Neborn nobleman 2. nee nobleman

The name of the novel Zlodnikov is known to all fans of the genre of combat fiction. The book "Breath of the Nobleman" he wrote in collaboration with Anton Cornilov. Here you can see very saturated plot events. The main character - Pnotan, that's just most often in the books, this is our person who has been in someone else's planet or in parallel worldHere, there was a stranger on our planet. This is a very interesting idea.

On the one hand, the hero seems too young and places naive, which will be more involved readers adolescenceBut on the other hand, it should be borne in mind that the book contains a lot of cruel, even disgusting, scenes. Here you can see the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal state, and also think about whether it is realistic to build it.

Oleg - Cases great Empire, Cadet of the Higher Military Academy, he has outstanding abilities and has martial art skills. He is used to living in the world, where good and justice reigns. And Oleg, somehow turned out to be on our planet. He saw that everything was not so perfect here as he was used. Oleg will try to show how to live in reality, as good and good actions are important. And how much it can succeed, how easy it will be used to our world with his shortcomings - another question.

The work belongs to the genre of fiction. It was published in 2012 by the AST Publishing House. The book is included in the series "nee nobleman." On our site you can download the book "Breathtaking" FB2, RTF, EPUB, PDF, TXT or read online. The rating of the book is 4 out of 5. Here you can also read the readers of readers already acquainted with the book, and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in the paper version.

He rushed through the fog, with surprise to realize that he was getting darker and darker. He fled quite a long time, but for some reason no one came across towards him.

It became completely dark. Ion stopped to listen and look back.

No one. Nothing.

He replaced the direction, ran several tens of steps - but never stumbled on the wall of the gorge. I looked down and realized that the stony trail was disappeared. Now the ion was standing on a flat surface, smooth as an asphalt coating. And no longer the fog surrounded him. And the impenetrable sticky darkness. Capral embraced the strange feeling that he fell into perfect emptiness. There was nothing around. Not for what was hooked in a look nor hearing. He pulled his nose. Only the smell ... smelled for some reason in oil.

A second later, Ion made another stunning discovery. Ion suddenly noticed that he was absolutely naked. Moreover, not only uniforms disappeared, but also a token with a personal number hanging on the neck. And electronic compass, the strap attached to the left wrist.

It seems that for the first time in the life of the corporal confused. Maybe he would be afraid at that moment but yar., though he began to dry out, still did not let him go. Being in yariNo one can feel fear.

Yar. hung in ion. He switched to run.

And soon there was a weak light over the head of the corporal. Then another one. Then another ... stars?

On the bare feet of the ion, the cold raw winds were tightly. He fled on, fearing that, stopping, will again be in empty and dark, smelling unscrupulous oil.

Suddenly, there was a stunning sound com from somewhere; Human screams, shots, crackling and roar intertwined in it closely and sticky.

Iap stopped sharply. But not due to the fact that so unexpectedly blurred. Right in front of him there was a male silhouette. Some bald cargo man in a long jacket (leather, or what?), Putting his legs, choking in a cap from a gun not at all army species, sort of like hunting ...

Still in mode yari Capral did not reflect, where this man came from and what he needed. On the obvious danger of ion reacted adequately and instantly.

Capral darted forward and down, the enemy's sneak, an amazedly oiled, from his feet. And, grabbing for a powerful inferction, with force attached a face about the earthly tape, with a deaf blow.

Jumping, Ion looked around.

Darkness turned into twilight, and twilight these anxiously broke inside the huge room with a very high ceiling, through holes in which the dark blue sky was visible with flashing stars. Ion thought that it was on the territory of some plant, obviously abandoned. Rails fled along the concrete littered floor, thick pipes were intertwined above the head, here and there was a hefty review - in two human growth - metal powerful designs ... Machines probably ...

Where did he get? And how? What happened at all?

Ion had no answers. The only thing he has now understood quite definitely - in this strange place he was not alone. From everywhere rushed screams of rage and pain. So and then rumbled shots.

Here, because of one of the machines, another person appeared. Brithogol, dressed in blue shapeless pants and the blue free jacket (robe it was most likely designed for sports), a man waving a big black gun, ran straight to the ion. Seeing the cap of the cap of the prostrate body with a flattened head, around which the puddle of dark blood was sprawling, the athlete emptied the fierce cry.

Of course, he did not have time to shoot. Ion raised the gun that turned out to be biting, stuck the smoke and pressed immediately on both triggerous hooks before the athlete threw a pistol.

Double charge of fractions from a distance of six to seven steps athlete blown the bottom of the body. Having dropped his weapon, the britched with a moan grabbed the stomach, loading the palm with the raised fingers into the black and red messenger, from where the bloods were whipped on the feet.

Yar. left the ion - clearly the body, obviously, the world No longer perceived slow. Having heard the rustle behind his back, the corporal unfolded. Another britude ... High, blonde, in the same sports suit, as a second ago, shot, just not in blue, but red. This man recoiled from Ion, still holding a double-barrel in his hands, although he himself was armed: a strange view of a gun without going and with a barrel of everything in the palm. The stranger seems to be in no hurry to let his weapon in turn. What was quite by the way. The cartridges in the double-barreling left remained, and the forces to cope with the opponent in hand, it was hardly enough.

- e! Oh! Branch! - Carefully reducing the rolling trunk aside, the man said hoarsely. - Everything is fine! Everything is fine!

The appeal "bro" somewhat used the corporal. He realized that "Bratan" is for some reason the distorted word "brother".

- Throw Volyn! - asked blond. - What are you? .. throw something!

"Volyna"? Although Ion heard this word for the first time, he guessed that it was a biting. In the end, except for a gun, he could not quit anything else now. Capral ruled his fingers. Double bacon blinked about concrete floor.

- A hammer! - a stranger praised incomprehensible, he thumps his weapon on his shoulder himself. - You're snealing, snealing, and then you barely stand ...

Ion body squeezed joyAnd really weakened extremely. After leaving the combat regime, it was necessary to swallow the capsule with the supporting drug, but ... where is the individual first aid kit? Capral almost fell on the floor. Black spots were spinned before his eyes, the heart knocked with interruptions, fingertips almost lost sensitivity.

Blonde in a red sports suit winks the ion.

- Kumarit, bro? - he asked. And without having received a response, shrill whistled.

After a couple of minutes, three more approached the ion. All of them were armed: Two - pistols (Capral, looking at him, admitted that the brands of pistols are unknown to him), the third is the same as the blond, a gun with a cropped butt and a barrel. Everyone was dressed in sports costumes different color. And each head is obrused naked. Ion mentally suggested that these people belong to some unknown cult, which forbids his adepts to grow hair. But why do they say so strangely? He and Halves do not understand!

- I saw everything, boys! - excitedly broadcast blond. "He knows hell, from where it appeared," right so, naked, without a volyna! " Falling, Boschka turned into damn to him. Then the bolt jumped out, he drove the bolt!

- What is he naked? - asked one of those who were armed with a pistol. - Look, he cuts out, or what? Is he under a buzz?

- And you do not see?

- That's how the arrow turned out! - Hooked someone from the britheads. - did not really have time to warm up, how everything was decided without us!

- Yes, it's a terminator, boys! Naked from the future fell away! You need to search, maybe there is a liquid terminator!

- What else is liquid?

- What did you watch the second part? This year came out. I will give you a cassette, there is still steeper than in the first ...

Blonde crumpled proud to squat ion, giving the opportunity to consider itself better. Possessing a face with the outlines of strict and very correct, once he probably walked with his handsome. But life was greatly blonded - a thin nose of a blonde was noticeably rolled out the side, the right eyebrow crossed the curve convex scar, another scar Bell on the upper lip, one of the front teeth turned out to be sprinkled.

"You helped us, Broat," blond seriously said. - everything worked clearly, beautifully. There are no bazaar, for us. You yourself who will you? How do you feel?

- Ion, - Ion replied.

- How? Ivan?

Capral did not argue. Nodded. While the situation does not clarify, it is best to succumb and praise.

- Lomoy straight! - Someone glazed near the corporal. - BitUng breakdown! As a burn, Boschka flattened. Like Bitue!

What is there for cattle and nobles? In all books, Zlotnikov passes the same thought - everyone gets as it is responsible, which he can carry. The simplest thing to say is that the nobles do nothing, and the loot it is dripping. Try to organize, at least something is the simplest so that it worked, it brought profit, workers received a normal salary. And you do not need to say that you will not be given, they will not be allowed, etc. The easiest way to cut down the budget, but I don't write the myxalists about such, he writes about those who really can do something. Ask yourself - what did you do seeing injustice? Spere? Did you find otmazku? Or warming lying on the sofa and sitting at the keyboard? Then - yes, books about nobles and cattle, which you are and subconsciously kill it, but how do you want to be a nobleman ...

Alex Justas 20.05.2016 13:07

Hmm, here I read, like cattle should know his place, such as people are divided into cattle and nobles, dummy type Supermans, and all sorts of other cattle and do not know anything, for fools in life, cattle-s.

With all his proletarian hatred verb you, Bay Gadov !!!

Stanislav 01/12/2016 02:06.

Psychiatra narcologist is needed. Diecely incompetent heresy is akin to political or economic symposia in beerushki or in stalls.

soryaya 20.02.2015 13:29

These descendants of workers and peasants with former political workers are touched, enthusiastically writing about noble nobles and sighing about "Russia, which we lost." We would be in such a Russian ordinary holopas and did not write books, but would have been engaged in their "nee" duties, they would like the land and grazy pigs.

6AP6OC 02.26.2014 20:41

Zlotnikov, once screamed by stunning things, namely, the cycle "HRN", the cycle "swords over the stars", ... Hmm, well, I don't know, maybe something else passed by me. Well, now, of course, everything is not that, instead, they write co-authors, where he has acc. This royalties for the promoted brand (although, I can be wrong, it can do things at all).

2Aleksi, the words "Nikakov", "critinism" in Russian does not exist.

Therefore, for starters, learn bookvarrr, and then write comments :))))

Alexey 04/01/2013 13:42.

Ivan, compare the nobility in Tsarist Russia and today's bandits - the top of critinism! Sit on your kitchen in workouts and the priest about how everything is bad and no one does anything, although you yourself, apparently, did nothing to achieve anything in this life ...

Roman 07.03.2013 13:09

Ivan. You are a suede communion. The uneducated scarecrow looking at the world through the prism of a red terror. Take a self-education.