Urban Manor Shcherbatova - Heathrovo. Hitching Hitrovo

The urban manor Shcherbatova - Heathrovo is first mentioned at the end of the 20th century, then she was the largest land tenure in the arrival of Peter's church and Paul in the Yauzian gate, near the Wall of the White Cities and belonged to the companion of Peter I General Field Marshal Fedor Alekseevich Golovin.

Residential buildings in the urban estate were wooden.

In 1695-1698, Golovin built a stone house church in his estate in honor of the Kazan Icon of Our Lady. In 1748, with the owner of Petra Ivanovich, the city estate burned the city manor. On the plan of Moscow, Gorikhvostov, reflecting the situation of the mid-XVIII century, the site is shown empty, with a shallow building on the borders. The temple is preserved. The territory of the future urban estate Shcherbatov - Khitrovo had a triangular configuration with borders on the passage of the White City and the Pullion Alley.

Since 1750, the city manor belonged to the prince of Seven Ivanovich Shcherbatov, and since 1775 his widow Natalia Stepanovna Shcherbatova. On the plan of ownership Shcherbatova for 1775, the architect Vasily Yakovlev signed by old wooden buildings, designed to demolish, the church and new volumes - the central house and the South Flegel with transitions. The ownership was a magnificent ensemble of Moscow Baroque - an example of the urban estate of the XVIII century.

The urban manor Shcherbatov in 1780 moved to her niece Natalia Nikitichna Naschakina. In 1785, the possession was posted by Colonel Alexander Dmitrievich Karpov and his wife Natalia Alekseevna. In 1812, the terrain of the Jaiz gate suffered from the fire, and the house church was re-consecrated after looting in 1817.

Natalia Karpova died in 1821, being already widow. She taught to transfer the property of the House Church to the Novo-Jerusalem Monastery, where her relatives were buried, with a request for her burial in one of the adhesives of the monastery temple. The house temple was abolished.

In the same 1821, the Yard Karpova acquired General Major Heathrovo.

By 1823, Nikolai Zakharovich misses neighboring possessions next to the estate. He drove the remnants of the polling buildings. On peeled and packed area, a meat and vegetable market opened. Heathrovo rebuilt the main house built by N.S. Shcherbatova. The old decor was shot down, the mezzanine was prescribed, on the side of the Jaiz boulevard to the house jumped a white-stone portico. The church was rebuilt in the style of Ampire and again consecrated in 1822 in honor of the Tikhvin icon of Our Lady.

After the death of N.Z.Hitrov in 1826, the urban manor Shcherbatova - Khitrovo changed several owners, until he switched to the Guard to Colonel Vladimir Ivanovich Orlov. On the plan of the site in 1843 shows a wide alley leading to the house through the garden. At this time, the alteration of facades and interiors was produced. The main house was a 3-storey volume, decorated with a six-column portion. Wings and fluel are attached to it.

The house church acquired a finish characteristic of the 40-50th century.

From the document of 1851 it follows that V.N. Oorlov bequeathed his estate with the house and the church to the Moscow Board of Trustees on the poor imperial human-loving society, which was supposed to move the new owner after the death of his wife, Ekaterina Dmitrievna Orlova. Ekaterina Orlova lived for a long time, part of the buildings surrendered to the merchant of Egor Ivanovich Nekrasov.

In 1889, the urban manor Shcherbatova - Khitrovo on the will of E.D. Orlovyu is moving towards the imperial human-loving society. It was decided to arrange an ambulatory care hospital for the poor with an operating room for simple operations and several hospital chambers. Finally, the plot was assigned to the Board of Trustees in 1892. The restructuring of the house and his adaptation under the hospital under the supervision of the architect of the human-loving society of Peter Pavlovich Zykov.

A new cast iron staircase in Maison and in the attic was arranged, Dutch furnaces were replaced by the central removal, a stone fence was arranged, a new gate, a new wooden vestibule was built, the room under the Church was adapted for a folk dining room with a breakdown of window and doorways. The transition to churches was rebuilt. A new trim received a large hall of the 2nd floor, where four pairs of plaster columns were installed. With eagles, the house temple was inactive. The guardianship committee resumed his finish. In 1893, the sanctification of the house church dedicated this time by Smolensk icon took place.

Arranged N.Z.Hitrovo Market (Khitrov Market) in the 2nd half of the nineteenth century gradually turned into one of the most criminogenic zones in Moscow, and the quiet rods filled with at night and tritons. The cunning became the exchange of labor, for the workshops arriving in Moscow, and at the same time and the shelter for the vagrants and thieves. Orlovskaya hospital served, above all, this contingent, the house church was intended for him. In the head of the church organized a free dining room.

The estimated statement of 1915 shows the appointment of all rooms at home. On the ground floor there was a kitchen and dining room for the poor, office, the lockerness, the apartments of the priest, a psaller, a pharmacist and paramedic, housing of the lowest personnel, boiler room. On the second floor there were doctors' cabinets, a reception room, operating room, three hospital chambers. Part of the area of \u200b\u200bownership was occupied by the warehouses of the Bolshevik (charity institution of a human-loving society in the village of Bolshevo).

After the revolution, the Orlovian hospital, the national dining room and the house church were closed.

In 1922, Feldscher courses are located in the Orlovskaya hospital.

In 1930 Church was disassembled and to put it down, and in 1937, on the territory of the former hospital, an architect N.A. Voting corps of a multi-storey residential building. Thus, the old building was in the courtyard of a residential building.

At the end of the 20th century, a restoration of the building was restored. After the restoration of the Western facade of the main volume (at the level of 1 and 2 floors), the eastern and part of the southern facade of the flaghel, the baroque appearance of the mid-XVIII century was returned. Recreated decorative design of facades. The eastern facade of the main volume has retained an emergency appearance.

The main house of the city estate Shcherbatova - Khitrovo retained its volume and planning structure within the capital walls. Interior premises were restored. The cast iron staircase of Castinsky casting, leading from the first to the second floor, as well as recreated the decorative decoration of the parade hall, located in the northern part of the second floor of the main volume.

Currently, the building hosts a medical school number 2 named after Clara Zetkin.

Since the beginning of the 1680s, holdings near the Jaiz gate, bend the walls of the White City (in the 1760s, boulevards were arranged at the site of the demolished Belgorod walls), belonged to Claim Alexei Petrovich Golovin. There were wooden choirs here. Son Alexei Petrovich Boyar Feodor Alekseevich, the famous Admiral General, the nearest associate and friend Peter I, one of the first in Russia was built in County dignity, built in 1685-1689 in his urban estate brick houses, consecrated in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God whose facades were solved in a baroque style.

Years passed. In 1748, the old Golovin choirs burned down. Shortly after that, the ownership was bought by Prince S. I. Shcherbatov. And in the late 1750s, the widow of Prince Shcherbatova Natalia Stepanovna builds here the stone two-story chambers in the style of Elizabethan Baroque. And connects a residential building with the church by the transition.

In 1785, the estate was sold by the secret adviser Andrei Dmitrievich Karpov and his wife Natalia Alekseevna.

After the demolition of the walls of the White City of the Manor, previously focused on the main facade, turned into the opposite direction, face to boulevards. At the end of the XVIII century, the house was rebuilt in a classic style.

In the fire of 1812, the mansion was not injured from the fire. And in 1822, he was bought by Major Major General Nikolai Zakharovich Khitrovo. That hestrovo, in honor of which the neighboring Khitrovskaya Square was named, the same created. Nikolai Zakharovich - a combat officer - participated in the wars of 1805-1811 against France and Turkey, took part in the siege of Brailov. Resigns came out after injured. He participated in the famous mug of M. M. Speransky, for which he was exiled first in Vyatka, and then in his estate under the tire. Thanks to the intercession of his father-in-law Feldmarshal M. I. Kutuzov-Smolensky (Heathrovo was married to his daughter Anna) was forgiven in 1813 and moved to a residence in Moscow.

With it, the old Scherbatov house was rebuilt once again and his facades acquired the scenery in the trendy-style ampir. In Tympan, Fronton appeared the stucco coat of arms of the genus Heathrovo. On both sides of the hexual portico - molding men's profiles with ancient ammunition. One of the versions is the sculptural portrait of the owner of the manor.

The house temple was also rebuilt and reinforced in the name of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God - especially honored in the Khitrovo family.

After the death of N. Z. Khitrovo in 1826, the estate was sold by his heirs. In 1843, she moved to the Guard to Colonel Vladimir Ivanovich Orlov, and in 1851 - to his widow Ekaterina Dmitrievna. There were no children from spouses. And in the will of V. I. Orlov after the death of his widow, which followed almost forty years later, in 1889, the manor did not at the disposal of the Moscow guardianship committee on the poor imperial human-loving society.

IN ancient manor "Orlovskaya hospitality of the Moscow Committee for the Poor on the Poor, for the arrivals of the poor," who was under the auspices of Prince Alexander Petrovich Oldenburg, was arranged. By that time, the house temple was reopened again and once again reappraced in the name of the Smolensk icon of God's Mother. The hospital was "open daily from 10 to 2 hours." With it there was a "special compartment for 5 beds for operational patients and a pharmacy with free vacation drugs." The charity institution was intended mainly for the inhabitants of the cunning. Here they were treated, made simple operations and fed into the dining room.

After the revolution and the hospital, and the temple were closed. The Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God was demolished in the 1930s during construction (Popololley per., D.16 / 2).

And in the main house of the Hispanic Manor - Schcherbatov - Heathrovo - Orlovy in 1922, Feldscher courses were entered, reorganized in 1923 in the three-year Feldsher School named after the Gubotadel of the Issiximent. In 1928, the school was transformed into Clara Zetkin's MedPolitechniki (since 1954 - Moscow Medical School No. 2 named after Clara Zetkin). Currently, the medical college named after Clara Zetkin.

At the end of the twentieth century, the building was renovated. At the same time, on the Western facade, where the entrance to the medical college is now located, decorative trim in the Baroque style of the middle of the XVIII century restores. On the opposite facade, details of the decorative decoration of the building of times N. Z. Khitrovo are preserved.

The building of the former Orlovsk Hospital is on state protection, as the object of cultural heritage of the federal significance.

Soon, this plot bought Prince S.I. Scherbatov. And in the late 1750s, his widow built new stone two-story chambers. It was far from the last change of home. So after the demolition of the walls of the White City of the Manor, focused on the main facade to the West, turned into the opposite direction - face to boulevards. And at the end of the XVIII century, the house rebuilt again.

The fire of 1812 did not touch the mansion, although everything around burned down. In 1822, the estate was bought by General Nikolay Khitrovo - the same, thanks to which cunning appeared in Moscow. He rebuilt the house again, decorating him with his generic coat of arms.

After the death of General Khitrovo in 1826, his heirs sold the estate. In 1843 she moved to the Colonel to Vladimir Orlov.

Architectural Style Travel Guide

Since he did not have children, in 1889 the house entered the disposal of the Moscow Guideline Committee on the Poor. So in the ancient estate opened the Oryol Nelovskaya hospital of the Moscow Committee for the Poor, for the arrivals of poor patients. " It was intended mainly for the inhabitants. Here they were treated, made simple operations and fed into the dining room.

After the revolution, the hospital was closed, and in the 1930s he demolished the hospital church. Now the estate is located in the courtyard of the Stalin's house. The coat of arms Khitrovo preserved on the building, but its Moscow Medical School No. 2 named Clara Zetkin.

House number 1 \\ 13 \\ 6 G. - This large plot between Armenian and the Great Lanes, entering the cover has a rather ancient history. For many years, its owners have repeatedly changed and almost each of them built something.Now it costs several high-time buildings.It is known about his first owners a few and in different studies there are large temporal discrepancies and white spots. I spent my little investigation, so in the text some significant dates are highlighted in bold. But first things first.

At the end of the Armenian Lane in the middle of the XVII century there were two possessions: one -KlyucharevyOther -Lyapunov. They, apparently, went parallel to the cover and stretched from Armenian to a ninykina lane.
By 1716. Both plot acquired and united themstat adviser, princeSergey Borisovich Golitsyn (1687 - 1758). Other Father - Golitsyn Boris Alekseevich was a mustache and educator of two kings Fyodor Alekseevich and Peter Alekseevich.
Sergey Borisovich was married twice, his wife first became
Praskovya Praskovna Podorovna (1687 - 1720), from which he had seven children, the second wife -Miloslavskaya Maria Alexandrovna (1697 - 1767), from which he had four children. Here, in the Armenian lane, various representatives of the family of Miloslavsky lived ( see previous parts 2 and 6) Perhaps the existence of the neighbors he met his second wife.
Aboutlittle stone chambers Builtaround the middle of the XVIII century, Perhaps princessGolitsyna Maria Sergeevna (daughter KN. Sergey Borisovich from the first marriage), they are known to S.1757The facade of the chamber was addressed to cover, but stood in the depths of the yard, and the ends went out in the alleys. Before the chambers, along the cover, the garden stretched.Now the chambers incorporatedhouse number 1 \\ 13 \\ 6С2 .

The initial plan of the building with a central volume and small yard risals in the front and rear facade is preserved.The massive first floors and some details of the processing of the rear facade are preserved: corner blades of rizalits, fragments of platbands laid out of brick.
Floor planfrom book

According to one version in the second half of the XVIII century. The manor went to the Khitrovo family, and on the other from the 1740s and to end XVIII century Manor belonged Ya.L.Heathrovo.
Khitrovo Yakov Lukich (1700 - 1771 ) - valid secret advisor, Senator, Major General. According to the command of Emperor Peter I, in 1712, he was given to training in a mathematical school, then he studied in a rive and at St. Petersburg maritime school to various sciences, german language And the navigation and from 1716 was determined to serve in the Fleet Martemaryna, then was sent abroad for further training.
Upon return to Russiain 1720served in different positions, incl. He was engaged in the purchase of forests for the fleet, as well as the construction in the New Holland of the Barbars and Elling, was then a member of the Admiralty and therapy colleges. Resigned from service in1762 (as you can see, Jacob Lukich died in 1771 and until the end of the XVIII century, the estate could not belong to him).
Heathrovo was married twice.First wife Yakov Lukich Khitrovo was a widowAnna Alekseevna Lopukhina(1733 - 1793), nee grabzov.She iswas a daughter of a valid secret adviser, General-Annef and SenatorAlexey Grigorievich Zherebtsov. Yakov Lukich Khitrovo was her second husband. Interestingly, he is over it for 33 years and older her father for 12 years.
The first husband of Anna Alekseevna at the turn of the 1760s became Guard Captain Nikolay Alexandrovich Lopukhin (1698 - 1768 ). He was older than his wife for 35 years and older her father for 14 years .. From this marriage in 1861, the daughter of Evdokia was born, the future Countess Evdokia Nikolaevna Orlova-Chesme, she will later become his wife Alexey Grigorievich, younger brother Favorite Elizabeth Petrovna.

But back to her mother, Anna Alekseevna. After the death of Lopukhin May 31, 1768She comes out the second time married Heathrovo Yakov Lukich, but she will live long and divorced him.
The second wife Yakova Lukich will be Vasilisa Ivanovna, nee golovin.
But here is what's interesting in the list buried in necropolisSavior Andronikova Monastery The following entries are found "Heathrovo, Yakov Lukich, Bolyarin, D. Tyne. owls, buried 17 Apr. 1771 Khitrovo "and then"Vasilisa Ivanovna, jacob's wife Lukich Khitrovo, d. Art. owls. and Cavalera, the daughter of the Ocolnichago Ivan Ivanovich Golovin; R. August 15 (1698) G. † May 30 (1771), 72 years of life. " (Thus, it turns out that Vasilisa Ivanovnadied later her husband, socould only be the second wife of Jacob Lukich, hence the Anna Alekseevna could go for hestrov not earlier than June 1769 (year of mourning for the first husband), and still to have to divorce with him. He, Yakov Lukich, in turn, will have time to marry Vasilis Ivanovna again in less than two years, and instead of a young wife, the second time to take a woman for two years older than himself).
And the mystery is in what. In the "Index of Moscow for 1793" I found that this area on the corner of the Pokrovka and the Armenian Lane belongs " Heathrovo Anna Alekseevna, widowing the general In Ave. Cosma and Dimyan's Church on Pokrovka. "
In the photo 1913, the Church of Moskov and Demyan on Pokrovka is visible to the right, and on the left behind the metal fence, this site, with a still preserved garden.

This is confirmed in book At Satina P.V. "From the history of Moscow streets,"he's writing- "find - "Finally, the corner with the cover was the extensive yard of the generals of Khirova, with stone chambers in the Red line of the Armenian alley, who did not reach, however, before the placker. "
It turns out, in life, even 22 years after the death of Yakov Lukich, Anna Alekseevna keeps the surname of his second husband HeathrovoAlthough it was divorced with him. However, buried her in the same necropolis of Spaso-Andronikova Monasteryfor some reason already Under the surname of her first husband. Record read - " Lopukhina, Anna Alexjevna, born Zherebtsova, wife ON THE. Lopukhina; R. 1733 † 19 May 1793. lived 60 l. ", . Here are such metamorphoses. Maybe who knows the raysterity, write.
At the turn of the XIX century, in 1798,the ownership is divided into two plots and part, by the Armenian alley, acquires the family of Graph Levasheva F.I.
Fedor Ivanovich Levashov (1751 - 1819) - Russian commander, Major General (from 1793), Senator, secret adviser (from 1797). Representative of the Russian noble and graphic genus Levashov.
K.V. Bardu. Portrait of Fedor Ivanovich Levacheva. 1793. State Tretyakov Gallery. Depicted in a uniform with a flue-adjutant sewing and accelest.

Wife Levacheva, presumably Avdaty (Evdokia) Nikolaevna Khitrovo (1775 - 1837). In the "Index of Moscow" for 1793, it was said that a plot number 58 "The red gates in the aquickery of the three saint belongs to Levasheva Avdotie Nikolaevna, Brigadier" ( just at this time, Fyodor Ivanovich was a brigadier, he became Major General in 1793, and the directory was preparing before).
As stated in the book "Monuments of Moscow. The White City", it was, when levashev, the house was rebuilt, having received strictly classical processing of the facade.
Photo from the book "Moscow monuments. White city."

The house was with a pilor Tuscan portico and flat arched frames of small windows of the lower floor.

Subsequently, it was partially pressed and changed inside.

Interestingly, a balcony door is broken in the central window of the second floor, the house may have had a balcony before.

The later superstructure of the building is clearly visible from the court.

Inside the house, a central classic round room with deep semi-curvous niches in the corners were preserved, perhaps the furnaces were placed in them, and the front lobby of the same period.
Photo from the book "Moscow monuments. White city." Here the columns look marble.

And now they are shtown and have this kind.

He took off with secret, all the time someone entered, so the photo turned out to be curves.

It is believed that this house in 1819 - 1821 was filmed by Father and Uncle Herzen A.I. - Yakovlev Ivan Alekseevich and Yakovlev Lev Alekseevich, about it Moskvurchovy Sorokin V.V. and Romanyuk S.K. The latter quotes "As Herzen wrote in" Was and Things "," ... The economy was general immunity inseparable, the huge courtyard settled the lower floor ... "( but here we are talking about the estate, most likely, about the Pokrovsky class, which belonged to the Yakovlev's brothers).
Libydyskaya N.B., who wrote the book "Herzen in Moscow", does not mention this address, there is no His and National B.S.
Herzen A.I. Born in Moscow on March 25, 1812 on Tver Boulevard, 25, there he lived 5 months, then the family moved to the removable house on M.Dmitrovka (not preserved). That's what I writes A.I. In "Were and Things" - "Years to ten, I did not notice anything strange, special in my position; it seemed naturally to me and just that I live in my father's house ... my mother had a different half ..." (how We see, we are not talking about any moves). And then Herzen writes - "Senator (Father's brother) bought a house on Arbat; we arrived alone to our large apartment, empty and dead. Soon then, my father bought myself also a house in the old stable." ( We are talking about a house in B.Vvezyevsky Lane, 14, not preserved).
And the last Romanyuk mentions, another removable house of Herzen's father in B. Kaznamensky Lane - "in 1817 - 1818. This house was filmed by I. A. Yakovlev, Father Alexander Herzen." ( Thus, it turns out that they have been repeatedly punished with her father: from 1812, M.Dmitrovka lived, from 1817 by B. Kaznamensky, from 1819. Pokrovka, from 1823-1824 B.Vnevsky, but these moving are not reflected In the "past and mind", so Lie Herzen lived in the house standing again).

But back to Levashev. In the "Index of Moscow" in 1839, the owners of the estate in the Covers and Demyan Ave. on Pokrovka mean Levashev Vasily Fedorovih, titular adviser, lieutenant colonel Levashev Alexander Fedorovich - Sons of Fyodor Ivanovich. In the same year, they sell the estate and it is already moving into merchant hands.

In the courtyard of the residential building of the Stalinist era, at the corner of the Yauza Boulevard and the Popolool alley, the ancient manor house was preserved, to which once adjacent a small house temple, built back in the XVII century. The house with the temple was the central part of the extensive estate, the biggest on the steers, which in the XVII century belonged to the boyars with head.

(c) Saitafern

Country Country of Alexey Petrovich Golovina for the first time mentioned in the inventory of yards
and owners from Pokrovsky to the Yauzian gates of I682. The servant nobleman from the ancient kind, A. P. Golovin nominated to the reign of Feodor Alekseevich. In 1682, he received the rank of the slap, and in 1685 he became a boyarian. He served in the order of money collecting, helping his son to organize the embassy to China. His son, the famous Admiral General, the closest associate of Peter I Fedor Alekseevich Golovin was one of the most outstanding public figures Petrovskaya era.

Fedor Alekseevich Golovin.

Starting his service ambassador in China, he later took part in the Great Embassy of Peter I in Europe. I gained foreigners to Russian service headed the Embassy Order, navigation school, weapons, gold and silver chambers, a mint. Having headed the domestic shipbuilding, Golovin became one of the twin-harvesters of the Russian Fleet. One of the first in Russia, he was erected to the Count title and the first was charged the Order of Alexander Nevsky. Tsar Peter infinitely trusted her head and called him his friend. Upon learning of the death of the head, the sovereign in condolences to the orphan family subscribed: "Furious Peter".

Fedor Alekseevich Golovin.

In the Moscow estate turned to him from the father of the Moscow estate on the village of F.A. Golovin built a wooden choirs, and near them in 1695-1698 elevated a small brick house church, consecrated in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (obtain permission to the device of the house church in the late XVII - early XVIII century, large nobles, especially burdensome age and disease, was not difficult).
The Golovinsk Church belonged to the circle of monuments of Naryshkinsky Baroque. In the pomp of the facade decoration, she inferior to another famous household churches of his time - such as the signs of Our Lady on the Sheremetyevsky courtyard, the Assumption in the estate of Saltykov on Chizhevsky, or the martyr Irina in the possession of the Naryshkina, but was quite representative and expressive. Its main volume with a rounded eastern wall, surrounded by Gulbishche, stood on a high pink, an observed arcade gallery. The eighth may have completed the tier of the ring, as the documents mention the belft.
Head ownership was part of the arrival of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, that the Jaiz gate, and the house temple was attributed to him. In 1702, a young priest from Kostroma Joseph Ivanov, who was ordained by the Patriarch Adrian in 1696, was identified on the jaws, Golovin, who was ordained by the Patriarch Adrian in 1696 and was appointed to the place of the deceased Father in the Kostroma Temple of the Prophet Elijah. In the Golovinsk Church, Father Joseph served for more than fifty years.
From Admiral Golovin, the manor, together with the temple, passed to his widow, and then to the nephew, the Life Guard of the Preobrazhensky Regiment guarantor Peter Ivanovich Golovin.

Coat of arms of heads.

During the Moscow Fire of 1748, the old Golovinsky chambers burned down, and they died with them, and overlooking the diplomas of Joseph's father. Two years later, P. I. Golovin appeals to the priest, in which she sets out the biography of the priest, gives it the best characteristic and asks to restore these documents, since without them the priest "God's service does not dare to correct, and he, named, as shown Churches to be suitable, so far, he is kind and not a drunkard, and the service is fixed it is defensively unlayer, "
In 1750, the estate was bought by Prince S.I. Shcherbatov, and in the I757-M - went to his widow Natalia Stepanne, who built a new stone house on the spot burnt chorus with a flaghel, connecting the building with the church by the transition. It turned out a symmetric architectural ensemble in the Baroque style, in which the temple played the role of high-altitude dominant.

Coat of arms of Shcherbatov.

Since 1757, Ieria Alexy Ivanov served in the House of Kazan Church. After his death, Prince Shcherbatova filed a petition for the appointment of a new priest, but it was refused to register her temple, as she was still young and healthy. In 1759, antiminis from the church was "Timothy's previous Metropolitan taken with animals (symbols of 4 evangelists - M. K). Only after 20 years, already a compilation, the princess received permission to hold services in the house temple, and in 1780 the priest of Xenofept Fedorov was appointed there. From the childless Shcherbatian estate inherited her niece N. N. Nastokina, who also received permission "in the reasoning of the elderly years and on the weakness of the health of the Holy Church to contain". The priest from the owner was provided with "the house of the priests, there are two spys in it, in them partitions. Seni, and in them peace in which the kushan cook< ... > kindergarten with fruitful trees, money 60 rubles (per year - M. K), flour arzane six quarters, crumbs one and a half quarters, firewood two soy< ... > And besides that the parish priest annually over the arrival of it with a cross in famous temple holidays, so I have 20 ruble for correcting Refix.
In 1785, the manor was sold by the secret adviser to Andrei Dmitrievich Karpov and his wife Natalia Alekseevna, who also had the right to keep the house church in which the father of Xenophon continued to serve.
After the demolition of the wall of the white city and the device of the Jaiz Boulevard at the end of the XVIII century, the main facade of the house was the Eastern, addressed to the boulevard the house temple acquired the value of one of the high-altitude accents in the Boulevard panorama. During the fire of 1812, the manor construction was almost not affected, and the next year of worship in the house temple were resumed.

Orlovskaya hospital (former. House of Major General N.Z.hitrovo) with the houses of the Smolensk icon of God's Mother of God. On the right - the house of the TV. View from the window of the Practical Academy.
Fot. N.M. Schupova. Nach 20th century.

In 1821, after the death of N. A. Karpova, the House Kazan Temple was abolished, and all his property and iconostasis on the will of the owner of the estate were enrolled in the newlyerusalem monastery. There was a family crypt of the princes of Obolensky, from the genus of which Natalia Alekseevna occurred, which had arranged to arrange the Kazan Cathedral "to commemorate their relatives, which are there".
From the inventory of the property of the closed church, it is known that its three-tier iconostasis was painted and the places are made. In his place, a row, to the right of the royal gates, was located an image of an adhesive dear in the silver salary, and the left - the Kazan icon "with different Merzzo and Virgin holidays in the stamps." In the second tier, five icons were placed, and in the third - three large and two small images. In addition, the copper gilded paniced with crystal suspensions is also mentioned.
In 1822, the estate was bought by Major General Nikolai Zakharovich Khitrovo, who wished to resume the closed church and sanctify it in the name of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, since the Khitrovo family, who already had the Tikhvin temple in his Kaluga estate, especially read this icon. In my past in the Moscow spiritual consideration, the new owner of the estate wrote: "According to the jealousy of my admission to the temple of God, the nearest on the long-term existence of his existence, not wanting to abolish it and pay for home by any use, and I ask your Eminence to stay to me to arrange He is still, iconostasis in the name of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and provide all the desired decent utensils. " The petition was satisfied, and in 1823 the house church in the city manor Khitrovo was re-consecrated.

Ceques Tikhvin Icons of the Mother of God. Project restructuring from the manor house to the temple. 1844. Cantdm.

Nikolai Zakharovich belonged to the ancient noble genus Heathrovo, leading his origin from the Golden Horde who left in the second half of the XIV century to the Great Prince Ryazan Oleg Ioanovich Edu-Khan, on the nickname of a strongly chitr who was confronted with the baptism of Andrei.

Coat of arms of Khitrovo. The coat of arms of gagarines.

UPD: The Harb of Gagarines is mistakenly shown above. Here is the coat of arms Heathrov with the description:

Coat of arms Heathrovo.
"In the midst of a shield, having a red half depicted, the noble gold crown is depicted, through the cooles, the crucifunctively laid two swords come out, the cooler to the upper coal, and between them in the lower part of the shield of the cozy silver helmet Categories and the crown, from The three strokes of the pen are visible. Blind of shield red, feather silver. "

N.Z.Hitrovo was a flaghel-adjutant (officer in the emperor retinue) in Paul I and Alexander I, participated in the wars 1805-11. Against France and Turkey, took part in the siege of Brylov and after the injured resigned. On this, his military career ended. Before the war itself, 1812, he was accused of the case of M.M. SPEARSky and exiled first to Vyatka, and then in his estate under the tire. After the expulsion of Napoleon from Russia Nikolai Zakharovich thanks to Feldmarshal M.I. Kutuzov-Smolensky (Khitrovo was married to the second daughter of Field Marshal - Anna) was forgiven and left for Moscow. During his stay in Vyatka Vyul "Journal", an excerpt from which concerning the history of this city and some of its attractions, printed in the "works and notes" of the Moscow Society of the History and Antiquities of the Russian (Part III, Book 1). He was a zealous member of the correspondent of the biblical society. I published two brochures: "Menching Nutikov Monastery" and "instruction, which days read the Holy Gospel." He was elected an honorary member of Moscow University in 1825-1826.
H.3.Hitrovo Caidally rebuilt the old Shcherbat house in the ampir style, decorating the elegant facade of a white-stone portico. The new appearance received the church: a baroque decor was cut, a new chapter was put over the octal dome, and the walls were processed with stucco wreaths and garlands characteristic of amp. In the archive of the Moscow City Government, the drawing of the main facade of the house and the temple, made, however, is not quite accurate.
Finally, in 1823, N. Z. Khitrovo bought the two crawled courtyards of Kaltovoy and the Bazukina who could be connected next to his estate, which could not resume them after the fire of 1812. The new owner of demolished the ruins, cleared the land and suggested that Moscow Gradorchik V.D. Golitsyn arrange a meat and vegetable market here - instead of bargaining from the barbaric gate that had bad fame.
Heathrovo donated 1000 rubles for the improvement of Khitrovo trading area. City Duma adopted this proposal. The area was dismissed and made by trees, put the lanterns and made a large metal canopy, and Khitrovo built a stone body with warehouses on it. Everything was ready for the opening of the market. But in 1826, Nikolai 3Akharovich died, and his heirs refused to go on his father, sold the estate and left these places.
The market really has never opened, and only seasonal meat fairs were held in the Khitrovskaya Square. The wizard gathered here soon flooded the arteel in anticipation of employers, which could last a few days, weeks, and even months. The surrounding households were built for them to sleep at home, cheap Harchevni and Tractors. Vintage aristocratic estates were rebuilt and turned into at night. So in the midst of quiet cozy hats gradually formed the famous shecration. Taverbers and Kabaki on the cunning market were called in accordance with the tastes of its inhabitants - "Katorga", "Perenaya", "Siberia", etc. Four homeowners: Rumyantsev, Kulakov, Yaroshenko and Kiryakov (and after it Bunin) - put the local fishing on a wide foot. The cunning became a terrible ulcer of Moscow already in the 1860s, and at the beginning of the twentieth century it was already a kind of state with its management and with its own laws. It was impossible to eliminate it, but to force the maintenance keys to firmly observe sanitary norms The authorities were still able.
Hitrovo Kuchikha, who bought the Hitrovo Manor N. N. N. Nemchinova handed over it (from 1829 - the public incentive society), and the house church was once again closed.

Plan of urban estate Colonel V.I. Orlova. 1843. Cantdm.

In 1843, the manor went to the Guard to Colonel Vladimir Ivanovich Orlov, and in 1851 he was his widow Ekaterina Dmitrievna.

Manor V.I. Oorlova. Main house. Eastern facade. 1844. Cantdm.

The ownership maintained a large ancient garden, but gradually built up with small buildings. According to the will of V. I. Orlov, after the death of his wife, the manor, for the absence of heirs, was to move to the Moscow Board of Trustees on the poor imperial human-loving society. E.D. Orlova lived for a long time and only in 1889 the estate at the Yauzovsky Boulevard received this oldest charitable institution in Russia. Here they arranged a hospital for the poor, which was called Orlovskaya. "Orlovskaya hospital in the Podkolokoln Pen. The Moscow Committee for the Poor, for the arrivals of the poor, is under the auspices of Prince Alexander Petrovich Oldenburg. Opened daily from 10 to 2 hours. In the hospital, a special compartment for 5 beds for operational patients and pharmacy with free vacation drugs. "(ALL MOSCOW: Address book for 1908. Dep. 1. P.497.)
An abandoned house temple in 1892 was opened for the third time and consecrated in honor of the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God, in the submarine under the Church staged a dining room for the poor.

Church of the Smolensk Mother of God at the Orlova House at the Khitrovskaya Square. Photo of the con.19th century. (Sherler, Nagolts and K).

The charitable institution in the former Orlich estate was intended mainly for the inhabitants of the shecration. Here they were treated, made simple operations and fed into the dining room.
Judging by the fact that the rebels of the house temple on the cunning market were appointed, as a rule, experienced priests, the Moscow authorities gave this church great importance. Here we received spiritual ocked beggars, tramps, criminals, people "bottom", which are so masterfully depicted by Gilyarovsky and bitter. Since the opening of the Smolensk Church, the Archpriest Vasily Flowers served here. In 1909, he went on peace, but continued to live at the temple, and the proto-air of Vasily Olkhovsky was appointed with the new abbot. In the Clear Statement in 1912, the second priest of the Smolensk Church was also mentioned - Viktor Korennov. In 1904, Diakon Vladimir Rozanov appeared in the temple. Position of the headlights performed merchant Alexander Selevanovsky.
In 1919, the Smolensk Temple, like most of the house churches, was closed, and in the House of Orlovskaya hospital in September 1922, Feldscher courses were moved, reorganized in 1923 to the three-year Feldsher School named after the Gubotadel of the Issiximent. In 1928, the school was transformed into the Clara Zetkin Medpolytekhnikhniki (since 1954 - the Moscow Medical School No. 2 of Clara Zetkin).
Around 1932, the Smolensk Temple was demolished.

The place where until 1932 was the temple of the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God. View from the south-east (binding - the edge of the buildings of the hospital). Photo 1979.

The demolition of the church was accelerated due to the construction of a multi-storey residential building in this quarter.
according to the project of architect I.A. Golosov.

They were going to demolish the entire estate, but the administration of the medical school. Clara Zetkin defended her buildings, and at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries they were renovated.