What is denoted on the globe of different colors. What is globe

Software tasks:

Educational: To acquaint children with the scientific version of the Earth's Education, with the concept of "Globus", "Map", "Equator", "Tropical belt". Give children elementary ideas about the fact that there are different areas of the Earth, which differ in their natural conditions And designated on the globe (map) in different ways. To deepen the ideas that most of the land is covered with water. In addition to the water there is a land where people live.

Developing: Development of free communication with adults and children. Enrichment of the dictionary.

Educational: Educating the careful attitude towards the Earth is to your home.

Equipment:Interactive globe, big and small globe, physical map of the world and physical map Russian Federation, circles of paper, scissors, chips of blue and yellow.



Municipal causative educational institution « Kindergarten №7 of the overall view "

Abstract of directly educational activities

for children of the preparatory group

Educator: Igolekin E.A.

Efremov 2015 year

Topic: "Our assistants: globe and map"

Software tasks:

Educational: To acquaint children with the scientific version of the Earth's Education, with the concept of "Globus", "Map", "Equator", "Tropical belt". To give children elementary ideas about the fact that there are different areas of the Earth, which differ in their natural conditions and are designated on the globe (map) in different ways. To deepen the ideas that most of the land is covered with water. In addition to the water there is a land where people live.

Developing: Development of free communication with adults and children. Enrichment of the dictionary.

Educational: Educating the careful attitude towards the Earth is to your home.

Equipment: Interactive globe, big and small globe, physical map of the world and physical map of the Russian Federation, circles from paper, scissors.

Node move:

I part.

Educator: Guys, each of us has a place where we feel comfortable and safe. This is our house. And in the house you, where do you live?

Children: We live in the apartment.

Educator: Is it convenient for you to live there?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Yes, because there are water pipes, and light, and heating. With everything that is in the house, you are going carefully if something deteriorated, put in order. Your apartment is in the stairwell, and the entrance, where?

Children: in the house.

Educator: And the house?

Children: The house is on the street.

Educator: And Street?

Children: Street is located in the city.

Educator: And where is the city?

Children: The city is located in the country.

Educator: And the country?

Children: The country is on Earth.

Educator: So it turns out that the Earth is our common Home. It has everything you need for life - water, food, light and warmth. And all this must be preserved, love and use with the mind.

Educator: Children, what do you know about our planet - Earth? What is it in form and size?

Children: Our land is big, round.

Educator: Yes, our planet is round - this is a huge one - a premium ball. And now I will tell you a little story of our planet of the Earth.

Our land has formed many millions of years ago. Initially, it was a fiery mixture of boiling stone breeds and harmful gases. But millions of years have passed, and the land has cooled; It was covered with a crust. Ground land covered with dense clouds of steam and gas. When the temperature dropped, it began to rain, hundreds of years were rained, and the sea formed. During the first billion years, there was no life on earth. At this rapid time appeared and the mountains disappeared. The sea then covered the land, then retired. The climate on Earth became warmer, and then living organisms began to appear. Earth is a huge solid ball rotating in space spaceAnd depict it in the form of a globe. And what is the globe?

Children: Globe is a model of our globe.

Educator: The word "globe" means a ball, it has everything that is on earth, only very small. Let's look at it. Globes are big and small, and there are interactive globes. This is such a globe that can lead a real dialogue with you. And although you are silent, your communication with the globe occurs through a special pointer handle. This handle you specify a place on the globe that you want to know, and the globe in response issues information about the place you choose.

Educator: What color on the globe is the most?

Children: Most on a blue globe.

Educator: What do you think is indicated by this color?

Children: water, sea, oceans.

Educator: Let's check it with our interactive globe. Yes, and the darker color, the deeper in this place is the sea, or the ocean. What other colors are on the globe?

Children: green, brown, yellow.

Educator: Correctly sushi painted in different colors, because on the ground there are mountains, forests, deserts. I suggest you a little rest.

Dynamic pause "Forest, Mountains, Sea"

On a verbal signal "Forest", children imitate movements of various animals; "Mountains" - the movement of eagles; "Sea" - the movements of marine animals.

Part II:

Educator: Guys, what do you think, where is the coldest place on earth? Show it on the globe.

The coldest place on Earth is the South Pole. On the globe, it is located at thenime where the earth's axle passes. Here eternal ice And frost. It is also cold on the North Pole - the top point of the globe. And what do you think, why on the poles always frost and snow?

Children: Because there is little sun.

Educator: The fact is that our planet is round, and therefore the sun heats it unequally, on the pole, very few sun rays fall on the pole. Lucches slightly touch the poles, and half a year the sun does not look there at all. Then there is a polar night. These places on earth, where always cold and lie eternal snow are called the polar belt of the Earth.

Educator: How do you think where is always hot on earth?

In the middle of the earth is always hot. Here the imaginary line is the equator. Equator is like a lounge, which is looking for the land in the middle. The equator always falls straight sun rays, so there is always hot and there is no snow. This place on Earth is called a tropical belt.

Educator: If the land is present in the form of a circle, then the water will be 2/3, the rest is sushi. A to check it out, i offer you the following task.

(Children go to the tables and sit down).

Experimental work

Educator: You have a circle on the table. Why exactly a circle, not a square, triangle?

Children: Because, our land is round.

Educator: That's right. Look, the circle is divided by lines into 3 parts. Cut out one part of three. Now put the yellow chip on one piece, and in two parts a blue chip. So much space occupies water - 2/3, and 1 perception is dry.

(Children get up from behind the tables and pass on the carpet)

III part:

Educator: Imagine that we went on a journey and take a globe with you uncomfortable. How do we like to be? For this, people came up with a map. What do you think you need a card?

Children: travelers, military, sailors, scientists.

Educator: Let me, too, consider the map of our planet (the tutor posts the map of the world). The map is also an image of our Earth. All that is on the globe is exactly displayed on the map. Let's find a place on the map where our country is located. What is the name of our country?

Children: Our country is called Russia.

Educator: Let's find Russia and on an interactive globe. The globe confirmed us that we correctly found the location of our country. Russia is the largest area, the country of the world.

Educator: What do you think, what do the fine blue strips, which are fulfilled by all Russia?

Children: (these are rivers).

Educator: What color is the most on the map of Russia?

Children: Most on the map Russia, green.

Educator: What does this color mean?

Children: This color means many forests, fields, meadows.

Educator: Our country is rich in not only forests, fields and meadows. We also have many mountains that are denoted by brown. Let's look carefully at our smart globe and find the mountains.

(Several children show mountains on an interactive globe)

Educator: Children look at these little white dots. There are a lot of such points on the map of Russia. All of them mean cities. Let's find the capital of our country on the map. What is the name of the capital of our Motherland?

Children: the capital of our Motherland - Moscow.

Educator: Let's check it on an interactive globe.

Educator: On globes and maps use conventional signs. Cities are depicted in the form of small white dots, rivers are thin blue lines, for the mountains use brown, for forests - green.

Educator: I have the following task for you. (Children go to the tables and sit down).

IV part:

(Work with cardiac cards)

Look at your desks lie cards. Consider it carefully. Recall what conditioned signs and color are marked by the sea, rivers, mountains, forests and cities. You need to specify arrows, where the sea, rivers, mountains, forests and cities are located to the map.

Educator: Well done! All coped with the task. Now you are all real travelers, you know what a map is, the globe is our journey assistants. Let's remember what we were still talking about today, and what's new learned.

Children: Today we learned about the equator, the tropical belt, about how the earth was formed that most of the land is covered with water.

Little just to know what a globe is. You need to learn how to read it correctly to learn a lot of new and interesting things. In this lesson, we learn what colors on the globe mean. We learn the names of the oceans and the mainland, let's talk about their features and differences. We will get acquainted with the amazing wonders of nature, vegetable and animal worlds.

Why is blue and blue on the globe most? Most of ground surface covered with water. In the photo made from space, all the aquatic spaces seem blue. This color on the globe indicates the oceans and the sea, rivers and lakes.

Fig. 2. Earth from space ()

But if you look at, it can be noted that in different places the ocean is marked with different shades. This is done to show depth: the deeper the ocean, the darker blue color, and the depth is less, the paint on the globe is lighter. - These are huge bitter-salt water spaces that surround the mainland and islands.

Pacific Ocean -Shemable big on earth.

Fig. four. Physical Card. Pacific Ocean ()

Such a name gave him navigator Fernan Magellan, because during his journey to sailing ships This ocean was calm. Although in fact the Pacific Once is not a quiet, especially in the western part, where he raises and drive huge waves - tsunamibringing a lot of misfortune to the residents of the Japanese islands.

Mariana Trench - The deepest place in the world. It is located in the Pacific, its depth eleven kilometers thirty-four meters.

Fig. 6. Mariana Wpadina ()

Previously, Europeans did not even suspect the existence of the Pacific Ocean. They were known only one ocean - Atlanticwhich seemed implanitive, so he was called in honor of the strongest hero of the Greek myths of Atlanta.

Fig. 7. Physical map of the Atlantic Ocean ()

In fact, the Atlantic Ocean is the second largest after the quiet, the greatest depth of the ocean is 5 kilometers. In the Atlantic Ocean there are huge waves with a height with a three-storey house.

Indian Ocean Especially unfinished in the southern part. He is warmer than others, even in the northern part of the water of the Indian Ocean, it is warmed up to + 35 degrees.

Fig. 8. Physical map of the Indian Ocean ()

Arctic - SAMIA northern Oblast, in winter and summer covered with a thick layer of ice and snow. The North Pole is the fourth ocean, almost its entire surface is covered with thick strong ice, but around multi-meter snow drifts. That is why this ocean called Arctic.

Fig. 9. Physical map of the Arctic Ocean

Relatively recently academic oceanographers began to highlight the fifth, South ocean.

Fig. 10. Physical map of Antarctica ()

Earlier, this ocean was considered as the southern parts of the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. All oceans together: Silent, Indian, Atlantic, Northern Arctic and South - merge together in a single world Oceanthat is washes the whole globe.

On the globe, green, yellow, brown and white colors depict large areas of sushi, which are called the mainland. On the ground six mainland: Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, North America, South America.

Eurasia - The largest mainland, within its limits there are two parts of the world: Europe and Asia.

Fig. 11. Physical map of Eurasia ()

This is the only continent on the ground, washed by the four oceans: the Northern Arctic in the north, Indian in the south, the Atlantic in the West and the Quiet in the East. On this mainland is our homeland Russia.

Fig. 12. Russia on the map of Eurasia ()

The surface of the mainland is very diverse. Mountains and plains are the main forms of the earth's surface. Brown color indicates the location of the mountains, and green and yellow - plains. The largest of them West Siberian (flat plain), Eastern European (hilly plain).

Fig. 13. West Siberian Plain ()

Fig. 14. Physical map of East European Plain ()

Unerous lines of blue, spent on the surface of the mainland, on the globe indicated by rivers. The Eastern European Plain flows the rivers Volga, Don, Dnipro, in the Western Siberian Plain the river flows Ob. Mountains rose above the surface of the plains. The higher the mountains, the same darker the color on the globe. Himalayas are the highest mountains of the world.

Fig. 15. Himalaya Mountains ()

Jamalungma (Everest) - The highest mountain in the world (8 km 708 m).

Fig. 16. Mount Jamalungma ()

In Eurasia is located Baikal- The deepest lake,

Fig. 17. Lake Baikal ()

The biggest lake,

Fig. 18. Caspian Sea ()

the largest peninsula - Arabian,

Fig. 19. Coast of the Arabian Peninsula ()

the lowest point of sushi in the world - Vpadina Dead Sea.

Fig. 20. Dead Sea ()

Fig. 21. Polyus Cold Oymyakon ()

Africa - This is the second largest mainland, which is located on both sides of the equator, is washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the West and Indian from the East and South.

Fig. 22. Physical map of Africa ()

Africa is known for a variety of nature: impassable rainforests with orchids,

Fig. 23. Tropical forest ()

herbatious plains with baobabs (huge trees up to forty meters in a circle),

huge desert spaces.

Fig. 25. Desert in Africa ()

Africa is the hottest mainland of the planet. Here it is sahara Desert.

Fig. 26. Sugar desert ()

This is the largest desert in the world and the hottest place on the ground (the maximum fixed temperature is +58 degrees). On this mainland flows Nile - The second for the length of the river in the world.

Fig. 27. River NIL ()

Volcano Kilimanjaro - The highest point of Africa.

Fig. 28. Volnik Kilimanjaro ()

Victoria, Tanganyika, Chad - the largest lakes On this mainland.

Fig. 29. Lake Victoria ()

Fig. 30. Lake Tanganyika ()

Fig. 31. Lake Chad ()

In the western hemisphere are North America and South AmericaThey are washed from the West by the Pacific Ocean, from the east - the Atlantic, and North America is also the North Arctic Ocean from the north.

Fig. 32. Physical map of North America

Fig. 33. Physical Map of South America

North America also includes the largest island on Earth, it is called Greenland.

Fig. 34. Coast of Greenland ()

These continents are rich and rivers and lakes. One of the greatest rivers of the world flows in North America Mississippi,

Fig. 35. Mississippi River ()

a B. South America Located river, the largest in the world in full strength and length.

Fig. 36. Amazon ()

On the coast of North America there is a bay Fandywhich, besides its incredible beauty, is famous for the largest tides in the world, more seventeen meters.

Fig. 37. Fold Bay ()

Just imagine, millions of tons of water for twelve hours come to the shore, and then depart from it. In South America there is the highest waterfall in the world - AngelHis total height is 979 meters.

Fig. 38. Waterfall Angel ()

It seems as if it was shrouded in fog - this is a veil of the smallest particles of water, which is sprayed, falling with such a huge height. The same mainland is the most powerful waterfall in the world. Iguasu.

Fig. 39. Waterfall Iguaçu ()

Although in fact this is a whole complex of 270 separate waterfalls, which has a width of about 2.7 km. In South America is the most dry place in the world - the Desert Atakama.

Fig. 40. Atakama desert ()

In some places of this desert, rain falls once every few dozen years.

Australia- Fifth mainland, which is less than everyone else. The Pacific Ocean ishes the North and Eastern Coast, the Indian Ocean - West and South.

Fig. 41. Physical map of Australia

Most of the mainland is occupied by the deserts and semi-deserts, the rivers are very few, because of what Australia is considered the most arid continent on Earth. Here are common cream (English Creek is a river) - rivers that exist only in the period of rains and completely dry into most of the year.

2. Continue to teach children to establish links: climate, location with habitats of plants and animals, according to general and various features to exclude natural objects from a number.
3. Expand the ideas of children about the animal and plant world of the planet.
4. Rail love and careful attitude towards the environment and natural objects.


Globe, illustration with the image of the Arctic and Antarctica, the ocean and the sea, mountains, plains, lowlands - forest, meadow, hill - desert; Signal Cards, Pencil, Paper Sheet.

Travel course.

I organizing a moment.

Slide number 1 We start our lesson,
He will go to the guys in the future.
Try to understand everything
Learn a lot.

Guys, sit right, straighten your back and put the legs together.

Slide number 2 Here is the Earth, our common house.
There are many neighbors in it:
Slide number 3 and shaggy goats,
And fluffy kittens
And winding rivers
And curly sheep,
Grass, birds and flowers,
And, of course, I and you.

Guys, today we will learn why the globe is decorated in different colors.

II work on the topic of classes:

1 part.
Guys, it's like you already know the globe. What is a globe? (children's responses) Slide №4 In the last lesson, we talked about the rotation of the Earth. How does the earth rotate? What happens on earth when she rotates? (children's responses)
Looking at the globe, we can learn a lot about our planet: what form of the earth, whether there is a dry tree on it, much on the water planet. Let's look at the globe more closely. What colors do you see on it? (children's responses)

2 part
And now the question is:
So why blue
Our common house
Our globe's bowl.

That's right, because most of the surface of the earth covers water. Look at the atlas card, how dry land and water is distributed. Slide №5,6 water on earth, what is it? (children's responses)
Guys, now I will read the poem, you listen carefully if you hear the word denoting water, slap your hands.

Slide number 7 from the depth of the earth scored a spring,
Crystal stream, which became an intern ...
Rushing the streams, run running,
And now the river is already flowing!
The river does not flow somehow,
And right to the sea holds the way ...
And the sea like a huge mouth
All waters of rivers will overcome!
Well, and then they will take them
Own ocean!
And he is Omes a Ball of Earth
Pure water, blue.

Water on the planet a lot, but fresh water, suitable for drinking, is much smaller, so water must be protected, not to pollute it with household waste and
Slide number 8 per day, with the thinnest rod, from the crane can be found in the sewer 150 liters. water. Look at the ecological sign that he
Slide number 9 indicates? (children's responses) Let's tell the poem.

So we talked about the water on our planet. And what is the name of the slide number 10 another part located on the ground? (children's responses)

3 part.
That's right, dry. Look again at the Atlas card. What colors on land? (children's responses) What do you think is denoted by yellow, green, brown? (children's responses)
Planet Earth is a house for all: plants, animals - animals, fish, insects, birds.
Guys, let's play. I will make you a riddle to you, and you guess them and raise signaling cards with color where they live: blue is ice, snow, blue - water, green - forest, meadow, yellow - steppes, desert, brown - mountains.

Slide №11 Large beast, predatory beast, strong beast,
From the ice floes jumping on the ice and roars.
(polar bear)

Beast I humpback,
But morally guys
All my life I wear two humps,
I have two stomach!
But every hump is not hump, barn!
Food in them - for seven days! (camel)

Behind the trees, bushes
Flames quickly flames
Flashed, ran
There is neither smoke, no fire, (fox)

Are you not familiar with me?
I live at the bottom of the sea.
Head and eight legs
That's all I - (octopus).

All move forward
And on the contrary,
He can two hours in a row
All the time to go back, (cancer)

Dark it is covered with bark
Beautiful leaf, cut,
And on the tips of the branches
Many different acorns, (oak)

He flies high
Sees very far.
His nest in the stones he reduced
Tell me who is it. (eagle)

There are no burgoots,
He does not need Nora.
Feet saved from enemies
And from hunger - bark. (hare)

Tell me what an eccentric
And day and night wearing a fracture?
In the wicker with ice
Go to us. (penguin)

Less tiger, more cats,
Above ears - brushes-horns.
Seeming meek, but do not believe:
Brought this beast in anger. (lynx)

Soft, not fluff,
Green, not grass. (moss)

She saw in her mouth.
In the depths she lived.
Frightened everyone, all swallows,
And now I got into the boiler. (pike)

Across the sea ocean
Wonderful giant floats
In the middle - fountain. (whale)

At the end - head. (snake)

Rest us - Fizminutka, occupy your places.

Hands raised and peeling -
These are trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, brushes shook -

The wind knives the dew.
Smoothly with the hands of
This birds fly to us.
How they will sit down, show -
Wings we fold back.

4 part.
Slide number 12 And now, another game, which is called "Third Emless." Be careful.

Slide №13 Morzha - hare - seal.
Slide №14 Crocodile - Mountain Goat - Eagle.
Slide №15 Medusa - Wolf - Kit.
Slide №16 Camel - Scorpio - Penguin.
Slide №17 Petrel - Swallow - Albatross.
Slide №18 Algae - Aspen - Pine.
Slide №19 Cactus - Snowdrop - bell.
Slide number 20 Dandelion - lichen - Vasilek.
Slide №21 Zebra - Giraffe - Dolphin.
Slide №22 Elephant - Lion - Caban.
Slide №23 Woodpecker - Cuckoo - Seagull.

5 part.
When you go to school, you will explore such science as geography, and work with contour cards. Now we will learn to work Slide No. 24 with a map. You need to paint the globe's surface where water is located.

III final part.

Slide №25 Bank, our planet Earth is the most beautiful of all planets. Only on it there is a life and all that variety of nature, what we see: sky, sun, moon, stars, clouds, air, water, mountains, rivers, sea, grass, trees, fish, birds, beasts and, of course, People, that is, we are with you.
Our planet Earth is very generous and rich. She needs to be preserved.

Let's take care of the planet,
There is no other such in the world.
Dispel the clouds and smoke
Withdrawn, he will not give anyone.
We will take care of birds, insects, animals,
From this we will become only kind.
Decorate the whole earth with gardens, flowers.
Such a planet needs us with you.

SUBJECT: What is a globe.

Methodical lesson purpose.

    Introduce a methodology for organizing learning research.

The purpose of the lesson .

    Develop skills research activities Students, form primary skills to conduct independent research.



Promote the formation of the concepts of "model", "Globus", "Ocean", "Mainland", skills to work with the globe.


Develop the ability to operate information, allocate the main thing in the content of the material being studied, improve the ability to analyze, draw conclusions.


Improving interest in the study of the subject, the formation of scientific worldview. Create an atmosphere of cooperation in the lesson, to promote the formation of elementary skills to build their interpersonal relationships.

Type of lesson : Lesson studying a new material.

Training method: reproductive, problem-search.

Methods for implementing educational and educational activities : valid, visual, practical.

Form of study : story, conversation, workshop.

Form organization of students' activity : frontal, individual.

Equipment : Computer, multimedia projector, presentation, globes.

Predicted result

Students receive knowledge

About the model of the Earth;

About the mainland and oceans;

Get acquainted with the species of rotation of the Earth and the consequence of this rotation;

Develop the ability to analyze the results obtained, draw conclusions


I. Organization moment.

The lesson begins,

He will go to the guys in the future,

Try to understand everything

Learn to open secrets

Fully giving answers

To get to get

Only the rating "five"!

II. Check material passed.

(Questions test on the slide)

III. The formulation of the theme and objectives of the lesson.

    Sold down the crossword. nine






1. The device with the help of which is watching the stars.(telescope)

2. A person who studies the stars and other celestial bodies.(astronomer)

3. Blue tent.

The whole world covered.(sky)

4. In a blue village

Girl Kruglitz

At night she will not sleep -

In the mirror looks.(moon)

5. Lounge wanders

Fiery eye.

Everywhere where it happens

Warming up.(the sun)

What do you think we will meet today at the lesson? What are we going to learn?

IV . The formation of the concepts of "model", "Globus". Slide

What is a globe? Let's reflect.

W. - How to name items lying on the table? (Toys lie: airplane, helicopter, machine)

W. - What does the toy look like: a plane? ... Helicopter? ... machine?

W. - What are they similar to real objects? (Similar - shape)

W. - What do they differ from these items? (Differ - size)

(Children try to formulate the concept of "model")

W. - How do you understand the meaning of the word "model"?

D. - Model is a reduced image of the subject.

W. - Sometimes to learn any subject, scientists make it a reduced or enlarged image - model. The globe is a land model.

W. - What is the name of the subject that you have on the desk in each group? (The globe)

W. - Let's find out what the word "globe" means?

Globe - Latin word, it means a spherical, ball, round.

The globe is a ball on which the outlines of sushi and the water of the Earth are applied. The ball is applied to the axis and tilted in relation to the stand. There is another definition of the globe. The globe is a model of the earth a million times less than the planet Earth itself.

Does - Is it possible to call the ball (show) and the ball (show) to the globe? Why?

(Students lead a discussion on this issue)

And now let's talk on the second issue of our study:"What are the most ancient globes?" Slide

Look at the slide. It is known that the globe model for the first time built a Greek scientist, the keeper of the Pergamian library briefed Malosky in II century. BC, however, it, unfortunately, was not preserved, but the drawing remained. On it, not even all continents are depicted. The world, familiar to man of antiquity, was very small.

(slide) The first earthly globus that came to us was manufactured in 1492 by the German geographer and traveler by Martin Behaimim (1459-1507). It is made of calf leather, tightly stretched on metal ribs. On this model of the globe with a diameter of 54 cm, called "Ground Apple", Behajim posted a map of the world of ancient Greek scientist Ptolemy. Globus is a small similarity of our planet began to call later. Of course, images on it were far from the truth. Martin Behaimima Globe is exhibited in the Nuremberg Museum in Germany.The largest earth globe with a diameter of 12.5 m was built in 1998 in the United States.

Globes - "Sailors" .

Once, the navigaters took with them globes in distant and dangerous journey. Globes - "Sailors" for their long service on ships have been quite a few. They were trepaling storms, blizzard fierce winds, they were all stains from sea salt water.

Globes - Shchegoli. " All his own century they spent in the luxurious royal palaces. These globes were decorated with gold, silver, precious stones. Some globes put a clock mechanism with a spring, and the globe was spinning, like our planet.

Globe-cosmonaut. " It is installed on spacecraft. A small globe - cosmonaut during the whole flight is spinning without stopping at the same speed as the Earth. Just look at him commander spacecraft, immediately finds out, over the ocean or which country is rushing at this minute his spacecraft.

There are many different globes and now. There are globes where all countries of the world are depicted.

There are globes with an uneven surface: all the mountains, all the hills on them are convex. there ismoon Globe and Mars Globe . There is evenstar sky globe. It depicts constellations, Milky Way.

W. - Our study continues, ahead of us is waiting for another question:"How is the globe?"

Introduction of concepts "Equator", "parallels", "Meridians".

( With a support for a demonstration of the globe, students mark all the data on balloons. )

North Pole and South Pole. Put there tags there.

Many lines are applied on the globe. Each line has its name.

Equator - "The main belt of the Earth." This is a line that divides our globe for two hemispheres - Northern and South.

The length of the land circumference is 40 thousand km. In order to drive this distance by the raise soon, it would take about a month. And walk on foot - about five years.

There are also horizontal and vertical lines on the globe.

Lines that come from north to south are calledmeridians.

Lines that go from the West to the East are calledparallels.

Therefore, sometimes the globe is called the "ball in the grid".

There are no axis around us around which the Earth rotates. It is tilted. Earth rotates around an imaginary axis. After all, the globe is a reduced copy of the Earth.

U: Brighten the globe around Earthly axis. Who remembers what happens as a result of the rotation of the Earth around its axis.

( D. Change of day and night.)

At: It's time and we change our type of activity, a little rest.



On the leg is one,

Right turns his head.

We show countries,

Rivers, mountains, oceans.

You like a globe twist

And now stop!

V. Formation of new concepts.

W. Our study comes to an end, but we still have to answer the last question:

"What can I tell the globe?"

W. - Search for information on this issue we will be together, and the main assistants will be globes.(Slide)

Formation of the concepts of "Ocean", "Mainland".

W. Let's see what our planet from space looks like..


Cosmonauts with love call the land - "Blue Planet"

What colors painted the surface of the globe? (Blue, Green and Brown.)

What color on the globe is more? (1/3 - land, 2/3 - water)

W. - What are the colors on the globe?

D. -Holubya, blue colors - denoted water. Yellow, brown, green - denote land. White - snow or ice.

W. - Look at the globe. It really is most of all blue. These are sea and oceans.

Large sushi areas that are surrounded by water from all sides, called continents. On the Globe, the continents painted into green and brown.

Vi. Stage of intermediate results and conclusions .

Work in groups.

W.- Now you have to study the globe, as once scientists investigated our land.

Find and show on the globe of the mainland and oceans.

( Independent work in groups .)

Task for the first group.

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

5. _______________

6. _______________

Task for the second group.

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

W. Well done guys. Many new and interesting things we learned about the globe.

VII. The outcome of the lesson.

Well done! Friendship won.

Very important information you have learned in this lesson.

I am very glad that you were so united in our feelings for our immense planet Earth. Planet Earth Our common house and should be preserved!

The game "Race behind the leader" begins!

( The teacher in the fast pace reads the proposals, the children of each group are picking up the words suitable by meaning: Globe, ball, water, sushi, snow, ice, four, six, parallels, meridians, preserved. )

VIII. Reflection

Evaluation of work at the lesson.

And why can you praise yourself?

What remains incomprehensible, caused boredom?

What did you want to know in more detail?

Where can I use the ability to collect information?

IX. Homework optionally.






Task for the first group.

Find the continent on the globe, name them.

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

5. _______________

6. _______________

Earth model - _______________. This word is translated from Latin means _____.

On the globe in blue, it is designated ____________, brown, yellow, green is indicated ___________, white _____________. On the globe _____ ocean and _______ continents. "The main belt of the Earth" - ___________________. On the globe there are horizontal and vertical lines, which are called _____________ and __________________.

Planet Earth Our common house and it should be __________!


Earth model - _______________. This word is translated from Latin means _____.

On the globe in blue, it is designated ____________, brown, yellow, green is indicated ___________, white _____________. On the globe _____ ocean and _______ continents. "The main belt of the Earth" - ___________________. On the globe there are horizontal and vertical lines, which are called _____________ and __________________.

Planet Earth Our common house and it should be __________!

(Globe, Ball, Water, Susha, Snow, Ice, Four, Six, Parallels, Meridians, Berera. )

Task for the second group.

one). Find on the Globe Oceans and name them.

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________