Poor people read a summary of chapters. Brief plot of Ramana Dostoevsky '' Poor People

The novel became the first big success in the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. A young author was talking about a talented writer. The work first saw Grigorovich, Nekrasov and Belinsky and immediately recognized the talent of the newcomer. In 1846, the Petersburg compilation published the book "Poor People".

At the creation of a work about the life of the urban poor, the author inspired their own life experience. Dostoevsky's father worked as a doctor in the city hospital, and his family lived in the Flegele next door to the chambers. There, Little Fedor saw a lot of life dramas taking place due to the fault of the lamp.

In his youth, the writer continued his study of the lower layers of the St. Petersburg society. He often walked in slums, seeing the sleeves and the fallen residents of the capital. He also removed the apartment with a doctor who also often told his neighbor about insolvent patients and their problems.

The prototypes of the main characters were the relatives of the writer. Barbara became the literary embodiment of his sister. With the memories of Dobrowskaya very similar to the Barbara Mikhailovna diaries, where her children's impressions are presented. In particular, the description of the native village of the heroine reminds the estate of Dostoevsky in the village of Granar. The image of the father of the girl and his fate, the image of a nanny and her appearance were also taken from the life of the Fedor Mikhailovich family.

The writer begins to work on the novel "Poor people" in 1844, when he leaves the position of the draftsman and decides seriously to work in creativity. However, a new thing is given with difficulty and he, in need of money, is forced to engage in the translation of the book of Balzaka "Eugene Grande". She inspired him, and the young author again takes over his brainchild. Therefore, the work that was to appear back in October was ready only in May 1845. Dostoevsky during this time repeated the drafts, but in the end it turned out something shook critics. Grigorovich after the first reading even woke up Nekrasov in order to revive him about the birth of a new talent. Both publicists highly appreciated the debut of the writer. The novel was published in the Petersburg Collection in 1846 and instantly chained the attention of the public with filing the most authoritative critics of that time.

Along with the original ideas, the author used literary cliches of his time. Formally, this is a European social novel, his structure and problem is a writer borrowed from foreign colleagues. The same composition had, for example, the labor of Rousseau "Julia, or New Eloise." The work also influenced the global trend - the transition from romanticism to realism, so the book took an intermediate position between two directions, including signs of both.


The genre of the work is a novel in letters, the so-called "epistolary". Little people talk about themselves, about their little joys and big troubles, in detail about what, in fact, their life is. They frankly share with each other with their experiences, thoughts and discoveries. The direction that was reflected in the book is called "Sentimentalism". It also occupies an intermediate position between romanticism and realism. It is characterized by the increased sensitivity of the characters, the emphasis on the emotions and the inner world of the heroes, the idealization of the rustic lifestyle, the cult of naturalness, sincerity and simplicity. All this reader finds in the literary debut by F. M. Dostoevsky.

Epistolar genre allows you to reveal the character not only detailed description, but also through his master letter. Through the lexicon, literacy, the special structure of proposals and the features of the expression of thoughts, it is possible to achieve the one that the hero is characterized by itself, and unobtrusive and naturally. That is why "poor people" are distinguished by deep psychologism and unique immersion in interior worlds Characters. Fedor Mikhailovich himself wrote about it in the "Writer's Diary":

Nowhere to show off the "Pogs of the Writer", give the floor to the heroes themselves

What is this work?

Main acting persons The novel "Poor People" is the titular adviser Makar Girl and poor orphan Varnka Dobroskovova. They communicate in letters, 54 pieces were transferred. The girl became a victim of violence and is now hiding from offenders under the auspices far relativewhich myself barely reduces the ends with the ends. They are both unhappy and very poor, but trying to help each other by sacrificing the latter. Their misfortunes throughout the entire narrative are increasingly increasing, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, they are on the edge of the abyss, one step separates them, because the support is nowhere to wait. But the hero finds the strength to pull the strap poverty and continue to develop the parameters that the ideal sets it. The girl gives him books and valuable recommendations, and he meets her worship and adoration. For the first time he appears a goal in life, and even the taste for her, because Varya is engaged in its upbringing and enlightenment.

The heroine is trying to earn honest hard labor (sew at home), but it finds Anna Fedorovna, a woman who sold the syrota lustful nobleman. She again invites the girl to show favor to the bull (the rich landowner who escaped to cook) wants to arrange it. Of course, Makar against this, but it cannot suggest anything, because the money he spends on the pupil - the latter, and they are not enough. He himself lives the injignment, his unclean appearance creates him problems at work, and there are no prospects at his age and no position. From pity for himself and jealousy (an officer was barely, he begins to drink, for which he was subjected to condemnation by his Varnika. But a miracle happens: the author saves heroes from the hungry death with the help of the head of a girl who gives him 100 rubles for free.

But it does not save them from moral fallwhich is described by Dostoevsky. The girl takes care of his offender and agrees to marry him. Her patronage can do nothing to do and humble with fate. In fact, Makar Alekseevich and Varena remain alive, they appear funds, but they lose each other and, for sure, it will become for both end. A poor official lives only for a orphan, she is the meaning of his life. With her, he will disappear. And Varnka, too, coming out married by Bykov, will die.

Main characters and their characteristics

Characteristics of the heroes of the novel "Poor people" are in many ways similar. Both Varnika and Makar Alekseevich Dova, sincere, have a big open soul. But they are both very weak in front of this world, he calmly solve their self-confident and vicious bulls. They have neither tricks, no agility to survive. Although at the same time two characters are very different.

  1. Girls Makar Alekseevich - Smurry, meek, blessing, mediocre and even pitiful man. He is 47 years old, most of his life he rewrites to other people's texts, he reads often superficial, empty literature, in which there is no point, but still it is able to evaluate Pushkina, but he doesn't like Gogol with a "chinel", since he is too Akak Akakievich looks like himself. It is weak and very dependent on the opinions of others. This is the image of a macar of a girl, a child and worm of the story "Death of the official", and Samson Vyrina from the story "Stationander".
  2. Varenka Dobroskovova Although it is still very young, but has experienced a lot of grief, which she absolutely not broke down (a rich nobleman discolored it, sold by a relative to pay for the content). However, a beautiful girl did not go the curve by the track and lived honest labor, not leaving for provocations and persuasion. The heroine is read, possesses a literary taste, which a student (pupil of Bykov). She is virtuous and hardworking, because the attacks of his relative, who wants to arrange it for the maintenance of the gentlemen. She is much stronger than Makara Alekseevich. Varya causes only admiration and respect.
  3. Petersburg - another the main character novel "Poor people." The place that in the works of Dostoevsky is always displayed quite volume. Petersburg is described here as big citybringing misfortune In Varenkoy memories, the village where she spent her childhood appears bright, beautiful paradise on earth, and the city in which her parents brought only suffering, deprivation, humiliation, the losses of the closest people. This is a gloomy, cruel world that breaks many.


  1. Theme of a small man. By the name "poor people" it can be seen that a small person became the main topic of the work. Dostoevsky in each of them finds a large person, because only the ability to love and kindness characterize a living soul. The author describes good and decent people who cried poverty. Arbitration also reigns around them and worries injustice, but in these pathetic and minor inhabitants of St. Petersburg, hope is still a hope for the best and faith in each other. They are owners of true virtue, no one notices their moral greatness. They do not live at the bottom, their modest labor is dedicated only to a disinterested desire to help another person. And numerous deprivation of a girl, and Self-sacrifice Vari in the final, they say that these personals are only small that they do not appreciate themselves. The writer idealizes them and assumes them praise, following the traditions of sentimentalists like Karamzin.
  2. Theme of love. For the sake of this light feeling, the characters go to self-sacrifice. Makar repents from worries about himself, he spends all the means to his pupil. All his thoughts are dedicated to her one, nothing else bothers him. Varya in the final decides to repay his guardian and goes for Bykov for the calculation, just to no longer burden a girl with its existence. She understands that he will never leave her himself. This guardian of him is not affordable, she destroys it and brings to poverty, so the heroine tramples his pride and marries. This is true love when people are ready for all for a certain one.
  3. Counterpressure of the city and village. In the novel "Poor People" the author deliberately faces indifference and the gray of St. Petersburg and bright paints of a good-natured village, where the inhabitants always help each other. The capital is grinding and misses the souls, making out of the gorges of greedy, vicious and indifferent to the entire owners of the ranks and ranks. They are angry from tightness and bustle around, a person's life for them is nothing. The village, on the contrary, has a healing effect on personality, because villagers are calmer and friendly in relation to each other. They have nothing to share, they will gladly take someone else's trouble for their own and help solve the problem. This conflict is also characteristic of sentimentalism.
  4. Theme of art. The Dostoevsky mouth of his heroine speaks of the delimitation of literature on high-quality and poor-quality. By the first, he considers the writings of Pushkin and Gogol, to the second boulevard novels, where the authors make an accent only on the story of the work.
  5. The theme of parental love. The writer depicts a bright episode where the father woves behind the coffin of the Son and drops his books. This touching scene strikes with its tragicity. Also, Varnka touching his relatives who did a lot for her.
  6. Mercy. The head of the girl sees the depressing position of his work and helps him financially. This nothing knows for him the gift saves a person from hungry death.


  1. Poverty. Even a working person in St. Petersburg of that time cannot afford to eat and buy clothes. About a girl who cannot provide himself with honest and hard work, and there is nothing to say. That is, even workers and conscientious workers cannot feed themselves and earn money on the tolerable living conditions. Because of its financial insolvency, they are in slave submission from circumstances: they are overcome debts, harassment, insults and humiliation. The writer ruthlessly criticizes the current system, depicting rich people indifferent, greedy and evil. They not only do not help others, but even more they stick them into dirt. It is not difficult, now the beggar in Tsarist Russia is deprived of the right to justice and respectful attitude. It is either used as Barbar, or do not put anything like Makara. In such realities, the poor and themselves lose their price, selling dignity, pride and honor for a piece of bread.
  2. Arbitration and injustice. The landowner of the bulls was escaped, but he had nothing for it, and could not. He is the rich, and justice works for him, and not on ordinary mortals. The problem of injustice is particularly acute in the work of "poor people", because the main characters of the opposite and the poor, that they are not put in the penny. Makaru pay so little that it will not even call the living fluid minimum, the cloud of work is also terribly Döshev. But the nobles live in luxury, idleness and content, while those thanks to whom it is possible is wearing poverty and ignorance.
  3. Indifference. In the city, everyone remains indifferent to each other, no one will surprise someone else's misfortune when they are everywhere. For example, fate Crawn only Makara worked, although the sirota lived with the relatives of Anna Fedorovna. The woman was before being spoiled by greed and greed that he sold a defenseless girl on fun to bull. Further, she did not hurt and gave the address of the victim to other his friends so that they also tried happiness. When such morals reign within the family, there are nothing to say about the relationships of other people's people.
  4. Drunkenness. Girls drinking his grief, he does not have a different solution to the issue. From a detrimental habit of him, even feelings of love and guilt. However, Dostoevsky in "poor people" is in no hurry to pour all responsibility on his unfortunate hero. He shows the hopelessness and despair of Makara, as well as his bravery. When a person is sticking into dirt, he, without being strong and persistent, merges with her, becomes low and nasty himself. The character did not stand the pressure of the circumstances and found consolation in alcohol, because there is nothing more. The latter of the Russian Poor The author described in the colors to show the scale of the problem. As can be seen, the official is paid exactly so much enough for a challenge in a glass cup. By the way, the same alert struck the father of Student Pokrovsky, who also worked, but he went back and sank to the very bottom of the public hierarchy.
  5. Loneliness. The heroes of the novel "Poor people" are terribly lonely and from this may be vicious and embittered. Tragically broken even bulls, who understands that he has no one to leave inheritance: there is some kind of hunters for others, who are only waiting for his death. From the awareness of his position, he marries Vare, without hiding that he just wants to acquire offspring, family. He, oddly enough, is not enough sincere participation and warmth. In a simple rustic girl, he saw naturalness and honesty, it means that she will not leave him in a difficult moment.
  6. Antisanitary and lack of medical care for the poor. The author affects not only philosophical and sociological problems, but also the most ordinary, everydays relating to the life and life of people of that time. In particular, a student of Pokrovsky dies from Chatheka, a very young man who, due to lack of money, no one helped. This disease is poor (it develops from malnutrition and bad living conditions) spread very widely in St. Petersburg of that time.

The meaning of the work

The book is filled with an essential sense that sheds light on the critical attitude of the author to reality. It is outraged by poverty and the permissibility of the inhabitants of "corners" and the permissiveness of the highest officials and nobles. The opposition setting the work is given not slogans or appeals, but the plot, which, with all its events, shook readers with descriptions and details of the life of unhappy characters. It was clear to the final that they were unhappy not with a personal drama, but due to the injustice of the state system. But the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel "Poor people" is higher than politics. It lies in the fact that in such inhuman and cruel realities you need to find the strength to love sincerely and selflessly. This feeling elevates the hostile reality of even a little man.

In addition, this story ends, at first glance, it is not very good, has an ambiguous final. Bulls still repents in the deed. He understands that he will die alone surrounded by hypocritical enemies, if he does not get families. They drive a desire to acquire a direct heir. However, why should his choice fell on the Varmentka - a hopelessness and siroto? He could count on a more profitable bride. But nevertheless, he decides to upload an old sin and legitimize the position of his victim, because it sees all those virtues in it that is needed to create a family. She will definitely not betray and do not deceive. In this insight, there is the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel "Poor people" - small people are sometimes big treasures that need to be seen and protect. They should be assessed, and not broken and grinding in the millstone tests.


"Poor people" end in an ambiguous event. After an unexpected salvation, Makar was silent and drove the "liberal thoughts". Now he hopes for a bright future and believes in his strength. However, at the same time, the bulls finds. He makes her a hand and heart offer. He wants to make his children so that they inherit his property to which the unfit nephew will encroach. The groom requires an immediate response, otherwise the offer will move to the Moscow Kupchikha. The girl hesitates, but over time agrees, because only the landowner can return her honest name and lost dignity, leaving the relationship. Girls in despair, but nothing can change. From the grief, the hero is even getting sick, but still courageously and humbly helps the pupils to bother about the wedding.

The end of the novel of Dostoevsky "Poor People" - the day of marriage. Varya writes a friend farewell letterwhere it does on its helplessness and loneliness. He also answers that all this time lived only for her, and now he has no reason to "work, write paper, walk, walk." Makar is perplexed, "according to what right" destroy "human life"?

What does it take?

Dostoevsky gives moral lessons to the reader in every work. For example, in "poor people", the author reveals the essence of the unspoken and miserable heroes in the most advantageous light and as if it proposes to appreciate how we would make a mistake in this person, making conclusions about it in appearance. The not far away and the bad Makar is capable of a feud of self-denial for a disinterested feeling for Vare, and the surrounding colleagues and neighbors see only untidy and ridiculous clown. For all, he is just a mixture: it is disappeared by anger and hony languages. However, he did not work out from the blows of fate and is still able to help out anyone in need, giving the latter. For example, he gives all his money Gorshkov just because there is nothing to feed the family. Thus, the writer teaches us not to judge the wrapper, but to know deeper about whom this is speech, After all, he may be worthy of respect and support, and not dust. So doing the only one positive image From the Supreme Society - the head of the girl who gives him money, saving from poverty.

Virtue and sincerely desire to help the heroes of faith and the truth, allowing them to overcome all the difficulties of life together and remain honest people. Love sends them and feeds, giving strength to fight problems. The same nobility of the soul teaches us the author. It is necessary to preserve the purity of thoughts, the heat of the heart and moral principlesDespite everything, and generously give them those who need support. This is the wealth, which elevates and enjoys even the poor.


Liberal reviewers enthusiastically reacted to new giving on the literary horizon. Belinsky himself (the most authoritative critic of the time) read the manuscript of "poor people" before the publication and was delighted. He, together with Nekrasov and Grigorovich, heated the interest of the public to the revenge of the novel and dubbed the none of the famous Dostoevsky "New Gogol". This writer mentions in a letter to Brother Mikhail (November 16, 1845):

Never, I think, my glory will not reach such an apogea as now. Everywhere the reverence of incredible, curiosity about me is terrible ...

In his detailed review, Belinsky writes about the phenomenal gift of the writer, whose debut is so good. However, not everyone shared his admiration. For example, the editor of the Northern Bee and the conservative of Faddey Bulgarin relegated to the work of "poor people", touched on the whole liberal seal. It is his authorship that the term "Natural School" belongs. He applied him as a crown in relation to all novels of such a sense. His attack continued Leopold Brand, who said that Dostoevsky himself writes well, and the unsuccessful start of his career is due to the excessive influence of the employees of the competing publication. Thus, the book has become a reason for the battle of two ideologies: progressive and reaction.

From nothing he decided to build a poem, drama, and nothing came out, despite all the claims to create something deep - writes critic brands.

The reviewer Peter Plentnev positively allocated only the diary of Var, and he called the rest with a sluggish imitation of Gogol. Stepan Shevyrev (publicist from the magazine "Moskvatikan") believed that the author was too carried away by philanthropic ideas and forgot about giving the work of the desired artisticity and beauty of the syllable. However, he noted several successful episodes, for example, acquaintance with the student of the Pokrovsky and his father. With his assessment, the censor Alexander Nikitenko, who highly put a deep psychological analysis of characters, was agreed, but complained about the stretching of the text.

The religious morality of the work criticized Apollo Grigoriev in the "Finnish messenger", noting the "false sentimentality" of the narration. He believed that the author felt the petty personality, and not the ideals of Christian love. A unknown reviewer in the magazine "Russian Disabled" has been elegated with him. He spoke about the exceptional accuracy of the events described, that the indignation of the writer is noble and fully corresponds to the interests of the people.

Finally, the book read the Gogol himself, with which Dostoevsky was very often compared. He highly appreciated the work, but nevertheless, gently crushed the novice colleague:

In the author of "poor people" the talent is visible, the choice of objects speaks in favor of his qualities of spiritual, but it also can also be seen that he is still young. Many still talking and little concentration in themselves: everything would be much more and stronger if it was more compressed.

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The main character of the novel - Makar Alekseevich Girl. He is a titular adviser and works in one of the St. Petersburg departments, engaged in the penwriting there. Recently, 47-year-old Makar Alekseevich changed the apartment, and now lives in a common kitchen in an apartment with a long corridor and a large number of tenants. But this is not embarrassed by the hero, since the main thing for him is that now he doesn't need to pay a lot of money for the apartment, as a lot of money goes to eat another apartment - a comfortable and good, which he takes off for Barbara Alekseevna Doborovna.

Varena - Far relative of a girl. And the whole story of their relationship is set out in the novel in the correspondence, which they lead to each other. The apartment Varnika is located next to the apartment where Makar Alekseevich lives, but they see very rarely, as the girls are afraid to make anyone think bad about Varenka. In his letters, he talks about how happy he has such a close man as she describes the apartment in which he lives and his neighbors. He also writes that he has "no syllable", which is noticeable in conversation, and in work, and what he is very shameful. Varnika also asks him to not spend money on her and come to visit more often. In addition, Vabnka is worried about the fact that her address recognizes her distant relative Anna Fedorovna, who once lived with her mother. Mother Varniki died, and Anna Fedorovna, saying that he could not cover the losses, which she suffered because of them, sold his jam to the rich landowner to the bull, and he was discounted, after which the Volyakka ran out of the house Anna Fedorovna, and only girls saved her from of real death.

Born and grew by Varena in the village, where her father served as a rich landowner. But then he was left without a place, and the whole family moved to Petersburg, who really did not like Varnik. Soon the Father died, and their house had to sell to pay off the debts - so Vabnka with his mother and found themselves at Anna Fedorovna. Soon the "virtuous" began to reproach the mother of Varenka for making a little, although Mother worked a lot. Varnka herself, living at Anna Fedorovna, took lessons from Student Peter Pokrovsky, who lived in the same house. As of health, he could not study at the university and earned a living, giving private lessons. But the friendship of Varniki and Peter was short-lived - the student soon died of a consumers. After a short time, the mother of Varniki died, and she remained completely alone.

Communication with Varenka helps a girl to understand how good it is close man. She opens his world of literature - he was shocked after reading the "stationander" Pushkin and "Sintels" of Gogol. He feels that his "syllable" has become much better. They walk together, go to the theater. But the girl's money end, and he does not know what to do next. It aggravates the situation that men begin to come to the jam, who direct Anna Fedorovna. Varna urgently need to be changed apartment. Girls begins to drink from hopelessness, jaming him comforts. Saves the situation of a visit to a girl to the boss, who, seeing his nurse, disposes to give him 100 rubles. And the bulls come to Varnaka, who decided to start legitimate children - he is ready to marry her. If she refuses, he also has another bride. But Volya agrees, as it feels that no one else can return her "honest name" and pull out of poverty. Makar Alekseevich is trying to dissuade her from this step, but he helps her to gather. After the wedding of the bulls and Varenka leave in the estate. Varena writes a fabric letter to a girl. In a response letter, his despair feels and confused - who is needed now, even with a good "syllable"?

Short retelling

"Poor people" Dostoevsky F.M. (Very brief)

Makar Alekseevich Girl is a titular adviser for forty-seven years, rewriting for a small paper complaint in one of the St. Petersburg departments. He just moved to a new apartment in the "capital" house near Fontanka. Along the long corridor - the doors of the residents for residents; The hero itself is jetsting over the partition in the shared kitchen. The former housing was "not as an example better." However, now for the girl, the main thing is low cost, because in the same yard he shoots a more comfortable and expensive apartment for his far relative of Barbara Alekseevna Doborovna. A poor official takes under his defense with seventeen-year-old Syrota, for which, besides him, to interfere with no one. Living beside, they rarely see, as Makar Alekseevich is afraid of woven. However, both need mental warmth and sympathy that draws from almost daily correspondence with each other. The history of the relationship between Makara and Varnikov reveals in thirty one - His and twenty-four - her letters written from April 8 to September 30, 184 ... The first letter of Makara permeated with the happiness of the acquisition of cardiac attachment: "... Spring and thoughts are all so nice , sharp, intricate, and dreams come gentle ... "refuses to eat in food and dress, he gave birth to flowers and candy for his" Angelic ".

Varnahka is angry with a patron for excessive expenses, cools the irony of his dust: "... some poems lacking ..."

"The father's pleasant appealed me, the only pure delicious pleasant ..." - confused Makar.

Varya persuades a friend to come to her more often: "What other thing is!" She takes a job at home - sewing.

In subsequent letters, the girl describes in detail his dwelling - "Noah's Ark" according to the abundance of the most familiar public - with "rot, witty-precipitated smell", in which "Chizhiki and Mrut". Draws portraits of neighbors: Michman's card player, a small writer of Ratazeaeva, a begging official without a place of Gorshkova with his family. The hostess is a "walking witch." It is ashamed that badly, Bestwkovo writes - "there is no sylla to": after all he studied "not even for copper money."

Varnka is divided into his alarm: Anna Fedorovna "gives" about her, distant relative. Previously, cooking with her mother lived in her house, and then, allegedly to cover the costs of them, "benefactor" suggested an orphaned girl by the rich landowner to the bull, which was discounted. Only Makara's help saves defenseless from the final "death." If only ravings and bulls did not recognize its addresses! The poor thing falls from fear, almost a month lies in unconsciousness. Makar is all this time nearby. To put your "Cinema" to your feet, sells a new ultrasound. By June, Varnota recovers and sends notes to a caring note with the history of his life.

Her happy childhood passed in their native family on the village of rustic nature. When the father lost the place of the manager in the estate of Prince P-go, they came to St. Petersburg - "Rotina", "angry", "dreary". Permanent failures of the father brought the grave. The house was sold for debts. Fourteen-year-old Varya with his mother remained no bed and money. They then shelted them, Anna Fedorovna, soon began to apakest the widow. She worked as much force, gripped a weak health for the sake of a piece of bread. For a whole year, Varya studied at living in the same house former student Peter Pokrovsky. She was surprised in the "kindest, decent man, the best of all", the strange disrespect for the old man's father, who often had an adorable son. It was a bitter drunkard, once a small official. Petra's mother, young beauty, was issued for him with a rich dowry a bull landlord. Soon she died. Widower married the second time. Peter also rose separately, under the auspices of Bykov, who placed the university who left the university "on breads" to his "short acquaintance" by Anna Fedorovna for his "short familiar".

Joint wakes in the bed of the patient of the mother climbed the young people. An educated friend taught the girl to read, developed her taste. However, soon the Pokrovsky run and died from the consumers. The hostess in the expense of the funeral took all the things of the deceased. The old man from her books from her, how much he could, and scored them in pockets, a hat, etc. Rain is coming. The old man fled, crying, behind the cart with the coffin, and the books fell from his pockets in the dirt. He raised them and ran back again ... Varya in the longing returned home, to the mother, whom he also had death either ...

Girls meets the story about his own life. It serves as thirty years. "Sperniginsky", "quiet" and "kind", he became the subject of permanent rides: "In the proverb, Makara Alekseevich in the whole department of our", "... to the boards, to the uniform, to the hair, to the figure of mine got: everything is not for them -

you need to remake everything! ". The hero is indignant: "Well, here [...] such that I rewrite! What, sin rewrite, or what? »The only joy is Varnka:" The Lord blessed with the god and the family! "

On June 10, the girl brings his ward to walk to the island. That happy. Naive Makar is delighted with the writings of Ratazeeva. Vammenta also notes a blessing and overference of "Italian passions", "Ermak and Zhuleiki" and others.

Understanding all the unimpressness for a girl of material concerns about yourself (he was shaken so much that it causes contempt even at servants and watches), the patient of Varnka wants to settle in the governess. Makar vs. Her "utility" - in the "beneficial" effect on his life. For Ratoshaeva, he stands up, but after reading the sent Varai " Stationery"Pushkin - shocked:" I feel the same, that's completely as in the book. " The fate of Worina is trying on himself and asks his "native" not to leave, not to "destroy" him. July 6, Varnka sends Makaru Gogol Sinel; In the same evening, they attend the theater.

If the Pushkin tale raised a girl in his own eyes, then Gogolevskaya is offended. Having identified himself with shoes, he believes that the author spied all the little things, his life and unceremoniously unveiled. The dignity of the hero is also kept: "After that, one must complain ..."

By the beginning of July, Makar I spent everything. It is terrible to laugh only ridicule of residents over him and Varna. But the most terrible thing is that the "seeker" -Ofritzer, from the former neighbors, with the "unworthy sentence". In desperation, the poor fellow was drinking, four days disappeared, passing the service. I went to stick off the offender, but was reset from the stairs.

Varya comforts his defender, asks, despite gossip, come to her dinner.

Since the beginning of August, the girl has been trying in vain to occupy at percent of money, especially necessary due to the new trouble: the other day to Varnka came another "seeker", directed by Anna Fedorovna, who herself will visit the girl soon. We must urgently move. Makar from powerless rehaiser again. "For me for me, my dovety, not ruin myself and do not destroy me," the unfortunate, sending the last "thirty kopecks silver". The encouraged poor man explains his "drop": "As I lost respect for myself, as I betrayed the denial of good qualities of my dignity, so here everything is disappeared!" Makaru's self-esteem gives Varya: people "bent" them, "And I began to be bored., And [...] you [...] all my life was lit by the dark, [...] and I [...] found out that [...] no worse than others ; That only [...] do not shook anything, there is no gloss, there is no tone, but still I am a man that I have a man with my heart and thoughts. "

Health Varniki worsens, it is no longer able to sew. In the alarm, Makar comes out by September evening on the fountain embankment. Dirt, mess, drunk - "boring"! And on the neighboring pea - rich stores, luxury carriages, elegant ladies. The walking flows into the "free-forming": if the work is the basis of human dignity, then why so many idlers are fed? Happiness is not deserved - therefore, the rich should not be deaf to the complaints of the poor. Makar is a little proud of his arguments and notices that he has "from recently a syllable formed." On September 9, lucky girl smiles: caused by a mistake in paper on the "spotting" to General, humble and pathetic official won the sympathy of "His Excellency" and received a hundred rubles personally from him. This is a real salvation: the apartment, the table, clothing is paid. Girls are depressed with the generosity of the head and corront himself for the recent "liberal" thoughts. Reads "Northern Bee". Polon hopes for the future.

Meanwhile, the Varnka will find out the bulls and September 20 is to wrap it. His goal is to start legitimate children to deprive the inheritance of the "unfasten nephew." If cooking against, he marries Moscow Kupchikha. Despite the unceremoniousness and rudeness of the proposal, the girl agrees: "If anyone can [...] return to me a honest name, disrupt poverty from me [...] So this is the only one." Makar dissociates: "The heart will be cold!" Cause from grief, he still shakes her harness in the road until the last day.

September 30 - Wedding. On the same day, on the eve of departure to the estate of Bykov, Varena writes a farewell letter to the old friend: "For whom you will be here, kind, invaluable, the only one!"

The answer is full of despair: "I worked, and wrote paper, and walked, and walked, [...] all because you [...] here, on the contrary, lived nearby." Who needs his formed "syllable", his letters, he himself? "By what right" destroy "human life"?

Product name: Poor people
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
Year of writing: 1845
Genre: Roman in letters
Main characters: Makar girl - Small official, Varvara


Makar is an elderly and a lonely man, he never had no wife, no children, cares about his far-relative Varnik, recently orphaned. She was left without livelihood after the death of the mother. Makar cuts out himself in everything to settle the unfortunate girl in a decent bright room, buying flowers and candy. He strongly cut his expenses, but he wants, by all means, to make the life of the orphan, who now replaced him with his family, better and happier. The man and the girl can not even see in order not to excite the gossip, they constantly write letters to each other. In them, Makar Alekseevich deceives the girl, without revealing the whole truth about his distress material situation. But Varnka understands that he does not have enough funds for its content, and she herself cannot earn enough needlework and, in the end, it agrees to accept the proposal of the hand and heart of a rich landlord, who once scared insulted it. Makar begging the girl will not succumb to this temptation, but she is stubborn in their intentions, because he knows the serious financial situation of her relative.

Conclusion (my opinion)

The author continues the theme of a "little man" in the literature, he talks about the feelings and sufferings of simple, poor, little educated people who, nevertheless, are able to love and suffer, sacrificing themselves and deceive in the name of pure love.

The main characters are representatives of the poor class of St. Petersburg, who are pursued by troubles and unsuccessful attempts to escape from lack of money. They live in the same house.

  1. Makar Alekseevich Girl - An official of small rank, who removes a cheap apartment on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. He has no chance to make a career and therefore he lives quietly and imperceptibly for others.
  2. Varvara Alekseevna Dobroskovova - A young girl who also lives on the outskirts of the city and earns a living of sewing.

Beginning of the End

April 8th. Makar in the morning is in dreams, thinking about Ware, what he writes in a letter in the morning. The girls moved to a new apartment at times worse than the former. But describing her Vare says that it is much more convenient for him, because the Kamorki window near the kitchen, in which he now lives, go to the windows of the girl. In the same "number" next to him, there are many people living, but they are all good and educated. In addition, accommodation is cheaper. With a letter, he sends her geranium and candy.

But the girl answers: if not spent on gifts, then you can rent accommodation better. In addition to concern about the well-being of Makara, the Barbar is very disturbing the future, since the past, dumbfounded by the troubles and betrayals, I do not want to remember. What a man answers her that she is under his patronage. He has to be distant, but still a relative.

April 12th. A man asks Barvara Alekseevna to follow his health and dress up warmly, and describes in detail in detail - both in the apartments are dirty, stuffy and voice. Especially he is a pity living here a large family of a former small official.

25th of April. Varya tells that he met his cousin Alexander, whose position is no different from her. It is rumored that Anna Fedorovna is asked about Vare - a distant relative, which 2, 5 years old contained her own and her mother. And concludes that this woman is not to blame for the fact that someone bulls did not marry her. This was the cause of her shame. Mom to the grave, the girl fell ill.

May 20. Visits to Girl Varvara Alekseevna, should be limited, as he often visited her during the illness, and gossip already go about them. Therefore, he just sends her grapes.

Diary of Barbara Alekseevna

In childhood she was happy. They lived well - her father ruled a major estate. But when she was 12 years old, the owner of the house died, and his father was fired, so they moved to St. Petersburg.

She was given to the guesthouse, where she did not like it at all, but she tried to learn well to please the Father. He spent the latter money to give her education. But his affairs went bad, there was no money and many debts were formed. From grief and disorders, I first got sick, maras, and my father suddenly died. The girl at that time was 14 years old.

Lenders took everything that remained, and her mother even sold her house. At this time, Anna Fedorovna was announced, which was called by their relative and called to live to himself. Since they had no time to go, cooking with my mother went to her accommodation.

Anna Fedorovna owned his own homes consisting of 5 rooms. In the 3rd of them, she herself lived along with Sasha - orphan, which comes to Vary with a cousin. One room occupied cooking with my mother, and the last thing is the student Pokrovsky, who in exchange for accommodation taught girls to the languages.

What Anna Fedorovna was doing, no one knew, but a lot of people came to her, and she lived richly. Soon she showed her true face - constantly swore on them and followed. Mother from all experiences became worse.

Student Pokrovsky, was poor and weak, so lectures visited infrequently. Soon, he became a friend of Var. Sometimes a student's father came - a poorly dressed strange old man. He was married for the second time, after the death of the first wife, the boy turned out to be a stepmother, so someone Mr. Bykov helped to arrange the training of young Pokrovsky.

There was a lot of books in the student's room, which cooking secretly wanted to read. But when the mother of the girl is ill, a young man with her helps. Soon, he has a birthday that is very fun. After some time, Pokrovsky gets sick and dies, and in the memory of Barbara Alekseevna, the tragic scene of the funeral is imprinted for a long time, when the old man is running behind the coffin of his son.

Poor people

June 11th. Varya thanks a girl for a walk, which he organized, but knocked her legs, and she is unhealthy.

12 June. In a letter, Makar tells a girl about his service for 30 years, as well as about his ill-wishers there. Soon, he intends to visit her and bring books.

June 20. Varvaru calls to Anna Fedorovna and promises that the bulls, which caused her shame, intends to smooth his guilt in front of her.

25 and 26 June. Varya and Makar correspond about the books that exchange. A man tells her about Ratzyaev, who is his neighbor and possessing, it seems, literary talent.

27th of June. Varena appears the opportunity to work the governess, but it doubts, besides it feels very bad. Soon she will receive money for an embroidered carpet, thanks to which he will pay with Fedor, and also saves the clothes to himself and Makar.

June 28 and July 1. In the correspondence, the girl assures a girl so that she does not go to the governess, but cooking is ashamed of what does not benefit.

July 6 and 7. They discuss the theater, and Varya says about rumors that Makar spent greatly in debt.

July 8. A man talks about the work of the "Shinel" of Gogol and radically disagrees with the author on many issues.

July 27th. Varvara Alekseevna learns about the desperate position of Makara and that he fell into the police. He has many debts, and she suffers from the fact that he brought him costs and misfortune.

July 28th. The girl helps him with money, for which he is very grateful. He says he loves her, and talks about the story with an officer who insulted Varnyka. He went to him to understand, but he descended him from the stairs.

July 29 and August 1. Varya calls him to dare to them, and Makar argues on the subject of poverty and calls everyone living in apartments - poor people.

September 3 and 5. Varya writes that she loves autumn, but she is scared, because she had a premonition of early death. What a girl talks about his evening spent in a rich quarter.

9th of September. There is a "strange incident" in the life of a girl, in which his boss, seeing his pathetic appearance, gives him 100 rubles and even eats his hand. He gives part of money to the girl.


September 10 and 11. Varvara Alekseevna announces the intention to move. Makar is trying to dissuade her and confident that everything will soon work out.

September 15 and 18. Bulls came to Vare home in her absence that the girl was very embarrassed. In apartments, the girl was justified by the father of a large family, after which he immediately died.

September 20. Varvara Alekseevna reports his intention to marry Bykov, who promised to lead her to the village and thank the girl in the amount of 500 rubles.

September 30th. The girl sends him the last letter, and the man is sick. He very regretting the girl and thinks she will die there. But his letter is nowhere to send.

Test on the novel poor people