Reforms of the elected Rada contributed. Reforms favorites Rada Ivan Grozny

BUT). 1547 - Convening the 1st Zemstvo Cathedral

Zemsky Cathedral - a representative institution (Ser. 16 V. - 17th century). It included representatives of all Russian estates. Zemstvo Cathedrals solved the most important issues of public life. The activities of the Zemstvo Cathedrals are an attempt to reach the consent between the various layers of the Russian society and combine them around the central government.

B). 1550 - Created a new judiciary:

The procedure for the transition of peasants in Yuriev's day was confirmed, but increased "Elderly" - the feet of peasants feudal for the right to escape from him;

Punished for violation of ownership of land;

Limited the rights of the governors - regulated the procedure for collecting duties and fees;

The judicial laws of the governors were limited, they were controlled by the royal officials, but for the analysis of court cases there were clerks;

Corolor - personal person who emitted from the Black-coat peasants and landing people to participate in court cases. Gave an oath - kissed the cross.

The highest court right belonged to the king;

Provided punishment for official crimes for boyars and devils;

For the robbery was provided for the death penalty.

IN). 1550. The Streetskaya army was organized.

Sagittsev - These are serviced people "on the instrument", infantrymen with firearms, they constantly made a permanent army. They recruited from the free urban population, the service received a salary. In peacetime, they were allowed to engage in craft and trade. The Archerters service was lifelong and hereditary.

Military reform was carried out in 1550-56. The basis of the troops was a noble militia: 1 person from 150 tents of the Earth. The nobleman started from 15 years and was inherited. Land made for the service was 150-450 tents.

D). 1551 - a stogal church cathedral was convened - Meeting of representatives of the clergy of all Russia; The cathedral is initiated by Metropolitan Makaria. The cathedral determined the norms of the internal life of the clergy and his relationship with the state, limited church possessions and financial privileges. "Fine" is a document that was accepted by this cathedral consisted of 100 chapters.

E). 1553 - 1560. - The system of orders is formed.

Order - (Analogue of modern ministries) - central control body. The king charged (ordered) to someone from his approximate to lead a certain branch of public administration. Until 1568, instead of the word "order" used the word "hut". The following orders existed:

The petition of the hub - the order, having taken the petitions, i.e. Complaints, appeals, requests from the population. He also controlled the activities of other government agencies.

The Embassy Order conducted foreign policy.

The placed orders distributed the primary and manor of the boyars and serve people.

The discharge order conducted a service in the army, prescribed the governor, determined the number of noble militia.

Robbery order is a criminal office.

Yam's order was engaged in the postal service.

Cective and great arrival - tax office, etc.

He led the order appointed by the king boyar. All office work was carried out by Diak.

Dyak - State official, head of the office, clerk. In fact, he led the case of an order or other institution.

E). 1555-56 - canceled feeding system , the governors began to receive a salary.

Lifted selling: it was canceled during the war.

(1533-1538), Daughter of Prince Glinsky - a leaving from Lithuania. In Elena, Glinsky conducted a number of reforms and events that contributed to the centralization and security of the state: monetary reform, which established a single mint system in the country, the construction of new and reorganization of old fortresses, strengthening the army, restriction of feudal immunity (the rights of primordines to collect Class and use them for their needs ); Providing benefits and land to Orthodox migrants from Lithuania, etc.

And during the reign of Elena Glinsky, and after her death (there is an assumption that she) did not stop the struggle for power between the boyars of Belsky, Shui, Glinsky. Boyar Board (1538-1547), which began after the death of Elena Glinsky, led to the weakening of the central government, and the arbitrariness of the rates caused widespread displeasure of the people and open mass performances in a number of Russian cities.

In 1547, Ivan IV (born in 1530) reached the age of majority and married to the kingdom, officially adopted the title of Tsar and the Grand Duke "All Russia". In the previous times, the most strong independent ruler in Russia was called "Tsar". Such title was used by Russians in relation to the Byzantine emperor, and then to Mongolian Khan. The first Russian king was a very controversial person. According to G. V. Vernadsky, endowed with large intellectual abilities, being a ruler with a wide range, he at the same time was quick-tempered, cruel, and besides, he suffered to mania the persecution, which was especially clearly manifested in the last twenty years of his life.

In the late 40s - 50s. XVI in. The government, the so-called elected Rada (1549 - 1560), was held numerous reforms of central and local governance. It is worth recalling that it is a system of measures conducted by the state and aimed at transformation in certain areas of social life while maintaining the foundations of the existing structure. People who were addressed to the elected Rada used not only support, but also personal sympathy Ivan IV: Alexey Adashev, King Sylvester, Dyack the Embassy Order of Ivan Viscous, father and brother of Queen Anastasia Boyar Zakhariah, childhood friend Andrei Kurbsky, Metropolitan of All Russia Macarius. In 1549, a Zemsky Cathedral was convened in Moscow as a deliberative body at the king, which was, first of all, members of the Boyar Duma, the highest clergy. In addition to the Boyarskaya Duma and the tops of the clergy, the Zemsky Cathedrals included representatives of the local nobility and
Posal Ridov: The local nobility was the main served class, the basis of the royal troops, and the top of the Posh population was an important source of cash income for the treasury.

Zemstvo Cathedrals ("All-Russian Assembly"), which periodically convened the kings for discussion the most important issues Internal and foreign policy took a special place in the system of state authorities, starting from the middle of the XVI century. The emergence of Zemsky Cathedrals testified to the formation in the Russian state of the institutes of the estate and representative monarchy. The estate-representative monarchy is such a type of power, when the monarch rules the country, relying, first of all, on the estate and representative institutions that exist in the vertical of the central government.

However, unlike similar Western European institutions (Parliament in England, "General States" in France, Cortesa in Spain) Zemsky Cathedrals in Russia, on the contrary, served as an autocracy strengthening tool and often convened for legitimation (approval and support) internal and foreign policies of Moscow kings. In particular, in 1565, the Zemsky Cathedral agreed to King Ivan IV for the introduction.

The general trend towards the centralization of the state aroused the need to publish a new Code of laws - the Faith 1550. He ordered and supplemented the judiciary 1497 in the new trial, the right to transition of peasants in Yuriev's day was confirmed, but the "Elderly" fee was increased. The lawsuit 1550 g. Somewhat increased the power of Feodal over the peasants, as they laid responsibility for the crimes of peasants.

In 1551, a church cathedral was convened. The answers of the Cathedral on the hundred royal issues amounted to the Code of the legal norms of the inner life of the Russian clergy and its relationship with society and the state, called the "Stroj". "Fine" approved earlier decisions made on the canonization of local holy and recognition by their All-Russian saints; banned innovation in icon painting; unified the procedure for the execution of church rituals; Note the discovery in Moscow and other cities of special schools to prepare priests; condemned the vices in secular and church life; Forbidden monasteries to buy the fixed possessions "without a report" to the king. Serious changes during the reign of the elected Rada were introduced into the central system government controlled.

Instead of two former central departments - the sovereigns of the Palace and the treasury, which often had the intertwined management functions, a system of specialized orders was established, i.e., central executive institutions made by branches of public administration or individual regions of the country. The core system of central control, the basis of which was the principles of centralism and thesis, in operation a number of stages were held: from the "order" as a one-time order of the Boyars or competent non-standard officials for the implementation of individual state functions, to the "order" as the permanent current state authority of the central authority with Independent structural units.

In the middle of the XVI century. There were almost two dozen orders. Military affairs, for example, led the discharge order (a local army), Pushkar Order (artillery), Streletsky (Sagittarius), Armory (Arsenal). Foreign affairs ruled the Embassy Order, and state landswho were heard the nobles, was engaged in the right order.

At the head of each order there was a boyar or a deque - a major state official. Orders were made by control, tax collecting and court. Registration of the order system made it possible to centralize the Office of the country. During the reign of the elected Rada, the reform of local governance was carried out, in accordance with which in 1556, the feeding system was canceled, and the field management was transferred to the hands of the Light Starrost (Luba - District), which were confronted from local nobles, as well as Zemstvo From among the prosperous layers of the protein vehicle.

Brass (state) and palace peasants in mosses, as well as landing people in cities received the right to choose from their environment "Favorite Heads" (Zemsky Starost) and " best people"(Corolovalnikov, or Zemskiy judges), who headed local government authorities - Zemstvo and luminous horses who fulfilled financial and tax and police officers respectively.

These local authorities replaced the feeding system, which was the main part of the events held in the Russian state in order to strengthen the autocracy and strengthening political centralization. Zemskiy and lip walkers in the middle of the XVI century. Field representative authorities in the field. The tendency to strengthen the autocratic power of the Moscow sovereigns in the XVI century. I was intertwined on the other - the beginning of the formation of the authorities of the class representative office both in the center and in the field.

Essentially, this meant that the degree of centralization of the state that was achieved by the middle of the century was still insufficient so that Russian kings could do without the participation of classes in the management of the country. The combination of autocracy, serfdom and the huge role of the state was distinguished by Russia from other European countries from the XVI century. Until the middle of the XIX century. Military reform, aimed at strengthening the noble militia, which constituted the foundation russian army while. Under Moscow was planted to land "Choosing a thousand" - 1070 provincial nobles, which, according to the integrity of the king, should have become his support. In 1556, the first service was first compiled for the first time, according to which a marker or a landowner could start service from 15 years old and transfer it to her inheritance, and from 150 tents of the Earth and Boyar, and the nobleman should have set one warrior and appear on the "Conno, crowded and weapon. "

In 1550, instead of a detachment of the edges that appeared at the beginning of the XVI century, a permanent shooting army is created (at the first pores of Streltsov scored three thousand people). Streletsky army was created from soldiers-forgoters armed with firearms. Also, aliens-nations were also attracted to the army, the number of which was insignificant. Cossacks were used to carry border services. Boyars and nobles, who made the militia, were called "servilators in the Fatherland", that is, by origin.

The other group was "serviced people in the device" (i.e. for a set). In the middle of the XVI century. The official directory was compiled - "Sovereign Rostrobets", Organizing local disputes and somewhat restricted locality. The reforms of the elected Rada led to strengthening political centralization and strengthening the central government. However, by the end of the 50s. Between Ivan IV and the Government of A. Adashev had serious contradictions. The policy of a compromise ("reconciliation of classes"), which was conducted by the elected glad, contributed to the strengthening of the power of the king. However, as Ivan IV, Ivan IV revealed a smaller desire to share it with those who were largely owed by its power.

Behavited thanks to the reforms of the elected Rada, the equilibrium of the forces of childbirth and the nobility not only strengthened the royal power, but also made it possible to mercilessly suppress both competing social groups. In 1560, the final rupture of Ivan IV with the Government of A. Adashev took place. Historian S. Veselovsky even believes that since that time, the Moscow State began in the Moscow state, which lasted 70 years. The first open belling between the kings and the members of the elected Rada occurred in 1558 due to disagreements in foreign policy: Adashev, Sylvester and their supporters considered it necessary to continue active foreign Policy In the south and east, and the king robbed his eyes to the West, on the Livonia.

The further fate of the members of the elected Rada was unenvitive: A. Adashev was arrested, and Sylvester was exiled to Solovki. Feeling an explicit approximation of the "royal thunderstorm", in 1564 fled to Lithuania close to the leaders of the elected Rada Prince A. Kurbsky. In all the "troubles", the king accused the "traitors" of Boyar and his cousin of the specific prince V. A. Staritsky So, the reforms of the elected Rada, which were held in the middle of the XVI century. Were directed, in general, to the gradual centralization formed at the beginning of the XVI centrally. Moscow State, i.e., to strengthen the central authority, the power of the monarch. These reforms, ultimately, were called upon to ensure the creation of a strong monarchy in Russia "with a human face." But as an alternative to this method of centralization of the state in the mid-60s, central nervous system. Another policy was made - the politician policy, the initiator and guide of which Ivan Grozny became the initiator.

The activities of the king of Ivan the Terrible so far historians consider contradictory. But it is no doubt that at the beginning of his reign of the young then the king thought about progressive transformations in the country. And in this helped him Favorites Rada. What is the elected glad? Who entered her composition? What transformations spent Ivan Grozny together with its members?

Favorites Rada

The elected glad is the informal council under Ivan Grozny, which included his friends and like-minded people. Despite the fact that Rada was not an official authority, it was its activities first of all defined a policy in Russia. The term was proposed by the nearest king's associate - Prince A.M. Kurbsky. The word "Rada" in the Western Slavs marked "Council".

Years of activity of the elected Rada

Selected Rada existed for 11 years: from 1549 to 1560 Years. It was during this period that Grozny were held large reform Literally in all spheres of life.

The composition of the elected Rada

    The confessor of the king Silvestre


    Metropolitan Macarius

    Head of the Embassy Order of Visculic I.M.

    Princes Kurbsky A.M. , Vorotynsky, Silver, Sheremetyev and others.

Reforms of the elected Rada

    Reform local governments.

In 1549. year was first convened Zemsky Cathedralthat marked the beginning of the status representative in Russia. The cathedral provided the central government and local authorities, discussed important issues.

IN 1556 year was canceled by the system feedings Representatives of the bodies of the Zemsky (local) self-government - heads and bodists were taken to their place. The local nobility also had the opportunity to elect its bodies of the Zemstvo authorities, to solve local issues.

    Judicial reform.

In 1550, a lawsuit was adopted, which significantly added the provisions of the Faiphany Ivan III: the central government increased, the powers of the governors and the magazines decreased, the right to exit peasants in Yuriev Day was confirmed, however, an elderly was introduced , that is, the fee for the use of land of the landowner, which has become the next stage of the reassurance of peasants.

    Central authorities reform

The beginning of the formation was found order system of power. Organs of the Central Administration, provided a certain area of \u200b\u200bactivity. At the head - Diak and Fischy. Such a system existed until the end of the 17th century and was then replaced by Peter I Boards. Orders: Cheerful, Local, Embassy, \u200b\u200bStreletsky, Robber and Others .

    Church reform.

IN 1551 year was convened Stalloat Cathedral The name received by the number of chapters taken decisions). Sell: Unification of church rites, recognition of local Saints - community. The church canons were clearly defined (that is, the requirements, laws), for example, how to be baptized, how to go procession and etc.

Much paid to the improvement of the morality of the priests themselves.

    Military reform

Much attention was paid to strengthening the country's military power. To this end, it was created permanent army- Sagittarius, Pushkari, in 1556 year adopted Code of Servicein which a single procedure for passing service was determined. What is interesting, in the deposition it was noted that the locality was limited during wars.

Thus, the elected glad played a huge role In the reform of the country, progressive development, strengthening the state. For the first time Russia has become cost - representative monarchy. This is great merit.

Causes of the fall of the elected Rada

    The desire of Ivan the Terrible to self-abstract, he no longer needed friends and advisors.

    The complex relations of certain members of the Rada (Sylvester and Adashev) with the relatives of the first wife of Ivan the Terrible - Anastasia Zhanaevoy, especially after her death.

    Foreign policy disagreements related to the Livonian War appeared.

    Disagreements about reforms. The king was waiting for rapid results, and reforms were designed for a long time, immediately transform so many aspects of life was difficult, and the state apparatus itself was not yet ready for this, worked inefficient.

The fate of the selected Rada members

The fate of previously closest supporters of Grozny was tragic.

    Sylvester Sylane in 1560 in Solovetsky Monastery

    Adashev was sent to the war with the Livoni, they were soon arrested, he died in prison.

    Prince Kurbsky, seeing the reprisals above the members of the Rada, fled in 1564 to the Livonia and even fought with Grozny on the side of Lithuanians.

Tragic fate and other members of the elected Rada. The defeat of Rada became the beginning officials- one of the worst periods in the history of Russia.

About the life and activities of the king Ivan the Terrible can read the material on my site

"Historical portraits":iSTORICHESKIY-PORTIRU..R.

Material prepared: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna

The beginning of the reform is associated with the creation of the elected Rada in 1549. The mug of close-minded king, who began to play the role of the government at the young sovereign. Among the most important events of this government - convening the first in the history of Russia of the Zemsky Cathedral in Moscow in February 1549 throughout the XVI century. Zemstvo cathedrals were going fairly regularly and represented meetings in the king, which was given a deliberative role.

Cover Ivan IV.he was published in June 1550, he determined the procedure for the passage of administrative, judicial and property cases in the structures of state power. The central state power intensified, limited to the rights of the governors. Elected from the people (headlights, Sotsky) was provided to participate in court. The lawyer confirmed the right of Yuryev's day, but increased the amount of the sum of money, which the leasanist-tenant paid the owner of the Earth.

Order reform(2 half of the 50s. XVI century). Created a system of executive and public administration, consisting of 22 orders. The reform had a consequence an increase in the number of bureaucracy, covering its influence all spheres of society.

Religious reformit was carried out on the so-called "Fine Cathedral" (meeting of the highest hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church) in 1551. Decisions of the Cathedral, minted in 100 chapters, included: the transfer of the king of land, captured by the Church from the nobles and the peasants in his childhood, as well as Votchin , Data boyars in the monasteries on the soul member;

prohibition of the Church to increase its land ownership without permission of the king; Establishment of uniformity in religious rites, responsibility for their violation, the election of archimandrite and igumen.

Tax reformit was introduced in the introduction of a new unit of taxation of tax in 1551. Its size varied depending on the estate owner of the land. For servil people, one unit of tax took an average of 800 quarters of the Earth, for the Church - 600 quarters, from the black-made peasants - 500 quarters.

Military reform.In the beginning. 1550. The Streetsky army was created, originally consisted of 3 thousand people. Artillery was highlighted in a separate body of troops and quickly began to grow quantitatively, having in service by the end of the reign of Ivan the Terrible 3 thousand guns. In July 1550, local studies were canceled (the occupation of military posts, depending on the knowledge of the genus). Up to 600 quarters of the Earth was increased by the location of the noblemen for the service. In 1556, the system of feedings was eliminated, the boyars began to receive monetary salary from the state for their service, which became the main source of livelihood. In the same year, a service was announced, which equalized the mercy of the military service of the boyars and the nobles.

Implementing reforms, the government of the elected Rada tried to satisfy the interests of the servant of the nobility at the expense of the aristocracy and the peasantry. As a result of the reforms, the trend of restriction of the autocracy of the new servant of the noble aristocracy was designated.

The main reforms of the elected Rada

Stormy events that took place in 1547 led to the need for cardinal state transformations. The young king, as well as his approximated created, as it called one of her participants (Prince Kurbsky) Selected Rada

At the head of this political mug of serve courtiers and nobility, Protopop Sylvester (the Annunciation Cathedral of the Kremlin), as well as a rather convicious nobleman, from a dormant kind of Adaszev A. F., such noble princes like Vorotinsky, Odoyevsky, Kurbsky and others joined them. In addition, the first head of the Polish Order of the Ukrainian, as well as the active figure of this circle, was part of the selected Rada. Metropolitan Macarius.

Formally not being state institution, glad remained, essentially russian government For thirteen years, managing the state on behalf of the king himself and having implemented a series of significant major reforms.

In the middle of the sixteenth century, elected Rada was established for the whole state a single measure of tax charge called "Sokh".

Military reform

In order to strengthen the weapons of the country in 1550, Ivan Grozny began to carry out military reforms. It was then that the locality was abolished - the procedure for replacing the position in the troops according to the degree of acquaintance (at the time of hikes).

Also in the Moscow district, by order of the king, "Selected Thousand" (more than a thousand provincial nobles, components of the nobility of the noble militia, as well as the support of the autocratic power) were introduced from the order of October 1550. But this project was not implemented to the end.

One procedure for the passage of service was determined: on the instrument (by a set) and in the Fatherland (by origin). By the Fatherland, the service was held boyars and nobles. Military service was regulated by "deploying service", passing by inheritance and starting from fifteen years (nobles reached this age was considered a chance). The noblemen and boyars were supposed to put a warrior, and if it was not fulfilled, it was punished with a large fine.

Creation of Streletsky Troops

Also in 1550, a shooting army (from among the serve), armed both cold (saber and birdish) and firearms (sorry) weapons. At the very beginning, three thousand people disbanded in six separate "orders" (regiments) were scored in this army. It was they who made a personal royal guard.

In addition, the government of the elected Rada strengthened the Tsarist State Apparatus, improving the order system and thus increasing the bureaucratic apparatus.