Detailed map of China in Russian. China map in Russian

China is a country that is ideal for tourist travel. Coming here, as if you find yourself on another planet. The pristine nature and overcrowded megalopolises with their huge skyscrapers are so harmoniously combined here. Being the third largest state in the world, with a huge cultural history, the Celestial Empire is able to enchant and amaze any traveler.

China on the world map

The lands of this country are located in East Asia, having mastered a colossal territory of 9.6 square kilometers. In addition to mainland land, the republic owns the island province of Hainan and some small islets. The coasts of the countries go out to the seas: Chinese (South and East) and from the East to the Yellow. Two great rivers Yellow River and flow through its lands, originating in the bowels of the Tibetan mountains. China has joint borders with the following states: DPRK in the Northeast; Russian Federation in the North - East and North - West; Mongolia in the North; Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Bhutan in the South; Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Nepal in the West; Kazakhstan in the North - West direction.

People's Republic of China maps

The administrative division of the state has three levels: volosts, provinces and regions of autonomy. However, in fact, China considers local self-government to be five-tier: province, county, county, parish and village.

  1. The province (urban district) has 22 units, the 23rd is unofficially taken by Taiwan. Autonomous regions of 5 units and 4 municipalities are also classified as provinces.
  2. District (prefecture) of the city with adjacent agricultural land.
  3. County is a provincial rural unit. As of 2017, there were about 2,850 counties.
  4. Volost. Villages and territories where national minorities live. There are about 40,000 rural municipalities.
  5. Village. It is governed by a village committee and does not play a role in the country's executive branch.

A detailed map of China with cities and districts will tell you how geographically they are distributed.

Physical map

On this map, you can more carefully consider the territorial division of the state by levels of bodies local government and population. As well as lands contested by the Republic with other countries for the right of ownership.

Provincial China

A map of China with provinces is an impressive administrative territory. The basis of statehood and governance. Special administrative districts, cities of centralized subordination, autonomous regions, provinces, all this largest territories economic value, helping the authorities to competently and reliably govern the country.

The state border between our countries took its final form in 2005, after lengthy territorial disputes that ended in favor of the PRC. The total length is 4209 km, it has both land and water areas, on the rivers of the Argun, Amur and Ussuri rivers.

If you are going to the Middle Kingdom, on a tourist or business trip, you should definitely purchase it in advance. new card China in Russian. She will help you navigate and study this amazing country.

China or the People's Republic of China is a state in East Asia. The map of China shows that the state is the third largest in the world in terms of territory. The area of ​​the country is 9,596,960 sq. km. The population of the country is 1 347 374 752 people.

Today China is one of the world's superpowers. PRC is largest country by population; the world's third space and nuclear missile power; second in the world in terms of GDP. In addition, China has the largest army in the world.

Today, everyone has a lot of products in the house with the stamp “Made in China”. China is the world's largest exporter of various goods and products. Also, the country is leading in production different types industrial products, including cars. The PRC is often called the "factory of the world."

The largest cities in the country are Beijing (capital), Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Wuhan. China is divided into 22 provinces, but claims power over the 23rd province - Taiwan.

The rapid development of China in the 21st century has created a large social gap between the poor and the rich. The country's government intends to artificially stop growth economic development and use all the funds received to improve the lives of the peasants.

Historical reference

China is one of the oldest states in the world. The approximate age of the country is about 5000 years. The history of China for many millennia was led by the ruling dynasties: from 2353 BC. NS. until 1911. The Republic of China existed from 1912 to 1949. In 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded. Since then, the ruling party has been the Chinese Communist Party.

Must Visit

A detailed satellite map of China is replete with various historical cities and attractions. Recommended to visit the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, the Summer Residence and Temple of Heaven in Beijing, the Mausoleum with the Terracotta Army in Xi'an, the Temple of the Soul Refuge in Hangzhou, the Garden City of Suzhou, the ancient capital of Luoyang, the Temple of the Jade Buddha and Skyscraper District in Shanghai, a casino in Macau, high-rise Hong Kong and hot springs on the island of Hainan.

Tourist notes

Gulrypsh - a summer cottage for celebrities

There is an urban-type settlement Gulrypsh on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, the appearance of which is closely associated with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. Case decided the matter.

China is one of major states in the whole world, in terms of the area occupied by territories, it ranks third in the world, and in terms of population, China ranks first. China is a state located in East Asia. The full name of China is the People's Republic of China. The territory of the Republic of China can be traced on a map of the world, making sure that it occupies a fairly large area.

The main attraction is the Great Wall of China, which can be seen on more detailed maps of the country. The wall is about 8851.8 kilometers long, which is why it is considered a majestic and large-scale architectural monument.

Rice is grown in China, more than 10,000 BC. This grain crop is grown throughout China, most of the rice is exported. Chinese rice accounts for about 35% of the world market.

You can find out where China is located on the inter-active map of the world.

A detailed map is presented in Russian.

In ancient times, stories were the main source of information, and as people began to travel long distances, the need for mapping arose. At first, these were drawings on mammoth tusks, on the walls of caves, on animal skins. Over time, the Greeks created a convex model of the Earth, and only then the theory of the spherical shape of our planet was proved. Modern technologies constructing detailed maps even include images from space. And today, geographical maps and diagrams are the main companions of travelers.

Where is China on the world map

Every tourist who is planning his trip to China on the island of Hainan wants to know where is China on the world map with a satellite view where the resorts and cities how long does it take to fly from Russia, where the hotel is located on the map of the resort, what is located around the hotel, whether there are nearby cafes or restaurants, how close to the sea with the beach, or to attractions.

We offer a modern and detailed geographic map China satellite from Google in Russian... Using the additional features of the interactive map can change the viewing scale, zoom in or out on the terrain, select a view satellite maps or just a diagram, search for the location of streets, shops, cafes, restaurants, hotels, sights and other objects. Traveling on the map of China, you will get acquainted with the location, cities, roads, streets, houses and get a general schematic representation of the country.

Be sure to study the map before traveling to China on the island of Hainan in order to plan your trip in advance and get full information about moving through the territory of the state.

China is located in East Asia and is the largest country in terms of population and the third in the world in terms of area (about 9.6 million square kilometers). The eastern coast of the People's Republic of China is washed by three seas (Yellow, East China and South China) and the Gulf of Korea. In the north, the temperature in winter hovers around -2 ° C and in summer around + 21 ° C. Temperatures in southern latitudes are about +10 - + 12 ° C in winter, and about + 30 ° C in summer. Tourists will need the following information: 90% of the country's population is Chinese, official language- Chinese, mains voltage: 110 V, 220 V, a visa is required to enter China, which can only be obtained from the Chinese embassy. Many tourists might want to stock up on this card in Chinese too:

The best time to travel to northern China is late spring or early autumn, and in southern China, early winter.
China is a rapidly developing country in which production is growing at a rapid pace. The quality of many Chinese goods can no longer be called bad. If you are going to have a rest in this country, choose a place of rest very carefully. China is a very different country. There is everything there - from unassuming industrial areas to mountain landscapes of extraordinary purity and beauty.