On July 18, 1605, she solemnly entered Moscow and recognized Lhadmitria I with her son. Rather, it was forced to admit.

However, there are other opinions. In particular, L.E. Morozova and B.N. Morozov write: "Naturally, Marfa happily agreed to support conspirators. The former Queen was absolutely no important who would call her son, how he would add to the throne, as he would rule the Russian state. The main thing is your own well-being and the opportunity to go to the top of power again. "

In Moscow, she settled in the Ascension Monastery of the Kremlin. Marina Mnishek to the wedding will live in her, in the monastery.

On May 17, 1606, Lhadmitriy I was killed (his body was burned, and ashes charged the gun and shot in the direction of Poland - there, from where he came to Russian lands), and Maria Nagaaya immediately renounced him, saying that confession was knocked out from her By force, and the self-spanner himself was a sorcerer and a warlock.

"Tsarina Martha reigns a liemithria." Colored lithography on the sketch of V. Babushkina, middle of the XIX century

And the king meanwhile was the same Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky, who even recently investigated the causes of the death of Dmitry, and then recognized the False Dmitry I of the true son of Ivan the Terrible.

During his reign, Lhadmitriy II, and Lhadmitry III. In addition, the name of Tsarevich used the deposited Moscow "Voivode" Ivan Bolotnikov. Then the Cossack leader Ivan Zarutsky was then issued himself for Dmitry, the former guardian of the two first Falsedmitriev, the queen-adventurers of Marina Mnishek and her young son Ivan. Only with the execution of this unfortunate child in 1614 the shadow of Tsarevich Dmitry stopped to twist over the Russian throne.

And without objection, Maria Marfa participated in the procession of reburialing a small son. He was buried next to the father of Ivan Grozny, and no one has not remembered his "illegal", that the marriage of the parents was not consecrated by the church. So it can exactly this recognition of the son of Tsarevich, although a posthumous, and sought Maria Nagaya? Who knows?

Soon he was recognized as a new martyr, and Maria Nagaaya became Mother of St. and one of the most revered women in the country.

Maria Nagaya died on July 20, 1612 in Moscow. However, various sources indicate different dates of her death: 1608, 1610, 1611, 1612 ... She was buried in the Resurrection Monastery in Moscow.

Materials from books:

Vladimir Svinin "Beloved Rangery"

Sergey Nechaev "Ivan Grozny.zhenny and concubine" Blue beard "

Voldemar Balyazin "Entertaining History of Russia"

Elena Arsenieva "Garem Ivan Grozny"

(In the inocurese Marfa) (1553 - 1611) - Queen, the last (six) wife Ivan IV, the mother of Tsarevich Dmitry Uglitsky, during the reign of Tsar Dimitri (Feltmitry I) - Queen Mother.


With Ivan

The wedding discharge of its marriage is preserved. The famous historian A. A. Zimin writes: "The wedding took place shortly after the care of the Batory from the Great Onions. According to Gores, Grozny married to reassure the son of Ivan and Boyar, excited hearing herself about the intended king's escape in England. Obviously, this reasoning is nothing but to suckness. The wedding of the king took place in an intimate setting. There were the closest to him face, mostly sovereign courtyards. "In the Father, Tsarevich Fedor was at the wedding, and the heir to the throne of Ivan -" Thousands ")".

Jerome Gordi writes that "the queen was accompanied by a different retinue, she was released with a dress, jewelry, feeding, horses, and so on. "All this is on a wide leg, as a sovereign".

The fragment of the late "New Chronicler", based, obviously, on earlier sources, talks about the reason for the expulsion of the kind of Nagich: On the night after the death of Ivan IV, Boris Godunov "With their advisers, put treason on Nagih and their Poimakh and Dasha for bailiffs"; The same fate has suffered many, "Koim King Ivan": They were sent over long-range cities and dungeons, their homes were ruined, the estates and wrappers are distributed. Zimin writes that "the story, of course, bears the features of the anti-famous edition and the explicit Romanov" rehabilitation "nagich. The decision to send Nagih from Moscow was probably accepted by the entire Duma, who had fastened their shares in favor of the younger brother Fedor Tsarevich Dmitry. But mainly it corresponds to reality. Schemes were three sons A. M. Nagidoy: Andrei, judging by later data, sent to ARS; Mikhail, who was highlighted in 1583/84 in Kazan, in 1585/86 found himself in Cochaysk, and in 1586/87 - 1593/94. - in Ufa; Athanasius - Novosili (1584). Their secondary brother Ivan Grigorievich in 1585/86 was located in Kuzmodemyansky Ostrog, and from 1588/89 to 1593/94 - in a new-planned city on Lozwe. Senior Uncle Tsaritsa Mary Semen Fedorovich Nagoya with Son Ivan in 1585/86-1589 / 90. served in Vasilsursk, and another uncle - Athanasius in 1591 was in Yaroslavl. Under Queen Mary (soon, Fedor Fedor (died in Uglich) (died about 1590), Uncle Andrei and the Brothers Mikhail and Grigory Fedorovichi. "

The new king, as mentioned above, according to some sources, over time, forbidden the clergy to remember Tsarevich Dmitry because of his illegality.

"For inacidation for the son and for the murder of innocent Bityagovsky with comrades," Nagaya was tonsured in a nun as Materna. Regarding the monastery, information varies - the monastery is mentioned in the dusting near Cherepovets or Nikolovytsin desert. Her brothers for negligence to the child were sharpened in the dungeon.

With Boris

In 1598, Fyodor died, which did not improve the position of Nagya. From the monastery, she was called by Boris Godunov in 1604 to Moscow, on the occasion of rumors about Lhadmitria I, but nothing opened and sent back.

This scene, colorfully described by Kostomarov (Following Isaac Weighing), was based on the Nikolai Gi.

He says, ordered to bring Dimitri's mother to the Novodevichi Monastery; From there they brought her night to the palace secretly and introduced Boris to the bedroom. The king was there with his wife. "Tell the truth, whether your son is alive or not?" - Grozno asked Boris. "I don't know," said Staritsa. Then the queen of Marya (Boris's wife) came to such a rage that she grabbed a lit candle, shouted: "Oh, you b ... ! You dare to say: I do not know - if you really know! " - And threw her candle in the eyes. Tsar Boris defended Marfu, and otherwise the queen would look like her eyes. Then Staritsa Marfa said: "I was told that my son was secretly taken away from the Russian land without my knowledge, and those that they told me so, have already died." The angry Boris ordered to take an old man in conclusion and keep with the greatestness and deprivation.

With Faldmitry I.

In literature

(...) And Saglovy's patrovy guessed,
For the fact that the word was spoiled,
In Bogolyubov, the monastery rushed
To Queen Marfe Matveyevna:
"Tsarina you Marfa Matveyevna!
Whether this child is sitting on the kingdom,
Tsarevich Dimitrey Ivanovich? "
And the patrovop queen Marfa Matveyevna cried
And these speeches in tears said:
"And the stalls are alley you, inaudible!
What my child is sitting in the kingdom?
On the kingdom you are sitting
Grishka sinking son;
My son, Tsarevich Dimitray Ivanovich (...) "

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Excerpt that characterizes Nagaya, Maria Fedorovna

Sonya sat behind the mirror, arranged a position, and began to watch.
"So Sophia Alexandrovna will certainly see," the shovel said Dunyasha; - And you all laugh.
Sonya heard these words, and heard Natasha Shopot said:
- And I know that she will see; She saw last year.
Minutes three were all silent. "Be sure!" Natasha whispered and did not finish ... Suddenly Sonya was eliminated by the mirror that she kept, and closed her eyes with her hand.
- Ah, Natasha! - she said.
- Saw? Saw? What did you see? - screamed Natasha, supporting the mirror.
Sonya did not see anything, she had just wanted to wink through her eyes and get up when he had heard the voice of Natasha, who said "certainly" ... She did not want to deceive to Dunyash, nor Natasha, and it was hard to sit. She herself did not know how and as a result of which she had a scream when she closed her eyes hand.
- Did you see him? - asked Natasha, grabbing her hand.
- Yes. Wait ... I ... I saw him, "Sonya said unwittingly, not knowing who I intelled to Natasha under his word: His - Nikolai or him - Andrei.
"But why should I not say that I saw? After all, they see others! And who can catch me in the fact that I saw or did not see? " flashed in Sony's head.
"Yes, I saw him," she said.
- How? How? Is it worth it or lies?
"No, I saw ... that was nothing, suddenly I see that he lies."
- Andrei lies? He is sick? - frightened with his eyes looking at the girlfriend, asked Natasha.
- No, on the contrary, - on the contrary, a fun face, and he turned to me - and at that moment as she said, it seemed to her that she had seen what she said.
- Well, then, Sonya? ...
- here I did not consider something blue and red ...
- Sonya! When will he return? When I see him! My God, as I am afraid for him and for myself, and for everything I'm scared ... - Natasha spoke, and not answering a word on Sony's consolation, he lay down in bed and long after put out the candle, with open eyes, I staylessly lay on the bed and looked at the frosty, moonlight through the frozen windows.

Soon after the shield, Nikolai declared her mother about his love for Sona and the hard decision to marry her. The Countess, who has long noticed what was happening between Sonya and Nikolai, and who was waiting for this explanation, silently listened to his words and told the Son that he could marry comers; But that neither she nor father will give him a blessing for such a marriage. For the first time, Nikolai felt that the mother is dissatisfied with them that despite all her love for him, she will not give way to him. She, cold and without looking at his son, sent her husband; And when he came, the Countess wanted briefly and coldly in the presence of Nicholas to tell him what's the matter, but I could not stand it: I cried with tears of annoyance and left the room. The old Graf began to hesitate to strangle Nicholas and ask him to abandon his intention. Nikolay answered that he could not change his word, and his father, sighing and obviously embarrassed, very soon reapped his speech and went to the Countess. With all collisions with the son, the count did not leave the consciousness of his ulibency in front of him for the disorder of cases, and therefore he could not be angry with his son for refusing to marry a rich bride and for choosing a unprecedented Sony - he just recalled the fact that If things were not upset, it was impossible for Nicholas to wish the best wife than Sonya; And that only one he is guilty of the disorder with his mitten and with his insurmountable habits.
The father with his mother no longer spoken about this case with her son; But a few days after that, the Countess called Sonya and with cruelty, who did not expect that neither the other, the Countess reproached the niece in the lubrication of the Son and in Justice. Sonya, silently with her eyes, listened to the cruel words of the Countess and did not understand what they demand from it. She was ready for everyone to donate for their benefactors. The thought of self-sacrifice was her thoughtless thought; But in this case, she could not understand who and what she had to sacrifice. She could not not love the Countess and the whole family of growth, but could not not love Nicholas and not to know that his happiness depended on this love. She was silent and sad, and did not answer. Nikolai could not, as he seemed to be transferred to the share of this situation and went to explain with his mother. Nikolai then begged her mother to forgive him and Sonya and agree to their marriage, he threatened his mother by the fact that, if Sonya would be pursued, he now marries her secretly.
Countess with a coldness that has never seen the Son, answered him that he was an adult that Prince Andrei marries without the consent of his father, and that he can do the same, but that she never recognizes this intrigant with his daughter.
The exploded by the word intrigater, Nikolai, having occurred a voice, said Mother, that he never thought that she forced him to sell her feelings, and that if it was so, then he last time He says ... But he did not have time to say that a decisive word, which, judging by the expression of his face, was waiting for his mother with horror and which could be forever left the cruel memoirs between them. He did not have time to finish, because Natasha with a pale and serious face entered the room from the door, which she overheard.
- Nikolinka, you say trifles, silent, silent! I'm telling you, silently! .. - She almost screamed to drown out his voice.
"Mom, a darling, it's not at all about it ... My dinner, poor," she appealed to the mother, who, feeling at the edge of the gap, looked at his son with horror, but, as a result of stubbornness and hobbies, did not want to surrender.
"Nikolinka, I am a fractured you, you leave - you listen, my mother's mother," she said Mother.
Her words were meaningless; But they achieved the result to which she sought.
Countess hardly Zalespów hid his face on his daughter's chest, and Nikolai got up, grabbed his head and came out of the room.
Natasha took up the work of reconciliation and brought him to the fact that Nikolai received a promise from the mother that Sonya will not oppress, and he himself gave a promise that he would do anything secretly from his parents.
With the solid intention, having arranged his business in the regiment, to resign, come and marry Sona, Nikolai, sad and serious, in a break with relatives, but as it seemed to him, passionately in love, in early January went to the regiment.
After leaving Nicholas in the house, Rostovaya became sadger than ever. Countess from mental disorder became ill.
Sonya was sad and from separation from Nikolai and even more from that hostile tone, with whom she could not not handle the Countess. Count more than ever was concerned about the bad state of affairs demanding any decisive measures. It was necessary to sell the Moscow home and the Moscow region, and for the sale of the house it was necessary to go to Moscow. But the health of the Countess forced from day to postpone the departure.
Natasha, easily and even having fun in the first time of separation with his fiance, now every day became agitated and impatient. The idea that so, for nothing, it disappears its best time, which she would use it to love him, relentlessly tormented her. Letters of him mostly angry her. She was insulting to think that then how she lives only the thought of him, he lives a real life, sees new places, new people who are interesting for him. The more interesting was his letters, it was annoying. Her letters to him not only did not give her consolation, but seemed boring and fake duty. She did not know how to write, because it could not comprehend the opportunity to express in a letter truthfully at least one thousandth share that she was used to expressing a voice, a smile and a look. She wrote to him classically monotonous, dry letters, which herself did not attribute any importance in which, on Brulon, the Countess corrected her spelling errors.
The health of the Countess all was not corrected; But it was no longer possible to postpone the trip to Moscow. It was necessary to make a dowry, it was necessary to sell the house, and moreover, the prince of Andrei was waiting at Moscow, where Prince Nikolai Andreich lived in this winter, and Natasha was sure that he had already arrived.
The Countess remained in the village, and the count, taking a son and Natasha with him, at the end of January went to Moscow.

Pierre after the walling of Prince Andrei and Natasha, without any obvious reason, suddenly felt the impossibility of continuing his former life. No matter how firmly he was convinced of the truths open to him by his benefactor, no matter how joyfully, it was the first time of hobbies the inner work of the self-improvement, which he looked with such a heat, after the engagement of Prince Andrei with Natasha and after the death of Joseph Alekseevich, which he received Lime almost at the same time, - all the charm of this former life suddenly disappeared for him. One custody of life remained: his house with a brilliant wife, who was now the Milosts of one important person, acquaintance with all St. Petersburg and a service with boring formalities. And this former life suddenly with an unexpected illness was introduced by Pierre. He stopped writing his diary, avoided the society of the brothers, began to go to the club again, began to drink a lot again, again it became closed with idle companies and began to lead such a life that Countess Elena Vasilyevna found it necessary to make him a strict remark. Pierre felt that she was right and not to compromise his wife, went to Moscow.
In Moscow, as soon as he drove into his huge house with dried and drying princes, with a huge courtyard, as soon as he saw - driving around the city - this Iverly chapel with countless lights in front of golden rizam, this Kremlin square with unexpressed snow, these cabesters And the lach tugs of Sivzyev, he saw the old people of Moscow, nothing wishing and anywhere who lives lives her age, saw the old women, Moscow Baryn, Moscow balls and the Moscow English club, - he felt at home, in a quiet shelter. He became late in Moscow, warm, habitual and dirty, as in the old coat.
The Moscow society is all, ranging from the old woman to children, as his long-wait guest, which the place was always ready and not occupied, - took Pierre. For Moscow light, Pierre was the most cute, kind, smart cheerful, generous eccentric, scattered and spiritual, Russian, old cut, Barine. His wallet was always empty, because it is open to all.
Benefishes, bad paintings, statues, charitable societies, Gypsies, schools, subscription lunches, couments, masons, churches, books - no one and nothing has fallen a refusal, and if he would not have two friends who have taken a lot of money from him and taking him under their custody, he would distribute everything. There was no dinner in the club, no evening without him. As soon as he fell into his place on the sofa after two bottles of Margo, he was surrounded, and the convictions, spokes, jokes were tied. Where they quarreled, he is one of her good smile and by the way said joke, Mirill. Masonic canteens lodges were boring and sluggish, if it was not.
When after idling dinner, he, with a good and sweet smile, giving rise to the requests of a funny company, rose to go with them, joyful, solemn cries between young people were heard. On the ballas he danced, if he did not take a cavaller. Young ladies and young ladies loved him for what he, not causing anyone, was equally kind, especially after dinner. "Il Est Charmant, Il N" A Pas de Sech ", [he is very nice, but does not have sex,] talked about him.
Pierre was a retired good-naturedly working out his age in Moscow, a chamber, which hundreds were.
As if he was horrified, if it were seven years ago, when he just came out of the border, someone would tell him that he had nothing to look for and inventing that his river had long been broken, was defined either, and that, as he was not Whether he will be the fact that everything was in his position. He could not believe it! Isn't he wanted all his soul, then to produce a republic in Russia, then to be Napoleon himself, then a philosopher, then tactic, the winner of Napoleon? Didn't he see the opportunity and passionately wanted to reverse the vicious human race and bring himself to high degree Perfection? Didn't he accomplish the schools and hospitals and released his peasants to the will?

Ivan Grozny had a lot of wives, but historians still argue, how to count them and which one can be called full spouses, and what no. No matter how much them, six, seven or eight, the latter was Maria Nagaya, who became an important figure of our story a lot later the death of the Terrible - in Time of Troubles. Alexey Durnovo - about the dramatic history of life of this woman.


It should be understood that from the point of view of Orthodoxy, Maria Nagaaya could not be considered a lawful queen. The limit of marriages Grozny has exhausted back in 1572, eight years before marriage to Mary Nagya. Only three marriages were allowed by canonical right. The wedding of Ivan the Terrible with his fourth wife - Anna Kolovskaya - was an exception made only for the king and in the interests of the state.

In order for the church to give permission to the fourth marriage, it was necessary to convene a cathedral at which Grozny had to prove that his third wife Marfa Dogkin was not his wife in his full sense. The dog was really wary already seriously ill and died shortly after the wedding. Grozny convinced the cathedral that the marriage was not consulted that he helped him get permission to new marriage.

Marriage Nagya with Grozny could not be recognized as legitimate

About the permission to the fifth, sixth or seventh marriage could not even be speech. So Maria Nagaya was either not a wedded wife of Ivan the Terrible, or a wedded, but not legitimate. From the point of view of the marriage or childbirth, it did not matter what could not be said about politics. After the death of Grozny Maria Nagaaya could not be considered a widowing queen. Moreover, the question of the legality of the rights to the throne of their son - the notorious Tsarevich Dmitry.

Marriage and widowism

Fedor Ioannovich

The wedding of the king took place in an intimate and almost a secret setting. Without celebrations and lush ceremonies. There was only a nearby circle of Grozny, consisting, apparently from several boyars and courtiers. The eldest son of the king, Ivan, apparently, did not even know about the father's wedding. Any details of the shared life of the Terrible and Nagya also remain unknown. With accuracy, it is possible to say only one thing: in 1582, Maria gave birth to the king of the Son - Dmitry. It was the fifth and last son of Grozny. Everything changed after Ivan's death.

Nagi was bent with shui, moving to Uglich they were perceived as a link

It should be understood that the marriage of the king with Maria Naguya contributed to the rapid elevation of the family of the new queen. Rod Nagich really took off very high. Uncle and cousins \u200b\u200bMary began to enter the near circle of the king, the Duma, orders and other authorities. Some of them unexpectedly became major governors. The growth of the power of this surname, of course, led to conflicts with other boyar families. On the other side of the barricades were, for example, powerful Godunov.

As you know, Boris Godunov had an almost unlimited influence on the second Son of the Terrible - Fyodor John, who became the heir to the throne immediately after the death of his older brother. In general, no one doubted that with the weird Fedor on the throne, the kingdom would rule the kingdom, so it happened. Soon after the death of Ivan the Terrible, all naked at once fell into opal and were sent to the link. It is not necessary to doubt that it was the work of Godunov, who convinced Fedor that the relatives of the queen plot his betrayal to the throne of his younger brother Dmitry. As a result, the queen with the child was sent to Uglich. And Dmitry got him into the reign. Together with Maria in an honorary reference (and it was, in fact, it was she) her father Fedor went, as well as the brothers Mikhail and Grigory.

The queen was released on good conditions. She took with him a retinue, armed guard, several chests with clothes, as well as horses and decorations. Another thing is that Fedor soon forbade the Mashehu and the younger brother in any worships. Formally, they stopped considered the king's relatives.

After the death of Dmitry

In this picture, Tsarevich Dmitry lies in the snow, although he died in mid-May

As you know, on May 15, 1591, Tsarevich Dmitry died in Uglich. The circumstances of his death still remain the subject of numerous disputes. There are three versions: an accident, murder and even the dramatization. Allegedly Nagi hid the Tsarevich from possible danger, but they portrayed the matter so that he was killed. In any case, there is no doubt that everyone who has attracted to the Uglich case has repeatedly and sophisticatedly lied.

Immediately after the death of Tsarevich, a riots broke out in the city, the crowd, who diligently processed the queen and her brothers, confused by the suspects in the "murder" (if it was it), and among the victims, Dyack Mikhail Bityagovsky, sent to Uglich for the supervision of Nagi. There is a version that the queen and her brothers fabricated evidence, throwing blooded knives at the body of Tsarevich. Investigation commission headed by Vasily Shuisky arrived in the city. Soon, this boyar himself will be king, and while he is prominent politician close to Fedor John.

There is an opinion that after the death of Dmitry Queen fabricated evidence

Shuisky, as you know, lied three times. For Fedor and Boris Godunov, Shuisky argued that Tsarevich died as a result of an accident. During Flavmitry, he immediately stated that the child survived and escaped when Lhadmitry was overthrown, and the Chuisian himself became king, he again changed his mind, admitted that he became mistaken, and announced that the prince Uglichsky was indeed died in 1591.

In favor of the assignment version, only one indirect guess says. The same Grigory Freakov, whom Boris Godunov declared the impostor trying to give themselves for Tsarevich, was the monk the miracle of the monastery and consisted of the family of Romanov. This prominent boyars did not take someone to serve anyone, and in the miracles of the monastery, located in the Kremlin, it was impossible to get just from the street. So the version was born that Nagi, fearing for the death of Dmitry, decided to hide it from Romanov.

Be that as it may, the Investigation Commission decided not in favor of Nagih. The queen and the brothers were announced guilty of the murder of Bityagovsky and incitement. Maria Fedorovna was touched into the nuns, the brothers were skened. Together with them, a Uglich bell went to the link.

Godunov and Lhadmitry

Maria Nagaya and Boris Godunov

For a while about Maria Nagyuya (now I am already inkine Marfa) forgotten. I had to remember after Faldmitry appeared. Godunov called Naguya to Moscow and carefully interrogated. The Queen did not inform him any valuable information and was sent back to the Nikolovykin desert. In 1605, the power of power occurred in the Moscow kingdom. Boris Godunov died, and Faldmitry entered the capital, killing his wife Godunov and his son Fyodor, the legal king. Maria Nagaaya returned from the reference, solemnly drove into Moscow and recognized the Flasmithria from the Son himself.

With these confessions, the story is extremely confusing. After all, as you know, smoothly in a year, nagging from his words renounced. When the boyars overthrew Lhadmitry, and killed him, the widowing Queen directly or indirectly confirmed that this man was not her son at all. Nagy could have many reasons. It is likely that she was threatened, and both for the first time and in the second. It is not excluded that she was afraid of loved ones.

Maria Nagaya denounces Falsitria

Perhaps she was simply tired of sitting in the monastery, and she took the opportunity to return to the capital. In any case, much more questions cause her renunciation from recognition. In accuracy it is unknown, when it was the captured False Duchyard who was asked by Nagya that the very question. It is likely that Nagaya answered him back. That is, refused to have his words after the Lhadmitry was killed. In any case, the fate of Nagya after that uprising was solved finally. Shuisky in the widowing queen did not need. According to rumors, he was generally going to kill her, but did not do it. Nagaya was sent back to the monastery, where she graduated from her days. What year did Maria died by Nagaya? This is also unknown exactly. Whether in 1609th, or in the 1610th, or in 1611.