Spelling of the case exposure of nouns names. §1.2

Employment of the nominative case of a multiple nouns names

The setting of the correct end of the nouns of the male genus of the nominal case of the plural is often difficult. How to say: treatys or treatybut ? In colloquial speech more and more often we hear the form treatybut . But this, unfortunately, the mistake!

Choosing a type of ending ( - s/- and or -and I) Determined by a number of factors. Consider them.

TOolrigation syllables in the word and place of stress

a) single-sided words more often form forms on -but/-I: snow - snowbut , home homebut , forest - forestbut , grade - gradebut .

b) single-stroke words may also end - s/-and: court - courts soup - soups , knife - knifeand , cat - cats . Frequent speech errors cause a word cake. Multiple number of this word - cakes.

c) double words with an emphasis on the 1st syllable, as a rule, have an end -but/-I: ine. cher - eveningbut , Pbut sport - passportbut , voice - voicebut , ine. ksen - Vekseli .

d) multiple words with an emphasis on the 2nd, 3rd, etc. syllable usually form forms on - s/-and: apte. kare - pharmacistand , librarye. kare - librarianand , compyu ter - computers , enginee. p - engineers .

Please note that the emphasis in these forms of the only and multiple number is stored in the same place.

Exceptions : orange - oblagbut , sleeve - sleevebut .

The origin of the word and its structural elements

a) words with elements - e.r / -R. have ending - s/-and: actor - actors , fleeler - drivers , director - directors , conductor - conductors and others. These are the words of French origin.

In order to consider the words of the following group, we need to remember the concept of animation / inantence.

b) Words of Latin origin with an element -T.oR - Inanimate (objects) have the end - s: reflectors , detectors , refrigerators , condensers .

c) words with -T.oR An animated (faces) have the end - s: authors , lecturers , Rectors , Designers and ending - but: doctorbut , Directorbut , Professorbut . Why do we speak lecturers, but professor? The choice is explained by the tradition.

Remember that spaticrous forms accountantbut engineerbut , choicebut , Treatybut , sentencebut , officeri , chauffeurbut Hand writingbut , creambut soupbut and the like are considered as a gross violation of the language norms.

Difference in words

In some cases of graduation - s and - but serve to distinguish the meaning of the word:

forms (artistic) - formbut (icons);

the wires (when departure) - the wirebut (electrical);

colors (plants) - colorbut (painting);

passand (Nonases) - passbut (documentation);

belts (geographical) - beltbut (clothes), etc.

Similar couples in Russian enough: sheets - leaves, teeth - teeth and etc.

There are normative variant form (i.e., both forms are correct). These are these:

bunkers - bunker

years - year

instructors - Instructor

valves - valve (technical term)

pienty - Pienty

spotlights - spotlights

sectors - sectors

tsehi - shops

The choice of some forms is fixed by tradition. So, we say: Years have passed.My year - my wealth. But: So run years! In her years!

Let us remember the most frequently used words with the other end type.

Forms on -and /- s



spare parts












Forms on -but /-I

End of the Multiple Page

The endings of the Multiple Page Paddle is another difficult topic for our speech practice.

How to choose to choose this or that end? How to say: no stocking or chulkov? Without sock or socks?

Why we say armenian, but mongols?

How to ask right in the store: 5 kilogram or kilograms? orange or oranges?

When selecting the end, follow the following rules.

Male Rod

1. All names of paired objects have zero ending: shoes, boots, stocking, trousers, pursuit, scissors.

An exception : nOK.oV .

2. National names are subject to the following rules:

a) words with the basis for - n., - r have zero endings: british, Armenians, Georgians, Lezgin, Ossetian, Romanian, Turkmen, Gypsy, Bashkir, Bulgarian.

An exception: black persons.

b) the words with the basis for other letters have the end - oV: kyrgyzoV , KalmykoV , TajikoV , UzbekoV , Mongol.oV , YakutoV .

An exception: turk, Buryat.

3. The names of military groups and former labor of the troops require the following endings:

a) without numeral they have zero ending: partizan, Soldier, Grenader, Gardemarine, Gusar, Dragun, Ulan;

b) the former kind of troops with numerals have endings - oV: 10 hussaroV , 5 GardemarinoV , 6 hussaroV , 7 UlanoV .

4. Names of units of measurements are variatives:

but) amp, watt, gram, kilogram, x-ray, pendant;

b) ampereoV , wattoV , gramoV , kilogramoV , x-rayoV , pendantoV .

Truncated forms ( ampere, Gramm

5. The names of the group "Vegetables - Fruits" have endings - oV: orangeoV , MandarinoV , bananaoV , a tomatooV , eggplantoV .

Truncated forms ( orange, Mandarin, Banana, Tomato) Characteristic for spoken speech.

Feminine gender

1. Nouns on - l.i, -nya have zero ending: waffle, Roofing, Woven, Nanny, Cherries, Apple.

2. Some nouns have the end - e.j.: candleto her , Countto her , sheento her .

There are variant form: The game is candlebut: There is no in the housecandleto her . However, the word candle Here are consumed in direct and portable (phraseological) values \u200b\u200b(specify where what).

3. Nouns on - and I have ending - iY: auditoriY , AcademiY conservativeiY .

Neuter gender

1. A number of names have zero ending: apples, shoulders, saucers towels, mirrors.

Pay attention to the shoulder shape ( Dress with shoulders and shoulders!)

2. The regulations are forms on - iY: coastiY , CastleiY , drugiY .

3. There are also forms on - e.in: ust.eV , BolotzeV , TopeV , LoweV .

And how to form a genitive case, those nouns that are always used only in the plural? Nouns that are always used only in the plural (not having a kind) form a genitive case with various types of endings:

zero: summer; society;

- oV: frostoV ;

-to her: budneto her , Nahlto her , San.to her .

Questions and tasks

1. What factors affect the choice of the end of the nouns of the multiple nouns names? Name them.

2. How to form a plural from words with element-E.р / -EP (conductor)? What language did these words come to us?

3. Give examples when endings- s/ - Serve to distinguish words by meaning.

4. What is the ending in the parental case of a plural number of paired objects (shoes, trousers)? How to say: no sock or no socks?

5. Which of the forms relate to official-business, and which - to the colloquial style of speech: grams, pendants / grams, pendant? Tomatoes, Oranges / Tomato, Orange?

6. How to form a genitive case of nouns, which are used only in the plural: freezing, twilight, nursery?

Kozlova Marina Vladimirovna
Position: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU SS № 1
Locality: Kerch city
Name of material: Abstract of the lesson of the Russian language
Subject: "Spelling of the endings of the nouns of the first decline"
Publication date: 10.03.2018
Section: primary education

Subject: Spelling the endings of the first names of the first


Objectives: 1) summarize knowledge about the spelling of the endings of the names

2) develop the ability to determine the case of nouns of the 1st

decline, thinking,

aTTENTION, spelling disorders; Self-control and work control

classmates, connected oral and written speech, enrich vocabulary

children's stock

3) to educate interest in the subject, curiosity, feeling

mutual assistance.

Formulated Wood:

Cognitive - independent allocation and formulation

cognitive goal; analysis, comparison, classification of objects for

selected features; synthesis; constructing a logical chain of reasoning;


Personal - Evaluation of students of the digestible content on the basis of

social and personal values, the use of fantasy, imagination

when performing training actions.

communicative - skill with sufficient fullness and accuracy

express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication;

regulatory - formulation of the educational problem; Dumping method and

its result with a given benchmark; Quality assessment and level of assimilation


Equipment: computer, projector, screen, electronic presentation.

During the classes

1) Organizational stage.Teacher's introductory word.

I look at the sky in the evening, where the many stars are shining, and as if I hear -

someone from afar

About something asks me. And I want to take off in the universe, still

unknown to see everything, feel and convey to earthlings. I wanted Lie

have you ever fly to Heavenly Dal and see everything with your own eyes?

When did the person reached the heights of the space for the first time?

What should be a person who wants to achieve heights


2) Setting the purpose and tasks of the lesson. Motivation learning activities


Today we have not exactly the usual lesson, a tune-trip. Guys, W.

we will be 3 crews. Each participant has its own on-board flight

magazine, you will bring all the most important thing that will happen

during the flight. For the successful performance of responsible tasks during

travel Active Cosmonauts will be celebrated by the stars. Screensy

more will be listed in the Honorary Book of Space

achievements (magazine).

Message themes and lesson purposes. (slide1)

At any journey are sent with a definite intended

purpose. There is she and with us. Look at our lesson. (Recording on the board

"The spelling of unstressed paddy endings Nouns noun

first decline ") let's determine how we need with you

do in our journey? And what qualities we need to

conduct tasks? (Friendship, mutual assistance, excerpt, skill work

3) Actualization of knowledge.

Before going to space trip, you need to go

cycle training on Earth. We start training "What do you know about names

nouns? "

For 1 minute it is necessary to answer the maximum number of questions.

So, start!

The variable part of the word ... (ending).

Part of speech, denoting item ... (noun).

Permanent sign of noun nouns ... (genus).

Nouns are nouns ... (mesh and inanimate).

Words of female and male childbirth with endings; - I refer ... (K 1


KO 2 declination include ... (words of male genus with zero

ending and middle kind with the end -o; -E).

To 3 declusions include nouns ... (female genus with

zero end).

Nouns are changed ... (by numbers and by cases).

How many cases in Russian? … (six).

Well done! Could cope with the task! Of all the things I would like

allocate words: (words appear on the board).

First declination. Cake. End.

2. Superior work.

Children guess the riddles, the deposits are recorded in the logbook

(notebook), determine the declination of nouns names.

Slide 3 very first in space

Flew with huge speed

Brave Russian guy

OUR COSMONAVT ... (Gagarin)

Slide 4. On the ship air

Cosmic, obedient

We, overtaking the wind

Carry ( on rocket)

Slide 5. There is a special pipe,

In it, the universe is visible,

See the stars Kaleidoscope

Astronomers in ... (telescope)

Slide 6. Special Space is apparatus

Signals to the ground He sends everything in a row.

Like a lonely mysterious traveler

Flying in orbit Artificial ... (satellite)

Name the end in these words.

Is it possible to determine the decline in these endings? (No, they

used in indirect forms.)

How did you determine the declination? (According to their initial form.)

4) Primary learning of new knowledge

UPR. 158 (p. 91). Consider the table. Read what words

blocked in the table. Pay attention to the emphasis. On which part

words it falls? How do shock and unstressed endings are written?

Read the stricken material "Please note!". As written

shock and unstressed endings of the 1st decline in the same case?

(Equally.) So how can I check the unstressed ending? (By

shock case endings.)

Slide 7 -thevant: Our ship went into open space. let's

let's look at our planet from space. What did you see?

Post Office: Most of the land is covered with water.

Grammatical analysis of the sentence. Options

determination of decoration, extensional cases.

5). Primary testing of understanding

Meeting with an unidentified object. Slide 8.

"Attention! Unidentified object "Oh, what is it? Something

incomprehensible ... (read)

1. Blocking Kazdress Ponto Bokra and Brooking Kurdychit.

- What for Abrakadabra? Apparently, some unknown object

moves us towards meets. You do not know what to expect from him. But fear ne

it is worth being explored. Consider more closely. Record type, shape

nothing reminds? (Offer) Proposal simple or complex?

Something complicated? - Find minor members of the sentence. - Is there any

offer Single words? What does the suffix of the rod indicate?

Let's try to find the names of the nouns and determine the case and declination.

(work is performed orally)

2. References in the spelling of unstressed case endings

nouns first decline.

A) reading rule b) decline in nouns by options

1-rocket, star 2- orbit, land, 3-planet, comet

What words will be keys to verify the endings of SUB.1 SKL.? (star,

C) conclusion (case-ended. SUB. 1 SKL.) Slide 9

6) primary fixingExit to open space Slide 10.11

We have to enter outdoor space.

Cosmonaut, who came to open space, should be able to fulfill everything

required repair work.

On the roofs ... hut ..., on a thread ... Youth ..., near the tower ..., on the outskirts ...

village ..., a fairy tale about the winter ..., on the road ... to the grove ..., from grandmother ... to grandfather ...

the trail ... to the cottage ..., Volodya ... from Ol ..., in the hut ... unlock ... Pet ..., gifts of love ...

7 ). Creative application of knowledge in the new situation (problematic

tasks)"Meeting with aliens"

- Guys, but in space we meet not only the planets and stars, not

frequency and aliens themselves. Let's imagine what they met with

with them. Close your eyes, labelish. How do they look? Who are like?

(Opinions guys.)

We invite them to visit. We will talk. Form of conversation? (Dialogue.)

Make a dialogue with aliens using vocabulary words and circulation

(Hello, please, Aliens, Planet, Travel, Rocket,

UFO. Work in pairs. (Support words are printed on sheets.)

8) Reflection .

(Slide 12) Try to introduce them with Russian

proverbs and explain their meaning. (Children explain)

Work on options. (Self-fulfillment. Collective

check, self-esteem.)

Insert the missed letters in the end of the nouns of the 1st

declination. Determine their case.

1-in in good conversations ... I'm gaining any mind.

Not to go canalin ... Malino, do not grow an apple on Yolk ....

2-in happy in the shirt ... Born.

Who is a joke ... does not understand, do not joke.

3-in Ptashk ... The branch is more expensive than the golden cell ....

In his water ... and frog singer.

9) Summing up the lesson- What is declining? How to determine

declination of the noun in indirect form? As written

shock and unstressed case endings of nouns? - How

check unstressed endings?

10) Homework c. 90 UPR.156

The end of the nouns of the first decline in the only number
  1. Pay special attention to the declination of the names and the patientities standing nearby. They can relate to different types Declination. For example, Maria Ivanovna: The name of Mary will be inclined as a noun on-formation, and the patronymic of Ivanovna - as a noun on -Ya: there is no Maria Ivanovna, to Maria Ivanovna, Maria Ivanovna, Maria Ivanovna, about Maria Ivanovna.
End of nouns of the first declination of the plural
  1. In the parental case, the nouns on-room may have at the end of the Kommersant and may not have it: it depends on the letter preceding it. If there is a vowel before-in, then in the parental case, it is written: apple trees (Yablo nia), goddesses (gods nya), Razin (Razy Nia), Gordin (Gorda Nya), geese (goes), shrine (saints), Nanny (nya). If before--it is a consonant, then at the end of the word is not written: Cherries (Vishya), I am allowed (by becoming), Kamenolomen (National Academy), Vinokoren (Vinokur National), towers (Baszy).
Exceptions: young lady, hawa, villages, kitchens.
  1. The nouns of the female kind on -a (leather), in the parental case of ending the hissing (leather), the letter b is not written: the barge (barge), theft (theft), ski (ski), thousands (thousand), galosh (galosh) , teaching (aims) and others.
  2. Words on -i (line, melody) and words on - (if the emphasis falls on the basis of the word: singing, sorceress) in the parental case ends on -y: lines (line), melodies (melody), divisions (division), commissions (Commission), Audience (Audience), Operations (Operation), Ocadium (Olyidi), Squadrils (Squadron), Guests (Gbstia), Danacuins (dance), laughter (hoocotun), etc.
Nouns on - and in which the emphasis falls on I (seven) in the parental case ends on-: articles (article), looses (roas), Bada (basta), worm trees (wormwood), families (family) and others. Word The judge has the form of the judge.
  1. But who goes along the alley (I Skl., Units. H "p. P.) - Two shadows (M. Lermontov). 2. Forty towers (I SKL., MN. H. P. p.) ... Tanks are silent (S. Orlov).
  1. Apple tree trunks (I Skl., Mn., R. P.), Peresh (I SKL., MN., P. P.), Cherries (I SKL., MN., P. P. ) and drain (I Skl., Mn. h., p. p.) Are painted from worms to white paint (I SKL., units., C. p.) (A. Chekhov). 4. Nozdrev was in some respects historical person. None of the meeting, where he was, did not do without history (I Sch., Un. H., R. P.) (N. Gogol). 5. It was noticeable that when building (I SKL, units, p. P.) His [Home] The architects continuously fought with the taste of the owner (N. Gogol). 6. Chichikov in the satisfied location of the Spirit was sitting in her brittle (I Skl., Un., P. P.), Which has long been pillaby road (I SKL., Units., P. P.) (N. Gogol).
  1. The silence yesterday was a unique voice, we left the source of grove (I Skl., MN., R. P.) (A. Akhmatova). 8. They were silenced by the sounds of wonderful songs (I Skl., Mn., P. P.), Not to be heard again (M. Lermontov).

Table 1 - Case endings of nouns in the singular

PadeI declinationII declinationIII declination
I. p.-and I

women but, land i

, -o, -e.

horse, Sel. about, Pol e.

night, horse

R.p.-Y, -I

women s, land and

-and I

kon. i, villages but, Pol i


night and, horse and


women e., land e.

-You -Yu

kon. yu, villages w., Pol yu


night and, horse and

V.p.-You -Yu

women w., land yu

, -Y, -I, -o, -e

kon. i, villages about, Pol e.

night, horse

T. P.-Yone (s), -y (-Yu)

women oh, land to her

-Oh, -

kon. eat, villages oh., Pol eat


night appearance, horse appearance

P. p. -E.

women e., land e.


kon. e., villages e., Pol e.


night and, horse and

In the case of the only number is written:

  1. letter e. : in the granual and proposed case of nouns i decline and in the proposed deposition of the II declination (except for words on -and I , -y. , -Ith ), eg: to factories e., factories e., to the ground e.About the battery e., in becoming e.; to factory e., on stanka e.; About Ma. e.; all L e.;
  2. letter and :
    • in the parental case of nouns i decline, for example: from factories and, at the ground and, near the battery and, from becoming and;
    • in the proposed case of nouns II decline on -Ith , -y. , eg: in a lector and, in Volanny and, About worldview and ;
    • in the parent, duty and proposed case of nouns i decline -and I , nouns iii decline and variable medium-sized nouns on -My , eg: from collection and, Collection and, in collection and; From Sinel and, to Sinel and, in Shinel and; at banners and, to banners and, About banners and.

It should be distinguished for the forms of the proposed case of nouns of the middle kind on -Ith and -ye , eg: be in thought andbe all and (ending -and ); be in thought e.be on the coast e. (ending -E. ).

Case endings in the names and names

In Russian names on -In (-yn) and on -One (-EV) In the arterial case of the only number spelled - (like adjectives), for example: With Vyacheslav Demin s, with Rostislav Sinitsyn s, with Kirill Kolosov s . In foreign surnames are written ending - , eg: Darwin oh., Chaplin oh. .

In names settlements on the -In (-yn) , -One (-EV) , -Ino (-Yo) , -Ono (-Evo) In the hardware case of the only number writes the end - (like nouns), for example: under the city of Kashin oh., SELL BORODIN oh., City of Dmitrov oh. .

Case endings of nouns multiple numbers

Table 2 - Cased End of Nouns in Multiple

PadeI declinationII declinationIII declination
I. p.-Y, -I

women s, land and

a, -I, s, -s

kon. and, Siel but, Pol i


night and, horse and


willow, lands

-s, -

kon. to her, seed, floor to her

-to her

night to her, horse to her

D.p.-am, -Y.

wing aM, land pit

-am, -Y.

kon. pit, Siel aM, Pol pit

-am, -Y.

night aM, horse pit

V.p.- and ,y,

willow, Earth and

-Ah, -I, - and, she, -s

kon. to her, Siel but, Pol i

- And, -y

night and, horse to her

T. P.-Im, -

wing am., land yami.

-Im, -

kon. yami., Siel am., Pol yami.

-Im, -

night am., horse yami.

P. p.-Sh, and

wing oh, land yach

-Sh, and

kon. yach, Siel oh, Pol yach

-Sh, and

night oh, horse yach

  1. In the parental case of the plural after the hissing letter b Do not write, for example: decision tasksRepair housing.
  2. In the parental case of a multiple nouns on Yeah and -ye in an unstressed position is written -y. , under the stress - -to her , eg: liar iY (Lyunya), Wondering iY (meditation),but Stat to her (article), scam to her (bench). Exceptions: ruzh. to her (gun), dress eV (dress), Ust eV (mouth), upper eV (Verkhovye), lower eV (Low).
    Nouns on -and I , -Ith in the parental case is always written -y. , eg: lin iY (line), prison iY (building).
  3. If in the parental case of a multiple nouns ends on -En T. soft sign Do not write, for example: songs, cherries (cf. Apple trees, kitchens). After -En in the parent case of the letter b Written in words village b, Barymen b .

Subject: Unstable endings of nouns in the singular. End of nouns 1- and 2nd declination.

Type of lesson: Lesson opening new knowledge

Purpose: sign the skill competently record the end of the nouns namesI. andI.I. Declination in the singular



Be able to establish the importance of cognitive activity;

Be able to control and evaluate training actions in accordance with the task;

Master the initial ideas about the unity and diversity of the language and cultural space of Russia, the language as the basis of the national self-consciousness;

Developing : creating conditions for the development of skills to plan and control their activities, compare, summarize and draw conclusions;forspeech development in the form of construction of statements, logical reasoning and evidence.

Educational : Creating conditions for positive motivation to the teaching, evaluation of own activities, adequate self-assessment of the success / failure of training, for successful communication when working in pairs.

Expected results:


Personal Wood

- educational and cognitive interest to a new educational material.

Regulatory Wood

take and save educational taskcorresponding to the training phase;

in collaboration with the teacher, the class find several options for solving the learning task.

Cognitive Uud.

generalize (allocate a number of objects for a specified sign);

draw outas a result of collaboration of class and teacher;

conduct analogies between the material studied and its own experience.

Communicative Woods

take part in the work of couples;

Negotiate and come to general decision in joint activities;

adequately use oral communication tools to solve communication tasks.


ORFography and punctuation - Apply the studied spelling rules.

Forms of organization of children: Collective, individual.

Methods: partially search method, problem method, verbal and visual information transfer, independent work, methods to stimulate the motives of interest in teaching.

Tutorials: 1. M.L. Kalenchuk, O.V. Malakhovskaya. Russian language: 3 class. - M., Publishing House "Academkniga / Textbook" 2012

- Today we are waiting for a lot of work. Can cope with herattentive , inquisitive,hardworking And friendly guys.

In the lesson you will need: textbooks, handles, notebooks, attentive eyes, sensitive ears, deft hands, smart heads, and most importantly - a good mood.

Now you will lend to work - open your palms to new knowledge and utter our magic phrase:I want to know a lot!

- Open the notebook and write down the number.


Positive attitude to Russian lessons

    Actualization of knowledge

Today, the lesson will continue to work on the unstressed endings of the nouns. And what topic, you will tell yourself later ..

- Look at the table, guess what this word is?

(Coat, carrots. Cartofel, wish, conversation, horizon,

Weather.) Slide 1

    What is called noun?

    How does the noun it change?

    What nouns belong to 1, 2 decline?

    How to check the unstressed ending of the names of nouns? (Slide2)


Focus on the textbook: to determine the skills that will be formed on the basis of the study of this.

Personal Wood.

Self-determination and sense formation

    Staging a learning task

And now you guessed what theme of our lesson?

Opened tutorial View such a topic?

it new Material?

What tasks will put in the lesson?

Slide 4.


Determine the purpose of learning activities on their own

Cognitive Uud. (general educational):

The ability to put, formulate and solve problems as a whole whole, which includes a number of logical steps.

    Opening a new knowledge

- - Little situation

Listen to the comic poem E.Moshkovskaya (UPR.43.c.43)

What did you notice?

Right here rhymes last words each line, we hear [- ah]

We are now with youconduct research.

We will write text according to the rules of the poem of UPR.43

Stress the sun in the form of indirect cases of units. Highlight the end.

Under the pillow (1scl., Units., Tr.), With a cuckoo (1Cl., Units., So on.), With a frog (1scl., Units., S.) , extrusion (1st., un. h., so on.),

What are the endings of the SUB? (-Oh,)

What unites these exist?

(They are a female)

Specify the leaning, the number of these nouns

Which one can draw 7

(Nouns 1 decline in the singular in T. P. ending


Understand the information presented in the form of text;


Express your opinion when discussing the task


Let's rest playing. I will call nouns if it is 1 declination - clap your hands over your head, if 2 declines, sway, if 3 decline in the tilt forward:

board, chalk, change, rule, notebook, tutorial, handle, ruler.

    Continuation of the work on the lesson

We will get acquainted with UPR.44

Read the poem all the words familiar?

Slide 5.

To write down all the nouns with missed endings, near parentheses, indicate the declination, number, case. (Self-execution of Exhibitions 44)

- Compare your results with results on the screen.

Slide 6.


Adequately perceive instructions on errors and correct the resulting errors: the self-control of the process and performance


Collaborate with the comrades of the RPPI performing tasks in a pair, compare the results obtained, listen to the partner, correctly report a friend about errors;


Assess oneself on the fields

! - I understand everything

!! - I doubt

? - it's hard for me
