The combination of all the roots of one plant is called. Definition of the root and its functions

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Lecture I. The problem of self-reproduction of biological systems.
The logical paradox of self-reproduction ("self-seeming"). Its reality: examples (insufficiency of matrix playback of nucleotide sequences and / or reproduction of closed catalytic chains).
Conservative and non-consistent reproduction. Examples. Conservative reproduction is the only possible definition of the self-reproduction of the "organism as a whole". Uncompervative reproduction - reproduction of parts of the body (ontogenesis). Selection as the only logically possible combination of conservative self-reproduction with evolution.
Structure and information. Information and structural components of self-reproduction of phenotypes (an example with the playback of the phage q?), Difficulties with their delimitation. Similar difficulties with the delimitation of these components from higher organisms: the lack of fundamental differences between somatic cells and the cells of the germs, the syncretism of the genotype and the phenotype. The inability to correctly determine the selection without distinguishing the information and structural component of self-reproduction.
The solution of the main paradox of self-reproduction is the theorem von Neumanan. Genotype, phenotype and ontogenesis as logically necessary elements of self-reproduction of living systems. The main consequences of the theorem: the independence of the accuracy of the reproduction of phenotypes from their structure and the possibility of introducing the concept of adaptability, i.e., the principal possibility of breeding evolution. Evolutionary source phenotype - a structure with which information is played.

Lecture II. Elementary life cycle.
The principal difference is elementary life cycle from physical and biochemical cycles. The origin of biological information: separation of genotype and phenotype due to the occurrence of genetic code. The transition from playback of the structure to the self-reproduction of its life cycle (when the structure that reproduces information does not change it). Precision of playback as a single (and only) measure of the fitness of the phenotype and value genetic information In the absence of environmental limitations, when the competition of life cycles occurs only due to self-reproduction errors (the cycle reproduction errors generate its competitors). Cycles and hypercycles, advantages of hypercycles: Polymeraz cooperation and - the main thing - the occurrence of the hypercycle of its own variability.
The emergence of competition of life cycles as the variability of self-reproduction systems and exhaustion and resource has reduced. Differences of passive and active competition of elementary life cycles (hypercycles). Mathematical description of passive and active competition.
The main effects of the unified system of genetic self-reproduction of hypercycles are the possibility of self-reproduction on inside-individual and over-individual levels of the organization. Accordingly, new directions of variability arise - the hypership of genes inside the hypercycles and the combination of hypercycles.
Finally, the emergence of competition leads to structuring the adaptability - isolating the reproductive components and components of survival. Accordingly, alternative reproductive strategies appear - active (reproduction with risk for life) and passive - the experience of unfavorable conditions.

Lecture IV. Generalized mathematical model Cooperative self-playing of two genes with bad promoters and overlapping regulatory zones. "Competitive exception" on an inside-individual level, the possibility of regular reproduction ("cloning") of alternative dynamic states of the hypercycles. The emergence of ontogenetic information, i.e., fixing the development path based on random choice. The emergence of competence for differentiation of ways of development and, as a result, ontogenetic reaction rate is the ability to form adaptive modifications. Adaptive modifications of prokaryotes: the transition between lytic and leased modes in phages, SOS is a system of bacteria, cell hunger system, adaptive and constitutive synthesis, operon formation. The total sequence of formation of ontogenesis: the occurrence of the self-reproduction system? Education hypercycles? Education sweep? The occurrence of competence to switching self-reproduction modes? The emergence of adaptive modifications. Evolution of prokaryt life cycles based on modifications fixation.
Criticism Theorem von Neumana. Rough (physical) and non-bubble (informational) systems. The theorem von Neumanna refers to non-linking systems, not solving the issue of their origin. Mixed nature of biological systems: coarse and non-bubbling methods for coding genetic information (regulatory zones and reading frames). The form as information, non-linking systems can occur only on the basis of the original rudeness.
The main difference in the structural-dynamic organization of prokaryotism and eukaryota is the distribution of the scan principle beyond the limits of the chromosome, while the chromosome itself ceases to be scan. Spatio-temporal segregation of the kernel and cytoplasm, broadcast and transcription, splasing.

Lecture V. Protozoa life cycles. The emergence of new methods of self-playing on inside-individual and over-individual levels of the organization: the appearance of the CMF, the center of the formation of microtubules, and the occurrence of a single polar axis of motion and self-reproduction of the cell (example - dust reproduction infusories). Self-reproduction as ontogenesis. Examples of ontogenetic regulations (part forms a whole). Ameboid shape and burning form as modulation (modifications) of cell phenotype (prototype of mesenchymal and epithelial cells of multicellular). Microtubule duples (MT) as analogs of cells of a multicellular organism. MT playback as a micro sweep. Examples of the negative inheritance of structures in infusories.
The directions of evolution depending on the fate of the CFM: the only (nuclear) CFM (most of the lower protozoa), doubling the CFM (higher flagellations), and the polymerization of MT with the disappearance of the CFM (infusoria). In the first case, a single-cell organism is most vulnerable during reproduction (metatasic mitosis and the corresponding mitotic cycle), and "saves" the price of complicating its life cycle.
Classification of life cycles on the biological meaning of phase alternation: alternation of dividing and cavity (or forming cysts) cells, with inserting pallet divisions and (or) growth. When dominating the haploid generation: n ** (or *)? Gamets *? copulation? 2n (cyst)? Meiosis **? n. When dominating the diploid generation: 2n *? Meiosis (cyst)? Gameta (settlement)? Kopulation **? 2n. IN general: trophozoid **? zoospores *? Trophosooid (* - height, ** - Palignomic divisions). This is nothing more than a prototype of the life cycle Metazoa.
Idealized Metazoa's Life Cycle: Singhamia, Palinkle Phase (flagery cells), monotomic phase (amoeboid cells), Games formation.

Lecture VI. The origin and evolution of Metazoa life cycles. Life cycles of intermediate forms (Volvox and social amids). The overall trait is the failure of a portion of cells from self-reproduction in favor of other cells. For the establishment of the life cycle, the differentiation of genital and somatic cells Not necessarily. Ontogenesis Metazoa as creating new form Over-individual self-reproduction (a special case of social behavior) based on cell differentiation. Egoistic forms of multiplication of cells in Volvox and social ameb. Cell differentiation as a spatial sweep of the cell cycle (distribution of the principle of sweep on the estrangement level of the organization). Epithelium and mesenchym like primary fabrics.
Singhamia as an egg cooperation (mitochondria, yolk) and sperm (CFM). Blastuly as the primary shape of the spreading larvae ("multicellular zyospore"), its evolutionary fate. Gasastulus as a primary larval metamorphosis, exciting all cells (many sponges), or part of the cells (sponges, intestinal and higher metazoa). The evolutionary fate of gastrol (embryonic fabrics). Separation of the germinal path as a secondary phenomenon. The difference between the sex, stem, semi-union and differentiated cells. Standard composition of organs in adults Metazoa. Danger of egoistic reproduction.
Metagenesis as an evolutionary source form of variability of the life cycle. The evolution of life cycles based on their own individual variability and in-individual variability (preoccupation and acceleration, firing and hypermorphosis). Deployment and coagulation of the life cycle (deedambrionization and embryonication). Transition from the phases of the life cycle to the sequential stages of ontogenesis.

Compiler - prof. V.G. Cherdanians

"Root systems The set of all the roots of one plant forms root system. The root system includes morphologically different roots: the main, side and ... "

Root morphology. Eugene morphology. Metamorphosis

Root - axial body, has radial symmetry and

unlimited long can grow long. The main function of the root -

absorption of water and minerals. Besides this, roots can

perform other functions:

Strengthening plants in the soil;

Synthesis of various substances and their transport to other organs of the plant;

Power supply of nutrients;

Interaction with roots of other plants, microorganisms, mushrooms living in the soil.

Root systems The set of all the roots of one plant forms the root system. The root system includes morphologically different roots: main, side and apparent.

The main root develops from the embryonic root. Side roots arise at the root (main, lateral, appling). Pressure roots are very diverse. They arise on the leaves and stems.

1 - Main root, 2 - Putitive roots, 3 - side roots Types of root systems in higher disputes (plaues, horsages, ferns) There is no seed, and therefore the main root. Their root system is formed by the apparent roots and is called primary homoris (Greek. Homoos - the same; riza - root).

The appearance of seeds with the embryo and the main root of seed plants gave certain advantages. Such an root system consisting of the main and apparent with side roots is called alloriz (Greek.

alos - another).

In many coated bridge, the main root of the seedling quickly dies and the root system (secondary homorisal) consists of pressing roots.

According to other morphological features, the rod (the main root is strongly developed and is well noticeable) and the urine (the main root is immeasured or there is no) root systems.

Another morphological classification takes into account the mass distribution of the roots by the horizons of the soil. Select surface, deep and universal root systems.

1 - primary homorisal, 2-4 - alloriznaya, 5 - secondary homooris; 2-3 - Rod, 5

- urine; 2 - deep, 1.3 - surface, 5 - Universal modifications of roots roots of roots are formed from the main root, in which spare nutrients are deposited.

Characteristic for beets, radish, carrots.

Root tubers (cones) - Spare nutrients are deposited in lateral and apparent roots.

There are at the batte, dahlia.

Mikoriza (Mribocornia) - roots' tips with living with them in symbiosis gifs mushroom.

Mushroom feeds organic substances From the tissues of the plant, and it gives mineral substances from the soil.

Nodules - formed by nitrogen-fixing bacteria that are on the roots.

Retracting roots - can shorten from their foundation. Their shortening leads to an accumulation of escape into the soil.

Air roots - there are many tropical epiphytic plants. These roots are able to absorb moisture from atmospheric air.

The respiratory roots are well developed in some tropical trees living on the swampy coasts of the oceans. At the ends of these roots there are holes where air enters.

Wild roots - formed in trees living in mangrove thickets. Due to the strongly branched roots, the trees distribute their mass on them ("Skiing Effect").

We depart from the base of the table arcuate and perform a reference function.

Root backups are laid on the branches and dried down.

Having achieved soil, grow strongly, allowing the tree to occupy a huge area.

Serve to maintain the crown.

Meet Banyan.

Root trains are found in Ivy. Develop on shoots.

With the help of such roots, escape can grow up vertical support.

- & nbsp- & nbsp-

Types of kidneys:

A - vegetative kidney; B - generative kidney; B - vegetative-generative kidney; 1 - Required stem; 2 - renal scales; 3 - Engagement flowers; 4 - Apparel leaves.

Branching of shoots Branching - education of branched steps. Due to the branch, an increase in the surface of the plant occurs. The main methods of branching: dichotomous, monopodial and sympodial.

Dichotomic branching is the most ancient type of branch.

It is found in algae, plauines, etc.

Monopodial branching - the top kidney forms the main axis. The main trunk is stronger. It is straight and evenly thickened.

Sympodial branching - escape consists of a number of axes of different orders. The next season, the elongation of escape occurs due to the nearest side kidney. It occurs at the overwhelming majority of coated.

A variant of sympodial branching is falsely acid: the top kidney dies, and the two opposite side kidneys form two upper escapes (horse chestnut, lilac).

Branch of shoots:

1 - the top dichotomous; 2 - side monopodial; 3 - side sympodial; 4 - side sympodial (false).

A special form of branching of shoots is a bunch. The base of the main escape is formed a group of lateral shoots. Branching comes from shortened escape units located under the soil or at the soil level.

Education of wheat:

1 - grain; 2 - apparent roots; 3 - side shoots.

By the nature of the location in space, shoots are:

strengthening, with growing vertically upstands, raising - shoots, first growing in a horizontal, and then vertical direction, sharpening - growing more or less horizontally. The creeping shoots are like sharpening, but unlike them are rooted with the help of the apparer roots formed in the nodes (strawberries). Curly shoots are able to charge around other plants or any supports (field field, hop), climbing shoots have devices (mustlemen, suckers, hooks, etc.) for hold on supports or on other plants (peas, grapes, ivy) .

Types of shoots:

1 - reprehensible; 2 - lifting; 3 - creeping; 4 - swallowing; 5 - curly;

6 - climbing.

Weight modifications The overhead shadow modifications are shoots with long thin interstitial and scratch-like colorless, less often green leaves (sludge creeping).

Briefly, serve for vegetative reproduction and settlement. Strawberry teams are called mustache.

Spines of shooting origin overlook the sinuses of the leaves and perform mainly protective function. They may be challenged (hawthorn) and branching (Glootichia).

The mustache is also formed from the kidneys and develop in plants with a subtle and weak stem, unable to independently maintain a vertical position (watermelon, grapes).

Buladian - side shoots with green flat long stems capable of unlimited growth and photosynthesis (asparagus), the leaves are reduced to scales.

Fillocladium - side shoots with green flat short stems (similar to the leaves), having a limited growth (igner).

They formed scratched leaves and inflorescences.

Strong succulents are the fleshy shoots of cacti, Mokhai. Perform water-saving and assimilative functions. Stems column-like, spherical or flat (have a kind of pellek). Arise in connection with reduction or metamorphosis of leaves.

Stem tubers - thickened stem with nutrient reserves (Kohlrabi).

Underground modifications of rhizome - a long-term underground escape (Lily of the Lily of the Lily of the Creek), performs the functions of renewal, vegetative reproduction and accumulation of nutrient reserves.

Externally resembles the root, but has the top and stubborn kidneys, the reduced leaves in the form of colorless scales.

The tuber is a modified escape, performs a sparkling function, often serves for vegetative reproduction.

The tuber is the thickening of underground escape (potatoes).

Bulb. It is a shortened, mainly underground escape (onions, garlic, lilies).

The stalking part of the bulbs (DC) with strongly shortened interstices carries numerous juicy modified leaves - scales.

Exterior dry scales perform a protective function. In juicy scales, spare nutrients are postponed.

Corm. It is a shortened escape, externally similar to the bulb (gladiolus). It is an intermediate form between tuber and bulbs. The main mass of the clubnelukovitsa is a thickened stem, covered

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A variety of roots.Typically, plants have numerous and strongly branched roots. The combination of all the roots of one individual forms a single in morphological and physiologically root system .

The root systems include morphologically various roots - the main, side and apparent.

Main rootdevelops from the embryonic root.

Side rootsarise on the roots (the main, lateral, pressing), which in relation to them are indicated as maternal.They are formed at some distance from the apex, usually in the absorption zone or somewhat higher, acroptal, i.e. In the direction of the root of the root to his apex.

The locking of the side root begins with the division of the cells of the pericycle and the formation of the meristenity of the tubercle on the surface of the stele. After a series of divisions, the root with its own apical meristem and a catering occurs. Growing primarily makes a path through the primary bark of the maternal root and extends outside.

The side roots are laid in a certain position to the conductive tissues of the maternal root. Most often (but not always) they arise against the groups of xylems and therefore are located right longitudinal rows along the maternal root.

Endogenous formation of lateral roots (i.e. their casting in the inner tissues of the maternal root) has a clear adaptive value. If the branch was happening in the pecca of the parent root, it would make it difficult to progress in the soil (compare with the occurrence of root hairs).

The scheme of the growth of the side root and its nomination from the maternal root:

The acroptal locking of the side roots in the pericycle of the maternal root of Susac (Butomus):

PC- pericycle; En -endoderma

Not all plant roots are branched in the method described. Fern's side roots are laid in the endoderm of the maternal root. Playov and some related plants root are branched on the top of dichotomically (Wilchato). With this branching, it is impossible to talk about the side roots - the roots of the first, second and subsequent orders are distinguished. The dichotomous branching of the roots is a very ancient, primitive type of branching. Roots of the Plauans retained it, apparently, because they lived in loose and rich water and did not penetrate deep into it. Other plants switched to a more advanced branching method - the formation of lateral roots of endogenous, above the stretch zone, and it helped them to raise on dense and dry soils.

Putting rootsvery diverse, and, perhaps, their overall sign is only the one that these roots cannot be attributed to neither the main thing nor kobokov. They can occur on the stems (Strolling Podcantsroots) and on the leaves and roots (Prothesive rootroots). BUT B. last case They differ from the side roots by the fact that they do not find a strictly acroptal order of attachment near the pecca of the maternal root and can occur in the old sections of the roots.

The diversity of the apparent roots is manifested in the fact that in some cases the place and time of their embezzlement are strictly constant, in other cases they are formed only in damage to the organs (for example, during shine) and with additional processing of growth substances. There are many intermediate cases between these extremes.

Fabrics in which appendant roots arise are also varied. Most often it is the meristems or fabrics, which preserved the ability to neoplasms (apical meristems, cambiums, core rays, Fellogen, etc.).

Classification by origin

Among the whole diversity of the apparent roots, they exist, however, roots deserve special attention. These are the steved roots, horsages, ferns and other sense spores. They are laid on the shoot very early, in the apical meristem, and in older areas of shoots can not be laid. Since the highest disputes of the seed and the embryo with the germinal root are absent, the entire root system is formed by the apparent roots. It is such a root system that is considered as the most primitive. She received the name primary homorisian (Greek. Homoios is the same and Rhiza - root).

The occurrence of seeds with the embryo and the main root in seed plants gave them a certain biological advantage, since it facilitated the prostumn to quickly form the root system during the germination of the seed.

Adaptive opportunities have even more expanded after they have gained the ability to form apparent roots in various tissues and different organs. The role of these roots is very large. Winds on shoots and roots are repeatedly, they enriched and rejuvenate the root system, make it more viable and stable after damage, greatly facilitate vegetative reproduction.

Dichotomic branching in the root system of the pladen of male (Lycopodium Clavatum):

1 - part of the root system; 2 - the first isotocy (equilibrium) branch; 3 - anisotomous (non-equilibrium) branching; 4 - isotomed branching of the most subtle roots; I am escape; PT - conductive fabrics; H - Czechlik.

The emergence of the apparent roots on the roots of Lyadenz Lotus Corniculatus:

1 - cross-section of a three-year root; 2 - beams of the roots of the 2nd order at the scars of the apparent time roots; 3 - the formation of prescript roots on the basis of a two-year root; BK - side root; PC - Gift Root

The root system, compiled by the main and apparent roots (with their side branches), was named alloriznoy (Greek Alios - Other) .

Many covered brine main root from the seedlings die very soon or does not develop at all, and then the entire root system (second-headed) compiled only by the systems of the apparent roots. In addition to monocotyledonic, such systems have many dysdootomic, especially breeding vegetatively (strawberries, potatoes, mother-and-stepmother, etc.).

Classification of morphology

The morphological types of root systems are installed on other features. IN santneva root system The main root is strongly developed and is well noticeable among the other roots. . In the rod system, additional steved sodes can occur, as well as the apparent roots on the roots. Often such roots are short-lived, ephemery.

IN urine the root system is the main root is immeasured or not it, and the root system is composed of numerous apparent roots. A typical urine system has cereals. If the stalred apparer roots are formed on a shortened vertical rhizome, then a creeping root system occurs. Pressure roots arising on a long horizontal rhizome make up a fringe root system . Sometimes (in some clover, nepchatok), the apparent roots arising on the horizontal escape are strongly thicken, branched and form recycling root system.

Root systems:

1 - primary, superficial; 2 - alloriz, rod, deep; 3 - Allloiz, rod, surface; 4 - alloriza, fringe; 5 - secondary, urine, universal. The main root is burned.

Secondary root systems:

M-parental; D.- subsidiaries

Root systems are also classified as a sign of the distribution of the mass of the roots by the horizons of the soil. The formation of surface, deep and universal root systems reflects the adaptation of plants to the conditions of soil water supply.

However, all listed morphological features give the most initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of root systems. In any root system, changes are continuously occurring, balancing it with a system of shoots in accordance with the age of plants, relations with the roots of the surrounding plants, change the seasons of the year, etc. Without the knowledge of these processes, it is impossible to understand how they live and interact the forest plants, meadows, swamps.

Differentiation of roots in root systems.As described above, the root sections at different removal from its apex perform different functions. However, differentiation is not limited to this. In the same root system there are roots performing different functions, and this differentiation is so deep that is expressed morphologically.

Most plants distinguish clearly growth and sucking end. Growth graders are usually more powerful compared to the suckings, quickly lengthened and move into the depths of the soil. The stretching zone is well pronounced, and apical meristems work vigorously. The sucking finishes arising in a large number on the growth roots are lengthened slowly, and their apical meristems almost cease to work. The sucking ending seems to stop in the soil and intensively "sucking it".

Sucking roots are usually short-lived. Right roots can turn into existing ones, or after a few years they die together with sucking branches.

Fruit and other trees distinguish thick skelette and semidental roots on which short-lived folding root middle. The root urges that continuously replace each other include growth and sucking endings.

Root Midh:

Ro -growth ending; CO -sucking end

The roots that penetrate the depth, have other functions and, therefore, the other structure than the roots in the surface layers of the soil. The deep roots that have reached groundwater provide a plant with moisture, if it is lacking in the upper tillage horizons. Surface roots growing in the humor of the soil supply the plant with mineral salts.

The differentiation of the roots is manifested in the fact that in some roots of Cambia increases a large number of secondary tissues, while other roots remain thin, even bescabile .

There are no Cambier in all the roots of Cambier at all, and the differences in the roots, often very sharp, are determined when they are embedded on the maternal body. The thinnest roots may have a diameter of less than 0.1 mm, and then their structure is simplified: xylem on the cross section consists of 2 - 4 elements, and even the roots are described in which the Floem is completely reduced.

Very often in the root systems, the roots of special purpose are differentiated (stocking, retracting, mycorrisal, etc.).

plants.g. Animals.A.2 Avtrophic Organisms are: A. Viruses. Fish.V. Animals.g. Plants containing chlorophyll.a.3 Bacterial cell: A. NEON.B. Axon. Dendrit.g. Cholera Vibrion.A.4. A distinctive feature Vegetable cells are: A. nodes.b. Cytoplasm. Membranes.g. Cellulose cell wall.A.5 As a result of mitosis occurs: A. Isolation. Regeneration of tissues and organs of the body .. Digestion.g. Breathing.a.6 Indicate one of the positions of the cell theory: A. One drop of pure nicotine (0.05 g) is enough to kill a person. All new cells are formed in the division of the source cells. Viruses and bacteriophages - representatives of the kingdom of animals. Viruses and bacteriophages - representatives of the complexion of multicellular .A.7 reproduction is: A. Obtaining nutrients from the environment. Selection of unnecessary substances. In Play yourself like. Admission to the organism of oxygen.a.8 The process of the formation of female genital gamets is called: A. Ovogenesis. Spermatogenesis. Drombenieg. Division.9 Internal fertilization occurs: A. Akul.B. Schuk.V. Tesyan.g. Frogs. And 10 For the developing embryo person, the man is destructive: A. Walking outdoors. Compliance with the future mom's power mode. Narcotic dependence of a woman. Compliance with the future mother of the regime of labor and recreation. And.11 Indirect type of development - y: A. Human reasonable. Man apes. Clothy monkeys.g. Butterflies of cabbagers.A.12 Genopit is a totality of all: A. Signs of the body. Genov organisms.I. Bad habits. Useful habits. And at the dihybrid crossing is studied inheritance: A. Many signs. Three signs. Two signs. One feature. The situation of V. tasks with a brief replying point.1 Find compliance..1.Dominant feature in humans. A. Gray Eyes.2. Recessive sign in humans. B. Karie Eyes.I. Light hair.g. Black hair.1 2V. 2 Compare the characteristics of the cullless and sexual reproduction. Enter the response number to the desired column. Power reproduction. Dust reproduction1. In the process of reproduction, one individual is involved in 2. In the process of reproduction, two individuals of different floors are involved.3. The beginning of a new organism gives the zygote, resulting from the merger of the male and female genital cells.4. The beginning of a new organism (organisms) gives a somatic cell.5. Dysenteric chopstick.6. Male and female Ponded frogs.V.3 Select the correct answer. Write the numbers of the right statements. № ___________ 1. Dermatozoid - female sexual gates.2. Sperm - men's sexual gates3. Egg - men's sexual gamuta4. Egg - female sexual gamuta5.Onegenesis is the process of the development of egg cell .6. Ovogenesis - the process of developing sperm. 7. Spermatogenesis - the process of the development of egg cells.8. Spermatogenesis is the process of developing sperm9. Fertilization is the process of fusion of genital games: two spermatozoa.10. Fertilization is the process of fusion of genital games: two eggs.11. Fertilization is the process of fusion of genital hamet: spermatozoa and eggs. B.4 Set the right sequence of complication of organisms according to plan: non-pulmonary forms Life-prokaryoti-eukaryota. 1. Virus is influenza H7N92. Amone freshwater. Cholera Vibrion.V.5 heterozygous (AA) Black rabbit is crossped with a heterozygous (AA) black rabbit. 1. What splitting on the phenotype should be expected with such a crossing? A. 3: 1; B. 1: 1; V. 1: 2: 12. How many percent is the probability of the birth of white rabbits - (homozygous for two recessive genes - AA)? Answer: _________________ V.6 Carefully read the text, think and answer the question: "Remember the possible evolutionary role of symbiosis of scientists forced to study inner structure Cells - In the middle of the last century, after the appearance of an electronic microscope, the discovery in this area, one after another fell. It turned out that, in particular, that not only chloroplasts of plants, but also mitochondria - "energy plants" of any real cells - in fact, similar to bacteria, and not only externally: they have their own DNA and they multiply independently of the cell - the owner. "( According to the materials of the magazine "Around the World"). What organides have their own DNA?