L F Baum is amazing in a wizard from Oz. L f bum amazing in a wizard from Oz Where Liman Frank Baum lived

Years of life: from 05/15/1856 to 06.05.1919

Writer and journalist, classic of children's literature. Among their compatriots, writing and writing in the genre of a literary fairy tale, Lymen Frank Baum still remains the brightest personality. Fairy tales - just a small part of the author's creativity, but, precisely thanks to them, the author entered the history of US literature.

Lymen Frank Baum was born in the town of Chittenango, New York State. Frank had very little chance to even live to three years. Doctors already in the first year of his life did not hide the truth from their parents: the baby has congenital heart disease. And only a calm, measured and happy life can be saved, preferably not in big cityand countryside.

By the time of the birth of Frank, the father of the writer, Benjamin, was bondarem, made a barrel for oil. It is those that were called "barrels" due to the fact that it was so much oil in them. But the seventh child became like a happy talisman: Soon, Benjamin from Bondar became the seller of black gold; And his affairs went to the mountain so rapidly that he became rich in a short time. Father could allow teachers themselves to come to Frank: he did not go to school. Frank was such a book that he had soon overwhelmed the whole not a small library of his father. Most of all Frank liked Charles Dickens and William Teckerei. Dickens at this point was still alive, so all the new items that came out from under the classic feather was immediately delivered by Frank. A similar passion of the Son was the subject of the special pride of the Father. He said everyone: "My Frank these books like nuts snaps!".

Frank's 14th birthday met happy: the father came to the room to his son from the morning and brought him a very big gift - it was a printed machine. Quite more rarity at the time. On the same day, Frank and his younger brother had already pleased parents with the first family newspaper. And then the newspaper, later overshadowed the log, began to be released regularly. In addition, in addition to the family chronicles, there was also fiction - Frank often wrote fairy tales for younger ...

At the age of 17, the future writer began to produce a completely adult magazine. Since his second, after books, hobby, was philatelee, the pages of the new edition were devoted to the history of brands, various auctions, as well as travels.

Frank himself was truly restless - who he just did not work in his youth. He started with the reporter, was the director of the bookstore, two years he studied in a military school, where he experienced almost physical disgust for Mashtra. Then I decided to become a farmer, I grown my poultry, and at the same time I released the magazine dedicated to the poultry industry. But soon he returned to the city, became a producer of a number of theaters; Several times went on stage, playing in performances.

In 1881, Frank fell in love with a charming mod. A somewhat frivolous young man who hovers in the clouds did not seem to make the parents of the mod exclusively a good party. The girl stated that no other, except Frank, would not go. So, on November 9, 1882, Frank and mod got married. They have born four children for whom Baum began to write fairy tales; At first they were oral. Frank recognized the mod, which does not want the children to study life on the "evil tales of the Grimm brothers."

In 1899, Baum released his first book of "Fairy Tales of Uncle Gusaka." In memory of how he in his youth grown by Christmas geese. A year later I saw the light of his famous story "The Wizard from Oz." There are no rich and poor in the country, there is no money, wars, diseases, life here is a feast of sociability and friendliness. Welcome to Bauma always takes the top of the power of evil, and Evil itself, in most cases, it turns out to be "unreal", illusory. Baum repeated more than once that he wanted to create a small fairy tale, in which - as opposed to classic samples - "Miracles and joy were preserved, and the grief and horror were thrown away." Schalza Oz is a country of dreams, sharply opposed by the author of the withered, gray canzas prairie, from where the journey of the heroine, girls Dorothy. By the expression of one of the researchers, Bauma, Oz - an ordinary American farm, where everything suddenly became extraordinary. The world-invented by the author joined the traditional attributes of fabulous folklore with specific examples of American rural life. The influence on Bauma L. Carroll is obvious, but the differences between the English and American fairy tales are no less obvious. In contrast to the Wonderland, where Alice has to raise through logical traps, ironic hectares of words and concepts, which affected indirectly quite real life relations, conventions and prejudices of the British life, Oz - a blissful country, where conflicts, contradictions, the shadow side of life are canceled. Famous American science fiction, Ray Bradbury, Hot fan of the series Bauma, noted that in these fairy tales "Solid Sweet Buns, Honey and summer vacation" Carrolovskaya Country of Miracles, compared with Oz, "Having cooled porridge, arithmetic at six in the morning, pouring icy water and long seating at the desk." According to Bradbury, the country of miracles prefers intellectuals, and the dreamers choose the country of Oz: "The country of miracles is what we are, and the country of Oz - what wanted to become."

The readers looked forward to the new stories of the author, but, released the sixth fairy tale in 1910, Baum decided to relax a little. He published two fairy tales about the girl Trott and Captain Bill, who were, in general, were well met by readers, but they could not mind that the history of Oz was completed. Letters were sent with protests, with suggestions to return to the loved characters. So, a few years later, the author wrote a continuation - "Country Oz".

American children annually received from the author another story about the wonderful country created by his fantasy.

Baum's fairy tales were filled many times and put on stage. The magic story of Bauma quickly scattered in the light. She was transferred to several languages, and only in our country about the author Dorothy and Na Na nobody had almost heard. Alexander Melentievich Volkov, taking Bauma, as the basis of Saga, shifted it in his interpretation. The work of Volkova was called the "magician of the Emerald City", and appeared on the bookshelf in 1939, when the Americans lined up in line at cinemas to watch the Hollywood version of the "Wizard of Oz Wizard" with Judy Garland in the role of Dorothy.

For 19 years of writing activities, Frank wrote 62 books, 14 of them were devoted to the "magic country of Oz", 24 books were written exclusively for girls and 6 for boys. In the US, the beginning of the twentieth century was marked by "Buma Bauma" - his book was decided to film; The author personally participated not only in writing the script, but also the formulation of the film. In total, during the life of a writer, 6 films were filmed on his "saga". In addition, from 1902 to 1911, on this book, on Broadway, a musical was put 293 times! Perhaps Baum would have written even more fairy tales about the country of Oz, but death from a heart attack confused all the maps of the court historian of Oz. On May 15, 1919, the numerous relatives of the famous American writer, Lymeman Frank Bauma, was supposed to gather at the next birthday. It was not a round date, but, about a month before the event, the guests were sent to the guests invitation cardsAnd by the end of April, they have already been received by addressees. Then none of the guests had not yet knew that they would gather in the house of Bauma a little earlier and quite differently - on May 6, 1919, Frank's heart stopped. Before his 63th anniversary, a writer, who beloved by many generations, did not live.

Fairy tales about the land of Oz were and remain so popular that after the death of Bauma, attempted to continue the magical chronicle. Reading love turned the point in a dot: the relay was taken by a variety of writers. A new splash of interest in Bauma has come to the end of the fifties. At the initiative of the thirteen-year-old schoolboy from New York, in 1957, an international magician club of Oz was created. The club exists and today and has its own periodic edition, which comes on the details of life in the magic country of Oz and the newest publications on this topic.

The genuine discovery of Bauma in Russia falls on the nineties. The first swallow was the book, published in 1991 in the Moscow Worker, which included the second, third and thirteenth tales of the series, and a little later, a translation of the "Wizard from Oz" was proposed.

Baum's fairy tales are imbued with the optimistic faith: everything that a person can dream of, laid in it itself. Baum was convinced that humanity, morality in people do not invest - they are awakened. As well as in the fact that "Guest - Gosza in reality when the eyes are open, and the brains are working with might and main, - should lead to the improvement of the world. A child with a developed imagination, over time, will grow into a man or a woman with a developed imagination and, it means To cultivate, lead forward a civilization. "

On the shooting of the film "The Wizard from Oz" Costumes of the MGM film suggestion, but an elegant coat to wear a wizard. Running around the local shops of worn clothes, they found such a coat and, according to an incredible coincidence, it turned out that earlier it belonged to the author of the book "Wizard from OZ" Frank Baum (L. Frank Baum).


* Tags Mother Goose in Prose (1897)
* Father Goose: His book (1899)

* (Wizard of Oz, Great Wizard Oz) (1900)
* Life and adventure of Santa Claus (1092)
* (Willing Mill Oz, Country OZ) (1904)
* (Princess Lake Oz) (1907)
* Dorothy and Wizard in Oz (1908)
* (1909)
* (1910)
* Locks from Oz (Girl Loskutka Oz) (1913)
* Tick-current from Oz (1914)
* (Scarecrow from Oz) (1915)
* (1916)
* Missing Princess of Oz Oz (Lost Princess Oz) (1917)
* Iron Woods from Oz (1918)
* (1919)
* Glond from Oz (1920)

* (1901)

Warming of works, theatrical productions

* Wonderful Wizard Country Oz, based on the musical director Otis Turner
* Wizard Country Oz Music Music Director Victor Flemer
* Journey back to Oz, cartoon film Official Sicvel Wizard Oz
* Wizard, Music film based on Broadway Musicle Director Sydney Losets Starring Michael Jackson and Diana Ross
* Return to Oz
* Iron man (miniserial)

Lymeman Frank Baum

Country of Oz

The unsurpassed nice small and outstanding comedians David Montgomery and Fred Stone, whose talented embodiment on the stage of the Iron Woodrovska and the Terrible was delighted with thousands of children in the country, - this book is devoted to

After the publication of the "amazing wizard from Oz", I began to receive letters from children who told me about the pleasure of reading this story, and asked to "write something else" about the terrible and Iron Woodcutter. At first I considered these little letters, sincere and honest, just like pleasant compliments. But letters continued to come for many months and even years.

And one little girl made a long journey only to see me and personally ask to write a continuation of this book ... Girl, by the way, called Dorothy. I promised her that when a thousand little girls would write me a thousand little letters and ask for one story about the horror and iron woodcutter, I will write such a book. I do not know - whether the real fairy took the face of a little Dorothy and waved the magical wand, or the success of the theatrical production of the "wizard from Oz", but in the end this story has many new friends. Time passed, a thousand letters found me - and a lot more followed them.

And now, recognizing his guilt for a long delay, I fulfill my promise and present this book.

L. Frank Baum

Chicago, June 1904

1. Type creates pumpkin heads

In the land of Gillikins, that in the north of the country, a boy lived by name. True, his real name was much longer. Old Mombie often said that his full name is typpetarius. But no one had enough patience to pronounce such a long word, so everyone called the boy is just a type.

The boy did not remember his parents. When he was still very small, the old Momby convinced him that she raised him. And you need to say that Momby's reputation was not too good. Gillikins were afraid of her witchcraft strength and tried not to meet with her.

Momby was not a real witch, because the good fairy is the government of this part of the country of Oz - forbidden the Wits to live in her possessions. Therefore, the custody of the type of witchcraft did not have the right to do more than the ordinary small sorcerer.

The old woman often sent the type into the forest behind the bumps to boil his pot. She forced the boy to collect the grain, corn cobs and cultivate the earth by hoe. He passes pigs and drilled a cow with four horns, which was a special pride of Momby.

But do not think that the boy just did that he worked on the old woman. He did not want to fulfill the orders of Momby. When she sent him to the forest, the type climbed on the trees for bird eggs or chasing the fast white rabbits. Sometimes with the help of ingenious curved hooks, he caught fish in the streams. Having walked around, the boy was taken for the work and the breadth of the bitch home. And when the work in the field and the tall stems fell out in the field and hid it from Momby's views, the type was climbed into the holes of Suslikov. If there was no mood, it was just lying on his back and dreamed. He grew strong and clever.

Mother's witchcraft scared her neighbors. They treated her timidly and respectfully, fearing her mysterious power. And the type simply did not love her - and did not even hide it.

Pumpkins grew in the Momby fields, overflowing with a golden bugger among green stems. They carefully cared for them so that the four-year cow was that there is in the winter. One day, when the bread was bevelled and are collected in stogs, the type took the pumpkin in Khlev. He wanted to make scarecrow - "Jack-lantern" - and swear over the old woman.

The boy chose an excellent pumpkin of orange-red and began to stick it with a small knife. He cut out two round eyes, a triangular nose and mouth, similar to a month to the new moon. It is impossible to say that the face is very beautiful; But in his expression it was so much charms, and the smile was so broad that the type even laughed. He was very pleased with his work.

The boy had no friends, so he did not know that other boys often remove the insides from the "pumpkin jack", and the lit candle inserted into the formal cavity to make a pumpkin face more expressive. But the type came to mind another thought, which seemed very tempting him. He decided to make a little man who would wear this pumpkin head. And then put it in some suitable place so that Momby suddenly collided with him and frightened.

Then, - the fun said fun - she squeezes louder than brown piglets when I push it in the side. And shook out of fear stronger than I last year from malaria!

The boy had a lot of time to fulfill his intention, because Mombie went to the neighboring village for provisions. Such a journey occupied her usually two full days.

The type chose several slim young trees in the forest, quit and cleaned the leaf and leaves. From them he made hands and feet for his little man. And the torso made it from the crust of the grew by a mighty tree. He managed to give a piece of cortex the form of almost the right cylinder. Satisfied with his work, the boy gathered all the parts and connected them to one thing. It turned out torso, from which the pegs were sticking - arms and legs. A sharp knife gave them the desired outlines.

Having completed work in the evening, the type remembered that he should still make a cow and feed piglets. He grabbed a wooden man and took him to the house.

In the evening, with the light of the kitchen hearth, the type thoroughly rounded all parts of his creation and smoothed rough places. The outlines of the little man took a pleasant and even elegant, according to type, view. He leaned the shape to the wall and admired her. The figure seemed high even for an adult.

Looking at your work in the morning, the type saw that I forgot to attach the little one. But only with its help it was possible to connect a pumpkin head with a torso. The boy again ran into the nearest forest and quit a few durable branches. Returning, he began the completion of his work. The type was put on the pumpkin head, slowly pressed on the chopstick until the connection was strong enough. As he thought, the head could now easily turn into all directions. And the rods of the hands and legs were allowed to give the body any position.

I got a wonderful person, "the type was happy. - And he can scare Momby. But he will become even more later if you wear it!

Lyman Frank Baum Date of birth: May 15, 1856 Place of birth: Chittenango, staff NY, USA Date of death: May 6, 1919 Place of death ... Wikipedia

Baum (Baum), Lymen Frank - (15.v.1856, Chittenango, New York 6.v.1919, Hollywood, California) Prosisais. It was relatively late his genuine vocation of the storyteller. By 40, he managed to visit the seller and the community, a reporter and editor of the newspaper, an actor, ... ... US Writers. Brief creative biographies

Lymen Frank Baum Lyman Frank Baum Birthday: May 15, 1856 Place of birth: Chittenango, New York, USA Date of death: May 6, 1919 Place of death ... Wikipedia

- (It. Baum) German last name, translating a means. Famous media: Baum, Anton (1830 1886) Czech archaeologist and architect. Baum, Wilhelm (1799?) German doctor, Professor Surgery. Baum, Joseph (? 1883) Polish ... ... Wikipedia

- (Long-working soldier) One of the main characters of the fabulous cycle of A. M. Volkov about the magical country. Acts in all six books of the fabulous series. Content 1 Ding Gior in Volkova Books 2 Ding Gior and Faramant ... Wikipedia

This term also has other values, see Ramine (Values). Queen of the Ramine Field Mice Permanent heroine fairy tales A. M. Volkov on a magical country. Specifies in all six books of the fabulous cycle. Content 1 Ramine in ... ... Wikipedia

Pinsik Totomoshka (real name Toto, English. Toto) Character of the fairytale cycle of Alexander Volkova about a magical country. It takes a significant place in the plots of books "The Wizard of the Emerald City", "Urfin Jus and his wooden soldiers" and ... ... Wikipedia

Here, for reference purposes, a list of famous literary figures, whose works were fused in cinema and animation ... Wikipedia


  • Wonderful Oz, Baum Lymen Frank. In the second book about the country, the readers will get acquainted with the boy by name. With the help of a magic powder, he revives Jack-Tick, a wooden goat and flying, and the whole company goes ...
  • Little hypopotamus. American magic fairy tales, Baum Lymen Frank. When the American storyteller Lymeman Frank Baum (1856-1919) came up with the magic country of Oz, his children were loved by the children of the whole world. His books gave rise to many shields and imitation, including ...

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Lymeman Frank Baum
The Wizard of Oz

In a small house, lost in the endless Prairies of Kansas, together with his uncle Henry and a naughty Em lived a girl named Dorothy. In their house there was only one room, and the cellar served dug in the land of the pit - asylum, where it was possible to hide, if a sand storm could have broken down, which often happened in Kansas.

Their gray house was barely noticeable against the background of gray plains. Even aunt Em with Uncle Henry seemed to be sorted by gray dust, like everything around. Only with Toto, a small black snack with long silky wool, and with Dorothy, this ubiquitous dust could not do anything. Dorothy and her favorite played so fun and hired so vividly that sand dust did not have time to stick to them.

But on this day they were not to the games. Uncle Henry glanced at the sky: it was dark in front of her eyes. Uncle Henry went to Khlev, like there horses and cows. I looked at the sky and Dorothy, and aunt Em stopped washing the dishes and went to the door. At first glance, she became clear that the hurricane was approaching.

- Dorothy, alive! She screamed. - Halfing rather in the cellar!

Toto in the fright drove under the bed, and Dorothy, no matter how hard it tried, could not pull him out. Em-frightened to death, Em dropped back the lid of the cellar and went down. Dorothy finally caught Toto and was already going to follow the aunt. But she did not have time to reach the door: the house swung so much gusting the wind that the girl fell on the floor.

And then something strange happened. The house was spinning with a wolf, and then began to slowly climb up. Tornado picked it up and continually farther and farther from the place where he was always standing.

In the coming darkness, the wind rushes terribly, but Dorothy did not have a scary drip - the house, as if nothing had happened smoothly flew myself through the air.

Toto with loud born rushed around the room, and Dorothy sat calmly on the floor and waited for what will happen next. In the end, she lost the time bill, climbed into his bed and fell asleep.

Suddenly she woke up and sat on the bed. The house no longer flew through the air, but stood in place. The window was blown bright sunlight. Dorothy rushed to the door and looked out.

How beautiful here! Glooring grass, in the trees they have ripe juicy fruits, wonderful flowers grew everywhere. Rucked amazing birds of unprecedented beauty, bungled and sparkled in the sun rod.

Dorothy saw that a company of very strange little men was sent to the house: three men and one woman. They were increasingly with her, but looked like an old man. And how bizarre they were dressed! They had high pointed hats, and in the fields hats, the bells were fought. Men were in blue clothes, and only a woman had a snow-white dress, sparkling, as if diamonds. Dorothy decided that men, probably, as many years old, how much and Uncle Henry: Won what are their beards! But a little woman seemed much older.

At the sight of Dorothy, the little men stopped and whispering, as if not deciding to approach. And only the little old woman came to Dorothy, lowered low and spoke apart:

- Welcome to the country of Zhevunov, O Balanced Magician! Zhevany express your appreciation for you that you killed the evil sorceress of the East and freed Zhvunov from slavery.

And the old woman pointed to the corner of the house. Dorothy looked there and scared frightened. From under the house stuck two legs in silver shoes with sharp socks.

"I am a kind fairy of the north, and I am a friend of Zhvunov." There is another kind fairy, she lives in the south. And those that settled in the West and the East are evil sorcerers. You killed one of them, but there was still another - the evil sorceress of the whole country, which lives in the West.

Here Zhevnuna, all this time was lingered, shouted loudly, showing at the corner of the house, under which the evil wondrus was buried. The legs of the dead sorcerer disappeared in front of her eyes, from her only and left that a pair of silver shoes, and the evil sorceress itself evaporated in the sun.

The pretty fairy took the shoes and handed them to Dorothy.

"The witch of the East was very proud of his shoes," said one of Zhevunov. - The magic power is hidden in them, only we do not know which one.

Dorothy, most of all in the world wanted to go home, and she asked Zhevov, would they help her to find the way back to Kansas.

Zhevany shook their heads.

- You need to go to the emerald city. Perhaps the Great Wizard of Oz will help you, "said the good fairy of the north.

- Where is this city? - asked Dorothy.

- right in the center of the country, there is a great magician lake.

- Is he a kind person? - with anxiety asked Dorothy.

- He's a good wizard. But he or no man, I can't say, because I never saw him.

- How do I get there? - asked Dorothy.

- We will have to go on foot. It will be a long way, sometimes nice, sometimes dangerous. But I use all my magic to protect you from trouble. My kiss will serve you with protection, and no one will dare to touch you, "said the good fairy of the north.

She approached Dorothy and kissed her forehead. Then she pointed out the girl on the road paved with yellow bricks leading to the Emerald City, said goodbye and disappeared. Zhevuni wished Dorothy a good way and disappeared behind the trees.

Dorothy got out of the cabinet and put on a dress in a white and blue cage and a pink cap, put bread in a small basket and shoes silver shoes - the very, which belonged to the wiping of the East.

She went on the road along the road paved with yellow bricks. In both sides of the road, hedges were drawn, painted in blue, and behind them - the fields in which vegetables grew and spiped wheat. Occasionally, on the way, round houses with dome roofs came across. All the houses were also blue, because in the country of Zhevunov's favorite color was blue.

People came out of the houses to look at Dorothy when she passed by; All the chevs have already knew that she saved them from the evil sorcerer of the East and freed from slavery.

Under the evening, Dorothy got to the big house, which gathered a lot of chevows. They sang and danced, celebrating the deliverance from the evil sorcerer.

Dorothy was invited to the house and generously treated. A rich chevoon side - the owner of the house - he himself served her at the table. Dorothy looked with pleasure, as chewing chewing, but soon she smalle a dream, and she slept until the morning.

The next morning Dorothy said goodbye to new friends and stagned on the road from yellow brick. She went for a long time and finally sat down to relax at the roadside. Nearby, behind the hedge, in the middle of the corn field, she saw the straw stacked in a blue costume of Zhvown. The straw man was supposed to scare birds from spilling corn.

Dorothy looked at the scarecrow, and it suddenly winked to her! Dorothy decided that it was preparing for her: in Kansas, the garden frightened was never winking. But then the figure on the poles briskly nodded her head. The amazed Dorothy approached Chounded closer.

- Good day! - Stuffed stuffed.

- You can speak? - The girl was surprised.

- Sure! - answered the straw man. - How are you?

"Okay, thanks," Dorothy replied politely. - And how are you?

"Not the best way," smiled stuffed. - Tired, you know, day and night hang around on the pole, drivening away the raven. If you are so kind and remove me from the pole, I will be pretty grateful.

Dorothy easily removed the scarecrow from the pole: after all it was nailed straw.

- Many thanks! - said straw scarecrow. - And who are you? And where do you keep the way?

"My name is Dorothy," the girl replied. "And I go to the emerald city to ask the great Oz to bring me home, in Kansas."

"And as you think," the straw man asked, "this oz could not give me the brains?"

After all, he was naked straw, and he had no brains.

"If you go with me, I will ask the oz to help you too," Dorothy promised.

- Thank you, - thanked the little man from straw.

And they went along the road together. Soon the road led them to the dense forest. And suddenly nearby they heard hard moan. A man made from tin, stood, highly enclosed the ax, in half a declared tree.

- Are you moaning? - asked Dorothy.

"Yes," the tin man replied. "For more than a year, I continue to moan, but for all this time no one has heard me and did not come to the rescue. Please help me bring me out of my housekeeper and smear the joints to me. They so rusted that I can't flourish, but if you smear them, I will again be fine.

Dorothy rushed to the house of a tiny woodcutter and found the Maslieka. Returning, she smeared with oil all the joints of a strange person.

An ax lowered with a sigh of relief with a sigh of relief.

- What happiness! - he said. "I stood, swinging this ax, from the same time as rusted." What a joy that you can finally lower! But, after all, you will not appear here, I would have to breathe so much eternity. How did you find here?

"We go to the Emerald City to the Great RAM," Dorothy replied.

- Why is he you? - asked the tin rover.

"I want him to help me return home, in Kansas, and the straw little man really needs brains," Dorothy explained.

Tin woodcutter thought and finally asked:

- And how do you think, this oz can give me a heart?

- Sure! - replied Dorothy. - After all, he is a wizard.

- True, - agreed to a tin rover. - Well, if you let me join you, I will go and I am in the Emerald City and ask the Oz to help me.

- Let's go to! - I was afraid of stuffed. Dorothy was also pleased that the tin line will be a company.

Tinwood asked the girl to put the masl in the basket.

"You never know what can happen," he explained. - If I get under the rain, then again rusted, and then without butter can not do.

And they moved forward on the road from yellow bricks. They walked and walked, how suddenly the terrible roar came from the forest to them, and in the next moment a huge lion jumped on the road. He threw off the scarecrow on the side of his paw, and then putting sharp claws, jumped on a tin carcossum. But, although the woodcutter and fell to the ground, it was not surprised and was very surprised to swinging his tin surface.

Little Toto, clinging to face to face with the enemy, rushed to the lion. A huge beast was spread to grab him, but here Dorothy rushed forward, his mouth struck her nose and shouted:

- Do not dare touch Toto!

"And I didn't touch," lion replied peacefully, rubbing his nose.

- But you were going! - objected Dorothy. - What kind of coward you are attacking on small!

- I know. - Ashamed lion poured his head. - I always knew it. But what can you do!

"Let's go with us to RAM, let him give you bravery," Dorothy suggested.

- I will be happy if you are not against! Such life, like me, is simply unbearable.

"We will only be happy," Dorothy replied. - You will scare away wild animals from us.

And they went on the road.

The forest around became all thick and gloomy. From the thickets to them came some strange sounds.

The road traveled the abyss. Tinwarm chuckled a big tree to move on his trunk to the other side. But it was worth the travelers to start the transition, as a formidary roar rang out at night, and they, looking around, saw that they were racing two huge beasts with a bear tricks and with tiger heads.

- This is the Kiddahi! - In horror, crushed the cowardly lion, yelling with all the body.

Dorothy picked up Toto on his arms and hurried over the bridge to the other side. It was followed by a straw man and tin woodcutter. The last bridge slipped the lion. Hoping to the ground, he turned around and buried at the Kalidakhov. Kalidahi first pulled out, but seeing that their opponent was not so grozen, besides, he was alone, and their two, rushed forward.

The tin rover immediately began to cut the tree, and just that moment, when the Kalidahs were already quite close, the trunk of a tree was broken and collapsed and collapsed into the abyss. And traveled down and lever monsters and crashed about sharp stones at the bottom of the abyss.

After such an adventure, the travelers hurried quickly to get out of the forest. They accelerated the step and soon came to the fast river. The tin rover pulled out an ax and quit a few low trees to build a raft of them. When the raft was ready, travelers plunged on it. They safely despair from the coast, but in the middle of the river the rapid flow picked up the raft and carried it further from the road paved with yellow bricks. The river turned out to be so deep that the long sixtes, which the scarecrow and tin rover ruled the raft, did not reach the bottom.

"Bad business," said the tin carcass. - If we do not get on land, we will be carried out into the country of the evil sorcerer of the West, and she will turn us into their slaves.

- We must get to the Emerald City! - exclaimed the straw little man and pushed himself so much that the end of the pole was stuck in Ile at the bottom of the river. To pull his straw man did not have time: the raft slipped out of his legs. And the poor man remained hanging in the middle of the river, clinging to the pole.

The Lion bravely rushed into the water, and the tin lumberjack grabbed his tail. Friends wanted to swim to the stuffed to help him.

And at that time a stork fluttered over the river; He saved scarecrow. The straw little man is hotly thanked Aist. He was so happy to be again among the friends, which he made them all in his arms.

- Thank you! - Thanks and Dorothy the Savior. Good stork washed in the sky and soon disappeared.

The travelers went and walked and finally saw a whole field of scarlet poppies. Everyone who inhaled the fragrance of these colors was immersed in sleep. And if the traveler fell right on the poppy field, he will sleep forever. This happened to Dorothy - a few minutes later she slept strong sleep.

- What do we do? - asked the tin rover.

"If we leave her here," she will die, "said Lev. - The smell of these colors will kill us all. My very eye sticks out. Better I will chant my legs from here.

Toto and Dorothy slept tightly, but the smell of flowers did not act on the straw man and tin cargo to the straw of flowers: after all, they were not from flesh and blood. They put Toto on her knees to Dorothy and suffered it. It seemed that a huge carpet from deadly colors would not end. And suddenly they saw a lion: the dream piled him almost at the very edge of the field. And then the meadows shook the thick grass stretched.

"We can't help him with anything," said the tin rover sadly. - He is too heavy, we do not raise it. We'll have to leave it. He will sleep forever and maybe he will see in a dream that he finally gained courage.

They took Dorothy and Toto as far as possible and carefully lowered them to the ground, away from dangerous colors. Suddenly the woodcutter heard a deaf growl: a huge wild cat chased at a small field mouse. The mouth of the cat was widely disclosed, two rows of sharp teeth were sparkled, red eyes burned. And the woodcutter, at least he did not have a heart, realized that he could not allow the murder of defenseless tiny creation. He waved his ax and screening his head.

When the danger passed, the field mouse approached his savior and voted with a trembling voice:

- I am so grateful to you - you saved my life. I am queen field mice. Let my subject thank you for this brave act. They will fulfill any of your desire.

Tinwood asked the mouse to save their friend, a cowardly lion. The Queen ordered his subject to bring ropes to pull the cowardly lion from the field on the cart, which the tin rover in the meantime it was made of branches.

The mice were imputed in the cart, straw man and tin rowers left behind - and soon the lion pulled out from the poppy field. Dorothy, who has already woken away from a dopeful sleep, warmly thanked the little mice for saving her friend from death.

Mice, making their job, straightened out of the trolley and sleeved into the grass, rushing through their homes. Only the queen was detained.

"If you ever need our help," she said, "come to this field and call us." We will hear your call and come. And now - forgive.

- Bye! - Friends answered the choir, and the queen disappeared in thick grass.

All sat down near Leo and began to wait for his awakening.

Finally, the cowardly lion woke up and was very happy, making sure he was alive.

When Leo finally came to himself, they continued the way along the road from the yellow brick. The edge where they got was beautiful. Hollows and houses that fell along the road were painted in a green color. People wore Emerald Green Clothes and the same pointed hats, what were Zhevunov.

"It seems that this is a lake," Dorothy said. - So the emerald city is already close.

Soon, the travelers saw a wonderful green radiance over the horizon.

They continued their way, and the radiance became brighter. At noon, travelers approached the high wall surrounding the city. The wall was also green.

Friends were in front of the large gate, decorated with emeralds, which sparkled and blurred in the sun. At the gate Dorothy saw the bell and called him. The gate was slowly opened, and the travelers entered the room with a high vaulted ceiling, the emeralds flicker on the walls.

Before friends, a small man was sitting about the same growth as Zhvown. He was dressed in a green from his head to the legs, even his skin had a greenish tint. Near the little man stood a large chest - also green.

- What do you need in the Emerald City? - asked the little man who came.

"We came to see the Great Oza," Dorothy answered the brave.

The little man was very surprised.

"Little who managed to see the Oza," he said. - But I am the guard of the gate - I will give you to the palace. Only first put on these green glasses so that you do not blind the shine and luxury of the Emerald city. Even the inhabitants of our city are wearing such glasses and the day, and at night.

Guardian opened the chest. There were glasses of all sorts of shapes and sizes. Guardian gates picked up suitable glasses for each of the travelers.

He himself put on glasses himself and announced that he was ready to spend the guests to the palace. Then he removed a big golden key with a nail, Other gates, and followed by his friends went to the streets of the Emerald City.

Although the eyes of Dorothy and her friends and defended green glasses, in the first moment they were blinded by the glitter of a wonderful city. On both sides of the streets stood decorated with emeralds at home from green marble. Marble slabs was paved and pavement; The gaps between the plates were filled with emeralds, sparkling in the sun. The windows were made of green glass, even the sky above the city was light green, and the sun discarded the green rays.

The streets were full of people; All the townspeople were dressed in green clothes, and everyone had greenish skin. All of them with curiosity looked at Dorothy and her unusual satellites, and children at the sight of Lion hid behind their backs of mothers, but nobody spoken with travelers. There were many shops and benches on the street. Dorothy noticed that all goods in them are green.

The city seems to have no horses or other animals. All his teach people were engaged in small green trolleys themselves. Everyone looked happy and quite satisfied with life.

Travelers who followed the guard, soon approached the palace. The door was a guide with a long green beard, in a green form.

- Alien came, - the gate of the gate appealed to him - and they wish to see the Great Oz.

"Come in," the guard replied. - I'm talking about you great RAM.

Friends passed to the palace gate, the guard held them in a beautifully furnished green room and retired.

Waiting for his return to friends had long. Finally he returned with the words:

- OZ will accept you, but you must be one by one, and everyone will be appointed for this a certain day. In the meantime, I'll show you the rooms in the palace, where you can conveniently settle and relax.

The next morning, the maid came for Dorothy. She brought a charming dress made of green atlas and helped the girl to dress. Dorothy put on a silk green apron, tied Toto on the neck of a green bow, and they went to the throne hall of the Great Oz.

Dorothy with excitement crossed the threshold of the hall. It was a big round room with a high vaulted ceiling, her walls were decorated with emeralds. Through the round window in the center of the dome, the sun shone, and the emeralds shone in his rays.

In the center of the hall, the throne of green marble was touched, decorated with precious stones. A huge bald head without a body was resting on the throne.

Dorothy with curiosity and fear looked at her head, and the eyes of the head stared at her. Then the lips moved, and Dorothy heard the voice:

- I - OZ, Great and terrible. Who are you and why were you looking for me?

Dorothy got courage and answered:

- I am Dorothy, small and meek. I came to you for help.

Eyes thoughtfully looked at her for a minute. Then the voice asked:

- Where did you get silver shoes?

"They got me from the evil sorcerer of the East, when my house fell on it and crushed it," the girl replied.

- What do you want from me? - asked Oz.

"Help me, please return to Kansas, to the aunt Em and Uncle Henry," Dorothy said imploringly. - Aunt Um is probably terribly worried about what I do not have so long.

"Well," said Oz. - Only first you have to do something for me. You have to kill the evil wondrus of the West.

- But I can not! - cried Dorothy.

- You killed the evil sorceress of the East and we carry her silver shoes, in which the magic force is concluded. Now only one evil witch remained in this country, and when you bring me a message about her death, I will return you back to Kansas - but not before.

Heatless, Dorothy came out of the throne room and returned to friends who could not find out what Oz said.

"I don't have any hope," sighing, said Dorothy. "Oz will not return me home until I kill the evil wander of the West, and I can never do that."

Her friends were very upset, but what could they help her?! Dorothy returned to her room and cried there until the dream broke it.

The next day, a straw little man was caused to RAM. Oz appeared in front of him in the image of an excellent lady with light silk wings behind his back.

The next day, a tin rover went to RAM. Before him, Oz appeared in the form of a huge monster. And when lion entered the throne room, he saw a big fireball. Each of the Oz travelers asked to kill the evil wondrus of the West.

- What should we do now? - asked Dorothy when they gathered together.

"We have only one thing," the lion replied. - Go to the country of Migunov, find the evil sorceress and destroy it. Maybe we will be able to cope with it?

And they decided that the next morning move in the way.

The guard with green mustes spent friends along the streets of the Emerald city to the entrance gate. The gate of the gate took the glasses from them, removed them in the chest and kindly open the city gate in front of his friends.

- What road leads to the evil invitoring of the West? - asked Dorothy.

"There is no way," replied the gate guard. - No one would venture away to go on the road along this road.

- But how do we then find a sorceress? - the girl was confused.

"It will be easy," said the guard. - As soon as the sorceress configures that you came to the country of Migunov, she herself will find and make it her slaves. Be careful: she is cunning and cunning - you can hardly overcome it. Go to the West, where the sun sits down, and you will certainly find it.

Soon the Emerald City remained behind. Our travelers went further; The terrain on which they walked was becoming more and more hilly.

By noon, the sun began to pack; There was not a single tree around to hide in his shadows. Long before the onset of Night Dorothy, Toto and Lion completely embarrassed out of his strength, lay down on the grass and fell asleep. Woodcutter and straw little man stayed guard.

The evil wondrus of the West has long noticed Dorothy and her friends from the window of his castle. She cleared, seeing them in his own country. The evil sorcerer brought to her lips a silver whistle, hung on her neck, and dunted into it.

The whole flock of wolves immediately suffered. They had strong legs, fierce eyes and sharp teeth.

"Grab the strangers," the witch ordered, "and tear them into the shreds."

"Waitly," the wolf of the leader rushed and rushed forward, and the whole flock rushed.

Fortunately, the straw man and the woodcutter did not sleep and heard the wolves approach them.

The woodcutter grabbed the ax and began to chop head with all the wolves that they pounced on him. When the sorcerer saw that all the wolves were dead, and the strangers were intact and unharmed, she accepted even more. And she rebuilt again in the whistle twice.

A huge flock of crows flown to her. The evil sorcerer ordered the crown:

- Fly now to these strangers, turn your eyes and burst into the nurses.

Ravens flew to Dorothy and its satellites. Upon their approximation, the straw man jumped up and spread his hands, sunbathing friends sleeping on the ground. Seeing him, the crows were frightened: after all, frightened in order to scare birds. They were not solved to fall closer. But Voronius King said:

- Yes, it's just stuffed with straw man! Now I will turn off his eyes!

And Voronius King rushed forward, but the straw man grabbed his head and turned her neck. The same fate suffered all the flock.

The evil sorceress looked out in the window, saw that all the crows were dead, and came to a terrible rage. She called on a dozen of his slaves Migunov, gave them sharp spears and ordered to kill strangers.

Migunov went to execute the order. But it was worth it only to get closer to Dorothy, as the lion was gloating and rushed to them. Poor migumens were so frightened that the nude was rushed.

The evil sorcerer was beside himself. She put on the head of the golden helmet, who possessed the magic force. The one who knew him could three times - but only three times! - Call the winged monkeys who were ready to fulfill any order. Twice the monkeys have already served the service. This was last timeWhen the evil sorcerer could count on the help of the winged monkeys. The noise of the set of wings was heard, and soon the evil sorceress was surrounded from all sides the winged monkeys.

The sorceress ordered:

- Fly to strangers that appeared in my country, and destroy them all except the lion. Lion bring to me, I will make him walk in the harness and work like a horse.

Winged monkeys flew to Dorothy and her friends. Some monkeys grabbed a tin cargo, carried it into the mountains and threw into the abyss. The unfortunate woodcutter fell into sharp stones, where he remained lying, broken and swore.

Other monkeys clung to the straw little man and pulled out all the straw from his head and clothes. The monkeys tied the rods and lion, raised into the air and carried the sorcerer into the castle. There he was thrown into a small courtyard, surrounded by a high iron fence; Lion could not get out from there.

But no one dared to touch Dorothy: after all, the Kiss of the Good Fairy was captured on her forehead. The winged monkeys took Dorothy in the castle of evil sorcerer and lowered to the ground. The leader of the monkeys said the wip:

- We performed the order. Tinwood and straw little man are destroyed, and the literal lion lies in the yard for the fence. But we do not dare to harm this little girl nor a dog that she keeps on his hands.

And the winged monkeys with noise was filled into the air and disappeared.

The evil witch was surprised, and alarmed when I saw a sign on the forehead Dorothy and her magic silver shoes: even she could not do anything with a magical force protecting the girl. But she immediately realized that Dorothy himself knows nothing about the magical strength of the shoes. "But I can turn this girl into the slave," the sorceress thought. "After all, she does not know what force is endowed."

And the evil sorcerer has stolen:

- Go for me! You will do everything that I will order, I'm not swaying with you just like with a tin carcase and straw little man.

The sorceress made the girl working in the kitchen. Dorothy decided to work with all his might: she was glad and the fact that the sorceress left her alive. Lion was kept in the yard; It was ordered not to feed him until he becomes humble and obedient.

Every night, when the sorcerer fell asleep, Dorothy Thai wore a lion from the storeroom. Solding hunger, he was laid on a litter of straw, and Dorothy arranged around, putting his head on his soft meline; They shared each other with their troubles and discussed the shoot plan. But it was impossible to find a path to salvation: the castle was guarded by the migumens, who subjugated the evil witch. They were so afraid of their ladies that they did not dare to disobey her orders.

The evil witch dreamed to take possession of silver shoes, which Dorothy wore without removing: After all, they possessed great power. To get shoes, the witch set up a girl trap. She put an iron bar on the verge of a kitchen and enchanted him so that he became invisible to human eye. As soon as Dorothy crossed the threshold, it stumbled upon an invisible bar and fell. She did not hurt, but one of the silver shoes with a fall jumped out of her legs. Dorothy did not have time to stretch his hand, as the sorceress grabbed her shoe and pulled himself on his leg.

Dorothy, seeing that she took one of her adorable shoes, very angry. She grabbed the bucket and from the legs to the head heded the wondrus to the water.

And at the same moment, the evil sorcerer screamed from horror and melted in front of the amazed Dorothy.

Dorothy raised a silver shoe - everything that remains from the evil old woman, - wiped her dryness and put on his leg. Then she ran out into the courtyard, freed the lion from the imprisonment and told him that the evil wondron of the West was dead. Together they headed into the castle. Dorothy convened all the migunov and declared them that the power of the evil magician came the end and from now on they are free.

That was the joy of yellow migunov! After all, they worked on the evil sorcerer for so many years.

As a sign of gratitude, the migumens found and repaired a tin carcuzze and a straw man crossed by monkeys. How were friends, he gathered together!

The next day, they said goodbye to the migumens. Now, when they fulfilled the condition of the Oz, it was time for them to return to the Emerald City, so that Oz fulfill his promises. The migumens were so loved by a tin carmaker, as they asked him to return to them and become the ruler of the Yellow country of the West.

Nading the Golden Helmet of the Witch, Dorothy caused the winged monkeys and ordered her to take her with friends to RAM. In the emerald city, they immediately spent the wizard. Each of the friends thought he would see Dza in that appearance, in which he was before, but, to their surprise, there was no one in the room.

Attention! This is an introductory fragment of the book.

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Frank Baum (Lymen Frank Baum) (15.5.1856 - 6.5.1919) - American writer and journalist, playwright, author of children's stories, classic children's literature. Its works, until recently, we were known in our country only by Repells A. Volkov ("The Wizard of the Emerald City").

Born in the town of Chittenango, New York. Frank, together with his family, moved to South Dakota in 1888, where he worked in the newspaper. Then in 1891 the family moved to Chicago, Frank Baum and there began to work as a journalist.

Sick boy turned out to be a healthier brothers and sisters

However, say in the middle of the XIX century, who Benjamin and the Cityy of Baumam, that their seventh child will live so long - they would hardly believe this prophecy. If only because Frank, born on May 15, 1856, had very little chance of living at all to three years. Doctors already in the first year of his life did not hide the truth from their parents: the baby has congenital heart disease. And only a calm, measured and happy life can save him, not in a big city, but rural areas.

By the time of birth, Frank Benjamin was Bondarem, made of oil barrels. It is those that were called "barrels" due to the fact that it was so much oil in them. But the seventh child became like a happy talisman - soon Papasha Baum from Bondar became the seller of black gold, and his business went to the mountain so rapidly that he became rich for a short time.

That's just the children were his headache. Four died, without living and several years, and five, in the end, became adults, but, alas and ah, only Frank lived before the old years. But then, at the dawn of youth of Benjamin and Cityy, it seemed to them that their main task was to help the sick seventh child.

Printing machine - Best Gift

They have not blown away from him with him. He lived on a ranch, although his father had his own home in New York, he devoted most of the time to walks, and to equally tolerated the heat and cold. Ben could allow teachers to come to Frank themselves, he did not go to school. He was such a book that he had already overcome all the not a small library of his father. Most of all the boy liked Charles Dickens and William Tekcket. Dickens at this point was still alive, so all the new items that came out from under the classic feather was immediately delivered by Frank. By the way, such a passion for the Son was the subject of the special pride of Ben. He said to everyone: "My Frank these books like nuts snaps!" Although you will agree - the master of psychological novel Dickens "on the teeth" is not every adult ...

Frank's 14th birthday became for him, perhaps, one of the happiest days! Father came to the room to his son from the morning and brought him a very big gift. When the boy turned the paper, he painted: it was a printed machine! Quite more rarity at the time. It is necessary to say that on the same day, Frank and his younger brother had already pleased the parents of the first family newspaper. And then the newspaper, later overshadowed the log, began to be released regularly. In addition to the family chronicles, Franktristism - Frank often wrote fairy tales for younger ...

Rezonomonic Frank.

At the age of 17, the future writer began to produce a completely adult magazine. Since his second, after books, the enthusiasm was philately, then the pages of the new edition were devoted to the history of brands, various auctions, as well as travels. Frank himself was truly restless - who he just did not work in his youth. He started with the reporter, was the director of the bookstore, two years he studied in a military school, where he experienced almost physical disgust for Mashtra. Then he decided to become a farmer, grown a poultry, and at the same time released a magazine dedicated to poultry farming. But soon this is a pretty "inesthetical" job to him. He returned to the city, became the producer of a number of theaters, several times went on stage, playing in performances.

He was easy to words, and great erudition and readiness made it an interesting, memorable interlocutor. Ben and Cynthia were very proud of her son, believing that their Frank would not disappear in life. Moreover, he was very purposeful and stubborn, the Scottish-Irish Racing was affected ...

In 1881, Frank fell in love with a charming mod. The "candy-bouquet" period somewhat jumped out, a somewhat frivolous young man, hiking in the clouds, did not seem to make parents of the mod solely successful party. But, first, the girl stated that no other, except Frank, would not go, and, secondly, he, as he was the son of a rich oil magnate, so it could well provide the future of their daughter. If they knew that Frankie stubbeds would soon go to ask alms than would take money from her parents, they would probably think. But the young bum adhered to such positions that he should take place himself, because the father also started from scratch ...

Baum's children loved fairy tales

Whatever it was on November 9, 1882, Frank and Mod got married. They had four children, for whom, Baum, actually started writing fairy tales. Rather, they were first oral. Is it worth saying that the children listened to Frank with open mouths, because he loved to compose good fairy tales, in his stories was always welcome up over evil. And, in addition, Frank recognized the mod, which does not really want children to study life on the "evil tales of the Grimm brothers."

His first book for children - "Mother Goose Tags in Prose" (Mother Goose in Prose, 1897). The book "Father Goose: His Book" (Father Goose: His Book, 1899) followed (Father Goose: His Book, 1899), which became a bestseller very quickly. In memory of how he in his youth grown by Christmas geese. Children fairy tales really liked, but since the elders were no longer kids, they indicated the parent for some inconsistency. They say, we want to know about the magic adventures, and Uncle Gusak "tied" to the bird's yard.

Frank took into account the remark and began to write a "saga" about the magic country of Oz, about the little girl Dorothy from Kansas, which was "transported" by Hurricane along with his little dog in that country, about which none of the adults had no idea.

Perhaps adding the first book, Baum and did not think about the fact that the "TV series" stretches for as many as 14 episodes. But the children demanded a "continuation of the banquet", and the writer's fantasy worked with double energy.

Although Frank Baum wrote more than 70 children's books, its fame is based mainly on the book on the wizard and other 13 stories about the Oz, including "OZMA from OZ" (Ozma of Oz, 1907) and "Scared from Oz" (The SCARECROW Of OZ, 1915), in all of which are of particular importance attached to such American virtues, as practicality, independence, tolerance and egalitarianism.

How Dorothy turned into Ellie ...

And how fast the magic story of Bauma scattered in the light! She was transferred to several languages, and only in the country from the US, the country of victorious socialism about the author Dorothy and Na Na nobody had almost heard. Because I found one smart man, named Alexander Melentievich Volkov, who, taking as the basis of "Saga" Bauma, shifted it in his interpretation, "shame" having silent that Frank's book was already at least 40 years old. The work of Volkova was called the "magician of the Emerald City" and appeared on the bookshelf in 1939.

I must say that wolves, a teacher of mathematics in the Urals, was a good translator. And when in 1938, the book of Lazar Lapin "Old Man Hottabych" was published, immediately gained popularity, Alexander Melentievich smacked, which, probably, the book will be at all success in which even the most magical wonders will be "exposed."

However, the conscience of Volkova did not offend God. After the exit of the fairy tale about the girl Ellie, he did not take for the continuation of the history of almost a quarter of a century. Initially, he slightly shut off his own version - in 1939, Ellie, like Bauma, the orphan, which aunt and uncle raises, and in 1959 - already an ordinary girl who has a mother and dad. And dozens of such discrepancies appeared. And as soon as the period was passed that determines the copyright of Bauum, the wolves "deed" with numerous continuations, which are still less than that of Bauma. The Volkov simply did not have enough time - he died in 1977, shortly after writing the "secrets of an abandoned castle."

19 years of fame!

But back to Bauma. For 19 years of writing, Frank wrote 62 books. Moreover, 14 of them, as I said, were devoted to the "magic country of Oz", 24 books were written exclusively for girls and 6 for boys. And let all we know, but in the US, the beginning of the twentieth century was marked by "Buma Bauma" - his book was decided to film, moreover, Frank personally participated not only in writing the scenario, but also the formulation of the film. In total, during the life of the writer, it was to remove 6 films on his "saga". In addition, from 1902 to 1911, the musical on this book was put on Broadway 293 times!

To be closer to the set, Frank Baum with his family moved to Hollywood. Here and caught his death ...

Frank Baum's drawing was performed in 1902, using this story in 1938, an extremely popular movie was shot.


  • Wonderful Wizard Wizard Oz Film 1910, based on the 1902 musical, director Otis Tverner
  • Wizard Country Oz Movice Music 1939 manufactured by MGM, director Viktor Fleming, starring Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolver, Bert Lar and Jack Haley.
  • Journey back to Oz Cartoon film 1971, official sequel "Wizards of the Oz"
  • 1978 Musical Music Wizard, based on the Broadway Musicle of 1975, director Sydney Lesmet, starring Michael Jackson and Dian Ross
  • Return to Oz Film 1985 production of Walt Disney Pictures, unofficial sequel "Wizards of Oz", director Walter Murch, in the main role of Fairouz Bolk
  • Iron Man (Minister)

On May 15, 1919, 90 years ago, the numerous relatives of the famous American writer Lymeman Frank Bauma should have gathered on his regular birthday. It was not a round date, but about a month before the event, invitation cards were sent out to the event, and by the end of April they were already received by recipients.

Then, none of the guests had not yet knew that they would gather in the house of Bauma a little earlier, and quite different about another occasion - on May 6, 1919, Frank's heart stopped. Until its 63th anniversary, the writer never lived by many generations.

Country of Oz

The name of this magic country, according to the family legend of Baumov, was born by chance. In the May evening, 1898, Baum told his and neighboring children another fairy tale, writing her on the go. Someone asked where all this happens. Baum wrapped the room, looked at the home card file with a-N boxes And O-Z and said: "In the Oz".

The "amazing wizard from Oz" saw the light in 1900 and so loved readers that Baum decided to continue the story of a wonderful country. The readers looked forward to new stories, but, released the sixth fairy tale in 1910, the author decided to relax a little. He published two fairy tales about the girl Trot and Captain Bill, who were generally met with readers in general, but they could not mind that the history of the Oz was completed. Letters were sent with protests, with suggestions to return to the loved characters. Actually, the fans of Sherlock Holmes were also responded about the same, when Conan drove rebelled and decided to part with his hero. Cunning plans of both writers were doomed to failure. Readers took the top - and Conan drove, and Baum returned to their serials.

Baum left fourteen fairy tales about Oz. Perhaps he would have written even more, but death from a heart attack confused all the maps of the court historian of Oz. However, reader love turned the point in a dot. In the same 1919, Railil and Lee Publishing House, specializing in the issuance of history about Oz, instructed a twenty-year-old journalist from Philadelphia Ruth Plamlie Thompson to continue the series.

Tompson fulfilled his task of Ruth, and as for the number of names left from her pen, then here she surpassed Bauma himself. The tradition of "continuing" was not stolen - the relay was taken by a variety of writers. I tried good luck in this area and the illustrator of most of the lifetime editions of Bauma John Neal, which offered readers three of their stories.

A new splash of interest in Bauma has come to the end of the fifties. At the initiative of the thirteen-year-old schoolchild from New York in 1957, the International Wizard Club was created. The club exists and today and has its own periodic edition, in which it is not difficult to guess, it is about the details of life in the magic country of Oz and about the newest publications on this burning topic.

In that in 1939, when the Americans built in line at the cinemas to watch the Hollywood version of the Wizard of Oz Wizard with Judy Garland in the role of Dorothy, Alexander Volkov retold in Russian the first fairy tale of the series. In general, he quite carefully adhered to the original, although he lowered several scenes (episode with warring trees, the history of volatile monkeys, a visit to the porcelain country). Subsequently, the wolves suggested his own series, posted by Baumov's motifs.

The true discovery of Bauma in Russia, however, is accounted for nineties. The first swallow was the book, published in 1991 in the Moscow Worker, which included the second, third and thirteenth tales of the series, and a little later, the translation of the "wizard" was proposed, where the Volkovsk Ellie was inferior to Baumovskaya Dorothy and the text appeared in his original form - without bills and additions.