Command voice: turn on the mood. How to develop a voice? Simple exercises for every day

A strong confident voice is needed not only to general, but also to all those who want to conquer respect for themselves and achieve the goal. Many of us forget that the voice, like the muscles, can be trained and developed. Only, if in the case of the muscles of the body, physical education is needed, then breathing exercises and vocal classes will need for the development of voting force. In some cases, trainings for the development of self-confidence that will help your voice sound more resolutely.

Voice development exercises give pronunciation, expand the range, make more expressive modulation, give melodiousness and purity. Exercises to achieve a steady effect should be done regularly in the morning wake-up clock.

If we talk about a team voice that causes unquestioned obedience from the surrounding something - this is a low voice that settles in consciousness and produces a strong, indelible impression, giving birth to a sense of trust and respect for the speaker.

  1. Stand exactly and, exhausing the air, say the extension sounds of "IIII", "EEEE", "Aaaaa", "OOOOO", "Uuuu". This sequence is principled, because The downward decreases from the highest frequency - "III", which leads to more intensive blood circulation, the utterance of "EEE" activates the area of \u200b\u200bthe throat and neck, AAA - affects the chest, "ooo" - improves the work of the heart, "UUU" - reflects In good work of the lower abdomen. Sounds should be pronounced 3 times.
  2. Next, pronounce the sound "MMM" with a closed mouth 3 times. The first time is very quiet, and the second and the third time - louder, so that the ligaments tighten, feel the vibration, putting your hand on the stomach.
  3. Rug, relaxing the tongue and pressing his tip to the nebu. When you learn how to work with the sound "P", your voice will get extra force and energy, you will work out team voice. Pronounce from time to time a set of words starting and including sound "P": steering wheel, rum, rhythm, river, ditch, cheese, frost.
  4. Also, to make a voice really strong, perform the exercise "Tarzan", which serves as a kind of prevention of colds: stand straight, do a breath, deep breath, squeeze your hands in the fists and pound yourself with your hands on your chest. So you will free bronchi from mucus and your voice will sound louder and more confident.

It is difficult to imagine a beautiful speech and a successful speaker without a clear diction. In order to add a clear speech, the Scene School School offers a program on sound recovery, proper breathing, articulation and "activity" of speech.

In this article you will find exercises after the execution of which will begin.

To open a voice

Your voice can actually be not yours. The reason is in the clamps or improper method of speaking (for example, on some ligaments). The exercises presented below will help cope with these challenges and disclose your true natural voice.

Sound sources

First, understand how surrounding you are heard. To do this, you can imitate the recording studio. Your left palm will be a headset - press it with "shell" to the left ear; Right will be a microphone - keep it at the mouth at a distance of several centimeters. Start a sample: Consider say different wordsPlay with sound. Perform this exercise for 5-10 minutes for nine days. During this time you will understand how it really sounds, and you can improve it.


To open a voice, you need to free the throat and transfer the main work of the lips and aperture. To do this, say the Kew-X syllables. At the "Kew", round lips, to "X" - stretch them in a wide smile. After 30 repetitions, try to pronounce a little speech. You will feel that the ligaments are less strained, and the lips are better executed by your teams.


The easiest way to relax the muscles of the larynx is to be thicker. Perform this simple exercise for 5 minutes a day, and you will notice how blocks and clips in the voice disappear.


This exercise will help reveal the natural sound of your voice. Its essence comes down to voice out.

Position: Legs stand on the floor, the jaw is ajar and relaxed. Start inhaling the air, and in exhale to make any sound. Do it without any effort - if everything is right, you need to get a moan.

With the right exercise, the sound comes from solar plexus. It is from there that you need to say that the voice is voluminous and expressive.

To make a voice enjoyable

Three smiles

This exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but in compliance with the rule of three smiles. Smile mouth, forehead and imagine a smile in the area of \u200b\u200bsolar plexus. After that, start exhaled with sound. Only 5 minutes a day - and your voice will begin to sound more pleasant and confidentially.

Exercise yogis

This training session is practicing Indian yoga to achieve a deep and beautiful voice.

Position: Standing, legs on the width of the shoulders. First, make some calm breaths and exhale, then - and a sharp exhale with the sound "ha-a". Exhaust must be the most complete and loud. The case can be slightly moving forward.

Stretch syllables

Inhales deeply, and at the exhale, say broken "Bom-M", "Bim-M", "Bon-n". Try the latest sounds as long as possible. Ideally, vibration should arise in the upper lip area and nose.

A similar exercise can be done with the syllables of "Mo Mo", "Mi-Mi", "Mu-Mu", "ME-ME." But in this case, first say them briefly, and only then long.

Both exercises are better to do every morning for 10 minutes. They will not only make a voice more pleasant, but also help strengthen voice ligaments.

Long tongue

Tighten the language. First, direct it down as far as possible, trying to get to the chin. Keeping this position, tilt your head down. Then pull the tongue up, trying to get the tip of the nose. At the same time, too, lift as high as possible.

To make a voice stronger

Sounds "and", "E", "A", "O", "Y"

Make an exhalation, then a deep breath and on the second exhalation, say the long sound "and". Do it freely, until the air is enough. Forcibly air from the lungs do not squeeze. In the same way, say the rest of the sounds: "E", "A", "O", "U". Perform three repetitions.

The sequence of these sounds is not accidental: they are distributed in height. Accordingly, "and" is the highest (activates the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe head), "y" - the lowest (uses the abdominal bottom). If you want to make a voice below and deeper, more often train the sound "y".

Tarzan exercise

Perform the previous task, only now to eat yourself with fists in the chest, like a tarzana. The exercise is designed to fill the voice and clean the bronchi, so if you want to fade, do not stop yourself.


This exercise activates the work of the chest and abdomen. Exhale and breathe. On the next exhalation, begin to pronounce the sound of the "M" sound closed. Perform three approaches: first piss quietly, then on average volume and at the end - very loud.


Raise a relaxed tongue to the nebu and begin to pronounce the sound "P". It should be "R-R-R", like a tractor. Repeat the exercise three times, after which I expressively read with a dozen words, in which there is a "p" sound. Be sure to accompany the reading Rask "P".

Exercise Shalyapin for setting the voice

Great Russian singer Fedor Shalyapin every morning also started with a growl. But he was performed not alone, but with his bulldog. After training the sound "P", Fedor Ivanovich began to bark on the pet: "Av-Av-Av".

You can repeat the Shalyapin exercise or if it is impossible to relax the larynx, replace it with the villain theatrical laugh. It's just done. With an open mouth on exhale, laugh viciously: "A-a-ah-ha ha ha haa-aa-aa". The sound should come easily and freely. At the same time, you can jump and beat yourself with your hands in the chest. This exercise instantly cleans his voice and prepare it for work.

Important to remember

When performing all exercises, it is necessary to maintain the right one. The stomach should be relaxed, and the chest is to be outstretched. However, if you smoothly hold your back, these areas of the body will automatically take the right position.

Voice is a natural gift given to us from birth. With it, we communicate with others, denounce to those surrounding the necessary information and declare their needs. For successful communication, it is important that this "instrument" serve us faithfully. The role of speech communication can not be underestimated: the impression produced on the interlocutor, and our image as a whole depends on the correctness, beauty, of persuasive speech, and our image as a whole.

Thus, a properly supplied voice is necessary not only to singers, actors and television speakers. A politician, pronounced by voters, businessman leading business negotiations, teacher or lecturer, speaking to a long-standing audience for a long time, are all needed strong, convincing, well-posed voice. Beautiful, pleasant voice. Voice needs us to impress when a device for work or just like someone.

Do many of us are satisfied with your voice? Alas, such units. From nature, outstanding voice data has very few, most of them have to fight with a variety of shortcomings of their own speech: whisper, moldability, weak and subtle voice, sharp unpleasant voice, etc.

How to develop a voice? This is, above all, about diction. Under this concept implies the ability to clearly and unmistakably pronounce sounds with the correct articulation. Our - the mechanism by which we publish sounds. His violations (congenital or due to suffered diseases and injuries) lead to low quality of diction.

One of the main reasons bad dictation - Insufficient mobility of the lower jaw and the inability to open the mouth to the desired width, while the words sound "crumpled" and deaf. To combat this disadvantage, serious measures are required. Mostly a solution to the question "How to develop a voice?" It comes down to the set of exercises to improve the function of the speech apparatus. This can be practiced at special courses or at home. Very important in such classes systematically, perseverance and thorough performance of all exercises.

The voting force depends, first of all, from the correctness of speech breathing. For his workout, take a comfortable posture (standing, sitting or lying), put one hand on the stomach, the other - on the chest side of the side and produce deep breaths through the nose with subsequent smooth exhalations (hands control the rise-lowering of the chest and abdomen). Another exercise is to briefly inhale the nose, then stay in the light air for a couple of seconds, smoothly exhale my mouth.

Or: inhaling briefly, on a smooth exhale to say (a, o, y, and) and their diverse combinations. You can read on one exhale (at first up to 3-5, gradually increasing to 10 or more), as well as to produce a countdown. "In one breath", you can pronounce all sorts of patters, which themselves are an excellent means of improving speech.

How to develop a voice using and installation? After all, it is no secret that there is an influence of our independent state and internal mood. Indian yogis with the help of special practices own the art of voice control, they can make its timbre deep and saturated. Here are some uncomplicated exercises:

Standing in front of the mirror, exhale, breathe, then pull as long as possible vowels "and", "e", "a", "o", "y" (exactly in such a sequence). Alternately pronouncing them activates the circulatory system of the neck and throat, chest, heart, abdomen.

Exercise "Tarzan" not only develops a voice, but also warns heart attacks. Standing straight, exhale, breathe deeply, then beat yourself on the chest fists, at the same time as louder crying is alternately all vowels. It charges energy and cleans bronons from mucus.

How to develop a voice with the help of exercises for the development of articulation (i.e., directly the mobility of the lower jaw, should be attempted to lower it, seeking a gap between the teeth wide in two fingers. You need to pull the voice sounds and their combinations with the open mouth; proverb proverbs and sayings with great The number of vowels, read poems.

To develop lip mobility, you should stretch them in a smile without exposing the teeth, then exposing the teeth, pull the tube, round. In all these provisions, you need to try to say vowel sounds, as well as consonants with tightly closed lips. When reading poems, proverbs, sayings should be followed in the mirror for the correct articulation.

To improve the mobility of the tongue, it should be launched and moving up and down, to the side, in a circle, "clean" the teeth in the tongue from the inside and outside, to make a narrow, wide and "cup".

Classes should be carried out every day for 10-15 minutes, and it is important to achieve the correct execution of each exercise.

Conside the words as a sergeant from the American militant - the dream of all the men are not too confident in herself.

But if you emit confidence in yourself, not everyone, then work out the steel notes of the commander's cry is not so difficult.

Learn from Lady

To begin with, Solving something simple. For example, taking advantage of Margaret Thatcher method, which in the mid-1970s unsuccessfully tried to "post" a commander voice to himself. She did not help either trainings with the best speakers, nor the lessons of the stage speech from the leading theatrical actors of England.

Help came from one speech therapist who advised the future British premiere just to reduce the voice of the voice by the end of the phrase. As a result, "Iron Lady" managed to become not only a commander in his homeland, but also to shift Reagan along with marasmatics from the Soviet Politburo.

Verse to help

The following lesson can be taken from the ancient Greek Demosthene, which, as is known, before becoming an unsurpassed speaker, was a cartav and oblique. Two exercises helped their voice "Rumble" by the commander's voice.

Every schoolboy knows about the first of them: Demosthenes went to the seashore during the storm and tried to shout the rokot of the surf. When he was bored with him, he came up with another trick - climbing the stairs of the temple or along the path on a high hill, he loudly and with the expression read poems of favorite poets. So, by the way, he pulled out "smoking".

Last breath

If you did not work with verses, try to work out "voice of yogis." As you know, the voices of these Indian supermen are surprisingly clean, twenty and hearing at huge distances. And all due to the fact that in their gymnastics there is a special exercise for this.

So, make the most strong breath through the nostrils, trying to inhale as long as possible. Now for a few seconds to delay the breath and exhale "one push" through the widely opened mouth. It is necessary to do this exercise 7-8 times a day - and after a couple of months, even a traffic cop will tear off from your voice.

Equality on belly

And finally, the most important thing is that you must learn: "Commander" if he says, then not light, but a diaphragm. That is, his voice is born as it were in the stomach. So do the same.

And in parallel, do the following exercise: 7-10 minutes per day read some text loudly, but without consonants. So, the phrase "You are from me, salam, learn to clean the nightstand!" You will sound like "S-U-E-A-A-A-A-U-I-A-A-A-A-Ya-Ya-oh-u, y,". Then read the same text, clearly pronouncing consonants. Teach - and the ringing, the vibrating voice is provided to you.

Have you ever thought about how you say? This in this case is not at all about how you are expressing, but about the quality of voice. Tell me, and you had to lose it, for example, speaking to a significant audience or standing in front of a person who causes you a lot of emotions. Yes, this happened almost from each of us and more than once. Undeveloped voice in itself. For this reason, he can just take and the abyss at the most inopportune moment. How to develop a voice? There are many exercises that can help you learn not only to speak correctly, but also to sing confidently. The process of forming a voice is very and very complex. It is necessary to influence it, since otherwise no positive result will be. A weak voice can prevent some certain important life values, miss good opportunities and so on? Want to command? Develop a voice. Want to speak so that you are really passionate about? We recommend seriously thinking about how to develop a voice. Consider some tricks, techniques and means.

Let's start with the fact that the result will not appear soon, but only after a long course of workouts. It should also be noted that the training should be comprehensive. It is that breathing and posture, and articulation, and much more, and much more affect the quality of the voice. Let's talk about how to speak correctly.

The importance of breathing

The voice will never sound correctly if you do not learn to take a breath right. Remember that it is necessary to breathe by the belly, not light. Otherwise, you will be inserted during the conversation. The value of proper breathing is large. Surely, no one will argue with it.

Watch out for posture

So that the voice sounded beautiful, you need to keep your back smoothly. You will be in a literal position - the air will leave you freely, that is, clearly along the vertical pipe, and the pressure, and stiffness prevent us from speaking correctly and beautiful.


Do not be afraid to open your mouth. Remember that air, and with it and sounds you need to leave the body.

They are full of full. The most simple and all the favorite are saying. There are a huge set. All of them are diverse and quite engaged. Each patter teaches to pronounce certain

cocks or group of sounds. Having trapped well, you will immediately notice at least some yes the result. Also to develop the voice will help complex poems. Well read out loud any works like "Iliad" or poems of futurists. In general, any reading loud helps strengthen the speech apparatus. Important votes. Try never to relent. Why are the soldiers so loudly yell a song? They are so producing a team voice. Of course, no one will understand you if you will shout at home in the entire throat, but within reason, you can still be happy. You can make a rude voice too. Just say as much as possible using the lower register.