Create a story about the adjective name. Adjective

This product has connected several genres in itself. In the novel we will see a fascinating narration of the journey, pamphlet, it also contains antiotopia, fantasy and a bit of violence. This novel can be called prophetic, as he read it at any time, it clearly sees the specificity of the addressee of the Swift Satira in it. The author amazes with his imagination, which will surprise anyone.

The main character - An ordinary doctor who falls into an incredible adventure outside his desire. He only decided to go on the ship from England, but soon he accidentally falls into the most unimaginable countries in which, according to their usual, a completely ordinary life occurs.

Lemuel was the middle son in his family. In total, the family had five of them. He lived in Nottinghamshire, and a little matured, went to study in Cambridge to College. After studying in college, he was happy with the Surgeon Bats, and after that he independently studied medical activities. Extinguish, I went to work on the ship by Dr. Surgeon.

Three years later, he was in charge of plenty, he decides to marry and takes Mary Burton in his wife, who is a daughter in stockings. For the next two years, they live in London with their wife, but after the unforeseen death of his teacher, he has to return to the position of surgeon to the ship.

Here he is again on the ship and does not foreshadow anything, but soon a strong storm rises, their ship crashes collapse, the team dies, and he wonderfully wipes to the shore and turns off for a long time.

When the hero comes into consciousness, he understands that he is tied to a huge number of ropes, and there are many small creatures with a plumature, which are exactly as people, only quite miniature size.

All these little ropes are not so strong and Gulliver, a little strain, frees one hand, but small people shoot on it with rigs. He calms down and makes the decision to lie down a little more and, waiting for the darkness, free.

Erecting a big staircase, it climbs to him, apparently their ruler Hurgo. He says a lot, but it is not possible to understand it, since the language of the Gullivera is unfamiliar. Lemuel explains to the little man that he really wants to eat and feed him.

Officials decide to transport Gullivier to the capital and try to explain it to him, but he asks them to free it. He is denied him. Gullover wounds are treated with some incomprehensible herbs and give him to drink, mixing there a lot of sleeping pills. Gulliver falls asleep. The hero is taken to the capital.

The hero wakes up in an abandoned temple, chained with chains to one of the legs.The hero rises and looks around the surroundings. He sees a beautiful city and well-groomed fields. He copes his needs, and soon he is visited by the king, having dimensions no more nail and explains that it will try to take care well.

The hero holds on this island for two weeks, for him they sew a special mattress and bed linen. The state has no idea what to do with this enormous person, because he eats a lot and soon they will come hunger.

It takes about three weeks and he is a little mastering their tongue. Gulliver wants to ask the ruler of liberation. Officials arrange a search and take a saber with him, a gun, and bullets with gunpowder. A few things of the Gulliver time to hide.

The giant begins to like the emperor and little men and they are dancing specifically for him, perform all sorts of tricks, and also return his hat, which he lost on the shore.

The only one who does not like Gulliver is Admiral Skyrish Bulges, he writes a contract in which the conditions of freedom of Gullywer are discussed. Gullivera spend a tour of Liliputia, as well as on its capital. He is shown the palace. The secretary tells what the political situation they have the country, as well as the hostility of the parties and the possibility of attacking another Empire blefic, which is located on another island.

The Gulliver helps in the fight against Blefusk, tied anchor from their ships, and having delivered them to the capital. The rulers of Liliputia very much want to capture the enemy, but Gulliver against it, and refuses to perform the service.

One day, a fire and a Gulliver arose in Liliputia to help citizens, he wakes up. The emperor is indignant.

The hero is decided to write in his notebook everything he sees in this strange country. He describes low inhabitants, small animals and miniature plants, he also writes that people bury here down their heads and how they punish the foxes. If someone forgets in this country to thank the resident, can go to jail. Their guys are not brought up by their parents, but women and menlive separately. Gulliver spends almost a year in this place. By this time, he appears a chair with a table and a completely new clothing.

The emperor begins to jealous and explains to Gullive, that he is too expensive by their execution. Soon, an indictor act from Bulges, who accuses him that he was overlooked to the palace, and also refused to conquer another state.Gulliver is frightened and runs away from Liliputs.

Soon he gets into the sea and finds a boat there and to resolve Emperor Blefiscus he floats in her away. Soon he is picking up English merchants and bring it to Downs. For a couple of months, he is with his family, but then he has to go back to earnings.

In June, he leaves from England on the vessel, but in April he again falls into the storm, after which very little remains on the ship drinking water. Together with the landed, he falls on the island, which notes the giants, who at that time are already running out of his comrades. The hero understands that it is in the field with a lined barley, but this plant is very large. He finds a peasant and gives the owner of the field. The hero meets the owners and soon he dines with them.

Hero wakes up from the type of excessively large rats that wish them to eat. Farmer's wife takes it to the garden so that the hero can fix it. Master's daughter makes Gulliver a crib, makes him new clothes And calls him Grill. Soon, on the instruction of a neighbor, the hero begins to speak to the public, and after a few weeks it is sent to the tour with indicative performances. It takes about ten weeks and they have time to visit many cities and villages.

Gulliver loses weight and becomes painful in appearance and the owner sells his royal person. Gulliver with the Queen talking about life on the farm, and after that a woman represents him his husband, who gives him a scientist.

The hero is building a house and sew clothes. He often documens with the king and queen. A servant of Queen Dwarf greatly envies Gullivera.

Gulliver with the queen goes around the country, but the annoying dwarf is always trying to get rid of the hero. The queen wants to entertain Gullover, so asks to make him a boat and give a pelvis with water, whatever he was able to swim. For the ridge, the Gulliver takes the hair of the king. Gulliver talks about England and its customs, and the king strongly criticizes the country's rule.

It takes three years. In one beautiful day, the queen with a retinue decide to stroll along the beach, but the eagle kidnaps the hero and it turns out to be in the sea, where the English ship again picks him up and brings him to Downs.

Somewhere in early August, Guliver leaves England on the vessel. Soon the villains are attacked. The hero asks mercy from the villains and one of the Japanese shows it. The entire ship is captured and captive. Gillier is immersed in a shuttle and throw out in the midst of the ocean, but he turns out again on the island.

The island turned out to be flying. Citizens of this island call themselves laputyans and they are very strange in appearance. It is fed, tagged and sew new clothes again. Soon the flying island arrives in the central city of the Kingdom of Logado. After some time, the hero understands that Laputyan love mathematics and music, and their biggest fear of cosmic cataclysms. Since Laputian men are very thoughtful, their wives love to change them.

After some time, the hero learns that the island flies from the fact that there is a magnet that is located in the central part of the lape. If the subjects rise, their king closes the sun or lowers the island to this city. The king with his family never leaves Laput.

Once the hero decided to go down to Balnibarby, this is a small continent. He stops at the dignitorn, who carries the name of Muunod. In this state, people are poorly dressed, the fields are empty, but the peasants are still trying to cultivate them. Sanovnik says that once they were trained to completely unique treatment of the soil, so it ceased to grow something. Muunodi then did not interest this, so his fields brings fruit.

Soon the hero falls into the academy of the spotlight. There, scientists are engaged in strange studies: obtaining sunlights of cucumbers, food from waste, powder trying to extract from ice, and the house start to build on top. A lot of things told him scientists, but it seemed to him ridiculous. They also had proposals for new laws, for example, change the rear parts of the brain or take taxes from human defects well or merits.

The hero leaves in Maldonado to leave Laggnegg. While the ship is waiting, he visits the island of Gubbdobdrib, which inhabit the wizards. The main resident of this island is managed to cause spirits, among them was Hannibal, Caesar, Brutte, Alexander Great and Pompeii residents, he also talks to Aristotle, Descartes and Homer, with a variety of kings, and ordinary, unremarkable people. But soon he returned to Maldonado and after a couple of weeks sailed to Laggnegg. Soon he was arrested there. In the city of Tralatreab, Gulliver has the opportunity to meet the king, there he meets with a strange custom, it is necessary to lick the throne room. Three months have passed, as he is in Laggnegg. Residents are enjoyable here and good-natured, he learns that some inhabitants are born by immortal. Gulliver dreams that he could do if he was immortal, but the people say that they only suffer from immortality. After Laggnegg, the hero arrives in Japan, and then in Amsterdam. In April, he falls into Downs.

After such strange, long and heavy travels, Gullivera give the position of captain of the vessel. He accidentally takes to the work of the robber, which soon captive him and plant on the nearest island. There are monkeys on Gullivier, and a horse that is very strange in appearance, he saves him. Horse comes to his horse and they discuss something, periodically feeling Gullivier.

Horses lead a hero to her home, there he meets monkeys, similar to people, but they are homemade pets. He is offered rotten meat, but he refuses and shows that milk will suit more for him. Horses are also taken to dine. This lunch is oatmeal.

Gulliver slowly mastering this language and soon tells one of the horses the history of his appearance.

Somehow it takes in the naked view of the servant horse, which he lives, but he promises to keep the mystery that a man is very similar to a monkey.

Gulliver tells about England, about English horses, medicine and alcohol. The horse decided that the inhabitants of England did not use the intended mind at all, but only to increase the vices.

In Guigans, married marriages for the birth of children, necessarily two different sexes are concluded.

Since man-like monkeys with difficulty leaving for training, they are solved to destroy, but soon come to solve all EX sterilize, and Gullivier, as it looks like EX, send from the country. After two months, the Gulliver floats.

From the journey, he loses a bit of mind, as he believes that he wants to send him to live to EX, although it has long been at the Portuguese ship, but soon he is to be departed and sent to England.

In December, he comes home and decides to write about his adventures story.

A brief retelling "Gullover Travel" in the reducing prepared Oleg Nikov for the reader's diary.

Adjective - this is an independent significant part of speech, uniting words that

1) indicate a sign of the subject and answer questions what?, whose?;

2) vary by childbirth, numbers and cases, and some - at full / short and comparison degrees;

3) The proposal is the definitions or registered part of the composite nominal fag.

Discharge of adjectives by value

Three discharge discharges are distinguished by:qualitative, relative, attracted.

Quality Adjectives denote the quality, object property: its size (small ), shape (round ), color (white ), physical characteristics (warm ) , as well as the addiction of the subject to action (barbed ).

Relative Adjectives indicate a sign of the subject through the attitude of this subject to another subject (book ), action (readable ) or other feature (yesterday's ). Relative adjectives are formed from nouns, verbs and adverbs; The most common suffixes of relative adjectives are suffixes -n. - ( forest ), - oV - ( hero ), - iN. - ( topol-in-b ), - sC. - ( warehouse ), - l. - ( fluent ).

Pictures Adjectives indicate the belonging of the subject face or animal and are formed from nouns with suffixes -iN. - ( mAM-IN. ), - oV - ( otz-Ob. ), - iY - ( lis-Iy. ). These suffixes are standing at the end of the basis of the adjective (cf. Pretty adjectiveotz-Ob. and relative adjectivepaternal ).

Quality adjectives differ from relative and attractive in all language levels:

1) only qualitative adjectives denote a sign that can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent;

2) high-quality adjectives may have antonyms (quiet - loud );

3) Only high-quality adjectives can be non-produced, relative and attracted are always derived from nouns, adjectives, verbs;

4) OT qualitative adjectives nouns are formed with the value of an abstract feature (strict Ost ) and adverching on -o (strictly ), as well as adjectives with a submitted assessment (sIN-YUK-IY, ZL-YUSH) ;

5) only high-quality adjectives have a complete / brief form and comparison degree;

6) high-quality adjectives are combined with adverbs of measures and degrees (highly happy ).

Declination of adjectives

The adjectives of all discharges have non-permanent signs of the genus (in the singular), the numbers and cases in which they are consistent with the nouns. Adjectives are also consistent with nouns in animation if the noun is in the form of V. p. Multiple number, and for male genus - and the only number (Wed: I seebeautiful shoes and see beautiful girls ).

Changing the adjective according to childbirth, numbers and cases are called decisions of adjectives.

The qualitative adjectives, standing in brief form (expressions on Bosu's leg, in broad daylight phraseologized and do not reflect contemporary state Language), as well as high-quality adjectives facing a simple comparative and based on its basis of an excellent degree (above, above all).

In Russian there areunclear adjectives that indicate:

1) Colors:beige , khaki , marrengo , an electrician ;

2) Natures and languages:khanty , mans , urdu ;

3) Clothing styles:plisse , corrug , clash , mini .

Unchanged adjectives are also words (weight)gross , net , (hour)peak .

Their grammatical features are their immutability, adjoining a noun, arrangement after, and not to the noun. The immutability of these adjectives is their constant feature.

The degree of comparison of adjectives

Qualitative adjectives have a non-permanent morphological sign of comparison degrees.

School grammar indicates that there are two degrees of comparison -comparative and excellent .

Comparative The degree of adjective indicates that the sign is manifested in a greater / lesser extent in this subject compared to another subject (Vanya above if; This river is deeper than another ) or the same subject in other circumstances (Vanya is higher than last year; In this place the river is deeper than ).

Comparative degree happenssimple and compositu .

Simple comparative degree Indicates the reason for the manifestation of the feature and is formed from the basis of the adhesive with the help of suffixes -her (s), -e, -sh / -ezh ( quick-her, already, earlier, deep ).

Simple form comparative degree Some adjectives are formed from another basis:pL about hoy - worse , good - it is better .

Sometimes, when forming a simple comparative degree can join the consoleby- ( lonel ) .

Morphological signs of a simple comparative degree are uncharacteristic for the adjective. It:

1) immutability

2) the ability to control the noun

3) consumption mainly in the function of the facility (He is above the Father ). The position of definition is a simple comparative degree can only be held in a separate position (Much higher than other students, he seemed almost adult ) or in an anticipated position with the prefix in position after the noun (Buy me newspapers fresher ).

Composite comparative degree Indicates both the best and smaller degree of manifestation of the feature and is formed as follows:

element more / less + adjective (more / less tall ).

The difference between the composite comparative degree from the simple is as follows:

1) the composite comparative degree is wider in value, as it denotes not only the best, but also a smaller degree of manifestation of the feature;

2) the composite comparative degree changes in the same way as the positive degree of comparison (source form), i.e., by childbirth, numbers and cases, and may also stand in brief form (more beautiful );

3) a composite comparative degree can be both a surehead and non-determined and separate definition (Less interesting article was presented in it is journal . This article is less interesting than the previous one. )

Excellent The comparison degree indicates the largest / low degree of manifestation of the feature ( highest mountain) or on a very large / low degree of manifestation of a sign (kind person).

Excellent comparison, as well as comparative, is simple and composite.

Simple excellent comparison of adjective Indicates the greatest degree of manifestation of the feature and is formed from the OMSNA of the adjective with the help of suffixes -eish- / - (after k, g, x, causing alternation):dob-Yeysh, high-aish.

When forming a simple excellent degree of comparison, a prefix can be -: major-kind .

Morphological signs of a simple excellent degree of comparison of the adjectives are the same as the adjective, i.e., changeability by childbirth, numbers, cases, use in syntactic function Definitions and fagged. A simple excellent degree of comparison of adjective does not have a brief form.

Composite excellent degree of comparison of adjectives Indicates both the largest and smallest degree of manifestation and forms three ways:

1) adding the wordmost the smartest );

2) adding wordsthe most / easiest to the initial form of adjective (the most powerful );

3) adding wordsall ortotal to a comparative degree (He was smarter than all ).

Forms of composite excellent degree formed by the first and second way, possess morphological signscharacteristic of adjectives, i.e. they change according to childbirth, numbers and cases, may be brief shape (most comfortable ), act as definition, and as a personal part of the fag. Forms of composite excellent degree, formed by the third way, are immutable and advocate mainly as a personal part of the faithful.

Not all high-quality adjectives have the forms of comparison degrees, and the absence of simple form of degrees of comparison is observed more often than the absence of composite forms.

Fullness / Brief Adjectives

Qualitative adjectives have a complete and short form.

A brief form is formed by an accession to the basis of a positive degree of endings: zero ending for male clay -but for female -about / -E. for average - / -and For multiple number (deep , deepbut , deepabout , deepand ) .

A brief form is formed from high-quality adjectives, which:

1) are characteristic of relative adjective suffixes -Sh-, -OV - / - EU-, : brown , coffee , brotherly ;

2) indicate animal suit:kaury , voronene ;

3) have subjective evaluation suffixes:highlight , shiny .

A brief form has grammatical differences from the full form: it does not change according to cases, in the sentence advantaged mainly as a personal part of the faithful; A brief form acts as a definition only in a separate syntactic position (angry for the whole world, he almost ceased to leave the house).

In the position of the responded value, the value of complete and brief form usually coincides, but some adjectives have the following semantic differences between them:

1) A brief form denotes an excessive manifestation of a sign with a negative assessment, Wed.: skirt short - skirt short ;

2) A brief form denotes a temporary feature, full - permanent, Wedway:child is ill - child sick .

There are such qualitative adjectives that have only a brief form:glad , much , should .

Transition of adjectives from the category

It is possible to exist with the adjective several values \u200b\u200brelating to different discharges. In school grammar, this is called "the transition of the adjective from the category of discharge." Thus, the relative adjective can develop a value characteristic of high-quality (for example:iron detail (relates.) -iron will (Kach.) - Metaphorical transfer). Versions may occur characteristic of relative and high-quality (for example:foxy burrow (attraction.)- foxes cap (relates.) -fox. hobs (Kach.).

Morphological analysis of adjective

Morphological analysis of the adjective is made according to the following plan:

I. Part of speech. General value. The initial shape (the nominative case of the only number of male genus).

II. Morphological signs.
1. Permanent signs: discharge by value (qualitative, relative or assumed) 2. Non-permanent signs: 1) in qualitative adjectives: a) the comparison degree (comparative, excellent), b) complete or brief form; 2) In all adjectives: a) case, b) number, c)
III. Syntactic role.

Sample morphological parsing adjective.

And accurately, she was good: high, thin, black eyes, like a mountain sulna, and looked at you in the soul (M. Yu. Lermontov).

1. Good (what?) - adjective,

the initial form is good.

    2. Permanent signs: high-quality, short;

non-permanent signs: units. Number, wives. Rod.

    3. She (was it?) Good (part of the fag).

1. High (what?) - Adjective,

    the initial form is high.

Non-permanent signs: full, positive degree of comparison, units. Number, wives. Rod, I. P ..

3. She (was what?) high (part of the tame).

    1. tnetic - adjective,

the initial form is thin.

    2. Permanent features: high-quality, complete;

non-permanent signs: Positive degree of comparison, units. Number, wives. Rod, I. p.

    3. She (was what?) Thin(Part of the faded).

1. Black - adjective,

    the initial shape is black.

2. Permanent signs: high-quality;

non-permanent signs: full, positive degree of comparison, MN. Number, I. P ..

3. Eyes (what?) black (lean).

The concept of adjective. Morphological signs of impressions. Discharges of adjectives

1. Adjectiveindependent part Speech, which means a sign of the subject and answers questions what? whose?

The main signs of the adjective

A) general grammar meanings Examples
This is the meaning of the subject:
  • color;
  • Blue, blue, lilac.
  • taste, smell;
  • Sweet, odorless, spicy.
  • evaluation;
  • Good bad.
  • character;
  • Kind, modest, funny.
  • mental and speech activities.
  • Smart, stupid, speaking.
    B) morphological signs Examples
    The same as the name of the noun - the genus, the number, the case.
    But, unlike nouns, adjectives change according to childbirth, numbers, cases, and generic differences are observed in adjectives only in the form of the singular. This is due to the fact that adjectives are serviced, explain the names of the nouns: adjectives are consistent with nouns in kind, including the case.
    Wed: blue carpet, blue ribbon, blue saucer - blue carpets, blue ribbons, blue saucer.
    IN) Syntactic signs Examples
    In the proposal, adjectives are usually definitions or registered part of the faith.Wed: Happy clown laugh guys; Clown It was cheerful.
    Adjectives are consistent with nouns in kind, and the case.Wed: Happy clown laugh guys; Cheerful jokelaugh guys.
    Adjectives can spread with noun and adverbs, forming phrases with them.Wed: weak disease, very weak.

    2. By the nature of the lexical significance, adjectives are divided into three discharges:

    A) high-quality;
    B) relative;
    C) Press.

    A) high-quality adjectives

    Qualitative adjectives Indicate various quality of the subject:

      value: big, large, small;

      age: old, young;

      color: red Blue;

      weight: light heavy;

      appearance: beautiful, slim;

      personal traits: smart, strict, lazy.

    Characteristic grammatical and word educational featuresqualitative adjectives are:

      the presence of comparison degrees;

      Big bigger Biggest; Smart - smarter, smartest.

      availability of complete and brief form;

      Strict - strict, old old.

      the ability to combine with adverbs;

      Very strict, very large, very smart.

      forms adverbs with suffixes -o, -e, - and.

      Smart → clever, brilliant → brilliantly, brutal → brutally.

    Most important morphological signs The qualitative adjectives are the following:
    availability of degrees of comparison and two (full and short) forms.

    However, not all quality adjectives possess these signs:

      no degrees of comparison with adjectives bosoy, oblique, blind, chrome, dead, marriedbecause they express absolute qualities, that is, such qualities that are not compared to being compared (it is impossible to be firmly or less; it is impossible to be married to a greater or to a lesser extent);

      no brief form of adjectives business, friendly, comicbecause by origin they are relative;

    • there are no degrees of comparison in relative or attracted adjectives in a qualitative meaning.

      Wed: a gold bracelet (relative adjective) - golden character (qualitative meaning); fox's tail (attracted adjective) - this person has a lion character / fox smile (Qualitative meaning).

      Indicate signs not directly, but through the attitude to:

      These signs cannot manifest themselves more or less.

      Unlike qualitative adjectives relative adjectives do not change in degrees of comparison and do not have a brief form.

      Relative adjectives are synonymous with the case-in-law or proposed-case forms of nouns.

      Wed: iron hoop - iron hoop; Volzhsky Beach - Coast of Volga; Sport shoes - sports shoes.

      C) attracted adjectives

      Attractive adjectives Indicate signs of the subject by his belonging to a person or animal.

      Fathers jacket, mother's handkerchief, fox tail, wolf trail.

      These adjectives answer the question whose? whose? whose? whose? Such signs also cannot be at the subject to a greater or to a lesser extent.

      1) attracted adjectives with suffixes -In / н, -s / -Ev, -y / -j- In the form of the only number of nominative case in men's genus, they usually have a zero ending, and in female and middle birth - the same endings as nouns.

      Wed: bearish □, bearish, bearish.

      2) When using adjectives, their value may vary. So, relative adjectives can go to the category of high-quality.

      Wed: lilac branch - relative adjective; lilac dress - Qualitative adjective.

      Hardening adjectives can go to the discharge of relative and high-quality.

      Wed: bear trace (a trace belongs to the bear) - a pretentious adjective; bear Schuba (fur coat is made of the bear skins, and does not belong to the bear) - relative adjective; bear ghodka (gait like a bear) is a qualitative adjective.


      1) in the plural of the genus is not determined;

      2) There are no qualitative adjectives worthwhile in brief form!