13 Hercules feat Summary. "Thirteenth Hercules feat" Main characters

The narrative is conducted from the first person.

In the new school year, a new teacher of mathematics, Greek Harlampiy Diogenovich appears at the school. He can immediately be installed in the lessons "exemplary silence". Harlampius Diogenovich never raises the voice, does not force, does not threaten punishments. He is just joking on the stupid who guessed the student so that the class explodes with laughter.

Once a student of 5- "B" class, the main character story without making homework, expects with fear that it becomes the object of ridicule. Suddenly, at the beginning of the lesson, the classroom includes a doctor with a nurse who spend vaccination from typhus among school students. First, the injections were to make 5- "a" class, and in 5- "b" they went wrong. Our hero decides to take advantage of the case and are caused to carry out them, motivating the fact that the 5- "A" class is far away, and they may not find it. On the way, he managed to convince the doctor that it is better to start making injections from their class.

One of the class students becomes bad, and our hero decides to call "ambulance", but the nurse leads the boy to the feeling. After leaving the nurse and the doctor, it remains a little time to the end of the lesson, and Harlampius Diogenovich causes our hero to the board, but he does not cope with the task. Harlampiy Diogenovich tells the class about the twelve exploits of Hercules and reports that the thirteenth was now performed. But Hercules performed his feats from courage, and this one was made of cowardice.

Years later, our hero understands that a person should not be afraid to seem like funny, because probably and Ancient Rome Died due to the fact that his rulers did not hold the jesters and were nursing. Harlampius Diogenovich laughed with their children's souls.

Summary of the 13th Radie Hercules »Iskander

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"All mathematicians with whom I had to meet at school and after school were people slightly, weakly accuracy and rather ingenious."

But one mathematician in our school was distinguished from all others. It was neither weak-precious, nevertheless savory.

"He was called Harlampiy Diogenovich. Like Pythagoras, he was by the origin of the Greek. " He appeared in our class with a new school year.

He immediately established in our class exemplary silence. Silence stood so terrible that sometimes the director frightened the door spared, because

What could not understand, in place we or. fled to the stadium.

The stadium was near the school yard. "

Children often ran to the stadium, which was very annoyed by the director of the school. But not from the lessons of mathematics!

The teacher knows how to finely rine the stupid student. No one wants to be the object of his wit.

He "powerfully and calmly kept the class in his hands. He was almost useless to write off, because he immediately recognized his written off work and began to make fun of her.

Student retreating from school rules- not a lazy, not lobotryas, not a hooligan, but just a funny person. Rather, not just funny, for it,

Perhaps many would agree, but some kind of funny. Funny, not understanding that he is ridiculous, or guessing about this last.

The whole class laughs over you. Everyone laughs against one. "

One day, the teller's hero is also an object of ridiculation. He failed to solve the homework. And dismissed: probably, in the textbook the answer is wrong!

"A quiet and modest student was sitting next to me. He was called Adolf Komarov. Now he called him alik and even wrote Alik, because the war began and he did not want to tease him with Hitler. All the same, everyone remembered how he was called before, and if the case reminded him of this.

I loved to talk, and he loved to sit quietly. We were put together so that we influence each other, but in my opinion, nothing happened. Everyone remained as it was. "

Adolf task decided. The hero becomes more and more uncomfortable. But suddenly the nurse looks into the class. At school make vaccinations against typhus. Better vaccinations than to be ridiculous with your unresolved task!

"I was not afraid of Ukolov, because I did a lot of injections from malaria, and these are the most opposite of all existing injections."

But white bathrobes are looking for the fifth "A". The boy is studying in the fifth "b".

- You can, I will show them, where is the fifth "A"? - I said, excited from fear.

This class was in one of the flibels at the school yard, and the doctor could actually confuse. "

The doctor says that the class "b" injections will do in the next lesson. The boy, in the hope of avoiding the shame in the lesson of mathematics, invents that the class "b" in the next lesson is organized in the museum.

Doctor and nurse decide to go to the fifth "b". Many children are afraid of Ukolov, especially Alik Komarov.

"With every minute he was all stricter and pale. He did not sit down at the doctor's needle.

The back of it from the voltage was solid, like a board. "

Alik almost fell into fainting during the injection. The narrator, nicknamed by the doctors "Malarik", behaves heroically.

But the procedure is completed.

- Open the window, - said Harlampius Diogenovich, occupying his place. He wanted the spirit of hospital freedom with the smell of medication from class.

- As you know, Hercules made twelve feats. - he said. - One young man wanted to correct Greek mythology.

And made the thirteenth feat.

We immediately understood his voice, to which it was a fake and a nikudnya feat, because if Hercules needed to take thirteen feats, he would have committed them himself, and since he stopped at twelve, it means that it was necessary and there was nothing Climb with your amendments.

- Hercules performed his feats as a brave. And this young man made his feat of cowardice. "

Hits still caused to the blackboard. In the homework we are talking About an artillery projectile.

- Artillery projectile. - the schoolboy mumbles.

Harlampiy Diogenovich rises him:

- Have you swallowing a shell? Then ask Warwork to deminic you.

The whole class laughed.

"She laughed with sugars, trying to not cease to be excellent during laughter. Even Shurik Avdeenko laughed, the most gloomy man of our class, whom I saved from an imminent twice.

She laughed mosquitoes, which, albeit now Alik, and as he was, and remained Adolf. "

"Since then, I have become more serious about homework. Later I noticed that almost all people are afraid to seem funny. Especially afraid to seem funny women and poets.

Of course, too afraid to look ridiculous not very clever, but much worse not to be afraid of this. "

Comment. You read an honest story about lies.

The student's hero is a smart and observant boy. And tells the story adult, which is frightened over himself, small. We see the story as if "double vision": the eyes of a schoolchild and the eyes of a man's weight experience.

A schoolboy is afraid of a teacher of mathematics and at the same time tries to knock him out. The writer, which tells us this story, admires the teacher, while analyzing those mechanisms at the same time, with the help of which it affects the minds and souls of his pupils.

The easiest conclusion from this story: "It's serious about homework."

The second conclusion: a lie sooner or later exposes, "all the secret becomes apparent." Therefore, the liar becomes stuck in the eyes of his comrades. You do not want to blush - do not like!

The third conclusion: Quality and himself laugh at himself. Look at the situation from the side - and much will become much clearer.

In the stories of Iskander, warm soft humor and a slightly tougher irony permeate all the tissue of the narration. And it reports to the reader confidence that even in not quite pleasant situations you can feel the joy and beauty of life.

Works on topics:

  1. Mathematician Harlampius Diogenovich was noticeably different from his sloppy colleagues. With its appearance in the classroom, strict discipline was established. There were ...

"All mathematicians with whom I had to meet at school and after school were people slightly, weakly accuracy and rather ingenious."

But one mathematician in our school was distinguished from all others. It was neither weak-precious, nevertheless savory.

"He was called Harlampiy Diogenovich. Like Pythagoras, he was by the origin of the Greek. " He appeared in our class with a new school year ...

He immediately established in our class exemplary silence. Silence stood so terrible that sometimes the director had frightened the door frightened, because I could not understand, in place we or fled to the stadium.

The stadium was near the school yard ... "

Children often ran to the stadium, which was very annoyed by the director of the school. But not from the lessons of mathematics!

The teacher knows how to finely rine the stupid student. No one wants to be the object of his wit.

He "Vlafully and calmly held a class in his hands ... He was almost useless to write off, because he immediately recognized his written off work and began to make fun of her ...

A student retreating from school rules is not a lazy, not lobotryas, not a hooligan, but just a funny person. Rather, not just funny, perhaps, many would agree, but some kind of funny. Funny, not understanding that he is funny, or guessing this last ...

The whole class laughs over you. Everyone laughs against one. "

One day, the teller's hero is also an object of ridiculation. He failed to solve the homework. And dismissed: probably, in the textbook the answer is wrong!

"A quiet and modest student was sitting next to me. He was called Adolf Komarov. Now he called him alik and even wrote Alik, because the war began and he did not want to tease him with Hitler. All the same, everyone remembered how he was called before, and if the case reminded him of this.

I loved to talk, and he loved to sit quietly. We were put together so that we influence each other, but in my opinion, nothing happened. Everyone remained as it was. "

Adolf task decided. The hero becomes more and more uncomfortable. But suddenly the nurse looks into the class. At school make vaccinations against typhus. Better vaccinations than to be ridiculous with your unresolved task!

"I was not afraid of Ukolov, because I did a lot of injections from malaria, and these are the most opposite of all existing injections."

But white bathrobes are looking for the fifth "A". The boy is studying in the fifth "b".

- You can, I will show them, where is the fifth "A"? - I said, excited from fear.

This class was in one of the flibels at the school yard, and the doctor could actually get confused ... "

The doctor says that the class "b" injections will do in the next lesson. The boy, in the hope of avoiding the shame in the lesson of mathematics, invents that the class "b" in the next lesson is organized in the museum.

Doctor and nurse decide to go to the fifth "b". Many children are afraid of Ukolov, especially Alik Komarov.

"With every minute he was all stricter and pale. He did not sit down on the doctor's needle ...

The back of it from the voltage was solid, like a board ... "

Alik almost fell into fainting during the injection. The narrator, nicknamed by the doctors "Malarik", behaves heroically.

But the procedure is completed.

- Open the window, - said Harlampius Diogenovich, occupying his place. He wanted the spirit of hospital freedom with the smell of medication from class.

"As you know, Hercules made twelve feats ..." he said. - One young man wanted to correct Greek mythology.

And made the thirteenth feat ...

We immediately understood his voice, to which it was a fake and a nikudnya feat, because if Hercules needed to take thirteen feats, he would have committed them himself, and since he stopped at twelve, it means that it was necessary and there was nothing Climb with your amendments.

- Hercules performed his feats as a brave. And this young man made his feat of cowardice ... "

Hits still caused to the blackboard. In the homework we are talking about an artillery projectile.

- Artillery shell ... - Schoolboy mumbles.

Harlampiy Diogenovich rises him:

- Have you swallowing a shell? Then ask Warwork to deminic you ...

The whole class laughed.

"She laughed with sugars, trying to not cease to be excellent during laughter. Even Shurik Avdeenko laughed, the most gloomy man of our class, whom I saved from an imminent twice.

She laughed mosquitoes, which, albeit now Alik, and as he was, and remained Adolf. "

"Since then, I have become serious about homework ... later I noticed that almost all people are afraid to seem funny. Especially afraid to seem funny women and poets ...

Of course, too afraid to look ridiculous not very clever, but much worse not to be afraid of this. "

All mathematicians with whom I had to meet at school and after school were passionately, weakly accuracy and rather ingenious. So the statement about the fact that Pythagoras pants allegedly in all directions are unlikely to be absolutely accurate.

Perhaps Pythagora itself was so, but his followers, probably, they forgot about it and paid attention to their appearance.

Nevertheless, there was one mathematician in our school, which was different from all others. It was impossible to be called a slightly accrastful, nor the more sloppy. I do not know if he was geniant, - now it is difficult to install it. I think it was most likely.

The name of his Harlampiy Diogenovich. Like Pythagoras, he was by the origin of the Greek. He appeared in our class with a new school year. Before that, we did not hear about him and did not even know that such mathematicians could be.

He immediately established in our class exemplary silence. Silence stood so terrible that sometimes the director had frightened the door frightened, because I could not understand, in place we or fled to the stadium.

The stadium was near the school courtyard and constantly, especially during big competitions, prevented pedagogical process. The director even wrote somewhere to be transferred to another place. He said that the stadium is nervous schoolchildren. In fact, we were not nervous stadium, but the commandant of the stadium Uncle Vasya, who recognized us unmistakably, even if we were without books, and drove us from there with anger, not fading over the years.

Fortunately, our director did not obey and the stadium left on the spot, only the wooden fence was replaced by stone. So now I had to leather those who previously looked at the stadium through the gaps in a wooden fence.

Still, our director was in vain was afraid that we can escape from the lesson of mathematics. It was unthinkable. It was like going up to the director on change and silently throw off his hat from him, although she is very tired of everyone. He is always, and in winter and summer, went in one hat, evergreen, like magnolia. And always was afraid of something.

From the part it might seem that he was most afraid of the Commission from Gorono, in fact he was most afraid of our width. It was a demonic woman. Someday I will write about it in the poem in the Bayronous spirit, but now I am talking about a friend.

Of course, we could not escape from the lesson of mathematics. If we ever run away from the lesson, it was usually the lesson of singing.

It happened, only our Harlampiy Diogenovich in the classrooms, immediately quiet, and so until the very end of the lesson. True, sometimes he forced us to laugh, but it was not a natural laughter, but a fun, organized on top of the teacher himself. It did not disturb the discipline, but served as in geometry proof from the opposite.

It happened about this. Let's say, another student slightly recalls on the lesson, well, about half a second after the call, and Harlampiy Diogenovich is already on the door. Poor student is ready to fall through the floor. Maybe it would have failed if it was right under our class there was no teacher.

Another teacher on such a pione will not pay attention, the other sneezing cuts out, but only not Harlampiy Diogenovich. In such cases, he stopped at the door, shifted a magazine from his hand in hand and a gesture, performed by respect for the student's personality, pointed to the passage.

The student is thinking, his confused physiognomy expresses a desire to somehow leaving slipping into the door after the teacher. But the face of Harlampia Diogenovich expresses joyful hospitality, restrained by the decency and an understanding of the unusualness of this minute. He gives to know that the very appearance of such a student is the rarest holiday for our class and personally for him, Harlampia Diogenovich, that no one expected him, and since he came, no one will dare to reproach him in this little question, especially since he is humble A teacher who, of course, will be held in the class after such a wonderful student and will close the door behind him as a sign that the dear guest will not let go soon.

All this lasts a few seconds, and in the end, the student, awkwardly squeezing into the door stumbling walking in his place.

Harlampiy Diogenovich looks after him and says something great. For example:

Prince of Wales.

Class laugh. And although we do not know who the Wales Prince is, we understand that in our class he cannot appear. He just has nothing to do here, because the princes are mainly engaged in a deer hunting. And if he can get hunting to his deer and he wants to visit some school, he will definitely be behavior to the first school that near the power plant. Because it is exemplary. As a last resort, if it didn't think it was to come to us, we would have been warned for a long time and prepared a class for his arrival.

That was why we laughed, realizing that our student could not be a prince in any way, especially since Wales.

But Harlampiy Diogenovich sits in place. The class instantly cleans. The lesson begins.

Tightener, small growth, carefully dressed, thoroughly shaved, he strongly and calmly kept the class in his hands. In addition to the magazine, he had a notepad, where he entered something after the survey. I do not remember that he shouted to someone, or persuaded to do, or threatened to call parents to school. All these things were for him.

During the test works, he did not think to run between the rows, to look into the desks or there it was vigilantly to throw his head at any rustle, as others did. No, he calmly read himself something or moved the rosary with beads, yellow, like cat eyes.

He was almost useless to write off, because he immediately recognized his written off work and began to make fun of her. So we wrote off only in the most extreme case, if there was no way out.

It happened, during testing will break away from its rosary or book and says:

Sakharov, Plug, please, to Avdeenko.

Sakharov gets up and looks at the Harlampia Diogenovich questioningly. He does not understand why he, excellent, transplant to Avdeenko, who is poorly learning.

Just post Avdeenko, he can break the neck.

Avdeenko stupidly looks at Kharlampia Diogenovich, as if not understanding, and maybe, indeed, not understanding why he can break the neck.

Avdeenko thinks he is swan, "explains Harlampiy Diogenovich. "Black Swan," he adds in a moment, hinting at the tanned, sullen face Avdeenko. - Sakharov, you can continue, - says Harlampiy Diogenovich.

Sakharov sits down.

And you, too, he appeals to Avdeenko, but something in his voice was barely shifted. It joined the exactly dosage portion of mockery. - ... if, of course, do not break the neck ... black swan! - He firmly concludes, as if expressing the courageous hope that Alexander Avdeenko will find the strength to work independently.

Famous Writer Fazil Abdulovich Iskander wrote a funny story "Thirteenth Hercule" in 1964. The readers of this work were children who met with such concepts as honor and dishonor, cowardice and dignity, cunning and betrayal.

In contact with

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story

Fazil Iskander shows that the hero gradually comes to the fact that it is possible to fight a lie and the main weapon in this can be laughter. After what happened to him, the boy began to diligently fulfill the school homework.

The main hero sincerely trusts his Mathematics teacher And it is not at all offended by him for the fact that that with humor and laughter tried to teach them not to offend each other, do not lie, but to treat him and others with dignity.

Heroes of the work of the "thirteenth feat of Hercules"

In the story of Fazil Iskander "13 Perm Hercules", read online which is easy and accessible, just one hero. But in order to better understand his act to correctly appreciate what he did and how the teacher behaved, the author shows a few classmates of the boy:

  1. Adolf mosquitoes. He sits at one desk with the main hero, and the guys are called him just alik.
  2. Sahars, excellent student.
  3. Schurik Avdeenko. He always writes his homework.

There is also other heroes in the story, which can be attributed to the world of adults. This is, first of all, Mathematics Teacher Harlampius Diogenovich, Director of the School, Zeaucus, Doctor and Medical Sister Galya.

Status plan

Often, at school, students in studying the story, the abstract is given at home or in the class, prescribing only the main thoughts. Theses can be both the points of the plan, which can be used for writing an essay on this work.

Work plan:

Each reader, whose abstract is easy to compile, will be able to understand and evaluate the method of teacher of mathematics, which tried to properly and adequate children.

Short retelling work "Thirteenth feat"

All Mathematics Teachers are usually sloppy and, despite their genius, weakly accuracy. But in the school where hero was taught, mathematics teacher was the opposite. The name of his Harlampiy Diogenovich. By origin, as Pythagoras, he was Greek. After his appearance in the class, silence always reigned. Sometimes this silence broke the laughter, which was organized by the teacher himself.

It happened that some student was late for half a minute, and the teacher was already in the door of the class, then Harlampiy Diogenovich tried to miss such a student. At the same time, his face began to express joyful hospitality, as if it was such a big holiday that the child decided to visit this lesson. And when the student of the student was insecure gait starts to move in the class to sit on his place, a teacher of mathematics will definitely call him some name from history. For example, Prince Wales.

The class started laughing at the same time. And after that, Harlampic Diogenovich sits in place and there is a silence immediately. Starts lesson. In addition to the magazine, the teacher had a notebook, where he was constantly writing something during a survey. He never shouted and did not cause parents to school. On the test work He was calm and always allowed to write off. But the guys were afraid to do it, as he always recognized the work that was written off, and ridiculed this student in front of the whole class. No one wanted to be ridiculous, so they tried not to write off.

The main weapon of the teacher was to make a person funny, and he did it so that he even became angry. For example, Schurik Avdeenko for his desire to write off in the tests of excellent Sakharov, he called the Black Swan, which is about to break the neck.

One day, the main character of the story became ridiculous, from whose face and there is a story. He did not solve the task that was asked for a house. The boy was sitting on her decision for a long time, but his decision did not want to converge with the answer. Therefore, the next day he came early to school. Since they studied in the second shift, it was easy to do it. But, having learned that someone from her guys did not do it, calmed down and began to play football.

When the call rang, it turned out that all the guys made this task. The hero with horror was waiting for the moment when the teacher asks him. But Harlampius Diogenovich was in no hurry. The door and a doctor and a nurse entered the office and the Cabinet was opened. But they were looking for 5 "a" class, and the boy studied in "b".

Then the protagonist suggested his help to carry out health workers to the outglass, where the parallel class studied. But suddenly, unexpectedly, the boy told adults for himself that they need to do pricks now, since in the next lesson they organize in the local lore museum. Therefore, the doctor and nurse returned to the class again.

At this time, the board stood Schurik Avdeenko and could not explain the homework. The teacher gave the opportunity to doctors to do their job, and he himself sat down at the desk. All his appearance showed that he was sad and a little offended. The first made the vaccination Avdeenko, and here the neighbor on the desk began to worry much. The main character tried to calm him down and take a little bit, but nothing worked. He even told that he suffers from chronic malaria.

When Alika became bad during the injection And he was planted for a chair, then the boy decided to call the "ambulance". Harlampiy Diogenovich was angry at the main character, and the nurse junged by Alik, some bottle, and he immediately jumped up and went to his place. Made an injection and a boy.

When doctors left, then until the end of the lesson there was still time. Harlampius Diogenenovich began to sort out his own whiskers and began to talk about the fact that herakla had 12 feats in ancient Greek mythology. But today, according to the teacher, the main hero decided to change the story. But only an ancient Greek hero performed his feats bravely and courageously, but the thirteenth feat was performed due to cowardice. And when he called the main character to the board to ask the solution of the task, then the whole class froze. But it did not follow the answer, but the whole class began to laugh. The call from the lesson sounded as if it was a funeral bell.

Since then, the boy has become more serious about homework. The fact that he had happened to him, he never regretted and was grateful to his teacher for having gone to the children's souls and teared about himself.

The name of the story indicates on the connection of the work with Ancient Greece . Immediately remember myths, where herakl's 12 exploits are described. But the act of a boy, whom the teacher in a joke calls Hercules, completely unlike the feat. After all, he was committed due to cowardice and weakness.

Teacher who knew perfectly ancient Greek mythology, constantly told some episodes and taught children so that his main weapon was laughter and humor. No one from the guys wanted to look ridiculous, so they tried to fulfill all the tasks on time, and not to hooligan.