Spetsnaz of World War 3 read. Special Forces of the Third World

Andrey Zagortsev

Spetsnaz of the Third World War. Russian trump cards


Of particular importance

The commander of the military districts,

Fleets, Flotillas,

Strategic Commands

Reconnaissance report of the GRU General Staff of the USSR Ministry of Defense

12/13/1980 KP. Moscow map 1: 1,000,000

ed. 1972 year

Since June 1980, the international situation has remained tense. Despite all the measures taken by the Soviet government to regulate and stabilize relations with NATO countries, in particular with the United States of America and Japan, the countries of the capitalist world continue to develop conflict situations... Having disrupted the holding of the International Olympic Games-80, the USA and Great Britain, taking advantage of the unstable situation in the Middle East and ignoring the demands of the progressive international community, carried out military intervention by a number of countries in the Middle East. People's Democratic republic Afghanistan, which had long-standing good-neighborly relations with the Soviet Union, was occupied by the NATO Joint Army Corps. A number of amphibious assault operations have been carried out on the coast of African countries that have chosen the democratic path of development and have entered into cooperation with the socialist countries. In early September 1980, by decision of the US Congress, a large-scale operation was carried out to seize the island of Freedom of Cuba. Communist regime headed by the revolutionary leader F. Castro, according to bourgeois politicians "was a direct threat to the prosperity, development and security of the entire free society." During large-scale hostilities in the Caribbean to seize and occupy the island of Cuba, the American military destroyed and captured up to 3 thousand Soviet employees and specialists. The government of the island of Cuba, thanks to the efforts of Soviet sailors and pilots, was evacuated to the territory Soviet Union... A large-scale “ guerrilla war". Diplomats of the countries of the socialist camp, who were in the territories of NATO countries and countries sympathizing with the North Atlantic Alliance bloc, were mostly illegally detained and held in places of detention, in order to obtain information from them about the intentions of the government of the countries of the socialist camp. In November 1980, thanks to the efforts of Soviet diplomacy, an international Congress was held in Geneva between the countries participating in the emerging conflict. After the debate, an international agreement was reached on the inadmissibility of the use of nuclear weapons.

But due to the sudden claims of Japan on the territory of the Soviet Union, in particular the ridge of the Kuril Islands, the southern part of Sakhalin Island, and attempts to “peacefully capture” part of the Kuril ridge islands, the landing of several hundred field workers and the emerging border conflict, during which Soviet border guards were destroyed all the defendants who illegally crossed the border and tried to settle on Soviet territory. International conflict has entered new phase... Some of the capitalist countries of Europe simultaneously expressed territorial claims against the countries of the socialist camp. federal Republic Germany, with the support of the European Joint Corps, in early December 1980, with surprise attacks from tank units, broke through the Berlin Wall line in the capital of the GDR and began active hostilities in urban settings. At the same time, all the countries of the socialist camp of Europe were subjected to massive artillery strikes, bomb-assault strikes, without the use of nuclear weapons. In the Pacific region, Japan has launched naval blocking operations on the Kuril Islands and the southern tip of Sakhalin Island. Keeping the agreements on the non-use of nuclear weapons, the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance and their allies officially announced the beginning of hostilities “to protect sacred freedoms and rights, return the ancestral territories, equitable distribution natural resources according to economic needs, and not according to the law of the countries of possession. "


Of particular importance

Commander of the Far Eastern Front

Directive No.

02/11/1981, KP. Moscow map 1: 500,000

ed. 1972 year

In order to build up the forces and means of reconnaissance (SPECIAL FORCES) of the Joint Command in the Far East region, from 15.02.1981, to start forming a formation special purpose mixed type according to the organizational structure of the directive of the GUMO Ministry of Defense of the USSR (No.__ of__). The point of permanent deployment of the compound (13 artillery special forces) to determine the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (brigade headquarters). Naval units of special support of the village. Ozernovsky, pos. October. Separate special forces of the village. Palana, pos. Keys. A special-purpose detachment (special headquarters) in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Mixed aviation squadron of the detachment to ensure the withdrawal of the village. Elizovo. Support units by the decision of the Commander of the Far Eastern Fleet. The staff of the units and subdivisions of the formation should be completed at the expense of personnel special-purpose formations with experience in combat operations and special events. At the expense of personnel trained in special-purpose training units, at the expense of personnel called up from the reserve, who previously served in special-purpose formations and units of military districts and fleets, units and subunits of combined arms and tank associations (armies) and flotillas, at the expense of personnel recruited from the reserve who previously served in the positions of technical specialists of diving and parachute services.


Top secret

Commander of the 13th brigade of the Far Eastern Front

(Joint Command of Troops and Forces in the region)

Combat order number

06/05/1981 KP. Moscow map 1: 500,000 ed. 1972 year

2. In order to carry out special measures in the rear of the enemy in the Pacific direction in the period from…. to ... prepare 1 special purpose reconnaissance group to carry out missions of special importance ...

Part one

My ears stabbed and became deaf. The noise of the engines came as if through a pillow. There is absolutely no sense in the fact that the group is sitting in the pressurized cabin, although a little warmer ... In the window there are only clouds and the sea floating in the rare "windows".

The other two groups are in a huge cargo hold. At least there you can stretch your legs and take a nap. On landing, I and three of my scouts were immediately herded into the pressurized cabin separately from everyone else. The container with the equipment was brought to take off by our KGB officer and the head of the special weapons service. Now I have to carry this backpack myself. Accepted, conducted a control examination, signed the acts and casually threw a heavy backpack over one shoulder strap. The chief of special equipment, Major Talbukhin, seeing my careless attitude towards the backpack, which contained equipment worth several Volgas, tried to scream and even opened his mouth.

Stop it, Vanya, - the special officer interrupted him, - they are suicide bombers.

"Fuck! We are death row !! " Although, on the other hand, what else to expect - in my last detachment, where I served, half of the personnel perished in one day, when the withdrawal of groups across the front line began.

When our electronic warriors naturally "burned out" the posts of individual air defense radio battalions, and assault and bomber aviation literally rolled out border airfields, our AN-12 squadron with reconnaissance groups on board passed at maximum height. When the air brigades of the united army corps nevertheless came to their senses and the "British" Tornadoes were the first to jump, our flight-lifting means were already over Kandahar. The landing was "successful". Half of the groups were thrown directly onto the city. Some of the scouts died in the air. Then the SAS, Gurkhas and motorized battalions of the Afghan police chased our RG Special Forces for several weeks. Someone was covered with fire from patrol helicopters, someone was driven almost to the very mountains. Nobody gave up. Communication was jammed at all frequencies. KaeMki and Severki were absolutely useless.

I was then still a jerk-summer, just released from the Tambov Military Special School, burned along with the plane and screamed, bulging my eyes with fear. The plane, blowing puffs of smoke and sparking with both engines, fell from a height of several kilometers down. Enemy fighters flashed by and poured machine guns and rapid-fire cannons on the helpless carcass of the plane. The senior at the withdrawal of the groups, a major of the brigade's airborne equipment service, was crawling along the duralumin floor, clinging with one hand, and yelled something at me. He simply did not have a second hand - either it was torn off by a machine-gun burst that pierced the plane through and through, or it was cut off by shrapnel. The blue flight jacket is covered in blood. Something screams, crawls towards me, and all I can do is grab my hands on the edge of the bench and yell "Pizdezzy", banging my jaw against the rear of the AKM-S, and look with wild eyes at the plane falling apart in the air.

Pekhotiin, - already barely wheezing the major crawling to me, - jump on the dick! Everyone overboard!

How?? - I yelled in horror, looking sideways at the mess of bones and meat of a severed hand, - the cables all cut off for a dick! We're out of stock.

B-rip out the stabilizer! Hold it in your hand, throw it closer to the ground! Push the fighters out as well, fucking ...

The major began to tear at the jacket on his chest with his remaining hand, he was thrown by the rushing air stream. Still, I wanted to live: I forced myself to tear myself away from the bench, to unhook the stabilizing carbine. Shouting in my ear what to do, I pulled off the covers, thrust the stabilizers into my hands and shoved the fighters into the huge hole of the torn off ramp. Threw off three. AN began to dive, and as if in weightlessness I hovered near the very edge. With an inhuman effort, he unfastened the carbines of the cargo container. The plane collapsed. I rushed to the ground, spinning and tumbling. The feathers and halyard of the stabilizer went under my armpit, the parachute in the cover hit me in the face. He pressed his elbows, grabbed the stabilizer and almost tore the cover. He squeezed the opened dome with his palm, twisted his hand, took the other aside. I was thrown over my head, and I "lay down" in the air. The area of ​​the stabilizing dome is still one and a half meters and it will not fit in the palm of your hand. I began to tumble towards my left empty hand. Just not to lose consciousness! Where is it, the land? Not shit in sight. How to navigate, when to release? Fuck. I'm releasing a stabilizer. Pulls me by the collar. I tighten my legs, hands with open palms in front of me. Normal stabilized fall, slightly twists. The fragments of the plane went down. Somewhere in the night sky, alien fighters are buzzing and whistling. I didn't have time to put on my glasses, they dangle around my neck, my eyes are watering. Out of the corner of my eye I notice the blossoming flower of the dome below me. Still, someone was able to open up. British pilots are organizing a hunt. Tracer chains rush to the dome in airy ink. Fuck, not a single device.

Inside, the liver began to shake. Don't give a fuck! Let it be!

After all, I landed fine and didn't even break anything. The main dome of D-5 came out without any problems. "Dubische" is the most reliable parachute! The dome had to be hidden in some kind of hole, covered with stones and run, run, straining all forces, to the nearest rocks. Soon some US "armored cavalrymen" will come here in helicopters and start sweeping. And then the "Britons" of their Gurkhas will be thrown. They will catch me, Lieutenant Infantryman, and cut whatever they want with their crooked knives. Purely so - for souvenirs!

I turned on my command station only the next day, after spending several hours in a rocky cave. Not very many were saved from our board. Me and Sergeant Uldugov from the second group of our company - a short, lean Chechen from Grozny. A week later, three more scouts were picked up from other planes. They began to work only a month later, when a reconnaissance detachment was formed from the remnants of the defeated and driven groups, which was headed by our zamkombat that survived the landing, which led a company of the Afghan police for a week. The reconnaissance detachment was named "Ilyich". Not in honor of the general secretary, but in memory of the deceased commander of the detachment - Lieutenant Colonel Ilyich Vladlen Igorevich ...

Why did our politicians profuse this Afghan? With the edge of an ear from the political politicians I heard that at several plenary sessions the issue of the introduction of troops was really considered. But no. We got away from a politically immature decision.

Making my way to the Salang pass, torn apart like a dervish in a makeshift turban and carrying on my back the backpack of the SASovts killed in one of the ambushes, I cursed myself for not going to the faculty of electronic intelligence. Or, at worst, sea. There is at least water around. And then ... brrr !! The detachment's agitator says that our troops have now completely occupied rebellious Romania, and the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet has already conducted several successful amphibious operations on the coasts of Egypt and Algeria. What are politicians calving, why are they wise? A few rockets - and a ball of the earth is trying. Fuck we are so happy. Why were all these nuclear bombs and missiles invented? Absolutely no! Nobody dares. And we ... what are we? So, damn it, meat.

The reconnaissance detachment "Ilyich" nevertheless reached the pass, which had already been stormed by the units of the Turkestan district.

There was a solid meat grinder in the air. We still managed to take over and provide landing sites for the paratroopers of the 57th airborne brigade. The assault brigade, with the support of its helicopters, went ahead. Motorized rifle regiments rolled one by one through the pass and went on and on. We were evacuated. For a week they were tormented by special officers, chasing them on "primary" and other interrogations. Then they calmed down. In other front-line special forces brigades, the losses were no less. Training schools in Sand near Leningrad, Tyumen, Pechora, Baku, Chirchik, Kiev, Tambov schools did not have time to supply specialists. Half of the training courses were deployed in the first six months after the start of the war.

A little less than half of the detachment remained. And even then, most of the economic, repair departments and signalmen of the center stations.

After half a month's rest in a dispensary in the most peaceful and calm corner of the USSR - mountain Vedeno of the Chechen-Ingush Republic - I was sent to the Far Eastern Front, where a new mixed-type brigade was being formed in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky with a separate detachment in the city of Palana.

Two detachments in the brigade were naval, two were land. A battalion to provide withdrawal and fire support was also formed. The structure for the spetsnaz brigades was new. The Joint Command of Troops and Forces in the region did not conduct large-scale actions. So, they quietly recaptured the Kuriles captured in the first days of the war and repelled the air raids of the Japanese with the Americans. A large-scale war has not yet been planned here. All the combatant countries watched with interest the bored Chinese army. Where the multimillion-dollar PLA will turn - from this, a defense or an offensive should be planned. In the eighty-first year, literally in the first months of the war, the Japanese tried to send a couple of parachute regiments to Yuzhno-Kurilsk, but the planes were shot down while still in the air. The Kuril division fiercely defended the islands for several months, being practically in an air and naval blockade. Azerbaijanis, Dagestanis, Chechens, Ukrainians - the main contingent of the division's conscripts - often rushed hand-to-hand with small infantry shoulder blades and bayonet knives at the undersized Japanese marines. Knowledge of karate and judo, excellent equipment and training gave in to the dagger fire of the Maxim machine guns, taken from storage, and wild yells: “Alla Akbar! Mykola, beat him with a shovel. "

The senior on the withdrawal of the groups, an officer of the Airborne Forces from the withdrawal support battalion, appeared from the cargo compartment, examined my group and, with a mysterious look, as if he was afraid of something, sent another officer into the pressurized cabin. Who is this? It seems that we were not marked anywhere in the preparation process, although the face is familiar. In my opinion, from the intelligence and information department of the headquarters. Will he go on the task with us? The newly appeared officer looked busily around and took out a plump paper envelope, sealed with many seals and stitched in several places, from the steel box of the safe in the corner of the cab. He clutched the envelope under his arm and sat down next to me on the bench.

Major Fomin, senior officer of the chief of information, - he yelled in my ear, introducing himself, - I worked on the information support of your group, now I will devote you in detail.

The major tore open the envelope and handed me several photographs.

Study! Here everything is the freshest that air and space reconnaissance officers have collected.

Your mother! While preparing the group for the task, they suffered from nonsense. Either they received the related professions of radio operators, then they learned the forms of interrogations, then the speeches of the Secretary General. On naval training, up to bloody blisters, they rowed on boats of various types as part of a troika, studied inflatable rafts and sailing equipment. We studied orienteering and laying courses at sea. My operational officer only threw up his hands when asked to get maps of the areas of the upcoming task. The KGB officer of the detachment now and then appeared somewhere near the location of the group and sensitively "drove his nose".

Then, of course, something became clear. I was pulled out to study special equipment brought from Leningrad itself. A fashionable senior lieutenant with a "White Guard" mustache began to teach me, explaining about some "chains". I almost went crazy, and as a result of this "training" the starley was sent to fuck me. The second one who came from Leningrad, a tall, representative man with an unclear rank for me, wore a naval jacket without shoulder straps, acted much easier. In a few words he explained the purpose of the device: how it turns on, how it turns off, it is checked for operability by "tests", where to insert the batteries. The complex of the equipment I studied fit perfectly in the "miner" backpack, although it weighed a lot. The main purpose is to automatically listen to the enemy's working frequencies and relay them to our receiving center. V certain time a special encrypted command is sent from our center and the complex's devices cut out all sources of radio emission within a radius of several kilometers.

Proceeding from the fact that I had to study equipment that was not in service with special-purpose brigades, it naturally suggested that my first task in the Kamchatka brigade would be related to the incapacitation of any enemy objects with the help of this clever contraption.

So, here it is and an extract from the order of the detachment commander. Aha! Well, as expected, disable the enemy airfield with the help of electronic suppression ... Stop! Aerodrome! And based on the theater of military operations, the nearest airfields are only in Alaska.

I put the statement aside and looked in bewilderment at the major “informant”. He nodded to me, offering to study the documents further.

Look and read carefully! Then I'll give you a couple more interesting stories I'll tell you.

I had to continue studying. Here it is, the district. No, not Alaska. Even worse is an island in the Pacific Ocean. So, here they are on the map, our Commander's, captured by the United States Marine Expeditionary Division at the very beginning. This is the island. Here's an aerial photo. Quite decent quality. Interestingly, it was made on board a space satellite or from a reconnaissance aircraft. Most likely from a satellite. We didn’t let anyone down in space. It turned out that some of our scientific satellites are capable not only of photographing the globe from different angles, but they can also disable other people's satellites. And at our orbital stations, astronauts not only eat their rations in tubes, but also do a lot of other things. Natural fiction.

Books enlighten the soul, raise and strengthen a person, awaken the best aspirations in him, sharpen his mind and soften his heart.

William Thackeray, English satirist

The book is a tremendous force.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Soviet revolutionary

Without books, we can now neither live, nor fight, nor suffer, nor rejoice and win, nor confidently go to that reasonable and wonderful future, in which we unshakably believe.

Many thousands of years ago, in the hands of the best representatives of mankind, the book became one of the main instruments of their struggle for truth and justice, and it was this instrument that gave these people terrible strength.

Nikolay Rubakin, Russian bibliologist, bibliographer.

The book is a tool of labor. But not only. It introduces people to the life and struggle of other people, makes it possible to understand their experiences, their thoughts, their aspirations; it makes it possible to compare, understand the environment and transform it.

Stanislav Strumilin, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences

No better remedy to refresh the mind, like reading the ancient classics; if you take one of them in your hands, even if for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, relieved and cleansed, lifted and strengthened, as if you had refreshed yourself by bathing in a pure spring.

Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher

Anyone who was not familiar with the creations of the ancients lived without knowing beauty.

Georg Hegel, German philosopher

No failures of history and dead spaces of time are able to destroy human thought, enshrined in hundreds, thousands and millions of manuscripts and books.

Konstantin Paustovsky, Russian Soviet writer

The book is a sorceress. The book has transformed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages.

Nikolay Morozov, creator of modern scientific chronology

Books are a spiritual testament from one generation to another, advice from a dying old man to a young man who is beginning to live, an order given to a sentry going on vacation, to a sentry taking his place

Human life is empty without books. The book is not only our friend, but also our constant, eternal companion.

Demyan Bedny, Russian Soviet writer, poet, publicist

The book is a powerful instrument of communication, labor, struggle. It equips man with the experience of the life and struggle of mankind, pushes his horizon, gives him the knowledge with which he can make the forces of nature serve him.

Nadezhda Krupskaya, Russian revolutionary, Soviet party, public and cultural figure.

Reading good books is talking with the most the best people of the past, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.

René Descartes, French philosopher, mathematician, physicist and physiologist

Reading is one of the origins of thinking and mental development.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky, an outstanding Soviet educator and innovator.

Reading is to the mind what physical exercise is to the body.

Joseph Addison, english poet and satirist

Good book- exactly a conversation with smart person... The reader receives from her knowledge and generalization of reality, the ability to understand life.

Alexey Tolstoy, Russian Soviet writer and public figure

Remember, reading is the most colossal tool in multilateral education.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Without reading there is no real education, there is no and there can be no taste, no word, no multilateral breadth of understanding; Goethe and Shakespeare are equal to the whole university. Through reading, a person experiences centuries.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Here you will find audiobooks by Russian, Soviet, Russian and foreign writers on various topics! We have collected for you masterpieces of literature from and. Also on the site are audiobooks with poems and poets, lovers of detectives and action films, audiobooks will find interesting audiobooks for themselves. We can offer women, and for, we will periodically offer fairy tales and audiobooks from school curriculum... Children will also be interested in audiobooks about. We also have something to offer to amateurs: audiobooks of the "Stalker" series, "Metro 2033" ..., and much more from. Who wants to tickle their nerves: go to the section

In that parallel world The USSR and the USA could not resist on the edge of the abyss. In this alternate reality, the Third World War began in 1980, after the American invasions of Afghanistan and Cuba. And although it has not yet come to a total nuclear catastrophe, fighting flare up all over the world - from the Atlantic to The Pacific... And the first to go into battle are special-purpose units. The tankers are just warming up their engines, the paratroopers are loading into the planes, the pilots are taxiing for takeoff - and the Soviet special forces are already in the thick of it. And let, according to statistics, in hell Big war The special-purpose group lives only two combat missions, they are not suicide bombers and not exchange pawns in the hands of the staff "grandmasters", they are the top trump cards of the Superpower: after all, "alpha" always hits the "delta"!

Russian "trump aces" against American "sixes"! Soviet special forces against the Delta group! Reconnaissance and sabotage units of the USSR against top-secret US bases! This is our last and decisive battle!

An excerpt from the work:

Of particular importance

The commander of the military districts,

Fleets, Flotillas,

Strategic Commands

Reconnaissance report of the GRU General Staff of the USSR Ministry of Defense

12/13/1980 KP. Moscow map 1: 1,000,000

ed. 1972 year

Since June 1980, the international situation has remained tense. Despite all the measures taken by the Soviet government to regulate and stabilize relations with NATO countries, in particular with the United States of America and Japan, the countries of the capitalist world continue to develop conflict situations. Having disrupted the holding of the International Olympic Games-80, the USA and Great Britain, taking advantage of the unstable situation in the Middle East and ignoring the demands of the progressive international community, carried out military intervention by a number of countries in the Middle East. The People's Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, which had long-standing good-neighborly relations with the Soviet Union, was occupied by the NATO Joint Army Corps. A number of amphibious assault operations have been carried out on the coast of African countries that have chosen the democratic path of development and have entered into cooperation with the socialist countries. In early September 1980, by decision of the US Congress, a large-scale operation was carried out to seize the island of Freedom of Cuba. The communist regime, headed by the revolutionary leader F. Castro, according to bourgeois politicians "was a direct threat to the prosperity, development and security of the entire free society." During large-scale hostilities in the Caribbean to seize and occupy the island of Cuba, the American military destroyed and captured up to 3 thousand Soviet employees and specialists. The government of the island of Cuba, thanks to the efforts of Soviet sailors and pilots, was evacuated to the territory of the Soviet Union. A large-scale "guerrilla war" unfolded on the occupied island. Diplomats of the countries of the socialist camp, who were in the territories of NATO countries and countries sympathizing with the North Atlantic Alliance bloc, were mostly illegally detained and held in places of detention, in order to obtain information from them about the intentions of the government of the countries of the socialist camp. In November 1980, thanks to the efforts of Soviet diplomacy, an international Congress was held in Geneva between the countries participating in the emerging conflict. After the debate, an international agreement was reached on the inadmissibility of the use of nuclear weapons.

Here is such a bummer, colleagues. I wanted it after the abstruse Pelevin, a dashing and simple action movie. I chose it literally by name and annotation, and so I broke off so hard. However, gut to gut, in order.

First the plot. Which is easier? The intrigue, one might say, is academic - the return of the native island (city, village, planet, galaxy), captured by an adversary. Spetsnaz clears the path of the cavalry. How much has been written about this, both in dramatic prose and in SF. But no, the author drowns, in principle, a simple storyline in unnecessary details, initiating us into the mysteries of cooking, hunting, looting, drug addiction, alcoholism, and so on. As a result, about 10% of a considerable text is allotted to the demanded action.

The stage is low and terrible. It is similar either to the plan of operation drawn up by a cabinet general, or to the combat sheet of the unit, written that way in the 52nd. Basically, a dull and boring presentation of events, of which, as already mentioned, 10% are significant. Even towards the end, when the drive seems to appear, the motivation of the heroes' actions is so delusional that there is a minimum of pleasure.

Is this exactly written in 2011? The idea of ​​the Americans, at the level of the pioneer squad of the end of the 30s.

Incessant slovenliness, drug addiction, humiliation of blacks and some mysterious "Eskimos", complete inability to take military action. How did these poor fellows take over the island?

His heroes hit the enemy exclusively with butt blows and a small sapper shovel. But if they already start shooting, 3-4 foes fall from each shot. A short burst puts in a platoon or shoots down 2-3 armored helicopters. To disable a military airfield, the Chukchi with a Mosin rifle is enough. The entire defense system of the island, including all communications, within a radius of 10 km, two air defense bases, a squadron of boats, anti-submarine obstacles are put out of action by 7 saboteurs, mired in the consciousness of the Cosmsomol and the friendship of peoples. Moreover, without the slightest plans, acting on a whim. Why they were sent to the island, they do not quite know, but being quick-witted, they almost finish off the enemy themselves. If someone dies, then this requires at least a company of marines, or the FBI SWAT (which, in violation of the constitution, somehow ended up outside the territory of the United States?).

And so, when the cavalry arrived in time, as part of 2 airborne battalions, forcing a brigade of marines to surrender, it turns out that the purpose of the operation was a typical crime - the export of platinum dug by the Yankees. In general, I do not recommend it. Waste of time. Pariotism, patriotism, but we ought to be able to write.