Turn the test in English online. Online English tests

Tests are an excellent opportunity to find out the level of your knowledge, so we have prepared a whole collection of tests for you english language on different topics. Why are everyone likes to pass tests? This is the easiest, fast and accurate way to determine the level of human knowledge.

At the same time, our tests are focused on the definition of knowledge in those areas of the English language, which are the most difficult in learning, for example, artity, grammar, vocabulary. One of the most popular tests is the Test for the times, which are in English a lot.

Our advantage is the passage of English tests online, i.e. you immediately receive the result and correct answers to the questions in which errors were committed.

List of online tests on the topics of English

When passing tests in English, it is important to follow certain rules, then the test will be passed with the maximum level of success.

These simple rules will help you pass the test more efficiently. It is also not worth noting the answers in the test of at random. This method will not help you pass the entire test at a good level. It is better to use your knowledge and logic, try to find the right answer from those knowledge you possess.

  • One of the basic rules is that if you do not understand some question of the test, it is not worth loaning on it - Take the test further and answer the questions you understand.
  • If you do not know the correct answer to the question of the test, then look for the right answer by the method from the opposite - Think away all the answers, in the infidelity of which you are sure, then you will find the right answer will faster.
  • Do not think about the answer, the option of which is not proposed in the test. So you think in the wrong direction.
  • Don't use tips When passing tests. Even if you finish the system once and pass the test with a positive result, it may incorrectly affect your further training.

In Russian, the order of words can be anyone, subject to and ahead of the fabricated and after it, the proposal can begin with the circumstances, additions, the same way. In English, in this regard, everything is very strict: first the main members of the sentence (subject to both), the third place and the subsequent occupy the secondary members of the sentence. Therefore, before making a proposal, you need to find the subject and leakable.

Lack or improper use of articles.

In Russian, there are no articles, so often even an intermediate level student may forget to put an article. The second common error in the use of articles is a confusion with defined and uncertain article. Article Thes is used in relation to a specific subject, and an indefinite A / AN article is put just before the word meaning something in common.

Misuse of time.

In English, 3 times - past, present, future. But each category of time has more 4 grammatical forms.

In addition, there are grammatical forms indicating:

  • Repeat - indefinite;
  • actions occurring in a specific period of Continuous;
  • past actions that are important in the present period of PERFECT;
  • actions begun before the action of Perfect Continuous.

Errors when using incorrect verbs in English.

There are a number of verbs called incorrect, due to the shift of the end in the second and third forms, not according to the rules familiar to all verbs. Here you do not need to try to understand these endings, their changes need to be remembered.

Incorrect application of predictions.

The rules for the use of prepositions to noun, names with their own, pronouns, adjectives do not coincide with the rules of their application in Russian. No need to conduct associations with Russian, it is necessary to learn the scheme for the application of predictions in English.

Pass the verb to be.

Unlike the Russian language, where there may be proposals without verb, in English after the verb must always have to be. And if it is not translated into Russian, then an auxiliary verb to be puts.

Lack of end -S / -ES.

Very common mistake not only from novice students, but also in students who have a language posted for a year. Pupils simply forget adding the end to the verb after pronouplement or after nouns in the third party of the only number in the present time.

After each English exercise, you can check your answers by clicking on the "Check Replies" button. There is also the ability to show the correct answers (button "Display Answers") and start an exercise first ("Start first" button). Before the exercises in grammar is given a reference to theoretical article. You can always go through it to refresh your knowledge. In order for the exercises in English to benefit, do everything alone. If you do not know how to answer questions from the exercise, do not rush to press the "Display Answers" button. Use it only as a last resort. Better first read the theory and think more about the answer. If you still failed to answer correctly and you took advantage of the tip, try to understand why the answer is exactly the same. In general, do good faith and soon you will notice your progress in learning English.

Linguistic portal The site provides all its users with a unique opportunity to accurately determine their language level, responding to 60 issues from the field of vocabulary and grammar of the English language. Online English test for the definition of the level is compiled by the best British teachers (native speakers) specializing in developing spoken skills when teaching English as a foreign language.

Online English Test It is designed for 25 minutes, but can be performed ahead of schedule.

Passing the English language test on-line, you can more accurately determine your level of language proficiency and get additional recommendations of specialists from the choice of suitable for you. tutorial and training programs, as well as outline the range of problems requiring a speedy permit.

This English language test uses many schools. foreign languages both in Moscow and St. Petersburg and in other cities of Russia, tutors and school teachers.

At the same time, personnel agencies and employers use this test to verify the level of the English language for applicants. The test is carried out on add to cart Royalty free Based. The site in collaboration in leading Western experts, has developed one of the best tests for determining the level on the Internet.The test shows the real picture of the knowledge of the English language, and is also accompanied by the analysis of gaps in knowledge and offers the most suitable training plan for you.


Thanks that this test in English appeared on the network! I was sent to me a friend, which, accurately determining his level managed to prepare and got a job in a western company. I, too, was about to take place in English in the Western Company. I was very worried, and I needed to be convinced of my abilities, since I have not practiced a long time before this long ago. To his surprise, an almost identical test was caught on the interview. I easily passed it. Thank you! Svetlana, Moscow

Thanks to fate, for testing my English in the personnel agency, it was this test! I previously completed it and already knew the right answers.Maxim, St. Petersburg

I was going to send a daughter to study in the UK. We visited many schools and several tutors, some of them offered this particular English language test to determine the level. As experience showed, this test was most accurate in assessing the level of speaking English. When the daughter already in England passed the school test, she said that she had almost the same. Thank you!Nina, Russia

The test has already passed 55495 times

Summary of the results table (test on 03/30/2019):

Placement Test

1. I'm a nurse. And what do you do?
how. what who which
2. CAN I Have ___ Fruit, Please?
a lot. any. no. some
a lot. a lot of many. never
4. WE'RE THIRSTY! Is there ___ juice left?
a lot. any. no. some
5. Mary CAN ___ All Night Long.
dancing. to date dance dances.
THIS That. These Those
aT. aT iN. oN.
8. Nick IS A ___ Tennis Player Than Tom.
bad. badly worse. worst.
9. Mary Drives ___ Car To Work Every Day.
she. hER. hers. aN.
because. but. sO. why.
during for from. since
12. You ___ pay for the tickets. They're Free.
have to. dON'T HAVE doesn't Have To. needn't
13. These Are The Photos ___ We Took On Holiday.
which what where who
14. He Doesn't Smoke Now, But He ___ a Lot When HE Was Young.
has smoked used to smoke smokes. was smoked
15. Nicolas Plays Chess ___ Anyone Else I Know.
more Good Than. aS BEST AS. better As. better Than.
16. I Promise I ___ You with the Washing-Up AS Soon As I Finish This Cleaning.
am Helping. am Going to Help will Help. help.
17. How about ___ OUT TONIGHT?
eAT. to Eat. eating. for eating
18. I Didn't Like The Film. ___. I THINK IT WAS REALLY BORING.
SO DID I. ME TOO. Neither Did I. SO I Didn't
19. We Won't Go On Holiday ___ WE SAVE ENOUGH MONEY.
if unless when. aS SOON AS
20. Jill Went Down Went Flu and ___ Stay in Bed for a Week.
mustn't have to. hAD TO. need.
21. Excuse Me, Can You ___ Me The Way To the Station, Please?
give. sPEAK. tELL say.
didn't Go. haven't Gone. haven't Been. don't Go.
23. ___ BAG IS THIS? - IT's Neil's.
Which What Whose Where
24. WHO WAS THE MAN ___?
sPOKE TO YOU. you Were Speaking To that You Spoke you Were Telling
25. This Suitcase IS TOO Heavy for ME ___ Lift.
to. for that. too.
wasn't IT. was There wasn't there is there
hAD. was Having. am having have
28. THERE'S A Five-Hour Time Difference ___ London and New York.
among. iN. beyond. between.
we. uS. oUR ours
30. I Have Been Playing ___ Piano Since I Was Five.
a. aN. their
31. I'm Going to Visit Mexico and ___ United States.
a. aN. their
32. You Will Pass The Test IF You Work ___.
excellent hard hardly good.
33. You Certainly Wouldn't Like ___ in Such Bad Company.
to Have Seen. to be seen. to See to Be Seeing
34. I'VE LOST MY Watch. Will You Help ME Look ___ IT?
aT. after for for Up.
35. I OFTEN ___ Money From My Parents.
lend. borrow. save. oWE.
36. He ___ on a Business Trip Next Monday.
goes. iS GOING. will Go. has Gone.
37. Greg Married My Mother After My Parents Divorced, SO HE's My ___.
father sTEP-FATHER. father-in-Law nephew.
38. He Used to Be a Chain Smoker, But He Gave ___ Smoking Ten Years Ago.
up. out. iN. away.
39. I TRIED TO CALL YOU BUT Your Line Was ___.
taken. occupied. engaged connected.
40. The ___ is downstairs in the kitchen.
sINK. bath. toilet. wash Basin.
41. I ___ Early In The Morning Now, But Before I Wasn't.
used to Get Up got Up. am Used to Getting Up am Getting Up.
42. I'm looking forward ___ on Holiday in Summer.
at Going to going to go. go.
44. ___ I Felt Ill, I Went To the Party.
In Spite. Despite Although. Yet.
45. I CouldN't Change My Sweater AT The Store Because I Had Lost My ___.
receipt. recipe pRESRIFTION check.
46. \u200b\u200bUnfortunately, The Traffic Held Me Up. WHEN I ARRED AT THE AIRPORT, THE PLANE ___.
47. I'm exhausted. I ___ a lot recently.
am working work have been working worked.
48. If I ___ The Mistake, I Would Have Corrected IT.
noticed have noticed had noticed notice
49. There Were A Lot of People on the Platform, Waiting ___ Arrive.
for The Train. the Train To. for Train To. for the train to
51. You ___ Take Along Some Cash. The Restaurant May Not Accept Credit Cards.
have to. had Better. may. shall
52. Sheila's Engagement Ring Is Enormous! IT ___ Have Cost a Fortune.
must. cAN'T. need. shld
53. HE CAME ___ A LOT OF MONEY AT A Very Early Age, So He Has Never Had to Work.
out. into with. away.
54. Maggie Put The Blanket ___ HER SON TO KEEP HIM WARM AS HE SLEPT.
away. iN. over off
55. If You Really Want to Send That Letter Off Today, It's ___ Time You Went to the POST Office.
high quick. proper. right
have dID wILL hAD.
haven't hadn't aren't couldn't
58. ___ Me If I'Ve Told You This Before.
Stopping. Stopped. Stop. Stops.
does Always Bark. always Is Barking has Always Barked is Always Barking
60. Your clothing is so ___ of date. You Need A Modern Wardrobe.
up. into under out.

Complete online test, which is suitable for determining the level of English for the USE.


The right answer Comment
1 what I'm a nurse. And. what Do you do?

We choose this answer, as the question implies the occupation.

2 some CAN I Have. some Fruit, Please?

We choose the option " some", Not" any ", as this offer is requested.

3 a lot. We Go On Picnics a lot. In The Summer.

In this sentence, the word standing at the site of the skip describes the verb "GO". In this regard, we are not suitable for "Many" or "A Lot of", as they are used with nouns. However, we also can't choose "never", because its position is immediately before the verb. Therefore, we choose " a. lot.».

4 any. We're Thirsty! Is there any. JUICE LEFT?

In this sentence, we are simply interested in the presence of the subject using the "TheRe IS" design in the question of the question, so we choose " any.».

5 dance Mary Can. dance ALL NIGHT LONG.

We choose this version of the answer, because after the modal verb "CAN" should use an infinitive without a particle "to".

6 Those Those Boys Over There Are Spanish.

We choose this version of the answer, since firstly the noun is in the form of a plural, and secondly in the sentence there is a clarifying information "Over There", which indicates that the group of objects is far from the speaker.

7 aT. Jim Is a Security Guard. He Sleeps During The Day and Works aT.night.

We choose this answer, since the word "Night" is an exception to the rules, and unlike other words, calling parts of the day, is used with the pretext of "AT" and without article.

8 worse. Nick IS A. worse. Tennis Player Than Tom.

We choose this answer, as we need adjective in this sentence comparative degreeAnd only this option satisfies all conditions.

9 hER. Mary Drives. hER. Car to work every day.

In this offer, we need to use the most stronger pronoun, so we choose the option " hER.».


This proposal contains neither alternatives or opposition, here is the reason for which an action will later be carried out, so we choose " because.».

11 for WE'VE BEEN GOOD FRIENDS for Many Years.

In this offer, we are given information about the "time period of time", so we choose with the perfect " for».

12 needn't You. needn't Pay for the Tickets. They're Free.

In this sentence, the second part indicates us for the lack of need to produce. However, the options "Don't Have" and "Doesn't Have To" are not suitable grammatically, so we choose " needn.t.».

13 which These Are the Photos which WE TOOK ON HOLIDAY.

In this offer, we have an apparent definition, but we are talking about an inanimate subject, so we choose " which».

14 used to smoke He Doesn't Smoke Now, But He used to smoke A Lot When He Was Young.

In this proposal, we are talking about the last habit, the opposed situation in the present, so we choose the design "Used to + verb".

15 better Than. Nickolas Plays Chess better Than. Anyone Else I Know.

In this offer, we need to adequate in a comparative degree and the appropriate union, so we choose " better. than.».

16 will Help. I Promise I. will Help. You with the Washing-Up AS Soon As I Finish This Cleaning.

In this sentence, we choose "Will" after the verb "Promise".

17 eating. How About eating. Out Tonight?

In this offer, we need to use -ing -ing form after the pretext of "About".

18 Neither Did I. I Didn't Like The Film. Neither Did I.. I THINK IT WAS REALLY BORING.

In this sentence, the speaker agrees with a negative assertion, so we choose the only correct option.

19 unless We Won't Go On Holiday unless We Save Enough Money.

In this conditional offer, we need a union with a negative value, so we choose "Unless."

20 hAD TO. Jill Went Down With Flu and hAD TO. Stay In Bed for a Week.

This sentence refers to the past episode. In order to show the need / forced to make any action in the past, we choose the option " hAD. to.».

21 tELL Excuse Me, Can You tELL Me The Way To the Station, Please?

We choose this answer, as we are dealing with a steady expression "to Tell Somebody The Way".

22 haven't Been. I. haven't Been. To the Cinema Since Last Year.

In this offer, we need a Present Perfect, but the option "Haven't Gone" is not suitable, since it would mean a movement in one direction, which in this case it was meaningless "was not in the cinema - meaning did not go and did not return", therefore we choose " haven.t. been».

23 Whose Whose Bag Is this? - IT's Neil's.

In this sentence, we ask about the owner, who owns the thing, so we choose this option.

24 you Were Speaking To WHO WAS THE MAN you Were Speaking To?

In this offer, we choose the only grammatically correct option in which there is a pretext and the grammatically necessary temporary form here.

25 to. This Suitcase IT Too Heavy for Me to. Lift.

In this sentence, we need a particle "to" before the verb, since according to the rule it is such an infinitive that is required after the "TOO + adjective" design.

26 was There There Wasn't Anything Interesting on TV Last Night, was There?

This offer is a dividing question, and the proposal itself is negative, so we choose the option with a plus sign - " wAS. tHERE».

27 was Having. I. was Having. Lunch WHEN Somebody Knocked on The Door.

This proposal we are talking about a long action that was interrupted by another unit action. Therefore, to show this duration, we need Past Continuous form.

28 between. THERE'S A FIVE-HOUR TIME DIFFERENCE between. London and New York.

This proposal we are talking about two subjects, between which there is a certain difference, so we choose the option " between.».

29 uS. They Wanted. uS. To come to dinner, But We Couldn't go.

In this offer, we are dealing with the Design "Want Somebody Do Something". And since after the verb usually follows the form of the object case of pronoun, we choose the option " uS.».

30 their I Have Been Playing their Piano Since I Was Five.

In this offer, we must consume a certain article before the name of the musical instrument.

31 their I'm Going To Visit Mexico and their United States.

In this offer, we must consume a certain article before the name of the country, which includes an administrative term (in this case - states).

32 hard You Will Pass The Test IF You Work hard.

In this offer, we need to adole, which would describe the verb "Work". However, it does not fit "Hardly", as it has a negative value and it is necessary either before the verb, determining it or in front of other adverbs.

33 to be seen. You Certainly Wouldn't Like to be seen. In Such Bad Company.

In this sentence, to transmit the meaning - "You do not want to we saw you In such a terrible company, "we need a passive design, so we choose the option" to. bE. seen».

34 for I'VE LOST MY Watch. Will You Help Me Look for IT?

In this offer, we need a phrase verb with the "Search - Search" value, such a value of the verb "Look" acquires in combination with the pretext " for».

35 borrow. I OFTEN. borrow. Money From My Parents.

In this offer, we need to convey the idea of \u200b\u200b"take a loan money", for this we are only suitable for borrow.».

36 iS GOING. He. iS GOING. ON A Business Trip Next Monday.

This proposal we are talking about the future planned for the future, so we must consume here present Continuous.

37 sTEP-FATHER. Greg Married My Mother After My Parents Divorced, SO He's My sTEP-FATHER..

We choose this version of the answer, since only it corresponds to the description given in the first part of the sentence.

38 up. He Used to Be a Chain Smoker, But He Gave up. Smoking Ten Years Ago.

In this offer, we need a phrasal verb with the value of "Stop - throw", such a value of the verb "Give" acquires in combination with the pretext " up.».

39 engaged I TriD to Call You But Your Line Was engaged.

We choose this answer, because only it is used to describe a similar situation along with "BUSY".


We choose this answer, as one of the above options can only be in the kitchen.

41 am Used to Getting Up I. am Used to Getting Up Early in the Morning Now, But Before I Wasn't.

In this offer, we need to transfer the idea that this moment A person has developed a certain habit and this action no longer gives him discomfort, so we choose the design "Be Used to Doing Something".

42 to going I'm looking forward to going ON HOLIDAY IN SUMMER.

Here we need to choose the desired pretext, and this is "to" and remember that after the predictions it is used -ing the form of verbs.


In this offer, we are dealing with a steady expression " tell The. Truth. "

44 Although. Although. I Felt Ill, I Went To the Party.

In this proposal, it is only a version of "Although", since after despite and in spite of (in the answer options, there is not enough preposition) either noun or -ing verb shape, and "YET" is usually worth the proposal that Calls a performed action. For example, I Felt Ill, Yet I Went To the Party.

45 receipt. I CouldN't Change My Sweater At The Store Because I Had Lost My receipt..

In this offer, we are only suitable for the same option, since all other words have excellent importance and the sphere of use.

46 hAD ALREADY LEFT. Unfortunately, The Traffic Held Me Up. WHEN I ARRived At The Airport, The Plane hAD ALREADY LEFT..

This proposal we are talking about the action that happened earlier than the subsequent. To show it, we need Past Perfect.

47 have been working I'm exhausted. I. have been working a lot recently.

In this case, we are dealing with the standard conclusion of the proposal - the first part describes the situation in the present (human condition), and the second indicates which action produced throughout the period of time led to this. According to the rules here it is necessary to use Present Perfect Continuous.

48 had noticed IF I. had noticed The Mistake, I Would Have Corrected IT.

In this case, we are dealing with the standard 1-type conditional sentence (Conditional III), where in terms of "if ..." we need to use PAST PERFECT.

49 for the train to There Were A Lot of People on the Platform, Waiting for the train to Arrive.

In this offer, we are dealing with a design similar to "Want Somebody Do Something", only here is the verb "Wait", which, if there is a supplement, is used with the pretext of "for" and we are talking about an inanimate subject, which should make a certain action, Which in turn is expressed by the verb in the initial form with the "To" particle.


Among the represented options, the answer is grammatically correct. sIMILAR to." In the case of "SAME", this should be "The Same AS".

51 had Better. You. had Better. Take Along Some Cash. The Restaurant May Not Accept Credit Cards.

This proposal contains a board that, along with "Should" or "Ought To", can be expressed using "HAD BETTER".

52 must. Sheila's Engagement Ring IS Enormous! IT. must. Have Cost a Fortune.

In this offer, we must express positive conclusion using modal verb. high degree Confidence that can be done with "MUST".


In this offer, we need a phrase verb with the meaning of "Inherit to inherit", such a value of the verb "Come" acquires in combination with the pretext " into».

54 over Maggie Put The Blanket overhER SON TO KEEP HIM WARM AS HE SLEPT.

In this case, we just need to choose the pretext, which would come to us in meaning. Since the woman covered the boy with a blanket, it means that she put it "over" the child, so we choose the option "Over".

55 high IF You Really Want to Send That Letter Off Today, It's high Time You Went To the Post Office.

In this offer, we are dealing with a stable expression "IT's High Time ...".


In this offer, we are dealing with inversion, designed to emphasize that as soon as one action happened, something else happened behind him. In such proposals to show this border, use Past Perfect.

57 hadn't I MUST ADMIT I hadn't Thought How The Story Would Finish Before I Read The Book.

In this offer, we need to show that it was before reading the book (and it was in the past) speaking and did not occur to the head that the story could end exactly that way. And to show the earlier action, use Past Perfect.

58 Stop. Stop. Me If I've Told You This Before.

Here we are dealing with a request expressed by weight, and in this case the initial form of the verb is used without a "to" particle.

59 is Always Barking That Stupid Dog. is Always Barking All Day Long.

In this sentence, the speaker expresses irritation over too often repeating actions, for this is used by Present Continuous and Always.

60 out. Your Clothing IS SO out. Of Date. You Need A Modern Wardrobe.

In this offer, we are dealing with a steady expression "out of date".

Explanation of the test results:

At the end of the test, you will see how many tasks are true. For example: 34 out of 60 tasks are true. Below you will find that if you scored 34, then points from 30 to 45 correspond to the level of pre-intermediate.

Points: 0-3 - Starter

Apparently, you have never studied English before, but now it's time to start.

Points: 4-15 - 1 Beginner

The BEGINNER learning levels can perceive the hearing and reproduce the phrases familiar to them used in the process of everyday communication, aimed at meeting the language needs of a certain type. They may introduce themselves, as well as tell about where they live, about people whom they know about the things owned by, and ask counter questions. They are able to support a simple conversation, provided that the interlocutor speaks slowly and intelligently and is ready to clarify, or repeat the phrase in case of misunderstanding.

Points: 16-29 - 2 Elementary

Elementary learning levels are able to perceive simple statements and frequently used expressions related to such common areas as personal information and information about family members, purchases, movement around the city, work. They can support a simple sharing of replicas for familiar topics. May tell about themselves and others in the framework of the main language needs and maintain a conversation on common topics.

Points: 30-45 - 3 Pre-Intermediate

The student levels "Pre-Intermediate" are able to perceive and reproduce information on common topics, such as work, training, leisure, and so on. Quite confidently feel in most situations arising in the process of traveling around the country where those surrounding speak in the language studied. Can produce small related texts on familiar topics or topics representing personal interest. Can share experiences, describing events and incidents, talk about plans for the future and give short description The reasons for what happened, or briefly express his opinion regardingly heard.

Points: 46-56 - 4 Intermediate

The study levels "Intermediate" are able to understand the basic idea of \u200b\u200bcomplex text, both specific and abstract topics, and participate in the discussion of technical details within their specialization. They can freely and spontaneously communicate with native speakers without need to resort to the help of a third party. Capable to produce clear and related texts for a large number of topics and express their point of view on the issue under discussion, stopping on the merits and disadvantages of various ways to solve the problem.

Points: 57-58 - 5 Upper-Intermediate

The student levels "Upper-Intermediate" are able to understand the hidden meaning of a wide range of complex and volumetric texts. They are able to express freely and spontaneously without obvious difficulties in choosing the desired words. Can effectively use the language units known to them when communicating on personal, professional and narrow-product themes. As part of the complex themes are able to produce clear, well-structured texts, including a detailed description, as well as successfully operate with syntactic structures, introductory and allied words.

Points: 59 - 6 Advanced

Learning levels "Advanced" are able to perceive visually or hearing almost everything they see and hear. There may generalize information from various sounding or written sources, transform it and subsequently argued to present the information received. Capable extremely free and clearly express, distinguishing fine shades of meaning even in the most difficult communication situations.

Points: 60 - 7 PROFICIENCY

Congratulations to the test showed that your English proficiency level is at a great level.

On this page there are interesting tests in English - both my writings and other sites. Tests are distributed over two sections. "Copyright tests" are the tests of my essay. They are not only on the knowledge of words and grammar, but also on other topics associated with English. "Tests for checking their knowledge" are interesting tests from other sites.

English tests to assess their knowledge

If you recently began to engage English, it will not hurt to evaluate the existing knowledge. Even if you think that you have absolutely "zero" English, for sure some words you know.

1. PUZZZLE English Vocabulary Test

Many beginners (and not only) are interesting to know what kind of vocabulary they have. Evaluation of the vocabulary stock - the thing is inaccurate, but you can find out the approximate figures. Passing this test, you need to mark the words you want to know. As a result, you will be shown how many words you know, as well as the index of honesty. If you did not try to overcome the teacher, the index will be 100%.

2. Vocabulary test Lingualeo

Another version of the test of the vocabulary - you can go both and compare the results.

Copyright tests in English

This section contains tests in the English language, which I composed myself and published a blog in different time. If you are not the first time on this site, you probably know that I sometimes come up with public tests. I try to do so that the test was not only cognitive, but interesting.

These tests are not exactly what can be seen in the textbooks, I would even say that it is not all of them can be called exactly tests in English, sometimes these are quizzes on near-speaking themes.

Topics I select different: here there are both usual tests for knowledge and grammar, as well as more original, for example, a test where you need to guess what movie is a quote.


This test includes consumables. english wordsComing from me, however, they are sometimes used in not quite ordinary values.

In addition, the tasks are "false friends of the translator" - words similar to writing and sounding, but differing in meaning.

This test passed more than 10 thousand times, average result - 4.9 points from 8.


This test includes smaller questions on the themes from school program In English, however, some of them may turn out to be much dear than it seems. Be careful!

The average result is 4.6 out of 7.


Phrase verbs are a very interesting topic in English, but certainly not the simplest. They are very often found in colloquial speech, it is often difficult to remember because of their illogiicity (this applies not to all phrase verbs), besides, there are often several values.

If desired, it was possible to find rare phrasal verbs And make a monstrously complex test of them, but I decided to make not too difficult tasks, just to show how interesting the topic!

The average result is 5.1 points out of 7.


Have you ever read the poems of Russian poets translated into English? It sounds very unusual, and sometimes funny!

But poetic translation is a very difficult thing. It is impossible and maintain the original shape, and accurately convey the meaning, so in the translation of the poem is very distorted.

I chose nine very well translated passages from Russian poetry. Can you guess the author?

The average result is 4.8 out of 9.

And it seems I did not include the dickery, wapiti, tupaya or other exotic animals (which sometimes do not know in Russian), but I do not guarantee that you will easily pass the task.

The average result is 4.7 out of 7.


Not the simplest test on the subject of US states. Perhaps you will not pass it perfectly, but learn something new! After the test there is an article about the states of the United States with electronic cards to memorize the states and their capitals.

The average result is 4 out of 6.


The city of the United States is not easy topic. History, geography, place of traditions and cultural features were twisted here.

With this simple test, you can check how well you know the city of the United States, well, or discover something new!

The average result: 4.5 out of 7.


This is pretty complex test You need to guess the book on a short passage in English. The selection includes seven famous books in English - both classic works and modern. All these books are fused.

The average result: 4 out of 7.