Na O2 Reaction equation. Ionic chemical reactions

In Russian, there are words written by only one letter, but the meaning of a whole proposal depends on its proper use. Such words applies to "during". Or "during"? How to avoid mistakes and, using the word in a specific context, do not distort its content?

The answer is simple: it is necessary to figure out which part of the speech is the word in a particular offer.

According to the rules of Russian spelling, the derivative of the pretext " during "Written with the letter e. at the end. It is used in speech when the time is denoted by any action.

For example:

For several years in this house no one has been.

The question must decide within an hour.

It is necessary to remember that the pretext "For" can be replaced by another pretext without distorting the meaning of the sentence:

For several years, no one has visited this house. (within / for)

The question must decide for an hour.

If the proposal uses the combination of the pretext of the pretext and the existing flow in the proposed case, in the end, you should write the letter and.

For example:

During the river, minor changes are noticed.

Conclusions Site

  1. Combination " during"Consists of a noun flowin the proposed case and preposition in.
    During and
  2. Between the pretext and nouns, you can insert a definition:
    In a rapid flow Mountain rivers are all unpredictable.
  3. Derivative pretext "during"pointing at the time of action is written with the letter e. at the end.
    I call you during five minutes.
  4. Pretext "during" - unchangeable service part speech. Between "in" and "flow" It is impossible to insert a definition or any other sentence.

In rich Russian, there are many points of punctuation, from the use of which the sense of the proposal depends on the use. For example, the essence of the expression "execute cannot be pardon" is regulated alone with a comma, which becomes the main emphasis of the statement.

But it's not just a punctuation: the semantics of specific words in the root changes from one letter. Often, the issue of proper use of certain phrases is given, except for schoolchildren and students, journalists, copywriters and teachers.

For example, one of the popular spelling questions is formed around the writing of the derivative pretext "for" and the noun "within". Specifically, in this case, the meaning and correctness of the use of the phrase depends on the writing of the last letter. Although incorrect writing and will not be a critical error, it is still better to observe a simple rule with a bright example.

During (cases of consumption, rules)

Before wondering the spelling, it is necessary to answer the question: "What part of speech is concrete semantic unit

In this case, the semantic unit "for" is always a pretext, which indicates the time of action. This pretext is always written with Bukka "E" at the end, regardless of other factors.

For example: he will come within ten minutes. The bus will arrive within an hour.

Correctly write: "For an hour"

For visual example You can put a question of time to this pretext: "For how much?", "Through how much?"

For example: the task must be solved within two hours. The task must be solved in two hours.

It is worth noting that between "B" and "current" it is impossible to insert any other member of the sentence.

Remember: in the case of consuming the semantic unit "During" as a pretext, indicating the time of action, the writing will be invariably with the letter "E" in the end, regardless of any factors!

Within (cases of consumption, rules)

This semantic unit acts as a nouns "current" and a pretext for it - "B", and has certain nuances of writing the end of "E" and "and". In specific cases, this phrase is inclined by cases, from which the end changes. Therefore, the correct writing option depends not from clearly established rules, but on the specific meaning of the statement.

To understand which part of the speech is the semantic unit "within the time", try inserting any adjective between "B" and "current". If it happened, then in this case, this phrase will perform a noun.

For example: in (violent) river flow, the ghost ship was lost.

In this case, we see that you can add adjective to the noun.

Correctly write: "During the river"

Consider two examples:

  1. We hit (what?) During the sea, which was the opposite direction to the previous direction.
  2. During (in what?) The river outlined a steep turn.

As you can see, both suggestions contain a noun. It, depending on the case, answers questions: "What?", "What?". In this situation, both writing are the right option, since the nouns tend to tend to pledge, in contrast to the pretext.

To correctly write this semantic unit, which performs nouns, it is necessary to determine the case of the word to which it is tied. In the first example, the adjective "Sea" stands in the vinegenous case (who? What?). Accordingly, the noun "current" is also written in the vinegenic case.

During the day or during the day - how to?

If with writing the pretext and nouns everything is clearly and understandable, then in the case of the expression "during the day / during the day" questions arise.

In the case when this is speech About the time segment, it will correctly use the option "during the day".

For example: I need to pass the report during the day.

The rule of writing "For" and "within"

However, there is an exception.

For example: in the rapid flow of the day.

IN this case Writing the noun "current" with the letter "and" at the end is the right option of use, since the semantic unit "within the course" in this case does not act as a pretext indicating the duration of time, but a bunch of pretext and noun.

For simple and easy memorization, one rule can be learned, which is in two examples:

During the day - for the river

Explanation: If the meaning is in point notice, then we write the end of "E", and if the essence consists in the flow of water, river, etc. - Then the end will be on "and".

In Russian there are two possible options Using words - "During" and "within". To choose the right one, you need to determine which part of the speech is the word in the sentence.


During - Such a combination in the sentence is often a complex pretext, which is always written with the letter "E" in the end of the word. Used in type designs: within an hour, during the day, for two minutes, etc. It can be replaced by synonyms: throughout, for (for a while), during, during.
You must provide documents within two days.
For three years in this house no one lived
During the whole game, we watched judges
We were engaged in this very long time.
Money must be received within an hour

During - Very rarely, such a design in the sentence can perform a combination of a pretext with a noun in the form of a vinitive case (what?)
Engineers have made changes during fluid
Different dye added during transparent fluid

During - The combination of the pretext "in" with a noun "current" in the form of the proposed case, answers the question "in what?". In the end of the word writes the letter "and". Between the pretext and nouns, you can add a definition without losing sense of offer.
During the river, changes were recorded - changes were recorded in the river under study
During the mountain river, there may be many surprises - there can be many surprises in the rapid flow of the mountain river
During the flow of Lava, there were stones - in the slow flow of the lava flow were stones
We wondered for a long time that it was floating through the river
There is an undelivered mystery during time

Important! If the context of the sentence implies "the flow of time" as some abstract physical quantitywhich has the flow of fluidity, then the combination of the pretext of "in" and the nouns "flow" (form of the proposed case) is used. Usually used with an explanatory word (adjective), which indicates that the word "current" is the name of the noun, and not a complex pretext.
In the inexorable day of the day, the pile was getting closer
In the rapid flow of life, he did not have time to do the main
In the crazy day of the day I forgot to call home