Dostoevsky double brief. "Double": the history of creation and analysis of the story

Officon Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin wakes up once in his house on a cloudy autumn day. He stopped, hubborn, but the reflection in the mirror likes the hero. He has a sum of 750 rubles in the wallet.

Chapter 2.

The main character Departs to the personal doctor - the peasant Ivanovich Rutenspitsu. There, he complains the doctor to a secular vanity and noise, whereas he himself loves peace and silence. He still has not learned to support a secular conversation. He is a little man, does not know how to sick, and this can not be proud of it, in his opinion. He complains that the nephew of his chief Obolgan. Someone dismissed the rumor that he intends to marry Clara Olsufvna, whereas already saushed with another bride - Shameless Germans Carolina Ivanovna. Doctor does not understand his indignation. Yakov Petrovich goes in indignation, considering Dr. fool.

Chapter 3.

Next, Golyadkin goes to Olsufiya Ivanovich Berendev, where he is not imparted. The fact is that today the day is the name of the daughter of Berendeva, on this occasion in the house there is a sought lunch and ball. Golyadkin is waiting in the hallway. Long doubting, he finally decides to get into the main hall where guests are dancing. Everyone rushes their views on him, the hero from fear and shame is clogged into an angle, feeling like a similar to the wrong Bukashka. He is expelled from the house to the street.

Chapter 3.

Stat adviser Golyadkin runs from all his feet, fleeing against chase. Around terrible november night - It rains with snow, around the cold and dampness. Yakov Petrovich dreamed not just to escape from himself, and so that he did not quite in the world. He stands on the embankment bridge, looks at black water, practically in infamous. On the way home, he meets a man moving, like he, having a steady gait. They meet several times. And when the hero finds him in his apartment, he understands that this is a stranger and he himself, another Golyadkin, the absolute twin of the hero.

Chapter 4.

Nutro Title Advisor Golyadkin comes to work - in its office. And here he sees a new colleague - yesterday's twin Jacob Petrovich, with all other things wearing the same name as the main character. But no one notices this, it is not surprised at such a strange coincidence. At the end labor day The twin comes up to the hero with a request to talk, to which Golyadkin original invites twins to his home.

Chapter 5.

Guest name is the same - Yakov Petrovich. The main character treats him dinner, will like wine, gradually understands that he likes the twin. He dreams of living with him like a fish with water, like his own brothers. Immediately in his head, there are plans for fraud and deception with the help of his "younger brother."

Chapter 6.

When Yakov Petrovich woke up the next morning, he does not discover his guest. The opinion has changed - he regrets what he accepted the good twin. He goes to the service, where in the passage faces his twin, he seems to not see him, does not notice. Golyadkin-Double is trying to progress under the boss with a dishonest way - offers an excellent work of real Golyadkin as his own. In the eyes of all employees, Goldkin Jr. ridicules the eldest - he tweets him behind the face and hits a belly, and everyone sees. Then pretends that something is busy, and somewhere disappeared. Senior Golyadkin cannot leave everything as it is, it protests. After work, he seeks firmly to talk to the twin, but he, without becoming listening to him, leaving somewhere in the carriage.

Chapter 7.

Now Yakov Petrovich considers his twin by a bad deceit, a player, a scoundrel and podliza. Not knowing how else to do, he writes him a letter demanding to explain his behavior. He conveys a letter to a servant Pereshka and orders him to attribute him to the titular adviser of Golyadkin. Petrushka found his address - a six-sighted street, but it turns out to be the address of Golylkin-present. The adviser thinks that the servant is drunk and sends him out.

Chapter 8.

In the dawn, Golyadkin sees himself in a friendly company, where the stranger periodically appears and disgraces with all his honest name. He tries to escape, but looking around, sees around a lot of twins like him.

Chapter 9.

Golyadkin wakes up only for dinner and in horror understands that he has helped the service. He comes to the separation of his service and through the writer reports a letter to Golyadkin-younge.

Chapter 10

Already began to darken when Mr. Golyadkin appeared to serve. Collectants look at him with incredible surprise and disregard. Mr. Golyadkin Jr. appears among his colleagues, stretching his hand to the real Yakov Petrovich. The hero is violently, firmly shakes her. Immediately, the twin pulls out his hand, as if she wore her in something, thoroughly wipes his fingers. Golyadkin-senior is offended, trying to find sympathy in colleagues - Anton Antonovich Meshkin. But the last aloud expresses its disapproval in relation to his act with two noble individuals.

Chapter 11.

On the street, Goldkin-Sr. is catching up with a twin, offers to talk in a coffee shop. He says they are not enemies, evil tongues rolled him. But the enemy again repeats the joke with the hospitality of his hands, which finally humiliates Golyadkin-senior and disappears.

Chapter 12.

Suddenly, for himself, Goldkin-Sr. detects a letter in his pocket, which in the morning passed with a writer. In this note, Clara Olsufyevna begs to save her from death, from man who is contracted by her. She asks him about a meeting at two o'clock in the morning. Trying to pay, Golyadkin-senior finds in his pocket a jar with a medicine prescribed by him by Dr. Peasant Ivanovich a few days ago. Bakers with dark red liquid drops and splits on the floor of the restaurant.

Chapter 13.

Reflecting on Clar Olsufievna, Yakov Petrovich notes its spoil, like many young girls, romantic love French novels. He, hiring a carriage, heads for his Excellency with a request to protect him from enemies. He promises to solve the problem, and the main character turns out to be in the reception. Then he goes to Berendev, waiting for the sign from Clara. Soon it is noticed there, and Goldenkin-Double invites him to enter. Golyadkin-senior is located next to Clara Olsufyevna. They do not descend the eyes surrounding. Suddenly, shouts were heard: "Rides! Rides! " A doctor appears in the room and Jacob Petrovich will take off. For a while, their crew pursues a twin, but soon he disappears. Here the hero is aware that in front of him another doctor of peasants Ivanovich is terrible, angry. The hero understands that he knew that everything would end like this ...

"Double" is one of the early agents of the Russian classic Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, written by the author in 24 years. The work appeared on the pages of "domestic notes" in 1846 with the subtitle "Petersburg poem. The adventures of Mr. Golyadkin. "

The grotesque fantastic story "Double" tells the story of the ordinary St. Petersburg official Yakova Petrovich Golyadkin, a man of a quiet, helpful, silent. Most of all, in the world, Roby Golyadkin dreams of getting an increase in the service and become its own man in the middle of the secular elite of the capital. In conditions of acute psychological stress with Goldkin, strange things begin to occur. For example, one day he meets his twin, which embodies all the unrealized dreams of Jacob Petrovich. Only Yakov Petrovich is not better from this, because he is still being overboard, while the impostor reaps the fruits of fame.

Dostoevsky began working on the "twin" in 1845, when he was located at Brother Mikhail in Repel (Tallinn, the capital of Estonia). Upon returning to St. Petersburg, the author continued to write a story. The work was hard, "Nollyodkin" did not want to get off. As a result, in the 1846th, the story was completed and published in the second issue of "domestic notes". Despite the positive feedback from the critics, in particular the Mastivoy Vissarion Belinsky, who was already very favorably configured for Dostoevsky, the author of his "twin" hoolil himself. After a time, the story was redone, but never satisfied the author.

Being the most demanding criticism of his creativity, Dostoevsky complained that he thwarted the amazing idea, perhaps the best thing that he was born. The idea of \u200b\u200b"twin" is very bright, the writer shared, but the form leaves much to be desired. If I had come for work now, I would invariably chose another form.

No matter how the author criticized himself, his "twin" became the most important event In Russian xIX literature century. Continuing the traditions of Pushkin and Gogol, Dostoevsky refers to the topic " little man", Deliching into his psychology. It shows not only the external struggle of the individual and the rejection of his society, but also the inner confrontation of the bright and dark side of the human "I". To implement this idea, the author introduces a fantastic element, referring to the topic of Dopelganger, twins.

The topic of the Dopelganger (Dark Double of Human) was repeatedly used by literary predecessors and followers of Dostoevsky. The most popular examples of works in which Dopelganger is present: Cam Shamuel Karridge, "Elixir Satan", "Sandy man" Theodora Gofman, "A secluded house on Villaiyevsky" Alexander Pushkin, "William Wilson" Edgar O., "Strange Story of Dr. Jekyla and Mr. Heyda "Robert Lewis Stevenson," Fight Club "Chuck Palanik.

"Double" Dostoevsky: summary

The main hero of Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin works by the titular adviser in one of public institutions Petersburg. Most of all, in the world, Roby Yakov Petrovich dreams of getting promotion and become one of those brilliant officials who occupy best places In the theater, in front of which the swiss-leg screamed, with which they were happy at any secular evening, at the sight of which moms pushed their unmarried daughters with elbows, so that they would make their shoulders and corrected the stubborn curl.

The main obstacle to the desired lifestyle is the character of Yakova Petrovich. He does not know how to reveal, lickly, weave intrigue, to fool. "Not an intrigue, and I am proud of it," says Golyadkin. True, Mr. Golyadkin has nothing to be proud of. He is not respected at work, colleagues, he is invisible for women and a mixture in the secular evenings. When Jakova Petrovich is put up from the ball, arranged in the house of Olsufia Ivanovich Berendeva, with a poor official there is a nervous seizure. It was in this ill-fated night that he met his twin on the bridge.

A stranger as two drops of water look like Jacob Petrovich. Moreover, in the morning of the next day, our hero cares him in his department. Inviting home Golytyn Jr., the "senior" is biting, because now he has an associate with whom they will be able to minimize the mountains, "Greeting together ... in the peak they intrigue to lead." However, the self-pricing Golyadkin chooses a more profitable model of behavior. "Senior" for him is not a collateral, and therefore the twin skillfully led to the "necessary" people and in a matter of days becomes the favorite of the whole department. Moreover, the "younger" mocklessly mocks over Golden-senior, turning the poor official in the subject of universal ridicule. As a result, the twin survives the real Golyadkin not only from the department, but also from society. The story ends with the fact that Petrovich's distraught Jacob disappear on a carriage in a madhouse.

Golyadkin Jr., he is also Dopelganger of the real Golyadkin, is his opposite. To describe Goldkin-senior, you can use such characteristics: conscientious, confused, indecisive, executive, helpful, silent, closed, dreamy, gray, ordinary. Goldenkin Jr. is characterizing like this: brave, daring, miscongnitable, dodgy, brazen, eloquent, self-confident careerist and adventurer.

Two sides of one personality
It is important to understand that in this case It is not appropriate to talk about the opposition "bad-good". Golyadkin-Sr. is far from being perfect, and Golyadkin Jr. is the one who could become an official, if he was willing, vital energy and courage. Dopelganger from Dostoevsky is the synthesis of the trained sides of the person, which the hero does not decide to develop in itself.

Before the publication of the "Double" in Russian literature, two types of officials were told: a scored poor servant and a clever careerist, a swop. Dostoevsky created an experimental image of Golyadkin, suffering from splitting personality. With the help of psychological disorder of his hero, the author managed to combine both literary types in one person.

"Double", like any great work, is not just a story of one particular person. In his story, Dostoevsky shows the St. Petersburg society as a whole and on the example of collective images (this is exactly how Golodynkin's official) argues on the prospects for the development of Russian history. These perspectives, according to the author, are small, because society, where success can only be achieved with the help of hypocrisy and lies, where false ideals reign and worship dubious values, doomed on death.

Society displaces anyone who is different. Strong it destroys, and weak gentle to the oppressed position. Dostoevsky masterfully explored the "anatomy of the soul, who digested from the consciousness of the fragmentation of private interests in a well-established society" (V. N. Mikov).

Thus, the division of the Personality of Golyodynkina occurs as a result of a strong psychological stressprovoked negative social conditions His existence. And by and large, the dual is not only the consciousness of the official Golyadkin, but also all St. Petersburg society, in which the moral principles are replaced by the benefit, carefulness, intrigue. Who will win - the Petersburg-senior or St. Petersburg junior - so far it is not known.

Analysis of the work

In the critical literature, the genre of the story "Double" is determined as a grotesque fantastic. A fantastic element (the appearance of the doubles of Goldkin) was introduced into the story canvas for three reasons:

  • to show two literary types of official (clogged quiet and arrogant adventurist);
  • to demonstrate how the poisoning effect of the Company awakens the lowest qualities of human nature;
  • to embody the idea of \u200b\u200bthe polarity of a person, the struggle of an individual with an inner evil.

Grotescus was needed to author in order to paint contradiction, the absurdity of the position of the hero in society. The bright example of Grotesque, for example, is that none of the employees of the department was absolutely surprised when two Golyadkin came to the service on one day.

Introduction of this artistic means There was a number of literary disputes. So, some researchers consider Goldkin-Junior hallucination of the "senior", and all that happens around is the fruit of a patient imagination of a distraught official. In this case, the "twin" is a grotesque psychological story. Other researchers see in Goldkin-youngest real character, a demonic twin, the dark part of the officials of the soul, which once broke out to freedom and materialized. Then the story has the right to be referred to a fantastic genre.

The author himself left the question open. It was not worried about the genre classification, but the reasons and consequences of the fact that one day the unpretentious St. Petersburg official Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin met at the anichkov twin bridge.

One of the most mysterious works of Dostoevsky, the story "Double", in the first journal version had a subtitle "Adventures of Mr. Golyadkin", and in the next edition, Dostoevsky changed the subtitle, and this was already called the Petersburg poem. Until now, this thing is arguing, the mountains of literature are written. Arrive on the sense of the work.

We will try to figure out where the dog is buried in this little story of Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky took her writing it immediately after the "poor people." Literally finished one work, I sat down for another, but to the reader, which is interesting, "poor people" and "twin" came almost at the same time, the difference was just two weeks. In January 1846, "Poor people" came out in January 1846, and then in the journal "Domestic Notes" on February 1 came out "Double".

Dostoevsky began working on this story in Rive (now it's Tallinn), in the city that can be considered the place of birth "Double". When the work approached the end, he wrote to his brother: "It will be my masterpiece." Dostoevsky then read this story in Belinsky's circle. Turgenev listened to this story. Everyone was in admiration. Belinsky said that it was even stronger than "poor people." Others said that this may be, riding the "dead souls" of Gogol, and " Dead Souls"There were still the main masterpiece of that time.

But then suddenly everything has changed when the story was printed with some kind of layer. Belinsky changed his attitude, he found this work of Dostoevsky's failure. To some extent, Fedor Mikhailovich himself succumbed to these conversations, fell in spirit and also began to assume that he failed the story. But that's what's interesting: coming out from the cortic, Dostoevsky appeals to the "twin" again. Here, let's say, "Nezvanov" was not over, it would be much more logical to return to him and add "insensitive Nezvanov." No, he threw her, but he returned to the "twin", tried to fix it, finish and prove to everyone that was worth it.

Here he writes a brother after the cattle: "This is a correction ... will cost a new novel. They will finally see [they are - that is, those who do not appreciate], they will finally see what is "double"! .. In short, I call everyone to fight. " Well, it is very characteristic of Dostoevsky: "I call everyone to fight." And again, brother writes: "Why should I lose an excellent idea, the greatest type According to its social importance, which I was first discovered and which I was a shrewder. " And this is 1859. What is all over? Dostoevsky never completed the alteration of "adventures" in the "poem". He corrected something, fixed quite a lot, and we are now "Double" we have in two versions: how he first went out in the magazine and as was printed in the early 1860s.

Interestingly, Dostoevsky will return to the conversation about the "twin" once again 30 years after he appeared. In the "Diary of the Writer" of 1877, he says that works about this work: "This story failed me positively, but her idea was pretty bright, and I never spent more seriously in this idea." This is said when "Crime and Punishment", "Idiot", "Demes", "Teenager" are written. And on the eve of the "Karamazov brothers" he informs his brother that never spent anything more serious than this idea! Here is one of the big mysteries over which modern philology beats and the critics of the XIX and XX century begged: the meaning of the "twin".

After Hoffman and Gogol

The topic of twins is not new in the literature. First of all comes to the memory of Hoffman. In several works, he has twin heroes. This is the novel "Elixirs of Satan", these are the novels "Baby Tsakhs", "Doubles", some other works. The gofman romantic theme of the split person came to Russian literature. Anthony Pogorelsky in 1828 released the book "Double, or my evenings in Malorussey." About tweet writes Veltman. What is new made Dostoevsky in this gofman theme?

Hero Dostoevsky - Crazy. The process of madness is described, converged from mind, which is also not new, first of all come by "notes of the crazy" Gogol, and largely Dostoevsky focuses on this work. What basis goes crazy hero Dostoevsky? Approximately the same as Gogol hero. Gogol's copyright, is also a titular adviser, like Golyadkin, he falls in love with the general daughter. There is such an urban romance: "He was a titular adviser, she is the general daughter." So, our titular adviser is not clear why preference is not given to him, and another person who has the rank higher: "What is better me? What is he, two noses, or what? The same person as me. So why is he camera-junker, and I - no? ". This question about reigning injustice is very concerned about, and ultimately leads to the face of madness: "Why am I not a Spanish king? Why not be spanish king? ". The problem of self-identification of the personality, establishing its place in this world. This is a social problem, this is, of course, a psychological problem.

Dostoevsky in "poor people" Makar Alekseevich Girl promises Vamina: "Why are everyone else, and you - nothing? Why is such injustice, who led her? " Here is this idea of \u200b\u200ban unfair device of the world and is the cause of madness and Popritis and Golyadkin. Here Dostoevsky goes after Gogol.

Couple with ambition

Let's look at whom is such Mr. Golyadkin and what he is different, let's say, from Makara Alekseevich Girl. On the first pages, the morning of the Titular adviser Yakova Petrovich Golyadkin was described. Immediately I must say that the titular adviser is not such a small chin. It approximately corresponds to the commission of the captain in the army, that is, it is not at the lowest stage located, but not on high. He is an assistant columnist, and therefore not a copyist as the previous hero of Dostoevsky. He already composes the paper, he is small, but the boss. And not so much poor. I remind you like Makaru Alekseevich 100 rubles gives His Excellency, for him it is a huge amount, but at the beginning of the story "Double" Golyadkin recalculates its funds - he has 750 rubles. This is not such a small amount, the amount that, as the hero himself says, may be far away. She led him away, too far away.

He has his own apartment! Makar Alekseevich Girl shoots how you remember, the corner in the kitchen, and at Goldkin's own, not hired apartments. He has his own parsley. He has a Novekhonky Vitzmundir, new boots, chinel - not like a girl or, say, Gogol Hero, he has a coin with a raccoon collar. That is, he, in general, a person who is not a thing. His poor people cannot be attributed.

Then what is the trouble of Mr. Golyadkin? We see at the beginning of the story, how he is going somewhere, to some very important event prepares. He is brought to new boots, a new vest. Petrushka shifts the live lever from someone else's shoulder. It approaches the coach hired for one day. Why does he need a coach, moreover with coat of arms, hire? We understand that our hero is going to some kind of enterprise, and further concern even more strange things.

He drives to a seating courtyard. Something assesses silver and gold products. Strong dining tea set for 1500 rubles, that is, smoothly twice as much as he has money. Then he trades and orders Möbeli (as they said) for six rooms. He has only one room, and he orders Möbel for six! Then he looks after the intricate ladies toilet in the last taste of fashion. Why does he, bachelor, ladiesky toilet?

Why does Mr. Golyadkin do all this? He, apparently, wants to seem a little higher than he really is. The service is halved, the furniture is a guide, there is some kind of enhancement game, when a person, no matter how they say now, is positioning himself at a higher place in the life hierarchy.

Well, finally, he rides in a ridiculous carriage in St. Petersburg. It gives him pleasure, quickly replaced by fear. To meet his boss, who is terribly surprised, seeing Mr. Golyadkin in a cumbersome carriage, and here is a very interesting episode. Golyadkin hides the corner of the carriage and says: "This is not me. This is not me, this is different. " Here it is already starting to split, "Other" - the one he plays, at whose place he would like to be.

But where does Mr. Golyadkin go? He rushed to the ball to Mr. Berendev. (Interesting names: Nichld and Berendie are, in Russian annals, tribes who have ever lived in Russian land). Golyadkin goes to Mr. Berendev on the ball in honor of his daughter's birthday, Clara Olsufyevna. Nobody invited him to the ball. Moreover, he is here a person Non Grata. He, apparently, at one time, drove and was renounced from home, but nevertheless travels. For what purpose? Again, apparently wants to prove others, and to himself, that he is not such a small man.

And that's what's interesting. Mr. Golyadkin has very often in his arguments arises the word "vehicle", from the "rag", and he repeatedly says, and herself convinces itself in the fact that it will not allow "to hear himself like a vet, about which dirty boots wipe." "And, like a vehicle, I will not give yourself to rub yourself." And he decided to protest, this narrator says, and protest with all their might, to the last opportunity. True, the narrator begins to doubt: maybe if anyone wanted, it would certainly donate Mr. Golyadkin in the vehicle, but even in this case, let the "Light, dirty would be released, but this vet would not be simple, this vet would be With ambition. "

Before us is not just a small person, but a small person with ambition, and the ambition of him is that he wishes to take a higher position, which, as it seems to him, is quite consistent with its nature. Well, why does he go to this unfortunate ball? Maybe he is in love with Clara Olsufyevna? By no means. Just he finds him that in the grooms a person is more successful than he, a certain Vladimir Semenovich, a young college assessor (this is the next Chin after titular), and besides the nephew of the head of the office. And essentially because, Lord ...

"Double" is one of the early agents of the Russian classic Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, written by the author in 24 years. The work appeared on the pages of "domestic notes" in 1846 with the subtitle "Petersburg poem. The adventures of Mr. Golyadkin. "

The grotesque fantastic story "Double" tells the story of the ordinary St. Petersburg official Yakova Petrovich Golyadkin, a man of a quiet, helpful, silent. Most of all, in the world, Roby Golyadkin dreams of getting an increase in the service and become its own man in the middle of the secular elite of the capital. In conditions of acute psychological stress with Goldkin, strange things begin to occur. For example, one day he meets his twin, which embodies all the unrealized dreams of Jacob Petrovich. Only Yakov Petrovich is not better from this, because he is still being overboard, while the impostor reaps the fruits of fame.

Dostoevsky began working on the "twin" in 1845, when he was located at Brother Mikhail in Repel (Tallinn, the capital of Estonia). Upon returning to St. Petersburg, the author continued to write a story. The work was hard, "Nollyodkin" did not want to get off. As a result, in the 1846th, the story was completed and published in the second issue of "domestic notes". Despite the positive feedback from the critics, in particular the Mastivoy Vissarion Belinsky, who was already very favorably configured for Dostoevsky, the author of his "twin" hoolil himself. After a time, the story was redone, but never satisfied the author.

Being the most demanding criticism of his creativity, Dostoevsky complained that he thwarted the amazing idea, perhaps the best thing that he was born. The idea of \u200b\u200b"twin" is very bright, the writer shared, but the form leaves much to be desired. If I had come for work now, I would invariably chose another form.

No matter how the author did not criticize himself, his "twin" became an essential event in the Russian literature of the XIX century. Continuing the traditions of Pushkin and Gogol, Dostoevsky refers to the topic of a "little man", delving into his psychology. It shows not only the external struggle of the individual and the rejection of his society, but also the inner confrontation of the bright and dark side of the human "I". To implement this idea, the author introduces a fantastic element, referring to the topic of Dopelganger, twins.

The topic of the Dopelganger (Dark Double of Human) was repeatedly used by literary predecessors and followers of Dostoevsky. The most popular examples of works in which Dopelganger is present: Cam Shamuel Karridge, "Elixir Satan", "Sandy man" Theodora Gofman, "A secluded house on Villaiyevsky" Alexander Pushkin, "William Wilson" Edgar O., "Strange Story of Dr. Jekyla and Mr. Heyda "Robert Lewis Stevenson," Fight Club "Chuck Palanik.

"Double" Dostoevsky: summary

The main hero of Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin works by the titular adviser in one of the state institutions of St. Petersburg. Most of all, in the world, Roby Yakov Petrovich dreams of getting promotion and become one of those bright officials who occupy the best places in the theater, in front of which the swiss-legged foot, which is happy at any secular evening, at the sight of which moms pushed their unmarried daughters, So that they straightened their shoulders and corrected the stuck curl.

The main obstacle to the desired lifestyle is the character of Yakova Petrovich. He does not know how to reveal, lickly, weave intrigue, to fool. "Not an intrigue, and I am proud of it," says Golyadkin. True, Mr. Golyadkin has nothing to be proud of. He is not respected at work, colleagues, he is invisible for women and a mixture in the secular evenings. When Jakova Petrovich is put up from the ball, arranged in the house of Olsufia Ivanovich Berendeva, with a poor official there is a nervous seizure. It was in this ill-fated night that he met his twin on the bridge.

A stranger as two drops of water look like Jacob Petrovich. Moreover, in the morning of the next day, our hero cares him in his department. Inviting home Golytyn Jr., the "senior" is biting, because now he has an associate with whom they will be able to minimize the mountains, "Greeting together ... in the peak they intrigue to lead." However, the self-pricing Golyadkin chooses a more profitable model of behavior. "Senior" for him is not a collateral, and therefore the twin skillfully led to the "necessary" people and in a matter of days becomes the favorite of the whole department. Moreover, the "younger" mocklessly mocks over Golden-senior, turning the poor official in the subject of universal ridicule. As a result, the twin survives the real Golyadkin not only from the department, but also from society. The story ends with the fact that Petrovich's distraught Jacob disappear on a carriage in a madhouse.

Golyadkin Jr., he is also Dopelganger of the real Golyadkin, is his opposite. To describe Goldkin-senior, you can use such characteristics: conscientious, confused, indecisive, executive, helpful, silent, closed, dreamy, gray, ordinary. Goldenkin Jr. is characterizing like this: brave, daring, miscongnitable, dodgy, brazen, eloquent, self-confident careerist and adventurer.

Two sides of one personality
It is important to understand that in this case it is not appropriate to talk about the opposition "bad-good". Golyadkin-Sr. is far from being perfect, and Golyadkin Jr. is the one who could become an official, if he was willing, vital energy and courage. Dopelganger from Dostoevsky is the synthesis of the trained sides of the person, which the hero does not decide to develop in itself.

Before the publication of the "Double" in Russian literature, two types of officials were told: a scored poor servant and a clever careerist, a swop. Dostoevsky created an experimental image of Golyadkin, suffering from splitting personality. With the help of psychological disorder of his hero, the author managed to combine both literary types in one person.

"Double", like any great work, is not just a story of one particular person. In his story, Dostoevsky shows the St. Petersburg society as a whole and on the example of collective images (this is exactly how Golodynkin's official) argues on the prospects for the development of Russian history. These perspectives, according to the author, are small, because society, where success can only be achieved with the help of hypocrisy and lies, where false ideals reign and worship dubious values, doomed on death.

Society displaces anyone who is different. Strong it destroys, and weak gentle to the oppressed position. Dostoevsky masterfully explored the "anatomy of the soul, who digested from the consciousness of the fragmentation of private interests in a well-established society" (V. N. Mikov).

Thus, the split of the Personality of Goldkin occurs as a result of strong psychological stress, provoked by the negative social conditions of its existence. And by and large, the dual is not only the consciousness of the official Golyadkin, but also all St. Petersburg society, in which the moral principles are replaced by the benefit, carefulness, intrigue. Who will win - the Petersburg-senior or St. Petersburg junior - so far it is not known.

Analysis of the work

In the critical literature, the genre of the story "Double" is determined as a grotesque fantastic. A fantastic element (the appearance of the doubles of Goldkin) was introduced into the story canvas for three reasons:

  • to show two literary types of official (clogged quiet and arrogant adventurist);
  • to demonstrate how the poisoning effect of the Company awakens the lowest qualities of human nature;
  • to embody the idea of \u200b\u200bthe polarity of a person, the struggle of an individual with an inner evil.

Grotescus was needed to author in order to paint contradiction, the absurdity of the position of the hero in society. The bright example of Grotesque, for example, is that none of the employees of the department was absolutely surprised when two Golyadkin came to the service on one day.

The introduction of this artistic agent caused a number of literary disputes. So, some researchers consider Goldkin-Junior hallucination of the "senior", and all that happens around is the fruit of a patient imagination of a distraught official. In this case, the "twin" is a grotesque psychological story. Other researchers see in Goldkin-youngest real character, a demonic twin, the dark part of the officials of the soul, which once broke out to freedom and materialized. Then the story has the right to be referred to a fantastic genre.

The author himself left the question open. It was not worried about the genre classification, but the reasons and consequences of the fact that one day the unpretentious St. Petersburg official Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin met at the anichkov twin bridge.

And with the poetics of Gogol Petersburg leaders. This indicated already a lifetime criticism. The main storylines of the story - the defeat of the poor official (the surname of Golyadkin is formed from Golody, Golodyk, which, DaleSo: Gol, poverty) in an unequal struggle with a richer put on the hierarchical staircase of the rival in the struggle for the heart and hand of the daughter of "His Excellency" and developing on this soil the madness of the hero - directly continue the similar situations of "notes of the crazy. Another main motive story is a clash of the hero with his fantastic "double" - also (although in the germinal form) is already contained in the Gogol "Nose". Gogol ironic tones are painted - apparently, it is quite consciously - a number of individual episodes of the story (so, the conversation of the hero with a parsley lacquer about the carriage in chapter I resembles the initial scenes of "marriage", and the description of the ball at the beginning of Chapter IV is sustained in the style of Gogol Comic descriptions - Wed. Description of the Party from the Governor in chapter I of the first volume "Dead Souls").

Like Gogol officials, Golyadkin is a diligent reader of the "Library for reading" of the Senkovsky and Bulgarian "Northern Bee". Of these, he learned about the Jesuits and the Minister of Willhele, about the nrules of the Turks, about the Arab Emires and the Prophet Mohammed (Magomete) (the publisher of the "Reading Libraries" O. I. Senkovsky was arabist scientist and published in his magazine materials about the East), "Anecdottsy" about the "snake of the Break of Unusual Power" and the two British who came to "look at the Summer Garden", which make up the favorite theme of his reflection and conversations. Parting in the stories of Golyadkin Materials "Northern Bee" and "Reading Libraries", designed for the philistine taste, Dostoevsky, following the example of Gogol, connects the image of the ghostly spiritual world of a person - "Welsh" with satirical attacks against the publications of Senkovsky and Bulgarian.

Dostoevsky. Double. TELESPEXT First episode

The names of many characters "Double" (Parsley, Carolina Ivanovna, Lord Bassavryukov, Karolina Ivanovna, Lord Bassavryukov, and others) and the most method of formation of names and surnames of heroes with a hidden value (Golyadkin) or a deliberate emphasis on comic disadvantaged (Princess Chevchekhanova).

Following Gogol, Dostoevsky, however, switches the action of the story in another - tragic-fantastic plan. It gives the deployment of events much more dynamic character than Gogol, an approximate point of view of the hero and a narrator and portraying events in the fantastic refraction, which they get in a shocked and feverishly excited imagination of the main character. Not only real events, but also "Roman Consciousness" Golyadkin become a story.

Already in the "poor people" Dostoevsky was touched upon the topic of reducing the noble-born human society to the degree of dirty and lost "vet", as well as the topic of "ambition" of a person, "a vehicle", crusted by society, but not the alien consciousness of his human rights which manifests him often in the form of painful contiguity and constancy. Both of these motifs received in-depth psychological development in the history of Goldkin's insanity. His wounded "Ambition" gives rise to the prosecution gradually increasing at the hero, as a result of which a grotesque, repeling the image of a twin mocking over him arises and, at the same time, a merciless for him, kidding not only his place in the official hierarchy, but also his most Personality.

Cooked by the assessors of his former patron, Golyodykin, feeling his defenselessness in the face of a hostile world, threatening to erase him into powder, turn into a "vest", wants to find a support in herself, in the consciousness of his rights as a "private" person, Free outside the service and at least here it is not obliged to a report on its actions. But it was here that comic and humiliating defeat awaits him. The very identity of the hero deceives him, it turns out to be only a fragile, illusory refuge, unable to resist his "scoundrels" and "incident."

The motifs of twins, the hero substitution, pursuing his lich, have folklore origin. But in the story of Dostoevsky, they are complexly transformed (as it took place in Gogol's "nose", in many works of other Russian and Western European ( E. T. A. Gofman) Predecessors and contemporaries of Dostoevsky). In Russian literature, the psychological motive of the meeting of the hero with his twin was developed, in particular, A. Pogorelsky (A. A. Persian) in the framework of his famous novelist collection "Double, or my evenings in Malorus" (SPb., 1828), and the topic the splitting of moral consciousness (truth, not a hero, but the heroine) - in the novel by A. F. Veltman "Heart and Dumka" (M., 1838) - works, well-known Dostoevsky and, possibly, inflamed of his plan, although not We had direct plot coincidences with the story about Goldkin.

Dostoevsky. Double. TELESPEXT Second series

The doctor S. D. Yanovsky, who became acquainted with the writer shortly after the appearance in the press "Double", in May 1846, recalls the interest of Dostoevsky in those years to a special medical literature "On brain diseases and nervous system, about heart diseases and about the development of a skull in old, but at that time there was Gall in the course of the system. " This interest that reflected in the "double" allowed Dostoevsky, as specialists mentally noted many times, to accurately reproduce a number of manifestations of upset psyche. Moreover, it is noteworthy that the spiritual disorder of Goldkin is depicted by Dostoevsky as a consequence of social and moral deformation of the person, due to an abnormal device of public life. The thought of the abnormality of the separation and disagreement of people, the criticism of the insecurity and chance of the position of the person in the existing world, the desire to detect the deforming effect of the modern warehouse public relations On the moral world of a separate person associate the problems of "twin" with similar ideas of the Socialists-Utopists of the 1830-1840s.

Recognizing the artistic failure of the "Double", Dostoevsky and after he refused to recycled them, repeatedly pointed to her great importance To prepare a number of topics of their later creativity. "I invented or, it was better to say, I entered the word only in the Russian language, and it began, everyone uses: the verb" knocking "(in Golyadkin)," he noticed in the notebook 1872 - 1875. And here, recalling that the word was accepted "on reading the" twin "from Belinsky, delighted, too well-known writers," Dostoevsky recorded the image of Golyadkin Jr.: "... My most important underground type (I hope that I will simulate this boasting in mind Own consciousness in artistic failure). " In the "writer's diary" 1877, Dostoevsky remarked: "This story failed to me positively, but her idea was pretty bright, and I never spent more seriously in this idea. But the form of this story I failed<…> If I was now set for this idea and outlined it again, I would take a completely different form; But in 46. I did not find this form and did not master the story. "

Describing Golyadkin as its "main underground type", Dostoevsky pointed out the motives connecting the "twin" with the psychological issues of the later ones and novels. The theme of the spiritual "underground" of Golyadkin was scheduled in the "twin" in the face of the subsequent period of ideological and creative evolution of Dostoevsky in-depth development and other interpretation in the "Notes from the underground