Presentation New approaches to family and school interaction. School and family interaction - presentations

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"Family and school is the shore and the sea. On the shore, the child makes his first steps, and then in front of him the unawarded sea of \u200b\u200bknowledge opens, and the course in this sea is paving the school ... But this does not mean that he must completely break away from the shore ... "L. Cassil.

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The idea of \u200b\u200bcooperation is one of the most popular in modern pedagogy. Family and school are two public institutions that are at the origins of our future. The question of family cooperation and school is now especially relevant, since the family education system undergoes significant changes and today it has been to note that the destruction of the family in a traditional understanding exacerbates the problems of family education for a number of reasons. Consequently, in difficult modern conditions, the family requires a systematic and qualifier assistance from school teachers. Whatever the direction of development we have not taken, it will always be that the decisive role of its effectiveness on one or another stage is played by the family.

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Each teacher in its activities is sooner or later "stumps" on such an independent and independent factor in the development of a child, as his family. Moreover, his influence on the child is so strong that any pedagogical effort is capable of negative. On the one hand, a school, as a social institution, is afraid of interventions in private life His students, often having the most superficial and distortion idea about it. On the other hand, the teacher understands that, without coordination with the family, school pedagogical impacts lose all strength.

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Justification of the problem

Return to school lost values \u200b\u200bwithout a family, without the people it is impossible. Yu.P. Azarov

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The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe project

To turn the interest of the school to the educational process in the interest of Family, rally not only the children's group into the team of like-minded people, but also their parents to make allies.

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Objective of the project

Create a family and school cooperation system for the purpose of favorable conditions for the formation of the student of a schoolboy.

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Sew the act - get the habit, post the habit - get married, sit in nature - get fate. W. Tekket

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Project tasks

Arrivate parents pedagogical knowledge and skills to educate the identity of the child. Assist in reasonable building relationships with a child. To form a single view of the school and family on the purpose, the content and methods of upbringing the younger schoolchildren. Create in the collective of children and parents atmosphere of good, mutual understanding, trust. Involve parents and students in various forms of extracurricular activities in the upbringing of younger students.

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Object of study: The process of family cooperation and school in the education and education of children. Research Subject: A combination of methods, forms and means necessary for successful cooperation.

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Research methods

theoretical: Analysis of psychological and pedagogical and scientific and methodological literature on the problem; Experimental: observation; Questioning, testing; forming experiment; Methods of high-quality and quantitative analysis of experimental data: processing, interpretation of results.

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Expected results

After studying the features of the family, setting specific tasks in working with each family (taking into account the age, education, cultural level and views on education), the choice of adequate forms and methods of working with families. Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents. Creating a Commonwealth in the "Family - Class-Skol" structure. Establishing active interaction between teacher, children and parents, effective communication and mutual understanding. Organization effective interaction Teachers and parents of students in the education of the child's personality.

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Stages of project implementation

Information and preparatory stage acquaintance with families of students, with their problems in the education of the child (selection effective methods and family diagnostics techniques; Planning work with family). Organizational stage Elections of the Parent Committee. Forming a database based on the results of the questionnaires, polls of parents. Creating conditions for the introduction of plans for working with parents. Formation of installation on school and family cooperation.

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Practical stage Work on the formation of special knowledge of children's psychology, pedagogy (consultation system; Parental meetings). Joint activity according to the scheme: teacher-child parent (holidays and entertainment; excursions and hiking; participation in contests and exhibitions; Saturdays). Summarizing stage questioning parents, children. Analysis of work efficiency with subsequent adjustment.

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Methods of studying families

Observation. Connected observation (Connecting parents, class asset) Individual conversations. Testing. Questioning. Diagnostics. Business games. Analysis of children's stories and drawings.

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Directions of family and school interaction

Purpose: Establishment of trust relationships between children, parents and teachers, combining them into one team, education needs to share their problems with each other and jointly decide. 1. Study of family education conditions. 2. Informing parents about the content of the educational process. 3. Psychological and pedagogical education of parents. 4. Interaction with the parent committee. 5. Organization of collective activities. 6. Individual work with pupils and their parents. 7. Informing parents about the progress and results of child education and training.

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Pedagogical Technologies Pedagogy Collaboration Gaming Technologies Personal-Oriented ICT Approach Problem

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Pedagogical education of parents

The main method of raising children is a personal example of parents. Visual Pedagogical Propaganda Information Stand Thematic Exhibitions Memo For Parents Creating a Family Reading Library Parent Meetings Meeting-acquaintance in the parent club "Hello!"

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Round table dedicated to the difficulties of the adaptation period "Meeting of an adult and child" Meeting-dialogue "On time, children and yourself ..." Assembly of recipes "How to help a child Look reading" Laboratory of unresolved problems "Kids to educate - non-quilting" 3. School for parents Thematic consultations Individual counseling lectures open shows lessons and educational events

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Joint activities of children, parents, teachers

Task: Formation of installation to cooperation, creating conditions for this cooperation Organization and conducting excursions Issue Wall-looping contests (crafts; drawings) Work for the manufacture of costumes for holidays

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5. Children's holidays, theatrical views, contests, quizzes, exhibitions Matinee "We are now not just children, we are now students" theatrical performance "Visiting Autumn" New Year's performance "Hello New Year!" Cognitive quiz "Adventure in the country of road signs" Health Day "Mom, Dad, I - Sports Family" Holiday "Farewell to ABC" holiday of the whole family "Weather in our house"

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Summarizing stage

Objective: Evaluation of the effectiveness of forms, methods and content of working with families to form a child's identity problem: conducting a diagnostic study of the status of adaptation of children and relationships of parents and children; Analysis and generalization of the results obtained at a meeting of teachers primary classes and parent meetings. Determination of further prospects for the formation of the child's personality.

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Psychological and pedagogical analysis of the features of adaptation of first-graders to school

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IN primary grades Communication of the school with family (parents) is implementing a teacher. The joint work of teacher teacher and parents begins in the first year of learning children at school. For a child, for the first time spent the threshold of the school, the Commonwealth of the teacher and parents is one of the most important conditions for his holistic development, because the identity of a schoolboy cannot be formed only at school and only in the family. He is brought up at the same time in school, and in the family. Creative communication with families is the main thing that helps the teacher successfully influence the development of the personality of each child, forms a value attitude towards the family.

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Democrite argued: " Good people become more from exercises than from nature. " Such an exercise that promotes the development and development of the child's personality is becoming the use of active forms of family and school interaction. It is proven by time, I am deeply convinced that the education will be successful if the family education is ahead of the enlightenment of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to create in the class such a system of educational work, which would allow to develop every family, each parent and every child.

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Information sources

Arnautova E.P. Pedagogue and family. M.: Publishing House "Karapuz", 2002. Wenger A. L., Zuckerman G. A. Psychological examination of primary school students. M.: Vlados-Press, 2001. Maksimochina V.N. Parental meetings. Volgograd: 2008 Smolko E. to bring up together. // Family and School. - 1985, No. 9. Solovyova T. A., Rogaleva E. I. First-grader: Adaptation to a new social environment. M.: Vako, 2008 Stepanov E.N. Kaleidoscope parent meetings. M.: TTS. Sphere, 2004 Sukhomlinsky V. A. Wisdom of parental love. - Moscow, 1990. Sukhomlinsky V.A. Parental pedagogy. Election cit. In 3 t. M., 1981, T.3 Internet resources: http: //

See all slides

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Regulatory - legal framework RF Law "On Education" Guidelines Ministry of Education Rossi on interaction educational institution With family (annex to the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 31, 2001, No. 90 / 30-16 "On the organization of parent-universal institutions in educational institutions. Letter of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation July 22, 2002 №51-547 / 16

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The purpose of the school's activities pedagogical accompaniment Families to increase educational function families; Involve parents in the process of organizing raising activities; To provide a family of psychological - pedagogical assistance; To promote the revival of the best traditions of family education.

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DIRECTIONS OF ACTIVITIES Pedagogical team, socio-pedagogical school of school. Individual work with troubled family Industrial work CL leaders with parents service confidence. Work of the psychologist. Parent involvement in the educational process of pedagogical education of parents parents School meetings Joint activities of parents and students. Participation of parents in school management.

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Involving parents in the educational process Assistance in strengthening material - technical base; Joint creative affairs. Individual patronage over unfavorable families, difficult teenagers;

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Participation of parents in school management. School-and-High Parent Committee; Class parent committees; Council of Prevention.

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Individual work with a problem family. Family visits; Conversations of the administration, class managers; Consulting a school psychologist; Class parent committees; The Council of Prevention (with the participation of the parental public); School-and-how-old parent committee.

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Pedagogical education of parents pedvsessobach; Common parent conferences; Lectures; Open cool events; Individual thematic advice. Consulting lectures: "Difficulties of adaptation of first-graders to school" "Problems of adaptation of a child for learning in grade 5" "Personal - oriented learning. The interests of children "" Creating a situation and conditions of success "" Difficult age. The problem of mutual understanding of children and parents "

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Tips for parents Any child - an excellent card or a two-way, movable or slow, athlete or rookh - deserves love and respect: the value in it itself. Remember. That the child does not consist of completely from shortcomings, weaknesses, failures. The dignity of the child is now, you must be able to see them. Do not skimp on praise. It is necessary to praise the artist, but to criticize only the execution. There is a personal, but to criticize as indifferent as possible. Any increase in requirements should be started with praise, even an advance. Put before the child achievable targets. Instead of orders to ask for advice or help, like an equal or elder. Permission to teach children much better than the prohibitions. If you need to punish, remember that you should not punish the same errors twice. The child must understand. For what and why it is punished. It is necessary to convince yourself that in most cases comments, wretched, the requirements are simply not needed.

  • this is a person who has its own positions
  • able to elect priorities
  • determine the significance of their actions,
  • find your own meaning in life,
  • decisions,
  • take responsibility for your words and actions,
  • realize yourself
  • not to get lost in modern society

and mothers " (V.A. Sukhomlinsky - teacher Novator, writer)

2) "The most difficult thing in working with children is this work.

3) "If the child does not feel that his house -

this is where his parents live, he will make his

house street "

(N. De Rothschild - French Writer)

4) "The best school of discipline - there is a family"

(S.Smails - Scottish Writer and Reformer)

5) "Parents least forgive their children those

vices that they themselves put them

(I.Shiller - German writer)

6) "For the successful work of the teacher with parents you need

clearly remember that the child is a product of own

family. Family, unfortunately, are different. "

(A.Satalov - Poet, critic, publisher).

« What are different families »

R. Beskov « I will not come back here »

Newsreel "Yeralash"

« Mother father me friendly family » .

"What is the parents from the teacher"

Good relationship To children - 65%

Fair ratings - 50%

Sturdy Knowledge (Professionalism) - 55%

Individual assistance in school - 70%

-Support parents with knowledge in the field of pedagogical and

psychological learning process - 20%

-Sef work on raising children - 45%

-Full "second mom" with all those supplied

duties - 35%

so that we are completely isolateding them from raising children)

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Purpose: Search for optimal forms of collaboration of school and family in the interests of the child.

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"Education is a social process in the broadest sense. Rises everything: people, things, phenomena, but above all and most - people. Of these, in the first place - parents and teachers "Makarenko

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The main tasks: the unity of the process of education at school and the family in order to comprehensively develop the personality of each child. Study of educational opportunities of families. Increasing the pedagogical culture of parents. Rendering educational assistance to the family. Joint work of the pedagogical team and parents to overcome difficulties. The overall interest of teachers and parents in organizing a humane pedagogical environment around each child. The ability to coordinate the efforts of the family and school.

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"As many challenges as possible to the school of parents for moral notation to children, to eliminate sons of the father's" strong hand ", to warn about the dangers," if it continues further, "and as much as possible such spiritual communication of children with parents, which brings The joy of mothers and fathers. All that the child is in the head, the soul, in the notebook, the diary, - all this we must consider from the point of view of the relationship between children and parents, and it is completely unacceptable that the child brings mother and father to some grief is ugly upbringing. " V.A. Sukhomlinsky

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Situation analysis scheme: Give a qualitative assessment of the behavior of the teacher and the parent in this situation. Analyze the errors made by them. Offer the correct solution to this situation from your point of view. What extent is the interests of the child's personality in this situation and in your version of it?

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Rules of interaction and ways to establish contacts with family: actions and activities aimed at strengthening and improving parental authority. Increasing the level of their pedagogical culture and activity in education. Pedagogical tact, the inadmissibility of careless intervention in the life of the family. Orientation on successful personality development.

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Reflection What feelings and difficulties experienced each of the participants? How did teachers come to victory? What helped them fulfill the task? That observers did not participate in the exercise relatively this task and its execution?

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Memo Pedagogue: Take into account the personal interests of the parents, their possibility of visiting the school and parental meetings. Drive a conversation with your parents in a suitable setting, not on the go. Contact parents by name and patronymic. Head to place parents to yourself. Do not cause fire on yourself, become the interlocutor, you will be able to hear and listen. Do not insult parental feelings and thoughts; Find each child positive features and quality. Praise the child and parents at all, talk about problems individually. Appeal to parents through a diary or written report should be respectful, concise and specific.

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The decision of the Pedagogical Council of the Administration and the Pedagogical Collection of the School in its work to focus on the "Rules of Pedagogical Ethics of Work with Parents"; In the educational work with family and counseling, follow the "Memo of the Pedagogue". Class leaders Pay attention to the need for a variety of forms of parental meetings, more often use unconventional forms. Intensify the activities of attracting parents to joint work in various areas (joint holidays, invitation to students' exhibitions, joint design wallpaper, etc.). Resume the work of the parent all-office conducting community parent meetings on parallels (younger school, secondary links, high school Class leaders in parent meetings spread practical advice And ideas decorated by the memo to parents "together". Holding at the end school year Questioning parents of students "Satisfaction educational process and extracurricular activities.