Quotes from a boy in a striped pajamas. Quotes from the movie Boy in Striped Pijamas (The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas)

This is a terrible book. But! In the best sense of the word. What is the book "Boy in Striped Pajamas"?

"The boy in striped pajamas" is truly amazing, but at the time the awesome romance that is difficult to forget. The author, John Boyne, made a workshop work, depicting the situation in such details and exposing events in such a way that the reader feels permanent emotional tension.

What exactly the book

The book "Boy in striped pajamas" about the Holocaust, one of the darker parts of the history of mankind. This is one of best books About the Holocaust you ever read. The style is unique, fresh and simple, an unusual find in our time. This is a simple story. While we read everything that Bruno, the eight-year-old son of Commandant, we also plunge into the world that surrounds it.

This heartbreaking story about the Holocaust, displayed in the eyes of the naive boy Bruno, the nine-year-old son of the commandant, who is friends with the Jewish boy Shmuel, who lives on the other side of the fence.

The novel is written by long offers and short dialogues. From time to time it is read almost like a classic. But you do not doubt that it is written on behalf of the nine-year-old boy. How he sees things as he says, as it thinks - everything is felt correct.

Characters are wonderful, realistic and insightful. Bruno is the direct favorite. He is small, says he has on his mind (although even the maid warns him not to do this), and he is so innocent. What about the book "Boy in Striped Pajamas"?

Most of all amazes in the book "Boy in striped pajamas" is a powerful finale. Highly unexpected turn Stories and simply shake when the book takes to the end. Some readers share that they usually do not like sad or disturbing endings, but such a terrifying final has become the best for this story.

This is a simple story, but it will really affect you. You will think about the book "Boy in Striped Pajamas" for many days. It may be a fictional book, but there are no lies in it. It really happened. This is definitely not a children's book. The "storytellor" can be only nine, but this is a book for high school students and older. It is alarming and sad. But it should be. This is a really special book, and one of the best books of all time.

The book "Boy in striped pajamas" is a sharp, bitter reminder that really affected the Holocaust and who touched it; A masterpiece who captures, touches to the depths of the soul and teaches readers that sometimes things that share us can also combine us.

You have read what the book is "boy in striped pajamas," and want you to also acquaint you with the best review of the reader about this book.

*** I generally loved life. With all its adversity. Who skillfully managed, instead of dealing with them ... Take them storm. I do not hide it. Nevertheless, life I loved with all the ranks. So I would say. And the possibility of perception, and the possibility of pleasure ... *** - Are you afraid of? You think, I.

*** Do you think spring is pink, blue and nightingale? Sentimental prejudice! On the Snow Polyana, two yesterday's rustling next to the deer suddenly throws one on another because of the deer girl - this is spring. Yesterday, still humble, like deer, people today become heroes and paint snow

*** Today I made five mistakes, I did two of them and yesterday, the remaining three were exactly at least last month. The depth of Vu pursues me, the familiar feelings of what you did something wrong, said not that, even thought wrong. And not the first time.

*** Do not think about pain, and she will pass herself. *** But it seems to me that wherever I go, I will always miss people who left. *** Do good mines with a bad game.

*** ... Man in the ward one. The chamber looks more like an iron box: without windows, with added walls. The bed is screwed to the floor. The walls are swirling rapidly, the room swells, occupies the whole world, and the person suddenly realizes that there is no drawer, and this is a tin can

*** I am an encouraged cat, I am hanged by a duck on the fence. Well, since they have such a game - do not care! After all, it was painful for me only yesterday ... A rough fence is not accustomed to. The rope on the neck is also mura. I'm dead, and it was painful for me yesterday. Won is the man that he shook his head, yesterday I kick me in the belly foot.

*** What we did last summer, I forgot! And calls for nothing, I will say more - it is better not necessary! Dizhively quickly, like a ball in ping pong, I ran away! Do not talk about us, do not remember us ...

*** Forget about everything that I stopped living yesterday, to build new bridges on the spot burned, not to become lost among living and abandoned among people who can still love truly. I saw life and life similar to death, but it is necessary to find a way out even from the most liked troubles, believe in yourself - there is no one who

*** The family is very similar to the archipelago. Everything is part of one whole, but still all separately. And constantly gradually drifting apart. *** In Hawaii, the most influential people look like a homeless and cascade. *** Let's the children so much money so that they do something, and not so much so that they do not do

*** I received a notice. My first donation will be in a month ... I dream that, the stain in which my childhood disappeared, I will die ... I tell myself what it will be. I waited for this for a very long time. While the big figure did not appear on the horizon and did not cross the field. She became more and more

*** - Barn? - He is red? - No .. - So, not barn. *** - Who is this - Johnny heel? - This is my almato ego. "Wait, no, I thought it was my alp-ego .." No, it's mine. " Your altera-ego - smack Mackusyak. *** - Trans ... what? - Continium transfunctioner - an extremely mysterious and very powerful device. - And ...

... man in the ward one. The chamber looks more like an iron box: without windows, with added walls. The bed is screwed to the floor. The walls are swirling rapidly, the room swells, occupies the whole world, and the person suddenly realizes that there is no drawer, and this is a tin can

Barn? - He is red? - No .. - So, not barn. *** - Who is this - Johnny heel? - This is my almato ego. "Wait, no, I thought it was my alp-ego .." No, it's mine. " Your altera-ego - smack Mackusyak. *** - Trans ... what? - Continium transfunctioner - an extremely mysterious and very powerful device. - And ... - .. and

"Today" - tomorrow will be "yesterday", and yesterday - "Today" was "tomorrow" *** Will you know much, you can quickly build up *** Laughs well the one who knows how to laugh well

Today is the first day of your remaining life. NN only very few live today, most preparing to live later. Jonathan Swift any "Yesterday" was once welcome "Tomorrow." Henrik Yagodzinka life of anyone occupied tomorrow day. People do not live, but they are going to live. Seneca one is

Not so easy to tell in two words about this amazing book. Usually, the abstract gives the reader to understand what we are talking about, but in this case we fear that any preliminary conclusions or tips will only prevent him. It seems to us very important that you start to read, without knowing what awaits you. Let's just say that you are waiting for an unusual and fascinating journey along with nine-year-old boy named Bruno. But just immediately warn that this book is not intended for children of nine-year-old, on the contrary, it is a very adult book facing people who know what a barbed wire is. It is a barbed wire that will grow on your way with Bruno. This kind of fence is quite common in our world. And we can only hope that you personally real life Will not come across anything like that. The book will certainly capture you and is unlikely to go soon.