Karamzin Ivan 3 autocracy. Ivan III Vasilyevich

Evaluation of the activities of Ivan III Great Historians and Contemporaries. And got the best answer

Answer from Judex [Guru]
N. M. Karamzin puts Ivan III to a very high place. In his opinion, this is a leader not only Russian, but also world History. Without possessing the attractive properties of Monomah or Dmitry Donskoy, he "stands as a sovereign, at the highest stage of magnitude." Its caution can not be caught, sometimes it seems even fearfulness and indecision (behavior on the river of the Ugra, in view of the Haling of Khan Ahmet), but she is suggested by prudence, thanks to her "Creation" of Ivana acquired proper strength, stability and survived it. Ivan III left after himself "the state, amazing space, a strong peoples, even the strongest spirit of the Board." He created the current Russia.
S. M. Solovyov: "A happy descendant of a number of smart, hardworking, leaning ancestors, John III joined the Moscow throne, when the business of gathering Northeast Russia could be worshiped, the old building was completely loosened in their grounds, and was needed last , I'm easy to hit to boo it. Taking advantage of the funds received from the ancestors, a happy position of their relatively neighboring states, he will do old and however, it is necessary to begin a new one. This new is not a consequence of its one activity; But John III belongs to the honorable place among the collectors of the Russian Earth, among the European states; John III belongs to honor for being able to enjoy its means and happy circumstances in which he was in all continued life. When using His funds and its position, John came the starly descendant of Vsevolod III and Kalita, the High Prince of Northern Russia: preciseness, slowness, caution, a strong disgust from the decisive measures, which could be won a lot, but also to lose, and at the same time resilience in bringing to The end of the time started, the composure is the distinctive features of John III. "
N. N. Kostomaarov: "It was a steep man, cold, reasonable, with a stivest heart, a powerful, steady in pursuit of the chosen goal, hidden, extremely cautious; In all his actions, graduality is visible, even slowness; He did not differ in any courage, nor courage, but he knew how to perfectly enjoy the circumstances; He was never fond of, but he did decisively when he saw that the case was ripe to the fact that success is undeniable. The injury of land and, possibly, the firm joining of them to the Moscow State was the cherished goal of its political activities; Following this case for their progenitors, he surpassed them all and left an example of the imitation of descendants for long times. "
D. I. Ilovaysky: "Ivan III seems to us the founder of that truly state system, which, from now on, the entire Russian land and which it is obliged to their subsequent magnitude. Stern, despotic, extremely cautious and generally a little attractive character of this first Moscow king, which has developed even under heavy impressions of the meaningful of the princely interdiscructures and a shameful barbaric yoke, cannot diminish his extraordinary state mind and great merits in the eyes of the historian. And if from Vladimir Saint to Peter I, which of the Russian soverees is worthy of the name of the Great, then it is Ivan III. "

Answer from Lilya.[active]
Thank you

Answer from _Kenni58_ ------------[newcomer]
He proclaimed himself with a self-container, taking the title "Sovereign of All Russia," he was the first representative from the Rurikovich dynasty.
With Ivan II, in the course of the formation of the Russian Unified State, the power of the Grand Duke Moskovsky began to increase significantly. The Grand Duke relied on the servicant people, distributing them as a fee for the service of land awards. With the increasing number of places, the peasant freedom is restricted, the attachment of peasants to Earth (officially since 1497 in the Ivan III judicial system)

Answer from Nikita Panov[newcomer]
Ivan Grozny: Personality and Epoch, as well as the surrounding atmosphere
The Russian king, who ruled from 1547, was the grandson of Ivan the Great and Son of Vasily Third. His mother - Princess mongolian origin. When Ivan was three years old, his father died, and in another five years the mother died (according to some reports, it was possible, poisoned). Around the growing boy reigned atmosphere of permanent rivalry and deception. Young people suffer from poor health, ill-treatment, manipulation and lack of education.

John III belongs to the number of very few sovereign elected to the providence to solve for a long time the fate of the peoples: he is a hero not only by Russian, but also of world history. John appeared at the political theater at a time when the new state system, together with the new power of the sovereign, arose in the whole of Europe. Royal power intensified in England, in France. Spain, free from Iiga Mavrov, was made paramount to power. The connection of the three states of the Northern was the subject of the efforts of the King Danskaya1. In addition to the success of the power of monarchical and reasonable politics, the century of John was marked by great discoveries. Colombo opened a new world, new ties between nations were born; In a word, a new era began.

Russia about three centuries was outside the circle of European political activities. Although nothing suddenly is done; Although the preoccupative efforts of the Knuckles of Moscow, from Kalita to Vasily Dark, a lot was prepared for one-owned and our inner power, but Russia, with John III, as it were, out of the dusk of the shadows, where there was no solid image or the total existence of the state. The beneficial trick of Kalita was the cunning of the smart servant of Khansky. Genhable Dimitri won Mama, but saw the ashes of the capital and rubbed Tukhtamysh. The son of Donskoy was still looking for mercy in Khany, and his grandson washed the whole bowl of shame on the throne, humiliated with his weakness, who would be a slave in Moscow. Horde with Lithuania, like two terrible shadows, challenged the world from us and were the only political horizon of Russia.

John, born and educated by the Danitor of the Steppe Horde, became one of the most famous sovereigns in Europe; Without teachings, without instructions, guided only by natural mind, the power and cunning restoration of freedom and the integrity of Russia, the Holy Kingdom of Batievo, Tesne Lithuania, the crushing liberty of the Novgorod, capturing the dots, expanding the ownership of Moscow. Wedding with Sophieu by drawing attention to the powers, raving the veil between Europe and we, with curiosity overlooking the thrones and kingdoms, did not want to interfere with the affairs of others. The consequence was that Russia, as a power, independent, majestically elevated the chapter on the limits of Asia and Europe, calm inside, and not fear of enemies of external. He was the first true autocrat of Russia, forcing the alert before his nobles and the people. Everything has become herself or grace by the state. They write that timid women have fainted from an angry, fiery gaze of John, that Velmazby trembled in the palace in the palace, did not dare to whisper the words when the sovereign, tired by the noisy conversation, heated wine, slept for the whole clock at lunch: everyone sat in deep silence , waiting for the order to merge it and have fun.

John as a person did not have any kind properties of neither monomach, nor Donskoy, but stands as a sovereign to the highest degree of magnitude. He seemed sometimes afraid, indecisive, because he wanted to always act carefully. This caution is prudence: it does not captivate us like generous courage; But the successes slow, as if incomplete, gives their creations strength. What left the world Alexander Macedonian? Glory. John left the state an amazing space, strong nations, even strongest to the spirit of the Board. Russia Olegova, Vladimirov, Yaroslavov died in the invasion of Mughal3; Russia is the current formed by John.

Cyt. by:Karamzin N M. Ivan III. // Reader in the history of Russia: in 4th TT. T. 1. From ancient times to 17th century / comp.: I.V. Babich, V.N. Zakharova, I.E. Ukolova. M., 1994. P. 186 - 187.

In early October, the Grand Duke agreed with the brothers about help, and they agreed to go with their regiments to help him.
Meanwhile, on October 8, Ahmat was approached to the thief and immediately began crossing several places.
Andrei Little, always remained the right ally of Moscow, together with the troops of Ivan the young four days, beat off the powerful Natisk Tatars and forced them to move away.
Ahmat stopped in Vorotynsk, and the main forces of Ivan Vasilyevich focused in the Kremenets, where Andrei Golly and Boris shelves approached.
Late in the fall of the troops of the opponents stood against each other on both banks of the Ugra. Soon the winter came unusually early. On October 26, the River frozen, but neither the Tatars nor Russians moved from the place, waiting for the initiative manifestation from each other.
The day went after day, but the situation remained unchanged.
What a suddenly in a huge Tatar camp began a cooking disease - a bloody diarrhea was attacked by Basurman, a grueling and merciless. The epidemic was rampant for two weeks, and the Goldenopa Bagatites turned into a flock of preese predators who did not understand anything except to get rid of unexpected hands.
On November 11, the army of Ahmat was outlined and moved to the southeast.
The Russians have already knew that the dysentery is indigestion, and therefore did not go into the elderly camp left, but leaving the barrier and surrounding the Tatar parking of the stages and posts, went to Moscow.
According to the expression of the chronicler, "Tako to deliver the Lord Rus from Pogatan." There was no bloody juicy, nor negotiations, nor diplomatic ultimatums, but exactly a hundred years after great Victory On the Kulikov, the liberation of the Liberation from Tatar capture, this time the victory was reached - an ingenic IHO, which lasted almost a quarter of millennia, fell irrevocably and finally.
Russian efforts were minimal, and success - exceeded all expectations.
Two months did not pass, as Ahmat died from the hand of Tyumen Khan Ibak. It happened on January 6, 1481.
And Ivan the young returned to Moscow in Oleole Glory and became for Sophia Foubominny still invulnerable than before.

Unexpected turn of fate

Two years have passed. Ivan the young married Elena Voloshanka - the daughter of the Moldovan gentleman Stefan, who was in the history of Moldova as Stefan Great.
Soon they had a son called Dmitry. In the Kremlin immediately understood that another heir to the throne appeared, for the eldest son of the Grand Duke inherited his eldest son. This circumstance has complicated even more and the position of Sofia Foubominny, and its hidden task, but did not make it disconnect from no idea.
Her hope was revived when the Tver Prince Mikhail Borisovich, the former father-in-law Ivan Vasilyevich, "Perevathed to Lithuania", concluding an allied agreement with the Polish king and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Casimir IV. Ivan Vasilyevich sent a Tver Moscow army under the walls, and on September 12, 1485, the city was taken.
Ivan Ivanovich was a great smaller influence on the high-rise Tverskaya Throne, and, thus, his influence on Moscow affairs was much smaller.
Four years in the Moscow Kremlin, Sophia Foubominica remained a fraught hostess. By this time she became a mother of four more sons - Yuri, Dmitry, Seeds and Andrei - and five daughters, but did not become completely full of her husband.
In 1489, an unexpectedly nigandino, Ivan, the young fell ill with Ramazo and on March 6, 1490 died.
The seven-year-old son of Ivan the young - Dmitry - was supposed to inherit the Moscow throne.

Two more unexpected turns of fate

Sophia Fominichna and Vasily Ivanovich immediately ended up on the second roles that they were not at all satisfied. Over time, as the historian O. V. Cotorshem wrote, "a significant conflict broke out in the family of the Grand Duke. The reasons for it are not completely clear, but they probably played the role of some separatist trends, whose possibilities, beating about the feudal war in Vasily II, Ivan was extremely painful. In any case, the chronicle reports that in the first half of the year Ivan began to "be angry" on the son of Vasily (he was at this time eighteen) and on his wife Sophia Paleologist. In December, Ivan's discontent has reached its climax: he ordered to grab his son and "put him for bailiffs in his court." Vasily accused that he would like to "drive away" from the Father, "Bring Cassen" in Vologda and Beloser and teach some violence over his nephew Dmitry. Vasily's like-minded people - Dejka Fedor Stromilova, son of Boyarsky Vladimir Guseva, the princes of Ivan Palestsky Chrily, sparing Travin-Scriabin and others - betrayed the cruel execution: whom quarted, who cut off her head, who sent to prisons. The Great Princess Sophia and the Great Princess Sophia: attending it "with the potion" "Babe Lychi" drowned in the Moscow River in the hole. The surroundings of Dmitry (the son of Ivan Ivanovich the youth) and his mother Elena Stephanovna were won by Elena, "the historian O. V. Cottastov wrote in his book.
In February 1498, his grandfather walked him to a great reign by declaring the heir and co-guide.
However, after four years, Dmitry's fate changed Cool: the grandfather ordered to grab the nineteen-year-old grandson and his mother and "quit for Storeby."
April 7, 1503, a year after the arrest of Dmitry and Elena Stefanovna, Sophia Fominichn died, having achieved at the end of his life cherished dream - Leave the Moscow throne to the eldest son Vasily.
Having buried his wife, Ivan III soon made a testament - a spiritual letter, in Koya, he compared to the eldest son Vasilya 66 cities, and the four youngest to all together - 30, and the ownership of Andrei and the seeds before their adulthood were transferred to their guardian to the same Vasily.
Already seriously ill, for six months before death, Ivan III decided to marry the eldest son and in August 1505 ordered to bring one and a half thousand beautiful and healthy girls from the best families in Russia to choose from them one and put her wedding ring, proclaiming the Great Princess Moscow.
The daughter of Boyarina Yuri Konstantinovich Saburov - Solomonia, whose father, grandfather and great-grandfather, served as the great princes of Moscow and the governors and the governors of Moscow and the governors and governors.
The wedding was played on September 4, 1505, and on October 27, 1505, Ivan III passed away. The twenty-sest Great Prince Moscow Vasily III ascended the ancestral throne.
... Elena Stefanovna killed in the winter in the winter of 1505, and her unfortunate son remained in the ullation, where it was destined to die after four years.

N. M. Karamzin about Ivan III

"Inside the state, he not only established the unifiedness - until the time leaving the rights of the provinces of the provisions with one Ukrainian or former Lithuanian to keep the word and not give them a reason to treason, - but was the first, true self-container of Russia, forcing the alert, before sather Admiring charity, horrible anger, canceling private rights, dissent with the fatigue of the vengeance. The princes of the Rurikov and St. Vladimir tribe served him on a par with other subjects and were famous for the title of Boyar, Palendi, Ocolnichi, when he was famous, the minion was acquired by the service. Vasily Dark left the son of only four grand monastery boyars, butler, rally; John in 1480 had already 19 boyars and 9 okolnichi, and in 1495 and 1496 established the San State Treasurer, bedding, nursery, keen. The names of them fit into a special book for the notice of descendants. Everything has become hesitus or the sore state. Between the boyars are courtesy, or younger nobles, there were sons of princes and nobles. Chairming at the Cathedrals of Church, John Mostodino itself was the head of the clergy; Proud of intercourse with kings, the magnificent in the reception of their embassies, loved the magnificent solemnity; I installed the rite of the kissing of the monarch of the hand in the sign of flights, I wanted to rise with all the external ways to rise before people in order to act on the imagination; In a word, solving the secrets of autocracy, as it were, as it were, the earthly God for Russia, which since now began to surprise all other peoples, its infinite effect of the monarch. He was first given in Russia the name of the Terrible, but in the commendable sense: Grozny for enemies and plump smelles. However, without being tyrant, like his grandson, John Vasilyevich the second, he, no doubt, had natural cruelty in moral, who had a reason for reason. Rarely the founders of the monarchies are famous for non-sensitive sensitivity, and the hardness needed for the great cases of state, borders with the sirovost. They write that timid women have fainted from an angry, fiery gaze of John; that the petitioners were afraid to go to the throne; that Velmazby trembled and in the Palace in the Palace did not dare to whisper the words, nor to touch the scene when the sovereign, tired by the noisy conversation, dried by wine, dreamed for the whole clock at dinner; Everyone was sitting in deep silence, waiting for a new order to merge him and have fun. Already noticing the severity of John in punishments, add that the most noble officials, secular and spiritual, deprived of the Sana for crimes were not exempted from the terrible trade execution; So (in 1491) Massodily sequels of the Ukhtomsky Prince, nobleman Homutov and the former Archimandrite of the Chudovsky for a false diploma, composed by them on earth of the deceased Brother John.
The story is not a commendant word and does not represent the greatest husbands perfect. John as a person did not have any kind properties of neither monomach, nor Donskoy, but stands as a sovereign to the highest degree of magnitude. He seemed sometimes afraid, indecisive, because he wanted to always act carefully. This caution is generally prudence, it does not captivate us like generous courage, but the successes are slow, no matter how incomplete gives their creations. What left the world Alexander Macedonian? Glory. John left the state, an amazing space, a strong peoples, an even strongest government, then, who is now with love and pride in our homework. Russia Olegova, Vladimirov, Yaroslavov died in the invasion of the Mongols; Russia is formed by John, and the great powers are formed not by mechanical blinding parts, like mineral bodies, but excellent mind of the present. Already contemporaries of the first happy deeds of John were announced in history to His glory; The famous chronicler of Polish, Dlugosh, in 1480 he concluded his creation to the praise of Casimirov's enemy. German, Swedish historians of the sixth-tolerant century according to him the name of the Great, and the newests notice in it the dedication similarity with Peter first; Both, no doubt, are great, but John, including Russia into the general state system of Europe and the jealously borrowing art of educated peoples, did not think about the introduction of new customs, about the change of the moral nature of the subjects; I don't see also to be baked on the enlightenment of the minds of sciences, calling on artists to decorate the capital and for the success of military art, wanted the only splendor, forces; And other ingenians did not block the way to Russia, but the only thing that could serve as a tool in the business of embassy or trade: loved to express them only grace, as a decent great monarch, to honor, not to humiliate his own people. Not here, but in the history of Peter should be explored who, famous two Venzenztsev, enrolled prudently or agree with the true benefit of the Fatherland. "

S. M. Solovyov about Ivan III

"These were the consequences of the collection of the Russian Earth near Moscow - the investigation, they needed to be found in the second half of the XV century, into the reign of John III, which, using the funds received from the ancestors, using the happy position of its relatively neighboring states, the old and however, it is necessary to begin a new one. . This new is not a consequence of its one activity; But John III belongs to the honorable place among the collectors of the Russian Earth, among the European states; John III belongs to honor for being able to enjoy its means and happy circumstances in which he was in all continued life. When using His funds and its position, John appeared to the High descendant of Vsevolod III and Kalita, the High Prince of Northern Russia: Exccess, slowness, caution, strong disgust from the resolute measures, which could be won a lot, but also to lose, and at the same time resilience in bringing to The end times started, composure - here are the distinctive features of John III. Thanks to the news of Venetian Contarini, we can have some concept and about physical properties John: He was a tall, thin, handsome man: From the nickname humpback, which meets in some chronicles, should conclude that he was narrowed with high growth. "

S. F. Platonov about Ivan III

"Ivan III, following the example of his ancestors, was the will, in which heded his possessions between the five sons. In form, this testament was similar to the old princely spiritual letters, but in fact, it finally established a new order of uniform in the Moscow state. Vasily Ivan III's senior son did directly with the sovereign over his brothers and he gave it to the present rights. Vasily received one 66 cities, and four of his brothers - only 30, and more than small. Vasily one had the right to beat the coin, to be demolished with other states; He inherited all the frauding lots of childless relatives; Only his children belonged to the Grand Diction, from which his brothers refused. Thus, Vasily was a sovereign, and his brothers and other relatives are subjects. Such is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe testament of Ivan III. "

Fun and instructive stories of the time of Ivan III and subsequent centuries

Legend of the Novgorod Veneer Bell

Above you already met the first, quite large fragment dedicated to the period of the Board of Ivan III. However, it was predominantly the questions of the personal lives of the Grand Duke and the inseparable relationship between the family, dynasty and the ruling states of the state. However, besides the life of personal, weakly illuminated in educational historical writings recent years - Why was the preference of these plots, - " Interesting story Russia "will introduce you to the motley mosaic of various stories, legends, the victims and jokes from the life of society - the life of cultural and household, spiritual and political.
First, let's talk about such, it would seem, bellish, besides that the Valdai Bell who had ever had in the summer, once famous for the whole of Russia.
His story begins with the time of Ivan III, therefore, the place is here here.
On why Valdai became the center of their manufacture, it tells such a legend: in 1478, Moscow rati Ivan III finally attached Novgorod to Moscow and as a sign that with the liberty of Mr. Veliky Novgorod, Ivan III ordered to remove the Evening Novgorod Bell and take him to Moscow.
However, on the road, near Valdaya, the bell fell out of Sanya and fell to the bottom of deep ravine. Falling on a steep slope, he broke on thousands of pieces, from which thousands of Yamsk Valdai bells were subsequently made.
However, this legend has another option belonging to friends-rivals Novgorod residents - Pskov.
According to their versions, everything that happened to the Novgorod Bells, it happened with his Pskov Council, but much later - in 1510. They argued that the Great Moscow Prince Vasily III ordered to tear the Evening Pskov Bell with Trinity bells. The executioner with a heavy hammer chopped his copper ears from the bell, through the suspended ropes. Then the bell was lucky at the Snovethogorsk house of the Church of John the Theologian and dropped to a dug hole in advance, as if the prisoner was in the dungeon concluded. And yet did not leave the bell alone and there: on the third day, the bell was immersed in Sani and were lucky to Moscow. Just did not take. On Valdai Sani with the bell met the servants of the Grand Duke Moscow Vasily III and ordered the bells into pieces, and slicing to scatter in all directions.
Everything was done. Yes, only on the autumn these pieces came to copper shoots - small bells. And they began to be called "Valdai".

"Dar Valdaya"

Let me tell you another story in which it is explained when and under what circumstances the expression "gift of Valdaya" appeared for the first time. It turns out that it belonged to Fyodor Nikolayevich Glinka (1786-1880) - a poet and a publicist, the author of many popular songs: "Here Troika Delia is rushing ...", "not heard the noise of urban ..." and others. In the first of them, the expression "gift of Valdaya" is found.
The text of the song was published in Russian Almanane for 1832-1833 in the form of a poem called "Troika", which is a fragment of a large verse "Sleep Russian in a foreign land." In the folk song interpretation, the text was different, Glinka himself wrote such quarters:

And rushing triple removed
In Kazan expensive pillars,
And the bell - the gift of Valdaya -
Buzzing, swinging under the arc.
Not every modern reader will also understand the expression " pull road" Thus, only large email paths were called along which the verst poles stood. From the name of the vest poles the road and was called "pillars".
And further. The bells were suspended most often under the arc of Yamchchitsky, Feldoteger and other speed triples. They were attached to the arc wire ring, which was called "ZGA". Hence the expression "Nor ZGI is not visible", meaning to complete darkness, when the pump or sedodes have not even seen this subliga ring.
Valdai, then the county city of the Novgorod province, named in the poem of Glinka because in the XIX century was famous for the production of Yam's bells.

Vasily Vasily Blessed - Yurody Claud

In the summer of 1469, from the Nativity of Christ in the near Moscow village of Seleok, where the Elokhovsky Cathedral was built much later, a boy called Vasily was born in the peasant family.
He was sacrificed since childhood, hardworking and divesed.
When Vasily grew up, his father sent him to Moscow and gave it to training for a shoemaker. One day a young and beautiful warrior drove to the master. He asked to make him boots from better skin, such that were worn for many years. The master promised to do everything in two weeks, and the customer gave him a good deposit.
As soon as the warrior left, Vasily sighed heavily, and then, smiling sadly, said: "His money will disappear."
The master was angry and replied: "Here, Vasyatka, do not take money in vain."
Vasily once again sighed and saying nothing in response, sadly looked at the owner.
The next day, both of them learned that the customer was suddenly died.
And a few times, to a considerable amazement knew him, the tarts turned out to be a prophet and clairvoyant. Nadmogota began to sit in a close room over the skin and rout, and once, bowing to the owner, Vasily left in the old scoring and barefoot on the church of the Holy Trinity, which stood over the Kremlin River, next to the Frolovsky Bridge. Here soon he found the fame of Yurodiva Christ for the sake of, that is, a blessed man who took over the humble larva of the disorder, but not Yeahood-madman, but, on the contrary, the sage. Yurodiv Icestari was honored in Russia, considering God's people who refused from all the benefits of life, from their own relatives, who were not afraid to speak the truth to anyone, estimated themselves hunger and cold.
Vasily was a clairvoyant and the negligent dishonest merchants who poured water into milk, and in flour - chalk into milk. He was not afraid of a boyar, neither the most terrible king Ivan Vasilyevich, and they, on the contrary, were afraid of the beggar of the prophet.
The glory of the blissful day of day grew, and Muscovites looked at him with fear and reverence. He is unusually built in the eyes of the people in June 1547, when it was Vasily for 78 years. On June 20, he saw hotly praying and loosely crying near the church of the Ascension Monastery, which was standing on an acute. (Now it is the street of Vozdvizhenka.) The prayer of Vasily was extremely long and extremely deeply seemed to all his grief.
The next day, a fire broke out in the Voznesensky monastery and at the same time began, as the chronicler reported, "the storm is Great, and the Fire of the Site of Lightning. It was the most ambitious of all the fires, which ever happened in the city.
The king fell from the Kremlin on the Vorobyev Mountain and watched, as his capital turned into ashes. After ten o'clock, Moscow burned down the dotley - not a single house left, the people died "no number."
Shortly after the fire, Vasily fell ill and on August 2, 1551 passed away. Ivan Grozny himself carried His coffin and commanded to bury the blessed in the Trinity Church, which is on the RB.
And in 1555, a new temple was launched over the grave of Vasily Blessed in honor of the conquest of Kazan, called the Pokrovsky Cathedral, which is on the RB.
After six years, the cathedral was built, but after 30 years, Muscovites began to call him the temple of Vasily blissful, because in 1588, Vasily Blessed was attached to the cathedral, who gave a new name to the entire Cathedral, which became generally recognized, although officially the temple is now called the Cathedral Pota of Our Lady.

The appearance of Mitkal and its further history

In the 15th century in Russia, the production of different fabrics was widely used by the Mitkal - a non-heated yarn used to obtain the crankshaker, sither and kumach.
To get the kneecore, the Mitkal bleached and impregnated with glue or starch. To create a litter, severe Mitkal painted. And in 1799, the first sieve-drawn manufactory arose in Moscow - Tregorik, existing in Moscow and today. At first, she belonged to the former peasant from the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra Vasily Ivanovich Prokhorov, the founder of the dynasty of textile manufacturers, who owned the enterprise until 1918, and therefore was called "Prokhorovskaya manufactory." If Mitkal painted in red or blue, then such a fabric was called "Kumach". This material appeared in Russia in the XVII century, and later the "Kumach" began to call only a red tissue.

Board of Vasily III Ivanovich

Boyar Romanovs

After the wedding, young spouses lived hoping for the appearance of the firstborn, but the Solomony of someone was not pregnant, and it plunged the spouses to the daughty sadness. Leaving from Moscow on monasteries with prayers about the gift of the heir, Vasily left his wife by the government and was looking forward to returning home. However, it was a year after year, and everything was not the heir.
And the Romanovs in all families of children were half a dozen, or even more. And although the main thing in the house - Zharia Ivanovich - Lord sent the Lord just two sons, but only one of them is Yuri - she knew Santa Zecharia with six grandchildren.
On June 14, 1500, Yuri Zaharich Lithuanian people broke on the banks of the River Deck, and from now on his star Zasali is unusually bright.
In November 1510, his son Mikhail Yuryevich Zaharin was sent at the head of the embassy to Lithuania on the eve of the brewing war between Russia and the Grand Durability Lithuanian.
Fearing the princes of Rurikovich's princes, Vasily III began to converge with old boyars, and above all with Zakharian-Yuriev. Mikhail Yuryevich in connection with this became a man more and more devoted to the most secret cases and the plans of Vasily III. One of these cases was the rusting of Vasily Ivanovich with the prisoner, but the powerful Kazan Khan from the home of Gireev - Abdyl-Letiph.
For a long time, this Han has been in Moscow captivity, whose fate constantly changed: he was the honorary prisoner, then the dominated prince. However, his position depended on the relations of Moscow with Kazan and Crimea, on the thrones of which the Native Brothers of Abdyl-Letifa were sitting.
Abdyl-Letif Rules Kashira, and another his brother - Kuydakul, in the baptism of Peter, was the son-in-law of Vasily III, marrying the sister of the Great Moscow Prince.
In the autumn of 1517, Vasily reported that Abdyl-Letif is going to kill him. There was no obvious evidence, and Vasily invited Tsarevich to hunt. He came and was immediately captured. Abdyl-letifa was noted that he came to hunt with a weapon. After the arrest, Khan was sent to Serpukhov, where Mikhail Yuryevich Zaharin took him. Upon arrival in Serpukhov, Zakharin arranged a feast, and the first toast was toast for Vasily Ivanovich. Abdyl-Letif could not refuse such a toy. However, the poison was added to the wine, from which Kazan Tsarevich immediately died. And this act Mikhail Yurevich was appreciated by Vasily Ivanovich.
After a year and a half after that, in January 1519, Zakharin, on behavilation of Vasily III, planted the Khan Shig-Alya to Kazan throne of Moscow. Mikhail Yuryevich Boyarian became for all this and for much more in 1521. And in 1523, when at the throne of the Kazan Khanate, as a result of complex intrigues in the House of Gires and in relations with Turkey, the hostile Rus Khan Saip-Garyre was, Mikhail Yurevich, headed at the chapter of the greatness of Rati under Kazan and laid the fortress of Vasilgrad on the Sura River, later called Vasilsursk. In the spring of next year, Mikhail Yuryevich, carrying out the second stage of the struggle for Kazan, took part in a campaign to the capital of hostile Khanate, commanding all Russian artillery.

N. M. Karamzin about Ivan III

"Inside the state, he not only established the unifiedness - until the time leaving the rights of the provinces of the provisions with one Ukrainian or former Lithuanian to keep the word and not give them a reason to treason, - but was the first, true self-container of Russia, forcing the alert, before sather Admiring charity, horrible anger, canceling private rights, dissent with the fatigue of the vengeance. The princes of the Rurikov and St. Vladimir tribe served him on a par with other subjects and were famous for the title of Boyar, Palendi, Ocolnichi, when he was famous, the minion was acquired by the service. Vasily Dark left the son of only four grand monastery boyars, butler, rally; John in 1480 had already 19 boyars and 9 okolnichi, and in 1495 and 1496 established the San State Treasurer, bedding, nursery, keen. The names of them fit into a special book for the notice of descendants. Everything has become hesitus or the sore state. Between the boyars are courtesy, or younger nobles, there were sons of princes and nobles. Chairming at the Cathedrals of Church, John Mostodino itself was the head of the clergy; Proud of intercourse with kings, the magnificent in the reception of their embassies, loved the magnificent solemnity; I installed the rite of the kissing of the monarch of the hand in the sign of flights, I wanted to rise with all the external ways to rise before people in order to act on the imagination; In a word, solving the secrets of autocracy, as it were, as it were, the earthly God for Russia, which since now began to surprise all other peoples, its infinite effect of the monarch. He was first given in Russia the name of the Terrible, but in the commendable sense: Grozny for enemies and plump smelles. However, without being tyrant, like his grandson, John Vasilyevich the second, he, no doubt, had natural cruelty in moral, who had a reason for reason. Rarely the founders of the monarchies are famous for non-sensitive sensitivity, and the hardness needed for the great cases of state, borders with the sirovost. They write that timid women have fainted from an angry, fiery gaze of John; that the petitioners were afraid to go to the throne; that Velmazby trembled and in the Palace in the Palace did not dare to whisper the words, nor to touch the scene when the sovereign, tired by the noisy conversation, dried by wine, dreamed for the whole clock at dinner; Everyone was sitting in deep silence, waiting for a new order to merge him and have fun. Already noticing the severity of John in punishments, add that the most noble officials, secular and spiritual, deprived of the Sana for crimes were not exempted from the terrible trade execution; So (in 1491) Massodily sequels of the Ukhtomsky Prince, nobleman Homutov and the former Archimandrite of the Chudovsky for a false diploma, composed by them on earth of the deceased Brother John.

The story is not a commendant word and does not represent the greatest husbands perfect. John as a person did not have any kind properties of neither monomach, nor Donskoy, but stands as a sovereign to the highest degree of magnitude. He seemed sometimes afraid, indecisive, because he wanted to always act carefully. This caution is generally prudence, it does not captivate us like generous courage, but the successes are slow, no matter how incomplete gives their creations. What left the world Alexander Macedonian? Glory. John left the state, an amazing space, a strong peoples, an even strongest government, then, who is now with love and pride in our homework. Russia Olegova, Vladimirov, Yaroslavov died in the invasion of the Mongols; Russia is formed by John, and the great powers are formed not by mechanical blinding parts, like mineral bodies, but excellent mind of the present. Already contemporaries of the first happy deeds of John were announced in history to His glory; The famous chronicler of Polish, Dlugosh, in 1480 he concluded his creation to the praise of Casimirov's enemy. German, Swedish historians of the sixth-tolerant century according to him the name of the Great, and the newests notice in it the dedication similarity with Peter first; Both, no doubt, are great, but John, including Russia into the general state system of Europe and the jealously borrowing art of educated peoples, did not think about the introduction of new customs, about the change of the moral nature of the subjects; I don't see also to be baked on the enlightenment of the minds of sciences, calling on artists to decorate the capital and for the success of military art, wanted the only splendor, forces; And other ingenians did not block the way to Russia, but the only thing that could serve as a tool in the business of embassy or trade: loved to express them only grace, as a decent great monarch, to honor, not to humiliate his own people. Not here, but in the history of Peter should be explored who, famous two Venzenztsev, enrolled prudently or agree with the true benefit of the Fatherland. "

N.M.Karamzin. History of Russian Goverment

Ivan III. Fall of Novgorod

The list of history is our acceptance of the dignity of truly state, describing no longer senseless fights of princely, but the acts of the kingdom acquiring independence and greatness. Bill disappears with our citizenship; The power is formed strong, as if new for Europe and Asia, who, seeing with surprise, offer it a famous place in their political system. Already, our unions and war have important goal: Each special enterprise is a consequence of the main thought as directed by the good of the Fatherland. The people are still touched in ignorance, in rudeness; But the government is already valid according to the laws of the mind of the enlightened. The best craftsmen are arranged, arts seemingly needed for the success and civilian success; Embassies of grand mining hurry to all the courtyards famous; Embassies ingenic one after the other are in our capital: the emperor, dad, kings, republics, the kings of Asian welcomed the monarch of Russian, glorious victories and conquests from the great-grandfather of Lithuania and Novagod to Siberia. Heat Greece refuses to us the remnants of their ancient greatness: Italy gives the first fruits of the arts born in it. Moscow is decorated with great buildings. The Earth reveals its subsoil, and we remove the precious metals with our own hands. Here is the content brilliant story John III, who had rare happiness rules forty-three years and was worthy of it, to conquer for the greatness and glory of Russians.

John on the twelfth year of life was combined with marriage with Marieu, Tver Princess; At the city already had a son, the name is also John, the nickname Junior, and twenty-second became a sovereign. But in the summer of arrangement, he expressed caution, characteristic of the minds mature, experienced, and to him natural: neither at the beginning, nor after he did not love bold leakage; waited for the case, elevated time; It was not quickly rushed to the goal, but moved to it measured steps, fearing equally and frivolous hotness and injustice, respecting the overall opinion and the rules of the century. The appointed fate to restore the uniform in Russia, he did not suddenly enter the great business and did not consider all means permissible. Moscow governors managed Ryazan; The juvenile prince of her, Vasily, was brought up in our capital: John in one word could attach him to the Great Prince, but did not want to prevail in Ryazan, giving him a little sister, Anna for him. Also recognized the independence of Tver, concluding an agreement with Shurin, Mikhail Borisovich, as with his brother and equal to him great Prince; I did not require any elderness; gave the word not to join Holy Savior House, not taking a tver nor Kashin from Khan, approved the boundaries of their possessions, as they were with Mikhail Yaroslavich. Son-in-law and Shurin agreed to act at the same time against Tatars, Lithuania, Poland and Germans; The second was obliged to not have any intercourse with the enemies of the first, with the sons of Shemyaki, Vasily Yaroslavich Borovsky and with Mozhaisk; but Grand Duke Promised not to patron the enemies of Tver. Mikhail Andreevich Veresky, according to the contract, gave way to John, some places from his lotion and recognized himself junior in relation to the smallest brothers; In other time, all the vintage rights of the prince of the power registered.

Pskovistan insulted John. Vasily Dark shortly before the death of his gave them in the governors, without their will, prince Vladimir Andreevich they accepted him, but did not love and soon kicked out: even wrapped and collided with the porch in the evening. Vladimir went to complain about Moscow, where after him arrived and boyars Pskov. Three days the Grand Duke did not want to see them; On the fourth headered apologies, I forgave and graciously dose to choose the prince. Pskovwistov elected Prince Zvenigorodsky, Ivan Alexandrovich: John approved him in this dignity and did more: he sent an army to them to punish the Germans for the violation of the world: for the inhabitants of Derpte were then planted by our merchants in the dungeon. This war, as usual, did not have important consequences. The Germans with a great shame fled from the advanced squad of Russian; And Pskovwist, having several guns, besieged Neigausen and through the Master of Livonsky soon concluded a truce for nine years, with the condition that the bishop Derptsky, according to ancient letters, would pay some tribute to the Great Prince, not rocking in the city either residents of Russian Sloboda nor our churches. Voevod John, Prince Fyodor Yuryevich, returned to Moscow, cherished gratitude to Pskovityan and gifts, which consisted of thirty rubles for him and fifty for all the former boyars with him.

Novogorov did not participate in this war and even clearly benevoled the Order: in his annoyance, Pskovistan was postponed from their archbishop, they wanted to have their own special saint and asked about the Grand Duke. Another Novgorod was in friendly intercourse with Moscow and her sovereign was listened: the prudent John responded to Pskovites: "In fact, I have to find out the opinion of Metropolitan and all Russian bishops. You and our older brothers, Novogorov, my father, complain about each other; They demanded from me the governor to humble you with a weapon: I did not tell them to think about sedes, nor delay your ambassadors on the way to me; I want silence and peace; I will righteous judgment between you. " Having said, made a peacemaker. Pskovites returned church lands by Archbishop ion and mutual swirls confirmed the ancient Union fraternal with the Novogorods. For several years, the clergy of Pskov, being very displeased by the board of the ions accused of carelessness and korestolubia, wanted to solve all church affairs on Nomocanon and with the consent of civil officials wrote a vessel for himself; But the Grand Duke was secondary for the ancient rights of the Archbishop: the diploma was destroyed, and everything remained, as it was.

Three years, John ruled peacefully and calmly, without having aroused the name of Dannik Ordinsky, but no longer requiring merciful labels from the Khan to the dignity of greatness and, as probably, not paying Dani, so King Ahmat, the Lord of the Volga uluses, decided to resort to weapons; Connected all the strength and wanted to go to Moscow. But happiness, favorable by John, erected the Horde on the Horde: Khan Crimean, Asi-Gire, met Ahmat on the banks of Don: The bloody war between them began, and Russia remained in silence, preparing for important feats.

In addition to external dangers and enemies, the young John was supposed to overcome the overall despondency of hearts within the state, some relaxation, the dormant of the state of state. Expired the seventh thousand years from the creation of the world in Greek chronologists: Superstition with her end was waiting and the end of the world. This unhappy thought, dominual in the minds, instilled in people indifference to the glory and the good of the Fatherland; The state yoke was less ashamed, the thoughts of independence were less captured, thinking that everything was not long. But the sad, the stronger acted on the heart and imagination. Eclipses, imaginary wonders were terrified by commoners more than ever. They assured that the Rostov Lake was afraid of all two weeks and did not allow to sleep with surrounding residents. There were important, valid disasters: from emergency cold and frosts disappeared bread in the fields; Two years, deep snow fell out in May month. Ulcer called chronicles iron, I was still looking for victims in Russia, especially in the Novogorovsk and Pskov possessions, where, if you believe the calculation of one chronicler, 250652 people died in two years; In one Novgorod 48402, in the monasteries about 8,000. In Moscow, in other cities, in villages and on the roads also died many people from this infection.

Sugging together with the people, the Grand Duke above was the misfortune to ignore the premature death of the young, gentle spouse, Mary. She died suddenly: John was then in Kolomna: his mother and Metropolitan buried her in the Kremlin Church of Ascension (where from the time of Vasily Dimitrievich began to bury the prinjoin). This unexpected death was attributed to the action of poison, the only because the body of the deceased suddenly echoed an unusual way. Suspected by the wife of the nobleman Alexei Prasievkov, Natalia, who, serving Mary, once sent her belt to some vigorous. The evidence of such incorrect did not convince the Grand Duke in the truth of the alleged villain; However, for six years Alexey Pickpievktov, she did not dare to show him.

The chroniclers are classified as the chronicles to be sorrowful, the fact that Theodosius, virtuous, zealous, left Metropolitan. Cause consistent. The piousness, fed by the thought of speeding light, contributed to the unlimited reproduction of temples and clergymen: any rich man wanted to have his church. The festivities walked in Deacons and in priests, seduced people not only with rude ignorance, but also depraved life. Metropolitan thought to stop Evil: Weekly gathered them, taught him, widowed the monks, Lyutricly deprived Sana and punished without mercy. The consequence was that many churches were empty without priests. There was a ropot on the Feodosia, and this shepherd is strict, but not very solid in the soul, with sorrows refused to reign. The Grand Duke urged his brothers, all bishops, spiritual dignitaries, who unanimously elected the Suzdal Saint, Philip, to Metropolitan; And Feodosius concluded in the miracle of the monastery and, taking into the Keliya to himself one lee, walked behind him until the end of his life, myself washing his strateps. Russians regretted the shepherd so pious and feared so that the sky does not execute them for insulting the Holy Husband.

Finally, John the company's military actions to dispel his sadness and excite the spirit of cheerfulness in the Russians. Tsarevich Kasim, formerly the faithful rust of Vasily Dark, received from him to the lot on the banks of the Oki Meshchersky town, named since that time Kasimov, lived there in abundance and peace of mind; had intercourse with the nobles of Kazan and, secretly invited to overthrow their new king, Ibrahim, his stepper, demanded the troops from John, who gladly saw the case to assign power over the danger of Kazan to calm our eastern borderssubject to the imposition of her predatory, warlike people. Prince Ivan Yuryevich Patrenkov and Stree-Obolensky spoke out of Moscow with the regiments: Kasim pointed it the way and thought to suddenly appear under the walls of the Ibrahimova capital; But the numerous Raint of the Kazan, who was led by the king, was already standing on the banks of the Volga and forced the Moscow Governor to go back. In the unfortunate autumn campaign, the Russians were very much from bad weather and rains, drowned in the mud, threw the armor, they worry their horses and themselves, without having bread, ate in the post meat (which could happen then the only thing in the terrible extreme). However, all alive and healthy returned. The king did not dare to chase them, but sent a detachment to Galich, where the Tatars could not make important harm: for the Grand Duke managed to take action, taking all cities of Border: Nizhny, Murom, Kostroma, Galich.

1468. Immediately another rail of Moscow with Prince Simeon Romanovich went from Galich to the Cheremis Earth (in the current Vyatka and Kazan province) through the dense forests, already filled with snow, and in the most cruel frosts. The commandment of the sovereign and hope to enrich the mining gave warriors to overcome all the difficulties. For more than a month, they were walking through forest deserts, without seeing nor settlements, nor the path before themselves: not people, but the animals lived on the wild banks of the winds, Usts, Kuma. Having entered into the Earth, the Cheremis, abundant bread and cattle - managed by its own princes, but the subject to Kazansky's consecutive king, the Russians destroyed everything that could not be in production; Cuts and people cut; Nibble not only villages, but also poor inhabitants, choosing anyone in prisoners. Our right of war was still ancient, barbaric; Any villainism in the enemy country was considered legal. "Prince Simeon reached almost to the Kazan itself and, without a battle, I spill a lot of blood, returned with the name of the winner. - Prince Ivan Stream-Obolensky kicked Kazan robbers from the Kostroma region. Prince Daniel Holmsky broke the other whip of them near Murom: Only a few escaped to escape to the dense forests, leaving his horses. Muromsians, Nizhny Novgorod devastated the banks of the Volga within the Ibrahimov kingdom.

John still wanted the furthest of the most important thing to tolerate the first failure and smit Ibrahim; Collected all the princes, Boyar himself led the army to the border, leaving a smaller brother in Moscow, Andrei. According to the ancient collap of our princes, he took with his own and the ten-year-old son of his own, in order to teach him in advance. But this campaign was not accomplished. Having learned about the arrival of Lithuanian, Kazimirov Ambassador, Yakov writings, that is, the secretary of state, John told him to be in Pereslavl and ride back to the king with the answer; And himself, unknown for what, returned to Moscow, sent from Vladimir only a small detachment for Kichmengu, where the Kazan Tatars Zhgley and robbed villages. Leaving the intention to personally leadership Ratiya, John gave the commandment of the voivods to go to the shores of Kama from Moscow, Galich, Vologda, Ustyug and Kichmengi with children of boyars and kozacs. The main bosses were Fleeve Moscow and Prince Ivan Zvelts Ustyugi. All connected in the land of Vyatka, under the boiler, and went by the shore of the river Vyatki, the land of the Cheremis, to Kama, Tluga and Tatar's transformation, from where they touched Kamou to White Volga, destroying all the fire and sword, killing, captive defenseless. Outping in one place 200 armed Kazan residents, Moscow's teams were ashamed to act against them with all their might and chose hunters who destroyed this crowd by taking the two of her bosses. There were no other battles: the Tatars who are familiar to the imposition in other people's lands were not able to defend their own. Intercepting a lot of rich merchant vessels on Kame, the Russians returned to the Great Perm to Ustyugu and to Moscow. - On the other hand, Nizhny Novgorod, Prince Fedor Chripun-Ryapolovsky, walked on Kazan, and, having met the Tsarist Bodyguards on the Volga, broke his head. Among the prisoners sent to John to Moscow, there was a famous prince Tatar, where Berdea.

But Kazan between those assigned their domination over Vyatko: the strong army; Having entered into its limits, it was frightened by the inhabitants that they, without having a big diligence to the states of Moscow, was announced without resistance to themselves by the subjects of Tsar Ibrahim. This light conquest was fragile: Kazan could not fight Moscow.

1469 In the next spring, John the enterprise put the most important blow to the kingdom. Not only the courtyard of great cities and all the valves, but also Moscow merchants, together with other residents of the capital, armed under the special bosses of Prince Peter Vasilyevich Obolensky-Nazhogi. Prince Konstantin Alexandrovich Uzubtsev, and the location of Nizhny Novgorod was appointed the chief leader. Shelves sat on the ships in Moscow, in Kolomna, in Vladimir, Suzdal, Murom. Dmitrovtsy, Mozhaytsy, Uglich, Rostovtsy, Yaroslavl, Kostromichi sailed Volga; Other by the eye, and at the same time came together at the mouth of these two majestic rivers. Such a famous ship militia was a spectacular curious for Northern Russia, which has not yet been similar to the like.

Already the Chief Voivode, Prince Konstantin, having made general orders, was preparing to go further; But John, suddenly changed his thoughts, wrote to him so that he remains until time in the Nizhny Novgorod and only light detachments made up from hunters, worried the enemy land on both sides of the Volga. Chronicles do not affect what John prompted to But the reason seems clear. Tsarevich Kasim, the culprit of this war, died: his wife, the mother of Ibrahimov, took the bow to the Son to friendship with Russia, and the Grand Duke hoped without important effort Military to achieve their goal and humble Kazan. It happened wrong.

The governor declared the princes and officials to the Sovereign: they unanimously responded: "We all want to execute the wrong" - and with his permission immediately went, according to the expression then, search for coarsehaving more jealousy than prudence; Raised sails, starred from the anchor, and the marina soon emptied. Voivode remained in the lower almost without troops and did not even choose the chief boss for them. They themselves saw the need for this: sailing to the place of the old Nizhny Novagorod, they sent a prayer in the Church of the Transfiguration there, they were singing alms and in the general advice they chose Ivan Rune to leaders. They were not ordered to go to Kazan; But Runo did in his own way: without losing time, hurried to the royal capital and, before the dawn, hesitated from the courts, rapidly hit her posad with a cry and pipe sound. Morning dawn barely illuminated the sky; Kazan still slept. Russians without resistance entered the streets, robbed, cut; They freed the admissions of the captives of Moscow, Ryazan, Lithuanian, Vyatskiy, Ustyug, Permian and burned offended from all sides. Tatars with a precious her estate, with wives and children locked in homes, were the victim of the flame. After turning into ashes, everything that could burn, Russians, tired, burdensome mining, retreated, sat down on the ships and went to the Korovniyonea Island, where they stood for a whole week without anything: what Reno brought the suspicion of treason. Many thought that he, using the horror of the Tatar, through the flame and smoke, intended to enter the city, but she took the shelves from the attack to secretly take the OKUP from the king. At least no one understood what this governor, having the glory of the mind unusually, spends time; Why not act or is not deleted with mining and prisoners?

It was easy to foresee that the king would not sleep in his, circle of the burned capital: Finally, the Russian captive, ranging out of Kazan, brought the news to our, that Ibrahim joined all the shelves of Kamsky, Syrovsky, Kostyatsky, Belovolzhsky, Vyatyatsky, Bashkir and preparing the next morning Acrossing the Russians to the Russians and Ship Rati. Moscow's governors were in a hurry to take action: they took away young people and sent them with large courts to Irikhov Island, did not drive them to go to the narrow place of the Volga; And they themselves remained on the shore, to keep the enemy, which really came out of the city. Although young people did not obey the governor and became part of the target in a narrow duct, where the enemy cavalry could shoot them, however, he courageously beat her. Voivpends were equally successfully fighting with the boats of Kazan and, having tried to the city, joined with their big ships from Irichova Islands, Slavs Victory and the Sovereign.

Here the chief of the governor arrived at them, Prince Konstantin Uzubets, from Nizhny Novagorod, mines that they, in the opposition of John's intention, approached Kazan. Successful success served them with justification: Konstantin wanted more important: sent the messengers to Moscow, with a guarantee of what happened, and in Vyatka, with the command that her residents immediately went to him under Kazan. He still did not know their cunning. John, sent in the spring of the main rhe to the lower, at the same time ordered the prince of Daniel Yaroslavl with the detachment of children of Boyari and with the regiment of Ustyugan, and to another governor, saburov, with a magician to swim on ships to Vyatka, take all people coming to the rated case there And to go to the king of Kazan. But the rulers of Vyatka cities, dreaming of their ancient independence, responded to Daniel Yaroslavl: "We told the king that we would not help any great prince against him, nor against the Grand Duke; We want to keep the word and stay at home. " They were then the Embassy of Ibragimov, who immediately gave to Kakazan, that Russians from Ustyug and Vologda go to its limits with small forces. Reficuring in the help of the prince Yaroslavl, Vyatchan refused to the toothless, but invented only a different pretext, saying: "When the brothers of the Grand Duke will go to the king, then we will go." For about a month, it is vainly waiting for the regiments of Vyatka, without having to lead from Prince Yaroslavsky and starting to endure a lack of edible supplies, the Voivod of Uzabets went back to the bottom. On the way, I was met by the widowing Queen of Kazan, the mother of Ibrahimov, and said that the Grand Duke let her go with the Cement and with Milostia; That war will cease and that Ibrahim will satisfy all the requirements of John. Soothed with her words, our governors are located on the beach celebrating Sunday, serve lunch and saw. But suddenly it seemed to Raint Kazan, ship and equestrian. Russians barely managed to make. Fought until the night; Kazan courts retreated to the nasty shore, where she stood cavalry, launching arrows in our, who did not want to beat on a dry path, and spent the night on the other side of the Volga. The next morning, neither those nor others thought to resume battle; And the prince of the toothless fell safely to the bottom.

Not so happy was the prince of Yaroslavsky. Seeing the disobedience of Vyatchan, he decided to go without them, in the vicinity of Kazan to connect with Muscovy Rati. Notified of his campaign, Ibrahim stole Volga by the courts and put on the banks of Connitsa. There was a battle, memorable by courage mutual: grabbed hands, seeds with swords. The main from the leaders of the Moscow fell dead; others were injured or captured; But the prince of Vasily Ukhtomsky defeated the numerous to the courage: he joined the Ibrahimov vessels, he broke the enemies of the frost and the ripe to the river. Ustyuzhan, together with him having a rare continuousness, made his way through the Kazan residents, reached NOVAGOROD Nizhnya and gave to know about Tom John, who, as a sign of special favor, sent them two golden money And several caftans. Ustyuzhan gave moneyhis Jeauca, telling him: "Pray to God for the sovereign and an Orthodox person; And we are ready to continue to fight. "

1469. Deeted by flattering promises of the Ibrahimova Mother, displeased and our warlords, John the new campaign in the same autumn, handing the leadership to his brothers Yuri and Andrei. The whole courtyard is a grandnya and all the princes Servic were with them. Among the most important governors of the chronicles refer to the prince of Ivan Yurevich Patrekeev. Daniel Kholmsky led an advanced regiment; The numerous rhine was dry by dry, the other sailed the Volga; Both were approached Kazan, broke the Tatars in the college, took water from the city and forced Ibrahim to conclude the world on the whole will Moskovsky's sovereign: That is, fulfill all his requirements. He returned freedom to our prisoners taken over forty years.

This feat was the first of the famous success of the State party of John: the second had even more favorable consequences for the power of great-resistant within Russia. Vasily Dark returned the Novogorods Torzok: But other lands taken away from them from the son of Donsky, Vasily Dimitrievich, remained for Moscow: not yet confident in the hardness of John the character and even doubting it in the first actions of this prince, marked moderation, peaceful, they decided to be brave In Hope, it seems to him terrible, humiliate the pride of Moscow, restore the ancient rights of its liberty, lost excessive concession of their fathers and grandfathers. With SI, the intention began the case: captured many income, land and water prince; They took the oath from the inhabitants only by name NOVAROGOD; despised ioannic governors and ambassadors; the authorities of the Wern took noble people into custody on the settlement, the place not subject to the People's Administration; Did the insult to the Muscovites. The sovereign several times demanded satisfaction from them: they were silent. Finally came to Moscow Novogorodskaya Postener, Vasily Ananin, with ordinary cases of the Zemski; But there was no word in response to the complaints of John. "I don't know anything," said Postener Boyars Moscow, "Veliky Novgorod did not give me any about that commandments." John let go of this official with such words: "Tell me the Novogorodtsam, my hearth, so that they, recognizing their guilt, corrected; my earth and water did not fit, my name kept honestly and terrible in antiquity, fulfilling the vow of the godfather, if they want a patronage and grace from me; Tell me that the patience is the end and that mine will not continue. "

The Grand Duke at the same time wrote to the Pskovians faithful to him so that they, in the event of the further rapidness of the Novogorodtsev, were preparing to act with him against these silence. His governor in Pskov was then Prince Feodor Yuryevich, the famous governor, who with the Moscow buddy defended this area into the last war with the Germans: from the excellent respect for his particular Pskovistan gave him a vessel right in all twelve their suburbs; And Dotole Princes was tried and ran out only in seven: Other depended on the people's power. Boyar Moskovsky, Selivan, presented to Pskovites to the diploma of John. They themselves had different annoyance from Novogorodsev; However, following the suggestions of Prudence, sent to them the embassy with a proposal to be peacekeepers between them and the Grand Duke. "We do not want to bow to John and NS ask your petition," the rulers were responsible: "But if you are conscientious and our friends, they are armed for us against Moscow's self-leveling." Pskovites said: "We will see" - and gave to know the great prince that they were ready to help him with all their might.

1470 Meanwhile, according to the leadership of the chroniclers, there were terrible signs in Novgorod: a strong storm broke the cross of the Sofia Church; Ancient Kherson bells in the monastery on Khutene themselves made a sad sound; Blood was on coffins, and so on. People quiet, peace-loving trembles and prayed to God: others laughed at them and imaginary wonders. The frivolous people more than ever dreamed of the charms of freedom; I wanted a cramped alliance with Casimir and accepted from him the Voyage, Prince Mikhail Oleolkovich, who, Simeon, dominated then in Kiev with Cement and Glavoy, like the ancient princes of Vladimirov TribeAs the chronicles say. Many Panov and Vityazy Lithuanian arrived with Mikhail in Novgorod.

In this time, the Novogorodsky Vladyka Ion died: the people elected the phyophile protodacon's archbishops, which could not go to Moscow for delivery without the consent of John, Nikita, asked about the Grand Prince, his mother and Metropolitan. John Dal dangerous diploma For the arrival of Feofilov. In the capital and, peacefully released ambassadors, told him: "Theophil, you are elected; will be accepted with dear and put in the Archbishop; I do not break any ancient customers and is ready to complain of you how my father-in-law, if you sincerely recognize your guilt, not forgetting that my ancestors were called great princes Vladimirsky, Noovagoda and All Russia"1471 Ambassador, returning to Novgorod, announced the people about the gracious arrangement by John. Many citizens, the most significant officials and the nassed archbishop of Feofil wanted to use the SIM case. To stop the dangerous react with the Grand Duke; But soon the rebellion was opened, for a long time there was no folk powder.

Contrary to the ancient customers and the Nravam Slavyansky, who removed the female sex from all participation in the affairs of citizenship, the wife proud, ambitious, the widow of the former Planting Isaac Words, the mother of two sons of adults, the name of Marfa, the enterprise to solve the fate of the Fatherland. Cunning, bodies, knowledge, wealth and luxury delivered it a way to act on the government. Folk officials converged in her magnificent or, at that time, wonderful The house is to appear and consult about the affairs of the most important. So, St. Zosima, the igumen of Solovetsky's monastery, complaining in Novgorod to the insults of the Dvino residents, especially the Boyars's local tickets, was to seek the patronage of Martha, which had rich villages in Dvina land. At first, deceived by slanders, she did not want to see him; But after, having learned the truth, I shoved Zosima with caresses, invited to my dinner with people a more profitable and gave Solovetsky Monastery of the Earth. Not satisfied with universal respect and the fact that the Grand Duke, as a sign of special grace, granted her son, Dimitri, to the notable rank of Boyari Moscow, this proud wife wanted to release Novgorod from the power of John and, according to the confidence of chroniclers, marry some kind Welject Lithuanian to dominate with him, named Kazimirov, over his fatherland. Prince Mikhail Oleelkovich, who served her a few time to the gun, lost her favor and left her back to Kiev, robbing Rus. This case argued that Novgorod could not expect a diligence or loyalty from Lithuanian princes; But Boretskaya, opening his house for noisy hitmut, since the morning I was silent by Casimir, convincing citizens in the need to look for his protection against John's imaginary. Among the zealous friends of the landanis was the Monk Pimen, the Archbishop Klyuchnik: he hoped to care the place of the ions and poured into the people the money from the treasury of the saint, cruelled. The government reduced the fact that concluding this cunning ink to the dungeon, charged 1000 rubles from him. Worried as ambiguity and evil, Pimen slander on the elected Lord of the Feofila, on Metropolitan Philip; He wanted to join the Novogorodskaya diocese for Lithuania and, caressing herself to get the San Archbishop from Gregory Kiev, Isidores a student, helped Martha advice, goat, money.

Seeing that the Boyharin Nikita embassy made the impression in the people, the opposite of her intention, and placed many citizens to a friendly approach with the state-owned Moscow, Marfa enterprise act resolutely. Her sons, brushes, like-minded people, surrounded by the numerous host of people bribed, appeared in the evening and solemnly said that it was time to manage with John; that he is not a sovereign, but the villain of them; that Veliky Novgorod is the lord of himself: that the residents of his essence free people and not oSIS Princes of Moscow; that they need only a patron; That SIM patron will be Casimir and that is not Moscow, and Kiev Metropolitan must give Archbishop of St. Sophia. Loomatic exclamation: "We do not want John! Long live Casimir! " - served as a conclusion of their speech. The people were brighted. Many took the side of the Wings and shouted: "May Moscow will disappear!". Primary dignitaries, old landans, thousands, living people wanted to form frivolous fellow citizens and said: "Brothers! What are you plotting? Change Rus and Orthodoxy? to give in to the king in stock and demand the saint from the heretic of Latin? Remember that our ancestors, Slavs, voluntarily called Rurik from the Earth Varangian; that more than six hundred years of his descendants legally reinforced on the throne of the Novogorod; What we owe the true faith with Saint Vladimir, from which the Grand Duke John takes place, and that the Latin of Dynam was hated for us. " Mulphine like-minded people did not give them; And the servants and mercenaries threw her in them, called the elder bells, ran through the streets and shouted: "We want for the king!" Others: "We want to Moscow Orthodox, to the Great Prince John and to his father, Metropolitan Philippe!" For several days, the city represented a painting of terrible excitement. Announced Vladyka Feofil jealously contradict the efforts of marfic friends and spoke to them: "Or do not change Orthodoxy, or will never be a shepherd of apostates: I go back to the humble Kelia, from where you learned me on the disgrace." But wrestling overwhelmed, mastered the board and destroyed the fatherland, as the victim of their passions of personal. It was accomplished that the conquerors of Lithuanian and what Novgorod was stated sometimes by the states of Moscow: he succumbed to Casimir, voluntarily and solemnly. The action is unplanned: although this area had special charters and liberty, data, as is known, Yaroslav the Great; However, it was always part of Russia and could not proceed to the innings without treason or without a violation of indigenous state laws based on natural law. The numerous embassy went to Lithuania with rich gifts and with a proposal so that Casimir was the head of the Novogorod Power on the basis of the ancient charters of its civil liberties. He accepted all the conditions and wrote the certificate of the following content:

« Fair The king of Polish and Prince Great Lithuanian concluded a friendly alliance with the confused lord of Feofil, with enjoyment, thousands of novorvodski, with boyars, people, merchants, and with all the great Nadgorod; And for the contract were in Lithuania Posadner Dimitri Isakovich (Boreletsky) ... From the people of residents of Panfil Selifontovich, Kirill Ivanovich ... to give you a honest king, the great Novgorod to this godfather and keep his governor of Greek faith on the settlement, together with the butler And Tiuno, who have no more than fifty people with them. The governor is to judge with the landworker on the courtyard of Archbishopsky as a boyars, living people, younger citizens and rural residents, according to the true, and not to demand anything but the vessel legitimate fee; But in the judgment of the thousands, Lord and the monasteries did not join. The butler to live on the settlement in the palace and collect your income together with the landanner; And Tyunu should be done with our bailiffs. If the Moscow Sovereign goes war to Veliky Novgorod, then you, Mr., Honest King, or in your absence, Rada Lithuanian give us ambulance. - Rzhev, Great Lukes and the Horms and Horms remain the lands of the Novogorod; But they pay tribute to you, honest king. - Novogorod sues in Lithuania according to yours, Litvin in Novgorod according to our laws without any oppression ... In Ruse you will have ten salt varnaries; And for the court you get there in other places, which since the sincerversion is established. You, honest king, do not withdraw people from us, not to buy neither village, nor slaves and not take them as a gift, nor the queen, nor Panam Lithuanian; And we do not hone legitimate duties. Ambassadors, governors and people who do not take the supply in the land of the Novogorodskaya, and its volost can be manageable only by our own officials. - In Luki there will be yours and our Town: Toropetsky not judge in the Novogorod's possessions. In Tyuno and Wolf, have Tiuna; From our part there will be a landan. - The merchants Lithuanian traded with the Germans are the only one through the Novogorovsky. The courtyard German is not impressed with you: you can not wove it. "You, honest king, should not touch our Orthodox faith: where we want, there and dedicate to our Lord (in Moscow or in Kiev); And the Roman churches do not bet anywhere in the Novogorbaya land. - if you reconcile us with the great prince of Moscow, then from gratitude to give you all the folk tribute, gathered annually in the Novogorod regions; But in other years do not require it. - In approval of the True Agreement, the cross to the great novelty for all his principality and for the whole Rada Lithuanian really without fail, and our ambassadors kissed the cross Novogodaria soul To the honest king for the great Novgorod. "

And so this people frivolous even wished the world with Moscow, thinking that John would be afraid of Lithuania, he would not want bloodshed and would be able to captivate the oldest principality of Russian. Although the governors of Moscow, who would witness the celebration of Marfins of Championships, no longer had any participation in the local government, but well lived on the settlement, notifying the Grand Prince about all incidents. Despite his obvious retreat from Russia, Novogorov wanted to seem moderate and fair; Served that from John depends on the other of the Holy Sofia; It was the courtesy of his boyars, but sent a Suzdal Prince, Vasyl Shuisky-Comb, to boss in Dvina Earth, fearing so that Moskovskaya did not take possession of some important item for them.

Another way to consume the last peace-loving agent, the Grand Duke sent to Novgorod a prudent official, Ivan Fedorovich Cbydov, with such a guarantee: "Novogorodsky people! Rurik, St. Vladimir and the Great Vsevolod Yuryevich, my ancestors who commanded you; I inherited this right: I regret you, keeping, but I can execute for the bold breathlessness. When did you share Lithuania? Nowadays it is an innumerable, breaking the sacred vows. I did not argue you and demanded the only ancient lawful Dani. You changed me: God's execution over you! But I am also a mell, not by loving bloodshed, and is ready to kind, if you return to the village of Fatherland. " At the same time, Metropolitan Philip wrote to them: "I hear about the mute and split yours. A poor and one person is to evade the path of the right: still awful to the whole people. Threshing, and the terrible sickle of God, secorabled by the Prophet, will not reach the chapter of the sons of witnesses. Recall the spent in Scripture: fucking sin Yako warrior; Run from charms, Smya from the face of Zmini. Sia charm There is Latin: she cares you. Did the example of Constantinople have not proved its disgusting action? The Greeks reigned, the Greeks were famous for piety: connected with Rome and serve now the Turks. You were accustomed to the firm hand of John: not evasively Holy Great Starina And do not forget the words of the apostle: God boyfriend, and prince honor. - Smirriti, and God of the world may be with you! " - These guides were useless: Martha with his friends did what she wanted in Novgorod. The frightened daring them, people are prudent in houses and silent in the evening, where the clutches or mercenaries of the wrestlers were shining: "Novgorod sovereign to us, and the king patron!" In a word, the chronicles compare the state of this folk powder with ancient Jerusalem, when God is preparing to betray him in the hands of Titov. Passion was dominated by the mind, and the Council of the rulers seemed to be a sleep of conspirators.

The Moscow Ambassador returned to the sovereign with the assurance that he was not words and not letters, but one sword could humor the Novogorodsev. The Grand Duke expressed the bitterness: still reflected, consulted with his mother, with Metropolitan and called in the capital of brothers, all bishops, princes, boyars and the governor. On the appointed day and hour they gathered in the palace. John went to them with a sad face: he opened the State Duma and suggested her to the court to gradiate Novogorodsev. Not only a boyars and governors, but the saint responded unanimously: "Sovereign! Take weapons in hand! " Then John said a decisive word: "Let the war be!" - And I also wanted to hear the opinion of the Council about the time more favorable for it, saying: "Spring has already arrived: Novgorod is surrounded by water, rivers, lakes and swamps impassable. Great quays, my ancestors were afraid to walk there with a troops in the summer, and when we went, they lost many people. " On the other hand, the hasty promised benefits: Novogorov did not make it to war, and Casimir could not give them a help soon. They decided not to slow, in the hope of mercy of God, on happiness and wisdom of John. This state has already enjoyed the general power of attorney: Moskvites were proud of them, praised his justice, hardness, insufficiency; called the lover of the sky, the ruler of the GodsBracted; And some new sense of state majesty settled in their soul.

John sent folding diploma To the Novogorodtsam, announcing them with the calculus of all their auditations, and a militia arranged for several days: I convinced Mikhail Tver to act with him at the same time and told Pskovites to go to the novels with the Moscow Voivodo, Prince Meodor Yuryevich Shuisky; Ustyuzhanam and Vyatchamam in Dvina land under the superior of two governors, Vasilla Fedorovich sample and Boris Tyutchev; Daniel Holmsky's prince with children of boyars from Moscow to Ruse, and Prince Vasilyo Ivanovich Obolensky-Stree with Tatar Connection to the shores of the Musta.

These detachments were only advanced. John, following the usual, he hand out alms and prayed over the coffins of the holy worships and the ancestors of his own; Finally, having accepted the blessing from Metropolitan and Bishops, sat down on the horse and led the main army from the capital. With him were all the princes, boyars, the nobles of the Moscow and Tatar Tsarevich Daniyar, the son of Casimov. The son and brother of the Grand Duke, Andrei Little, remained in Moscow: other brothers, princes Yuri, Andrei, Boris Vasilyevichi and Mikhail Veresky, led to his squads, went different paths to the Novogorodsky borders; And Verovod Tverskaya, Prince Yuri Andreyevich Dorogoguzhsky and Ivan Life, connected with John in Torzhok. Starting terrible devastation. On the one hand, the Voivod Holmsky and Raint the Grand Duct, with another Pskovistan, joining the Novogorodskaya land, they destroyed all the fire and sword. Smoke, flame, bloody rivers, moan and scream from the East and West carried to the shores of Ilmen. The Moskvatsean was eaten incostended: Novogorov-traitors seemed to them worse than Tatars. There was no mercy of any poor farmers or women. Chronicles notice that the sky, favoring John, was dried by all the swamps; That from Mai until September of the month, no rain drops fell to the ground: Zybi was reassigned; The army with interses had a way free and challenged cattle in the forests, Dotole impassable.

Pskovites took the stepmy. Holmsky drew into the ashes of Rus. Without waiting for the war in the summer and attacks so friendly, strong, Novogorov sent to say the great prince that they wish to enter into negotiations and demand from him dangerous diploma For her officials who are ready to go to him in the mill. But at the same time, Martha and like-minded people tried to assure fellow citizens that one happy battle can save their freedom. Hurried to arm all people, will and invisibility; Craftsmen, gonchars, carpenters dressed in armor and planted on horseback: others on ships. The infantry was ordered to swim by the Lake Ilmen to Ruse, and Connection, much numerous, go there by the shore. The Kholmsky stood between Ilman and Russo, on the Korostny: the infantry Novogorskaya approached secretly to his mill, came out of the courts and, without waiting for the horse troops, rapidly hit the militant Moskvatians. But Holmsky and Comrade His, Boyar Feodor Davidovich, the bravery called his negligence: put on the spot of 500 enemies, dispelled the rest and with a cruel-trial characteristic of the then century, ordered to cut off the noses, lips, sent them distorted in Novgorod. Moskvites threw all the lats into the water, helmets, enemy shields, taken into mining, saying that the army of the Grand Duke is rich in their own armor and has no need for a change.

Novogorods attributed this intiction to the fact that the horse's horse is not connected with infantry and what is special regiment Archbishopsky He renounced the battle, saying: "Vladyka Ferofil forbade us to raise a hand on the Grand Duke, and ordered only with the wrong Pskov." Wanting to fool John, Novogorodsky officials sent the second ambassador to him, with the assurance that they were ready for the world and that their army had not yet operated against Moscow. But the Grand Duke had already had the news about the victory of the Holmsky and, becoming on the shore of Lake Kolomna, ordered this governor to go for the row towards the Pskovsians and together with them to the novelty: Mikhail, the Veresky deposit the town of Demon. At the very time, when Holmsky thought to reclamation on the other side of the river, he saw the enemy so numerous that the Moskvites were amazed. They were 5,000, and Novogorod residents from 30,000 to 40,000: For their friends of the Borestors still managed to dial and send several regiments to strengthen their equestrian rails. But the governors of John, saying a squad: "It is time to serve the sovereign; do not borrow or three hundred thousand rebels; For us, the Lord Almighty, I rushed at the horses in Schend, with a steep shore and in a deep place; However, none of the Muscovites doubted to follow their example; Nobody drowned; And everything, safely moved on the other side, rushed into battle with the exclamation: Moscow!The Novogorodsky chronicler says that the compatriots beat him courageously and forced the Muscovites to retreat, but that the cavalry of Tatar, who was in the ambush, the inappropriate attack upset the first and decided the case. But on other news, the Novogorod residents did not stand either: the horses of them, gazed by arrows, began to shoot down riders from themselves; The horror was unaware of the governor of the unimustal and the army inexperienced; turned the rear; Rank without memory and trampled each other, persecuted, exterminated by the winner; Tired horses, rushed into the water, in Tina Bolotnaya; did not find ways in their forests, tone or died from the Russian Academy of Sciences; Others slipped by NOVAGORD, thinking that he was already taken by John. In the madness of fear, they seemed to be an enemy everywhere, a cry was heard everywhere: Moscow! Moscow!On the space of twelve, the regiments of the Grand Ducts drove them, they killed 12,000 people, took 1,700 captives, and including the two most significant landans, Casimir Vasily with Dimitri Isakov Worsechik; Finally, tired, returned to the place of battle. The Kholmsky and Boyar Feodor Davidovich, a pipe sound entitled to the victory, came up with his horses, was attached to the images under the banners and glorified the grace of the sky. Boyarsky Son, Ivan Zamnya, was in a hurry to inform the sovereign, who was then in Jelboy, that one advanced detachment of his troops decided the fate of NOVAGOROD; that the enemy is exterminated, and Raint of the Moscow Tsev. This Bulletin presented John the negotiable diploma of Novogorodsev with Kazimir, found in their travel between other papers, and even presented a man who wrote him. With any joy, the Grand Duke listened to the news of the victory, with such indignation I was read by this rule of the charter, a monument of the Novogorodskaya treason.

Holmsky has not yet seen the enemy rattles and could freely empty the village to the Narov or German limits. The town of Demon surrendered to Mikhail Veresky. Then the Grand Duke sent dangerous diploma To the Novogorodians with their boyar, Luko, agreeing with them to contracts; Arrived in Rus and revealed an example of a rigor: ordered to cut off the heads of the most notable prisoners, Boyars Dmitry Isakov, Marphine Son, Vasilya Selezenyev-Gup, Cylersea Arbouzev and Jeremiah Suchchecchuchka, Archbishop Czhannik, zealous lithuania favors; Casicer Vasily, Matthew Selezenov and others sent to Kolomna came chains; Some in the darkness of Moscow; And without any punishment released in Novgorod, connecting mercy with the thunderstorm of revenge, distinguishing the main active enemies of Moscow from people of weak, which served them only to the gun. Deciding in this way, the fate of the captives, he is located in the mouth of Shegon.

To this very day, a new victory was crowned with a high-grade weapon in remote limits of the cloud. Moscow governors, sample and Boris Blind, led by Ustyuzhany and Vyzychan, on the shores of Dvina fought with Prince Vasily Shui, faithful to the rug of the Novogorodskaya Freedom. It consisted of it from twelve thousand Dvinsky and Pechersk residents: John only of four. The battle lasted a whole day with great allocations. By killing three Dvini Znamenonovsky, the Moskvites took the Zhorugv Novogorodskaya and in the evening the enemy defeated. Prince Shuisky wounded could barely be saved in the boat, fled to Kolmogora, from there in Novgorod; And the governors of John, mastering all Dvinskoye earth, led residents to the citizenship of Moscow.

She passed about two weeks after the Shelon battle, which produced in the Novogorods an unfinished horror. They hoped for Casimir and were looking forward to the news from their ambassador sent to him through the Livonia, with an effort to require the king to hurry to protect them; But this ambassador returned and with Sorrow announced that Master of the Order did not let him in Lithuania. There was no time to have help nor the strength to resist John. Another inner treason has opened. Someone, with the name of the fallen, secretly kindly, the great prince, with like-minded people with its one night I became iron 55 guns in Novgorod: the rulers were executed by this man; Despite all the misfortunes, they wanted to defend themselves: I burned the pans, do not spare churches, nor monasteries; established a permanent guard: day and night armed people went through the city to curb the people; Others stood on the walls and towers, ready for battle with Muscovites. However, how peacefully began to express more courage, proving that persistence is useless; Obviously accused friends of Martha in adherence to Lithuania and said: "John in front of us; And where is your casimir? " The city, embarrassed by the Grand-Perfect detachments and filled with many aliens who were looking for asylums from Moskvatians there, suffered a lack of edible supplies: the high cost increased; rye was not at all on the trading: the rich was fed on wheat; And the poor cried that the rulers of them are insanely annoyed by John and started the war, without thinking about the consequences. The news of the execution of Dimitri Boretsky and his comrades made it a deep impression of both the people and in officials: no one from the great princes daring solemnly execute the paramount proud boyar Novogorodsky. The people argued that the times changed; The sky is patronized by John and gives him courage together with happiness: what this sovereign is redefined: a punishment and lovers; What is better to escape humility than to die from stubbornness. Noble dignitaries saw the sword over their head: in this case, rare sacrifice the right security rule or image of thoughts. The most diligent of the friends of Marphine, those who hated Moscow on zealous love for the liberty of the Fatherland, silence or language of moderation wanted to deserve the forgiveness of John. Marfa was streyled to act on the minds and hearts, exciting them against the Grand Duke: the people saw in her the main chain of this distressive war; He demanded bread and peace.

Holmsky, Pskovwist and John himself were preparing to overtake Novgorod from different sides to make the last blow: not much time remained for reflection. Santers, citizens unanimously offered to the confused Archbishop of Feofil to be a petition of the world. This reasonable inhibition with many posters, the thousands and people of all five ends went on ships by Lake Ilmen to the mouth of Sheloni, in the town of Moscow. Not daring suddenly to appear the sovereign, they went to his nobles and asked them to intercessors: Welmizes asked the John brothers, and the brothers of John himself. In a few days, he dialing the ambassadors to become his own. Ferofil, along with many spiritual specialists and the most significant officials, Novogorovskiy, joining the tent of the grandmond-free, fell on NIC, was solent, shed tears. John, surrounded by Sonm Boyar, had a kind of formidable and harsh. "Mr. Prince Great! - said Feofil: - Rolie his anger, wing rage; Meach us, criminals, not for the praying of our, but for our mercy! Ugashi Logn, the scorching country Novogorovskaya; Hold the sword, damping the blood of its inhabitants! " John took with him from Moscow of one scientist in the Chronicles of Deca, the name of Stephen bearded, which was supposed to calculate all the ancient treason to the norogornosorous ambassadors; But the ambassadors did not want to justify and demanded the only mercy. Here, the brothers and the governors of John hit the person for the people guilty; Pray for a long time, relentless. Finally, the sovereign is clear the word of generous forgiveness, following how the chronicles assure, the suggestions of Christian people's humanity and the advice of Metropolitan Philip pardon the Novogorodtsev, if they are repent; But we see here a personal action, cautious politics, the moderation of this rule, which was: don't reject good for the bestnot quite faithful.

The Novogorod residents promised to contribute to the treasury of high-rise 15,500 rubles in the treasury or about the extreme silver powder, in different times, from September 8 to Easter: Returning John adjacent to the Earth's Vologda, the shores of Pinegi, Mezen, Nemigi, Visi, Piggy Sura, Pilles Mountains, Places , defeated Vasily Dark, but after those taken by them; pledged at the appointed times to pay Moscow states black, or folk, tribute, also the Metropolitan vessel duty; They swear to put their archbishops only in Moscow, in the coffin of St. Peter the Wonderworker, in the house of Our Lady; have no intercourse with the king of Polish or Lithuania; Do not take to yourself the local princes and enemies of John; Prince of Mozhaysky, Sons of Shemyaki and Vasily Yaroslavpich Borovsky; canceled the so-called velary certificates; recognized the Supreme Judicial Power of the State Department of Moscow, in the event of the disagreement of his governors with the Novogoroby dignitaries; They promised not to publish the vessel diplomas without the approval and seal of the Grand Duke, and so on. Returning to the Torzhok and new their conquests in Dvina Earth, John, according to the custom, kissed the cross, in confidence that it would rule in Nethergorod according to the ancient charters of it, without any violence. These mutual conditions or obligations are depicted in six then written grades, from 9 and 11 August, in which the young son of John is also referred to as the father, the great prince of all of Russia. Leaving another Novgorod with Pskov, John notified his commander that the war stopped; affectionately treated Feofila and all ambassadors; Let's let them down with her love and after them ordered to go to the boyar Feodor Davidovich, take the oath from Novogorodsev at the eve of. By giving the word to forget the past, the Grand Duke left alone and Martar himself and did not want to mention it in a contract, as if from contempt for weak wife. Having fulfilled his intention, punishing the rebels, overthrowing the shadow of Casimirov from the ancient throne Rurikova, he returned to Moscow with her own prey to Moscow. The son, brother, Velmazby, Warriors and merchants met him for 20 versts from the capital, people for seven, Metropolitan with clergy in front of the Kremlin in Square. All welcomed the sovereign as a winner, reveaning joy.

New Novgorod remained holding the people; But his freedom was already the only catchy of John and urged to disappear in the manual of the autocrat. There is no freedom when there is no power to protect it.

Second trip to Novgorod

Thus, before the tiber, the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Adriatic, black and the limits of India, hugging the mind of the state system of powers, this monarch was preparing a celebrity of his foreign policy statement inner composition Russia. - hit the last hour of the Novogorodskaya Volost! This important incident in our history is worthy of detailed description. There is no doubt that John was silent to the throne with the idea of \u200b\u200bjustifying the title of great princes, which since the times of Simeon were proud to be called Sanitars of All Russia, I wanted to introduce perfect unifiedness, exterminate the lots, take away the rights from the princes and citizens, disagree with it, but only at a convenient time, decently, without an explicit disturbance of solemn conditions, without violence and dangerous violence, right and firmly: in short, with observation all caution inherent to him. Novgorod changed Russia, baptized to Lithuania; The army was scattered, the citizenship is horrified: the Grand Duke could then conquer this area; But thought that the people, the centuries accustomed to the benefits of freedom, would not refuse all of her adorable dreams; that the internal rebellion and rebellion would have entertained the strength of the Moscow State, necessary for external security; What should old skills relax new and striking the liberty before the destruction of Oyoy, in order to give citizens, inferior to the right for the right, got acquainted with the feeling of their impotence, were too expensive for the rest of the freedom and finally, tired by the fear of future clouds, prefer to prefer her peaceful peace of unlimited state power. John forgave Novogorodtsev, enriching the treasury her silver, approving the supreme power of the princely in the affairs of the vessel and in politics; But, so to speak, I did not descend the eye from this popular power, I tried to multiply the number of people devoted to him, fell out of disagreement between the boyars and the people, was in justice the defender of innocence, did a lot of good and promised more. If the governors did not meet all the fair complaints of the plaintiffs, he vinyl the lack of ancient laws of Novogorodsky, wanted to be there, to explore the cause of the main disadvantages of folk, curb rocks, and (in 1475) really called by the younger citizens, went to the shores of Volkhov By commissioning the son of Moscow.

Sieu journey ioannovo - without troops, with one elected, a noble friend - it was a kind of peaceful, but solemn greatness: the sovereign announced that it was going to approve the calm of NOVAROGOD, who was a significant dignity and citizens daily went to him, from the River Tsna to Ilmeni, to meet with greetings And with gifts, with complaints and with an excuse: Old positors, thousands, people are alive, governor and the butler Greatenzhesky, Igumen, officials Archbishopsky. For 90 versts from the city, John Vasilyeve Feofil, Prince Vasily Vasilyevich Shuisky-Comb, Posadner and Movies, Power, Archimandrite Juryr of the Monastery and other paramounts, which gifts consisted in boles of wine, white and red. They had the honor to dine with the state truck. Behind them were the elders of the streets of Novogorodsky; After the boyars and all residents of the settlement, with wine, with apples, wine berries. The countless crowds of People met John before the town, where he listened to Liturgy and spent the night; And the next day I treated Lord's dinner, Prince Shuisky, Posadov, Boyar and on November 23, 1475, hung up in Novgorod. There, at the gate of Moscow, Archbishop, Feofil, fulfilling the state command, with all the pollos, with icons, crosses and in rich saintly, accepted him, blessed and introduced into the temple of Sofia, in which John worshed the coffins of the ancient princes: Vladimir Yaroslavich, Mstislava Brave - and welcomed by the whole people, gratitude to him for love; I dined with Ferofila, having fun, only the words allevous and, taking from the owner as a gift 3 heads of Ipril Sukon, one hundred shipboards (Nobille, or double Chervonians), a fishing tooth and two veil barrels, returned to his palace on the settlement.

Behind the day of the feast followed the days of the court. From morning to evening, the Palace of Grand-Palace did not bleach for the people. Some wished only to see the face of this monarch and in the zeal sign to bring her gifts; Others were looking for justice. The fall of the powers of people is usually foreshadowed by the impulse abuse of force, non-performance of laws: it was both in Novgorod. The rulers did not have any love, nor the power of attorney of citizens; They bought only about their own benefits; they traded the authorities, tested the enemies of personal, poured native and friends; They surrounded themselves with the crowds of the servants so that they were driving their screams on the eve of complaints. Whole streets, through their attorneys, demanded sovereign protection, accusing the first dignitaries. "They are not judge, but predators," said the girls and bought that the power plant, Vasily Ananin, came to Slavkov and Nikitin to the street, took the goods from the residents to a thousand rubles, many killed many to death. Others complained about the robbery Starost. John, still following the ancient custom of the Novogorodsky, gave to know the veche so that it puts the defendant to the accused; She told them to appear on the court and, after hearing their excuses, decided - in the presence of Archbishop, the most significant officials, boyars - that the complaints are valid; that wines are proved; that criminals lose liberty; that the strict execution will be a retribution, but for other examples. After turning the eyes at the same moment on two boyars of Novogorodskaya, Ivan Afanasyev and his son, Elevferei, he said angrily: "Relax! You wanted to betray the Fatherland Lithuania. " John's warriors pounded their chains, also Posadan Ananin and Boyar, Fyodor Isakov (Marphine Son), Ivan Loshinsky and Bogdan. This action of selfhood struck Novogorod residents; But all, having silent eyes, silent.

On the other day, the Vladyka, Feofil and many posters appeared in the Grass Palace, with a view of the deep sorrow, Praying John, so that he ordered to give prisoners to the boyars on the bail, returning them freedom. "No," Feofil's sovereign responded: "To you, our Bogomol, and the whole novichod, it is known that these people did a lot of evil to Fatherland and now worry it with their goats." He sent the main criminals hinge to Moscow; But, out of respect for the petition of Archbishop and Naph, freed some, less perpetrators, ordered to recover a monetary penalty from them: what the Terrible Court was concluded. Peters began again for the sovereign and continued about six weeks. All the most significant people treated him with luxurious dinners: Archbishop three times; Others one time, and gave money, precious vessels, silk fabrics, loans, cute birds, wine barrels, fish teeth, and so on. For example, Prince Vasily Shuisky presented three halves of Sukna, three kama, thirty shipboards, two drakes and falcon; Vladyka - two hundred shipboards, five supplies of Sukna, stallion, and on the wires of the barrel of wine and two honey; In the other times - three hundred shipboards, golden bucket with pearls (weight in a pound), two horn, hidden silver, silver missile (six pounds weight), five fortifications of the Sobility and ten supplies of Sukna; Vasily Kazimer - Golden Bucket (Weight in Pound), one hundred shipboards and two drakes; Jacob box - two hundred shipboards, two drakes, fishery and supplies rowodish Sukna; Antenant widow, Nastasya Ivanova, 30 shipmen, ten supplies of Sukna, two forty sable and two teeth. Moreover, the power plant, Thomas, chosen to the place of the overall Vasily Ananin, and the thousand Esipov brought the great prince on behalf of the entire NOVAROGOD a thousand rubles. On the day of Christmas Day, John gave the archbishop dinner and the first officials who were poured in the palace to a deep night. Many more noble officials were preparing feasts; But the Grand Duke announced that he had time to go to Moscow, and only accepted the gifts for him from them. The chronicler says that there was not a single wealthy man left in the city, who would not bring something to John and himself was not granted graciously, or the clothes with precious, or Kamco, or a silver cup, sings, horse, and so on. - Never Novogorov did not express such a diligence to the Grand Princes, although it did not happen from love, but from fear: John caressed them, as a sovereign can caress the subjects, with a kind of grace and friendly condescension.

The Grand Duke, Piruuya, was engaged in both states. The ruler of Sweden, the walls of Stur, sent his nephew, Orban to him, with a proposal to resume the world, broken by the shift of Russians in Finland. John treated Orban, received from him as a gift of a stampery and ordered Archbishop with the name of NOVAGORODA to approve a truce with Schwänce for the ancient collapse for several years. - Pskov's ambassadors, handing John the Gifts, prayed to him so that he did not make any changes in the ancient charters of their Fatherland; And Prince Yaroslav, the collecting governor, who arrived in Novgorod himself, complained that the landange and citizens of the NA give him all legitimate income. The Grand Duke sent there Boyar, Vasily China and Morozov, say to Pskovists, so that they satisfy the requirements of the governor in five days, or they will deal with the sovereign annoyed. Yaroslav got everything desired. - Forwards nine weeks in Novgorod, John drove away from there with a lot of silver and gold, as stated in the chronicle. His military officer stood on the monasteries around the city and swam in abundance; I took what I wanted: no one bold to complain. Archbishop Ferofil and the most significant officials conducted the sovereign to the first mill, where he dined with them, seemed cheerful, satisfied. But the fate of this folk powder has already been solved in his mind.

The imprisonment of the six boyars of Novogorodskiy, exiled in Murom and in Kolomna, left a silent impression in their numerous friends: they complained about the self-defense of the grand mining, the opposite of the ancient charter, according to whom Novogorod could be punished only in his fatherland. The people were silent, revealing indifference; But the most acquaintired citizens took their part and dressed up the embassy to the Great Prince: Archbishop himself, three plants and several people came to Moscow to beat the person for their unfortunate boyars. Two times the Vladyka Feofil dined in the palace, however, I could not dismiss John and I went to Sorrow at the passion week, not wanting to celebrate Easter with the state owner and with Metropolitan.

1477 Meanwhile, the decisive Court of the Grand Duke fell in love with many Novogorods so that the next year some of them went with complaints to Moscow; Following them and defendants, noble and ordinary citizens, from Planting to the farming: Widow, orphans, nuns. Others called the sovereign himself: no one daring to disobey. "From the times of Rurika (the chronicles say) did not have a similar case: nor in Kiev, nor in Vladimir, Novogorov did not go to Kiev: John knew how to bring them to this humiliation." He also did not do everything: it's time to finally started.

The smart justice of Johno captivated the hearts of those who were looking for truth and loved it: implanted weakness, slander innocence found in him the defender, the Savior, that is, a true monarch, or a judge, not involved in the Low Movers of Personality: they wanted to see the vessel in his hands. Others, or envy the strength of paramount fellow citizens, or caressed by John, internally favored autocracy. These numerous friends of the Grand Prince maybe sobody themselvesAnd maybe, by agreement with him, the following trick was found. Two of these, official Nazari and DyakWenet, Zechariah, in the form of ambassadors from Archbishop and all compatriots, were before John (in 1477) and solemnly named it SovereignNoovagoda, instead Mr.As the great princes were named in relation to the folk powder. As a result of John, Ioann sent a boyar to Novogorods, Feodorus Davidovich, ask what they mean under Nazania Sovereign?will it want to swear to him as full sulcher, the only legislator and proud? Do you agree not to have tyunov, except for the princes, and give him the yarroslav yard, an ancient place of Wech? Amazed citizens responded: "We did not send to the Grand Duke; it's a lie". There was a common excitement. They endured by John selfhood in the affairs of the vessels as emergencybut the thoughts were horrified that this cost will be lawthat an ancient proverb: Novgorod sues his courtIt will be lossed forever the meaning and that Moscow Tiuna will solve their fate. The older evening could no longer put himself above the prince, but at least there was a name and view: Yaroslavov's courtyard was the sanctuary of the People's Rights: to give it to John meant solemnly and forever rejected by. These thoughts outraged even the most civilians to obey the Great Prince, but in the pleasedness of their own inner feeling of good, not blindly, not under the edge of the sword, ready to execute any in the manovation of the self-deployer. The ordinary like-minded marffins perished as if from deep sleep and spoke to the people that they had better foresee the future; What friends or the servants of the Moscow Prince are the essence of the traitors, who the celebration is the coffin of the Fatherland. The people wondered, looking for traitors, demanded revenge. I grabbed one famous husband, Vasily Nikiforov, and led in the evening, accusing him that he was at the Grand Duke and gave an oath to serve him against the Fatherland. "No," Vasily responded: "I swore John the only in loyalty, in goodwent, but without a betrayal of my true sovereign, a great novelnode; Without treason, you, my gentlemen and brothers. " Single unfortunate cut into pieces of axes; Moreover was killed, Zharya Ovina, who went to sue Moscow and came to citizens to Vasily Nikiforov; executed and brother him, goat, in the courtyard of Archbishopsky; Many other robbed, planted into the dungeon, calling them advisers in John: others felt. Meanwhile, the people did not make the slightest evil ambassador of Moscow and numerous squad: the dignitaries were chosen, held about six weeks and finally released the name of the Wern with such a diploma to John: "We caulate, Mr. Our Mother, Great princess; but Sovereign Do not call. The court will be at the settlement in old days; But your trial, nor your tyuses we will have. Yaroslavl courtyard We do not give. We want to live under the contract, which is punctured to you and by us (in 1471). Who offered you to be Sovereign Novogorodsky, those he himself know and execution for deception; We are also a penalty for these false traitors. And you, Mr., Brom Beam, so that you keep us in Starne, for cross kissing. " So they wrote and talked even more in the evening, without hiding thoughts again to succumb to Lithuania, the Grand Duke will not give up their claims.

But John did not like to give up and no doubt foresaw the refusal of the Novogorodsev, wishing only to have a kind of justice in the sediment. Having received their brave answer, he with sadness declared Metropolitan gerontia, mother, boyars, that Novgorod, arbitrarily giving him the name of the sovereign, it locks himself, makes him a liar before the eyes of the whole land of Russian, execute people, loyal to her legal monarch, like villains, and He threatens to re-change the Holy Overalls, Orthodoxy, Fatherland. Metropolitan, courtyard and all Moscow thought according to that these rebels should feel the whole burden of the states of anger. Began begins in churches; distributed alms on monasteries and alignments; sent the messenger to Novgorod with let's make a folding, or with the declaration of war, and the shelves have gathered under the walls of Moscow. Slow in the plans of important, but soon performed, John or did not act, or acted strongly, by all means: there was not a single place, which would not have sent the warrids to the hospital service. Among them were also residents of the regions of Kashinsky, Bezhetsky, Novotorzhskaya: For John joined Moscow part of this Tver and Novogorod lands to Moscow.

Having ordered the capital to the young Great Prince, his son, he himself spoke with the army on October 9, despising the difficulties and inconvenience of the autumn campaign in the places of swampy. Although the Novogorovsky and took some measures for defense, but they knew their weakness and sent to demand dangerous diploma From the Grand Duke for the Archbishop of Ferofila and Posodanov, who shoulded to go to him for peace negotiations. John ordered to stop sit down in Torzhok, also another; Dinked in the wolf at Brother, Boris Vasilyevich, and was greeted by the famous Tver Wiel, Prince Mikulinsky, with a courteous invitation to call in Tver, to taste the bread-salt from his sovereign, Mikhail. John, instead of treats, demanded regiments, and Mikhail did not dare to disobey, preparing, above that, all the necessary edible supplies for Moscow troops. The Grand Duke itself was walking with the selected shelves between Jelubitskoy expensive and monster; Tsarevich Daniyar and Vasily sample on the deputy; Daniel Kholmsky before John with children boyar, Vladimirs, Peretlavs and Kostromites; behind him two boyar with Dmitrovtsy and Kashins; on the right side Prince Simeon Rapolovsky with Suzdaltsy and Yuryevtsy: On the left - Brother of the Grand Duke, Andrei Little, and Vasily Saburov with Rostovtsov, Yaroslavl, Uglichans and Bezhichany; with them also the voivod of the mother of John, Semyon pawns, with her yard; between the roads of Jelbeitskoy and the Demonia - Prince Alexander Vasilyevich and Boris Mikhailovich Obolensky; First with Kolzhanas, Alexinters, Serpukhovtsy, Hotunitsa, Muscovites, Radonezh, Novotorzhets; the second with Mozhaizians, Volokhants, Zvenigorod and Ruzhani; On the way Jelubitskaya - Boyar Feodor Davidovich with children of the boyar courtyard of the Grand Duke and Kolomnitsa, also Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Obolensky with all his brothers and many children of Boyari. On November 4, the Tver Tversky Shelves, who were led by Prince Mikhail Meodorovich Mikulinsky joined the tska.

In the EGRIAN, November 8, the Grand Duke demanded the detained Novogorovsky dangers (that is, sent for dangerous grades): Older Danislavskaya Street, Fedor Kalitin, and a citizen of life, Ivan Markova. They humbly hit him by the man, calling him Sovereign. John told them to give a pass for the ambassadors of the Novogorodsky. - Meanwhile, many noble Novogorods arrived in the Moscow Stan and entered into service to the Great Prince, or anticipating the inevitable death of their fatherland, or escaped from the malicious people, who drove all the boyars suspected of secret connections with Moscow.

November 19, in Paline, John again arranged an army for starting enemy actions: he reserved his brother's advanced detachment, Andrei Little, and three brave governors: Holmsky with Kostromites, Theodore Davidovich with Kolomnitsi, Prince Ivan Obolensky-Stree with Vladimirs; in the right hand ordered to be brother, Andrei more, with Tver Voevoda, Prince Mikulinsky, with Gregory Nikitich, with Ivan Zhint, with Dmitrov and Kashins; in leva BRAH, prince Boris Vasilyevich, with Prince Vasily Mikhailovich Veresky and with his mother's voi, seed on foot: and in his own shelf of the grand mining - a significant boyar; Ivan Yuryevich Patriceev, Vasilya sample with Borovichi, Simeon Ruipolovsky, prince Alexander Vasilyevich. Boris Mikhailovich Obolensky and Saburov with their squads, as well as all the Peretracks and Muroms. The advanced detachment was supposed to take Bronnitsy.

Another NA is pleased with his numerous rati, the sovereign was waiting for Pskovites. The local Prince Yaroslav, hated by the people, but for a long time patronized by John - was even in an obvious war with citizens, the NA dreamed to drive him out, and drunk had a battle with them among the city - finally, by the decree, the sovereign left from there. Pskovwist wished themselves in the governors of Prince Vasilla Vasilyevich Shuisky: John sent him to them from the tricky and ordered them to immediately armed against NOVAROGOD. The ordinary of their prudence has not changed in sees: Pskovites suggested the Novogorodians to be behind them in the Grand Duke; But they received in response: "Or conclude with us a special close alliance as people free, or bypass without your petition." When Pskovwist, by performing John's orders, let the guilty declared him, the Novogorsov dressed and wanted them to send officials to the Great Prince together with them; But Dyack Moscow, Grigory Volnin, having arrived in Pskov from the sovereign, Nudil them immediately sit on the horses and perform in the field. Meanwhile, there was a fire there: citizens wrote in writing John about their misfortune, called him King Russian And they gave it to intelligence that not the time to fight people who pour tears on the ashes of their homes; In a word, in every way deviated from the campaign, anticipating that the Pskov could not stand in the fall of Nowadorca. The excuses were in vain: John ordered, and Prince Shuisky, taking a siege tool - guns, singing, self-waged, - with the seven Planting, brought to the Pskov, who was supposed to become on the shores of Ilmen, at the mouth of Shelin.

November 23, the Grand Duke was in Syutin, when he conveyed to him about the arrival of the Archbishop of Theophilus and the most significant dignitaries of Novogorodsky. They came. Ferofil said: " Sovereign Prince Great! I, Bogomolese, your, archimandritis, igumens and priests of all seven cathedrals beat you with a friend. You laid anger on his father-in-law, on Veliky Novgorod; Lights and sword are yours on our land; Blood Christian poured. Sovereign! Smoy: Molim with tears: Give us the world and liberate the Boyar Novogorodsky, sharpened in Moscow! " And the landing and living people said this way: " Sovereign Prince Great! Power Planting Foma Andreev and Old Ployer, the powerful thousands of Vasily Maksimov and old thousands, boyars, livets, merchants, black people and all the great Novgorod, your father, are free, they beat you with broma and pray for the world and freedom of our boyars of prisoners. " Planting Luka Fedorov proved: "Sovereign! Chelobyata Great Nowadorca before you: led to us to talk with your boyars. " John did not respond to a word, but invited them to dinner at his table.

On the other day, the ambassador of Novogorod was with gifts from Brother John, Andrei smaller, demanding his intercession. John ordered to speak with them a boyar, prince Ivan Yuryevich. Plantner Jacobov said: "We wish the sovereign to take in the mercy of Veliky Novgorod, the husbands of free, and his sword hurt." - Feofilakt Posadunan: "We wish the release of the Boyar Novogorodsky." - Luka Posadunner: "We wish the Sovereign for all four years to go to his post, Veliky Novgorod, and took from us for a thousand rubles; So that the governor tried him with the Postener in the city; And what they will not manage, then the Grand Duke will decide, having arrived at us for the fourth year; But in Moscow, yes it does not call the fading! " - Yakov Fedorov: "Yes, the sovereign will not join his governor into special courts of Archbishop and Planting!" - Loaded people said that the subjects of the grand permanent calls to them on the court to the governor and the landing in Novgorod, and they themselves want to sue the same at the settlement; That this is unfair and that they ask the Grand Duke subordinate to those and other courts of the Novogorodsky. - Postener Yakov The box concluded by the words: "Chelobyuie our pre-sovereign: yes will make that God will put on his heart!"

John, on the same day, ordered the Holmovsky, boyar Feodoru Davidovich, the prince of Obolensky-Stree and other grades under the main boss of his brother, Andrei smaller, to go from Bronnits to the fortificest and take the monasteries so that the Novogorodians did not burn out. The governors switched to Lake Ilmen on the ice and in one night took all the surroundings of Novogorodskaya.

November 25, Boyar Grass, Ivan Yuryevich, Vasily and Ivan Borisovichi, gave response to the ambassadors. The first said: "Prince Great John Vasilievich All Russia, His Bogomolta Lord, Posadanm and lived people, is so informing your job." "Boyar Vasily Borisovich continued:" You know that you suggested to us, I and my son, through the sovereign Nazaria and Deca Vesselov, Zharya, to be your state trucks; And we sent your boyars in Novgorod to learn what is competent under the sim name? But you locked up by turning us, great princes, violence and lies; Moreover, we did and many other annals. We suffered, waiting for your correction; But you are more and more sophisticated, and we exposed the sword, according to the Lord: thickel your brother's brother, birt of him alone; It does not listen, sing with two or three witnesses: whether it does not listen to those who do not listen; Whether and about the Church of Neradeti will begin, you will be the same pagan and mytar.We sent to you and said: get out and let you complain. But you did not want to have become alien to us. And so, putting hope for God and the prayer of our ancestors, the great princes of the Russians, we go to punish the audacity. " - Boyarin Ivan Borisovich further spoke later by the name of the Grand Duke: "You want freedom of boyars of yours, by me convicted; But you know that all Novgorod complained to me on their lawlessness, robbery, murders: You yourself, Luka Isakov, was among the plaintiffs; And you, Grigory Cyprianov, on behalf of Nikitin Street; And you, Vladyka, and you, Posadani, were witnesses to reign. I thought to execute criminals, but gave them a life, for you prayed for me. Do you continue to mention this now? " "Prince Ivan Yuryevich concluded by Sumy's response:" Buda Novgorod really wishes our grace, then he knows the conditions. "

Archbishop and Posadani went back with a grand peripheral attachment for their safety. - November 27, John, taking to the novelty with his brother Andrei smaller and with the young Verea Prince, Vasily Mikhailovich, was located in the Trinity of Poamos on the banks of Volkhov, in three versts from the city, in the village of Loshinsky, where there was no time Yaroslav the Great, nameable He ordered his brother in the monastery of the Annunciation, Prince Ivan Yuryevich in Yuryev, Holmsky in Arkadyevsky, Saburov in St. Pantheliaman, Alexander Obolensky in Nikola on his bridges, Boris Obolensky in the juice of the Epiphany. Ryapolovsky on the dirty, prince Vasily Veresky on the fox slide, and Boyarian Theodore Davidovich and the prince Ivan Stream on the settlement. On November 29, the brother of John, Prince Boris Vasilyevich, came with the regiment, and became on the banks of the Volkhov in Krechnev, the village of Archbishop. - On November 30, the sovereign ordered the voivods to release half of people for the meeting of edible supplies until December 10, and the 11th number to be evident, everyone in its place; And on the same day, sent the race to say the governor of Pskovsky, prince Vasily Shuisky, so that he was in a hurry to the novelty with a gunshot shell.

Novogorod residents wanted to immediately express faintness; Delivered to all merchants in foreign to leave Pskov with goods: it was strengthened by a wooden satellite on both sides of Volkhov; Blocked by this river by the courts; The Prince of Vasily Shui-Comb will be chosen into military leaders and, not having friends, nor allies, not expecting anything anywhere, they pledged to be unanimous, showing that they hope to destroy the most despair and ready to reflect the attack, as no time, they reflected a strong ancestors. Raint Andrei Bogolyubsky. But John did not want bloodshed, in the hope that they were submitted, and took steps to deliver all the necessary numerous rati. By fulfilling his command, rich in Pskovwist, sent to him by Motion with bread, wheat flock, kalachi, fishing, honey and various goods for free sale: sent to Mosnikov. The grandnya Stan had a kind of noisy vengery, abundance; And Novgorod, surrounded by the regiments of Moscow, was deprived of any message. The surroundings also represented a pitiful sight: the warriors of John did not gentle the poor, which in 1471 were safely hidden from them in the forests and swamps, but in this time they died there from frosts and hunger.

December 4 arrived again to the sovereign Archbishop Ferofil with the same officials and prayed it only about the world, not mentioning anything else. Moscow Moscow, Prince Ivan Yuryevich, Feodor Davidovich and Prince Ivan Streyga let them go with the same answer that the Novogorod residents know how to beat the brow to the great prince. - This day came to the city of Tsarevich Daniyar with the Voivodo, Vasilya Sample, and the brother of the Grand Prince, Andrei Sr., with Tver Voivod: They are located in Kirillov's monasteries, Andreev, Kovalevsky, Bolotov, on the village and St. Nicholas on the island.

Seeing the multiplication of the forces and the inflexibility of the Grand Duke - without having any courage to venture on a decisive battle, no reserves for constructing siege for a long-term - threatened by both sword and hunger, Novogorov felt the need to give up, wanted to unlearn the time and easily save liberty hoped by negotiations to save although some of Her rights. December 5 Vladyka Feofil with enjoyment and people with lords, hitting the great prince in the presence of his three brothers, the name Novagorod said: "Sovereign! We, guilty, we expect your mercy: recognize the truth of the Nazariy Embassy and Deca Zechariah; But what power do you want to have over us? " John responded to them through the boyars: "I am pleased that you recognize your guilt and testify for yourself. I want to rule in Novgorod, as I miss in Moscow. " - Archbishop and gardening demanded time to think. He let them go with the command to give a decisive answer on the third day. "Meanwhile, the Pskovskoe's army arrived, and the Grand Duke, placing it in Bioscupians, in the village of Fedotin, in the monastery of Trinity for the boil, ordered his artist, Aristotle, to build a bridge under the settlement, as if for an attack. This bridge, with an amazing speed made on ships across the Volkhov River, its hardness and Krasoy deserved the praise of John.

On December 7, Ferofil returned to the ceremonium camp with enjoyment and with elected from the five ends of the Novogorovskiy. John sent a boyar to them. Archbishop was silent: only landange said. Jacobov said: "We wish the sovereign to tell the governor to judge with our power plant". - Feofilakt: "We offer a sovereign an annual tribute from all the volosts of Novogord, with two socks hryvnia." - Luka: "Let the sovereign holds the governors in our suburbs; But the court will be in antiquity. " - Yakov Fedorov Beil Brom, so that the Grand Duke did not bring people from the possessions of Novogorodskaya, did not enter into the fears and the lands of Boyars, did not call anyone to the court to Moscow. Finally, everyone asked that the sovereign did not require the Novogorodsev to their service and instructed them to only protect the North-Western limits of Russia. Boyar reported to the great prince and came out of him with the following answer: "You, Our Godsman, and the whole Novgorod recognized me by the sovereign; And now you want to indicate how to edit you? " - Feofil and Postrey Biili Brill and said: "Not dare indicateBut we just wish to manage how the sovereign intends to rule in its Novogorodskaya Pulling: because Moscow customs do not know. " The Grand Duke ordered his boyar, Ivan Yuryevich to contact this way: "I know that in Novgorod not to be either a mustache bell, nor landanner, and there will be one power of the sovereign: that both in the country of Moscow, and here I want to have parish and villages; What the ancient lands of great lands, you are taken away, the essence of this is my property. But consecuting on your prayer, I promise not to withdraw people from Noovagoda, not to join the fear of the boyars and the court to leave in Starne. "

Passed a whole week. Novgorod did not send the answer to John. December 14 came the faeophil with officials and said Boyars Golden-Rooms: "We agree not to have neither the name, nor landange; Molim is just that the sovereign is thickened forever anger to and forgave us sincerely, but with the condition not to remove Novogorodsev to the lower land, not to concern the ownership of Boyar, do not judge us in Moscow and do not call on the service. " The Grand Duke gave the floor. They demanded an oath. John responded that the sovereign does not swear. "I am pleased to the oath of the boyar of the great or his future governor of the Novogorovsky," said Ferofil and Posadanov: but also received a refusal; asked dangerous diploma: And that they did not give them. Moscow's boyars announced that negotiations were over. Here love for ancient freedom in last time He was very discovered in the evening. Novogorov thought that the Grand Duke wants to deceive them and does not give an oath in the correct performance of his words. This idea of \u200b\u200bhacked in particular a boyars who did not stand for an easter bell, nor for the landing, but stood for their hemp. "We demand a battle! - Thousands exclaimed: - Let's die for the liberty and holy Sophia! " But this gust of generosity did not produce anything other than noise, and was supposed to give way to the crewing reason. For several days, the people listened between friends of freedom and peaceful citizenship between friends: the first could promise one glorious death among horrors of hunger and vain bloodshed; Other lives, safety, calm, estate intake: and this finally overlooked. Then the prince of Vasily Vasilyevich Shuisky-Comb, the faithful defender of the free Novogorodsev, solemnly folded the rank of their governors and switched to the service to the Great Prince, who accepted him with a very gracious.

December 29, the ambassador of Wecha, Archbishop of Feofil and the most significant citizens, again arrived in the Grand-Room Stan, although they did not have opasaThey expressed humility and prayed that the sovereign, postponing anger, told them herself, than focusing their Novogorod's post. John ordered them to let them and said this: "My mercy has not changed; What promised, then I promise now: the obligation of the past, the court for old, the object of ownership of the private, dismissal from the lower service; I will not call you to Moscow; I will not bring people from the Novogorovskaya country. " The ambassadors hit the brow and came out; And the boyars greatly reminded them that the sovereign demands volosts and sat down in their land. Novogorov offered him onions great and Rzhev empty: he did not take. They offered another ten volosts of Archbishop and Monastic: did not take those. "Avoid that you yourself)," they said: "We rely in everything on God and on you." The Grand Duke wanted half of all the volosts of Archbishop and Monastic: Novogorodov agreed, but they convinced him to not take land in some poor monasteries. John demanded the right domain of volosts and in the mark of mercy took from the terophile only ten: that together with the monastery amounted to about 2700 ohwis, or Truzhol, except for the Novotorzhsky lands, also given to him. - Passed six days in the negotiations.

1478 Genvarya 8 Vladyka Feofil, Posadaniy and live people praying the Grand Duke to remove the siege: For the close and lack of bread made diseases in the city so that many died. John ordered Boyars to be consecrated with them about Dani and wanted to take in seven money from each agriculture; But agreed to reduce this tribute trip. "We wish another mercy," said Ferofil: "Molim, so that the Grand Duke does not send her scribes and Dangshikov to us, who usually crowded people;" But yes, he believes the conscience of the Novogorodskaya: they themselves count people and give the money to whom it will order; And who is bothering, although a single soul, may be executed. " John promised.

Genvar 10 Boyars Moscow demanded from Ferofila and Pames so that the Yaroslavl courtyard was immediately cleaned for the Grand Duke and that the people gave him an oath of loyalty. Novogorov wanted to hear oath: the sovereign sent her to them to the Archbishop Chamber with his attic. On the third day of Vladyka and the dignitaries they were told by Boyars John: "Yaroslavov's courtyard is a heritage of sovereigns, great princes: when they please take it, and with an area, and there will be their will. The people heard the oath and ready to kiss the cross, expecting everything from the sovereign, as God puts them on the heart and not have any other hope. " Dyack Novogorovsky wrote off this abandoned diploma, and the Vladyka and five ends approved it with his seals. Genvarya 13 Many Boyars Novogorodskaya, lives and merchants sworn in the village of John. The sovereign was told to tell them that the suburbs of them, Covered and Dvignane will be Ottol to kiss the cross to the name of great princes, not mentioning Novgorod; So that they do not take revenge on their uniforms, who are in his service, nor Pskovists, and in the case of disputes about the lands were waiting for solutions from the governors, without approving themselves no leading council. The Novogorods promised and together with Feophyl asked the sovereign in favor of hesitantly and loudly declare her mercy. John, an elevating voice, said: "Goodbye and will now complain to you, my mogomol, and our stepfather, Veliky Novgorod."

Genwar 15 crushed the older evening, which was still going on the yaroslav courtyard until later. Velmazbi Moscow, Prince Ivan Yuryevich, Feodor Davidovich and Stree-Obolensky, joining the House of Archbishopskaya, they said that the sovereign, hovering the prayer of the Feofila, the whole sacred cathedral, boyars and citizens, forever forgets their guilt, especially from respect for the petition of their brothers, With the condition that Novgorod, giving the sincere vow of loyalty, did not change him or the matter nor thoughts. All the most significant citizens, boyars, live people, the merchants kissed the cross in the Archbishop House, and the devils and Military officials of John were oath from the people, from the Boyar servants and wives in five ends. The Novogorod residents gave John that diploma, they agreed to stand against him unanimously and which was fastened to fifty-axis seals.

Genvarya 18 All Boyar Novogorovskaya, Children Boyars and live people beat Brom John to he to accept them in his service. They announced that this service, over other duties, commands each of them to notify the Grand Duke about all sorts of evil intentions, not excluding his brother, no friend, and requires modesty in the mysteries of the state. They promised both. - To this day, John allowed the city to have free communication with the surroundings; Genvarya 20 sent the race to Moscow to his mother (who had grown in Inkini without him), to the Metropolitan and to the Son with the news that he brought Veliky Novgorod in all his will, the next day, made to himself a boyar, lives and merchants with gifts and sent his governors, Prince Ivan Stream and his brother, Yaroslav, to take the Yaroslavl courtyard; And he himself did not go to the city, for the diseases were played there.

Finally, the 29th Genvarya, at the fourth of the oil week, he with three brothers and with the prince Vasily Veresky arrived in the Church of Sofia, drank Liturgy, returned to Joomer and invited to himself for lunch all the most significant Novogorodsev. Archbishop before the table submits him as a gift Panagius, clad gold and pearls, Strustovo egg, hidden silver in the form of a cup, carcalery, crystal barrel, silver misi of 6 pounds and 200 shipboards, or 400 Chervonsev. Guests drank, ate and talked with John.

February 1 He ordered to take into custody of the merchant elder, Mark Pamphilieva, February 2, the glorious Mooretsky worst with her grandson, Vasily Feodorov (who died in the Murom Dokotnica), and after the people of people - Grigory Cyprianova, Ivan Kuzmina, Akinfa and Son Roman and Yuri Rephechova, take to Moscow and all their estate describe in the treasury. These people were the only victim of Grozny Moscow autocracy, or as obvious, irreconcilable enemies, or as famous friends of Lithuania. No one bold for them to come into. February 3 Vicar of the Grand People, Ivan Obolensky-Strey, found all written contracts concluded by Novogorodets with Lithuania, and presented them with John. - everything was calm; But the Grand Duke sent another two other governors to the city, Vasily China and Boyar Ivan Zinovievich, for compliance with silence, Welers to take the house of Archbishopsky.

February 8 John secondally listened to the Liturgy in the Sofia Church and dined with his brother Andrei less, with the Archbishop and the most significant Novogorod. February 12 Vladyka Feofil Pre-donkey handed a sovereign: chain, two spells and gold buckets, weighing about nine pounds; Aged mug, two cups, missu and belt Silver, weighing thirty-one pound with half, and 200 shipboards. - February 17, early in the morning, the Grand Duke went to Moscow; On the first floor, in Yamna, I treated the archbishop, boyars and residents of the Novogorodsky people; accepted several barrels of wine and honey from them; He himself gave everyone, let him go to Novgorod to Novgorod and arrived in the capital on March 5th. Following him, the nice Bell Bell Zodgorodsky was brought to Moscow and hung it on the bell tower of the Assumption Cathedral, in Square. - If you believe the legend of a modern historian, Dulguosa, John acquired an unmellened wealth in Novgorod and loaded 300 carriers with silver, gold, stones with precious, found them in the ancient execution of the Bishopskaya or at Boyar, for the estate was described, over a countless set of silk fabrics, Sukon, Furov and so on. Others appreciate this production at 1,40000 florins: which no doubt increased.

So Novgorod was submitted by John, more than six centuries in Russia and in Europe I put people, or the Republic, and really had the image of democracy: for the civilian vessels assigned to himself not only the legislative, but also by sending executive power; elected, replaced not only by landanguisa, thousands, but also by princes, referring to the humble diploma of Yaroslav the Great; gave them power, but subordinate her to his supreme; made complaints, tried and punished in cases of important; Even with Moscow states, even with John concluded conditions, mutualoath asserted, and in violation of these having the right of revenge or war; in a word, dominated as a collection of the people of Athenian or francs on the Mars field, representing the face of NOVAROGOD, which was called Sovereign. Not in the reign of free cities of German - as some writers thought, - but in the primitive composition of all the powers of folk, from Athens and Sparta to Unterwalden or Gronis, should be sampled samples of the Novogorodsky political system, resembling the deep antiquity of the peoples when they, choosing the dignitaries together for Wars and Courts left themselves the right to observe them, to overthrow in case of inability, to execute in case of treason or injustice and solve everything important or extreme in general councils. We have seen that the princes, landange, the thousand in Novgorod judged litigation and warmed by the army: so ancient Slavs, so no time and all other nations did not know the differences between the military and the rule of rule. The heart or main composition of this power was fire, or live people, that is, home, or owners: they are the first warriors as natural defenders of the Fatherland; They went out Boyare or citizens famous for merit. Trade made merchate: they, as less capable of incident, occupied the second degree; And the third is free, but poorest peoplecalled black. Citizens Junior appeared in the newest times and became between merchants and black people. Each degree no doubt has its own rights: it is likely that the landange and the thousands were elected only from the boyars; And other dignitaries from residents, merchate and younger citizens, but not from black people, although the latter participated in the sentences of the Wehper. Former positors, in contrast to power, or real, referred to old, mainly respected to the end of life. - the mind, the strength and power of some princes, Monomakh, Vsevolod III, Alexander Nevsky, Kalita, Don, Son and his grandson, curbed his freedom of the Novogorodskaya, however, they did not change its main charters, who had held so many centuries, shyly temporarily, but never Refusing to their rights.

The history of Novagodod is a curious part of the ancient Russian. In the wildest places, in the climate, the stern-founded, maybe the crowd of Slavic fishermen, which in the waters of Ilmeni filled their mensions by abundant fishing, he knew how to rise to the degree of power famous. Surrounded by weak, peaceful tribes of Finnish, early learned to dominate the neighborhood; Conquered bold Varyags, borrowed the spirit of merchants, enterprise and navigation; Congress the conquerors and, being the victim of the inner disorder, was planted by the monarchy, hoping to deliver silence for the success of a civilian hostel and the power to reflect external enemies; I decided that the fate of the whole Europe of Northern and, by giving being, giving the sovereign to our fatherland, reassured by their power, strengthened by crowds of courageous aliens Varyzhsky, wanted again an ancient liberty: became its own legislator and tried, limiting the power of the princely: fought and mercy; Back in the century, he traded himself with the Tsargrad, he sent ships to Lubeck in XII; Through the dense forests opened his way to Siberia and, the persecution of people conquering extensive lands between the way, by the seas White and Karsky, the rich and the current Ufa, asked there the first seeds of citizenship and the faith of Christian; Transmitted to Europe Asian and Byzantine products, excess of precious works of wildlife; Russia reported the first fruits of European crafts, the first discoveries of the arts of benefactor; Having a tricky in trade, famous for both courage in battles, with proudly pointing to his walls, the numerous army of Andrei Bogolyubsky fell under Koim; At Alto, where Yaroslav the Great with the faithful Novogorods defeated the malicious Svyatopolka; On lipitz, where Mstislav brave with their buddy crushed the militia of the princes of Suzdal; On the banks of the Neva, where Alexander Smiril is the arrogance of Birger, and the Livonian fields, where the Order of the Marenossev so often evaded the banners before Holy Sophieu, turning to flight. Such memories, eating popular ambition, produced a well-known proverb: who is against God and the Great Novaorca? The inhabitants were praised and the fact that they were not slaves of Mughal, as other Russians: although they paid tribute to Ordinskaya, but the Grand Princes, not knowing the Baskakov and was never subject to their thirant.

The chronicle of the republics usually represents us a strong effect of human passions, godds of generosity and often a comfortable celebration of virtue among the reges and disorder, peculiar to the national board: and the chronicles of NOVAGORODA in the inexperial simplicity of their own, captivating for imagination. There, the people who raised by disgusting to the villains of the Svyatopolk, forgets the cruelty of Yaroslav I, whoever, to retire to Varyags, cuts the devices cooked for his flight, and he says to him: "You killed our brothers, but we go with you to Svyatopolk and Bolevlav; You have no treasury: take everything you have. " Here Posalman Tverdislav, unfairly persecuted, hears the cry of murderers sent to him the sword in the heart, and makes it to bear the patient to the town square, and he will die before the eyes of the people, if he is guilty, or will be saved to protect him if Nevinen; Ceremonies and forever lies in the monastery, sacrificing the calm fellow citizens by all the pleasures of ambition and life itself. There is a worthy archbishop, holding a cross in his hand, is among the horrors of internecine brave; Hands the hand of blessings, refers to the Novogorodtsev with their children, and the head of the weapon is silent: they argue and fraternally embrace each other. In battles with the enemies, the landworkers, the thousand people died ahead for the Holy Sofia. The holy of Novogorovsky, elected by the voice of the people, on general respect for their personal properties, exceeded other advantages of pastoral and civilian; trembled their own for a common good; built walls, towers, bridges and even sent a special regiment to war, which was called VladyovyAs the main obscene workers, internal improvement, the world, were jealously stood for Novgorod and did not be afraid of anger of Metropolitans, nor revenge of the sovereigns of Moscow. We also see some regular rules of generosity in the actions of this frequently frivolous people: it was not to be considered in success, to express moderation in happiness, disaster hardness, giving refuge to exile, to correct contracts, and the word: Novogorodskaya Honor, Novogorodskaya Soul served sometimes instead of an oath. - The republic keeps a virtue and falls without it.

The fall of Nowadorod was marked by the confusion of military courage, which decreases in the powers of trade with multiplication of wealth, has people to enjoy peaceful. This people were considered once the most militant in Russia and where they fought, there she won, in the wars of internecine and external: so it was until the XIV century. Savitsy saved from Batya and almost free from Iga Mughal, he more and more managed in mercenary, but weakened Vallests: this second era, blooming for trade, misfortune for civil liberties, begins with the times of John Kalita. Rich Novogorod residents began to bother with silver from the princes of Moscow and Lithuania; But the liberty is not saved by silver, but readiness to die for it: who bumps off, he recognizes his impotence and manits the Lord of the Lord. The milled milgorodes in the 15th century no longer represent a fervent spirit, nor art, nor the success of brilliant. What besides the restlessness and unimustal flight we see in the last decisive battles for freedom? She belongs to Lerl, not Lamb, and Novgorod could only choose one of two sovereigns, Lithuanian or Moscow: to happiness, the heirs of Vitovtov did not inherit his souls, and God gave Russia John.

Although the heart of the human is typical of the republics based on indigenous rights of liberty, to him is kindly; Although her the most dangers and concerns of her, their generosity, captivate the mind, especially the young, inexplicable; Although Novogorov, having the Board, the public, the overall spirit of commerce and connection with the formed Germans, no doubt difference was the noble qualities from other Russians, humiliated by the Tharanism of Mughal: However, the story should glorify in sections of John, because the state wisdom prescribed it to strengthen Russia with solid compound parts. To ensure that it reaches independence and greatness, that is, not to dare from the strikes of the new Batya or Vitovt; Then Novgorod would not survive: Taking his possession, the Moscow Sovereign put one line of his kingdom on the shore of the Narrow, threatening the Germans and the Swedes, and the other for the stone belt, or the Ural Range, where the fable antiquities imagined the sources of wealth and where they really were in The depth of the earth, abundant metals, and in the dark of the forests filled with sables. "The Emperor Galba said:" I would be worthy of restoring Rome's freedom if Rome could use it. " The historian is Russian, loving and human and state virtues, can say: "John was worthy to crush the Utty Volost Novogorod, because he wanted a firm good of all Russia."

Shuttle here special History of NOVAROGOD. We add to her the rest of the news about his fate in the state of John. In 1479, the Grand Duke went there, replaced the Archbishop of Ferofila, as if for a secret connection with Lithuania, and sent to Moscow, where he died in the abode of the miracle as the last of the famous folk vendors; his successor was Hieromona Troitsky, the name of Sergius, elected by lot Of the three spiritual persons: the greater prince wanted to identify respect for the ancient custom of Novogorodtsev, taking the right to have own Saint. This archbishop, not loved by citizens, in a few months returned to the Trinity Abode for Consciousness. The Childgy Archimandrite Gennady began his place. - I could not suddenly disappear the spirit of freedom of freedom, who used it with so many centuries, and although there was no common rebellion, however, John saw displeasure and heard the secret complaints of Novogorodsev: Hope that liberty can resurrect, still lived in their heart; Often, their natural rampability was found; Evil intents have been opened. To eradicate this dangerous spirit, he resorted to the decisive tool: in 1481 ordered to take into custody's noble people there: Casira Vasily with a brother Yakov, Mikhail Berdenieva and Luka Fedorov, and soon and all the main boyars, which are property, movable and immovable, described on the sovereign. Some, accused of treason, tortured: they came to each other; But those sentenced to death, announced that their mutual denunciations were slander, forced torment: John ordered them to send them through the dungeons; Another, obviously innocent, gave the estate in the regions of Moscow. Among the richest citizens, then sharpened, the chronicler refers to nice Wife Anastasia and Boyarina Ivan Kozmina: The first in 1476 was invented by the Grand Duke with his yard; And the second left to Lithuania with a thirty servants, but, being unhappy with Casimir, returned to the depression and thought at least die there calmly. - in 1487 transferred from NOVAGORD to Vladimir 50 best families of merchant. In 1488, the governor of the Novogorovsky, Yakov Zhanharevich, executed and hung many people who wanted to kill him, and sent to Moscow more than a hundred thousand boyars, famous citizens and merchants who received land in Vladimir, Murom, Nizhny, Pereslavl, Yuryev, Rostov, Kostroma; And on their land, in Novgorod, Moskvatians, people serve and guests sent. SIM religion was forever Usmiren Novgorod. The corpse remained: the soul disappeared: other residents, other customs and morals peculiar to autocracy. John in 1500, with the consent of Metropolitov, distributed all the Novogorod church estates in the estate of the children of Boyarsky.