Filling out the speech card of the speech therapist in the kindergarten. Documentation of the preschool educational teacher-speech therapist

(for children with OHP who are engaged in a speech center for two years of study,
highlighted font - second year of study)

1. Surname, name. Age

2. Home address.


3. Date of enrollment.

4. Full name parents, place of work, position.




5. Anamnesis. Speech development of the child (features of speech development).

Humming _________________________________________________________________________

Babbling __________________________________________________________________________

First words ____________________________________________________________________

Phrasal speech ___________________________________________________________________

6. Hearing.

8. Intelligence.

9. General sounding of speech.

10. Examination of the articulation apparatus.

Bite (normal, open anterior, open lateral, progeny, prognathia).

The structure of the sky (normal, high, low, ___________________________________________)

Hyoid frenum condition (normal, short, long,

incremented., _____________________________________________________________________)

Lips (normal, thick, narrow, inactive, _______________________________________)

Mobility of the tongue (mobile, sedentary, ________________________________________)

11. The state of general motor skills.

Coordination of movements - ___________________________________________________

Fine motor skills - ______________________________________________________________

Prefers to work with the right / left hand.

12. Sound reproduction.

S ____________ S ____________ W ____________ S __________ C __________

W ____________ W ____________ W ____________ H ___________

L _____________ L ____________ R ____________ R ___________

K _____________ Y _____________ X ____________ Yot ____________

T _____________ D _____________ N ____________ ______________

______________ ______________ _____________ ______________

13. Phonemic hearing.

14. Pronunciation of words of complex syllabic composition

Review: The pharmacist has prepared the medicine.

The guide conducts an excursion.

15. Analysis of the sound composition of the word.

a) highlighting the first sound in a word.

b) highlighting the last sound in a word.

c) determining the sequence of sounds in a word.

b) the level of generalization:
sweater, dress, shorts, skirt, tights
saucer, frying pan, spoon, plate
tomato, turnip, carrot, cabbage
apple, peach, pear, lemon
cow, dog, wolf, hedgehog

sparrow, duck, pigeon, turkey
bus, train, trolleybus, plane
trees, shrubs, flowers, grass
bread, sausage, cheese, cookies
bee, fly, ant, beetle

Dictionary of signs:

a) selection of adjectives for nouns:
fox (what?) -
dress (what?) -

b) selection of antonyms:

Verb dictionary:
a) what are they doing?

b) the formation of a diminutive - affectionate form:

c) coordination of adjectives with nouns:

d) the formation of adjectives from nouns:

e) education possessive adjectives:

f) coordination of nouns with numerals:
(one table, two tables, five tables)

g) the use of prepositions:


18. Coherent speech. Retelling. "Bathing teddy bears"
The hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly he heard loud crack branches. He got scared and climbed a tree. A big bear and two merry bear cubs came out of the forest.
The she-bear grabbed one teddy bear with her teeth by the collar and let's dip it into the river. Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest. The bear caught up with him, slapped him, and then into the water, like the first one. The water refreshed them well. After bathing, the bears disappeared into the forest again, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home.

drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures "Bunny and Carrot".

19. Reading:
Letters - knows, does not know.
He reads - by letter, by syllable, by words.


20. Speech therapy conclusion:



Dear speech therapists, you can copy the page into Microsoft Office Word and correct the page margins!


Personal data

Surname, name of the child __________________________________________________________

Date of birth (day, month, year) ________________________________________________

Examination date (day, month, year) _____________________________________________

Age (at the time of the survey, calculated in years and months, for example, 4 years 5 months) __

Home address, telephone _______________________________________________________

Which kindergarten did you come from (kindergarten number, district) or family ________________________________________________________________________

Date of admission to the speech therapy group (date, protocol number of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission, from what date) ________________________________________

Diagnosis of the district medical-psychological-pedagogical commission _____________________________________________________________________________

Information about parents

Mother: full name, date of birth, education, profession, works, no ___________________________________________________________________________

Father: Full name, date of birth, education, profession, works, no ___________________________________________________________________________

Other family members living in this family ______________________________________

Complaints of parents, given, in their words, about the mental and speech development of the child, their wishes about the child's stay in speech therapy group ___________________________

Parents' speech: note literacy, the correctness of the phrase construction, the coherence and consistency of the message about their child or mistakes in the use of words, agrammatisms in the phrase, poverty linguistic means to express your thoughts, violation of the coherence and consistency of the narrative _______________________________________________________


General anamnesis

From what pregnancy the child, mother's age during childbirth __________________________________________________________________

The nature of pregnancy: falls, trauma, psychosis, chronic and infectious diseases of the mother _______________________________________________________

Childbirth: early, urgent, fast, rapid, dehydrated _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Stimulation: mechanical, chemical, electrical stimulation _______________________________________________________

Shout: was, no ___________________________________________________________

Asphyxia: white, blue ___________________________________________________

Rh factor: negative, compatibility ________________________________

Weight and height of the child at birth ___________________________________________

Feeding: on what day after the birth of the child was brought to feed; actively took the breast, did not take it, with the help of ___________________________________________


Sucked actively, fell asleep during feeding, quickly got tired, regurgitating, choking. Feeding up to ___________________________________________


Subsequent feeding: mixed, artificial ______________________

Discharge from the maternity hospital on ______ day

Additional stay in the hospital, reasons _____________________________

Features of early development: keeps the head from ____ months. (normally from 2 months of age), sits from ______ months. (normally by 7 months), has been standing since ______ months. (normally 9-10 months), walks from ______ months. (normally between 12 and 15 months).

First teeth from ______ months, by 1 year of teeth ______

Past illnesses:

up to 1 year _______________________________________________________________

after 1 year _____________________________________________________________

up to 3 years ________________________________________________________________


Pay special attention to diseases nervous system.

Organic diseases of the nervous system: note infectious diseases and intoxication, trauma to the nervous system. An infectious disease can be caused either by bacteria (bacterial, microbial infections) or viruses (viral infection). To mark diseases related to neuroinfections: meningitis, encephalitis, meningo-encephalitis, poliomyelitis, etc., as well as injuries of the nervous system: craniocerebral injuries carried in the prenatal period, during childbirth and in the postnatal period _______________________


Clarify whether there were (are) after traumatic brain injury or after infectious lesions of the nervous system liquorodynamic disorders (hydrocephalus of varying degrees) _______________________________________________________


Infectious diseases: measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, influenza, rubella, etc._____________________________________________________________________

Somatic diseases: colds, pneumonia, inflammation of the ear, etc._______________________________________________________


Convulsions at a high temperature _________________________________________

Speech development data

Humming from ______ months, the nature of humming (duration of sounds, their combination, individual melodious sounds).

Babbling from ______ months, the nature of babbling: sound, syllabic.

First words their characteristics: truncated, consisting of one syllable, an iterative structure, such as MOM, DAD, NANNY, UNCLE, etc., onomatopoeia, the number of words _________________________________________


Speech currently: use of gestures, speech activity, understanding of the speech of others ________________________________________________________

Speech environment: communicate with the child, taking into account his desire, or vice versa, correct speech, require repetition, answers to questions (such an attitude to the child's speech gives him speech negativism) ___________________________

I worked with a speech therapist, where, how much, the result, did not work ___________________


Speech therapy examination

State of non-speech mental functions

Perception research

Visual perception

To investigate the state subject gnosis the following techniques are recommended.

Presentation of subject pictures. The speech therapist lays out in front of the child from 2 to 5 pictures (depending on age), offers to look at them and then, according to the speech instructions of the speech therapist, show the named picture. In this case, the speech therapist calls the first or last picture in the row, and then all the rest. Subject pictures are selected from logical groups words (family, clothing, dishes, animals, etc.).

Contour presentation. The child is invited to recognize the depicted object along the contour. Since expressive speech in a child with alalia is not formed, speech activity is reduced or absent, the speech therapist suggests not to name, but to show the corresponding contour of the image. In front of the child, 2 object pictures are laid out and invited to look at them carefully, then the speech therapist under them lays out the outline of one of the images and asks the child to show the picture that he recognized from the proposed image.

Presenting an incomplete drawing. The child is invited to look at a drawing of a familiar object without essential details by which the image is quite easily recognizable, for example, an elephant without a trunk, a squirrel without a fluffy tail, a hare without long ears, a car without wheels, etc. Instructions: "Show the elephant", "Show the squirrel" and etc.

Presentation of crossed out shapes. The speech therapist puts 3-4 images in front of the child, crossed out by different lines - horizontal, vertical, wavy, for example, a house, an apple, a Christmas tree, a car.

Displaying superimposed images objects (Poppelreiter test, 1917). For children with alalia, the speech therapist shows only two contrasting images, for example, a herringbone and an apple, a car and a ball. Instruction: "Look carefully at this picture and trace with your finger what you saw on it." If he can, the child names what he circled.

To investigate the state color gnosis the following techniques are applied.

Presentation of colored shapes. The speech therapist lays out 6 squares with the main colors (red, yellow, green, blue, white, black) in front of the child. According to the speech instruction of the speech therapist "Show the red square (yellow, etc.)", the child points to the corresponding square. In the same way, knowledge of shades is tested: blue, orange, pink, brown, gray.

Color Differentiation: two squares are placed in front of the child different color, for example, red and white, or blue and yellow, the speech therapist suggests looking at them carefully and showing a red square or blue.

Matching a picture to a color dune. The speech therapist uses a square of a certain color, for example, red, and 4 object pictures with images of red objects (beets, cherries, tomatoes, apples), these pictures are laid out among others, which depict objects of blue, yellow, white or other colors. The speech therapist offers to look at the pictures and choose among them those in which the images are only in red, and put them on a red square. In the same way, the child selects images of yellow color (for example, onion, turnip, sunflower, dandelion) and puts the pictures on a yellow square, etc.

Auditory perception

When researching auditory gnosis sounding toys are used.

Determination of the direction of sound. Game "Where did they call?" The speech therapist behind the child's back rings the bell above, below, on the right, on the left and asks to show with his hand where he heard the sound.

Differentiationsoundingtoys. Two contrasting sounding toys are laid out in front of the child (a tambourine - a pipe, a drum - an accordion, a tambourine - a rattle), a speech therapist makes sounds in front of the child's eyes, the child himself can play sounding toys. Then the child turns away, the speech therapist calls the sound of one toy from the pair. Turning, the child points to the toy, the sound of which he heard.

Spatial praxis

When examining the body diagram, the speech therapist asks the child to show the right, then the left hand in himself, then to show the right, left hand in the speech therapist sitting opposite the child, after which Head's speech tests are performed.

The speech therapist offers these tasks to children aged 5 years and older.

Examining the child's visual orientation in space, the speech therapist asks him to clap his hands in front of him, behind, above, below.

When demonstrating actions with objects, you can use large and small cubes, a toy dog ​​and a house, a doll and a toy chair, etc. The speech therapist asks to put (put) one object in relation to another for, in, on, under, between.

Constructive praxis

The speech therapist uses techniques:

Folding the pyramid;

Folding the Seguin board;

Folding cut pictures from 2, 3 parts, cut vertically, then horizontally. If the child completes these tasks, you can offer to fold the picture cut diagonally.

Folding figures from 2-4 sticks according to the pattern; when performing these tasks, suggest folding the figures from memory. The speech therapist folds the figure, asks the child to look and remember, then removes the sticks, and the child reproduces the figure from memory.

Dynamic praxis

Rhythm reproduction is used: simple - / / /; //, //, //; / //; // / etc. complex ones - ////; /// /; / // //; / /// /; // /// //; /// / // etc.

Fist - rib - palm.

Motor test

General motor skills. The child is invited to complete the following tasks:

Walk along the line drawn on the floor;

Jump on two legs, moving forward;

Jump alternately on one leg and on the other;

Hit the ball with your palm on the floor;

Turn your body to the right - to the left.

Manual motor skills.

© clench fists - unclench;

© clap your hands;

© clench a fist of the right hand and hit it on the palm of the left hand, then vice versa;

© bend your arms at the elbows, placing them in front of you, and perform circular rotational movements with your hands outward, then inward.

Finger motor skills.

~ show the 2nd and 3rd fingers, first on the right, then on the left hand, on both hands;

~ show the 2nd and 5th fingers, the sequence of execution is the same;

~ fold all fingers into a ring so that the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th fingers touch the first;

~ alternately connect all fingers with the 1st, starting with the 2nd on the Right hand, then repeat the same in the reverse order;

~ fasten a button: first large, then medium and finally small;

~ tie a bow.

To note the coordination of movements of arms, legs: correct, incorrect, absent; a sense of balance: yes, no; posture: correct, stoop; range of motion: full, incomplete; switching of movements: timely, delayed, absent; independence of execution: complete, with the help of a speech therapist; accompanying movements: yes, no; left-handedness: yes, no.

Visual memory research

Assignment: memorize and find 3-4 images of homogeneous objects: fruits, vegetables, furniture.

The child is invited to memorize 3-4 images of objects, then they are laid out in a row with other images (no more than 10). The speech therapist asks the child to show the pictures that he previously remembered.

Assignment: remember and show what has changed in the row of 2, 3, 4, 5 items. Instruction: “Look at these toys: this is a bunny, this is a hedgehog. Show yourself where the bunny is, where the hedgehog is. Turn away. " The speech therapist swaps toys, asks the child to look and place the toys as they were. As the row increases, the speech therapist swaps the first and last toys (edge ​​phenomenon). If the child performs tasks with toys, you can offer to perform similar tasks with object pictures.

Assignment: compare two toys and find in them first the similarities, then the difference with the help of questions from a speech therapist. For example, show two dolls dressed in the same dresses and shoes, but with bows of different colors in their hair.

State of intelligence

Invite the child to lay out 3 (if he does, then 4) pictures in the sequence of the events depicted on them. A speech therapist can help a child identify the first picture. The child's subsequent independent completion of the task is assessed as correct.

Research on impressive speech

The activities below are offered to children with alalia aged 5 and over.

Understanding of coherent speech. A speech therapist emotionally reads to the child a short story, a fairy tale and conducts a conversation with the child; the conversation is accompanied by the showing of plot and subject pictures that help the child to understand the content of what he has read.

Understanding common sentences by plot pictures: “Show the girl who catches a butterfly”, “Show the girl who holds the ball”, “Show the grandmother who knits socks”, “Show the mother who washes the clothes”, “Show the dad who reads the newspaper”.

Understanding of different grammatical forms:

~ constructions with various case forms using simple plot pictures: “Show what the girl is catching the butterfly with?”, “Who is the girl catching?”, “Who is catching the butterfly?”;

~ prepositional constructions with prepositions ON, B, UNDER, FOR, ABOVE, FROM, ABOUT, etc. Instruction: “Put the ball under the table”, “Take a cube from the box”, “Put the doll on a chair”, “Draw a tree near the house” ;

~ differentiation of singular and plural nouns: "Show me where is the ball in the picture, where are the balls?", "... where is the cup, where are the cups?" etc.;

~ differentiation of verbs with different prefixes. The child is invited to show in pictures where the boy left the house, crossed the street, went to the house, entered the house, etc.

Understanding complex sentences. Show in the pictures: “Lena lost the pencil that Kolya had. Whose pencil was it? " Answer the question: “The children went to the forest to pick mushrooms after the rain had passed. When did the children go to pick mushrooms: before the rain or after the rain? "

Passive vocabulary research

Understanding generalizing words with details: for children 5 years old: body parts, clothing details; for children 6 years old: details of furniture, transport.

Understanding the names of young domestic and wild animals(for the preparatory group). The speech therapist lays out images of animals and their babies in front of the child and calls them: "The cat has a kitten" (the child shows, etc.). "A horse has a foal", "A dog has a puppy", "A cow has a calf", "A squirrel has a squirrel", "A tiger has a tiger", "A bear has a bear", etc.

Comprehension of words with the opposite meaning (for the preparatory group). The procedure is the same: the speech therapist calls, the child shows in the pictures:

enters - exits opens - closes

suitable - moving away worth it - walking

long - short wide - narrow

crashes in - crashes

big small

high Low

The volume of the passive vocabulary: does it correspond to the age norm (for this, the speech therapist focuses on the data of researchers who studied the development of the vocabulary in children at an early and preschool age, for example, on the work of A.N. Gvozdev).

Expressive Speech Research

general characteristics speech: there is speech or not, babbling speech, speech in separate words or phrasal speech.

Study of sound pronunciation can be performed only in children with efferent motor alalia, in whom the kinesthetic basis of speech is relatively preserved. The speech therapist takes into account the child's desire to name (or not name) pictures for certain sounds according to the speech therapy album. In children with afferent motor alalia, the state of sound pronunciation is not studied, since by the age of 5 they have not yet formed the kinesthetic basis of speech. A speech therapist can note the state of sound pronunciation in children based on those speech patterns that the child has, or in reflected speech, if the child has a desire to repeat words after the speech therapist.

The structure of the articulatory apparatus: lips, teeth, jaws, palate, tongue, visually identify and mark any deviations.

State of speech motor skills is investigated differentially: in children with motor afferent alalia, the ability to perform individual articulatory movements is not tested, since the kinesthetic basis of speech is not formed in them. In imitation of a speech therapist, they are offered a number (series) of movements of the type: for the lips - pull forward - smile - lips with a proboscis and move them to the right - to the left. For the tongue - open your mouth - show a wide tongue - raise it to the upper lip - lower it to the lower lip - put it in your mouth - close your mouth. For a soft palate - open your mouth wide - cough with an open mouth - close your mouth.

In children with motor efferent alalia, the ability to perform a series of articulatory movements is not tested, since the kinetic basis of speech is not formed in them. By imitation of the speech therapist, they are offered separate articulatory movements, such as: for the lips - push the lips forward - rest. For a language - to show a wide language or to show a narrow language.

State of auditory-pronunciation differentiation of phonemes:

~ phonetically sharply different: [R] - [S], [L] - [P],

~ phonetically close: [M] - [N], [P] - [B], [T] - [D],

The technique is generally accepted: with these phonemes, the child is invited to repeat the syllables.

Active vocabulary research

State of the predicative dictionary according to the tasks indicated below, it is detected in children aged 5 years and older. The survey begins with finding out the state of the verb dictionary. This is due to the fact that the speech therapist, in the process of correctional work, first of all develops and enriches the verb dictionary. The verb is the basis of the phrase and contributes to the development of internal speech, which, according to Vygotsky, is predicative. Internal speech is a special psychological state that occupies an intermediate position between thought and external expression. The formation of inner speech has a positive effect on the development of thinking and expressive speech.

Exercise. Name the action on the presented item. The speech therapist uses subject pictures. "What do they do with a pen?" The child's answer (or with the help of a speech therapist): "They are writing." "With a knife?" ... (with continuing intonation), child: "Cut." Further: they cut their hair with scissors, eat with a spoon, draw (write) with a pencil, paint with a brush, chop with an ax, saw with a saw, hammer with a hammer, clean with a brush, sew with a needle, etc.

Exercise. To tell who moves how or what state they are in: a pike swims, a swallow - ..., a grasshopper - ..., a snake - .... a horse - ..., a dog - ..., a cow - ..., airplane - ... . Object pictures are used, which depict the corresponding actions. Choose antonyms for the following words:

enters - ... closes - ...

rises - ... rises - ...

creeps - ... runs - ...

flies away - ... lies down - ...

crying - ...

The state of the nominative dictionary. Exercise. Name object pictures by themes: toys, family, dishes, furniture, clothes, shoes, body parts, animals, plants, people of different professions, pictures of nature, transport.

Exercise. Name objects by description: "What is the name of the object with which the hair is combed?" "What is the name of the object with which the hands are soaped?" "What is the name of the object with which you wipe your hands and face after washing?" "... an object with which to paint?" "... an object that lies under the head when a person sleeps?" "... the item that is being embroidered?" "... the subject on which films and programs are watched?" "... an object that children love to swing on?" "... the thing that boys play football with?" etc. Exercise. Find related cognate words for the following words: earth, Forest, field, water, joy, trail, speed, winter and dr.

The state of the attribute dictionary. Exercise. Find definitions for the words: cloud, sea, sky, city, road, grass, tiger, elephant, bunny, car, berry, window, garden, compote, lemon, knife, etc.

Exercise. Choose antonyms for the following words: cold, dexterous, lazy, thick, hard, dull, timid, dry, tight, black, sour, tall, etc.

Mark: the accuracy of the use of words, to characterize the active vocabulary: onomatopoeia, babbling words. The presence of verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, nouns is investigated if the child expresses a desire to imitate.

Reproduction ability speech material (a number of sounds, syllables and words) is tested in children with afferent motor alalia, in whom the kinetic melody of speech is relatively preserved (according to A.R. Luria).

Presented words in the study of the syllable structure of a word and sound filling:

button curdled milk medicine

tomato draft tv

frying pan temperature whistle

birdhouse policeman aquarium

Offers offered: “The guys made a snowman. Hair is trimmed at the barber shop. The policeman rides a motorcycle. There are fish swimming in the aquarium. "

The speech therapist records the child's response in transcription.

Study of the grammatical structure of speech

Investigation of the ability of inflection

Changing a word by cases. The speech therapist shows the child a pencil and says: “I have a pencil (the child repeats on his own or with the help of a speech therapist). I don't have ... (with continuing intonation). " Child's answer: "Pencil". And further: “I reach out to ... (pencil). I pick up ... (pencil). I draw a house ... (with a pencil). I dream of a red ... (pencil). "

Noun conversion in the nominative singular in the plural. The speech therapist shows the child object pictures, which depict one object and several objects:

table - tables ear - ears

leaf - leaves stump - stumps

doll - doll mouth - mouths

eye - eyes chair - chairs

tree - trees sleeve - sleeves

window - windows sparrow - sparrows

Formation of genitive forms singular and plural nouns. The speech therapist shows object pictures depicting a different number of objects, the child names them. Then the speech therapist removes the picture, in which there are several objects, and carefully encourages the child to say the word in the genitive plural:

ball - ball - balls

ball - ... - ...

wood - ... - ...

window - windows - windows

House- ... - ...

a cap - ... - ...

Aligning adjectives with nouns singular of the genus:

ball - blue

cup - blue

dress - blue

a car - ...

bucket - ...

Coordination of numerals"Two" and "five" with nouns: house, beetle, bucket, fish, ball, cherry, cucumber, apple, roof, boot, hat, watermelon.

Study of the ability of word formation

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes. The speech therapist uses subject pictures with images of objects of different sizes.

table - table spoon - spoon

doll - doll carpet - rug

window - window bed - cot

Formation of adjectives from nouns(preparatory group). Speech therapist: “The table is made of wood. What table? " and he himself answers: "Wooden". And then he offers the child the following phrases:

fur coat - (fur) paper cup - (paper)

rubber ball - (rubber) glass jug - (glass) silk dress - (silk) iron lock - (iron) wool shawl - (woolen) lace blouse - (lace)

Formation of verbs of movement using the prefixes PRI, U, DO, PERE, YOU, ABOUT, S (preparatory group). Words for presentation: walk -...; run - ...; fly -....

Exploring the nature of the use of prepositional structures, show and then ask the child where the pencil is (on the table, in the box, under the book); pronounce the phrase without an excuse and invite the child to insert the necessary preposition: “The lamp is hanging ... by the table. The ball fell - ... the floor. The bird flew off - ... branches. The toys are hanging - ... the tree. "

The state of phonemic analysis, synthesis and phonemic representations

Phonemic analysis

Emphasizing sound on the background of a word by pictures and by ear (after being shown by a speech therapist). Instructions: "Do you hear the sound [Ш] in the word SHSHUBA?" (the speech therapist pronounces the sound in an isolated position and in the word intoned, that is, more continuously). And further: “Do you hear the sound IP] in the word PARR? sound [F] in the word ZhZhUK? sound [W] in the word BALL? the sound [U] in the word SHIP? the sound [L] in the word LLAMPA? "

Accentuation of a stressed vowel by ear from the beginning of a word. Words for presentation: Anya, Olya, duck, Ira, windows.

Determination of the place, sequence and number of sounds in the word (preparatory group). For example, determining the place of a sound in a word (globally: at the beginning of a word and at the end).

Instruction: “What sound do you hear at the beginning of the word SHAPKA? What sound do you hear at the end of the word SOUL? "

Phonemic synthesis

The speech therapist invites the child to compose a word from the sounds pronounced by the speech therapist in an unbroken sequence: [S], [S], [R]; [NOSE]; [O], [S], [A]; [L], [A], [P], [A].

Phonemic representations

The speech therapist invites the child to select and put aside pictures in the names of which there is a sound [S] or another sound specified by the speech therapist, then pick up a word with the sound specified by the speech therapist (if the child has single words).

When examining speech activity, you should Mark: independently comes into contact, with help, seeks to communicate, is negative.

At the end of the examination, the speech therapist writes down an updated diagnosis

Speech Map

1. Surname, name, age _____________________________________________________________

2. School __________________________________ grade ___________________________________

3. Nationality __________________________________________________________________

4. Home address __________________________________________________________________

5. Date of admission to the speech therapy center ____________________________________________

6. Academic performance in the native language ____________________________________________________

7. Conclusion of a neuropsychiatrist ________________________________________________________

8. Data on the course of speech development. Anamnesis.______________________________________________


9. State of hearing, vision ___________________________________________________________

10.State of the articulatory apparatus (structure, mobility) ________________________


11.General characteristics of speech _______________________________________________________


a) vocabulary __________________________________________________________________

B) grammatical structure ____________________________________________________________


c) the state of sound pronunciation ______________________________________________________


d) phonemic perception ________________________________________________________


e) syllable structure of the word __________________________________________________________


f) the pace and intelligibility of speech _____________________________________________________________


12. The level of formation of the skills of analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of the word __________



13.Letter. The presence and nature of specific errors .__________________________________



a) characteristics of the reading technique ____________________________________________


b) reading errors _______________________________________________________________


c) reading comprehension __________________________________________________________


15. Manifestation of stuttering:

a) the alleged reason; the severity of stuttering; situations that aggravate its manifestation


b) the formation of linguistic means (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure) ______


c) features of general and speech behavior (organization, sociability, isolation, impulsiveness) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

16. Brief characteristics of the child according to pedagogical observations (organization, independence, stability of attention, working capacity, observation, attitude to one's defect) __________________________________________________________________


17.Conclusion of the speech therapist ______________________________________________________


18. Results of speech correction (marked on the map by the time students graduate from the speech therapy center) __________________________________________________________________


Speech Map

1. Surname, name, age _____________________________________________________________

2. School - ____________________ Class ___

3. Home address

4. Date of admission to the speech therapy centerSeptember 15, 2014

5. Academic performance in the native languageStart school year

6. Conclusion of a neuropsychiatristnot registered / _____________________________________

    Data on the course of speech development. Anamnesis

A) Hereditary, neuropsychic, somatic, chronic diseases in parents:data: from words; by documents (underline); No data; heredity is burdened by neuropsychiatric diseases (to specify): neuroses, psychosis, logoneuroses, etc.; heredity is burdened by chronic diseases (specify): cardiovascular, endocrine and other diseases; heredity is burdened by somatic diseases (specify); the presence of alcoholism in parents; characterological characteristics of the mother and father _______________________________________________________________________________

B) Speech environment:happy; accelerated rate of speech from parents or close relatives; delayed speech development in parents; stuttering from parents, sisters, brothers; contact with stuttering or persons with other speech pathology; violation of sound pronunciation from parents or close relatives; presence of bilingualism - which language prevails in communication ___________________________________________________________________________________

8. Condition of hearing, vision - comply with the standard / do not comply with the standard ______________________________________

9. State of the articulatory apparatus (structure, mobility):

A) Structure:

B) Mobility:

    safety of function;

10. Vocabulary:

11. Grammatical system:

    Sound pronunciation state

    the phonetic structure is formed sufficiently / in isolation pronounces all sounds correctly, but with an increase in the speech load, general blurred speech is observed / phonetic (anthropophonic) defects in sound pronunciation - distortions: averaging of vowels; lack of pronunciation of sibilants; lack of pronunciation of sibilants; lack of pronunciation of sonorants; lack of pronunciation of the labial; lack of pronunciation of labiodental; lack of pronunciation of the middle palates; lack of pronunciation of back-tongues; lack of pronunciation of hard consonants; lack of pronunciation of voiced consonants / phonological defects (violation of the differentiation of sounds) - their replacement.

    Syllabic structure of the word

14. The level of formation of the skills of analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of the word

15. Letter. The presence and nature of specific errors .____________________________________________________



a) characteristics of the reading technique _________________________________________________________________


b) reading errors _____________________________________________________________________________________

c) reading comprehension ________________________________________________________________________________


17. Manifestation of stuttering:

a) the alleged reason; the severity of stuttering; situations that aggravate its manifestation


b) features of general and speech behavior (organization, sociability, isolation, impulsiveness) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

18 .Brief characteristics of the child according to pedagogical observations




19.Conclusion of a speech therapist teacher __________________________________________________________________________


20 .The results of speech correction (marked on the map by the time students graduate from the speech therapy center) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Speech Map

Surname, name _________________________________________________

Age _______________________________________________________

Date of examination _____________________________________________


    Hereditary, neuropsychic, somatic, chronic diseases in parents: data: from words; by documents (underline); No data; heredity is burdened by neuropsychiatric diseases (to specify): neuroses, psychosis, logoneuroses, etc.; heredity is burdened by chronic diseases (specify): cardiovascular, endocrine and other diseases; heredity is burdened by somatic diseases (specify); the presence of alcoholism in parents; characterological characteristics of mother and father ______________________________________________________________________________________

    Speech environment : happy; accelerated rate of speech from parents or close relatives; delayed speech development in parents; stuttering from parents, sisters, brothers; contact with stuttering or persons with other speech pathology; violation of sound pronunciation from parents or close relatives; presence of bilingualism - which language prevails in communication _________________________________________________________________

    Pregnancy by account ____________________________________________________________

    How did ___________________________________________________________________

    Childbirth ___________________________________________________________________________

    When he screamed __________________________________________________________________

    Physical development:

    Began to hold the head ____________________________________________________________

    Sit _________________________________________________________________________

    Get up _______________________________________________________________________

    Walk _________________________________________________________________________

    Early speech development:

    Humming ________________________________________________________________________

    Babbling __________________________________________________________________________

    First words ___________________________________________________________________

    Phrase __________________________________________________________________________

    Was speech development interrupted _______________________________________________

    Past illnesses:

    up to 1 year


    after 1 year ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    The child's hearing and vision (in accordance with the data of the medical card) - comply with the norm / do not comply with the norm __________________________


    attention is steady (unstable)

    the gaze fixes (does not fix);

    easy switching from one object to another (slow, fast, difficult, stuck);

    general level of development of voluntary attention (corresponding to age; low; not formed);

    poor concentration of attention;

    general level of voluntary attention (age appropriate, low; voluntary attention is not formed).


    cognitive activity - high, low, low, requires development;

    the formation of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, comparison, cause-and-effect relationships, abstraction) - formed, insufficiently formed, difficulties in formation, require correction);

    the predominance of the form of thinking - visual-active thinking, visual-figurative, logical, verbal-logical.


    memorization is voluntary / involuntary;

    fast memorization / slow, with difficulty;

    memory reduction / limitation; long-term memorization / quick forgetting; difficulties in memorizing (new words, phrases, syntactic structures, text material);

    fragile preservation; inaccurate reproduction (accurate).

    Arbitrary facial motor skills:

    the features of natural facial expressions are noted: facial expressions are lively, expressive, reflecting the emotional state of the child; expressionless facial expressions;

    the face is hypomimic, "mask-like", there are neurological symptoms in the facial muscles.

    the state of the tone of the facial muscles (spasticity, hypotension, dystonia, norm; hypomimia (lack of mimic motility);

    smoothness of the nasolabial folds;

    oral synkinesis; asymmetry of the face;

    hyperkinesis of the face;

    safety of function.

    Articulating motor skills:

    safety of function;

    the state of muscle tone of the organs of articulation (norm, dystonia, hypotension, spasticity);

    the mobility of the articulatory organs (norm, insufficient, severely limited);

    neurological syndrome in articulatory motor skills (absent, spastic paresis, tonic control disorders speech activity type of rigidity, hyperkinesis, ataxia, apraxia);

    the state of the pharyngeal and palatine reflexes (normal, increased, decreased);

    presence / absence of pathological reflexes of oral automatism (hypersalivation, salivation is normal; increases under certain conditions; constant);

    the mobility of the lower jaw (strictly limited; insufficient - the volume of articulatory movements is incomplete, the range of motion is reduced; normal), there is a displacement of the lower jaw at rest, with a closed mouth and closed jaws, with a wide open mouth in motion

    movement and tone of the lingual muscles (spasticity, hypotension, dystonia, norm), mobility (severely limited; insufficient - the volume of articulatory movements is incomplete, the range of motion is reduced; normal), hyperkinesis, tremor, deviation (deviations to the side) of the tongue are noted

    the tone of the soft palate (spasticity, hypotension, dystonia, normal) and mobility (strictly limited, insufficient, normal), there is a deviation of the entire soft palate or its uvula to the side, the absence or insufficient closure of the soft palate with the posterior pharyngeal wall.

16. General voluntary motor skills:

    range of motion (full / incomplete);

    accuracy of execution (imprecise / accurate);

    independence of movement (complete / incomplete / with the help of adults);

    coordination of movements (normal / uncoordinated / absent);

    the pace of movement (normal / fast / slow);

    activity (normal / lethargy / motor restlessness / increased motor activity / disinhibition);

    quality of movements (motor tension, stiffness);

    switchability (low / stuck / switching with unnecessary movements (accompanying).

    features of general voluntary motor skills: obsessive movements (perseveration - a stereotypical repetition of actions); awkwardness; motor clumsiness; poor orientation; the presence of unnecessary movements; getting stuck; slippage.

    Manual motor skills:

    range of motion (full, incomplete),

    coordination (normal, lack of coordination),

    the presence of synkinesis in the general skeletal, mimic, articulatory muscles,

    pace (slow, fast, normal),

    switching from one movement to another (low, insufficient, normal),

    activity (normal, restlessness, lethargy),

    perseverations (repetition) on exhaustion: pronounced perseverations (stuck on certain poses); disautomation of exhaustion movements,

    leading hand: graphic functional superiority (graphic right-handed, graphic left-handed), everyday functional superiority (household left-handed, household right-handed), the child is ambidextrous (equally good with both the right and left hand in household and graphic actions).

    Anatomical structure of the organs of articulation:

      • Bite: occlusion, i.e. features of the ratio and closure of the upper and lower jaws; straight, deep, anteriorly open, lateral open unilateral or bilateral, cross, progeny, prognathia,

  • Jaws: features of size and shape, the presence of narrowing and expansion of the upper and lower jaw; the presence or absence of displacement of the lower jaw - at rest or during movement; direction of displacement: forward, backward, sideways - left or right displacement,

    Teeth: features of the structure, shape, size and location of teeth in the dentition, while their inclination and rotation around their axis is noted: for example, a double row of teeth; rare, very small teeth - macrognathia; irregular shape and position of teeth, teeth outside the dental arch; supernumerary teeth, absence of teeth in accordance with the age norm - adentia; diastemas, tremas, etc. ,

    Tongue: normal structure and size of the tongue, folded, bifurcated tip of macroglossia, microglossia;

    Sublingual ligament: normal length and structure of the frenum of the tongue, short / shortened, thick / thickened sublingual ligament; the presence of a postoperative node,

    Hard palate: normal, domed; high, "gothic"; low, flat; the presence of clefts and their nature: through / blind, unilateral / bilateral, complete / incomplete, confused,

    Soft palate: normal or shortened; absence, shortening, bifurcation of the small uvula; cicatricial changes in the soft palate and lateral walls of the pharynx; the presence of postoperative cracks; fusion of the soft palate with the arches, tonsils or with the back of the pharynx,

    Nasopharynx, oral cavity and pharynx: nasal polyps; adenoids; tumors of the nasal cavity; curvature of the nasal septum; hypertrophy of the turbinates; an increase in the paired palatine tonsil, unpaired lingual tonsil, unpaired pharyngeal tonsil, etc. ,

    Lips: normal structure, thin, thickened; shortening of the upper lip, cleft of the upper lip: partial / full, unilateral / bilateral; the presence of postoperative scars; short / shortened frenulum of the upper / lower lip, the presence of a postoperative node after plastic surgery of the frenum of the lip.

    Sound reproduction:

    Phonetic structure: the phonetic structure is formed sufficiently / in isolation pronounces all sounds correctly, but with an increase in the speech load, general blurred speech is observed / phonetic (anthropophonic) defects in sound pronunciation - distortions: averaging of vowels; lack of pronunciation of sibilants; lack of pronunciation of sibilants; lack of pronunciation of sonorants; lack of pronunciation of the labial; lack of pronunciation of labiodental; lack of pronunciation of the middle palates; lack of pronunciation of back-tongues; lack of pronunciation of hard consonants; lack of pronunciation of voiced consonants / phonological defects (violation of the differentiation of sounds) - their replacement.

    Speech intelligibility: speech intelligibility is not impaired; speech intelligibility is somewhat reduced, speech is not clear; speech is slurred, blurry, incomprehensible to others.

    Melodic and intonational side of speech: not broken; weak expression of voice modulations (monotonous voice, low modulated); lack of voice modulations (voice is not modulated); violation of the intonation design of speech.

    Speech rate: normal (N); accelerated (tachilalia); slow (bradilalia); stuttering; stuttering.

    Rhythm of speech: normal (N); dysrhythmia; stretched, chanted, depends on the manifestation of hyperkinesis.

    Pauses (correct placement of pauses in the speech stream): correct; disturbed (division of words by a pause into syllables, division of syllables into sounds; excessively frequent pause, excessively rare).

    Expressiveness: timbre (emotional coloring of the statement); intonation (the ability to use the main types of intonation: narrative, exclamatory, interrogative); the use of stress (verbal, logical).

    Phonemic processes:

    Phonemic perception: the ability to distinguish and recognize phonemes by ear - preserved / impaired; auditory-pronunciation differentiation of speech sounds: immiscible in pronunciation, mixed in pronunciation - preserved / broken; auditory differentiation of correctly and distorted sounds - preserved / impaired.

    Phonemic analysis: (formed; insufficient; not formed).

    Phonemic synthesis: (formed; insufficient; not formed).

    Phonemic representations: (formed; insufficient; not formed

    The state of the syllabic structure of the word

      • Reproduction of the syllable structure of a word, its sound filling: paraphasia (replacement of sounds, syllables), elision (omissions of sounds, syllables), iteration (repetition of sounds, syllables), contamination (part of one word is connected with part of another), perseveration (delayed repetition), permutations sounds, syllables, anticipation (replacement of previous sounds with subsequent ones).

  • Rhythmic pattern of the word: reproduces correctly / reproduces with errors.


    the volume of the vocabulary (limited, poverty, compliance of the vocabulary with the age norm);

    a sharp discrepancy between the volume of the passive and active vocabulary;

    inaccuracy in the use of words, numerous verbal paraphasias (mixing words according to generic relations, replacing generalizing concepts with words of specific meaning);

    lack of formation of semantic fields;

    difficulties in actualizing words (especially predicative ones - verbs, adjectives);

    difficulties in classifying words based on semantic features (semantically distant and close).

    Grammatical structure of speech:

    morphological and syntactic agrammatisms;

    possession of syntactic constructions does not correspond to the age norm;

    the understanding and transmission of the semantic connection of words in independent speech is limited;

    violations in mastering morphological and syntactic units (omission of members of a sentence; violation of the order of words in a sentence; violation of grammatical connections between words; difficulties in word formation; difficulties in inflection);

    a peculiar use of grammatical categories (replacement of endings; their irregular use; incorrect reproduction of the phonetic composition of grammatical morphemes).

    Impressive speech:

    knows how to listen and understand the addressed speech / is inattentive;

    easy to make contact / difficult to contact;

    participates in communication at the initiative of others;

    active in communication / active; inactive.

speech therapy conclusion

phonetic speech impairment (FNR) or violation of the pronunciation of certain sounds (NPOZ ). With FNR, the phonetic aspect of speech (sound pronunciation, sound-syllable structure of a word, prosody) is violated in the complex or any individual components phonetic structure speech (for example, only sound pronunciation or sound pronunciation and sound-syllable structure of the word).

phonetic-phonemic speech disorder (FFNR). With FFNR, along with a violation of the phonetic side of speech, there is also an underdevelopment of phonemic processes: phonemic perception (auditory differentiation of sounds), phonemic analysis and synthesis, phonemic representations.

lexical and grammatical speech underdevelopment (LGNR). With LGNR, children have a normal sound pronunciation, phonemic processes are relatively preserved (most often as a result of speech therapy), however, there is a limited vocabulary, a violation of the grammatical structure of speech.

general speech underdevelopment (OHP I, II and III levels), and mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech (NOND). With OHP in children, all components of the language (speech) system are violated: the phonetic-phonemic side of speech, vocabulary, grammatical structure.

Approximate formulations of speech therapy characteristics

Polymorphic violation of sound pronunciation, the absence of both complex and simple forms of phonemic analysis, limited vocabulary (up to 10-15 words). Phrasal speech is represented by one-word and two-word sentences, consisting of amorphous words-roots. There are no forms of inflection and word formation. Coherent speech is not formed. Gross violation of speech understanding.

Polymorphic violation of sound pronunciation, gross underdevelopment of phonemic perception and phonemic analysis and synthesis (both complex and simple forms); limited vocabulary; pronounced grammatisms, manifested in the incorrect use of the endings of nouns in prepositional and non-sentence syntactic constructions, in the violation of the agreement of an adjective and a noun, a verb and a noun; lack of formation of word-formation processes (nouns, adjectives and verbs); absence or gross underdevelopment of coherent speech (1-2 sentences instead of retelling).

Polymorphic violation of sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic perception and phonemic analysis and synthesis; agrammatisms, manifested in complex forms of inflection (in prepositional-case constructions when agreeing an adjective and a neuter noun in the neuter and nominative case, as well as in indirect cases); violation of word formation, insufficient formation of coherent speech, in retellings there are gaps and distortions of semantic links, violation of the transmission of the sequence of events.




  1. Last name, first name, age

  2. School Class 1

  3. Home address

  4. 18.09

  5. Academic performance(by the time of examination) The beginning of the school year,

  6. Complaints teachers and parents: From the words of the teacher: incorrectly pronounces several sounds. From the words of the mother (options): 1) incorrectly pronounces sounds, is embarrassed to talk with strangers: 2) the mother does not notice incorrectly pronounced sounds.

  7. Psychiatrist's conclusion: on a child with FFN is not required.

  8. State hearing: data from the medical record is reproduced; checked if necessary.

  9. Data on the course of speech development:According to the mother: words - with 1 year (1.5 years): phrasal speech - from 1.5-2 years old.

  10. (structure, mobility): The structure and mobility of the articulatory apparatus without pathology.

  11. ^ General characteristics of speech (recording of a conversation, independent coherent statements): My mother is Nadezhda Ivanovna. Works as a nurse in a polyclinic. My dad's zo-vut Ivan Petrovich, he works as an engineer. I'll tell you about the summer. I was at the dacha in the summer. In the summer I helped my grandfather build a well. I helped my grandmother at the dacha in Wowkind. And then she cleaned the house, fed the dog. Swinging with her sister on a swing. The path leads to the swing .. Roses grow there. Then my mother and I went to the city (mixes and replaces sounds;r-l, w-z, s-t).
a) Vocabulary(quantitative and qualitative characteristics). Quantitative characteristics: the total volume of the dictionary. Qualitative characteristic: errors v the use of words (replacement in meaning and acoustic similarity). Give examples. Vocabulary within the age norm (see the recording of the conversation).

B) Grammatical system:
the presence of agrammatism. Give examples. Within the age norm.

V) ^

  1. pronunciation of sounds: absence, distortion, replacement and mixing of individual sounds, r - throat., rl, s-t, z-t (zha-knife - zhanose, shasha-shasa, lalek-ralek) ;

  2. distinguishing between opposition sounds: ra-la-la (laZ) ta-da-ta + ka-ka-ha + sa-sa-sha (shaZ) la-ra-la (laZ) da-da-ta + ha - ha - ka + sha - sha-sa (shaZ) sa-sa-za (sa-sya-sya) pa-pa-b a + za-zha-za (za-za-za) za-za-sa (zya-sya-sya) ba-pa-ba + zsa-zsa-za (zhaZ);

  3. reproduction of words with different sound-syllable composition; give examples: motorcyclist, policeman, cosmo-navt; railway, transport, motorcyclist on a motorcycle; orange juice.
C Pronounces words with different sound and syllables correctly.)

D) the pace and intelligibility of speech:

12. ^ The level of formation of the skills of analysis and synthesis
sound composition of the word:

Cotton wool - what is the 1st star? - v; 2nd? * - a; 3rd? - T;

4th? - a.

Drying - name the 1st star. - s, 3rd star - with.

Cloak - name 2 - th star? - ah, the last one - ?

Book - how many syllables? - 2; name the 1st syllable - kni;

2nd - ? - ha.

How many sounds are there in the 1st syllable? - 2; name them - k, n.

13. Letter: the presence and nature of specific errors (mixing and replacement of consonants, agrammatism, etc.) in the written work of students - dictations, statements, essays performed during the initial examination and in the process of correctional education (written works are attached to speech map). The options are:

  1. reproduces individual block letters (A, N, P, I ...), syllables (PA, NA ...), words (MOM, DAD, CAT ...);

  2. reproduces only individual block letters.
14. Reading:

a) the level of mastering the reading technique

  1. names and displays individual letters (A, O, N, P, T, M ...);

  2. names letters A, O, N, U, I, P, K, T I, G, L, R, but does not read;

  3. reads syllables (AP, TA ...), monosyllabic words like "cat" and two-syllable words like "vata";
b) reading errors:

c) reading comprehension:understands the text read by the speech therapist.

^ 15. Manifestation of stuttering:

A) the reason; the severity of stuttering; situations that determine its manifestation (answers at the blackboard and etc.):

B) the formation of linguistic means:

C) features of general speech development (organization, sociability, isolation, impulsivity):

D) adaptation to the conditions of communication:

  1. ^ Brief characteristics of the child according to pedagogical observations (organization, independence, steadiness of attention, efficiency, observation, attitude To defect, cognitive activity in the field of linguistic phenomena): unstable attention, critical of his defect.

  2. Conclusion speech therapist:FFN (this conclusion reflects the level of formation of the oral form of speech).

Speech therapy station

at secondary school no.



  1. Surname, name, age:Petrov Vanya, 7 years old

  2. School№ 1 Class 1

  3. House. address

  4. Date of admission to speech therapy center18.09

  5. Academic performance in the native language(by the time of examination) The beginning of the study. of the year.

  6. Complaints from teachers or parents: According to the teacher: on less active, ashamed to speak. According to the mother: speaks indistinctly, distorts words, does not memorize poetry.

  7. Psychiatrist's conclusion(filled in as needed): from the medical record indicating the date of the examination and the name of the doctor.

  1. Hearing condition checked if necessary.

  2. Data on the course of speech development: The words mothers: words appeared by 2-2.5 years old, phrases- by 4-5 years old. The speech is incomprehensible to others.

  1. ^ The state of the articulatory apparatus (structure, mobility): Structure- N. Mobility- has difficulty holding a given posture and has difficulty switching from one articulatory position to another.

  2. ^ General characteristics of speech (recording of the conversation, the independence of coherent statements): In a conversation about the family, the child's answers may be as follows: "Vanya", "Mom's name is Zoya-koy", "I don't know" (middle name), "Dad's name is Petya", "I don't know" (middle name), "Sister name is Luda "," At work "(about mom)," Cashier "(to the question- who works?), “I don’t know” (about dad).
^ Vocabulary(quantitative and qualitative characteristics). Quantitative characteristics: the total volume of the dictionary. Qualitative characteristics: errors in the use of words (replacement in meaning and acoustic similarity). Give examples.

The dictionary is limited by the realities of everyday life topics: an insufficient number of generalized words and words related to adjectives, verbs, etc. Qualitative characteristics (answers to the tasks presented): lampshade (lamp), hose (water), decanter (bottle), driver (instead of the driver), watchmaker, crane operator (does not know), postman (instead of the postman), glass-maker (glazier), car (instead of the word transport), boots (instead of shoes), etc.; brave- weak, lies- does not lie, the crow is the gate, etc.

Grammatical system: types of sentences used,

The presence of agrammatism. Give examples (see entry

Conversations and coherent statements):

^ He pulled out a pencil from behind a book. The boy jumped a puddle.

The first leaves appeared on the trees.

Mn. h., Im. NS.- trees, eyes, wings ...

Mn. h., Rod. NS.- tetrads, gates, donkey ... jam yab-

pubic; orange water; teddy bear.

^ Pronunciation and distinction of sounds:

  1. pronunciation of sounds: absence, distortion, replacement and mixing of individual sounds R- uvular; in the stream of speech L = R (ralek - stall); NS= F (lower); W = C; F- 3;

  2. distinguishing between opposition sounds embroiderer (watchmaker), holoshin (pea), yasselsa (lizard), pa-ba-ba (N), ta-da-da (N), ha-ka-ka (N), for-for-for (Ms-Ms-for), cha-cha-cha (cha-cha-cha), cha-cha-cha (cha-cha-cha), ra-ra-ra (ra-la -ra), for-for-for (for-for-for), for-for-for (for-for-for), for-for-for (for-for-for), la-la-la (for -ra-ra);

  3. reproduction of words with different sound-syllable composition (give examples): ligulivat (regulates); tlansp, stamps (transport); green-green ... (railway), petty bourgeois (policeman), pisin (orange).
Speech pace and intelligibility:slurred speech, slow pace.

^ 12. The level of formation of skills of analysis and synthesis

Sound composition of the word cloak: How many sounds are there?- "2". 1st sound?- "NS". 2nd sound? - "A". 3rd sound?- "A". Name the last sound.- "A". Name the 1st sound.- "T". Name the 3rd sound.- "A".

  1. Letter: the presence and nature of specific errors (mixing and replacement of consonants, agrammatism, etc.) in the written work of students - dictations, statements, compositions performed by them during the initial examination and in the process of correctional education. (Written works are attached to the speech card.) Options; 1) reproduces individual printed letters: A, P, M; 2) prints individual words like МАК, МАМА.

  2. Reading:
a) the level of mastering the reading technique(letter by letter, word by word, words). The options are:

  1. knows individual letters: A, P, M, T;

  2. knows all letters, but does not read;

  3. reads syllables and monosyllabic words;

  4. reads syllables, slowly, monotonously; skips vowels, does not read words; distorts the syllable structure of the word; confuses some letters;
b) reading errors:leaf (leaves) on trees (trees)
turned yellow and purple (turned brown). The angry wind was blowing
(circled) them ... (through) the air.

c) reading comprehension. The options are:

  1. has difficulty understanding what the speech therapist has read, retells only with the help of questions;

  2. understands the main content of the story, understands the hidden meaning with difficulty;

  3. has some difficulty.
^ 15. Manifestation of stuttering: does not stutter.

A) the alleged reason; the severity of stuttering; situations in which it manifests itself (answers at the blackboard, etc.);

B) the formation of linguistic means;

C) features of general and speech development (organization,
sociability, isolation, impulsiveness);

D) adaptation to the conditions of communication.

Brief characteristics of the child according to pedagogical observations (organization, independence, stability of attention, working capacity, observation, attitude to his defect): attention is unstable, decreased performance, difficulties in switching from one type of activity to another; low level of self-control and independence.

Conclusion of a speech therapist. ^ Options: 1) HBONR; 2) OHR II- IIIlvl. (these conclusions reflect the level of formation of the oral form of speech).

The results of speech correction (marked in the card by the time the students graduate from the speech therapy center).