Punctuation marks in isolated circumstances. Russian language reference




Standalone members of the proposal.

Separate are those members of the sentence that stand out in meaning and intonation. Separate members of the proposal are divided into the following groups:

1. Separate definitions:

a) expressed by single or homogeneous adjectives, sometimes adjectives with dependent words. And he, rebellious, asks for the storm ...

b) expressed by the participle. Childish cry echoed, thunders through the woods from morning to night.

c) expressed by the application. Volga, great Russian river, cannot but amaze with beauty and greatness.


Separated with commas

1. Any definitions and applications (regardless of their prevalence and location), if they refer to a personal pronoun.

Friends since childhood, they never parted.

They, agronomists, went to work in the village.

2. Agreed common definitions and applications, if they appear after the noun being defined.

The berries picked by the children were delicious. Grandfather, a war veteran, knew everything about distant time.

3. Two or more homogeneous concordant uncommon definitions following the noun being defined.

The wind, warm and gentle, awakened the flowers in the meadow.

4. Agreed definitions and appendices (standing before the noun being defined), if they have an additional situation. meaning (causal, conditional, concessive, etc.)

Exhausted by the hard road, the guys could not continue the journey (reason).

5. Agreed applications (including single ones), if they appear after the word being defined - a proper noun. Exception: single applications that merge with a noun in meaning are not distinguished.

The detachment was headed by Sergei Smirnov, an experienced scout.

As a teenager, I read the books of Dumas the father.


2. Separate circumstances:

a) expressed by a single gerunds or adverbs ( Having slept, I was in good spirits);

b) expressed by a noun with prepositions despite, thanks, in spite of, by force, etc. (In the house, despite the severe frost, It was warm).



Does not stand out

1. Adverbial turns and single participles: We walked, sinking in the sand.

I AM, out of breath has stopped.

2.With an excuse despite: He smiled despite in a bad mood.

3.With derivative prepositions, thanks, in spite of, etc., if they stand before the predicate: Contrary to prediction, the weather has cleared up.

1. Phraseologisms, which include gerunds:

He listened open mouth.

He worked carelessly.

2. Adverbial participles: standing, lying, silent, reluctantly, joking, not looking, playing, etc.

He was reading lying down. He was reading while lying down.

But: He read, lying on the couch.

3. Separate specifying members of the proposal, which are used for the purpose of concretizing or clarifying other members of the sentence.

Member proposal



On the left, v bank, we stopped for a rest.


She was wearing a dress that was red, almost scarlet, in color.


The return of the whole family, even the shaggy dog, had a revitalizing effect on him.

The main members of the proposal

The old lady, the watchman, was very frightened by the story.



Examples of

1. Clarifying circumstances of place and time

The guys returned from the excursion late at night , At twelve o'clock.

2. Clarifying members of the proposal, joined using unions that is, or (= that is)

Albatrosses flew and screamed over the water , that is, sea gulls.

3. Clarifying terms with words especially, even, mainly, in particular, including, for example, etc.

In a subtle way I became attached to a kind family , even to a crooked garrison lieutenant.

4. Clarifying additions with prepositions other than, in addition, in excess of, instead of, excluding, including, excluding, etc.

5) In the role of qualifying members, there may be other circumstances, as well as applications.

He met me well, brotherly ... Grade 5 student, Fedorov Vasya, missing from school for a good reason.

Teacher comments on the material being studied

Possible difficulties

Good advice

If there is a common definition in front of the word being defined, then often there is a pause in the middle of the sentence, which you want to fill out with a comma.

A series of brochures on the Russian language, recently released by the Prosveshchenie Publishing House, was quickly sold out.

Indeed, in such cases there is a pause in the middle of the sentence (after the word being defined), but a comma should not be put here.

A series of brochures on the Russian language recently released by the Prosveshchenie Publishing House was quickly sold out.

Are commas necessary in the following cases?

Academician Pavlov, one of the most famous scientists in Russia, could also afford independent views on political issues.

Suddenly awakened by the shelling, the chief of staff did not immediately understand what was happening.

In the agreed definition preceding the word being defined, commas are placed only in some cases, namely:

  • if the defined word is a personal pronoun;
  • if the determination is of circumstantial importance (usually reasons or concessions).

One of the most famous scientists in Russia, Academician Pavlov could also afford independent views on political issues (additional meaning of the reason).

Suddenly awakened by shelling, the chief of staff did not immediately understand what was happening (additional meaning of the assignment).

How to place punctuation marks in the following case?

The Cossack who arrived in the regiment and settled in a neighboring hut seemed to be familiar to Andrei.

In this proposal, there are two homogeneous agreed definitions connected by a single union of I. Between homogeneous members connected by a single union of AND, a comma is not put.

Punctuation marks for isolated circumstances, expressed by the adverbial participle and adverbial turnover

Possible difficulties

Good advice

If there is a conjunction before the adverbial turnover and where should the comma be put: before it or after it?

He turned in the doorway _ and _ without saying goodbye to the owner, went out.

Most likely, the union serves here to connect homogeneous predicates. It has nothing to do with the adverbial turnover, so it cannot be included in the turnover. The comma is placed immediately before the turnover after the union and.

He turned in the doorway and, without saying goodbye to the owner, went out.

Are the adverb and adverbial turnover always separate?

No, pegging is canceled in the following cases:

1) the adverbial turnover passed into an adverbial phraseological unit (carelessly, headlong, etc.):

do not throw yourself into a fight_head-head;

we will work _ up our sleeves.

2) the single participle is lost verb meaning and acquired an adverbial meaning (for example, reluctantly, joking, not looking, sneaking, playing, etc.):

then I _ jokingly_ lifted eight-pood sacks (i.e. easily).

he waved the ax, playing, without any tension.

3) a single adverbial participle (and sometimes an adverbial adverb), standing after the predicate, closely merge with it in meaning (to the extent that they become part of the predicate). It is on him that the logical emphasis falls in this sentence:

Yurik continued to juggle while sitting (for the speaker, it is important not that Yurik juggled, but that he was juggling while sitting).

How should you place commas if there are two adverbial expressions in a sentence, between which there is a union and (or, or)?

The smoke floated in clubs _ rising up_ and_ spreading under the arches of the cave.

The gray-haired man stepped forward_ with some hesitation_ and_ raising his hand_ called for silence.

In this case, the punctuation may be different. If both turnovers depend on one predicate and are homogeneous circumstances, then they are separated by commas as a single structure, without separating from each other.

The smoke floated in clubs, / rising up and spreading under the arches of the cave /.

Standalone definitions and standalone applications

Both agreed and inconsistent definitions can be isolated.

Agreed standalone definitions usually expressed by participial and adjective-based turns.

Waves, tearing the coast apart, hummed victoriously and menacingly.

The master waddled in,all black with coal dust.

Less often, agreed separate definitions are expressed by single participles and adjectives.

Asleep, he seemed to her even more severe.

Buildings, new, fresh seemed gingerbread.

A special case of a stand-alone definition is a stand-alone application - a noun definition.

Especially lyceum students fell in love with Galich,professors of Russian and Latin literature.

Separate agreed definitions should not be confused with relative clauses.

Inconsistent stand-alone definitions usually expressed by turns, based on the noun in the indirect case, less often - an adverb or a form of the comparative degree of an adjective.

Watchman, in torn earflaps and mittens, nevertheless looked impressive.

Concrete blocks, end-to-end and here and there overlap, piled up behind the site.

This room, much lighter and wider than the previous, I like it.

Separate circumstances. Types of isolated circumstances

Circumstances expressed by gerunds and adverbs, as well as nouns with a derivative preposition are usually isolated.

Almost always, the circumstances expressed by gerunds and adverbs are isolated.

Segregation does not occur under the following conditions:

  • The adverbial turnover passed into an adverbial phraseological unit ( carelessly, headlong and etc.).

Do not throw yourself into a fight_in head!

  • The single adverbial participle has lost its verb meaning and acquired an adverbial meaning (for example reluctantly, joking, not looking, sneaking, playing and etc.).

Live _ laughing! (That is, fun, no worries.)

He walked slowly. (That is, slowly.)

  • A single participle (and sometimes an adverbial turnover), standing after the predicate, closely merges with it in meaning (to the extent that it becomes part of the predicate). In this case, the semantic emphasis of the sentence falls on the gerunds.

It is especially difficult for biathletes to shoot while standing. (The speaker does not mean that it is difficult for biathletes to shoot, but that it is difficult for them to shoot while standing.)

The old woman stood with her head down. (It is important for the speaker not that the old woman was standing, but that she stood with her head bowed.)

For more information on the conditions for separating gerunds and adverbial turns, see: Punctuation marks in special circumstances, expressed by the gerunds and adverbs. Separate circumstances can also be expressed by nouns in indirect cases with derivative prepositions.

Many derivative prepositions in Russian have meanings that contribute to the semantic highlighting of nouns with such prepositions. These are the meanings of a cause, condition, concession, effect, concomitant event, etc. Derivative prepositions are listed below, combinations with which are isolated more often than others:

in spite of anything;

regardless of anything;

thanks to something;

according to something;

due to something;

for lack of anything;

by virtue of something;

in the absence of something;

in the presence of something;

subject to something;

in view of something;

in spite of something, etc.

Circumstances expressed by nouns with a preposition are always isolated if they have the meaning of concession (when one event occurs, despite the presence of another, which is the first obstacle).

Despite the rains, the weather was warm.

Despite the resistance of those around him, he quickly moved through the crowd.

Separation of other circumstances expressed by nouns with derivative prepositions is optional. It depends on the intentions and goals of the author, on the prevalence or non-prevalence of circumstances and on their place in the sentence.

Usually, circumstances expressed by nouns with a preposition are isolated, if they are common and stand at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence.

He, thanks to his organizational skills, turned out to be a good leader.

For lack of free time, he did not have time to do everything that he promised.

Uncommon circumstances expressed by nouns with a preposition are usually not isolated if they appear at the end of a sentence.

The regiment arrived at the garrison on Friday as ordered.

Punctuation marks with stand-alone agreed definitions

Agreed definitions are set apart when they take a position in the proposal. Each such position becomes a condition for separation and requires comma separation.

Segregation conditions for agreed definitions

1. An agreed definition is set apart if it comes after the noun being defined.

A room that looks like a wardrobe and a coffin is one of the recurring images of the novel.

The engine, weak, two-cylinder, did not impress me.

2. An agreed definition is set apart if it refers to a personal pronoun.

Almost forgotten by his friends, he lived poorly and without fuss.

3. An agreed definition is set aside if it contains additional circumstance (usually reasons or concessions).

Frightened and confused, Peter did not know what to answer. (Being frightened, Peter did not know ... - the reason.)

Severely shell-shocked, Strugov barely made it to the trench. (Although Strugov was wounded, he got there ... - a concession.)

Sometimes the pegging conditions listed above do not apply.

Remember the cases - the exceptions.

1. An agreed definition is not isolated if a logical stress falls on it (in this case, the definition is included in the composition of the compound nominal predicate).

We came back_ very tired. (It is not the fact of returning that is important, but the fact that you are tired.)

2. An agreed definition is not isolated if a sentence without it does not express a complete thought.

She took on an air of stern and domineering. (You can not leave only: She assumed the form.)

This has led to things_ extremely strange. (Can't just leave: It led to things.)

3. An agreed definition does not stand out if it refers to an indefinite pronoun.

Everyone was waiting for something very terrible.

Punctuation marks in separate circumstances, expressed by the gerunds and adverbs

Circumstances expressed by an adverbial participle or adverbial phrase are separated by commas.

The girls locked themselves in and began to discuss this news.

Everyone, waiting for the opening, was worried.

Commas are not used under the following conditions:

  • The adverbial turnover turned into an adverbial phraseological unit (carelessly, headlong, etc.).

Do not rush into the fight_ headlong!

Let's work_ up our sleeves!

  • The single participle has lost its verbal meaning and acquired an adverbial meaning (for example, reluctantly, jokingly, without looking, sneaking, playing, etc.).

Then I_ jokingly lifted eight-pound bags (i.e. easily).

He waved the ax while playing, without any tension.

  • A single participle (and sometimes an adverbial turnover), standing after the predicate, closely merges with it in meaning (to the extent that it becomes part of the predicate). It is on him that the logical emphasis falls in this sentence.

Yurik continued to juggle while sitting (for the speaker it is important not that Yurik juggled, but that he was juggling while sitting).


There are a few more cases when the adverb and adverb are not separated by commas.

Commas are not put if the gerunds or adverbials are associated with the adverb by single unions and, or, or (the adverb and the adverbial turnover are in this case homogeneous circumstances).

He always spoke the truth lightly and without paying attention to the benefits. (In this sentence, the adverb easy and adverbial turnover are homogeneous circumstances connected by a union and.)

Commas are not put if the dependent word in the adverbial turnover is a relative pronoun which (in this role, it serves as a union means in a complex sentence).

There are questions, without solving which_ it is impossible to move on.

Sometimes in a sentence there are two adverbial phrases, between which there is a union and. In this case, the punctuation may be different. If both turnovers depend on one predicate and are homogeneous circumstances, then they are separated by commas as a single structure, without separating from each other.

The smoke floated in clubs, rising up and spreading under the arches of the cave.

If the revolutions depend on different predicates, then each of them is separated by commas.

The gray-haired man stepped forward, hesitating a little, and, raising his hand, called for silence.

Separate members of the proposal in oral speech are distinguished by intonation, and in writing - by commas on both sides.

Highlighting stand-alone add-ons

Clarifying circumstances of place, time, mode of action are isolated if they come after the specified ones.

The difficulty of applying this rule lies in the fact that it is not always easy to distinguish a clarifying word from a clarified word, for this you need to know what exactly the author wanted to say.


The book is in the corner on the shelf. Concept injection(if we talk about the correlation of the part and the whole) is broader than the concept a shelf: This is probably the corner of the room where the shelf is located. Circumstance on the shelf in this context, qualifying and separated by a comma.

The book is in the corner on the shelf. Concept injection already concepts a shelf: This is probably a closed shelf with corners and the book is in the corner of the shelf, not in the corner of the room. Here, the clarifying circumstance will be the word in the corner, but it comes before the specified on the shelf and therefore does not stand apart.

Another example:

See you on Tuesday at fifteen o'clock. The addressee did not know anything about the time of the meeting, so he first learns about the day of the meeting, and then the time within that day is specified. In this case, the specifying circumstance will be at fifteen o'clock, it is isolated, because it stands after the specified one. Compare: I'll see you at fifteen on Tuesday. If the meaning of the sentence has not changed, and the specifying and specifying circumstances have changed places, then nothing is isolated, since the specifying one turns out to be ahead of the specifying one. The situation will be different if the sentence has a different meaning. I'll see you at fifteen on Tuesday. The addressee knows that meetings always take place at fifteen o'clock, he must specify on which day he will be invited. In this case, the clarifying circumstance will be on Tuesday, it is isolated because it comes after the specified one.

Since the arrangement of signs under clarifying circumstances strongly depends on the meaning that the author wanted to convey, during dictation such circumstances are necessarily highlighted in intonation.

Signs for constructions with gerunds

Separate commas on both sides adverbial constructions(circumstances expressed by single participles or participial phrases).

Adverbial constructions are highlighted regardless of their place in the sentence.

Signs with homogeneous participial constructions are placed in the same way as with other homogeneous members... In order to determine whether the gerunds are homogeneous, carefully look to see if they refer to the same predicate. Pay attention to the arrangement of signs: Scaring away the sparrowsand whistling , boywalkedon the street ( union and connects homogeneous adjectives related to the predicate walked). Boy walked on the street,scaring away sparrows, and whistling, composed a melody. ( union and connects homogeneous predicates walked and composed, to each of which the adverbial constructions belong, the adverbial constructions themselves are not homogeneous ).

Different groups of predicates are highlighted in color.

Conversations and participles do not isolate in the following cases:

If the meaning of the verbal participle is close to the adverb. He sat hunched over .;

If the adverb is part of a sustainable circulation. Work carelessly.

Do not confuse adverbs formed from them with gerunds: standing, sitting, lying, silently, reluctantly, not looking, slowly, playfully, singing along, sneaking, etc. These words are gerunds if they form an adverbial turnover. I had to go lying down. Lying on the seashore, one can dream.

Signs under the circumstances of the assignment, reason, purpose, conditions

Separate commas circumstances of the assignment, reasons, goals, conditions starting with the words: notwithstanding, notwithstanding, despite, thanks, according to, due, due, due, due, due, due, with consent, in the absence, for the sake of, in order to avoid, subject to, in the case, in the presence, in the absence, etc.

Highlighting stand-alone definitions

Agreed definitions are set apart on both sides in the following cases.

Standalone members of the proposal- these are secondary members that stand out in meaning and with the help of intonation. On the letter detached members highlighted by punctuation marks.

Can isolate:

  1. Definitions.

Separate definitions.

The definitions in the sentence are detached:

1. Two or more definitions that come after the word being defined:

And thunder struck, spring, life-giving.

2. Common definitions, which are expressed by a participle or an adjective that has dependent words after the word being defined:

The boy saw a woman carrying a heavy bag and decided to help her.

3. Single definition, which comes after the word being defined and has adverbial meaning:

The child, capricious, did not want to fall asleep.

4. A common or single definition that is separated from the defined word in other words:

Having smashed the window, the impudent boys ran away to play in another courtyard.

5. A common or single definition that appears in a sentence immediately before the defined word and has additional adverbial meaning:

Crying, the baby whimpered and shuddered softly.

6. Inconsistent definitions, which need to be torn off from the adjacent member of the sentence or to strengthen the transmitted or meaning:

First-graders, in beautiful forms, with bouquets of flowers, cheerfully walked on the line with their parents.

7. Definition that defines a pronoun (the defined word is a pronoun):

He, tall and courageous, looked very attractive.

Definitions are not stand-alone in the following cases:

1. If we have before us - a common definition, expressed by a participle or an adjective with dependent words, which refers to an indefinite pronoun and stands in a sentence after it:

In the dark, I noticed something that looked like a dog.

2. If we have a common definition, which is expressed by an participle or an adjective with dependent words, which is located before the word being defined:

This little lump is your little brother.

Separate definitions are separated by commas in the letter.

In Russian, a sentence consists of major and minor members. The subject and predicate are the basis of any statement, however, without circumstances, additions and definitions, it does not widely reveal the idea that the author wants to convey. To make the proposal more voluminous and fully convey the meaning, it combines grammatical basis and minor members of the sentence, which have the ability to isolate themselves. What does it mean? Isolation - the allocation of minor members from the context in terms of meaning and intonation, in which words acquire syntactic independence. This article will discuss standalone definitions.


So, first you need to remember what a simple definition is, and then proceed to the study of the isolated. So, the definitions are called secondary members of the sentence, which answer the questions "Which?" and "Whose?" They indicate a sign of a subject about which in question in a statement, are highlighted by punctuation marks and depend on the grammatical basis. But isolated definitions acquire a certain syntactic independence. In writing, they are highlighted with commas, and in oral speech - in intonation. Such definitions, as well as simple ones, are of two types: consistent and inconsistent. Each of the types has its own characteristics of isolation.

Agreed definitions

A separate agreed definition, like a simple one, always depends on the noun, which is the defining word for it. Adjectives and participles form such definitions. They can be single or have dependent words and stand in the sentence immediately after the noun or be separated from it by other members of the sentence. As a rule, such definitions have a semi-predicative meaning, it is especially clearly visible in the case when the sentence structure contains adverbial words that are generalizing for a given definition. Single definitions are also clarified if they stand after a noun or pronoun and clearly indicate their signs. For instance: the child, embarrassed, stood beside the mother; pale, tired, he lay down on the bed. Definitions expressed by short passive participles and short adjectives are mandatory. For instance: then the beast appeared, hairy and tall; our world is burning, spiritual and transparent, and it will become truly good.

Inconsistent definitions

As well as simple inconsistent definitions conditioned in a sentence, they are expressed by nouns in indirect case forms. In utterances, they are almost always an additional message and, by meaning, are associated with personal pronouns and proper names. Definition in in this case always subtracts if it has a semi-predicative meaning and is temporary. This condition is required, because proper names they are sufficiently concretized and do not need constant signs, and the pronoun is not lexically combined with the signs. For instance: Earring, with a shabby spoon in his hands, took his place by the fire; today, in a new jacket, he was especially good... In the case of a common noun, a characterizing meaning is required to isolate the definition. For instance: in the middle of the village stood an old abandoned house, with a massive tall chimney on the roof.

What definitions are not generalized

In some cases, even when there are relevant factors, definitions are not isolated:

  1. In the case when definitions are used together with words that do not have an inferior lexical meaning(The father looked angry and menacing.) this example there is a defining word "species", but the definition is not generalized.
  2. Common definitions do not lend themselves to isolation when dealing with the two main members of the proposal. (After mowing, the hay lay in the bins.)
  3. If the definition is expressed in a complex comparative form or has a superlative adjective. (More popular songs appeared.)
  4. If the so-called attributive turnover stands after an indefinite, determinative, demonstrative or possessive pronoun and forms a single whole with it.
  5. If the definition comes after a negative pronoun such as nobody, nobody, nobody... (No one admitted to the exams was able to answer the additional question.)

Punctuation marks

When writing sentences with separate definitions, they should be separated by commas in such cases:

  1. If stand-alone definitions are a participle or adjective and come after the defining word. (The perfume given to her (what?) Had a divine scent, reminiscent of spring freshness.) This sentence has two definitions, expressed by participial phrases. For the first turn, the defining word is perfume, and for the second, fragrance.
  2. If two or more definitions are used after the defining word, then they are separated. (And this sun, affectionate, gentle, shone right through my window.) This rule also applies in cases of using inconsistent definitions. (Father, in a hat, in a black coat, quietly walked along the park alley.)
  3. If in the sentence the definition indicates an additional circumstance (concessional, conditional or causal). (Tired on a hot day (reason), she collapsed on the bed.)
  4. If in a statement the definition depends on a personal pronoun. (Having dreamed of a vacation at sea, he continued to work.)
  5. A separate definition is always separated by commas if it is torn off from the defining word by other members of the sentence or is in front of it. (And in the sky, accustomed to rain, a raven circled senselessly.)

How to find standalone definitions in a sentence

In order to find a sentence with a separate definition, you should pay attention to punctuation marks. Then highlight the grammatical basis. By asking questions from the subject and the predicate, establish a connection between words and find definitions in a sentence. If these minor members are separated by commas, then this is the desired statement construction. Quite often, isolated definitions are expressed by participial phrases, which, as a rule, come after the defining word. Also, such definitions can be expressed by adjectives and participles with dependent words and single ones. Quite often in a sentence there are isolated homogeneous definitions... It is not difficult to define them, in the sentence they are expressed by homogeneous participles and adjectives.

Exercises for consolidation

For the topic to be better understood, you need to consolidate the knowledge gained in practice. To do this, you should perform exercises in which you need to find sentences with separate definitions, place punctuation marks in them and explain each comma. You can also take dictation sentences. When performing this exercise, you will develop the ability to identify isolated definitions by ear and write them down correctly. The ability to correctly place commas will come in handy both during study and during entrance exams to a higher educational institution.