How to understand transcription in English. English letters and their transcription

IN english language 26 letters. In different combinations and positions, they denote 44 sounds.
In English, 24 consonant sounds are distinguished, and there are 20 letters in the letter: BB; CC; DD; FF; GG; HH; Jj; Kk; Li; MM; Nn; Pp; QQ; RR; SS; TT; VV; Ww; XX; Zz.
In English, 12 vowel sounds and 8 difongs are distinguished, and transmit them to 6 letters: aa; EE; Li; Oo; UU; Yy


[English. Starting course. Maria Rarenko. First educational channel.]

Transcription and accent

Phonetic transcription is an international system of icons necessary in order to accurately show how words should be pronounced. Each sound is displayed as a separate icon. These badges are always written in square brackets.
In transcription indicate verbal emphasis (on what syllable in the word emphasis falls). Stripging sign [‘] Put before the shock syllable.

English consonant sounds

    Features of English consonant sounds
  1. English consonants transmitted by letters b, f, g, m, s, v, z, Close to pronounce the relevant Russian consonants, but should sound more vigorously and tense.
  2. British consonants are not softened.
  3. Corresponding consonants are never stunned - neither before deaf consonants or in the end of the word.
  4. Double consonants, that is, two identical consonants nearby, are always pronounced as one sound.
  5. Some British consonants are pronounced: The tip of the tongue is needed strongly to press alveolas (tubercles in the place where the teeth are attached to the gums). Then the air between the language and teeth will be held with the effort, and there will be noise (explosion), that is, the silence.

Rules for reading consonant letters in English:

English consonant sound pronunciation table
Phonetic transcription Examples
[b], b.oX. ring sound corresponding to Russian [b] in the word b.rAT.
[p] o. p.en deep sound corresponding to Russian [p] in the word pePObut pronounced with the breath
[d] d.i. d., d.aY. sound sound similar to Russian [d] in the word d.oh., but energetic, "sharper"; When pronouncing it, the tip of the tongue is resting in the Alveola
[t] t.eA t.aKE deep sound corresponding to Russian [t] in the word t.erosmbut pronounced with the prospect, while the tip of the tongue is resting in the Alveola
[v] v.oICE, v.isit. ring sound corresponding to Russian [in] in the word inoSKbut more energetic
[f] f.ind f.ine deaf sound corresponding to Russian [F] in the word f.inikbut more energetic
[z] z.oO, HA. s. ringing sound corresponding to the Russian [s] in the word z.iMA
[s] s.un, s.eE deep sound corresponding to Russian [s] in the word fromilabut more energetic; When pronouncing the tip of the tongue raised to Alveola
[G] g.iVE g.o. ringing sound corresponding to Russian [g] in the word g.alleybut pronounced softer
[k] c.aT, c.aN. deep sound corresponding to Russian [K] in the word tomouthbut pronounces energetic and sneaking
[ʒ] vI sIoN, PLEA. sURe. ring sound corresponding to Russian [F] in the word j.arabut pronounced tense and softer
[ʃ] she, RU sS.iA. deep sound corresponding to Russian [sh] in the word shina., but pronounced softer, for what you need to raise to solid nebob, the middle part of the back of the language
[J] y.ellow y.ou. the sound similar to the Russian sound [th] in the word j.oDbut pronounced more vigorously and tense
[L] l.iTT. l.e, l.iKE sound similar to Russian [l] in the word l.isa.but you need to touch the tongue tightly to Alveola
[M] m.aN, m.eRRY Sound similar to Russian [m] in the word m.iRbut more energetic; When pronouncing it, it is necessary to put the lips more dense
[n] n.o, n.aME sound, similar to Russian [H] in the word n.oS., but when you pronounce it, the tip of the tongue touches the Alveola, and the soft palate is omitted, and the air passes through the nose
[ŋ] sI nG.FI. nG.eR the sound, when pronouncing which the soft palate is omitted and relates to the back of the back of the tongue, and the air passes through the nose. Pronounce as Russian [NG] - incorrectly; Must be a nasal call
[R] r.eD, r.abbit the sound, when pronouncing whose tip of the tongue, it is necessary to concern the middle part of the nose, above the alveol; Language does not vibrate
[h] h.eLP, h.ow. sound resembling Russian [x] as in the word h.aOSbut almost silent (a little heard exhale), for which it is important not to press the tongue to the neb
[w] w.eT, w.inter. sound similar to a very fast pronounced Russian [UE] in the word UEles; At the same time, the lips need to round down and push forward, and then vigorously push out
j.uST, j.ump sound similar to [J] in Russian Borrowed Word j.iNS., but vigorously and softer. It is impossible to pronounce separate [d] and [ʒ]
check, Mu. ch sound similar to Russian [h] in the word c.aCBut hard and tense. It is impossible to pronounce separate [t] and [ʃ]
[ð] tH.iS tH.eY. a ringtone, when pronouncing which the tip of the tongue needs to be placed between the upper and lower teeth and then remove quickly. Flat language Do not clamp your teeth, but slightly push into the gap between them. This sound (as it is ringing) pronounced with the participation of voice ligaments. Embrella Like Russian [s]
[θ], Seven. tH. Deep sound, which is pronounced as [ð], but without voice. Similar to Russian [s] interdental

English vowel sounds

    Reading each vowel letter depends:
  1. from other letters standing next to her or for her;
  2. from being in a shock or unstaging position.

Rules for reading vowels in English:

Pronunciation of pronunciation of simple English vowels
Phonetic transcription Examples Sample compliance in Russian
[æ] c. a.t, BL. a brief sound, medium between Russian sounds [a] and [e]. To get this sound, it is necessary, uttering Russian [a], to open the mouth wide, and the language is low. Simply say Russian [e] - wrong
[ɑ:] aRm, F. a.ther. long sound similar to Russian [A], but it is much longer and deeper. When it is pronouncing it, it is necessary to yield, but not to open your mouth wide, while tongue to delay back
[ʌ] c. u.p, R. u.n. a brief sound similar to the Russian unstressed [A] in the word from butdy. To get this sound, you need to say Russian [a], almost not to open your mouth, while stretching the lips slightly and move back a little back. Simply say Russian [A] - wrong
[ɒ] n. o.t, H. o.t. a brief sound similar to Russian [o] in the word d. aboutm., but when it is pronouncing it, you need to completely relax lips; For Russian [o] they are slightly tense
[ɔ:] sp. o.rT, F. ou.r. long sound similar to Russian [o], but it is much longer and deeper. When he pronouncing it, it is necessary to zoo, half scratch mouth, and the lips will strain and round
[ə] a.bOUT, a.lias. The sound, which is often found in Russian, is always in an unstressed position. In English, this sound is also always unstressed. It does not have a clear sound, and they are talking about him as an unclear sound (it cannot be replaced by any clean sound)
[E] M. e.t, B. e.d. a brief sound similar to Russian [e] under the emphasis in such words as e.t., pL e.d. and so on. English consonants before this sound can not be softened
[ɜː] w. or.k, L. earn. this sound is in Russian, and it is very complicated for pronouncing. Reminds Russian sound in words m. e.d., st. e.klabut it needs to pull much longer and at the same time stretch her lips strongly, without opening the mouth (a skeptical smile turns out)
[ɪ] i.t, P. i.t. short sound similar to Russian vowel in the word sh andt.. Need to pronounce it
h. e., S. eE long sound, similar to Russian [and] under the stress, but longer, and utter it as if with a smile, stretching lips. Close to it Russian sound is available in the word verse iI
[ʊ] l. oo.k, P. u.t. a short sound that can be compared with the Russian unstressed [y], but it is pronounced vigorously and with completely relaxed lips (the lips can not be pulled forward)
bL. u.e, F. oo.d. long sound, quite similar to Russian shock [y], but still not the same. So that it turns out, you need to pronounce Russian [y], do not pull the lips into the tube, do not push them forward, and round down and smile slightly. Like other long English vowels, it needs to pull much longer than Russian [y]
Diffton pronunciation table
Phonetic transcription Examples Sample compliance in Russian
F. eY.e. difong, similar to the combination of sounds in Russian words i. and c. i.
[ɔɪ] n. oi.sE, V. oi.cE Something like. Second element, sound [ɪ], very short
br. a.vE, AFR. aId. difton, similar to a combination of sounds in Russian Word sh to herka. Second element, sound [ɪ], very short
t. ow.n, N. ow. difton, similar to a combination of sounds in Russian Word from aUon the. The first element is the same as in; second element, sound [ʊ], very short
[əʊ] h., Kn. ow. difton, similar to a combination of sounds in Russian Word cL oUn.if not to pronounce it deliberately in the syllables (at the same time consonance reminds eu ). To pronounce this difthony as pure Russian consonance [Oh] - wrong
[ɪə] d. eA.r, H. difong, similar to the combination of sounds in the Russian word such; Consists of short sounds [ɪ] and [ə]
wh e.rE, TH. Difthong, similar to a combination of sounds in a Russian word long, if not to pronounce it in syllables. For sound resembling Russian [u] in the word e.that, follows the second element, unclear brief sound [ə]
[ʊə] t. ou.r, P. oo.r. difthong, in which the second element follows [ʊ], unclear brief sound [ə]. When pronouncing [ʊ] lips can not pull forward

Would you like to know whether to learn English transcription? Then familiarize yourself with our article, she will tell you what is used transcribed and you need to study it.

Is it worth learning English transcription? If earlier, the study of the transcription language from studying the language began to study, now some newcomers consider it in vain spending time. Yes, with the advent of online dictionaries, pronounced by the voice of a native speaker, we have become much easier to live: no need to read snapshots in square brackets. Just enter the word in the online dictionary, listen to his sound, repeat several times behind the carrier, and ready. This is a convenient and modern way to master the language. His advantage is that it is not necessary to spend time on studying transcription. At the moment, teachers are increasingly saving time and nerves of students and do not make them learn transcription signs.

At the same time, we would like to tell you why teach English transcription as it can help you in the process of mastering the tongue.

1. Studying transcription, you are learning English reading rules

Studying the first couple of hundred words, reading transcription, you set logical connections, identify regularities in English. Thus, you quickly remember that, for example, the combination of "CK" is read like "k". You will not need to constantly cheer with a dictionary. Gradually, you will stop thinking how to pronounce this or another word, and you will do it automatically. Where to take the word transcription? In any ordinary dictionary or in the online dictionary, such as Macmillan. Some opponents of studying transcription say that the same way is to be remembered and in case you just listen to the sound of the word, and not to watch its transcription. However, when reading the transcription of the word, you use the visual memory, and most people have much better than the auditory, therefore, the rules of reading will be remembered faster.

2. Online dictionaries are not always comfortable.

Even at the BEGINNER level, students begin to read the first simple texts in English. When reading out loud, you are improving not only the reading skill itself, but also pronunciation. If you are not reading from an electronic device, but in the book, then search and listen to each word in the online dictionary is not very convenient. In books with adapted English-language texts, a dictionary is always provided, so you will not have to lose time in search of an unfamiliar word in online sources, you can find out how to pronounce the word, without breaking away from reading.

3. Proper transcription teaches us a good pronunciation.

Do not have the perfect hearing? Learn English transcription. Of course, the letters themselves in square brackets will not teach us to speak. But, provided that you will teach new words, reading English-speaking transcription, to master the English accent will be much easier than when reading "transcription for lazy" - Russian letters. And all because Russian letters cannot accurately transfer all the sounds of the English language. If you make the first steps in English, you do not have a very good musical rumor, you can find it difficult to recognize all sound sounds in the online dictionary. In this case, it is worth spending a couple of days to study transcription and use it when you need to know how to pronounce the word.

What are the types of transcription of English

1. Phonetic - Accurate Word Sound Record

Phonetic transcription is written in square brackets, you can see it in any dictionary. Example: Night -. This type of transcription is the right right, it is with him that it is advised to work. You will go to her study only 3-4 days, but the positive effect will be felt throughout the entire period of studying English.

2. Phondematic - entry background

Phonematic transcription is used when you need to show the structure of the word, and not how it sounds. Example: Night - / Nayt /. An ordinary student learning English does not need to use this type of recording: Phoneatic transcription does not transmit the word sound.

3. Russian-speaking - English in Russian letters

IN lately The authors of some benefits on "light" / "for fools" / "For teapots", the study of English enjoy Russian-speaking transcription, that is, the English words write Russian letters. They consider it a simplified option, which will help a person quickly and easily teach English. But such a transcription cannot transfer the exact sound of the word, because in Russian there are no letters that could convey some english sounds. For example, the word "winter" - / screw /. How to read it? Just opening English transcription, it becomes clear that the sound W, and not v. As you can see, Russian transcription is easy to use, but it often becomes the culprit of the advent of the accent.

Multiple English transcription rules for beginners

  1. Accent transcription is always put before the shock syllable: Development -.
  2. Long vowel sound in transcription is referred to by a colon: tea -.
  3. In English transcriptions there are vowels (I, E, U, ʌ, I:, u:, ε :) and the consonants (p, t, d, n, k, l, etc.) sounds, as well as difthong - Two vowels connecting into one syllable (əu, ai, ei, oi, au).
  4. In detail with the transcription of the English language and the reading rules, you can find the article "Transcription of English".
AA. hey
BB. b.
CC s.
DD. di
EE and
FF. eF.
GG. ji.
HH. eich
II. i.
JJ. jay.
KK. kay.
Mm. em
NN. en
Oo. oU
Pp. p.
QQ. que
SS. eS.
TT. t.
UU. yu
VV in and
WW.["DʌBLJU:]double Yu
XX the ex
Yy wai
- American option

We hope our article gave you the answer to the question "Lended to learn English transcription." We have led the arguments in favor of its study, and you are focusing on your needs and time availability.

English is one of the main in the world, it is considered to be more than 500 million people, and still speak more of them to a greater or lesser extent. Starting to learn English, first of all we are confronted with the development of the dictionary reserve of the language, its grammar and, of course, pronunciation. How to read the word correct, especially if his writing is clearly different from the sound notation? Transcription will help you. And what is transcription, its designation and ways to read, you will learn from our article. After her attentive study, you can easily pronounce even the most as well as using the dictionary and educational materialswhere it is widely used.

So what is transcription

If we take a scientific definition, then this is the sign of signs and the rules of their combination that are designed to record the correct pronunciation of the word. That is, in fact we write one, and in the sound I get completely different. Having learned signs english transcription, just like the main letterproof, you can easily master any text written in English. After all, in this language, as in Russian, often words are written quite differently than they are pronounced, and sometimes it is simply necessary to learn their correct reading to prevent errors in the future.

Basic signs and rules for reading English transcription

For transmission english words A phonetic alphabet was invented, in it sounds are designated by special phonetic signs. Keep in mind, despite the fact that letters in English 26, sounds in it - as much as 44. Therefore, for the best assimilation of the language, you should pay close attention to them. In general, the transmission of pronunciation exists in any language, so apply various signs not only for English, but, for example, for the transcription of Russian words. It is very convenient, considering that the rules are quite standard, and carefully remembering them, you can pass the sound absolutely any knowing what transcription is generally, let's start studying it. The following are rules for reading vowels, double-headed and consonant sounds.

We read vowels correctly

i ː is a long, shock "and", for example: TEA, SEA;
ɪ - short and unstressed (but sometimes it can be a shock) sound between Russians "and" and "s", examples - bit, business;
æ - pronounced a clear and shock sound similar to something between "A" and "E", for example: Cat, Rat;
ɑ ː - Long and deep sound "A", examples - Car, Heart;
ɔ ː - also long and open sound "O", read the words Sort, Board;
ʊ - Very brief sound "y", for example: PUT, COULD;
u ː - on the contrary, long, slightly softened sound "y", for example - fool, shoes;
ʌ - on sound closer to the shock sound "A", for example: up, coupe;
ɜ ː - a little long sound between "E" and "O", read - HER, TURN;
ə - short, not completely distinct sound "A", in the words of Until, Alias;
e -slightly softened sound "E", for example: Bed, Head;
ɒ - the sound, similar to something mean between "O" and "A", in the words Rock, Body.

Loading Sounds Reading Rules (Difthongs)

Eɪ - slightly softened "Hey", for example: Tray, Make;
aɪ - read as just "ah", in the words Sky, BUY, and so on;
ɔɪ - pronounced as "oh", for example: Joy, Boy;
ɪ ə - Something between "IE" and "A", for example: Fear, Here;
eə. - the sound of "EA", where the last "A" is unstressed, in the words Hair, there, and so on;
ʊ ə - the long sound "y", at the end of which the vague "A" hears, for example: Tour, Poor;
a. ʊ - a little softened sound "AU", in the words Trusers, Hour;
ʊʊ is also a bit soft "OU", for example Joke, Go.

We read consonant sounds

p - clear, energetic sound "P", examples - Parking, Open;
b is also a clear "b", in the layers of Board, Abandon;
t - the sound of "T", but when it is pronounced, put the language slightly higher than the pronouncing such Russian sound, for example: Trunk, Receipt;
d - clear "d", in words add, advertising;
k - sound "K", in such words as CORD, School;
g - pronounced similar to the Russian "g", for example: grace, agree;
tʃ - Again a little softened sound "H", in words Chance, Catch;
dʒ - Strong, shock sound between "h" and "f", usually in Russian, it is passed as John, Jackson, for example: Jungle, Logic;
f is the same as the Russian "f", for example: fool, enough;
v - read as just "in", for example: VOCAL, VOICE;
θ is a sufficiently difficult sound in pronunciation, try slightly clamping a tongue between your teeth and pronounce "C" or "F", for example: thanks, ethnic;
Ð - the pronunciation rule is the same as the previous sound, try to pronounce "s" or "in" voice, for example: there, this;
s - sound, almost identical Russian "C", in words Sunday, East;
z - pronunciation close to Russian "s", for example: Zebra, Resign;
ʃ - Also close to Russian "sh", only a little softer, in the words Shine, Action;
ʒ - simple soft sound "F", for example: Visual, Usual;
h - sound "x", a little heard pronounced on exhalation, for example: Head, Hill;
m is just the sound "M", for example: Mother, Mouse;
n - pronounced almost the same as the Russian "n", only tongue raise a little higher to the sky, in the words Note, Knowledge;
ŋ - Sound "N", clearly uttered "in the nose", for example Sing, Reading
l - similar to the Russian "l", but not soft or solid, but rather, something average, for example: Laughter, Legal;
r - Sound Meja "P" and "L", besides, softened, in the words Random, Order;
j - Sound, very close to Russian "th", for example: Yet, You;
w is a brief sound pronounced between "y" and "in", in the words What, Where, One.

These were the main signs of the transfer carefully examining them and already knowing what transcription is, now you will read any English word without much difficulty.

Starting English learning, the first thing you meet is english Alphabet (Alphabet | Alfəbɛt |). Writing english letters is not something completely new even on the very initial stage learning, because any modern man Every day faces English letters on the computer keyboard and phone. Yes, and English words are found at every step: in advertising, on labels of various goods, in shop windows.

But despite the fact that the letters seem familiar, their correct pronunciation in English is sometimes difficult for those who speak English quite well. The situation is all familiar when you need to pronounce the English word by letters - for example, dictate an email address or site name. Here and the wonderful names begin - I - "like a wand with a point", S - "like a dollar", q - "where Russian y".

English alphabet with pronunciation in Russian, transcription and voice acting

The English alphabet with pronunciation in Russian is intended only for the beginners. In the future, when you get acquainted with the Rules for reading English and teach new words, you will need to explore the transcription. It is used in all dictionaries, and if you know it, it's once and will decide for you a problem proponunciation New words. We advise already at this stage compare transcription icons in square brackets with Russian equivalent. Perhaps on these short examples, you will remember some ratios of English and Russian sounds.

Below is a table where the English alphabet with transcription and Russian pronunciation is given.

← Move the table to the left to view completely



Russian pronunciation


Extra. information

Want to listen to the entire alphabet completely, please!

Cards of English alphabet

Very effective card of the English alphabet when studying it. Bright and large letters will be easier to remember. See for yourself:

Features of some letters of the English alphabet.

In the alphabet of English 26 letters: 20 consonants and 6 vowels.

Public letters are A, E, I, O, U, Y.

In English, there are several letters to which we want to pay special attention, because they have certain features that need to be considered when studying the alphabet.

  • The letter Y in English can be read as vowel and as a consonant sound. For example, in the word "YES" - this consonant sound [j] (s), and in the word "Many" - a vowel sound [i] (and).
  • The consonants in words, as a rule, transmit only one sound. Letter X is an exception. It is transmitted at once with two sounds - [ks] (COP).
  • The letter Z in the alphabet is in different ways in British and American versions (as you already probably noticed in the table). British option - (zed), American version - (z).
  • The pronunciation of the letter R is different. British option - (a), American version - (AR).

To make sure that you correctly utter the English letters, we recommend not only to look at them and read (with the help of transcription or Russian option), but also listen. To do this, we advise you to find and listen to ABC-Song. This song is usually used in teaching children alphabet, but also for adults it can become useful. ABC-SONG is very popular in learning, it exists in various variations. If you sing it with a speaker several times, you can not only check the correctness of the pronunciation of letters, but also easy to remember the alphabet with the melody.

A few words about Spelling

So, we learned the alphabet of the English language. We know how English letters are pronounced separately. But by turning to the rules of reading, you will immediately see that many letters in different combinations are read quite differently. There is a reasonable question - how did Matroskin cat say - what is the benefit of the use of the alphabet? Actually, practical benefits are.

The point here is not in the ability to tell the alphabet from the beginning and to the end, and in the opportunity to easily utter any English word according to the letters. This skill is necessary when you need to record under dictation english names. If you need English to work, such a skill can be very useful, because English names, even the same sounding, can be written in several ways. For example, Ashley or Ashlee, Mila and Milla, not to mention the names. Therefore, for the British and Americans themselves, absolutely natural is considered to be asked to pronounce the name by letters if you need to write it (Spell IT) - Hence the word spelling (spelling)which you can see in various learning programs.

Online Alphabet Exercises

Choose a letter that goes

Extract the letter from which the word begins.

Extract the letter that the word ends.

Decipher the code and write down the secret message. The digit corresponds to the order of the letter in the alphabet.

Well, the final, interactive exercise "Dictation", you can go through this link.

Apply the knowledge gained in practice you can with help. With the help of unique exercises, even at the most important level, you will be able to master not only reading, but also writing English words, as well as explore the main grammatical rules and continue learning on.