Worms flat round ringed. Than ringed worms differ from round

general characteristics

The ringed received their name due to the elongated body, divided into segments, which in the cut form rings. They move with the help of special gains on the body. There are sensitive mustaches, hearing organs, smell, eyes with eyelashpers on the head department.

Outside the body is covered with a cuticle, inside each segment is filled with liquid. When damaged, the worm loses most of the segments, quickly regenerates. The river hole is in the first department, from the abdominal cavity. Some species have jaws. The blood circuit is closed, there are no hearts. The abdominal, the dorsal is connected by the ring. The blood contains hemoglobin, which allows individuals to survive.

Respiratory organs are absent, gas exchange occurs through the skin. Among the species there is a hermaphrodites, separation of individuals, reproduction occurs various forms. Killed worms are predators, roasting, there were cases of cannibalism.


Ring worms are divided into classes:

  1. Multi-singing. The most common appearance, live in the sea. Have a well-dedicated head unit, the presence of limbs. Possess a snake-shaped body, gills, actively float.
  2. Unobtinka. Delivered on land, the body has a bristles for digging movements. The head department is not expressed, there are no eyes, appendages. The most common, rainworms are.
  3. Leeches. Representatives of the species - predators, feed on the blood of people, animals, fish. The mouth is equipped with platinum or trull, for teething of the skin, the throat plays the role of the pump with blood sucking. Some species allocate poison.
  4. Echiurides. The most rare species are filtrators. Felt at the depths of the sea, sandy badges. They have trull, which periodically discarded, grown again.


Killed worms live in the seas, water bodies, soil. Most worms are living in the seas that feed fish. In fresh reservoirs, bloodsuckers are inhabited, leeches. In the soil, rainworms live, they have a favorably affect the soil formation. Their number can be 600 individuals per square meter.

Danger for man

Leeches cause girudinosis. They are attached to the skin cover, penetrate into the internal organs, which leads to suffocation.

general characteristics

The bilateral symmetry of the Taurus of Round Worms in the transverse section has a round shape, from where and the name. Nematodes have no movement organs, and they are moving due to the reduction of longitudinal muscles.

Internal organs are located in the primary cavity, the space between them is filled with hydrolymph, which performs transport functions. There is no blood system, gas exchange is carried out by a shell of the body. The digestion is represented by the front, middle, posterior departments. The front has the esophagus, the oral cavity, the average processes food, from the rear department is displayed.

Nematodes have sense of smell, touch, and some organs of vision. The nervous system is represented by a nervous ring, six stem nerves. The main part of the representatives of the separation of individuals, fertilization occurs within female individuals.


Round worms are divided into several classes, but the biggest class of nematodes is the biggest. Their numbers about 40,000 speciesmost common:

  1. Askarida. They have a form of a cylinder, reach 20-40 cm. Cause Asskaridosis disease.
  2. Oxtrain. They have a white color, a small form, the length of the sharpness can reach 10 cm. Cause the disease enterobiosis, which is most often susceptible to children.
  3. Vlasman. Feed blood, worm length 45-55 mm. Cause severely curable tricheticopalosis disease.
  4. Trichinella. Live only in one owner, because they are not adapted to external environment. Infection trichinell can lead to psychomotor developmental delay.
  5. Crimogol. They have a pink color, the length is about 18 mm. Crimpols are scented with mucous organs, sucking blood from them. Cause ankostomomosis disease.


They live almost everywhere, you can find them in water bodies, algae, sand, thighs on trees. Feed apart by bacteria, plant juice. Some types of round worms inhabit the forest in the MCU, the soil. When conditions for vital activity are not sufficiently favorable, representatives of this species fall into anabyosis, successfully lose their bad times.

on the topic: "Worm characteristics: flat, round and ringeled

Type flat worms

Planaria class, or wilderness

In the raised places, lakes, ponds and streams live White, Buuray, Black Planaria. At the front end of their body two eyes are noticeable (distinguished light from darkness); The abdominal side is a throat. Planaria - Predators. They attack small aquatic animals, "submatch" them under themselves and swallow themselves entirely or torn apart. They are moving thanks to the agreed work of cilia. Body length of freshwater planaria 1-3 cm.

The world is the most rich and diverse. The world of marine cilia worms. Their large widespid body has the most diverse color. In a wet litter of tropical forests, large soil planaries (bipalia) live, the length of the body of which reaches a length of 60 cm.

Internal structure and vital activity. The body of flat worms is covered with elongated cells with cilia. Three layers of muscle fibers (ring, diagonal and longitudinal) are deeper. Due to their reduction and relaxation, the worm is lengthened or shortening, lifts one or another part of the body, is compact. The muscles are the mass of small cells - the main fabric, and in it - internal organs. The digestive system consists of a mouth with a muscular throat and a three-letter intestines, the walls of which are formed by one layer of flavoid cells that can capture food particles and digest them. Irony wall cells highlight digestive substances into the bowel cavity. The resulting nutrients penetrate all body cells, and untapped food residues are removed through the mouth.

The cilia worms breathed dissolved in water with oxygen across the entire surface of the body. An unnecessary substance for the body generated in the process of life is derived, entering the tubules that begin with large star cells with bunches of cilia inside (they create a fluid current into the tubules). Small tubules are collected in one or two large tubular with excretory pores.

The nervous system of cervical worms is formed by clusters nerve cells - Paired head units, who are departing from them nervous trunks and nervous branches. Most cilia worms have eyes (from one pair to several tens), in the skin - tactile cells, and some are small pair tentacles at the front end of the body.

The reproduction of cilia worms. Flat worms, as a rule, hermaphrodites. Freshwater cilma worms, such as planaries, fertilized eggs are laid in cocoons formed from frozen mucus. Developed little worms tear the walls of cocoons and go out. Sea ciliated worms from fertilized eggs are floating larvae, which then acquire the features of adults.

Class of Salerches and Class Belt Worms

Muscular and nervous systems in tape worms are poorly developed, and the sense organs are represented by sensitive skin cells. The digestive system has disappeared: the nutrients are absorbed by the entire surface of the body from the host's intestinal.

The greatest development in belt worms has a genital system. Almost all of them are hermaphrodites. Their last segments are like eggs with developing germs. Cerages are separated from the body of the worm and with the feces of the owner or independently (due to the reduction of the muscles) go out. For a day, up to 28 segments containing up to 5 million eggs are with a sick person. Together with the grass, the eggs fall into the stomach of the intermediate owner - cows (bullish chain), pigs (pork chain). In the stomach of eggs, six-russia larvae are published, which penetrate the intestinal blood vessels, and then into the muscles. Here, the larvae turn into the Finns, having a view of a bubble of a magnitude with a pea. A person in use is not sufficiently roasted or failing finan meat becomes the main owner of the worm. In the stomach of man from the Finn, the head is turned out, and the bubble itself is digested. The small worm falls into the intestines, is embarrassed to his wall, and his neck begins to form segments.

The development of a wide tape is associated with the change of two intermediate owners (cyclop and fish wraps). The main owner is a man.

Echinococcus- Small worm (length up to 6 mm). Unlike chains and tapes, segment from his body are not separated. The main owners of Echinococcus - a dog, a wolf, a fox, a cat; Intermediate - sheep, cow, goat, deer, pig (maybe a person). In the liver, light, muscles, bones of intermediate hosts develop large bubbles (type of Finns), in each of which child and grandchildish bubbles are developing inside. The main hosts are infected with meat meat with echinococcal bubbles, and intermediate - when eating food, contaminated by the feces of patients with dogs, wolves and other main owners of Echinococcus.

Type Round, or primary, worms

Round worms have inhrugate, usually a long body, rounded in cross section. On the surface of the skin there is a dense non-accommodating formation of cuticle. These worms have a body cavity formed by the destruction of cells of the main tissue between the body wall and the internal organs (primary body cavity). The muscles of round worms consists of a layer of longitudinal fibers. Therefore, they can only bend. The intestine of round worms, having a view of the tube, begins the oral hole and ends with anal (rear-purpose).

East nematodes live on the roots of the bow, garlic, beans and some other garden plants (leek nematodes), in underground potato shoots (stem potato nematodes), in various organs of strawberries (strawberry nematode). The length of their almost transparent body is about 1.5 mm. Nematodes with a stitching rotter apparatus are pierced by plant tissues, substances that dissolve the contents of plant cells are injected into them. The soluble substances are absorbed by the extended part of the esophagus, the muscular walls of which act as a pump. Food is digested in the intestines. Many nematodes live in the soil, feed on various vegetable residues and have great importance In soil formation.

Ascarides live in the small intestine of the owner. The length of the female body is up to 40 cm (males smaller). Asskarides of semi-steady food feed. The eggs laid by females (about 200 per day) are derived with human feces. In the external environment in the eggs develop mobile larvae. Man's infection with eggs Askarid occurs when eating poorly washed vegetables, food visited by flies.

In the intestine, the owner of the larvae comes out of eggs, they are introduced into the blood vessels and fall into the liver, heart and lungs. The grown larvae from the lungs fall into the mouth, and then in the intestine, where they become adults. Ascarides feed on the host of the owner, poison it with their own discharge, cause the formation of ulcers on the intestinal walls, and with large numbers - the obstruction of the intestine and the gap of its walls.

Adult trichinells (the length of the females of the females is about 4 mm) live in the lumen of the small intestine, and the microscopic larvae born with them penetrate into the muscles, where they grow, twisted into the spiral and, forming a capsule around them, go into a resting state. A source of human infection - animal meat, especially pigs that acquire trichinell when eating small mammals, such as rats.

Type of ringed worms

General characteristics of ringed worms

Killed worms live in the seas, fresh reservoirs, soil. They have a long body divided by transverse treadmills on ring-shaped segments (segments). Outdoor dismemberment corresponds to internal segmentation. The cavity of the body of these worms is lined with a layer of covered cells (secondary cavity of the body). In each segment there is a distinguished area of \u200b\u200bthis cavity. Killed worms have a blood center, and many and respiratory system. Their muscle, digestive, excretory, nervous systems and sense organs are more perfect than flat and round worms.

The skin of the ring worms consists of one layer of coversal cells (some of them distinguish the mucus). Under the skin there are ring and longitudinal muscles. The digestive system is noticeably divided into the oral cavity, the throat, the esophagus (some forms its expansion - goiter), the stomach (in a number of groups) and the intestine. Unpained food residues are removed out through the posterior hole. The circular worm circuit breeding system is formed by the spinal and abdominal blood vessels connected to the ring vessels. Small blood vessels depart from these vessels. They are branched and form in the skin and internal organs a thick network of the smallest vessels - capillaries. Blood (usually red) is moving mainly due to the reduction and relaxation of the walls of the ring vessels covering the esophagus. It transfers to all body bodies entering it nutrients and oxygen and frees the body organs from unnecessary metabolic products. The circulated worms are closed by the circular worms (blood does not go beyond blood vessels). Breathing in ring worms occurs through the skin. Some sea worms have gills.

The release of unnecessary substances (exchange products) in the rainwoods occurs with the help of excretory tubes, starting funnels with cilia (pair in each segment). The outline of the excretory tubes open on the abdominal side of the next segment. Some ringed worms of the tube begin with cells with a bunch of cilia inside.

The nervous system of ringed worms consists of paired dumping and felted nerve nodes connected by nerve hollows in a windowless ring, and the native nervous chain nodes (in each segment of the worm is a pair nervous knot). Nerves depart from nervous nodes to all body bodies. Light and other stimuli act on sensitive cells. The excitation arising in them is transmitted by nerve fibers into the nearest nerve knot, and then on other nerve fibers to the sodes and causes them to reduce them. This is how one or another reflex is carried out. There are no sense of feelings for most colleged worms.

Among the ringed worms are both separate and hermaphrodites. The development of sea worms occurs with the staging of the larva.

The ability to regenerate ringed worms is designed worse than that of flat worms.

The type of ringed worms includes 9 thousand species. Basic classes: Unobtinka worms and multi-art worms.

Class of unobtinka worms

Habitat, building and lifestyle.

Unobtinka worms live mainly in the soil (rainworms) and in fresh water bodies (tubes). Rain worms (about 1500 species) have a long body consisting of 80 or more rings. On the sides of each rings, in addition to the mouth, bristles are located (usually two beam). There are no senses (there are olfactory, tactile, taste, photosensitive cells). Rainy worms are powered mainly by overloading organic residues with bacteria contained in them. Food is captured by the mouth, located on the first segment of the body. On the surface of the soil, the rain worms go on twilight and at night. Move, alternately cutting and relaxing ring and longitudinal muscles. The reference value when moving and laying strokes in the soil have bristles. Moving in loose soil, the worm sprouts its particles, and in dense passes them through the intestines. With the onset of drought or cold rainworms go deep into the soil. The pipes live at the bottom of the reservoirs, forming dense settlements. The front of their filamentine body (2/3) is usually in the tube of mucus and soil particles, the rear is free and performs the "respiratory" movements. Pipes feed on organic soil residues. Reproduction. Rain worms - hermaphrodites. Before laying eggs, two worms are brought together with the front ends of the body and exchange the seed fluid containing a spermatozoa that enters their seed. Then, when ripening eggs, each worm on the belt (this is a ferrous thickening of the skin of several specific segments) begins to form a cocoon: the poverty is distinguished by a mucus that forms a flour. Body abbreviations The cuftochka shifts to the front end of the body. It includes eggs and liquid with spermatozoa. The raft turns into a cocoon where the egg fertilization occurs. Developed worms break the cocoon and go out of it.

Class Multi-Point Worms

Multi-minded worms include various types of nonreide, Pescape, Serpul. Neretches live predominantly in the coastal parts of the seas, in the orst soil; Pescape - in minks dug; Serpulas are sitting in "houses" built from various material. In their leading end there is a Sultan Proveman, with which they filter water.

The most diverse nonres in the seas. They have a reddish or green color, cast by all the colors of the rainbow. The front segments of the body form a head having a mouth, pupils and tentacles (tanging organs), two pairs of eyes and two holes behind them (the sense of smell). On the sides of the body, nonreid on segments are short, muscular paired blades-prominent grown - parapody with bristles bundles. This is the limbs nonreide. Neremid develops special skin grows - gills.

Neretid - separate animals. Fertilization of eggs occurs in water. Out of eggs come out free-pointed larvae with belt cilia. Over time, the larvae acquire the appearance of adult worms.

Origin and value of ringed worms

Origin. Scientists believe that the ancient collected worms originated from ancient free-lived flat worms. The proof of this serves, for example, the presence of cilia in the larvae of marine ringed worms, the selection organs, beginning with star-cages with a cricker flame, the similarity of the nervous system with a nervous system of the planarium. Multi-minded worms of the ancient unawares, although they have the most complex structure. Simplification of the structure of unauthorized worms occurred mainly due to the transition to life in the soil.

Value.Nereides and other sea worms are the main food of many species of fish, crabs and other inhabitants of the seas; Many fish and freshwater pets and freshwater invertebrates feed pipes; Rain Worms are the main food of moles, heels, toad, starling and other land animals. Fearing by sludge, various suspenders, ringed worms free water from excess organic substances. Rain and some other soil worms, entering various plant residues and passing the soil through their intestines, contribute to the formation of humus. Mink-proceeds are filled with air, necessary for the respiration of plant roots and domestic cultivation organisms in Earth.

All flat worms - three-layer Animals (Fig. 79). They have a skin-muscular bag that forms the cover and muscles of the body. The separation and digestive system appear. The nervous system consists of two nerve nodes and nerve trunks. Free-lived worms have eyes and tactile blades. All flat worms are hermaphrodites, lay eggs into cocoon. Flat worms are divided into ciliary, ribbon and losselners.

Fig. 79. Worms flat: 1 - Hepatic Slashsel; 2 - pork chain; 3 - Echinococcus; Round: 4 - Askarida, 5 - Ostrian; Ring: 6 - leech, 7 - earthworm

Representative crystal worms is free-lived white planaria. This is an animal of 2 cm long, a milky white color, inhabiting in ponds, slowly current rivers, quiet rates. The body is covered with cilia, the main movement of which ensures the movement of the planaria along the bottom of the reservoir. Planaaria - a predator, feeds on the simplest, intestinal, daphnia and other small animals. The pharynx of the planearia is capable of turning out and due to the sucker is tightly sacrifice.

All ciliated worms are inherent in regeneration ability. Under adverse conditions, they can decay into pieces, each of which is subsequently restored to a whole organism.

Echinococcus length is only 1-1.5 cm. A person can infect them from dogs and other animals. Finna Echinococcus is able to multiply, forming subsidiaries. Sometimes it grows up to the magnitude of walnut, and in some cases a child happens. This bubble can destroy the tissues, you can get rid of it only surgically.

Ring worms. These are higher-organized animals than previously discussed. The body of ringed worms is segmented. Well developed nervous system A nodal type, excretory system, a closed-type circulatory system appears. There are tactile and free-sensitive cells.

The most famous earthworm. This worm lives in the soil, its body is segmented, there are bristles on the underside, which take direct participation in motion. If we put a rainworm on paper, you can hear the rustling produced by bristles when the worm moves. He refers to K. class of unauthorized.

Special respiratory organs have no worms. They breathe through the skin. Often, after the rain, the rain worms crawl into the surface of the Earth: the rainwater floods the flaming minks, displacing oxygen from the soil, which makes breathing difficult.

Rain worms are richer animals, but the fertilization of them is cross. When pairing, two individuals come closer, the front ends are superimposed on each other and exchange male sex products. In a special belt - a coupling formed from mucus, on the 13th segment injected eggs, which, moving with a clutch, in the 9th segment fertilized with sperm. The coupling with fertilized eggs slides from the front and forms an egg cocoon. Eggs in the cocoon develop in the soil.

Rain worms are capable of regeneration. In half the worm, the missing part can recover.

Rain worms feed on foliage, grass, passing through themselves a large amount of soil, thereby her loose, aerial and enriched with humus. They play a very important role in the soil formation.

In waste contaminated water bodies tube Employee for fish and purifying water from organic pollution.

In our fresh water bodies there are flap leaps Black and gray-green medical leech. W. medical leech In the depths of the oral cavity there are three rollers with pointed chitinular cloths. They are located in the vertices of the triangle, the teeth of each other. Singing, leech cuts over the skin, highlighting hirudin, Breaking blood coagulation. Girudine stops the development of blood clots, is useful in hypertension, sclerosis, strokes, resorves subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Previously, medical leeches were widely used, but at present they became great rare.

A large falcons leech attacks the rainworms, mollusks, headastrics. It does not cause any harm to man, although it is sometimes embarrassed by the rear sucker to the body of a person bathing in a reservoir.

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§ 58. The kingdom of animals. Multicellular: sponges and intestinal§ 60. CHENISTONOGIE

on the topic: "Characteristics of the types of worms: flat, round and rigged"

Type flat worms

Planaria class, or wilderness

In the raised places, lakes, ponds and streams live White, Buuray, Black Planaria. At the front end of their body two eyes are noticeable (distinguished light from darkness); The abdominal side is a throat. Planaria - Predators. They attack small aquatic animals, "submatch" them under themselves and swallow themselves entirely or tear into parts. They are moving thanks to the agreed work of cilia. Body length of freshwater planaria 1-3 cm.

The world is the most rich and diverse. The world of marine cilia worms. Their large widespid body has the most diverse color. In a wet litter of tropical forests, large soil planaries (bipalia) live, the length of the body of which reaches a length of 60 cm.

Interior structure and livelihoods. The body of flat worms is covered with elongated cells with cilia. Three layers of muscle fibers (ring, diagonal and longitudinal) are deeper. Due to their reduction and relaxation, the worm is lengthened or shortening, lifts one or another part of the body, is compact. The muscles are the mass of small cells - the main fabric, and in it - internal organs. The digestive system consists of a mouth with a muscular throat and a three-letter intestines, the walls of which are formed by one layer of flavoid cells that can capture food particles and digest them. Irony wall cells highlight digestive substances into the bowel cavity. The resulting nutrients penetrate all body cells, and untapped food residues are removed through the mouth.

The cilia worms breathed dissolved in water with oxygen across the entire surface of the body. An unnecessary substance for the body generated in the process of life is derived, entering the tubules that begin with large star cells with bunches of cilia inside (they create a fluid current into the tubules). Small tubules are collected in one or two large tubular with excretory pores.

The nervous system of cilia worms is formed by the clusters of nerve cells - paired head nodes, departing from them nervous trunks and nervous branches. Most cilia worms have eyes (from one pair to several tens), in the skin - tactile cells, and some are small pair tentacles at the front end of the body.

The reproduction of cilia worms. Flat worms, as a rule, hermaphrodites. Freshwater cilma worms, such as planaries, fertilized eggs are laid in cocoons formed from frozen mucus. Developed little worms tear the walls of cocoons and go out. Sea ciliated worms from fertilized eggs are floating larvae, which then acquire the features of adults.

Class of Salerches and Class Belt Worms

Muscular and nervous systems in tape worms are poorly developed, and the sense organs are represented by sensitive skin cells. The digestive system has disappeared: the nutrients are absorbed by the entire surface of the body from the host's intestinal.

The greatest development in belt worms has a genital system. Almost all of them are hermaphrodites. Their last segments are like eggs with developing germs. Cerages are separated from the body of the worm and with the feces of the owner or independently (due to the reduction of the muscles) go out. For a day, up to 28 segments containing up to 5 million eggs are with a sick person. Together with the grass, the eggs fall into the stomach of the intermediate owner - cows (bullish chain), pigs (pork chain). In the stomach of eggs, six-russia larvae are published, which penetrate the intestinal blood vessels, and then into the muscles. Here, the larvae turn into the Finns, having a view of a bubble of a magnitude with a pea. A person in use is not sufficiently roasted or failing finan meat becomes the main owner of the worm. In the stomach of man from the Finn, the head is turned out, and the bubble itself is digested. The small worm falls into the intestines, is embarrassed to his wall, and his neck begins to form segments.

The development of a wide tape is associated with the change of two intermediate owners (cyclop and fish wraps). The main owner is a man.

Echinococcus - Small worm (length up to 6 mm). Unlike chains and tapes, segment from his body are not separated. The main owners of Echinococcus - a dog, a wolf, a fox, a cat; Intermediate - sheep, cow, goat, deer, pig (maybe a person). In the liver, light, muscles, bones of intermediate hosts develop large bubbles (type of Finns), in each of which child and grandchildish bubbles are developing inside. The main hosts are infected with meat meat with echinococcal bubbles, and intermediate - when eating food, contaminated by the feces of patients with dogs, wolves and other main owners of Echinococcus.

Type Round, or primary, worms

Round worms have inhrugate, usually a long body, rounded in cross section. On the surface of the skin there is a dense non-accommodating formation of cuticle. These worms have a body cavity formed by the destruction of cells of the main tissue between the body wall and the internal organs (primary body cavity). The muscles of round worms consists of a layer of longitudinal fibers. Therefore, they can only bend. The intestine of round worms, having a view of the tube, begins the oral hole and ends with anal (rear-purpose).

East nematodes live on the roots of the bow, garlic, beans and some other garden plants (leek nematodes), in underground potato shoots (stem potato nematodes), in various organs of strawberries (strawberry nematode). The length of their almost transparent body is about 1.5 mm. Nematodes with a stitching rotter apparatus are pierced by plant tissues, substances that dissolve the contents of plant cells are injected into them. The soluble substances are absorbed by the extended part of the esophagus, the muscular walls of which act as a pump. Food is digested in the intestines. Many nematodes live in the soil, feed on various vegetable residues and are of great importance in the soil formation.

Ascarides live in the small intestine of the owner. The length of the female body is up to 40 cm (males smaller). Asskarides of semi-steady food feed. The eggs laid by females (about 200 per day) are derived with human feces. In the external environment in the eggs develop mobile larvae. Man's infection with eggs Askarid occurs when eating poorly washed vegetables, food visited by flies.

In the intestine, the owner of the larvae comes out of eggs, they are introduced into the blood vessels and fall into the liver, heart and lungs. The grown larvae from the lungs fall into the mouth, and then in the intestine, where they become adults. Ascarides feed on the host of the owner, poison it with their own discharge, cause the formation of ulcers on the intestinal walls, and with large numbers - the obstruction of the intestine and the gap of its walls.

Adult trichinells (the length of the females of the females is about 4 mm) live in the lumen of the small intestine, and the microscopic larvae born with them penetrate into the muscles, where they grow, twisted into the spiral and, forming a capsule around them, go into a resting state. A source of human infection - animal meat, especially pigs that acquire trichinell when eating small mammals, such as rats.

Type of ringed worms

General characteristics of ringed worms

Killed worms live in the seas, fresh reservoirs, soil. They have a long body divided by transverse treadmills on ring-shaped segments (segments). Outdoor dismemberment corresponds to internal segmentation. The cavity of the body of these worms is lined with a layer of covered cells (secondary cavity of the body). In each segment there is a distinguished area of \u200b\u200bthis cavity. Killed worms have a blood center, and many and respiratory system. Their muscle, digestive, excretory, nervous systems and sense organs are more perfect than flat and round worms.

The skin of the ring worms consists of one layer of coversal cells (some of them distinguish the mucus). Under the skin there are ring and longitudinal muscles. The digestive system is noticeably divided into the oral cavity, the throat, the esophagus (some forms its expansion - goiter), the stomach (in a number of groups) and the intestine. Unpained food residues are removed out through the posterior hole. The circular worm circuit breeding system is formed by the spinal and abdominal blood vessels connected to the ring vessels. Small blood vessels depart from these vessels. They are branched and form in the skin and internal organs a thick network of the smallest vessels - capillaries. Blood (usually red) is moving mainly due to the reduction and relaxation of the walls of the ring vessels covering the esophagus. It transfers to all body bodies entering it nutrients and oxygen and frees the body organs from unnecessary metabolic products. The circulated worms are closed by the circular worms (blood does not go beyond blood vessels). Breathing in ring worms occurs through the skin. Some sea worms have gills.

The release of unnecessary substances (exchange products) in the rainwoods occurs with the help of excretory tubes, starting funnels with cilia (pair in each segment). The outline of the excretory tubes open on the abdominal side of the next segment. Some ringed worms of the tube begin with cells with a bunch of cilia inside.

The nervous system of ringed worms consists of paired dumping and felted nerve nodes connected by nerve hollows in a windowless ring, and the native nervous chain nodes (in each segment of the worm is a pair nervous knot). Nerves depart from nervous nodes to all body bodies. Light and other stimuli act on sensitive cells. The excitation arising in them is transmitted by nerve fibers into the nearest nerve knot, and then on other nerve fibers to the sodes and causes them to reduce them. This is how one or another reflex is carried out. There are no sense of feelings for most colleged worms.

Among the ringed worms are both separate and hermaphrodites. The development of sea worms occurs with the staging of the larva.

The ability to regenerate ringed worms is designed worse than that of flat worms.

The type of ringed worms includes 9 thousand species. Basic classes: Unobtinka worms and multi-art worms.

Class of unobtinka worms

Habitat, building and lifestyle.

Unobtinka worms live mainly in the soil (rainworms) and in fresh water bodies (tubes). Rain worms (about 1500 species) have a long body consisting of 80 or more rings. On the sides of each rings, in addition to the mouth, bristles are located (usually two beam). There are no senses (there are olfactory, tactile, taste, photosensitive cells). Rainy worms are powered mainly by overloading organic residues with bacteria contained in them. Food is captured by the mouth, located on the first segment of the body. On the surface of the soil, the rain worms go on twilight and at night. Move, alternately cutting and relaxing ring and longitudinal muscles. The reference value when moving and laying strokes in the soil have bristles. Moving in loose soil, the worm sprouts its particles, and in dense passes them through the intestines. With the onset of drought or cold rainworms go deep into the soil. The pipes live at the bottom of the reservoirs, forming dense settlements. The front of their filamentine body (2/3) is usually in the tube of mucus and soil particles, the rear is free and performs the "respiratory" movements. Pipes feed on organic soil residues. Reproduction. Rain worms - hermaphrodites. Before laying eggs, two worms are brought together with the front ends of the body and exchange the seed fluid containing a spermatozoa that enters their seed. Then, when ripening eggs, each worm on the belt (this is a ferrous thickening of the skin of several specific segments) begins to form a cocoon: the poverty is distinguished by a mucus that forms a flour. Body abbreviations The cuftochka shifts to the front end of the body. It includes eggs and liquid with spermatozoa. The raft turns into a cocoon where the egg fertilization occurs. Developed worms break the cocoon and go out of it.

Class Multi-Point Worms

Multi-minded worms include various types of nonreide, Pescape, Serpul. Neretches live predominantly in the coastal parts of the seas, in the orst soil; Pescape - in minks dug; Serpulas are sitting in "houses" built from various materials. In their leading end there is a Sultan Proveman, with which they filter water.

The most diverse nonres in the seas. They have a reddish or green color, cast by all the colors of the rainbow. The front segments of the body form a head having a mouth, pupils and tentacles (tanging organs), two pairs of eyes and two holes behind them (the sense of smell). On the sides of the body, nonreid on segments are short, muscular paired blades-prominent grown - parapody with bristles bundles. This is the limbs nonreide. Neremid develops special skin grows - gills.

Neretid - separate animals. Fertilization of eggs occurs in water. Out of eggs come out free-pointed larvae with belt cilia. Over time, the larvae acquire the appearance of adult worms.

Origin and value of ringed worms

Origin. Scientists believe that the ancient collected worms originated from ancient free-lived flat worms. The proof of this serves, for example, the presence of cilia in the larvae of marine ringed worms, the selection organs, beginning with star-cages with a cricker flame, the similarity of the nervous system with a nervous system of the planarium. Multi-minded worms of the ancient unawares, although they have the most complex structure. Simplification of the structure of unauthorized worms occurred mainly due to the transition to life in the soil.

Value. Nereides and other sea worms are the main food of many species of fish, crabs and other inhabitants of the seas; Many fish and freshwater pets and freshwater invertebrates feed pipes; Rain Worms are the main food of moles, heels, toad, starling and other land animals. Feeding by il, various suspenders, ringed worms free water from excess organic substances. Rain and some other soil worms, entering various plant residues and passing the soil through their intestines, contribute to the formation of humus. Mink-proceeds are filled with air, necessary for the respiration of plant roots and domestic cultivation organisms in Earth.

Lutochina Irina Petrovna

Teacher biology MKOU SOSH №2G.revda

Control and generalizing lesson on the topic

"Flat, round and rigged worms" (slide 1)

Tasks lesson:


    • Summarize knowledge about the structure and livelihoods of flat, round and ringed worms, establish their conjunction with the habitat;

      Expand the knowledge of students about the applied meaning of animals in nature, meaning and role in the nature and life of a person ( slide 2.);


    • Form cognitive interest in biology; draw conclusions, solve problematic issues, compare, analyze, publicly perform, work on a computer;

      Formation of critical thinking;


    • Improve the ability to compare, establish links of theory with practice, the ability to use the language of biology;

      Bring up careful attitude towards nature;

      Responsible attitude to the fulfillment of assigned tasks.

Equipment:computer Class Pentium III, Multimedia Projector, Presentation.

Type of lesson - Lesson-game


    Methods of formation of interest in the teaching (story, training discussions, emotional incentive methods);

    Methods of organization and implementation of training actions and operations (story, demonstration, performance of tasks and exercises, analysis and comparison of educational material);

    Methods of self-government by educational actions ( independent work with text, reference abstracts);

    Methods of control and self-control (survey in the course of the lesson, testing, solving biological problems, anagrams, etc.).

Interdisciplinary ties: Informatics and ICT, ecology and history.

During the classes

I. Organizing time (greeting students, mark of missing);

II. Totalization of knowledge(Combined survey)

Guys! Now you are sitting on teams (2). I invite one representative from each group to pull out from the bag 1stone, on which it will be written, what type of worms you will give overall characteristics. Draw. On the repetition of 1 - 2 minutes. You have on the tables lying on the tables on which the table is drawn. You fill it collectively, because You are working in groups, and then we all check together.

    General characteristics of flat worms;

    General characteristics of round worms;

Exercise 1

Filling table:

General characteristics of worms (slide 3)


Type flat worms

Type round worms

Type of ringed worms

1. Representatives

2. Symmetry

3. Number

4. Skin-muscular bag

5. Digestive system

7. Nervous System

8. Selective system

9. Sex system

10. Habitat

Proper Filling Table (answer)


Type flat worms

Type round worms

Type of ringed worms

1. Representatives

White Planaria, Bovie Chain, Hepatic Slashchik

Human Askarida, Ostrian

Rainworm, Neret

2. Symmetry




3. Number

12500 species

1 million VID

9 thousand VID

4. Skin-muscular bag

Longitudinal, ring and oblique muscles

Longitudinal muscles

Longitudinal and annular muscles

5. Digestive system


Mouth - Harness-intestine-anal hole

Roth-throat-esophagus - goiter stomach -cischik - anal hole

6. Blood and Respiratory System



Closed, 2 vessels, "5 hearts"

7. Nervous System

Head nerve nodes and longitudinal nerve trunks connected by transverse jumpers


Nervous Chain and Occondition Ring

8. Selective system

Branched tubes, fiery cells, longitudinal canals

Through body fluids

Through the tubes in segments

9. Sex system


Seeds, seeds, compository body.

Paired ovaries, eggs, comprehensive bag

Descipients, up to 200 thousand yists a day


10. Habitat

Water, soil

Time to repetition came out, let's listen to the overall characteristic for the type of flat worms, which is ready to prepare group number 1 (student response).

The next type is round worms. And again the overall characteristic that the guys of Group number 2 was prepared (student response).

And the last type - ringed worms. First, listen to the overall characteristic of the guys of the group number 3 (the characteristic is given by the student).

Task 2.

And now we will fulfill several interesting tasks in the sequence in which we passed worms. And let's start with the type "flat worms"

Slide 4.

Crossword on "Flat Worms"

Questions (ask the teacher orally):

Vertically:1. Merge male and women's weights. 2. Bubble stage of the bull chain. 3. The accumulation of nerve cells is nervous ... 4. Hepatic ... 5. loose connecting fabric of flat worms. 9. Eggs of free-lived flat worm eggs. 10. Part of the body of the hydra, which it is attached to the substrate. 12. Intestine having solid skeleton. 15. Outer layer of the skin-muscular bag.

Horizontally:6. Lentz. 7. Capsule. 8. Egg. 11. Predator. 13. Hair. 14. Head. 16. Atoll. 17. Planaria.

Vertically:1. Fertilization. 2. Finn. 3. Node. 4. Sleeller. 5. Parenchima. 9. Cocoon. 10. Sole. 12. Coral. 15. Leather.

Task 3.

Figures are confused. It is necessary to place them in the correct order.

1st student: Create illustrations "Cycle for the development of a liver loser".

Slide 5.(work with models)

Fig. 2. Hepatic Soster Eggs

Fig. 3. Free-peeling larva

Fig. 4. Development of larvae in the body of a small pond

Fig. 5. Tailing larva

Fig. 6. Cysta

Slide 6.(on an interactive chalkboard)

2nd student: Make out illustrations of the Bull Chain Development Cycle.

Fig. 8. Cerage with bovine chain eggs

Fig. 9. Cow with larvae

Fig. 10. Larva with chitinic hooks

Fig. 11. Finn in the muscles of the cow

Task 4.

Slide 7.

Specify the correct approvals with the "+" sign:


Task 5.

And now we will solve several biological problems.:

Slide 8.

    The senses and the nervous system in the pork, bull chains are poorly developed, and the digestive organs are generally absent. What do these signs indicate?

    In the XIX century, the Petersburg doctor Wece noticed that in children who were prescribed in the medicinal purposes eating raw meat, often found tape worms. Explain why?

    Sometimes the guys eat sorrel with raw meadows, wild onions or just chew grass. Explain why it is impossible to do this?

Moving to perform tasks by the type "Round Worms"

Task 6.

Biological lotto (questions and answers).If everything is done correctly, on the reverse side it turns out a picture

Slide 9.

Class name round worms?

Layer of grainy epithelial cells that occur under dense cuticle?

What is surrounded by the oral hole in round worms?

Touch and smell of round worms?

Hole at the rear end of the body of round worms?

Slide 10.




Human Askarida

Anal hole

Task 7.

"Silent drawing"

On the board shows various representatives of round worms. Your task is to determine who is who?

Slide 11.


Askaridamorsk Nematode (Station) Oxtra

Slide 12.


Slide 13.

Ch. Darwin

Task 8.

Slide 14.

"Who is who?"

All commands must determine who is who and write answers on a sheet of paper.

Action - 1. (Characters Classified)

Rings phone. Tube Removes the handset.

Peskodnod. Hello! Hello! Poorly audible! Is it a quiet? Quiet? Who is on the wire?

Tube. Hello! Who says? Murmansk? Barencevo sea? On the wire of Limanodrilnevsky.

Pesked. Hello, relative is ring! Well, how are you doing, so-timing, all filter?

Tube. Filter quiet, and what can you do? The people of the river are getting clogged, someone needs to be cleaned. Well, how are you doing with housing?

Pesked. Yes, now normal. Although the trouble, of course it was ... and the place should be chosen free, but not naked sand, but with a sludge. And to get rid of competitors - he strives for your territory to climb. Yes, and put the jobs, until the new Noura dig up - wow! We need it to be sure to with two outlets, but inside the fortified, and one outlet of the sand is covered for disguise.

Tube. Yes, I have it easier with this. He fell off his head in Il, the back end outwarded to be what was breathing, - and live, clean the water.

Pesked. How did this head buried? And breathe what?

Tube. Well, I have blood like people - with hemoglobin, red, so I will live in dirty water, but breathing, like most worms - the entire surface of the body, i.e. The rear part, which rises over the soil. That's just because of this alone trouble ...

Pesked. What is?

Tube. You imagine who is not too lazy, everything is cling to this end, but I would just have bit off (I'll grow again again), you still strive to pull me out of the mink. And if the fisherman or an aquarist will notice us, so it will certainly be accessed with a caccker and let us get out of the soil, fish for lunch.

Pesked. And they served me. All the time you need to be alert. Slightly shake, the tip of the body from the mink will show - immediately draw off. Well at least regenerating again, the hour be cooled and let's recover again.

Tube. Yes, this miracle, Nature offended us.

Pesked. Yes, I want to ask you for goodbye: why have you called that? Well, I am understandable. And you?

Tube. Yes, everything is because of the end of it, which is sticking out. I need to protect it something? Well, I strengthen - durable becomes like a tube. Listen, relative. Well, what called. It's about me.

Pesked. What?

Tube. Yes, I missed me that our life is fresh, I want to come to visit you. Can?

Pesked. Yes, what are you, where? Where will you live - then you will be? I explained everything to you about my hole, she is, like all of us, single. We are in the Barents Sea and so you know how many on every square meter there! Each centimeter on the account. And here you are going to fall on my head. And do not think!

Tube. (sad) so it is impossible? I need a little place very little. Okay. Call if that.

Action - 2.

Leech (unleashed). Hi, boyfriend. Who are you?

Tube. I am Limonodil Nevsky.

Leech(Looking at). Also a worm, or what?

Tube. Exactly so-s, ring.

I live about years six years

In calm quiet reservoirs

Eyes, suckers, all with me

And the service serve me quite.

(But the most important thing is the jaw. The following three pairs!)

Tube. About the monument is too.

Leech (dismissively). Think, I ask much? Nothing like this! And who saved people over the centuries from increased pressure? From thrombov? Yes, you never know what? Until now, I study me! You will believe, other times for two years it does not happen a single drop of blood in the mouth.

Tube. So dying for a long time.

Leech. Nothing we are familiar. But if I dinner, with just so much blood can drink that you can not eat any year.

Tube. Like this?

Leech. And so. Blood in my stomach can be kept for a long time, the bacteria live there. And also, the people noticed that the blood after my bite was long from the wound follows, not coating. They became interested in this and found me in saliva, the girudine was called, in honor of me, it means. So, it turned out that the substance it helps people thrombosis to treat, so the disease is called when blood is too much coagulated and a person may even die from the blockage of the vessels. And here we come to the rescue.

Tube. Yes, what you, it turns out, celebrity!

Leech. Of course! Okay, I was delayed with you. I swam further.

Task 9.

"The worm lived in the world" ...

The teacher reads the poem. It is necessary to determine what kind of ringed worm is in question in this poem and argue your answer.

Slide 15.

Lived in the light of the worm,

He was scary alone,

All year round one wandered

Only once a year was fed ...

Worm - Swamp removed,

Despite the growing small.

The color was able to change more than once -

For protection, without embellishment.

No bristles for moving,

Only the victims have no salvation -

There are suckers, a girudine.

Who is he, this Mr.

Slide 16.

    They live in silence underground,

Quietly moving, rustle.

Eating foliage, opDADBops,

She swallows slowly.

They are brown

Blood chase several "hearts".

Their body consists of many

Cracked rings.

All that eat will soon become

Feature future colors.

They are friends for harvest

And feed and birds, and cloths.

They are loved by fish and chickens,

They are glad to gardener, fisherman,

Well, tell me, guys who became

Hero this poems?

Slide 17.

3. On the bottom of the seas, where there is a lot,

Bringing into the ground, friends live.

Their body is a long little

North sits, up - "Pipe"

Labor years of life

"Pillows" are red at the bottom.

In the blood, the oxygen carrier -

Hemoglobin, as in you.

They swallow or natural

Saving water from the crown.

Tell me, experts, nature,

What kind of useful "friends"?

Task 10.

Slide 18.

Who hid ...?

Slide 19.

Before you rectangle. Your task is to find in it the names of various representatives of worms (on an interactive blackboard).

    planaaria (type of flat worms, classified class),

    chain (Type Flat Worms, Class Belt or Cestodies),

    askarida (type round wormship, ematode class),

    ostrian (type round worms, ematode class),

    peskadodil (type of ring worms, class of maltyroid),

    tubener (type of ring worms, class of minority),

    polypiece (type of flat worms, classroom class).

    remove (type flat worms, class tape),

    leech (type of ring worms, class of maltyroid),

    nereis (type of ring worms, multiscount class).

Task 11.

Test on the topic "Flat, round and ring worms" (in each task only 1 answer is correct):

Slide 20.

1. Bilateral body symmetry has:

A) Medusa
B) Actinia
C) white plane
D) hydra.

Slide 21.

2. The digestive system at the planaria form:

A) thin branched tubules
B) seeds and ovaries
C) nervous trunks
D) mouth, throat, intestines.

Slide 22.

3. Planaria - hermaphrodder, because

A) One individual forms female and men's sexes
B) one individual is female, and in the other - men's germ cells
C) it does not multiply in sexual path
D) It breeds vegetatively.

Slide 23.

A) Split body
B) suckers
C) developed digestive system
D) developed senses.

Slide 24.

A) rainworm
B) bullish chain
C) liver lodder
D) human ascaris.

Slide 25.

6. All round worms:

A) elongated cylindrical body
B) flexible body
C) body cavity is filled with liquid
D) There is no digestive system.

Slide 26.

7. All round worms:

Slide 27.

A) need to follow personal hygiene rules
B) it is impossible to work with the earth
C) you can not drink boiled water
D) you need to eat less vegetables and fruits.

Slide 28.

9. Ring worms include:

A) White Planaria
B) rainworm
C) Ascarida
D) bovine chain

Slide 29.

10. The mucus covering the body of the rainworm:

A) contributes to the absorption of the NPT. Substances
B) protects the worm of predators
C) facilitates movement in soil
D) allows you to curb the body.

Slide 30.

11. The circulatory worm system provides:

A) removal of harmful substances
B) digestion
C) the transfer of oxygen and nutrients
D) relationship with environmental

Slide 31.

12. The rainwill breeds:

A) laying eggs
B) disputes
C) Killing
D) vegetatively.

Slide 31.

13. The role of rainwood in soil formation is that they

A) dissolve rocks
B) vegetable residues are crushed, mix the soil
C) Mineral salts are absorbed from the soil
D) compact the soil.

Task 12.

Restore the correct order of letters so that the name of the animal (worm) is.

Solid anagrams (work with class).

Slide 33.

    a) EZ amber

  • c) Adirpopii

    d) ingruid

    d) Ogstgna

    e) Archpenmy

Answers: Mesoderma, overall, parapody, girudine, segments, parenchyma.

Task 13.

Exclude extra ...

Working with a class of systematics of worms (by groups)

Now the name of representatives of various types of worms will appear on the board. Your task is to determine which of the listed animals is superfluous and why, i.e. To say, what type of worm attracts you? We will work in groups. If the group does not know the answer to the question, the move goes to another group.

Task for group №1

Slide 34.

    White Planaria


    Hepatic Slashchik

    Bull chain

    Pork chain

Task for group number 2

Slide 35.


    Cat busty




Task for group number 3

Slide 36.





Task 14.

Slide 37.

"I believe - I do not believe"

At this stage, you must show your knowledge about the general signs of ringeled worms. I read sentences that are simultaneously reflected on the computer monitor, you must consult in the group and decide, you can or cannot believe one or another judgment.

    Ring worms have a skin-muscular bag. (Yes).

    All ringed worms live in the soil. (Not).

    Options for the allocation of ringed worms - metanefridia. (Yes).

    All ringed worms -Germanifrodites. (Not).

    Nervous system of ring-type ringed worms. (Yes).

    The ring worms have a circulatory system. (Yes).

    Most of the ringed worms breathe through the entire surface of the body, but some on parapodies have special skin grows - gills. (Yes).

    For ringed worms, regeneration is characteristic. (Yes).

Task 15.

Slide 38.

Talk about the role of rainworms in the nature and life of a person.

The role of rainwood in nature:

    Credit substances in nature,

    Form the humus - humus (organic part of the soil rich in nutrients) - "bread" for plants (98% of soil nitrogen, 60% phosphorus, 80% of potassium, etc. Mineral elements for plant growth),

    Link in the power chain,

    Form soil drainage,

    Disinfect the soil

    Loose soil

    Create soil ventilation,

    Prepare land for plant growth.

Slide 39.

The role of rainworms in a person's life:

1. Humus (organic) fertilizer.

2. Bav (biologically active substances - essential amino acids, enzymes, vitamins) are used in:





        biotechnological industries.

3. Food for fish, pets.

4. Belk flour, canned food.

5. Processing of manure, waste.

6. Study of regeneration processes.

Task 16.

Competition "Erudites"

To solve a task:

Slide 40.

Task number 1.

An important food product is meat, however use it only after special culinary processing. Why is such a processing of meat necessary?

Slide 41.

Task number 2.

Scientists have established that there is a link between the number of certain types of mollusks in water bodies, near pastures and wicked diseases of grazing cattle.

Explain this dependence.

Slide 42.

Task number 3.

The rain worms live in minks, which they dig in a wet soil, in the dry soil they are wooped into the ball.

What is the meaning in the life of rainwoods is the phenomenon?

Answer: (The formation of a tangle from rainworms in dry soil has a protective value; while the moisture of their skin is preserved, supporting the humidity of the skin is necessary for rainwood, because they breathe through the surface of only wet skin).

Task 17.

Advancement "Building and Life Crafts"

Instead of points, select the appropriate words, i.e., add approval.

Slide 43.

    Planaria's body is covered outside ...

    Salers held inside liver ducts with ...

    The body of ribbon worms consists of a large number ...

    Musculature of cilia worms is formed by ring longitudinal and ... layers of muscles.

    Chain feed on the finished digested owner of food, sucking it through ...

    The intestine of large worms begins the mouth of the hole and ends ...

    The nervous system of flat worms consists of a head node, nerve branches and ...

    Sperm worms develop in ...

    Eggs worms develop in ...

    Organisms in which adult worms live, call ...

    When the rainworm is moved in the soil, there are great importance ...

    The blood flow through the blood vessels of ringed worms is due to reduction and relaxation ...

    The nervous system of ringed worms consists of an octopic nervous ring and ...

The task is checked by the whole class. Representatives of each group are in turn pronounced completed suggestions.

Task 18.

"Issue a passport"

A draw is carried out. Three fabrics: flat worms, round worms, collected worms. In accordance with the draw command, the task of "whose feature" is set (you must select only those that characterize these worms) from the list.

Sheet with the task "Whose sign"

    Bilateral symmetry

    Skin - muscular bag



    Circulatory system


    Star Cells with Cilia

    Respiratory system

    Secondary cavity

    Anal hole

  1. Segments

    Nervous chain

    Occonditioning nervous ring

    Ring muscles

    Longitudinal muscles

Answer: Flat Worms: 1,2,3,4,5,7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 18

Round worms: 1,2,3,4,5,7, 12, 13, 17

Ring Worms: 1,2,3,4,5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18

Slide 44.

And as a result, listen to the poem.