What business to do to get rich. How to get rich in Russia

Money can buy not everything, but a lot. Millions of people dream of wealth that will allow them not to go to an unloved job every day and not deny themselves anything. Real estate and travel, a good education and medicine, luxury goods and the ability to lead any lifestyle without regard to finances - all this is available to rich people. Let's talk about how to get rich in Russia and how realistic it is for the average person.

First, let's define what wealth is. Dictionaries usually interpret this word as an abundance of material values ​​- money, property, real estate, etc. Different people have different needs and different ideas about wealth: for some, wealth is 1 million rubles, and for someone, even 1 million dollars is not enough to consider themselves rich. It is difficult to determine the exact amount of income or the size of a wealthy person's fortune, but there are guidelines:

  1. The presence of real estate - and not the only apartment purchased in installments for 20 years. Often rich people have more than one property, but many more. At the same time, they can live in rented housing;
  2. Personal car;
  3. Monthly income that far exceeds the cost of living;
  4. Passive sources of income. This point is especially important, because if the only (main) income is employment, which can be lost tomorrow, a person cannot be called financially free, let alone rich.

In theory, a dollar millionaire can live very modestly, rent an apartment and ride a taxi or even a tram. It is the presence of high passive income: whether it be rental income, dividends or something else, that gives financial independence and allows you to consider a person rich.

How to get rich for an ordinary person: the secrets of millionaires

If we are not talking about winning the lottery, millionaires do not happen by accident. Warren Buffett, Robert Kiyosaki, and other successful investors have focused on their success over the years. They knew they were going to be rich, and they knew what they needed to do. Financial success is a doable task for most people, not just geniuses or natural entrepreneurs.

Here are some simple tips for getting rich to an ordinary person.

  • Kill the poor thinking in yourself. The main thing that distinguishes a rich person from a poor person is not the amount of property and not the size of the bank account, but the peculiarities of thinking. A rich person can lose all his fortune and then get back on his feet, and a poor person will remain poor if he does not change his thinking.

Poor people do not like money and never really strive for it: they just need to be like everyone else. And even if it’s not enough, they don’t do anything to change the situation. Poor people don't have a clear financial plan and just go with the flow. They are slaves to their habits and often think too much about creating the right image, and not about making money. For example, buying an iPhone loan is an act of a person with a poor mindset.

Rich people have completely different priorities, habits, and a different value system. They do not prove anything to anyone, but they systematically go towards their goal, save money, invest and increase their capital. Remember, it all starts in your head. Track your habits and beliefs and change them if they get in the way of your path to wealth.

  • Upgrade your financial literacy... This is not taught in schools and colleges, but the ability to control your financial flows is invaluable if you want to become a rich person. Make your financial plan, keep track of income and expenses, try to earn more and spend less, and invest the surplus wisely.
  • Learn. Truly rich people do not only study at school and university - they study all their lives. Do not study for the sake of a diploma, grades, or for the pointless accumulation of knowledge - study for the sake of your future financial well-being, especially since now there are many ways to receive new information from anywhere the globe... Don't save time and money on training: these costs always pay off.
  • Develop flexible thinking. Flexibility is an essential quality in modern world... The methods of earning or increasing income that worked yesterday may not work today, and those that work today will not work tomorrow. We live in a rapidly changing world. To become rich and successful, you need to be able to quickly navigate and respond to situations.
  • Read biographies great people and surround yourself with such people. As you know, the king is made by the retinue, and the person is made by his entourage. Learn from the best, read biography books famous people- Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs and others. They will give you motivation to move on. And take a closer look at your surroundings: if you are surrounded by average people, your result is likely to be average too. Look for mentors, teachers, and try to get close to people with impressive accomplishments that inspire you.

Ways to Get Rich from Scratch: Kiyosaki's Cash Flow Quadrant

Contrary to popular belief, it is quite possible to get rich by legal means and without inheritance from a millionaire uncle. Let's look at the main ways to get rich from scratch

  • in hiring;
  • working for yourself;
  • in business;
  • in investing

These are four areas of activity; any person with their own income receives it from a permanent employer (work for hire), from many employers (freelance), from their own business or investments.

Renowned businessman and investor Robert Kiyosaki introduced the concept of the cash flow quadrant. In this quadrant, on the left, there are self-employment and self-employment, on the right, your own business and investment. Kiyosaki advises to act in right side quadrant, because this is where the greatest opportunities for capital accumulation are.

How to get rich in 2018 by working for hire

The overwhelming majority of people are employed, that is, they go to work, do their job duties and orders of the superiors and receives a salary. Some companies also practice the payment of quarterly or annual performance bonuses. To understand how employees can get rich in 2018, let's assess their income opportunities.

There are almost no really rich people among hired employees. Only top managers, heads of large companies and the highest paid specialists can be called relatively rich. Many more hired people live paycheck to paycheck and do not have significant savings. What should an employee do if he is not ready to quit his job, but wants more financially:

  • soberly assess the niche in which he works and his career / financial prospects. People often work in an area that they don't like, or in an area where there is no future. According to experts, many professions will die out in the next 20-30 years thanks to the automation of labor. Postmen, delivery men, librarians, translators, even lawyers and accountants can be hit. In many areas, only a small number of highly paid workers and a cheap labor force will remain. Think in advance what you will do in 20 years if your position is reduced, and if this does not happen - do you want to work in this specialty until retirement. Perhaps it's time to relearn.
  • take refresher courses or get a new education. A person usually chooses a profession at the age of 16-17, but at this age he cannot always do right choice for life. Now there are opportunities to retrain or study remotely in the best Russian and world universities. And the sooner you do it, the better. Better now to spend time or even lose in salary for the sake of training: in the future, these investments will pay off.
  • discuss career and salary prospects with superiors. Such a simple thought often does not occur to employees, but management loves initiative employees. If you are a valuable person, then sometimes it is enough just to tell the manager about the desire to earn more and ask what needs to be done for this. If you do not consider yourself a valuable person, re-read the previous paragraphs.
  • make a personal financial plan, save at least 10% of your income and invest that money. People with high income can spend up to a penny of their earnings, and people with an average salary can save and increase their savings. The amount of income is important, but it is even more important to set a financial goal, determine how to achieve it, and based on them, draw up a personal financial plan. If you earn 30,000 rubles and can regularly set aside 20% of this amount in order to invest at 30% per annum, in 10 years you will have 3 million rubles. But saving money in rubles can be unprofitable given inflation and a possible fall in the national currency: there are other ways to invest money today with a minimum investment of capital. We'll talk about them below.

Completing all of these points will not get you rich yet. But you can take important steps up the career ladder, soberly assess your prospects and consciously think about the future in order to lay the foundation for financial well-being today.

How to Become a Rich and Successful Freelancer

A freelancer differs from an employee in that he does not have one permanent employer. In fact, a freelancer also works for other people, completing their assignments for money, only freelance. This makes freelancers more flexible and more responsive to market demands. And flexibility is a necessary quality to become rich and successful.

If you can sit in the office for years in the same position, receiving - taking into account indexation - the same salary, freelancers periodically look for a new job, monitor vacancies, due to this, they are better guided by the needs of employers and the salary grid. Lacking the stability of an office worker, they are usually easier to retrain and more often master new / related professions.

The advice for a freelancer is the same as for an office worker. In freelancing, it is easier to step up the career ladder and increase income: here many people start with a small income and increase it several times in 1-2 years. But without a clear financial plan and investing some of the earnings, even successful freelancers with salaries well above the average office income won't make it on the road to wealth.

How you can get rich in business

Business belongs to the right side of the Kiyosaki money square. A successful business itself can make a person rich if it generates high cash flow. A businessman does not work for a salary, but he himself pays salaries to hired employees; his own income is limited only by business opportunities. This opens up great horizons for how you can get rich.

Ideal business organization scheme:

  • start and promotion, withdrawal to the break-even point;
  • business development;
  • automation of all business processes so that the business can work without the direct participation of the head;
  • investing part of the profits to increase income.

Not every startup becomes a successful business project: most turn out to be unprofitable and close in the first three years. A significant part - works with a small income, on the verge of profitability. Therefore, business should not be perceived as a magic pill: not everyone is given to be businessmen, not every project is destined to survive. But if you choose the right niche and properly set up your work, a business will lead to wealth much faster than a hired job or freelance.

How to get rich quick for an investor

Investing is the fastest path to wealth. Like a business, it sits on the right side of Kiyosaki's cash flow. The essence of investing is a competent investment of money so that they bring even more money without the direct participation of the investor. In other words, the investor makes the money work for himself. Unlike a business, investing is a passive or semi-passive way of earning income. See How To Get Rich Quick By Investing Money.

To earn 1 million dollars in 10 years, it is enough to invest 22,000 rubles every month at 48% per annum. Such profitability seems high against the background of the bank interest on the deposit of 4-5%, but it is quite possible to find instruments with a yield of 40-50% per annum.

Investor tips:

  1. Make a clear financial plan based on your financial expectations and follow it in all circumstances.
  2. Diversify your investments. Don't invest all your money in one facility or tool.
  3. Do not invest money that you need for life or for any emergency.
  4. Determine the acceptable level of risk. Typically, the higher the risk, the higher the potential return. Choose which is more important - profitability or reliability.
  5. Do not invest if you do not understand the principle of generating or distributing income.

Consider two easy ways get rich by investing.

How to get rich from scratch on cryptocurrencies

From 2009-2011, cryptocurrencies have shown frantic growth: their rate has increased millions of times. To understand how to become rich from scratch, just look at the bitcoin rate over the past nine years. Many who bought BTC for less than $ 1, held for several years and resold for $ 20,000 in December 2017, have already become millionaires.

Now the $ 1 bitcoin is a thing of the past, but in the long term, the growth potential remains. In addition to Bitcoin, there are hundreds of other cryptocurrencies - ether, ripple, monero, cardano, stellar, EOS, tron, z-cash, dash and others. There are also lesser-known non-top 25 coins that can also go off.

The simplest strategy for investing in cryptocurrencies is passive portfolio investment, when an investor buys 10-20 different cryptocurrencies and holds for 3-5 years. Several coins during this time can grow very strongly in price, others can grow moderately, but the overall portfolio return with this approach will be high, and the risks will be minimal.

In addition to portfolio investment, you can make money on cryptocurrency through mining (mining of cryptocurrencies at the expense of a powerful mining farm), trading (trading on a cryptocurrency exchange) or by participating in an ICO. ICO is a public offering of coins through which blockchain startups attract investment. This method of earning can provide maximum income: for example, during the Ethereum ICO in 2014, the Ethereum cryptocurrency cost only $ 0.2, in the first half of 2018 its price fluctuated between $ 400-600, and in December 2017 it exceeded $ 1,000. But ICO is a risky investment method, because not all projects are successful, and not all tokens grow in price.

If you want to know more about making money with cryptocurrencies, get the series free video lessons.

How to get rich from scratch: a tenement house in Russian

Another way to get rich quick is real estate. Apartment houses that existed in Russia back in the nineteenth century, and now bring investors a high cash flow with minimal investment of personal capital and clearly demonstrate how to get rich from scratch.

The apartment building strategy looks like this:

  1. A large house with an area of ​​100-500 sq. Is bought with a mortgage. meters. Great importance has the location of the house and transport accessibility to make it easy to rent out.
  2. The house is divided into studios. One house can make 8-25 studios with an area of ​​15-20 sq. meters. Each studio needs to be renovated and furnished with the necessary furniture and household appliances.
  3. Studios are rented for long or short term rent. The cost of renting a studio is approximately equal to the cost of renting a one-room apartment.

Many citizens of our country believe that in order to become rich, you need to have influential patrons or wealthy relatives. But if you look at it, people who have achieved great success and gained financial independence have achieved this thanks to their dedication and hard work. How to get rich from scratch in Russia, we will try to figure it out in this article.

Where does the path to wealth begin?

Not sure how to get rich in Russia? Everything is very simple. For example, you earned $ 500 in a month and only spent $ 300. Invest the rest of $ 200 in some kind of profitable business. Set aside $ 200 again next month. Thanks to this, you will be able to put together a small start-up capital that will help you create a source of passive income.

If a person makes a lot of money and spends it right away, he will never become rich. Therefore, try to reduce your expenses in order to be able to invest in the future. Each of us makes money as long as there is strength. To provide yourself with a comfortable old age, you need to create sources of passive income, because living on one pension is unrealistic.

But how can you get rich from scratch for those people who make a little money, and cutting back on expenses is almost impossible. In this case, you need to look for sources of additional income. Take any idea that comes to your mind and start implementing it. If you just sit at home and watch a video of how to get rich from scratch in Russia, your life will not change from this. Many people know how to make money, but unfortunately they do nothing to become rich. If you can't pick an idea on your own, seek advice from successful people. Surely they have in stock several options for earning money that cannot be realized due to their employment.

Own business

When a person begins to think about how you can get rich in our time, the easiest way is to do it yourself. But in order to launch a profitable promising business, you need to have decent capital. If you are starting literally from scratch, you will have to be patient, since you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on the development of the enterprise. You can also look for investors. Their role can be played by your acquaintances or friends who are looking for. But in this case, you will have to share the profit with them.


Such a business idea is considered the most difficult to implement, although many argue that this type of activity brings in millions of dollars in profit. If you have any knowledge that can be useful to people, create a video course or e-book... Such a project can be an excellent source of additional income and will lead you to wealth over time. In order to be successful, you need to be well versed in the chosen topic, otherwise people will not buy your informational material.

Stock trading

This is a traditional and, at the same time, the most popular way to get rich quickly in our country. If you make the right forecasts and correctly prioritize, you can profitably buy and sell securities and get a decent profit from this.

In this case, you do not need any supernatural abilities. It all depends on the events taking place in the world and the laws of the economy. But, if you want to successfully trade securities, you still need to get some knowledge. Therefore, before making a decision, you need to collect as much useful information about this investment instrument as possible.


If you have any Creative skills and think, try to turn your talent into a profession. Actors, screenwriters and other representatives of the "bohemia" are wealthy people who earn decent money with their work. This is the easiest way to make money from scratch in Ukraine or any other country. Listen to yourself, analyze your inclinations, develop them, and you will definitely succeed.

If you can't sing or write books, you can make money from your hobbies. Experts believe that the most profitable business can be built on your hobby. Let's try to figure it out. In order to do such a thing, you do not need industrial machines or a large amount of money to purchase raw materials. Offer consumers what surprises them. It can be confectionery, prepared according to unusual grandmother's recipes, or exclusive clothes made in a single copy.


If you have savings and want to increase your capital, take an interest. The most profitable option is new promising projects or innovative ideas of young specialists. Such craftsmen can be found in scientific institutes. Often, the authors of bold and profitable ideas do not have the opportunity to bring them to life, so many promising developments die on the vine.

In order for investment activity to bring good income, you need to develop your own strategy and regularly invest in various projects. Consult with experienced financiers and get down to business. A smart investment is a direct road to a wealthy life.


Real estate

Now let's talk about. If you have a decent start-up capital, you can get rich in real estate. Buy an apartment or house and rent it out. This type of investment will bring good passive income. In addition, you can buy damaged properties at a low price, tidy them up and sell them for much more.

Development patent

If you are well versed in technology, you can come up with some useful device, copyright it and make decent money on it. Sell ​​the drawings with explanations to interested parties, or create your own mechanism and offer it to a large company at a good price. This can be a product sorting device or a car cleaner. If you manage to implement several profitable interesting ideas, over time, you can become a wealthy person.


According to experts, tourism is one of the most highly profitable areas of activity. If you have never come across this area, at first you can try to work as a manager in a large travel company. Once you've gotten the hang of it, start your own agency. V recent times tourist tours to the countryside have become very popular. Start small and grow your business gradually. This road will lead you to great success.

Video: How to Get Rich? Video: How to Get Rich?

Many citizens of our country often think about how to get rich quickly from scratch in Russia. Psychologists say that in order to become rich, you must first of all develop new character traits in yourself. Here are some simple rules based on the experience of successful people. If you stick to them, your life will gradually change for the better.

Sooner or later, many begin to think about how to get rich from scratch in Russia. Everyone needs a financially secure life, but not everyone knows how to come to it. Especially in the case when there are no funds to start.

But before you do anything, you need to know what you want to achieve, whether you are ready for difficulties, new knowledge, diligence and loss.

The first steps

Before wondering how to get rich from scratch in Russia, it's worth asking yourself other questions. What do I want from life? How to come to this? What do I enjoy doing and what do I do best? As you know, it is better to make money in a business to which the soul lies.

It is worth developing an action plan in order to go towards the realization of desires with confident steps. After all, our brain must know why we need to do this or that action, what it will lead to. Otherwise, you will not have motivation, aspiration and understanding of what to do.

It's also worth working on your daily routine. You must be productive, take new steps every day to achieve material well-being.

Why do you need big money?

Motivation plays the biggest role in achieving success. You should really want to be rich, love money, be able to increase it, and not engage in consumption and waste it thoughtlessly.

There are many examples of how to get rich quickly from scratch in Russia, but they do not mean the status of a millionaire for the rest of your life. There are people who had a chance to change everything when they won the lottery, received an inheritance, or found a treasure. But many of them returned to their former material well-being in a short period of time. And all because they did not know how to use money. They just wasted them. They had a poor man's mindset. And, most likely, they did not have big goals in life, for which they should have earned and increased their income.

So think about your priorities, desires, goals, and motivation. They play a key role. Remember that acting is not enough, you need to think a lot, develop strategies and plans. Your goals should be worthy and push you to action, decisions, new heights. They should inspire you, raise you early in the morning and give you a good mood.

A clear plan of action

If you have decided on your desires and goals and are convinced that you really want to be financially secure, rich, then you have to do a fundamental thing. It is necessary to develop a clear, detailed plan for future actions. Each step must be thought out and guide you towards achieving your goals.

You need to plan things to be done, a daily routine that will contribute to the ability to keep up with everything, costs and income. It is necessary to act according to a prepared system, so the results will appear much faster.

You do not know what to do in order to earn decent money

It often happens that people have no idea how to get rich quickly from scratch in Russia. There are various ways in our time. And to follow them, you don't even need big funds to start.

We noted that it is best to try to make money on what you have a heart for. But if you do not know what to do, you have no interests, but you just have a desire to be financially secure, then you should find out how others make money and try to go their way.

Examples of successful people starting from scratch: Internet projects

Our topic is about how to get rich from scratch in Russia and not in another country. Therefore, our compatriots will be examples.

In Russia, Internet projects are developing rapidly. But we must admit that many ideas are borrowed from foreign geniuses. The Odnoklassniki.ru project is no exception, but it is an excellent example of how you can get rich from scratch in Russia. Its founder launched the site in 2006 and initially treated it as a hobby.

However, his hobby grew into a large social network, which made its creator one of the

Pavel Durov, one of the founders of the VKontakte website, is another example of how to get rich from scratch in Russia. His project also started in 2006 and has become the most popular social network on the Russian Internet. Together with his team, he managed to notice in time a great chance to be realized by creating social network and choose this direction that made him a billionaire.

As you know, Pavel Durov moved away from this project. However, this does not stop him. He created another - the Telegram messenger, which is also gaining momentum, although such services are already available. Take "Viber", for example.

You don't have to come up with great ideas to make big money and have a successful business. It is enough to look around and notice what appears and is in demand abroad. After all, it is there, as a rule, that progressive ideas per million are born.

How to get rich from scratch: powerful ways to get rich

As already noted, sometimes it is worth looking around, studying someone else's successful experience to create your own project and make money on it. Therefore, here are a few more ways to get rich.

Trade. It would seem that there is something unusual about it. What if your product is unique, and in addition to it, you also offer the same unique services? It was along this path that the notorious who became a millionaire went. She sells GPS navigators for agricultural machinery.

Thanks to her tenacity, she surpassed the performance of the firm for which she worked before creating a similar project. And the impetus for her own business was the undeservedly small salary that she received.

Button of Life is a project by Dmitry Yurchenko that made him successful and rich. This product is a medical alarm with a call for help. If its owner becomes ill, then he can easily report it. By pressing a button or falling, a signal is sent to the call center.

Employees call an ambulance, give advice, call neighbors. Such a device is in demand among those who are worried about their loved ones who are left at home unattended. It is unique, beneficial and socially focused. It also made Dmitry Yurchenko a dollar millionaire.

How you can get rich quickly from scratch: the secrets of Oleg Tinkov

In fact, there is no secret. Oleg Tinkov started small - reselling various goods. He bought and sold a wide variety of products: cosmetics, alcohol, electronics and appliances. Initially, he went with a small amount of goods and offered them, or the buyers themselves came to him. Later he opened a chain of stores "TechnoShock" and "MusicShock". When he got bored with this business, he sold it.

Oleg Tinkov went into the dumplings business. He managed to successfully develop it and sell it to Abramovich for tens of millions of dollars. His next projects are a brewing company and a restaurant chain. Now such an enterprising businessman is known as the owner of Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank. He is an example of how to gradually but confidently increase your income, starting with a small business.

How to get rich from scratch without leaving your home

Thanks to the Internet, you can build your business anywhere and even decide how to get rich from scratch at home, that is, where it is so cozy and warm, where loved ones are always nearby. There are tons of reviews about this from couch potatoes. And the best ways for those who want to do their own thing in a comfortable environment are as follows:

  • your online store;
  • infotainment site, blog, channel;
  • provision of services (manicure, pedicure, massage, hairdressing, stylist services, repair and maintenance of equipment, sewing, hand-made).

It is also possible to make money on programming, copywriting, design (as a freelancer), however, in order to solve the question of how to get rich quickly from scratch in Russia, these are not the best ways.

Still, it's worth working for yourself. When you are a salaried employee, you get a fixed salary, which is unlikely to make you richer.


If you have a desire to become rich and you want to fulfill it, then you have to work hard. Only a few become millionaires without any effort. These are heirs, lottery winners and other lucky ones. But don't be jealous of them. Few of them know how to manage money. Most of them will waste it thoughtlessly. Only a few will be able to increase them and remain financially safe until the end of their lives.

If you want to be rich - work hard! Mentally at first. Decide what you want from life, make a plan of your actions, work without feeling sorry for yourself and without backing away. Study successful startups, the principles and mindsets of the rich, and their biographies. Start to think differently, live at a different pace, do not be lazy, open up new horizons. If you have an idea to invent something that does not yet exist, that can become useful and in demand, invent and patent your brainchild. It can make you rich.

Remember, motivation is critical to development. Therefore, dream, desire, be inspired, please yourself with your achievements and in no case think that you cannot become rich without having anything. You can always start small, or you can attract investors. Everything is in your hands - go for it!

In a world ruled by money, everyone seeks to accumulate capital and become wealthy. However, few achieve this goal: the problem is that most people dream of acquiring wealth instantly and without any effort. Therefore, their activity, aimed at improving their own well-being, is expressed in following folk signs, acquiring "money" talismans or using "magic" rituals from various occult techniques.

Wealthy people argue that there are no secret and magical ways in this area: almost everyone knows how to get rich from scratch in Russia in 2018. Even a schoolchild can say that hard work, knowledge and a small amount of luck are inevitably behind any large capital. Nevertheless, only a few consider this information as a guide to action and make changes in their lives that could potentially lead them to prosperity.

The principles of rich people

Trying to find out what exactly prevents people from getting rich, you can find that the main reason for poverty lies in a certain pattern of behavior: even with obvious opportunities to improve their own financial situation, the average person continues to perceive the world as a hostile environment in which he must work daily for a penny.

So how can you get rich from scratch in Russia without winning the lottery and inheriting from wealthy relatives? People who have solved this problem give approximately the same answers: first of all, you should change your attitude not only to wealth, but also to life in general. It is important to stop seeing yourself as a failure who does not deserve a good reward for your efforts: it is known that money appears in abundance only in those who consider themselves worthy of receiving it. Therefore, wealthy people prefer:

  1. Do what you love. It is difficult for any person to succeed in a field that does not arouse his ardent interest. Successful business people try to make the most of their talents and passions;
  2. Dream. It is believed that thoughts tend to be embodied in reality, and therefore, imagining any outcome of the case, a person on a subconscious level strives for it. Successful people turn their dreams into concrete goals;
  3. To plan. Any action must be orderly and meaningful. People who know how to get rich from scratch make plans not only for the current day, but also for longer periods - months and years;
  4. Divide global goals into components. Too large-scale and complex, at first glance, the goal can be achieved by dividing into several simple and understandable tasks that can be completely solved in the current environment;
  5. Bring it to the end. Any unfinished business turns into a load that pulls a person down. Many do not achieve success simply because they hesitate to take the last step on the path to it;
  6. Live within your means. In a difficult financial situation, people spend much more than they earn. A wealthy person, on the other hand, sets aside 15–20% of the profits earned and tries to balance his requests with the remaining amount;
  7. Take responsibility for your actions. You can't make big money without taking responsibility for your actions and mistakes. Considering someone else to be guilty of failures, it is difficult to adequately assess the correctness of one's own decisions;
  8. Explore the world of finance. Often, it is financial illiteracy that prevents poor people from improving their situation. Studying how the richest people in Russia got rich, you can see that they all know the basic laws of economics quite well;
  9. Develop your talents. Everyone has a certain talent, however, the average person prefers a thoughtless existence to his development. Meanwhile, it is precisely improved abilities that can become the basis for future well-being;
  10. Master time management. Rational distribution of time, combined with planning, turns into an effective tool that eliminates senseless fuss and significantly increases labor productivity;
  11. Choose the right motivation. Many people think that business is only a stage at which you need to work hard before actually getting rich in Russia. However, your business is not an easy job, but a way of life for a successful person;
  12. Think positively. The world full of negative information. Constantly comprehending it and trying on yourself, you can only increase the likelihood of failure and start the implementation of a negative scenario;
  13. Work hard. Anyone who works from nine to six with a lunch break is unlikely to ever get rich. Wealthy people start business earlier than others and stop only after solving all the planned tasks;
  14. Constantly learning something new. Any knowledge in the modern world is rapidly becoming obsolete and losing its relevance. Wanting to remain among the leaders, a rich person must constantly learn and master new directions;
  15. Choose the right environment. Being in society, a person adapts to the psychological attitudes and complexes of others, copies their behavior. If you are going to achieve success, you should communicate with the same successful people.

Basic laws of prosperity

The average person, assessing his unsatisfactory financial situation, is inclined to look for reasons explaining it in external factors... At the same time, some blame the state, parents, low-paid work or the absence of wealthy relatives for their poverty, and therefore consider any actions aimed at improving the situation useless in advance. Others, on the contrary, convince themselves that money is an entity that can be attracted in an irrational way, after which they begin to carefully copy the habits of millionaires, resorting to magical rituals or meditative techniques to visualize their desires.

Obviously, none of these paths can lead to the desired result. The only way to get rich in Russia is to take active steps to change the current state of affairs: search new job, development of your own business, professional development of a freelancer. You just need to remember the basic rules, the observance of which determines the possibility of success:

  • Money is not a goal. They represent only a means intended for exchange for other material and non-material benefits. By focusing on money, a person loses sight of all the other positive aspects of life;
  • Wealth is enough for everyone. Today, there are enough free resources in the world to turn everyone who wants it into wealthy people. It is enough just to take the necessary actions to master them;
  • You have to be honest. Not a single fortune accumulated by fraud is capable of bringing satisfaction to its owner for a long time. Usually such figures lose their capital rather quickly;
  • Perseverance is more important than luck. Since only a few successful entrepreneurs are capable of getting rich quickly from scratch in Russia, the rest have to rely solely on their own perseverance and perseverance;
  • Wealth is not measured in money. If you give a million dollars to some poor man, then with a high probability he will soon be left empty-handed. The main capital is not money, but knowledge and experience that helps to earn it;
  • Specific goals are needed. The abstract desire "I want to get rich" usually does not lead to anything. Another thing is the intention to earn 100 thousand rubles a month: the actions necessary to achieve this specific goal are more understandable;
  • Time has a cost. Every wasted minute is a lost profit. The average working person is engaged directly in business no more than three hours a day, the wealthy one - at least twice as much;
  • Saving is more important than earning. It doesn't matter how much a person earns if he immediately spends everything he has. The ability to manage money wisely is more important than the ability to receive good remuneration for your work;
  • Money should work. People who got rich from scratch know that the money under the pillow is rapidly depreciating under the influence of inflation. Any capital must work and be profitable;
  • In order to receive, one must give. Helping people in need financially, one can not only do, undoubtedly, a good deed, but also subconsciously create in oneself a sense of one's own wealth, abundance and well-being.

How can you get rich in Russia?

Of course, it is almost impossible for an ordinary person in Russia to break into the ranks of billionaires: for this you need to have appropriate connections in government, financial and other structures. However, everyone can achieve a certain well-being and ensure a comfortable old age: for this, first of all, it is necessary to change their psychological patterns, habits and beliefs.

People with such qualities inevitably have an interest in what they can get rich on in Russia. There are many ways to improve your well-being, but all of them equally require not only theoretical reasoning, but also active action.

Own business

Speaking about how an ordinary person can get rich in Russia, any specialist in the field of finance means, first of all, his own business. Indeed, there is no other way to get several hundred percent per annum on the invested capital. You can find a suitable idea for creating your own business at.

Expect to make a profit from scratch in this case should not, because one way or another, you will have to invest some amount in your enterprise. However, there are several areas that require initial investments in the amount of one or two average salaries: a working person is able to accumulate such capital in about a year. Moreover, a novice entrepreneur has the right to count on material assistance from the authorities. However, before that, it is necessary to develop and submit to the competition committee a high-quality business plan.

To begin with, you should pay attention to one of the following, the resources for the implementation of which almost everyone has at their disposal:

  • Renovation of apartments and commercial premises;
  • Repair of household appliances;
  • Private car instructor services;
  • Baking cakes to order;
  • Cleaning of household and commercial premises;
  • Furniture restoration;
  • Tutoring and Consulting.


Investing is another way to demonstrate how you can get rich from scratch with minimal start-up capital. Of course, when investing, money makes money, but many effective tools allow you to get started with literally a few thousand rubles.

Such activity requires some preparation: the investor must understand the peculiarities of the chosen methodology, understand the laws of the financial market, have patience and psychological stability. It is better to get the necessary knowledge in practice, operating with small amounts and trying your hand in such directions as:

  • Investments in someone else's business. On specialized sites on the Internet, there are many where you can invest money. Some of them have the potential to generate thousands of percent of the profit;
  • Stock market operations. Every day, millions of people make money by buying and selling shares on stock exchanges. A prepared investor has great chances of success: it is enough to purchase securities of a rapidly developing company in order to double your capital in a short time;
  • Currency trading. To work effectively on the Forex currency exchange, you need to predict the change in the exchange rate in time, placing bets on its increase or decrease. To do this, you will have to perfectly master such tools as fundamental and technical analysis, trading strategies and signals. However, a beginner can transfer his money to an experienced trader in trust and earn up to 60% per annum on this.

Real estate operations

The Russian housing market is still far from its final formation, and therefore domestic entrepreneurs believe that huge capital is needed to earn money on real estate. Meanwhile, many wealthy people began their activities in this area, having a relatively with little funds... How you can get rich:

  1. Rent out real estate. Many owners of apartments, garages and houses rent them out, receiving a stable monthly income. However, even those who do not have their own real estate, it is quite possible to make money by subletting housing. For this, an apartment located in an area with good transport accessibility is rented for a long time, and then rented out by the day;
  2. Invest during the construction phase. Housing in a new building at the excavation stage is quite cheap. When construction is completed, the price of apartments increases depending on the location of the house, its remoteness from transport routes and the availability of the necessary infrastructure. In particularly successful options, after the sale of the object, you can double the initial investment;
  3. Resell housing in poor condition. The essence of the method is as follows: first of all, you need to find a very cheap apartment in disrepair, located in a popular area of ​​the city. The premises should then be put in order, renovated and resold at market prices. Profit, even taking into account the cost of building materials, sometimes reaches 35-50%;
  4. Invest in investment funds. To get rich in this way, you do not need to take active steps, look for cheap apartments and bargain with homeowners. Real estate investment funds, investing in the purchase of land plots, reconstruction, construction or leasing of objects, bring shareholders up to 50% per annum on the invested capital.


Among people learning how to get rich from scratch, the idea of ​​being hired is usually not overly enthusiastic. Meanwhile, the amount of the monthly remuneration of an experienced specialist in largest cities countries sometimes significantly exceeds the income of a self-employed private entrepreneur. Of course, it is not easy to find such a job: firstly, a person must be truly a master of his craft, in demand in the labor market, and secondly, it is not easy to work from year to year in the same place, but pay considerable attention to building a career, choosing among the offers of employers the most profitable and promising.

With the exception of top managers, the highest salaries are for real estate agents, dentists, accountants, IT specialists and lawyers: with some experience and a responsible attitude to work, an employee of a large company in such a position can earn over two million rubles a year.


The owner of any intellectual property has the right to count on regular deductions or one-time remuneration from businesses and individuals wishing to purchase or use this product. Often it comes about books, videos, pictures, computer games, training courses. Of course, talent is most often needed to create such a work, however, sometimes it is enough to study current trends and successfully copy popular products.

Another, somewhat unusual for Russia, opportunity to get rich involves the patenting of any engineering development, scientific invention or new technology. Such a product can be created in almost any area - from agriculture to the manufacture of microcircuits: the main thing is that manufacturers see in it a real potential and a source of income.

Using your talents

As mentioned above, everyone has a certain talent. However, not every person sees in their abilities a worthy source of income. The easiest way to get rich is for those whose talents are in demand by society - actors, pop performers, athletes, film workers, comedians and other public figures who receive huge royalties for their performances.

However, this does not mean that other people are deprived of the opportunity to receive rewards for their creativity. You can also build a profitable business based on your hobby or hobby: you do not need expensive machines to produce handmade products, and the growing demand for such goods allows anyone who knows how to knit, embroider, make toys or souvenirs to make good money.

Earnings on the Internet

  • Publishing videos. If you have an original idea, you can create and publish on YouTube a viral video that will be watched by a large number of people. The income from each thousand views will be approximately 2-3 dollars: therefore, the product should generate interest among millions of visitors;
  • Mobile application development. Along with the increase in the number of users of smartphones and tablets, the market is growing mobile applications: many of them are becoming extremely popular. An app worth $ 1-2, downloaded by thousands of people, can bring wealth to its creator;
  • Creation of your own website. On a site with high traffic, you can earn by placing ads. To create a resource with minimal investment, use a free template, and then fill it with self-written articles. In the future, the income will allow attracting professional copywriters and designers to fill the site with content;
  • Earnings on the dissemination of information. Teaching other people is a good way to make money for those who have some useful information or knowledge. The Internet provides unlimited opportunities for conducting trainings and seminars, distributing training courses.

Ways to get rich for the lazy

Some people do not want to bother acquiring good habits or learning the rules of financial discipline, hoping to acquire capital solely through luck or a gift of fate. The happy accidents that they expect clearly demonstrate how to get rich quickly in Russia:

  1. Winning the lottery. Many Russian lotteries provide an opportunity to win the main prize of several million rubles. However, the real chance to become a winner among millions of applicants is approaching zero: you can buy tickets all your life, but you still won't hit the jackpot;
  2. Successful marriage. Marriages of convenience are back in fashion: young girls, possessing good external data, expect to exchange their beauty for the tight wallet of their future husband - by all means a big politician or a successful businessman. However, even guys in search of rich ladies spend time in European resorts or social events;
  3. Inheritance. Among those who want to get rich at someone else's expense, it is practiced not only to search for wealthy relatives, but also to care for single elderly people in order to inherit an apartment or house. However, such wealth is lost even faster: a person who is unable to make a fortune on his own, most often does not know how to preserve it and properly manage money;
  4. Gambling. This method is much more dangerous than the lottery. Nevertheless, gamblers are persistently trying to get rich in conventional and virtual casinos, becoming regular customers of bookmakers. However, it is extremely easy to lose what little you have accumulated in this way.

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Money handling rules

Working people are rewarded for their work, and therefore, theoretically, everyone has the opportunity to lay the foundations of their future well-being. However, at this stage, difficulties begin: only a few are able to save their money and use it wisely. There are several rules that describe how you can get rich from scratch without wasting your earnings:

  1. Do not invest in the absence of knowledge. If you are going to invest in a business, securities or real estate, in order to avoid losing capital, you must carefully understand the principles of this tool;
  2. Make a financial plan. Without budget planning, you cannot effectively manage your money. In addition, when carrying out any transactions with funds, it is necessary to clearly understand the final result;
  3. Plan purchases. A person is inclined to make spontaneous purchases by purchasing unnecessary things or overpaying for goods. To save money, you need to make a list of the necessary goods and spend time looking for cheaper options;
  4. Set aside some of the profits. In fact, absolutely anyone can put aside 10% of their profits with minimal inconvenience, thereby creating the basis of their capital. In order to avoid temptations, it is better to keep money on a deposit;
  5. Avoid debt. Paying off debt and credit obligations requires tremendous financial discipline. In addition, attracting other people's money to a certain extent demotivates a person, forcing him to work less efficiently;
  6. Create passive sources of income. In the presence of only active sources of income, a person's well-being depends on his ability to constantly work. Passive earnings are the path to greater financial freedom;
  7. Study financial legislation. When studying how to get rich from scratch in Russia, the methods should be analyzed not only in terms of profitability, but also in terms of compliance with the law - otherwise, fines cannot be avoided;
  8. Increase the number of sources of income. By creating several sources of income, you can secure your capital in the event of the loss of one of them. A person who receives money in the only way is always in danger of bankruptcy.


Except for a few happy occasions, the state cannot appear from scratch. Successful capital accumulation requires hard work, self-development and the formation of certain personal qualities in oneself: wealth requires changing one's own psychological attitudes and attitudes towards the world in general.

In addition, you need to accept the idea that everyone has the right to count on wealth. Limiting aspirations to the minimum wage and considering yourself unworthy of big money, it is impossible to improve your well-being.

Most people year after year live on one salary and complain about their boring, gray life. But, as they say, nothing can be changed by continuing to act according to the usual pattern. Of course, as you improve your professional level, you can earn a little more over time. But how to get rich in Russia from scratch? - To become really rich is possible only by completely changing the habitual way of life and avoiding formulaic thinking. Distinctive features wealthy people are hard work and the ability to take reasonable risks.

The path to wealth begins with knowing how to properly manage your finances and finding ways to get rich in Russia. There are a lot of such options, the simplest of them are as old as the world, but they still work.

How can a girl get rich from scratch in Russia? - Marry a wealthy, not greedy person. If such an event is successful, the girl receives housing, a car, and a life annuity. And if you are very lucky with your chosen one, you can beg for some female business, for example, your own beauty salon. For men, this method most likely will not work, but there are exceptions. It is not customary in our country to support men; gigolo will have to look for another way to get rich quickly in Russia.

Proven ways for men to get rich from scratch in Russia are:

  1. Family business development;
  2. Competent investment of inherited assets;
  3. Organization of your own business.

In the first case, you need to become a professional in the field of an existing business and work hard, and in the second - first find, then look for ways to increase them.

The third option is the most difficult, as it involves starting your own business from scratch. But everything is real if you correctly choose the direction and successfully implement the idea.

Another way to solve the question "How to get rich in Russia?" consists in buying lottery tickets. Although the method is very unreliable and success rarely comes to people playing the lottery, but it is also the answer to a very urgent question. The main thing is to want to get rich, and thoughts, as they say, are material.

The above ways to get rich from scratch are the easiest, but not for everyone. If you do not have rich relatives, a wealthy man does not appear on the horizon, and he is unlucky in the lottery, it is worth thinking about other promising options for increasing the level of income.

Resale of old things and "cleaning" of turnkey apartments

As you know, antique items are of high value among collectors. If you understand, for example, china, silverware or books, start making money on it.

The business of reselling old things is very specific. In order to find really worthwhile things, you need to shovel heaps of trash. But how can you get rich digging in the trash? - You need to be able to see the value of things, or be able to create such value. When worthy items are found among unnecessary junk, they are put up for sale on Ebay or Avito. There are quite a few hunters for antiques among foreign buyers. Such collectors are happy to part with money for the sake of owning items "with history".

Along the way with the business of selling antiques, you can provide services to free apartments from trash. Removing junk from apartments is a great idea of ​​how to get rich from scratch. Such services will be in demand, since often people have no time to tinker with old things that have accumulated in the apartments of elderly relatives for decades. Customers will gladly pay for the removal of the trash, and you can find things in it that will be sold to foreign private collections for good money.

When considering an idea of ​​how to get rich from scratch and where to start your business, pay attention to the option of reselling antiques. You can buy them for a penny, and sell them for decent money.

In addition, over time, you can open something like an antique shop with the opportunity to purchase antiques. Hosting thematic events, exhibitions and auctions will draw attention to your business and help increase sales of former "junk".

In addition, by visiting flea markets and flea markets, you can buy inexpensive items that can be rented out to theaters or film studios. A set of such props will become an additional item of passive income for you.

Intangible assets

As a rule, each of us has some kind of talent or does something professionally. Why not use your skills to solve the problem: "How can you get rich from scratch?" For example, someone has a gift for teaching or draws / dances / sings well, someone creates an impeccable reputation for any company, and someone repairs a water tap according to their own author's method. It doesn't matter what exactly you do well, just turn your skill into an intangible asset: write a song, create an original drawing or dance training course, organize a training for image makers, or patent your method of repairing a crane. By selling the fruit of your intellectual labor, you can channel the flow of "passive money" into your pocket.

Mediation in the sale of building materials

Construction and repairs in our country never stop. Therefore, the sale of building materials is always profitable. If you are looking for an option for an ordinary person to get rich in Russia, and at the same time have the talent of a seller, act as an intermediary for the sale of building materials. Profit in such a business depends on the entrepreneur's ability to organize the process and, in fact, sell building materials. For starters, you can offer your services to friends for a small fee. If you can manage sales well for them, you will be successful. Word of mouth will quickly spread the word about the quality of your services, which will expand your customer base and significantly increase your profits. The main advantage of the intermediary business is that there is no need to rent your own warehouse and acquire transport for the delivery of building materials to buyers.

Driving Skills Improvement Services

Very often, people with a driver's license need additional driving practice. Of course, such services are provided by driving school instructors. But, if you have great experience, have the gift of learning and know the city well, then you can safely offer your services to new drivers. In addition to improving driving skills, you can offer the preparation of alternate routes for trips to work or a store with their further running-in.

You can specialize in:

  • Working with the female sex;
  • Training in driver's "chips";
  • Extreme driving courses;
  • Practice driving in bad weather;
  • Learning parking techniques.

This way of getting rich will bring you 1500-2000 rubles. in one hour of classes. The main value of the individually provided services is that the novice driver sees in the teacher not a checker, but a mentor. The client can concentrate on the driving process, ask all his questions. In big cities, it makes sense to create a team of driving coaches under your supervision, since the demand for their services is growing every day.

Mafia game club

Mafia is a popular team psychological game... Recently, the number of people who have never played it is decreasing. And for many, this game becomes an indispensable attribute of an evening rest with friends. Given its growing popularity, it can be assumed that the opening of the Mafia club will answer the question: "How to get rich from scratch in Russia in 2019?"

To open a club, an entrepreneur needs to take care of the props and choose the right place for the game. Props can be ordered on the Internet, it will cost about 1,500 rubles. The most successful place to play "Mafia" will be a separate hall of a cafe or restaurant. The room must be booked in advance, agreeing with the administration of the establishment about the amount of the "minimum check".

At the opening stage, you can play games for friends, asking them to spread information about your club instead of paying. With the frequency of club meetings 3-4 times a week, you can earn 5000-7000 rubles. per month. You can also offer services for playing "Mafia" at various events: corporate parties, children's parties. The price of field service is always higher. Thus, while working hard to improve the quality of the leading Mafia's services and expand the client base, you will answer the question: "How can you really get rich in Russia?"

Who to study to become rich?

If you are at the stage of choosing a profession or are thinking of mastering an additional one, pay attention to:

  • IT specialists;
  • Linguists and translators (specialists who speak Chinese are in great demand);
  • Medical workers;
  • Teachers (who know how to find an approach to modern children);
  • Engineers;
  • Logistics specialists;
  • Developers of alternative energy sources.

Whichever specialty you choose, you should understand that in order to be competitive in the labor market, it is desirable to have additional skills. For example, an IT specialist with management experience has every chance of getting a managerial position. And an engineer with knowledge foreign language may well count on more high level wages.

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A few words about "sudden" wealth

It seemed that everyone knows where they would invest money if they suddenly appeared. But as practice shows, "easy" money does not serve for the benefit of the owner, but simply flows away rapidly. There are many examples of people who got rich from scratch lost money as easily as they got it.

For example, Jeanit Lee, who won $ 18 million in 1993, went bankrupt in 2001. Being too gullible and compassionate, she gave away all the winnings to education and medicine, left completely without money.

And William "Bud" Post, who was fortunate enough to become the owner of more than $ 16 million, narrowly escaped death at the hands of a hitman hired by his brother. Part of the money was seized by William's girlfriend, and the remaining funds, under pressure from relatives, he invested in an automobile business and a restaurant. Now the former rich man lives on welfare.

Locksmith Ken Proxmire spent his lottery-won million to promote the auto business, but something didn't work out, and now he's back to his usual craft.

Why do people who suddenly become rich spend money so mediocrely? The thing is that society judges a person by his car and unnecessary, pretentious things. Blinded by money, "fast" millionaires do not think about reliable ways to invest money in order to increase, but simply throw it away.


When deciding how to get rich quickly from scratch in Russia, you should bypass schemes that promise instant enrichment. Millions of people continue to "peck" at the tempting offers of swindlers, and in the end are left with nothing. Remember, if something looks too attractive and implausible, it cannot be true, because we do not live in a fairy tale.
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