Compaulsia, addiction or problems with the control of impulses: Do you have an obsessive-compulsive disorder. As impulsivity affects our brain excessive impulsiveness

Impulsivity is the ability to make rapid and spontaneous solutions without negative consequences. This character trait is a consequence of self-confident categoricalness and impatience. The impulsive person is guided more often with feelings and emotions than mind. This set of qualities generates unconditional tactlessness and rudeness, sharpness and hotness.

Such behavior complicates the relationship between the individual with his people around him - close, friends, work colleagues. The impulsive person can due to an excessive emotional burst burn too much of its own psychophysical energy, after which there is weakness and fatigue.

Such a feature of character possesses energetic, explosive. They say that they first do, and then think. The impulsive person is usually a bad interlocutor. Asking, he does not listen to the answer. His thoughts learn from one object to another. He may be unnecessarily talkative, while it worries little, if his interlocutor listens or not.

A classic example of such an impulsive character can serve as the hero of the poem Gogol " Dead Souls»Room service Nozdrev. This one never thought over his actions. And if some thought broke out in his brain, he immediately began to act, not confusing with human logic. He often became the initiator of the fights and conflicts, could play in fluff and dust, never made the right conclusions from his actions.

Children and adolescents are more often unmotivated impulsiveness. Most of them with age acquire the ability to analyze their actions, to the logicality of actions. But some retain a tendency to such behavior for life. The impulsive person is often eccentric, that is, inclined to strange, unusual behavior.

The impulsivity of actions may be provoked by stress or any non-standard situation. It is under the influence of such events that the impulsive reaction can even break up with people quite adequate and judicial in a quiet and habitual setting. It is not uncommon and such situations where the nervous tension accumulates for a long time, fueled by jealousy, malicious, longing, envy and other circumstances, so that one day to spill up the outbreak of impulsive actions. Under the influence of the latter, crimes are committed, while the culprit itself is not always able to explain why he committed this act.

But if this kind of reaction is random one-time character, then impulsive behavior is the life rate for such an individual. This behavior is more often a consequence of emotional and mental instability, the lack of adequate reactions, which managed to go into the usual form. The impulsiveness and inadequacy of actions may affect the state of intoxication. Often, impulsive acts are committed because of the desire of a person to assert themselves, providing their superiority over others, or simply because of the desire to spill accumulated negative emotions.

One of the main consequences of psychotrauma (PTSD) is the loss of control over its impulsive behavior. People make actions without thinking about the consequences.

It is clearly seen that their self-destructive actions - the result of the influence of uncontrolled impulses, and their authors then suffer from the long-term results of these actions. Their desire to immediately satisfy the ability to look into the future.

Specialists in the behavioral economy called this phenomenon temporary discounting. Want to get a thousand dollars right now or two thousand, but in a year? What about 1900 dollars, but in a year? Or 1500? A 1200?

It turned out that people prone to dependence, players or smokers, prefer an urgent remuneration more often than many of us.

They distort the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat can happen, and their vision of the future is limited to days, and not years.

Other studies have shown that we have two competing systems operating in the various positions of our "involuntary I": a impulsive system that wants the awards immediately, and the management system that regulates these pulses and solves (unconsciously) which choice is preferable. In people with dependencies, the impulsive system is stronger than usual.

The same applies to anyone who has problems with control over impulsive actionsAnd it is almost every person with self-destructive behavior.

Giving freedom to impulses, we allow ourselves to lean from work, we make our anger on the will, screaming for children, violate the diet. Thus, it becomes obvious that we must find ways to strengthen their control system and control over the impulses. Starting with conscious efforts, with practice, we acquire new habits with greater ease, and then they become part of our "involuntary I".

Pulse Control Training

  • Enter the awareness state and start thinking about the distant future. What will happen in a year? Do you still want to smoke, drink over measure? Want to make stupid decisions, expose yourself danger, turn away from others? And then accuse himself for not changing? You know what you do not want. When you feel like a temptation, learn how to combine it with such a thought: "What kind of person do I want to be?"
  • Cut out unnecessary noise. We are stronger than impulses when you are distracted by many requirements or are under great pressure. In such situations, if we know the tendency to the unreasonable choice, we can refuse any solutions until all this noise subsides, or when we can truly focus.
  • Control the alarm. The problem of choice generates stress. And we strive to get a reward faster to stop the alarm, accompanying decision making. Training awareness, control over obsessive thoughts, deep breathing and other techniques to overcome anxiety can help make the best choice.
  • Do not listen to singing Siren: Enter how Odyssey, which shouted the ears with wax to avoid temptation. Try to remember that the temptation in itself makes you impulsive. Remove it from sight, from your head, distracted. Replace it with useful temptations.
  • Imagine how you become strong how proud of yourself. You do not have a headache in the morning. You will not make nonsense in the evenings. You will become slimmer. You will live longer, you will enjoy life more, you will become more attractive. Try to imagine all these changes in the details and strengthen your desire to achieve this.
  • Stop. Wait five minutes, and then decide whether to wait or succumb to the temptation. Give yourself five more minutes if necessary. Or maybe five more, and so on, while the "involuntary I" does not pass dangerous impulses.

The famous neurophysiologist Richard Davidson, studying the elderly, discovered that the brain of calm and balanced demonstrates greater activity in the prefortional cortex (this area, as we believe, is responsible for the brain for the control function), which controls the almond-shaped body that is responsible for emotional reactions and emissions of such Stress hormones like cortisol.

The almond-shaped body is an emotional brain center, and if the bark loses control over it, we begin to act under the influence of impulsive emotions. Davidson is convinced that people acquire the ability to control impulses over the years in the process of internal unconscious training. So develops wisdom when we get older.

And what if we spend such a hidden training intentionally? There are many studies showing that focusing Determines the method of developing our brain.

In one series of monkey experiments, they listened to music and at the same time they received light rhythmic blows on the fingers. One monkeys issued an award when they noted the change in rhythm; Others got tasty when the change in music was noted. After six weeks of practice at the Rhythmic Group, the brain area that regulates the movements of the fingers has increased. In the "Music Group", this area has not changed at all, but an area associated with hearing has grown. Do not forget that all the monkeys trained the same: everyone listened to music and received rhythmic blows at the same time. The difference was only in the direction of attention. Analyzing this study, Sharon run * writes: "Experience multiplied by attention leads to physical changes in the structure and further work nervous system.

The moment when we choose and sculpt changes in our consciousness, we choose what we will be the next moment in the right sense, and this choice gets an embodiment in the physical form of our material I ". A focus determines the method of developing our brain.

Focus on some good matter and do not be distracted by the noise and confusion associated with injury. Make a list of remuneration or useful classes that you can do instead of self-destructive actions.

This kind of focus is not a simple distraction. Training concentration and concentration changes our brain. Concentration and ability to disable interference - skills that you can learn.

Each episode when the partner is upset and we swear, makes it more likely the next quarrel. Nervous ties between our grief and the presenter are activated simultaneously and are associated together.

On the other hand, if we learn to take a deep breath, as soon as the partner upset us, then we will be able to intensify the relationship between the conflict and the calm reaction.

You only need to remember what it happens regardless of whether we want it or not. And every time you do something, the probability of repetition of this action increases. Therefore, it is worth doing the best choice.

* Sharon Begley, Rod 1956) - a famous journalist, a graduate of the Yale University, a popularizer of science, the author of popular science books. The book "How emotions control the brain" (St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012), which she wrote in collaboration with Richard Davidson, became the world bestseller.

The impulsivity factor relating to temperament and manifested by actions that are committed unexpectedly and inadequately circumstances.

A brief sensible psychological and psychiatric dictionary. Ed. igisheva. 2008.


The character trait expressed in the tendency to act without sufficient conscious control, under the influence of external circumstances or emotional experiences. As an age peculiarity manifests itself mainly in children of the age of preschool and school junior, which is due to the insufficient development of control over behavior. With normal development, such a form of impulsivity is quite successfully adjusted:

1 ) in the joint games of children, where the execution of role rules requires the containment of direct motivations and take into account the interests of other players;

2 ) Somewhat later - in the activities of the study.

Upon reaching the age of adolescence, the impulsivity can again manifest itself as an age peculiarity associated with an increase in excitability emotional at this age. Special tests and questionnaires are applied to the diagnosis of impulsion, for example, the impulsion questionnaire S. and X. Iizenkov.

Vocabulary practical psychologist. - M.: Ast, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.

Impulsiveness Etymology.

Comes from Lat. Impulsus - push.




The tendency to act without sufficient conscious control, under the influence of external circumstances or by virtue of emotional experiences.


As an age peculiarity, impulsiveness is manifested mainly in preschool and junior children. school ageWhat is due to the insufficient formation of the behavior control function. In normal development, such a form of impulsiveness is quite optimally adjusted in the joint games of children in which the execution of role-playing rules requires the containment of their immediate motivations and take into account the interests of other players, as well as a slightly later learning activities. Upon reaching adolescence The impulsiveness may again manifest itself as an age peculiarity associated with an increase in emotional excitability at this age.


Special tests and questionnaires are used to diagnose the impulsion, such as Matching Familiar Figure Test Cagan and the impulsion questionnaire X.Aisenka.

Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.


(eng. impulsivity; from lat. impulsio -push; in a figurative sense - the motivation, reason) - the peculiarity of human behavior (in sustainable forms - the character line), which consists in proponationact on the first impulse, under the influence of external circumstances or emotions. Impulsive man does not think of his acts, does not weigh all the "for" and "against", he quickly and directly reacts and is often as quickly repeated in his action. From I. should be distinguished, which also suggests a quick and energetic reaction, but is related to the situation and the adoption of the most appropriate and informed decisions. I. predominantly peculiar to children of preschool and partly junior school agein connection with the weakness of the control of his behavior inherent in this age. Joint gamespreschoolers, requiring the containment of immediate motivations, subordination to the rules of the game, accounting for the interests of other players, contribute to the overcoming of I. In the future, there is another major role in this regard . In adolescents, I. is often a consequence of increased emotional excitability, characteristic of this age. Senior schoolchildren and adults of I. are observed with a large fatigue, affect or some diseases of N. from. Cm. .

Addition Ed.:1. I. Together with an antonymic term "Reflexivity"indicates one of the intended measurements of complex construct "Cognitive Style". To identify and measure the I. Developed a number of tests and questionnaires, in particular Matching Familiar Figure TestKagan and the impulsion questionnaire S. and G. Iizenkov. When performing the test test, the subjects are classified by speed and accuracy of responses into 4 categories: decisive problems are slowly and accurately attributed to the category "Reflective"; quickly and inaccurate - "impulsive"; Dr. Options (quickly and accurately and slowly inaccurately) form a pole characteristic, which is called "efficiency".

2. B. lately Another meaning of I. (and impulsive behavior) appeared - preference less valuable, but closer on the onset of the onset (less delayed) reinforcement: "Better the tit in the hands than the crane in the sky." Vs. The choice (more delayed, but more valuable remuneration) is characterized by the term "self-control". Studies of these forms of behavior are conducted on animals and people. This value permissible to designate the term "motivational I." (In order not to be confused with the "operating I." described above). (B. M.)

Great Psychological Dictionary. - M.: Prime-Evro. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, Acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .


   IMPULSIVENESS (from.261)

Self-composure is not just an important dignity of personality, but also, essentially, the necessary condition for normal life and communication. Not only does not own a person who does not cause sympathy among others; It sometimes falls into awkward and unpleasant situations due to insufficient self-control. And vice versa: the one who can compete his motives with the requirements of the situation and public standards is achieved great success on life path And he deserves universal respect.

Parents, of course, would like their child to go on the second path and learned to own himself. Everyone knows on his own experience, which is not always reasonable and useful to succumb to suddenly arising. No one wants his child to become a slave of his moods. We strive to instill sober and suspended behavior from the small years, appealing to his mind and common sense. Alas, it is almost never possible to the extent that I would like. Children often behave impulsively and spontaneously, in no way agree to measure seven times, then cut off. Particularly said belongs to preschoolers. But the schoolchildren sometimes grieve parents and teachers are unreasonable, hasty actions. In fact, this is a common misfortune that many adults takes out of themselves (after all, it is a children's impulsiveness often underlies what is customary to regard as whims, disobedience, etc.). Is it possible and do you need to take some measures in this regard? If so, what?

To begin with, let's try to imagine psychological mechanism Selfontrol. This is one of those abilities that significantly distinguishes a person from animals and allows him to take the right to take the highest level in an evolutionary hierarchy. The behavior of animals is dictated mainly by the simplest motivations. Only at sufficiently high levels of evolution appears the ability to more or less arbitrarily regulate their actions.

This experiment is indicative. The hungry animal (chicken) was placed in front of a transparent obstacle in the form of a M-shaped plexiglass wall. Behind the wall lay the food bait. After seeing her, the chicken was rushed forward, stumbled upon the barrier, but again and again made unsuccessful attempts to achieve the goal. Animals on more high level Organizations (dogs), pretty quickly found the opportunity to get around the barrier. True, the device barrier forced to summary Turn to the bait back and release it from the field of view. Only enough highly organized animals were capable of it.

The experience described is visual, although a very simplified illustration of the mechanism of arbitrary regulation of behavior. The spontaneous pulse pushes forward, to the target, although it is often immediately becoming clear that such a straight goal is not to achieve, you can also bother (sometimes it is known in advance). Only a partly by respiring the ariser arising and even for a while "turning out" from the goal, you can find a workaround, but acceptable and reliable way. The ability to do not occur immediately as on the evolutionary ladder and in the individual development of the child. The baby simply does not know any other behavioral regulators except their needs. Only over time the world opens in all the variety and complexity that he gradually begins to take into account.

No one will argue that the psychological world of the child is different than the world of an adult. Before you master the skills of conscious behavior, the child must pass the famous path. And we, adults, in each case you need to make aware of which site of this path is a child. Parents sometimes hurry the events and believe that if the baby has learned to keep the spoon and lack boots as an adult, then and otherwise he must behave "right." BUT small child This is also not able. And it is impossible to force it, you can only teach, and gradually, consistent with the rhythm of his steps on the life path.

There are objective, purely natural factors that do not allow to demand complete arbitrariness of behavior from a small child. In the first six to seven years of life, the process of active formation of the central nervous system is carried out (it continues in subsequent years, but less pronounced and actively). In early I. preschool age In the brain, the nervous excitement noticeably dominates braking; Their famous balance is achieved only about seven-eight years. In other words, the child has not yet formed that psychophysiological mechanism, which would allow to suppress and regulate spontaneously emerging impulses. Therefore, parents requiring complete self-control preschooler must realize that they wish impossible. You can, of course, rigidly extinguish the child in such a way that the regulatory brake will be a permanent challenge to punishment. But parents, sincerely loving their children, will never agree to go on this path.

Lack of arbitrary regulation of behavior, so annoying in an adult man a certain stage The development of the child is its natural age-related feature. And with this feature, we like it or not, you have to be considered. The power plant of "rational" behavior is not only unpromising, but also is fraught with serious emotional and behavioral problems.

Thus, in the first years of the child's life, its impulsiveness is natural and practically does not give in to correction.

Does this mean that parents can sit back in anticipation when their child itself will grow to a well-known deadline to conscious discipline? No, it is, of course, primitive and incorrect simplification. Refusing to influence the child (if it is possible at all), we never get conscious and sober behavior. Without having to hold the habit of keeping yourself, a person can stay a blank float, aimlessly faded in life whirlpool. How does he gain the necessary skills?

Adults must be aware that a small child is not yet quite capable of arbitraryly regulate their behavior. Therefore, the function of the regulator originally belongs to the adult, in the first months of life - fully. As the child develops, the adult has the right to expect a gradual redistribution of responsibilities. But it is notable to repeat: these expectations should not be hasty and excessive. The formation of arbitrary regulation of behavior is a gradual process, and must be patient to follow its tempo. Useless attempts to speed up it. However, it is unacceptable and to let the process on samonek: so just nothing will come. The influence on the child is not to decide everything for him, and not to prematurely require him of his own personal responsibility. Directing the steps of the child, the adult gradually shifts the responsibility on him (after all, immediately the baby does not master the fullness of such a cargo!). The main thing in this process is the phased formation of the ability to proportionate its motives and the likely results, actions and consequences. In each particular situation, adults should encourage the right steps of the child, once over time giving it to understand the need to take into account various conditionsrules and circumstances. Any other path leads in another, alas, an undesirable direction.

Popular psychological encyclopedia. - M.: Eksmo. S.S. Stepanov. 2005.


Watch what is "impulsiveness" in other dictionaries:

    Impulsiveness - Damage of character, expressed in the tendency to act without sufficient conscious control, under the influence of external circumstances or by virtue of emotional experiences. As an age peculiarity, the impulsiveness is manifested by the advantage ... Psychological Dictionary

    impulsiveness - Pryingness, nervousness, sharpness, involuntary dictionary of Russian synonyms. The impulsiveness of it is., Number of synonyms: 5 explosive character (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    IMPULSIVENESS - impulsiveness, impulsivity, mn. No, wives (Book.). Distractors. SUD To impulsive. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    impulsiveness - impulsive, Aya, OE; veins, VNA (book.). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    IMPULSIVENESS - (from lat. im.pu.l sivus proven) English. impulsivity; it. Impulsivitat. The trait of character, manifested in incontinence, the tendency to act on the first motive. I. may be a consequence of the absence of self-control, age characteristics and ... ... Encyclopedia of sociology

Yerofeevskaya Natalia.

We are all different people: some consider granted and comfortable weighing every living step repeatedly, others are able to take serious, which determine the course of the lifetime of the decision on the fly. In a wide range of bright human character traits, impulsiveness is distinguished - this is a specific personality to speedy and rapid acts, when only own motives, emotions, circumstances and people are taken alongside the basis.

Surely, each in his own surroundings met such a person: he does not think of his actions, speech, decisions, instantly reacts to the circumstances and actions of other people, but this hasty often makes him repent in his own behavior. The impulsivity is characteristic of children - preschoolers or young school children can not give an adequate assessment by their actions, and therefore they are not much bothering over their thinking. For adolescents, impulsiveness can be the consequence of increased emotional and hormonal excitability. The impulsivity of adults is manifested in neurosis, overwork, affect condition and in certain diseases.

The impulsivity is different and, depending on the degree of manifestation, is able to deliver a slight inconvenience to its owner or become a real problem of his life and environment. Impulsive behavior varies from the easy manifestation of discontent, spelliness of solutions and the rapid return of self-control to painful impulsive manifestations:

kleptomania (thrust to theft);
gambling (attractions to gambling);
fetishism and other manifestations of impulsive sexual behavior;
anorexia or, on the contrary, overeating, etc.

Pulsive man

Weigh all "for" and "against"? - No, it is not about a impulsive person. And he is still not even a fleeting thinking of his actions, and this factor is distinguished by a impulsive personality from the identity of decisive. In both cases, there is a quick and energetic reaction, that's just for impulsive people, it is rather with a minus sign than plus, - as fast as they do, they repent in their rash and inexpedient acts.

How to understand that you are an impulsive person? There are several signs that determine the manifestations and inclination to impulsiveness:

previously imperceptible in the environment, things and people begin to annoy;
emerging neurosis, stress, the inability to cope with its own excited psychological state;
"Get off from the floor" - now is not a problem at all;
- from melancholy to unreasonable aggression;
after a successful manifestation of a rapid act or caused by the impulsiveness of actions, a person feels satisfied.

If impulsiveness begins to create serious problems with which a person cannot cope with its own forces, it is recommended to seek specialized help. Psychologists and psychotherapists will be able to professionally assess the patient's condition, and questionnaires and tests specify the problem. With obese a person, impulsivity certainly must be struggling: it lines relationships with others and increase the quality of human life. With serious problems and in accordance with the impulsion caused by the causes of medical professionals, the individual (under the personal characteristics of the patient) method of treatment will be recommended.

Female impulsiveness

If watching gender sign, most of them are mostly impulsive and this is explained: emotional, without sufficient conscious control, they drive their own impulses without logical planning of consequences. This applies not to every girl or a woman: some reasonable ladies when buying a fiftieth blouse are placed twenty even twenty, and, for example, his own baby in the stroller adds a woman a sense of responsibility, forcing mommy to work on himself.

Women - creatures are emotionally, rather than men, and therefore more susceptible to psycho-emotional state, which is impulsiveness. For women, and for any other person, impulsiveness can create considerable problems at work, in close relationship, in raising children - negative impulsiveness requires "to release steam", and therefore a impulsive person (regardless of gender) is recommended to understand the reasons The emergence of this state and learn to own them.

How to get rid of impulsiveness?

If you do not pay attention to the first signs of impulsivity, it is in short time It will turn into a stumbling line and will become a stumbling block in relations with other people - they are not interested in the cause, they see only unpleasant manifestation. What to do with impulsiveness and how to get rid of it? We offer frequent ways:

Removal nervous tension And the struggle with stress: meditation, SPA-procedures and massages, pleasant hobbies, sports and visits to the pool, even shopping - everything that will allow you to return the emotional state in the same channel and will not allow the genu impulsiveness to break out the outward.
It is recommended to put specific achievable targets for the end time: you need repair in the apartment, but there is no money? - repair the apartment gradually; Once going with a child in the water park? - The walk in the nearest ski park will become a successful alternative; "Delivered" relatives and friends? - Disconnect the phone after 21 hours and enjoy or book.

3. The impulsivity is capable of manifesting themselves due to a banal lack of time: the infinite requests of relatives, the requirements of the authorities that require attention to their attention - where is all this to find the necessary time? And that's even a focusing woman turns into a waded monkey, which is once even in the mirror to see. When is it here to sit down and calmly think about the affairs of the urgent? In this case, healthy egoism will help:

relatives can be safely explained that they themselves are able to choose a new leash for a dog in the store;
with the boss, we will not argue much, but an adequate superior person will listen to healthy arguments and take note;
children in the direction will not move away, but for them there will be sure interesting activity, able to take children's brains and hands at least a couple of hours.

4. And impulsiveness - the concepts somewhat peacefully adjacent exactly until the latter develops to quick temper and hysteria. Psychologists in such cases are recommended to repel from the root causes (lack of attention and sex, the fear of losing such close man etc.) and talk with a partner about the emergence of problems in relations.

5. Find the pathogen of the problem that causing this condition: it certainly has, and when it is eliminated, the emotional background will become calmer and balanced, and the rationality of thought and actions will not make himself wait.

In any case, it should be remembered: impulsiveness is not a disease with a critical diagnosis, but emotional and mental condition Personality, which under the influence of circumstances and environment may occur in each. The impulsivity depending on the situation becomes defense or goes into an attack and aggression. She suddenly arises, and just as suddenly leaves. It is easily provoked, but obeys control if working on its own behavior.

March 25, 2014, 16:30