Plants Animal Mushrooms Bacteria are related. Lecture: signs of living organisms

The main characteristics of living: self-renewal, self-reproduction and self-regulation.

They define I. the main properties of living:

1) materiality;

2) Structure - living organisms have a complex structure;

3) metabolism - living organisms get energy from the environment and use it to maintain their high orderliness;

4) movement;

5) heredity and variability - living organisms not only change, but also complicated; and also able to transmit the descendants the information they laid in them necessary for life, development and reproduction;

6) Reproduction - all living breeds breeding;

7) irritability - the ability to react to external irritation;

8) onto- and phylogenesis;

9) discreteness;

10) integrity.

Summarizing and somewhat simplifying said about the specifics of the living, we can say that all living organisms feed on, breathe, grow, multiply and spread in nature, and non-residential bodies do not feed, do not breathe, do not grow and do not multiply.

The kingdom of viruses.

Them features : minor sizes; lack of cellular structure; plain chemical composition; The impossibility of existence outside the host body.

The form viruses: Rolling-shaped, filamentine, spherical, cuboid, male-shaped.

Mature Virus Particles - virions - Consist of two main components: DNA or RNA and protein.

Viruses are pathogens of many diseases of plants and animals. In past centuries, viral infections wore the character of epidemics, capturing huge territories.

For example, in Europe, the OSP fell out of 10-12 million and died 1.5 million people. Especially it should be noted Cor. To date, more than 2 million children die from Corey every year.

Viral diseases cause tremendous damage agriculture. For animals, the eyes is very dangerous. Appearance The most likely a hypothesis, interpretative viruses as a result of degradation of cellular organisms. There is another opinion that viruses can be considered as groups of genes that have come out from under control of the cell genome.

The kingdom of bacteria .

Age The most ancient bacteria has at least 3-3.5 billion years. Many bacteria, according to scientists, appeared relatively recently. They stand out from the ice of the Arctic and Antarctica ice, penetrate the oil wells, live in hot springs, the temperature of which reaches 92 ° C, inhabitually inhabit all types of soils and reservoirs, rose with air flows at a height of 85 km.

Bacteria translated from Greek means wand. Bacteria were opened by Dutch A. Levenguk in 1675, but only Louis Paster. For the first time, showed the role of bacteria in the process of fermentation and other transformations of substances in nature. Bacteria has 5,000 species.

Features of their structure:

§ Small sizes (0.0001 mm);

§ Typical prokaryotic cell, there are no separable kernel, mitochondria, plastists, a golgi complex, nucleolo, chromosome, etc.;

§ a special structure and composition of membrane structures and cell walls;

§ The cell form can be spherical, ropust and convolutions.

Among the bacteria by the source of the energy used are allocated Phototrofs and chemotrofas.

Photosynthetic bacteria for synthesis organic substances Use light energy. Chemosynthetic bacteria are used for the synthesis of organic substances the energy that is emitted during the oxidation of any inorganic substances of the environment.

Autotrophic - capable of synthesize from inorganic connections Organic substances of their body.

Heterotrophic - not capable of synthesize organic substances from inorganic, so they need to enter ready-made organic substances from outside food.

Saprofites are bacteria that are in the dead, the remains of plants and animals.

The kingdom of mushrooms.

The kingdom of mushrooms has 100,000 species, a variety of structure and lifestyle. Mushrooms - This is a separate group of cell nuclear heterotrophic organisms that are similar to both animals and plants.

Signs of similarity of animal mushrooms: the nature of the metabolism associated with the formation of urea; heterotrophic type of food; content in the wall of chitin cells; spare product french product - glycogen.

Signs of the similarity of mushrooms with plants: powered by suction; Unlimited growth; the presence of cell wall cells; reproduction with disputes.

The structure of mushrooms

The body of the fungus consists of special intertwing threads - gif (mushroom). Hat mushroom consists of a mushroom and fruit body. And the fruit part is from a hat and hemp.

A characteristic feature of mushrooms is their heterotrophility : Some mushrooms settle on the dead remains of plants and animals; Some are powered by living beings; Some come into symbiosis with plants.

We breed mushrooms are intimate and sexually. Dust reproduction It is carried out vegetative and disputes. Forms of sexual reproduction in mushrooms are diverse and they are divided into three groups: Gametogamia, gamentagoamia, somatogamia.

The role of mushrooms. Mushrooms are the main group of reasons in ecosystems. They are involved in the soil formation, the role of the Sanitars serve as food and medicine for animals.

Currently, more than 2.5 million species of living organisms are described on Earth. However, the real number of species on Earth is several times more, as many types of microorganisms, insects, etc. are not taken into account. In addition, it is believed that modern species composition is only about 5% of the species diversity of life for its existence on earth.
To streamline such a variety of living organisms, systematics, classification and taxonomy are served.

Systematics - section of biology involved in the description, designation and classification of existing and extincting organisms on a taxon.
Classification - Distribution of the whole set of living organisms according to a certain system of hierarchically coinled groups - taxa.
Taxonomy - Systematics section developing theoretical basis Classification. A taxon - a man-made group of organisms associated with a particular degree of kinship, and at the same time, sufficiently separated so that it can be assigned a certain taxonomic category of a particular rank.

In modern classification, there is the following taxon hierarchy:

  • kingdom;
  • department (type in animal systematics);
  • class;
  • order (detachment in animal systematics);
  • family;

In addition, intermediate taxas are distinguished: over- and harvesting, over- and submissions, over- and subclasses, etc.

Systematics of living organisms is constantly changing and updated. Currently, it has the following form:

  • Non-pulmonary forms
    • The kingdom of viruses
  • Cellular forms
    • Procariota talent (Procariota):
      • the kingdom of bacteria ( Bacteria, Bacteriobionta.),
      • the kingdom of archebacteria ( Archaebacteria, Archaebacteriobionta.),
      • kingdom prokaryotic algae
        • department of blue-green algae, or cyania ( Cyanobionta.);
    • Eukarota's tental (Eycariota)
      • kingdom of Plants ( Vegetabilia, Phitobiota or Plantae):
        • bugger's fabrication ( Rhodobionta.);
        • faceproof real algae ( Phycobionta.);
        • faceproof Higher Plants ( Embryobionta.);
      • the kingdom of mushrooms ( Fungi, MyCobionta, Mycetalia or Mycota):
        • facement lower mushrooms (single-cell) ( MyXobionta.);
        • faceproof Higher mushrooms (multicellular) ( MyCobionta.);
      • kingdom animals ( Animalia, Zoobionta.)
        • fitness simplest, or single-celled ( Protozoa, Protozoobionta.);
        • multicolot fabrication ( Metazoa, Metazoobionta.).

A number of scientists allocate in the tentance of prokaryotes one kingdom of a shotgun, which includes three facilities: bacteria, archaebacteria and cyanobacteria.

Viruses, bacteria, mushrooms, lichens

The kingdom of viruses

Viruses exist in two forms: resting (extracellular) when their properties as living systems do not appear, and intracellularWhen breeding viruses is carried out. Simple viruses (for example, a tobacco mosaic virus) consist of a molecule nucleic acid and protein shell - capside.

Some more complex viruses (influenza, herpes, etc.), in addition to capsid and nucleic acid proteins, may contain a lipoprotein membrane, carbohydrates and a number of enzymes. Proteins protect nucleic acid and determine the enzymatic and antigenic properties of viruses. The shape of the capside may be a sticky, thread-shaped, spherical, etc.

Depending on the nucleic acid present in the virus, RNA-containing and DNA-containing viruses is distinguished. Nucleic acid contains genetic informationUsually the structure of the protein capsid. It can be a linear or ring-shaped, in the form of single or two-chain DNA, single or double-chain RNA.

A virus that causes a disease AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is striking blood cells that ensure the immune system of the body. As a result, a sick AIDS may die from any infection. AIDS viruses can penetrate the human body during sexual intercourse during injection or operations in non-compliance with sterilization conditions. The prevention of AIDS is to avoid random sexual bonds, the use of condoms, the use of disposable syringes.


All prokaryotes belong to one kingdom of the shotgun. It consists of bacteria and blue-green algae.

Building and vital activity of bacteria.

The prokaryotic cells do not have the kernel, the area of \u200b\u200bthe DNA location in the cytoplasm is called a nucleoid, the only DNA molecule is closed into the ring and is not associated with proteins, the cells are less than eukaryotic, in the cell wall included glycopeptide - Murein, the mucosa layer is located on top of the cell wall. protective function, there are no membrane organoids (chloroplasts, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgji complex), their functions are filled with plasma membrane (mesosomes), small ribosomes, microtubulesis are missing, therefore the cytoplasm is still, there is no centrole and spine seed, cilia and flagellas have a special structure. Cell division is carried out by means (mitosis and meiosis no). This is preceded by DNA replication, then two copies are diverged, fascinated by the growing cell membrane.

Three groups of bacteria are distinguished: archaebacteria, eubacteria and cyanobacteria.

Archaebatic - Ancient bacteria (methane-forming, etc., about 40 species are known). There are common features of the prokaryotic structure, but significantly differ in a number of physiological and biochemical properties from eubacteria. Eubacteria - True bacteria, a later form in evolutionarity. Cyanobacteria (Cyania, Sine-Green Algae) - Phototrophic prokaryotic organisms that carry out photosynthesis are similar to higher plants and algae with the release of molecular oxygen.

The cell form distinguishes the following groups of bacteria: spherical - cockki, chopped - bacilli., arcuate curved - vibrihions, spiral - spirilla and spirochetes. Many bacteria are capable of independent movement due to flagellations or due to the reduction of cells. Bacteria - single-celled organisms. Some are capable of forming colonies, but the cells in them exist independently of each other.

In unfavorable conditions, some bacteria are capable of forming disputes due to the formation of a dense shell around the DNA molecule with a section of the cytoplasm. Spores of bacteria are not for reproduction, like plants and mushrooms, but to protect the body from the effects of unfavorable conditions (drought, heating, etc.).

In relation to oxygen, the bacteria is divided into airbones (necessarily needing oxygen) anaerobov (dying in the presence of oxygen) and optional forms.

By the method of nutrition, bacteria are divided into avtotrophny (Carbon dioxide is used as a carbon source) and heterotrophic (Use organic substances). Avtotrophny, in turn, are divided into phototrofs (use sunlight energy) and chemotrofov (Use the energy of oxidation of inorganic substances). Related to phototrobes cianobacteria. (blue-green algae), which carry out photosynthesis, like plants, with oxygen release, and green and purple bacteriawhich are carried out photosynthesis without the release of oxygen. Chemotrofas oxidize inorganic substances ( nitrifying bacteria, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, barrels, serobacteria, etc.).

Reproduction of bacteria.

Bacteria multiply can be perfect - cell division (prokaryott mitosis and meiosis no) with the help of a breathtoles or partitions, less than killing. These processes are preceded by doubling the DNA annular molecule.

In addition, the bacteria is characterized by a sexual process - conjugation. When conjugation on a special channel formed between two cells, the DNA fragment of one cell is transmitted by another cell, that is, changes hereditary informationcontained in DNA of both cells. Since the number of bacteria does not increase, for correctness, the concept of "sexual process" is used, but not "sexual reproduction".

The role of bacteria in nature and value for humans

Due to very diverse metabolism, bacteria can exist in the most different conditions of the medium: in water, air, soil, living organisms. The role of bacteria in the formation of oil, stone coal, peat, natural GasIn soil formation, in the cyphans of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and other elements in nature. Saprotrophic bacteriaparticipate in the decomposition of organic remains of plants and animals and in their mineralization to CO 2, H 2 O, H 2 S, NH 3 and other inorganic substances. Together with the mushrooms, they are Rindunts. Nijberry bacteria (nitrogen-fixing) form symbiosis with bean plants and participate in fixation atmospheric nitrogen Mineral compounds available to plants. The plants themselves do not possess such ability.

A person uses bacteria in microbiological synthesis, in sewage treatment plants, to obtain a range of drugs (streptomycin), in everyday life and food Industry (Receipt equal milk products, winemaking).

The kingdom of mushrooms

General characteristic of mushrooms. Mushrooms are distinguished into a special kingdom, numbering about 100 thousand species.

Differences of mushrooms from plants:

  • heterotrophic power method
  • glycogen spare nutrient
  • presence in chitin cell walls

Differences of animal mushrooms:

  • unlimited growth
  • picking food by suction
  • reproduction with dispute
  • the presence of a cell wall
  • no ability to actively move
  • The structure of mushrooms is diverse - from unicellular forms to complex devoted hats


The structure of lichens. Lichens numbered more than 20 thousand species. These are symbiotic organisms formed by the mushroom and algae. At the same time, lichens are a morphologically and physiologically integral organism. The lichen body consists of intertwined gif fungus, between which algae (green or blue-green) are located. The algae is carried out by the synthesis of organic substances, and the mushrooms absorb water and mineral salts. Depending on the body structure ( layers ) Three groups of lichens distinguish: scale , or corkoe (the layer has the type of bending or crusts, firmly struggling with the substrate); listoid (in the form of plates attached to the substrate with bunches of GIF); bushish (in the form of trunks or tapes, usually branched and fascinating with the substrate only the base). The growth of lichens is carried out extremely slowly - just a few millimeters per year.

Reproduction of lichen It is carried out either by sex (at the expense of the mushroom component), either with a flexible (the formation of the dispute or bowing of pieces of layers).
The value of lichens. Thanks to its "dual" nature, lichens are very hardy. This is due to the possibility of both autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition, as well as the ability to fall into an anabiosis state at which the body is strongly dehydrated. In such a state, lichens can carry the effect of various adverse environmental factors (strong overheating or supercooling, almost complete lack of moisture, etc.). Biological features allow lichens to settle the most unfavorable habitats. They are often pioneers settling of one or another land plot, destroy rock rocks and form a primary soil layer, which then master other organisms.
At the same time, lichens are very sensitive to pollution of the medium in various chemicalswhat allows you to use them as bioindicators Environmental states.
Lichanices are used to obtain medicines, lactium, tanning and coloring substances. Yagel (deer moss) is the main feed for reindeer. Some people use lichens in food. Since the growth of lichens is very slow, measures are needed for its protection: regulation of grazing deer, ordered movement of motor vehicles, etc.

The kingdom of fungi and bacteria are the most ancient on earth. These organisms are relatively simply arranged. Groups are multifaceted and include a wide variety of representatives. There is a lot of common between mushrooms and bacteria, but there are so obvious differences that scientists attributed these organisms to various kingdoms.

Mushrooms belong to one of the numerous and prosperous groups of lower organisms, which are found in all geographical zones. In nature, up to hundreds of thousands of mushroom species in nature: from the smallest unicellular (yeast) to very large (drums). They adapted to a variety of living conditions: in the forests, in the fields, in the soil, in water, on the walls of housing, as well as in the organisms of other animals and plants, both alive and the dead. For existence, mushrooms require certain conditions: moisture and heat (20-25 degrees). The age of the most ancient mineral disputes of mushrooms - 170-190 million years.

Mushrooms breed three ways:

a) vegetative (slices of mycelium);

b) sexual (by means of dispute);

c) sexual (male and female gates).

In the kingdom of fungi, the lower, in which the body is represented by one cell, and higher, having multicellular myceliums.

Also mushrooms are divided by food types on:

b) mold;

c) hats.

The most ancient organisms of the planet, living already more than 2 billion years old, are bacteria with about 2500 species. They can be found everywhere in everywhere, as well as at a depth of 7 km in the land and the ocean, at an altitude of up to 40 km, at a temperature of about 90 degrees. All microscopic bacteria largest. Have cellular structure, consist of one, or from several cells in the form of cluster or chains. The largest bacterium - Epulopiscium, has dimensions up to 0.5 mm. Bacteria cells do not have a nucleus, they multiply with an affordable way - a simple division with the doubling of the genome. According to the method of respiration, the bacteria is divided into aerobic (organic substances are oxidized with the participation of oxygen and with the release of carbon dioxide, chemical energy and water) and anaerobic (instead of breathing, the fermentation process occurs without the participation of oxygen with energy output). Aerobic bacteria live on the surface of the soil cover, in the atmosphere and in the upper water layers, the anaerobic bacteria live without oxygen.
Most of the bacteria does not contain chlorophyll, they feed on heterotrophino using organic and inorganic substances and sunlight For energy. There are also autotrophic bacteria that can live exclusively in an inorganic environment.

Billions of years there is a life on earth. At first it was the simplest organisms that consisted of a single cell. Over time, their structure has become more difficult, multicellular organisms appeared. In the process of evolution, the diversity of life forms has become huge. In order to somehow systematize them when studying them, scientists are grouping inhabitants of wildlife in similar signs.

Wildlife, non-fat - what is the difference?

Objects of inanimate and wildlife have a general quality - they have the same chemical elements. But this similarity ends, because only living beings possess the following properties:

  1. All of them (except for viruses) consist of cells.
  2. To live, they need to receive energy from the outside. Plants capture it from the Sun, and then used for the synthesis of organic substances. Herbivore animals eat plants and this way also get energy and everything they need for existence. And many of them themselves become food for predators.
  3. Living organisms can not do without metabolism with environmental - They must breathe and eat, get rid of products of their livelihoods.
  4. Everything is growing and gaining new qualities, Reacts to changes in external conditions and reproduces organisms like themselves (that is, it is multiplied).

Wildlife include absolutely all living organisms living on Earth.

Why do the nature divide the kingdoms

Since antiquity, scientists believed that the organic world should be divided into plants and animals. Science development has shown that such a grouping does not reflect the full picture of the picture.

In the twentieth century, a new concept was introduced - the kingdom, and from this system of accounting of millions of living beings became more convenient and detailed. According to the modern classification, bacteria, mushrooms, plants and animals form separate kingdoms.

Kingdom bacteria

Almost 10 thousand species are known these microorganisms, but no one cannot see any of them without a microscope. Bacteria have the shape of flavors, sticks or balls and live everywhere. - in water, in the air, in the ground and in other living organisms. They are useful and harmful. May, for example, to protect human health, turn milk into kefir, to dwell the cabbage or lift the dough. And they can bring a disease, call poisoning.

To date, about ten thousand species of bacteria are described, but there are more than a million above.

In order to meet less in everyday life with harmful bacteria, it is necessary to comply with the rules of hygiene, processing products and cooking.

The kingdom of mushrooms

And these living organisms are about one hundred thousand species. Many properties of mushrooms are unique - For example, reproduction in three ways or the presence of substances in them from which medicines and vitamins do. But they have and signs characteristic of the inhabitants of other kingdoms. The presence of cell walls, immobility, and the top growth relates mushrooms with plants. With animals they are similar to the type of metabolism.

The kingdom of plants

Plants differ from other living creatures to photosynthesis. It means that inorganic substance They turn into an organic. Nature made plants by the main source of food and energy for all the inhabitants of the Earth.

Representatives of this kingdom are divided into:

  • lower plants (various algae), which have not been expressed by such organs as leaves, stems and roots;
  • higher (mosses, ferns, coated).

Ferns differ greatly in size, life forms, life cycles, features of the structure.

Further classification takes into account the features of these living organisms, and there are about 350 thousand species on the planet.

The kingdom of animals

It is the most numerous - in it inhabit almost 2 million species of animals, including a person! With plants, they are related to the need for metabolism and cellular structure. And the main differences are the use of ready-made organic compounds and the ability to move independently.

The classification of such a quantity of species is very complex, and it begins with the separation of animals on unicellular and multicellular.

Man - King of Nature?

In sideways life cycle a person is subject to natural laws, like all other living organisms. From the point of view of biology, it does not fully reign in nature, although it stands on the uppermost stage of evolution. That is, a person is the highest creature on earth. That is why it is responsible for the well-being of our live planet.

Why should I guard nature

This report will be incomplete, if not to say that human activity can harm nature. Interests in people everywhere - on earth and underground, in air and water. They cut forests and change the river beds, fish and hunt, get minerals and build cities.

There are a lot of places that suffered from human activity, and nature cannot fill what they were destroyed. Many animals and plants hit the Red Book, Since it was on the verge of extinction.

Nature has for us both material and spiritual meaning.

In Russia and other countries adopted laws on environmental protection. But B. everyday life A person can take care of nature, for example, not to litter in the forest, plant young trees or feed birds in winter.

It should be remembered that we have one planet, and many more generations of living beings will live on it.

The kingdom of animals.

The main difference between the animal organism from plant is that there are no chloroplasts in animal cells and there is no chlorophyll.
However, most animals and plant organisms have similar, i.e. The same processes of vital activity. For example, the process of breathing. Almost all living organisms breathe oxygen, highlighting carbon dioxide gas. An exception is some organisms, among which a large group of anaerobic bacteria.
At the same time, the energy required for the existence of the body is distinguished. Actually, for all the living, the metabolism is characterized. Something is obtained, and something throws out out
The body in the process of breathing (carbon dioxide, water pair, etc.), digestion (feces), sweat, urine is released. These substances are spent, not needed by the body. In other words, the metabolism occurs.

The metabolism is the main property of all living on Earth.
Oxygen, oxygen organisms life gives -
In each cell, oxidation is performed with us -
As if in the Pechka, the burning of substances boil, burly.
And the energy is highlighted from us
Therefore, we go, we write and read, and all hear.
After all, the metabolism, of course, the property is important for us,
Therefore, we live and breathe every moment and every hour.

Microorganisms. Varieties, environmental significance.
Microorganisms include very small organisms, which can be seen and consider only under a microscope:
1. Eukarotes are higher microorganisms (algae, fungi, simplest). In their cells there is differentiated, with a set of chromosomes, a core, degraded from the cytoplasm of a nuclear membrane. In the cytoplasm there is a developed endoplasmic network, as well as mitochondria and ribosomes.
2. Prokaryotes - lower microorganisms (blue-green unicellular algae. and bacteria). They have no differentiated kernel, DNA lies freely, immersed in the cytoplasm.
3. Viruses. Translated into Russian, the word virus means "poison". The classification of viruses is based on the type of nucleic acid (DNA - viruses and RNA - viruses), presence or absence external shells, as well as on the number of capsages in the capside and the type of laying (type of symmetry). Among them, a huge amount of viruses causing diseases in plants (tobacco mosaic disease), animals (mammalian axes) and humans. The latter includes adenoviruses (feverish diseases with the symptoms of respiratory tract.
Sine-green single-celled algae (group of procarnible cyanobacteria)
live mainly in water and have great importanceSince the oxygen is saturated in the process of its photosynthesis.
The cell diameter on average is 1micron, the length varies from 0.1 to 10 microns. Bacteria mastered a wide variety of habitats: they live in water, soil, dust, in the air, on the external covers of plants, animals, including a person, as well as within these organisms, causing often diseases. All bacteria are divided into 19 groups that are of great importance to humans. There are bacteria that cohabites with him helping him. To such, symbiontam, belongs, for example, an intestinal wand. It is a "mistress" of the thick division of the intestines (only a thick department, no more). But among bacteria there are also those that cause diseases and survivals, and in humans (eg, Siberian ulcer ...). Among the bacteria causing diseases in humans, you can call: spirochetes (syphilis), staphylococci, streptococci (pneumonia, sepsis), gonococci (gonorrhea), salmonela (abdominal title, parathy), Schigella (dysentery), mycobacteria (tuberculosis), Ricketsia ( Raw tit), chlamydia (trachoma) and others.
According to morphology (external structure), bacteria are divided into three main groups:
stick shaped (actual bacteria and bacillos);
ball-shaped (staphylococci, streptococci, micrococci, diplococci, gonococci,
Tetracocks, Sarcins);
Apologies (vibrines, spirillas, spirochetes, leptospira).

Bacteria also play an important role in soil fertility.
They and other microorganisms together with mushrooms decompose and mineralize metering vegetable and animals, turning them into substances available to feed plants (humus). Do not be soil bacteria, mushrooms (true renders), annually falling leaves, needles, animals remnants would have accumulated in huge quantities and prevent the resumption of the forest. And it also concerns water bodies.
This is the environmental importance of soil bacteria and other microorganisms. Their main function is the cleansing of our shared house with you.