English countable and uncountable synonyms. Calculated and innumerable nouns

Hello dear readers! Today I prepared a very scrupulous topic for you. After examining the material, you will get acquainted with the main groups of incurred nouns, learn how to designate the number of innumerable nouns in English, and also learn, in what cases the inclined nouns can be used as calculated. The topic is not so simple as you could seem. The fact is that when transferring an inclulted noun from the Russian language into English, you can easily be mistaken. Very often, the noun, which in Russian is calculated, in English - innumerable, and vice versa. Because of this, confusion arises. As you can see, it is necessary to treat this topic with special attention.

With the calculated nouns, you could already familiarize yourself in the article: a multiple number of nouns in English. I remind you that the calculated nouns in English indicate objects and concepts that can be counted. They may have the form of a single and plural. With the rules of the formation of a multiple number, you could also read the article "Multiple Nouns in English". Let's go directly to the study of incurred nouns in English.

Incomaled nouns in English

Incomplete nouns are nouns, denoting substances and concepts that cannot be counted. These include both real (liquid, gaseous, solid materials) and abstract nouns (natural phenomena, actions, feelings, etc.). But in English, in contrast to Russian, many nouns can be used both as calculated and as incumbered.

So, the innumerable nouns are used only in the singular and, accordingly, are consistent with the verbs in the singular. Remember that in English they are not used with uncertain article a. or an. If it is necessary to allocate the inclined noun from common category Substances or concepts, a certain article is used their

In the role of the subject they are consistent with the faithful in the singular. Can be replaced by pronouns in the singular. In most cases, this is a pronoun iT.

Classification of innumerable nouns

There are quite many increasing nouns in English, and in order to better remember them, you can classify them by groups. We have compiled a list of frequently used innumerable nouns in colloquial speech.

  1. Natural phenomena: Darkness - Darkness, Snow - Snow, Fog - Fog, Gravity - Gorut, Heat - Heat, Humidity - Damp, Light - Daylight, Hail - Hail, Lighting - Lightning, Rain - Rain, Thunder - Thunder, Sunshine - sunlight, Weather - Weather, Wind - Wind, etc.
  2. Fluids: Petrol -Bnezin, Oil - Vegetable oil / oil, Coffee - Coffee, Water - Water, Tea - Tea, Lemonade - Lemonade, Milk - Milk, Wine - Wine, Blood - Blood, etc.
  3. Gaseous substances: Nitrogen - Nitrogen, Oxygen - Oxygen, Air - Air, Steam - Par, Smoke - Smog, Smog - thick fog, etc.
  4. Food: Bread - Bread, Cheese - Cheese, Butter - Butter, Meat - Meat, Spaghetti - Spaghetti, Yoghurt - Yogurt, etc.
  5. Languages: Russian - Russian, Greek - Greek, German - German, English - English, Arabic - Arabic, Chinese - Chinese, Spanish - Spanish, etc.
  6. Substances consisting of many small particles: Semolina - Manka, Rice - Rice, Flour - Flour, Corn - Corn, Dust - Dust, Salt - Salt, Sugar - Sugar, Pepper - Pepper, Sand - Sand, etc.
  7. Diseases: Cancer - Cancer, Flu - Influenza, MEASLES - Cort, MUMPS - Pig, SmallPox - Windmill, Pneumonia - Pneumonia, etc.
  8. Abstract concepts: Space - Space, Energy - Energy, Advice - Council, Beauty - Beauty, Time - Time, Education - Education, Wealth - Wealth, Happiness - Happiness, Honesty - Honesty, Health - Health, Help - Help, Laughter - Laughter, Intelligence - Intellect, Knowledge - Knowledge, Justice - Justice, Truth - True, Information - Information, News - News, Homework - d / s, work - work, grammar - grammar, vocabulary - vocabulary, etc.
  9. Disciplines: Chemistry - Chemistry, Mathematics - Mathematics, History - History, Psychology - Psychology, Literature - Literature, etc.
  10. Natural resources, building materials, metals: Gold - Gold, Silver - Silver, Wood - Wood, Glass - Glass, Oil - Oil, Clay - Clay, Soncrete - Concrete, Paper - Paper, etc.
  11. Games: Baseball - Baseball, Poker - Poker, Billiards - Billiards, Chess - Chess, Golf - Golf, Rugby - Rugby, Football - Football, Soccer - Football, Tennis - Tennis, etc.
  12. Actions (gerundium): Driving - Driving, Walking - Walking, Studying - Study, Drawing - Drawing, Rock Climbing - Climbing, Swimming - Swimming, etc.

Designation of the number of innumerable nouns

If you need to specify the number denoted by the innumerable nouns, use the following nouns:

  • a Piece - Piece (A Piece Of Paper - Sheet of Paper, A Piece Of News, A PIECE OF ADVICE - Tip, A PIECE OF INFORMATION - INFORMATION, A PIECE OF FURNITURE - Furniture subject)
  • a Glass - Glass (A Glass Of Wine - Wine Glass)
  • and Bottle - Bottle (A Bottle Of Cognac - Bottle of Cognac)
  • a JAR - Bank (a Jar of Honey - Honey Bank)
  • a Rasher - Slice (A Rasher of Bacon - Slim Bacon Slice)
  • a Packet - Package (A Packet of Rice - Rice Package)
  • a Loaf - Bukaka (A Loaf of Bread - Buckka Bread)
  • and Slice-cut (and Slice of Bread - a piece of bread)
  • a POT - Pot, Bank (A Pot Of Yoghurt -bank Yogurt, A Pot Of Tea - Tea Tea)
  • a Cup - Cup (and Cup of TEA - Cup of Tea)
  • a kilo - kilogram (a kilo of meat - kilogram of meat)
  • and Tube - Tube (and Tube of Tooth Paste - Tube Toothpaste)
  • a bar - a piece, tile (a bar of chocolate - chocolate tile, a bar of soap - a piece of soap)
  • a CAN - Tin Bank (A CAN OF LEMONADE - Limonada jar)
  • a Carton - Packaging (A Carton of Milk - Milk Packaging)
  • a Bowl - Bowl (A Bowl of Soup - Bowl / Bowl Soup)

Example of innumerable nouns in English

Also, to indicate a large or small quantity, denoted by the innumerable nouns, use the following pronouns:

  • much - a lot (Much Time - a lot of time)
  • a Lot of - a lot (a lot of chees - a lot of cheese)
  • little - Little, little (Little Oil - Little Oil)
  • some - Some Quantity (To Buy Some TEA - Buy Tea)
  • any - anyone, some (to Eat Any SPAGHETTI - there are any spaghetti)
Transition of nouns from incumbered to calculated

1. In English, if the real noun is used to designate the item from this material, the innumerable noun becomes calculated and used with articles a. and aN.. (If the whole and its elements are indicated equally.)

  • hair Hair - A Hair Hair
  • wood Wood, Wood - A Wood Forest
  • paper Paper - A Paper Newspaper, Document
  • coal Coal - A COAL Corner
  • iron Iron - An Iron Iron

2. In English, in case the real noun is used to designate varieties, species or portions of something, the innumerable noun becomes calculated and used with articles a. and an.

  • HE BOUGHT SOME TEA. He bought tea. - HE BOUGHT AN INDIAN TEA. He bought one of the Indian varieties of tea.
  • I Like Coffee. I love coffee. - He Bought a coffee. He bought (a cup) of coffee.

3. In English, in case the abstract noun is used to designate a particular subject or face, that is, to concretize, the innumerable noun becomes calculated and used with articles a. and aN..

  • beauty Beauty - A Beauty Beauty
  • light Light - A Light Spark, Lamp
  • life Life - A Life Life Path
  • time time - a time times
  • play game - a Play Piece

4. In English, if the ending is added to the innumerable existing existing -s, -es, It becomes calculated and used with articles a. and an.

Is it possible to calculate? Is it possible to calculate the stars in the universe or water in the seas and oceans? And if the stars of the hotel and water in the glass - is it possible to calculate these objects? What is me - we are talking about English. The fact is that in English the possibility or inability to calculate some objects, as it turns out, affects grammar. Nouns in English can be either calculated or incurred (Countable and uncountable).

How to determine the calculation? Calculate!

To determine the counting noun or not, you need to make a simple thing - try to calculate. In most cases, this will solve the problem at once: two bottles, three friends, four cucumbers. And if some nonsense is obtained - it means the noun is incurred.

It would seem that the question can be closed. Not really. The first problem with which you can encounter here - look carefully what exactly you think do not fall into the logical trap.

For example: whether vodka is calculated? Ha, you will say, but what about: vodka can be 0.5, maybe 150 - than no calculation. But no, in this case, we consider liters and milliliters (or grams - who is as used to), and "one vodka, two vodka" - sounds strange. It turns out, vodka is an inclulted noun (and a liter - calculated).

We are accustomed to not paying attention to what the category has a noun. Everything else in English. For example, some words that were incurred, after adding the end not only become, but also the value changes dramatically. But consider everything in order

With the calculated nouns are increasingly less understandable. These include all that we are able to recalculate. The only number is made by Article A | An, The, in the multiple - zero article or the. With the innumerable nouns, the situation is somewhat more complicated.

The main signs of uncountable nouns in English

  • We never use them with A \\ An articles, while freely use with the
  • After them must be a verb in the desired form according to general scheme offers
  • Before them are the words Little, Any, Much, etc., and not just pronouns:

FLOUR IS PRODUCED IN MANY FOREIGN COUNTIES - Flour is produced in many foreign countries

The Latest News Was Good - the latest news were good

Knowledge Was His Main Weapon - Knowledge was his main weapon

Category of innumerable nouns: we study more details

To learn and remember all the nouns and their category separately - difficult and completely nothing. How to determine what word to you? Everything is very simple. In English to the innumerable nouns include whole categories of concepts. For example, look at this list of innumerable nouns. There are many exceptions in English, we will consider the basic rules.

Solids, food butter - butter (The Butter Is Not Tasty Today - butter is not tasty today), Spagetti - Spaghetti (ItalianS Adore Spagetti But i Don't - Italians love spaghetti, and here - no), COAL - Coal (The Coal Wassed for Healing - Coal used as a medicine)
Liquids water - Water, Blood - Blood (The Blood Differs The Water - Blood is not a water). Oil - Oil (Give Me Some Oil Please, I'll Bake Something - Give me a little oil, I am something in priced). coffee - coffee (if you like coffee you shald try this one - if you love coffee, then you have to try this variety)
Gaza pollution - Pollution by Humanity - Air Pollution occurs due to humanity) Smoke - smoke from cigarettes (when we entered the room we felt the smoke - When we entered the room, they felt the smell of cigarette smoke). Oxygen - Oxygen (We Need Oxygen Not Only for Breathing - Oxygen We need not only for breathing)
Games Chess (I don't Like Chess But Adore DRUGHTS - I do not like chess, but delighted with checkers)
Languages \u200b\u200bof the world Greek (If You Think That English Is Difficult Try Greek or Chinese - If you think English is complicated, try to learn greek or chinese)
Diseases flu - influenza

SHE HAD FLU A YEAR AGO - a year ago she fell a flu

Natural phenomena darkness - Darkness (All Little Children Are Afraid of Darkness - All Little Children are afraid of darkness), Heat - heat (if you like heat you should Visit Malta - If you love heat, you will certainly need to visit Malta), Fog - Fog (The Fog And Rain Is What i Dislike in England - Fog and Rain - this is what I do not like in the UK), Weather - Weather,

I don't like such a weather - I do not like this weather

Collective noun rubbish - trash (There is a lat of rubbish after all the contests - after any event there is a lot of garbage), Luggage - Luggage (I Lost My Luggage Twice! - I twice lost luggage)
Abstract nouns behavior - Behavior (Your Behavior Is awful - Your behavior is terrible), information-information (IF You Need More Information, Ask Julie - If you need more information, ask Julie)
School subjects and scientific disciplines Math - Mathematics (Math Is The Queen Of All The Subjects - Mathematics - Queen Science), History - History (History and Geographic Are Sisters - History and Geoshraphia - Sisters)

These cunning nouns!

Since nouns are the oldest part of speech in English, then they represent one of the most difficult topics for development. The problem is that the innumerable noun can easily change its category, and for this you need to follow. For example, when specified with the addition of articles, not only the category changes, but the whole point. Below is a small table of incurred nouns, which change the category and value:

I Visited Them a Few Times - I visited them several times

Time Went By - Time Esh ...

Your Life Is Worth Fighting - Your Life is worth fighting for her

A Life of the Man Was Difficult Life Path This man was a thorny

If the innumerable noun is used to designate a part of the whole, then it changes the category and becomes calculated, obeying the same rules. For example:

I Like TEA. Give me a tea - I love tea. Pour me a cup.

The Wine Is Useful, Would You Like A Wine? - Wine is useful, do not want a boa?

I'd like a coffee and a cake please - please give a cup of coffee and one cupcake.

HE HATED COFFEE - He hated coffee

HE HATED AN INDIAN COFFEE - He hated Indian coffee

Added ending - changed category

When adding the end to some exist, they change the value and category. This transformation very clearly demonstrates the mechanism of word formation and the transition of one value to another. For example:

The Color of Her Eyes Was Dark Blue - She had Dark Blue Eyes

They Saw The King's Colors and Cheered Him Up - they saw the king's banners and began to welcome him

Strike Iron While Hot - Kui Iron while hot

The IRONS WERE TOO Heavy for the Boy. - Chains were too heavy for the boy

Articles with innumerable nouns

And articles, and innumerable nouns in English - themes, to put it mildly, not easy. But there is nothing impossible if there is a desire to learn and develop. Below we give a brief list of rules with examples that will help you figure out how to use articles with innumerable noun.

The Article Thes is put in front of real-inclined nouns, if it is meaning not all substance, but a specific part. For example, in the next sentence, it is clearly seen that the article serves to clarify the number.

I Bought the Bread At The Supermarket - I bought a loaf of bread in a supermarket

Put the Milk Into My Bag - put the milk in the bag.

In this case, there is a bottle of milk, which is also talking about, and the listener knows.

The MEAT WAS TOO HOT - chop from meat was too hot

Here Artictle also indicates that we are talking About a piece of meat, and not about meat as a whole.

They Won't Ship The Ore Today - they will not load the ore today

This proposal we are talking about a batch of goods, which, due to certain reasons, cannot be immersed by the ship.

Also Article Thes are used with real nouns general rule. According to which it is put in the event that the subject or substance has already been mentioned in the text and the listeners already know what we are talking about.

We Bought Some Tea and Some Coffee. The Tea Was Awful But The Coffee Was Amazing. - We bought tea and coffee. Tea was terrible, but coffee is great.

I Ordered Some Milk for My Cat. THEY TOLD ME THAT THE MILK WAS Spoiled. - I ordered milk for my cat, but I was answered that the milk was spoiled.

That is, we see that in both examples, with a re-mention of the substance, an articture of the general rule is placed.

If the innovative noun is somehow allocated from the class of themselves like. That is also used with the Article The.

The Silk Made Byse Worms Is The Best - Silk, which produces this kind of silkworm, the best.

The ORE EXPLORED IN AFRICA WILL HELP OUR INDUSTRY - Open in Africa Ruda deposit will support our industry

The Stone Used for this Castle Was Delivered from Egypt - a stone that was used to build this castle was brought from Egypt.

In one of its topics (calculated and innumerable nouns. The use of article "A / AN") We talked about the fact that the words "Fruit" and "Fish" can be both calculated and innumerable.

Let's talk about these cases to know when it is necessary to use articles, and when not.


1. So, if you mean fruits like kind of food, those. this is a common collective name, then Fruit (fruit) is considered innumerable noun that may have only form unitsfruit., and consequently, used without article "A" / "AN" and is consistent with the verb in the unit.

E.G. Fruit Is Very Useful Food. - Fruits are very useful food.

Sanned Fruit. - Canned fruits.

2. However, if under fruit you mean some kind of kind of fruit (for example, citrus and seasonal), then Fruit it has only a mn. C.. – fruits. And also used without article "A" / "AN".

- What Are the Local Fruits? - What fruits are especially common in this area?

- Mostly Pears and Apples. -In the main, pears and apples.

3. If it comes About the botanical term "fruit - fruit" A plant, then in this case will be: a Fruit - Fruits

E.G. These Trees Give Very Tasty Fruits. These trees are fruitful by very tasty fruit.

4. The word "Fruit" also has figurative meaningsuccess, fruit labor, those. The result of some kind of activity. In this case, the word "Fruit" will stand in MN. In combination With a specific article and the pretext of:

the Fruits of Learning - Fruits of Teachings,

the Fruits of Labor - Fruits of Labor.

5. In American slang "A Fruit"translated as "Strange Type."Remember the Russian analogue: "He is still the same!".

E.G. He Comes On Like a Fruit. - It impresses a strange type.


1. In his main meaning "Fish" (i.e. some kind of fish) The word "Fish" is calculated noun, which has a form of units and MN.ch. Coincides: a FISH - TWO FISH - MANY FISH . The only number requires the presence of Article "A" / "AN".

Please note that the coincidence of units. and mn. The numbers will also be observed in the species of fish, i.e.:

a Cod. (Cod) - Three Cod (three cod) - many Cod. (a lot of cod)

a Pike. (Pike) - Two Pike (Two Pikes) - many Pike.(a lot of chick)

2. If you use the word "Fish" in the meaning "Various types of fish"then you need to talk fishes. and coordinate the word with the verb in the plural, i.e. any articles "A" / "AN" and speech can not go.

The Peter Was Given A Colorful Album on Tropical Fishes. - Pet gave a colorful album dedicated to tropical fish.

3. If the word "fish" is used as food, then "Fish" is considered innumerable Nouns having only form units

Fish Is Very Helpful Food. - Fish is very useful food.

4. If "Fish" is used as a collective noun. You are talking about fish as a class, then this word will be coordinated with verb in MN. and have only a form fish. Article "A" / "AN" cannot be used.

How do Fish Breathe? - How to breathe fish?

We also offer you to remember several sustainable expressions With the word "Fish":

to Feel Like A Fish Out of Water - feel not in its plate.

to Drink Like A Fish - Drink, Drink Not Oking

neither Fish, Nor Fowl - Nor Fish Meat

freshwater (Saltwater) Fish - Freshwater (Marine) Fish

fish Story - "Hunting Story"; Nonbylitsy

filleted Fish - Fish Fillet

an Odd Fish - Strange Man

ALL'S FISH THAT COMES TO HIS NET. - on bellucling and cancer fish

Confident, more than once, when studying English in the courses, you had to face the concept of calculation and innovation of nouns. This is not surprising, as in English Countable and Uncountable categories affect the choice of grammatical environment of the word. In Russian, we can calculate almost anything and easy to say both "two apples" and "two weather". The second phrase sounds less slightly than the first, but, nevertheless, is not a grammatically incorrect design. In English, it is considered incurred by the concepts - to mean to allow a rough grammatical error (you cannot say two happineses). Due to the discrepancy in our native and English grammatical systems, the Russian person may allow annoying misses associated with the calculation of nouns. Let's deal with what difficulties are most often found in this case.

What English nouns are the category of incumbered?

The first thing to be done when determining the category of a noun is to calculate. Most often it will quickly solve the question. If you can easily calculate objects, phenomena, put them in a plural so that it does not cause you doubt, they are calculated (Two Carrots, Eleven Computers, Three Bags). Otherwise, the noun is indispensable.

However, it is important not to get into the logical trap. Are there money (Money)? We consider them, here do not argue. But, pay attention, when calculating the money, we always use the currency name: One Hundred Rubles, Fifty Dollars, Ten Yens. Accordingly, Money is an inclulted noun, and RUBLE, DOLLAR, YEN - calculated. The same situation occurs when counting water, sugar, milk (Water, Sugar, Milk). All these innumerable concepts we can calculate, resorting to the calculated nouns denoting the measures: Kilograms, Liters, Cups, Pieces, etc.

Incomplicted are Fluids: tea, Blood, Milk, Oil, Water and others. To determine their number will have to resort to such words such as liters (LITERS), bottles (Bottles), cups (CUPS), pharynx (Mouthfuls).

Incomplicted are Products that do not have a standard, usual form. Such "shapeless" products like oil (butter), meat (MEAT), rice (Rice), ice (ICE).

Do not count Gaseous substances: Air (Air), Oxygen (Oxygen), Smoke (SMOKE).

Also to incurred abstract concepts: Music (Music), Knowledge (Knowledge), Health (Health), Progress (Progress).

Grammar accompanying calculated and innumerable

Repeat, correctly define the calculation of the noun is necessary in order not to make grammatical errors. What grammatical structures are used with calculated and innumerable nouns.
The first thing you need to remember - indefinite article " a.»Not consumed with incarmed noun. This is logical, since the etymology of an indefinite article goes back to a slight one (one). Thus, the innumerable nouns, if necessary, are accompanied by a certain article and are not used in a plural. Do not forget that the verb accompanying the innumerable noun is also used only in the singular - Is, Does, Was, Has etc.

The second slippery moment - the choice mANY / MUCH, A FEW / A LITTLE. Calculated nouns are accompanied by adjective MANY and FEW, incomplicted - MUCH and LITTLE. Read more about it

Nouns that can be calculated and incurred simultaneously

In English, there are many nouns, which, depending on the context and their values, act as calculated, as incarmed. Here are some of the most frequency variants of such words:




Some TEA - a little tea. Drinks are always innumerable when it comes directly about substance.

A Tea, Two Teas - one cup of tea, two cups of tea. Appointing substances calculated characteristics We limit their number to one unit. If we are talking about tea - one cup. The exception is water, we still say: CAN I Have some Water?

Her Hair Is Red - she is red-haired. Word Hair in English is incomplicable when we talk about all the hair belonging to a person. Do not speak My Hairs - it is grammatically incorrect.

The Time - Time.

A TIME - Once.

The Paper - paper (material).

A Paper - Document, newspaper.

The Room is a place, space. Come here, We Will Make Some Room for You - sit down, we move.

A Room - room.

The Work - work (process).

A work - the work (the work of the artist, writer, poet, musician).


The Chocolate is chocolate (substance, informal product).

A chocolate - chocolate candy, chocolate.

(similar to Cheese, Meat, Pate, etc.)

The Wine - Wine (substance, product).

A Wine - Wine variety.

Nouns that are in English unexpectedly inchange.

Special attention should be paid to two nouns, which in Russian are calculated, and in English - no. These cunning words cause a huge number of mistakes in those who study english on courses or individually.

Remember, word advice. - Calculated noun. I'LL Give You Some Advice - I will give you advice. If you want to still count the advice that you give, do it will have to "pieces". A Piece of Advice- One advice.

A similar situation occurs with the word nEWS.. Let it be confused by the end of -S, this is not an indicator of a plural number in this case. What is the news? - What news? If you count the news also use Pieces of News or Bits of News.

So, it would seem, a simple topic can hire a lot of thin nuances. Having understood in them, you can avoid many errors.

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