The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab. The Fourth Industrial Revolution - a book review by Klaus Schwab

The book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” by Klaus Schwab provides an opportunity to look into the future and think about it. Just a few years ago it seemed impossible to us that what we have now would exist. And once upon a time, no one thought that it would be possible to constantly communicate with people located on another continent and see them. Now it seems normal. But science and technology development do not stand still, but are developing at an increasingly accelerated pace every year.

The author of this book is the founder and president of the Davos World Economic Forum. He says that ahead of us is the fourth industrial revolution, which is not comparable to anything that came before. In the coming years and decades, we will be able to see many new developments that will greatly simplify life and allow us to move to a new level of development. Robotic technology, driverless cars, artificial intelligence, incredible development of biotechnology and nanotechnology - all this is ahead.

This book helps us navigate what awaits us and prepare for it. The author pays attention to professions that can be replaced or disappear altogether as unnecessary. Many things will be done by robots, “smart technology”. In this situation, it is important to realize which professions will still be in demand, and to prepare for this, perhaps by getting a new education. The book is aimed at those people who want to use the opportunities of the future to achieve success and prosperity.

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The fourth industrial revolution. The best book of the 21st century about the future of humanity

is designed to help you navigate the changes taking place and get the maximum benefit from it. Book the fourth industrial revolution written for those who are interested in the future and who are committed to harnessing the power of revolutionary technologies to change the world for the better.

Klaus Schwab - About the author

Klaus Schwab is the founder and president of the World Economic Forum in Geneva. Klaus Schwab is a member of numerous boards of trustees and boards of directors of various companies. He has been awarded many state awards and is an honorary professor at many universities.

In 2004, including funds from the Dan David Prize, Schwab established another fund - the Forum of Young Global Leaders (for leaders under 40 years of age). Seven years later, in 2011, he created the Global Shapers Community (for promising future leaders aged 20 to 30). The mission of these two organizations is to integrate the younger generation as a full voice of the future in decision-making processes and to promote their participation in specific projects that address social issues.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution - Book Review

The book the fourth industrial revolution consists of three parts. The first part presents general information about the fourth industrial revolution. The second part provides a description of the main transform technologies. The third part details the consequences of the revolution and some of the political challenges it poses. In the appendix, the author talks about profound changes in various industries.

Fourth Industrial Revolution

The fourth industrial revolution will be in all respects no less large-scale, spectacular and historically significant than the previous three (agricultural, industrial and digital).

There are two factors that can limit the potential and effectiveness of the revolution

  1. The level of management and awareness of current changes is extremely low.
  2. There is no consistent, positive and unified vision at the global level.

The premise of the book The Industrial Revolution is that technology and digital transformation can fundamentally change everything. Major technological innovations are on the verge of catalyzing an epochal global change.

The nature of the changes taking place is so fundamental that world history has never known such an era of both great opportunity and potential danger.

Driving factors

There are four main physical manifestations of the prevailing technological megatrends

  1. Unmanned vehicles
  2. 3D printing
  3. Advanced Robotics
  4. New materials

It should also be noted that researchers are already working on 4D printing technology that will create a new generation of self-measuring products that can respond to change. environment including temperature and humidity

Tipping points expected by 2025

  1. 10% of people wear clothes connected to the Internet
  2. 90% of people have unlimited and free data storage
  3. 1 trillion sensors connected to the Internet
  4. The first robot pharmacist in the USA
  5. 10% of reading glasses are connected to the Internet
  6. 80% of people with a digital presence on the Internet
  7. Production of the first car using 3D printing
  8. First government to replace census with big data sources
  9. Sale of the first implantable mobile phone
  10. 5% of consumer goods are created using 3D printing technology
  11. 90% of the population uses smartphones
  12. 90% of people have access to the Internet
  13. Self-driving cars make up 10% of total vehicles on US roads
  14. First liver transplant created using 3D printing technology
  15. 30% of corporate audits are conducted by AI
  16. Government collects taxes using blockchain technology for the first time
  17. More than 50% of home traffic comes from apps and devices
  18. Excess number of rides in shared cars
  19. The first city with a population of more than 50,000 without traffic lights
  20. 10% of GDP is stored using blockchain technology (blockchain technology)
  21. First AI = working on a corporate board of directors


The embrace of the evolving technological revolution is driving economic, social and cultural change on a phenomenal scale that is completely impossible to predict. However, this chapter provides a description and analysis of the potential impact of the fourth
industrial revolution on economics, business, politics, as well as governments and countries, society and people.

The biggest impact on all these areas will be the provision of autonomy, that is, empowerment in the interaction of government with citizens; enterprises with employees; shareholders and clients; in the interaction of superpowers with small countries. A breakthrough in existing political, economic and social models as a result of the fourth industrial revolution will require characters recognition of oneself as part of a system of distributed power, which provides for collective forms of interaction.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has four major implications for all industries:

– consumer expectations are changing;
– the quality of products is improved due to data that increases productivity;
– new partnerships are formed as companies realize the importance of new
forms of cooperation;
– operating models

Klaus Schwab

Fourth Industrial Revolution

© World Economic Forum® 2016 – All rights reserved.

© Translation. ANO DPO "Corporate University of Sberbank", 2016

© Cover design by So Anna, 2016

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2016

© All rights reserved

Preface to the Russian edition

Dear friends!

We live in an amazing time - in an era when radical changes in technology are taking place before our eyes, and what seemed like science fiction yesterday is today already a real project on which innovative companies are working, and tomorrow it becomes a natural, widespread and commonplace phenomenon, without which we no longer imagine our lives to be.

This happened with computers, the Internet, smartphones, and the same, I am sure, will happen with many technologies described in the wonderful book by Klaus Schwab “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

A feature of this revolution, in my opinion, will be that the introduction of new technologies will be characterized by enormous speed and be accompanied by intense competition. We are already seeing that innovation is becoming an arena of struggle for many thousands of companies around the world - both large corporations and very small start-ups. They all compete for the opportunity to be the first among those who can bring a new product, a new service to the market, and win the favor of customers. This is also true in the banking industry, where the traditional way of doing business is under threat from innovative financial technology companies.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution will have a dramatic impact on the entire structure of the world economy, and if we want to be among its leaders, we must understand in which direction technological development will take place in the coming years, and what breakthrough innovations await us in the future.

Klaus Schwab, who wrote the book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”, is the President of the World Economic Forum in Davos and therefore has a unique opportunity to summarize the experience and views of the world's leading experts in the field of economics and technology, as well as leaders of major corporations. This book not only contains a systematic, well-structured overview of the main trends of the fourth revolution, but also provides many interesting, striking and memorable facts.

I'm sure the reading will be fun and useful!

Yours sincerely,

German Gref,

President and Chairman

Management Board of PJSC Sberbank


Of the many varied and exciting challenges facing modern society, the most important and impressive is the awareness and formation of a new technological revolution, which involves at least the transformation of humanity. We are at the beginning of a revolution that will fundamentally change our lives, our work and our communication. In terms of scale, scope and complexity, this phenomenon, which I consider the fourth industrial revolution, has no analogues in all previous human experience.

We have yet to realize the full pace of development and scope of the new revolution. Imagine the unlimited possibilities of a society in which billions of people are connected by mobile devices, opening up unprecedented horizons in the processing, storage of information and access to knowledge. Or consider the stunning combination of emerging technological breakthroughs in a wide range of fields, including, for example, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), robotic cars, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, and energy storage. , quantum computing. Many of these innovations are just beginning, but are approaching that turning point when they will begin to develop, layering and reinforcing each other, representing an interweaving of technologies from the worlds of physics, biology and digital realities.

We are witnessing dramatic changes across all industries, marked by the birth of new business models, disruption of established traditional companies, and fundamental transformation of production, consumption, transportation and delivery systems. Concerning social sphere, then a paradigm shift is happening in the way we work and communicate, express ourselves, receive information and have fun. A similar transformation is taking place at the level of governments and government agencies, as well as, along with other systems, in education, health care and transport. In addition, new ways of using technology to change our behavior, as well as existing systems of production and consumption, open up opportunities for restoring and preserving the environment, rather than creating hidden costs-externalities in the form of externalities.

Klaus Schwab

Fourth Industrial Revolution

© World Economic Forum® 2016 – All rights reserved.

© Translation. ANO DPO "Corporate University of Sberbank", 2016

© Cover design by So Anna, 2016

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2016

© All rights reserved

Preface to the Russian edition

Dear friends!

We live in an amazing time - in an era when radical changes in technology are taking place before our eyes, and what seemed like science fiction yesterday is today already a real project on which innovative companies are working, and tomorrow it becomes a natural, widespread and commonplace phenomenon, without which we no longer imagine our lives to be.

This happened with computers, the Internet, smartphones, and the same, I am sure, will happen with many technologies described in the wonderful book by Klaus Schwab “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

A feature of this revolution, in my opinion, will be that the introduction of new technologies will be characterized by enormous speed and accompanied by powerful competition. We are already seeing that innovation is becoming an arena of struggle for many thousands of companies around the world - both large corporations and very small start-ups. They all compete for the opportunity to be the first among those who can bring a new product, a new service to the market, and win the favor of customers. This is also true in the banking industry, where the traditional way of doing business is under threat from innovative financial technology companies.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution will have a dramatic impact on the entire structure of the world economy, and if we want to be among its leaders, we must understand in which direction technological development will take place in the coming years, and what breakthrough innovations await us in the future.

Klaus Schwab, who wrote the book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”, is the President of the World Economic Forum in Davos and therefore has a unique opportunity to summarize the experience and views of the world's leading experts in the field of economics and technology, as well as leaders of major corporations. This book not only contains a systematic, well-structured overview of the main trends of the fourth revolution, but also provides many interesting, striking and memorable facts.

I'm sure the reading will be fun and useful!

Yours sincerely,

German Gref,

President and Chairman

Management Board of PJSC Sberbank


Of the many varied and fascinating challenges facing modern society, the most important and impressive is the awareness and formation of a new technological revolution that involves, at a minimum, the transformation of humanity. We are at the beginning of a revolution that will fundamentally change our lives, our work and our communication. In terms of scale, scope and complexity, this phenomenon, which I consider the fourth industrial revolution, has no analogues in all previous human experience.

We have yet to realize the full pace of development and scope of the new revolution. Imagine the unlimited possibilities of a society in which billions of people are connected by mobile devices, opening up unprecedented horizons in the processing, storage of information and access to knowledge. Or consider the stunning combination of emerging technological breakthroughs in a wide range of fields, including, for example, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), robotic cars, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, and energy storage. , quantum computing. Many of these innovations are just beginning, but are approaching that turning point when they will begin to develop, layering and reinforcing each other, representing an interweaving of technologies from the worlds of physics, biology and digital realities.

We are witnessing dramatic changes across all industries, marked by the birth of new business models, disruption of established traditional companies, and fundamental transformation of production, consumption, transportation and delivery systems. In the social sphere, a paradigm shift is taking place in the way we work and communicate, express ourselves, receive information and have fun. A similar transformation is taking place at the level of governments and public institutions, as well as in education, health care and transport, among other systems. In addition, new ways of using technology to change our behavior, as well as existing systems of production and consumption, open up opportunities for restoring and preserving the environment, rather than creating hidden costs-externalities in the form of externalities.

In terms of size, pace of development and scale, these changes are historical in nature.

The development and implementation of new technologies is associated with uncertainty and means that we do not yet have an idea of ​​how the transformations driven by this industrial revolution will further develop. The very fact of their complexity and interdependence across all sectors implies responsibility for all participants in the global community - governments, businesses, scientific world and the public for working closely together to better understand emerging trends.

A common understanding is fundamental to creating a common future based on unity of goals and values. We need to have a comprehensive and unified understanding of how technology is changing our lives and the lives of future generations, how it is transforming the economic, social, cultural and humanitarian environment of our living.

The nature of the changes taking place is so fundamental that world history has never known such an era - a time of both great opportunity and potential danger. What worries me, however, is that many leaders' linear (non-revolutionary) thinking or preoccupation with immediate issues prevents them from being strategically aware of the disruptive forces and innovations shaping our future.

I am well aware that some in the scientific and professional communities consider the change processes discussed here to be merely part of the third industrial revolution. However, I believe that the independence of the fourth industrial revolution can be justified by three factors.

Development rate. Unlike previous ones, this industrial revolution is not developing at a linear pace, but rather at an exponential one. This is a product of the multifaceted, deeply interdependent world in which we live, as well as the fact that new technology itself synthesizes increasingly advanced and efficient technologies.

Breadth and depth. It is based on the digital revolution and combines a variety of technologies that lead to unprecedented paradigm shifts in the economy, business, and society in every individual. It changes not only “what” and “how” we do, but also “who” we are.

Systemic impact. It provides for holistic external and internal transformations of all systems across all countries, companies, industries and society as a whole.

In conceiving this book, I wanted to create a basic guide to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, defining the nature of this phenomenon, its consequences, its impact on humanity, and how it can be used for the common good. This work is intended for those who are interested in our common future, who are committed to seizing the opportunities of revolutionary change to change the world for the better.

Fourth Industrial Revolution Klaus Schwab

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Title: The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Author: Klaus Schwab
Year: 2016
Genre: Foreign business literature, Foreign educational literature, Economics

About the book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” by Klaus Schwab

Many technologies, the existence of which seemed fantastic just 10 years ago, have become firmly established in our lives. Scientific and technological progress is developing more and more intensively every year. With such rapid and global changes in the world around us, every person would benefit from understanding what awaits us in the future. It is also worth knowing which professions will remain and be in demand, and which ones will be successfully replaced by robots, how our everyday life In connection with the development of high technologies, what skills will be useful in the new reality. These are precisely the topics raised by Klaus Schwab in his book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

Klaus Schwab founded the Davos Forum and is its president. The main goal of this Swiss economist is to find new ways to develop the world economy, in addition, he studies and solves problems of social progress.

According to the author, the most incredible technological breakthroughs will soon occur. They will affect many areas. We will see the creation of artificial intelligence, we will witness robotization, the emergence of robot cars, we will see a leap in the development of nanotechnology and biotechnology, as well as many other things previously described by science fiction writers.

The book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” can be read as a guide to help you navigate the changes that are now taking place in the world, and also get the maximum benefit from it. After all, the opportunities that this revolution brings can be used to make the world a better place.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a book for those who care about the future and are looking for new opportunities. Please note that there is no insider information in it. But Klaus Schwab encourages you to think about your life, the life of society and the economy.

“The Fourth Industrial Revolution” is a topical popular science read. In some ways, she is quite superficial, but at the same time she gives practical advice on what to do in the new world, shows the advantages and disadvantages of the changes taking place.

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