Punctuation marks under separate circumstances. Punctuation marks in suggestions with separate sentences

Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence (homogeneous members of the sentence) and in a complex sentence

For the correct task you can get 2 points.

Theory to the task 16 in Russian:

Algorithm for performing the task of 16 EGE in Russian:

  1. Highlight the basics.
  2. Insert the punctuation marks if necessary.
  3. Write the numbers of offers, in which one comma.

Tasks for training

    Arrange the punctuation marks. One

    1) The captive beauty of Russian landscapes is amazing and remains for a long time.

    2) Among the most ancient images on the walls of the Paleolithic era caves include and wrinkling human hand and incomprehensible patterns with random weavers of wavy lines.

    3) the logic of the knowledge of Decartes built from the simplest and obvious to complex and incomprehensible.

    4) For artistic speech, both imagery and emotionality is characteristic.

    5) For the first time in such a long war years, a ringing laughter came from the park and the creak of the rusted swing was heard.

  1. Argument punctuation signs One comma. Write down the numbers of these proposals.

    1) Children and grandchildren went through the garden to water cucumbers and tomatoes.

    2) He loves and swim and draw and play the guitar.

    3) Children sang dance and having fun.

    4) Timur loves to sing and dance to play football and follow the game.

    5) Adults sang da danced.

  2. Argument punctuation signs. Specify two sentences in which you need to put One comma. Write down the numbers of these proposals.

    1) We collected strawberries and strawberries and currants.

    2) a small student yes delete.

    3) They played and got fun.

    4) Alexey loves to listen to rock and classics and jazz.

    5) The artist loves his paintings and presented to him.

  3. Arrange the punctuation marks. Specify two sentences in which you need to put Two

    1) Sasha loves both autumn and winter.

    2) They will run or jump.

    3) Artem knows that the session will come soon and will be expelled.

    4) First, the hostess was cheerful and hospitable, however, after the arrival of some personalities became hidden and change.

  4. Argument punctuation signs. Specify two sentences in which you need to put Two commas. Write down the numbers of these proposals.

    1) Catherine loves berries and fruits.

    2) She loves not only bitter but also white chocolate.

Definition is a secondary member of the sentence, which means a sign, the quality, property of the subject and answers the questions what? WHOSE? WHICH THE? For syntactic analysis Definition proposals are emphasized by a wavy line.

Definitions are usually included as dependent words in phrases with nouns and can contact them a way of matching (for example: a large house, beautiful garden) or methods of control and adjustment (for example: a person (what?) In a hat, skill (what?) Play) . Definitions related to nouns with the help of coordination are called consistent, with control or adjustment - inconsistent.

The agreed definitions can be expressed by the adjective (new route), communion (route laid), attracted pronouns (our route) and sequence numerical (fifth route). An inconsistent definition can be expressed by the name noun in indirect cases (the house - what? - on the grief), comparative degree Adjective (I did not see the stormies - what? - stronger), infinitive (opportunity - what? - Learn) and pronoun (his book).

Invincible definitions can combine their significance with the value of the circumstances and additions. Compare: House (where?) On the mountain and house (what?) On the mountain. Both questions are completely appropriate, and on the grief can be considered simultaneously the circumstance and definition. Another example: Meeting (with whom?) With friends and meeting (what?) With friends. In these phrases with friends will be a supplement and definition.

Separation - This isolation on the letter from two sides by punctuation signs (commas, dash, brackets) of some part of the sentence.

Definitions are isolated in accordance with the following rules.

1. A coherent definition consisting of several words and related to the previous name is separated. Compare two suggestions:

Path, egging grass, led to the river.
Egging grass path led to the river.

2. A coherent definition relating to personal pronoun is separate, regardless of its place in the proposal and prevalence. For example:

Happy, ON.
It, happy, Told me about my successes.
Satisfied with his successHe told me about them.
It, satisfied with his success, told me about them.

Please note: In the example of the first point, the phrase overlooking the grass is allocated with commas. If the definition has dependent words, then they make up determination.

This rule has three notes:

1. The agreed definition (both challenged and consisting of several words) relating to the noun and standing in front of it can be separated if it has an additional value of the reason (that is, combines the values \u200b\u200bof the definition and circumstances of the cause). For example:

Tired Tourists decided to abandon re-climbing.
Tired after sleepless night Tourists decided to abandon re-climbing.

(In both proposals, the definition explains cause refusal to repeat.)

2. Definitions standing after the defined word, but closely related to the meaning with it or with other members of the proposal are not separated. In such cases, if you remove the definition from the composition of the sentence, the phrase loses its meaning. For example:

He could hear things for yourself are pretty unpleasant (Lermontov). Sea His foot lay silent and white (POUST).

3. The definition is separate, wherever it stands, if it is separated from the defined word in other words. For example:

In the end of January, oveught first thaw Well smells of cherry gardens(Sholokhov).

The exercise

    They drank a coffee in a gazebo on the shore of a wide lake_ in the waslands of the islands (Pushkin).

    Deep offended_ she sat under the window and was sitting to deep night without undressing (Pushkin).

    The old woman_ looking at him from behind the partition_ could not know if he fell asleep or just thought (Pushkin).

    Unfolded in self-government_ silly began to attribute this phenomenon to the mediation of some unknown force (generin).

    Cached in granite_ waves of the sea were embedded in huge gravity_ sliding along their ridges_ are fighting about the boards of ships, about the shore, beating and pushing_ foam_-contaminated by different trash (bitter).

    In a long beak_ bent at the end of the seagull held a small fish.

    And whether he made a grimace_ blinded by the setting sun_, whether his face was generally peculiar to some oddity, only his lips seemed too short ... (Mann).

    Children_ curious and inquisitive_ immediately noticed that something incomprehensible is happening in the city.

    Gloomy and surprised_ look at his father.

    He opened the notebook and drawn two segments_ parallel to each other.

    Draw an equilateral triangle with the side_ equal to five centimeters.

    But now they talked for a long time, - TOT_ Wise_ who did not interfere with it to judge_ spoke himself: "Stand! Punishment is. This is a terrible sentence; You do not invent such a thousand years! " (Bitter).

    The small night_ bird_ is silent and low on its soft wings_ almost stumbled upon me and duck in the direction (Turgenev).

  1. Maybe it was a spiny or the tip of the nail_ of the clutch of the Khomut (Aitmatov) from the felt booster.
  2. Lying on the shell-hard back, he saw it raised him to lift his head, his brown, convex, separated by arod-shaped scales_ belly, on the top of which barely kept_ ready-made is about to finally spinning the blanket (kafka).
  3. For light dawn, the black tops were drawn birch_ thin, like writing (Pasternak).
  4. Princess me resolutely hates, I already retell two or three epigrams on my account_ rather stroke, but together very flattering (Lermontov).
  5. I still try to explain to myself what kind of feeling was boiled in my chest: it was and the annoyance of insulted pride, and contempt, and the evil_ born in thought_ that this man_ now with such a conviction, with such a calm audacity on me looking at that two minutes Back, without exposing yourself to any danger, I wanted to kill me like a dog, for the wounded in the leg is a little stronger_ I would certainly fall away from the cliff (Lermontov).
  6. Lubricate the shape of the fat so as not to rust, and remove the kitchen table, make a sauce from hydrate oxycilion_ diluted in a glass of fresh milk (WIAN).
  7. Shatoking and choking, he finally went ashore, saw_ lying on the ground. The bathrobe, raised him and turned it out of it, until it was warmed by the ridiculous body (Hesse).
  8. My father's elder brother_ Died in 1813. Binding to arrange a village hospital, gave it a boy to some familiar doctor for learning to Feldshery art (Herzen).
  9. Who told you that there is no real, faithful, eternal_ love? (Bulgakov).
  10. But this is not all: the third in this company it turned out to be unknown from where the cat_ is tremendous, like bors, black, like soot or rho ... (Bulgakov).
  11. Winter evening December 14_ dense_ Dark_ Frosty (Tynanov).
  12. Fields, all fields stretched up to the skyskle itself, then slightly shy, then dropping again; Someone visible small forests, and the rare and low shrubs littered by rare and low shrubs ... (Turgenev).
  13. One_ black_ Large and cutting__ was very similar to those rats, which he saw on ships while traveling (Turny).
  14. The stricter of the entire incident_ there is an happening on Nevsky Prospect! (Gogol).
    Dr. Budah_ Washed_ dignified into everything clean_ Carefully shaved_ looked very impressive (Strugatsky).
  • § 14.The depth, sh, h, crept in the letter (and do not write), for example: fat, rhyger, inter-fee, say, sew, roasted, clean, rays, shield, look.
  • § 15.The lumppiece.
  • § 19. In all other cases, for the transfer of shock vocabulary, h, sh, the letter creates, namely:
  • The letter, the place of unstressed vowels
  • Letter dividing
  • § 27. Discovery after consonants before the letter, Yu, E, E, transmitting combinations [J] with vowels, in the following cases.
  • Sign Sign Sign Program
  • § 29.Bucks to designate the softness of the steam consonant at the end of words, eg: dove, leave, notebook, dirt, sorry, seven, horse, kitchens, apple trees, mound, beast, paint, drink, shipyard.
  • § 30. The designation of the softness of the pair of consonants before consonants is concluded in the following cases.
  • Linking some grammatical forms not after hissing
  • § 31.Buts (regardless of pronunciation) in the following grammatical forms:
  • After hissing
  • § 32. Selects, sh, h, puppishly by tradition in the following grammatical forms:
  • Rules of writing significant parts of the word (Morpham) The spelling of unstressed vowels
  • § 33. General rule. Writing letters on the site of unstressed vowels is set by checking in other words and forms where in that
  • Unstressed vowels in roots
  • Features of writing individual roots
  • § 35. There are roots in which the writing of the letters on the site of unstressed vowels does not correspond to the general rule, but the traditions are subordinate. These include the following roots with alternating vowels.
  • Unstressed vowels in consoles
  • § 43. Syfifixes with snow-derived unstressed vowels.
  • Features of writing individual suffixes
  • § 46. -Ev-, -Iv-, - by-, - (in adjectives). It is necessary to distinguish adjectives with suffixes-eu, on the one hand, and-iv-, - by, by other.
  • § 51. -Ink-, -Enk-, -Anc- (-ync -). Nouns should be distinguished on-inc and on-ENKA (with unstressed vowels).
  • § 55. -insk-, -ensk-. The suffixes of the adjectives-INSK-I-ENSK- (with the letterproof the place of the unstressed vowel) should be distinguished.
  • Unstable fluent vowels in roots and suffixes of nouns and adjectives
  • § 64. Unstressed fluorescent vowels are transmitted to the letter, O or IPO with the following rules (below after each example in brackets are given a form or word where there is no fluent vowel).
  • Unstressed connecting vowels
  • § 66. Instead of connecting vowels of some discharges of complex words, vowels are written, coinciding with the case and other endings of words, the foundations of which are contained in the preceding part of the word:
  • Unstressed vowels in case endings
  • § 69. The following endings contain vowels that are not checked by a shock position.
  • § 70. Nouns with some suffixes have features in writing unstressed endings.
  • § 71. Conductal forms of nouns on -y, -I, -i.
  • Unstressed vowels in the verb forms of vowels in verb terminals
  • Vowels in infinitive (uncertain form) before
  • § 76. Writing the letters on the site of unstressed vowels in front of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the following rule.
  • Unstressed particles
  • § 78. There are special structures with the injection of Ini.
  • Spelling of the consonant deaf and ring consonants
  • Unprofitable consonants
  • Group consonants at the junction of significant parts of the word
  • § 86. The letter combinations, HDC (in the number of LESS, ZDCH) are written at the joints of significant parts of the word, if the preceding part of the word ends the WDD, and the subsequent beginning begins, for example:
  • § 88. Alphabetical combination, ZCH, LCS, spend on the joints of significant parts of the word, if the preceding part of the word ends us, zilij, sh, and the subsequent beginning starts, eg:
  • § 89. The letter combinations, SZH, ZS, are shown at the joints of significant parts of the word, if the previous part ends on a consonant or s, and the subsequent one begins, either, for example:
  • Graduation of the end of the end (it)
  • Doubles Single-on Sufifixes of adjectives and nouns
  • Double-seed Sneony of suffererating communion of past time and corrective adjectives with them
  • Brief forms
  • § 103. Brief forms of complex adjectives, the second parts of which coincide with the parties are nic, they are written by reducing dependence on the value. Adjectives expressing signs
  • Doubles Sneakers formed from adjectives and communities
  • Double consonants in Russian roots
  • § 106. Double consonants are written in the roots of Russians (not borrowed) words in the following cases.
  • Double consonants in borrowed (foreign-speaking) roots and suffixes
  • Rules for the use of non-compound signs of Defis
  • § 111. The Defis is used with the abbreviated written transmission of words, including such complexes in which not only letters, but also unfolding signs (numbers, etc.) participate. These are the following cases.
  • Slash
  • § 114. The scope of the sign / (oblique line) is a scientific and business speech. It is used in the following features.
  • Apostrophe
  • Stripging sign
  • § 116. The stress sign is a sign that is put on a vowel letter corresponding to the shock sound. This sign can be consistently and selectively.
  • Rules of mens, dephysic and separate writing
  • General rules
  • § 117. The next categories of words are written in a punch.
  • § 118. The following categories of words are written by Idefis.
  • Native Nortical Names
  • § 119. The following categories of nouns are written.
  • § 120. The following discharges of nouns and combinations of nouns are written by Idefis
  • § 121. In all other cases (not covered § 119 - 120), the fusion or deification writing of the nouns is regulated in vocabulary.
  • § 122. The following combinations are written separately.
  • Own names and composite names names, pseudonyms, nicknames, nicknames
  • § 123. Separately:
  • § 124. Videophis appear:
  • Geographical names
  • § 125. Pishetsylito:
  • § 126. Watching subsidephis:
  • § 128. The following discharge discharges are written.
  • § 129. The following discharge discharges are written through a hyphen.
  • § 132. Pishetsylito:
  • § 133. Writing apart:
  • Placement words
  • § 135. Idefis are written. Wound words:
  • Nashia
  • § 136.Pishutsya:
  • § 137. Written:
  • § 138.Pish through a hyphen:
  • Service words and interjections
  • § 140. The following official words and interjections are written.
  • § 141. Writing through addresses and interjections are written.
  • § 142.pishly rally business words.
  • Combination with particles
  • § 143. A combination of the following particles through a hyphen.
  • § 144. Pishetsyar-oscillatory with the following particles.
  • Writing with denying
  • Fusion written
  • § 145. The word depending on the grammatical activity of the word is denied in the following cases.
  • Separate written
  • § 146. Nebane is written separately in the following cases.
  • Fusion / separate written
  • § 147. With noun, adjective, naschads on-ootricane are written in the following cases.
  • § 148. With noun, adjective, adverbs on-ootricane are written in the following cases.
  • § 150. With full forms of communion, negative is written separately:
  • Corrective Rules (Coordination Rules)
  • § 154. In the following cases, the dash sign should be used instead of hyphen.
  • § 155. In constructions with repetitions between two parts, no sign is not set, if at least one of the parts contains a space. This includes the following cases.
  • § 158. Names Own can be used for generalized designation of homogeneous objects, becoming nominalized; In this case, the capital letter in many cases is replaced by the line.
  • Own names of people, animals, mythological creatures and derivatives from them
  • Names associated with religion
  • Names of posts, titles, titles
  • Names of orders, medals, awards, signs of differences
  • Titles of trademarks, brands of products and varieties
  • Capital letters in special stylistic use
  • § 204. Letter abbreviations are usually written in capital letters, for example: MSU, CIS, FRG, computer, vocational school, Central Committee, FBI.
  • § 207. Borrowed (without translation into Russian) Sound abbreviations of foreign languages \u200b\u200bare written with capital letters, for example: NATO, UNESCO, Yupi (News Agency), Pen Club.
  • Graphic abbreviations
  • Rules of transfer
  • § 211. It is not allowed to leave on the line or transfer one letter to the next string. For example, it is impossible to transfer: A-kation, Akatsi.
  • Punctuation signs at the end and at the beginning of the offer. End signs in the middle of the proposal of punctuation signs at the end of the sentence
  • § 8. Inside the sentence is placed in the following cases (usually in artistic texts):
  • Site membership with a point
  • Dash in incomplete sentence
  • § 16. In incomplete sentences at the site of the missed members of the proposal or their frequency dash.
  • Punctuation marks with homogeneous members of the proposal of punctuation marks with homogeneous members of the sentence with alliances and without unions
  • § 30. There may be a friend between homogeneous members of the proposal (or their groups).
  • Punctuation marks with homogeneous definitions
  • § 37. The homogeneous definitions expressed by the adhesive and gentlemen and facing the defined word are separated from each other, non-uniform - are not separated (see § 41).
  • Punctuation signs for reconnaissary sentences
  • Punctuation marks with separate members of the proposal punctuation marks with separate agreed definitions
  • § 46. Are isolated (allocated or separated) comma-energy revolutions, i.e. definitions expressed by gestures or adjectives with dependent words, in the following cases.
  • § 53. Incomopy definitions expressed by nouns in the form of indirect cases with pretexts and related nouns are isolated:
  • Punctuation marks with separate applications
  • § 62. The prolonged applications facing the defined word are allocated with commas (the conditions of separation coincide with the conditions of separation with the agreed definitions, see § 46 - 48):
  • § 65. Applications are separated by a single dash (the second dash is absorbed by another sign or omitted):
  • § 71. Teperysty and particle acts are separated:
  • Signs of punctuation with restrictive-separating revolutions
  • Punctuation marks with clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of the sentence
  • § 87. In the indecomposable combinations, including in their composition, the solid in the meaning of expression, the comma does not put.
  • Companion signs for comparative revs
  • § 90. Turns with comparative unions (particles), as if, as if, exactly, as if not allocated by commas in the following cases:
  • Signs of punctuation with introductory and plug-in constructions of punctuation signs under introductory words, combinations of words and suggestions
  • § 95. The ranks and combinations of words, being close to writing unions, are separated or not separated from them, depending on the context.
  • § 96. Many of the introductory words and combinations of words can be homamed to members of the offer or unions. Such differences (they are reflected on punctuation) are manifested in context.
  • Ploban signs when inserts
  • Punctuation signs when appeals
  • § 106. In the quality of applications, descriptions of the signs of the subject, face can be used. Such appeals are highlighted as ordinary
  • Proinition signs for interjets and intercessre offers
  • Signs of punctuation with affirmative, negative and questioning and exclamation words
  • Signs of punctuation in a complex proposal of punctuation marks in a complex sentence
  • § 112. Mental parts of the complex sentences are comma.
  • Punctuation signs in complex sentence
  • § 116. If before a simple subordination union, an amplifier-restrictive words (particles, unions or their combinations, introductory words) are especially, even in particular, including,
  • § 118. The dismemberment of the complex union is required:
  • § 119. In complex proposals, several homogeneous punctuated punctuation marks are placed according to the rules operating when separating homogeneous members of a simple sentence:
  • § 124. In a complex sentence, it may be:
  • § 125. In the complex proposal, it is set:
  • Punctuation signs in the non-union complex sentence
  • § 129. In the non-union complex proposal between parts of the one.
  • § 130. In the non-union complex proposal puts:
  • Punctuation marks in complex syntactic structures
  • § 131. In complex syntactic structures, i.e. in complex proposals with a different-type syntactic link (with an essay and submission; with an essay and non-union bond; with submission and
  • Punctuation marks with direct speech and quotations of punctuation marks with direct speech
  • § 133. Direct speech, t. E. Speech of another person included in the author's text and reproduced literally is issued in two ways.
  • § 135. The words of the author can be direct speech. In this case, the quotes are put only at the beginning and at the end of a direct speech, that is, the quotes are not put between a direct speech and copyright words.
  • § 137. If direct speech belongs to different persons, each replica is allocated with quotes separately:
  • Capture Signs when quotes
  • § 140. Quotes enclose quotes and are issued by punctuation signs as well as direct speech (see § 133 - 136):
  • § 141. If the quote is not fully given, then the pass is designated (at the beginning of the quotation, in the middle or at the end):
  • Selection of quotes quotes and "other people's" words
  • § 148. Quotes are distinguished by quotes (someone else's speech), included in the author's text, including directly (see § 140-145).
  • § 159. With combinationless punctuation marks with quotes, rules apply:
  • § 160. When making the footnotes, the following sequence of signs is followed.
  • Interaction of punctuation marks in complex structures
  • § 162. If several dash is used in the proposal, then it is necessary to take into account the function of each of the signs.
  • Proinition signs when making listings and rules of rubrication
  • § 165.If the list is decorated as an integral part of its prevalence, it is possible to use only the lowest level of membership and impossible signs of the end of the sentence (point) inside the list.
  • § 167. Numbering system Rubrics can only take shape from Arabic numbers with points where entry into the previous category
  • Chapter 1. Category Chapter 1
  • Signpost to the section "ORFography"
  • Signpost to the section "Punctuation"
  • Conditional abbreviations
  • Punctuation signs for reconnaissary sentences

    § 44.There is busy busy between repeating members of the proposal. For example, the repetition emphasizes the duration of the action: Food, food in a clean field; Dean-Dean's bell tile ...(P.); Floated, sailed in blue vague depths foamed clouds(Shol.); Indicates a large number of items or phenomena: In the Smolensk Road -forests, forests, forests . In the Smolensk Road -pillars, pillars, pillars (OK.); denotes high degree Sign, quality, feelings, and each of the words repeated in this case has a logical emphasis: Scary, scary Involnate the environment of the unknown plains(P.); The sky is nowgray, gray (Sol.); What are you walking, my son,lonely, lonely? (OK.); Stresses categorical of approval: Now ... everything is what I live iswork work... (AM).

    Note 1.On the use of hyphen on the repetitions, see "Orphography", § 118, p. 1.

    Note 2.On the repetition of the proposed combinations with the forms of location words ( what is with whom with whom) See "Orphography", § 155, PB

    Note 3.Comma does not put if repeated members with particles not or so between them form a single meaning integer with the value of the underlined approval, consent or express the importance of uncertainty: Notso not; Goso go; Valeria looked at me again and said nothing: tomorrowso tomorrow(Sol.); Everything is at hand in the village: Lesokso Lesok, riverso River(Sol.); Rainnot Rain, you will not understand what.The same when expressing the concession: Timenot time, and you need to go.

    If repetitive tagged with a particle soconditionally investigative values \u200b\u200bwith a tint of amplification, the comma can be set: - And what! - Suddenly he exclaims with an unexpected tide of energy. - gather, so gather(KUPER.); Well, thank you. Overded, Takuudex(Chuck.). (Wed: If you need to gather, you will collect; If you have learned, then with interest.)

    § 45.Repeating members of the sentence with the Union andwith a sharp emphasis, their meaning is separated by the sign dash:Leave - and quickly leave; We need a victory - and only victory.However, with a more relaxed intonation, a comma is possible: You and only you are capable of it; We need facts, and only facts.

    If Soyuz and it is worth between two identical verbs, which act as a single fag, expressing a constantly repeated action, the comma does not put: And he writes everything and writes letters to the old address.

    Punctuation marks with separate members of the proposal punctuation marks with separate agreed definitions

    § 46. Are isolated (allocated or separated) comma-energy revolutions, i.e. definitions expressed by gestures or adjectives with dependent words, in the following cases.

    1. The definition turnover, standing after the noun, is distinguished or separated by commas: Dirty dirty town rainmixed with dust (B. PAST.); Anton Pavlovich Chekhov,crossed on horseback at the end of the last century Siberia on a trip to Sakhalin she acted to Yenisei himself(Reception); Master,dormant on the grass , got to meet and nodded(Hall.); In tough grass,like a goat wool , blooming between low wormwood Live Low Flowers(Color.); Dust,pink from lightning glitter , rushed on earth(Paust.); Loose cloudsdrinking dark water , laminated over the sea(Paust.).

    2. The definition turnover facing the well-defined noun not separatedsein from the defined word: The silence of this night was filled with musicnot yet born Tchaikovsky (Hall.); In this casket of languages, then kept his souvenirs from Trigorsky, letters to Him Pushkin and Osipova-Wulf andpushkin donated to him Autograph of poems "Ulucomory Oak green ..."(Gaych.); Full darkness Forests stood real estate.

    However, the definition turnover facing the name nouns, stands out of commasif it is complicated by a circumstantial value of the value. Wed: Surrounded by a green hedge House has attracted our attention(word houseincluded in the definition phrase surrounded by green hedge house). -Surrounded by a green hedge , the house was not visible published(Definition is separate, as complicated by a circumstantial value: as it was surrounded by a green hedge); Credited in underground Vintage promised a fusion winter(Color.). - Credited in underground , the crop promised a fusion winter(In the first case, the definition turnover is not separated from the name-defined name; in the second case, the turnover credited in undergroundseparate on behalf, this turnover creates an additional causal shade: as it was removed underground). Cf. also: Well known city Guest easily locked the street that he needed(Bulg.). - Well known city , Guest easily locked the street that he needed(in the second case, the causal value is emphasized).

    Note.The circumstantial shade of the value may appear in the definitions related to phrases: Written extremely simple and exactly , new book, according to Konstantin Vorobyov, should become a "cardiogram of the heart"(V. V. Vorobyov). Wed: Being written extremely simple and accurately, a new book ... There must be a "cardiogram of the heart."

    3. The definition turnover is allocated by commas if it is separated from the word determined by other members of the sentence: Bending around the wind Moved gray gauge weeds(Leon.); Somewhere for hundreds of miles,warded pine steep and wide populas impassable Baltic swamps , their big homeland spread out ...(Sparrow); Full fire and sacraments , flashed from all sides of the sky(Boone); Born desert , Sound fluctuates(Zab.); In the next small room on the sofa,sheltered hospital coat , lying in a deep dream master(Bulg.); Grilled pebbles under his feetdull light resembling a snake skirt (Leon.); The wheel was shaking and jumped on the hood in the tact of her thoughts,gray from dirt (Mouth).

    § 47.The definition turns relating to personal pronoun as in the nominative and in indirect cases are allocated by commas, regardless of location: Perfectly killed he is forced to interrupt visits and return home(Bend); It,three times young , waited from the life of everything, but this letter did not expect(Shuksh.); We,accustomed to the boundless sea noise were even suppressed by this silence(Paust.); We went home,upset happened ; In his hut, sitting at the table, he pondered,focused (Zab.); It[mind] i would show me mehesitory on the sea wave , meflying in the wind to the edge invisible (Zab.); Accustomed to needs , she was breathing even the most tiny well-being(Leon.).

    § 48.Unprosted (without dependent words), agreed definitions (adjectives and communities) are allocated or not allocated by commas, depending on the position in relation to the defined word, from the presence of a second definition facing the defined word, from the method of expressing the defined word.

    1. Unpropranted definitions are isolated if they stand after the identified noun, which already has a definition, i.e. belong to the phrase: My first Moscow Autumn,warm and welcoming , stood long(Chive.).

    However, the relative adjectives in the role of definitions to phrases may not be separated if they have a logical emphasis: In a quiet eveningwinter In a small house, the Prechistensky gate we sat for tea(Color.). Cf. With a refinement: In a quiet eveningwinter , in a small house at the Prechistensky gate ...(winter,i.e. silent winter).

    Allocation is required when clarified: Steps weredifferent lengths, then wide, and then semens (Hall.).

    2. Non-prolonged definitions relating to a significant, not ahead of definitions are isolated only if they have an explanatory and specifying value: I often found notes,short and disturbing (C.); In the morning he unfolds a newspaper,local (Sol.); Swipe on the night,black, Star, Sorrentin, Window sash(Color.).

    Note.Non-prolonged definitions, after the name of the noun, not ahead of the definition, are not separated if this noun needs a definition, since it is not able to express a full sense in this context: "I visited again" -the poem is neoconated (Gaych.); Not immediately they enjoyed that in front of themextraordinary personality, only (Gran.); Is it reallyhuman progress (Hall.); Vanya, too, I was looking forthe thought is universal and conscious (Hall.); ... somewhere in this world there arelife is clean, elegant, poetic (C.).

    In such determination phrases, logical accent always falls on the definition: extraordinal personality; Life is clean, elegant, poetic.

    3. Non-prolonged definitions related to personal pronouns are isolated. They can stand in front of them, after them or separated by other members of the sentence. Wed: I will make a fire and went to look for women. They are,pretty , apart, stood on the shore of the cherry dock(Sparrow) - Pretty , they, apart, stood on the shore of the stream ...; Soponov did not look at anyone. He was sitting at the table nowpale , played and tapping a pencil about the tabletop(Bel.); Behind me,little maybe a three-year and cestenant, huge shaggy dog \u200b\u200bchased(P. Neil.).

    Note.An optional definition to personal pronamations is rarely found: You can not understandi am currently worried about old age not to understand the state of my body and the flow of thought that have become too simple for you(Hall.); Red Director I.pale we Lit in emphasis on Ivan Petrovich(C.); Do not understandnot waiting for them how among the fire awaiting your own you saved me(Sim.); And truly you are the capital forinsane and bright us (Ahm.); Ridiculous and stupid to me only today dreamed in a dream that she never loved me(Bl.); I watched a little woman on a stranger me(EU.). Such definitions are the semantic center of statements, usually they relate to pronuches in indirect cases and precede them. In position after the pronouction, they pull the emphasis from pronouncing: Do not understand the current one.

    § 49.Adjectives or communion, single and with dependent words, with any order of words not separatedif they are included in the aforementionable: Mushroom this to the mostspring remains solid and weave (Reception); Weatherstanding justboring (Shuksh.); Autumnstand long and quiet (Reception); Centuries desertlying intact (Paust.); Kiti.stood frightened, timid, ashamed And because moreadorable (L. T.); Terrible and pale stands He prevailed(M. G.); Before the slag, we succeeded(Paust.); Doomed is hehuman will never have any wife nor children or a cozy home(Akun).

    § 50. Are not separatedefinitions are unprosted and with dependent words facing after pronouns negative, indefinite, index, identifying,forming a single group (the emphasis falls on the definition): Nothing human He is not alien; In the predestrous deep temperature, I saw through the fence wavedsomeone big, cargo (Shol.); I already have little thing I'm flying, and I wantsomething more (Reception); I felt that in the world happenedsomething related Personally to me(Cat.); On the site of the iron ladder leading to the counter mechanical, enteredsomeone unfamiliar (Bel.); Heams of the wall of the monastery he told hersomething very simple and usual From student life(Sparrow); tell mesomething cheerful (C.); Each submitted statement The contest should wait for the call.

    However, in the presence of a clarifying and restrictive definition value separate:Who entered something seized, andthat is completely upset , rose from the chair(Bulg.); I wanted to distinguish beforethis expensive for me , man(M.T.); I have never heard toanyone, even the most desperate , I took it to be sad or capricious(WILL). Wed: Wonthat little already approaching the finish(definition smallspecifies the pronoun value hei.e indicates small among all others); - Wonthat small Already approaching the finish(definition is the index pronoun heand determined - small;meaning: indicate one of the small); All departing and defending must go to the waiting room(Communions have a definition - pronoun everything). -All departing and seekers, settled in the waiting room(Pridial definitions specify the pronoun value everything); He can't understandof those current who love the money to receive, but do not do it(Scherb.). - He can't understandthose current that ...(In the first case, the index pronoun thosewith a defined subtative adjective; In the second - adjective-determination during pronouns).

    § 51.The definitions standing at the end of the sentence, both unprofitable and dependent words, can be separated by a dash sign. Such definitions are explaining and refining: Depends on the results of this struggle, ultimately, human happiness -present and future (AST.); Then I noticed her glances to myself again -then an inquisitive and insightful, causing alarm, then the lack , with a lost thought,then fast wary (Reception); And spring came -good and stupid (Shuksh.); Again smelled smoke, but only it was a different smell -woody, Dry, Morning (Shuksh.).

    Definitions located within the sentence can stand out on both sides by the dash sign. They acquire the importance of explanatory and clarifying members of the sentence: Every time I return from catching, cats of all stripes -red, black, gray and white with podpaled - take a house in the siege(Paust.) (See also § 97).

    § 52.Always stand out commasdefinitions expressed by brief adhesive or suffering gestures. They can occupy any position in relation to the definable word: In the usual hour awaken , got up with candles she(P.); Oveyan is something dormary , half-dressed forest sadness(Tyutch); Again she shonedocked bed , crystal bowl in the darkness of the night(Zab.); Air fluctuates, transparent and clean , in the shining stars leaf fluctuate(Zab.); Here the beast appeared, high and kosmat , and just like many other animals, learning a person, pulled back(Zab.).

    Signs of punctuation with isolated inconsistent definitions

    Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Full Academic Directory Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

    Signs of punctuation with isolated inconsistent definitions

    § 53. Inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns in the form of indirect cases with pretexts and related noun nouns, separate:

    1) If the definable word already has ahead of standing agreed definitions: The door will fall out, and the room includes a small, dry old man, with a sharp, gray beard, in heavy glasses on a red, shrinking nose, in a white, long apron and with a lamp in hand (M. G.); The album was a big photographic picture: inside some empty chapel, with crops, with shiny walls from smooth stone (Boone); There was a dry frosty day of the beginning of November, with a gray-lead calm sky and slight, almost read snowflakes (B. PAST.); Was the last cold harness day, with the wind, fucking frost (A. Color.);

    2) determining if inconsistent included in series with homogeneous terms agreed definitions (determined word in this case may not be standing in front of the definition): Artist, rising low, youth Easy contrary to your growth, in beret and velvet jacket, walked from the corner to the corner (Bun).

    If the definable name does not have other (agreed) definitions, then the separation of inconsistent definitions is optional. In this case, the extraction contributes to the need to indicate on quite specific, private signs of the subject or signs temporaryattributed to the subject in this moment: Crumbs conducting grainmust be carefully selected (Sparrow); Doctor, with a vest in hand, ran into the bedroom (Tyne). Wed, however: Seller in a pure white coat and blue hat Served ... Customer (Bulg.).

    With the designation of permanent signs, the definition not inspired: On stools with gilded legs Singing a number of ladies (Bulg.).

    § 54. Uncoordinated definitions are isolated if there are combinations of nouns and distributing them of theotic definitions: But that's up to the porch pulled gentleman in pince-nez, with astonished eyes, in a black velvet beret, out of which fell greenish hair, and in a long fur coat shiny brown fur (Bun) - determined by the phrase mr. Pensne; Near the school I built hostel for twenty people, with room for uncle, comfortable dining room and bright kitchen (Sol.) - The phrase is determined hostel for twenty people .

    Note. The inconsistent definition may not be separated if the definable nominal name in itself is not able to fully express meaning in this context: And came somehow in the morning, in the reception hours, in the Kornilov Cabinetishko man in glasses and in a strange one, either summer, or winter, very mint hat (Hall.); Ahead of it was standing man in a hat (Shuksh.) - Words human and man These contexts require specification by specifying distinctive features ( man in glasses and in a strange hat, man in a hat).

    § 55. Uncoordinated definitions relating to own names, since his own name in itself characterizes the face as the only and quite concrete; The definition indicates the signs attributed to the person at the moment: A minute later Ivan Markovich and Sasha, in a coat and in the headers, descend down the stairs (C.); Shabashkin, with the card, stood up (P.).

    § 56. Uncoordinate definitions relating to personal pronouns: Today she is in a new blue hood, was especially young and impressively beautiful (M. G.); I looked into the window through the branches of the ash and see: the river is all blue from the moon, and he, in a white shirt and in a wide Kuska with dismissed on the side, stands one foot in the boat, and the other on the shore (M. G.); In half January, at night, in the same coat, but with torn buttonsI'm stated from the cold in my courtyard (Bulg.).

    § 57. Uncoordinated definitions separated from the defined words - nouns and pronouns - other members of the sentence: Immediately all in the summer transparent sun, bent over him Maria Shcherbatova (Paust.); In light air dressshe entered the room and sat opposite the window.

    § 58. Uncoordinate definitions, expressed by a comparative degree of adjectives (they have a refinement value): ... there were shadows, there were many of them, and one of them, dark and curlythan others sailed faster and below the sisters (M. G.). - cf. which was dark and curly than others; Sometimes in total harmony of the splash, a more enhanced and playful note is heard - this is one of the waves, summercrashed to us (M. G.). - Wed: which was a bed; Long below knee, Old Man's shirt dazzling belal under the moon (Shuksh.); It seemed to him that the road on which he was going was another, slightly less (Pelhev.).

    § 59. Uncoordinate definitions relating to definitions-adjectives and having a refinement: Through it [greens] shines blue, silver, sky (M. G.); Passed to the hube, undressed, carefully hung festive, with lampasami, Sharovari (Shol.); On the right, at the foot of the sobes, the large field was spread, covered high, in human growthGrass (Chuck.); It is in TOT awesome, Some significant year happened to Ivan Matveich (Leon.). (See also § 79.)

    In the absence of clarification value, such definitions are not separated: Red in peas dress highlighted it in a crowd.

    § 60. The inconsistent definitions expressed by the infinitive are usually not separated, they form together with the name of the noun phrase: desire to learn, order to leave, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the Society of Mercy, a dream to do art, order to perform the task. For example: I gave a team heal and start studying the defensive enemy system (Evil); You need to have courage recognize (Copt.); Kirill Ivanovich felt a desire repeat each word several times, but for some reason I was afraid to do it (M. G.).

    Infinitives as a definition is separated from the defined word dashIf the definable name already has a definition. Infinitive definition in this case acquires the meaning of additional clarification (words insertion is possible namely): Old Vihrovsky Dream came true - touch the cheek again to dry, fed his chest (Leon.).

    Separate infinitive definitions, common and unprofitable, are located at the end of the sentence: - I will put on all one duty - create (M. G.); Why do you say, not to ask a simple and very an important goal - save funds allocated by the state of your school (gas.).

    When there is inside the proposal, infinitive definitions, even if there are additional definitions in the definable name, are not isolated: But maybe my ability comprehend the world To be given to me, to ever transfer me to another space? (Hall.).

    When there is an inside of supply, infinitive definitions may acquire the nature of the plug-in structures with a clarifying-explanatory value and then stand out on both sides. dash (or brackets): Two these themselves are completely different events - leave the native land and step on the Earth France- each of which must be to self-grand event, merge two or three common words telegraphic text: "flown safely" (Sol.). (See also § 97.)

    From the book a reference book in the Russian language. Punctuation Author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

    § 51. Signs of punctuation with dialogue 1. If the dialogue replicas are given each with paragraph, then they are rated before them: - So the German is calm? - Silence. - Rockets? - Yes, but not very often (Kaz.). 2 If the replicas follow in the selection without instructions to whom they belong, then each of them

    From book big Soviet Encyclopedia (Zn) author BSE.

    § 71. Alternative punctuation marks 1. With complex subordinate unions, the comma is set once - or before all the union, or, depending on the meaning, intonation, certain lexical conditions, before the second part (the first part is part of the main part

    From the book a guide to spellfill and stylist Author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

    § 72. Variable punctuation marks are often in printing there are various punctuation of similar texts. Above, for example, it was said that in front of the connecting design could be different signs punctuation: comma, dash, point, dot (see § 24,

    From the book a guide to spellfast, pronunciation, literary editing Author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

    From the book Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Full academic reference book Author Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

    § 123. Signs of punctuation in dialogue If the replicas of the dialogue are given from a new paragraph, then in front of them put a dash, for example: - are there any relatives? - There is no one. I am alone in the world. - Do you know a diploma? - Yes. - Do you know any language other than Aramaic? - I know. Greek (Bulgakov). If a

    From the book of the Rock Encyclopedia. Popular music in Leningrad-Petersburg, 1965-2005. Volume 1. Author Burlaka Andrei Petrovich

    § 123. Signs of punctuation at dialogue 1. If the dialogue replicas are given from a new paragraph, then they are rated in front of them, for example: - So the German is calm? - Silence. - Rockets! - Yes, but not very often (Kazakevich) .2 If the replicas follow in the selection without instructions to whom they belong, then

    From the book of the author

    Punctuation signs at the end and at the beginning of the offer. Ultimate signs in the middle of the offer signs of punctuation at the end of the sentence § 1. Depending on the purpose of the message, the presence or absence of emotional color of the statement at the end of the sentence is the point

    From the book of the author

    Characteristics of the punctuation with homogeneous definitions § 37. Uniform definitions expressed by the adjectives and gentlemen and facing the defined word are separated from each other with a semicolon, non-uniform - are not separated (see § 41). Note 1. The difference between

    From the book of the author

    Punctuation marks with separate members

    From the book of the author

    Companion marks with separate coordinated definitions § 46. Definitions are separated (identified or separated) with commas, that is, the definitions expressed by gestures or adjects with dependent words in the following cases. Determinant

    From the book of the author

    Punctuation signs for separate applications § 61. Common applications facing the word - nouns or pronouns, as well as separated by other members of the sentence or related to missing member of Offer,

    From the book of the author

    Punctuation signs for separate circumstances § 68. Circumstances expressed by consistent turnover are allocated by commas, regardless of the location of the location in relation to the verb-to-beam: not putting on the cap, went out on the porch (Shol.); Sweeping overnight

    From the book of the author

    Changes of punctuation at references § 101. Appeal, i.e., words and combinations of words, calling the addressee of speech, stand out (or separated) commas. When strengthening emotionality is put exclamation point After handling: Congratulations, comrades, with a prosperous arrival

    From the book of the author

    Capture signs when quotations § 140. Quotes are in quotes and are issued by punctuation signs as well as direct speech (see § 133-136): a) Mark Arellium said: "Pain is a lively idea of \u200b\u200bpain: Make the wills effort to change this is a presentation, beat it, stop

    From the book of the author

    in case of inconsistent definitions, the definitions of definitions in the form of indirect cases with pretexts relating to the nominal nouns, if this name already has the definition of § 53Facoifatoryness of the separation of inconsistent definitions § 53 by definitions,

    From the book of the author

    Punctuation signs group of punctuation marks appeared in June 1988 as a kind of reaction to the change of the music course in the popular St. Petersburg group of the second half of the 80s Brothers - from melodic neoromantics and electric staff toward hard guitar

    In Russian, the proposal consists of the main and secondary members. Subject to and the legend are the basis of any statement, however, without circumstances, additions and definitions, it is not so widely disclosed by the thought that the author wants to convey. So that the proposal was more voluminous and completely converged the meaning, combined grammar base And secondary members of the proposals that have the ability to be separated. What does it mean? Separation - the allocation of secondary members from the context in meaning and intonation, in which words acquire syntactic independence. This article will consider separate definitions.


    So, for a start, it is necessary to remember what is a simple definition, and after it starts to study is separate. So, the definitions call the secondary members of the sentences that answer questions "What?" And "whose?". They indicate a sign of the subject that this is speech In the statement, allocated by punctuation marks and depend on the grammatical basis. But separate definitions acquire some kind of syntax independence. On the letter they are allocated with commas, and in oral speech - intonation. Such definitions, as well as simple, there are two species: consistent and inconsistent. Each of the species has its own peculiarities.

    Consistent definitions

    A separate coordinated definition, as well as simple, always depends on the noun, which is a decisive word for him. Forms such definitions of adjectives and communities. They can be single or have dependent words and stand in a proposal immediately after nouns or separated from it by other membership members. As a rule, these definitions have a half-minded value, it is particularly clearly visible in the case when there are circumstantial words in the design of the sentence that are distributing for this definition. Single definitions are also clothed, if they stand after nouns or pronouns and clearly indicate their signs. For example: the child, embarrassed, stood near the mother; Pale, tired, he lay down on the bed. In mandatory, the definitions expressed by brief sufferers and brief adjectives are clothed. For example: here the beast appeared, Cosmod and high; Our world burns, spiritual and transparent, and he will be truly good.

    Uncoordinated definitions

    Like simple inconsistent definitions, due to the proposal, are expressed by noucent names in indirect case forms. The statement is almost always an additional message and in meaning are associated with personal proncesses and their own names. The definition in this case is always slightly illustrated if it has a semi-limit value and is temporary. This condition is necessarily, because own names It is sufficiently specified and does not need permanent signs, and the pronoun does not combine with signs of lexically. For example: Earrings, with a lossed spoon in his hands, took his place by the fire; Today he, in the new cituel, was especially good. In the case of a nominal noun to separate the definition, a value is required. For example: in the middle of the village stood an old abandoned house, with a massive high pipe on the roof.

    What definitions are not clothed

    In some cases, even if there are appropriate factors, the definitions are not separated:

    1. In the case when definitions are used together with words that do not have an infallible lexical meaning (Father had a kind of angry and terrible.) In this example, there is a defining word "view", but the definition is not clothed.
    2. Do not be separated by common definitions when communicating with the two main members of the sentence. (After the rest, the hay lay folded in the crust.)
    3. If the definition is expressed by a complex comparative form or has an excellent degree of adjective. (Songs appeared more popular.)
    4. If the so-called definition turnover stands after an indefinite, determinant, index or assistant pronouns and forms a single whole with it.
    5. If the definition is standing after negative pronouns, such as nobody, anything, no one. (Nobody admitted to the exams could not answer an additional question.)

    Punctuation marks

    When writing proposals with separate definitions must be allocated by commas in such cases:

    1. If separate definitions are communion or adjective and stand after the defining words. (Perfume presented to her (what?), Had a divine fragrance that resembles a spring freshness.) This proposal has two definitions expressed by involuntary turnover. For the first turnover, the definition of the word - perfume, and for the second - aroma.
    2. If, after the defining words, two or more definitions are used, they are isolated. (And this is the sun, gentle, gentle, shone directly into the window.) This rule applies to the use of inconsistent definitions. (Father, in a hat, in a black coat, quietly walked along the Alley of the Park.)
    3. If the proposal definition indicates an extension (seeding, conditional or causal). (Tired hot afternoon (reason), she fell on the bed without strength.)
    4. If the statement depends on personal pronoun. (Dreamed of rest on the sea, he continued to work.)
    5. Separate definition is always released by commas if it is divided from the defining words by other sentences of the proposal or stands ahead. (And in the sky, accustomed to the rain, monscifically circling raven.)

    How to find separate definitions in the proposal

    In order to find an offer with a separate definition, you should pay attention to the punctuation marks. After allocate the grammatical foundation. Specifying from the subject and faithful questions, establish the connection of words and find in the definition sentence. If these minor members are highlighted with commas, this is the desired design of the statement. Frequently, separate definitions are expressed by involuntary turnover, which, as a rule, are standing after the defining words. Also, such definitions may be expressed by adjective and intersections with dependent words and solitary. Quite often in the sentence there are separate uniform definitions. It is not difficult to define them, in the proposal they are expressed by homogeneous communion and adjectives.

    Exercises for fixing

    So that the topic is better learned, you need to consolidate the knowledge gained in practice. To do this, do the exercises in which you need to find proposals with separate definitions, to place the punctuation marks in them and explain each staged comma. You can also record proposals for dictation. When this exercise is performed, the ability to determine the separated definitions on the rumor and write them correctly. The ability to properly arrange commas will come in handy and while studying, and during the entrance examinations to the Higher Educational Institution.