Complex proposals with apparent causes, conditions and concessions.

Purpose: Formation of punctuation literacy of students in Russian lessons.

  1. show features of NGN with apparent seeding; Turn off to distinguish the apparent concessions from other types of apparent; Improve spelling and punctuation skills.
  2. develop speakers.
  3. educating love for the native language.


  1. Handout.
  2. Posters.

On the desk:

  1. Number, theme lesson.
  2. Schemes.

During the classes

I. Org. moment.

II. Preparation for the study of a new material through the repetition and actualization of reference knowledge.

1. Work on errors on the previous topic of the lesson in a teacher verified teacher.

While RNO is running, students who received the mark "5" work on the cards:

Perform a punctuation analysis.

Love and friendships to you 1
Reach the gloomy shutters,
How to your savory holes
It comes to my free voice.

2. Poll of theory on the topic: "SPP".

What suggestions are we studying with you?

What suggestions are called complex?

What are the main groups they share?

Which of these are we studying now?

We list the studied circumstances of the apparent chain.

1. This stanza from the work of A. S. Pushkin "in the depths of Siberian ores" is proposed for parsing in the KN. See: Egorova N. V. Legal development in the Russian language: Universal benefit. Grade 9. - M: Vako, 2007.

(During responses of students on the board, a scheme appears)

III. Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

Today, in the lesson, we will get acquainted with circumstantial concessions (a "concession" recording appears in the diagram) or in the other seeding (the teacher pointed shows the reference theme on the board).

We write the number and topic of the lesson.

IV. Studying new knowledge, formation of new skills.

1. We write a proposal, make a punctuation analysis (the student works at the board)

Although Petya did not wash the dishes, Mom let go to walk him.

(Emphasis: the word "walk" is not part of the tag, children explain why)

Petya washed the dishes?

He wanted Mom to let him go for a walk?

He waited for concessions?

Teacher's word: "This is a PPP with an appreciation."

We write down the next sentence and will also discern it (the board works another student).

How many knocked on the door, no one opened.

Explain the selection of particle writing not and neither.

In the door knocked, wanted to give them and opened?

So what is the apparent?

Do you open the door, gave way? And died?

The word of the teacher: "In SNPs with presidation concessions, expect it, but it can occur, and maybe not."

Look at the STP with sedentary pressing and tell me what we can say about the action in the appropriate sentence in relation to the main one?

What question do they answer?

(A poster appears on the board:

Applying proposals with the value of the concession indicate the action opposed to the action in the main sentence, and answer the question despite what?)

With the help of what joined in 1 sentence to contact concessions?

What unions can I replace the union though?

(similar to the Union Word in 2 offer)

(The poster is complemented by the following entry:

Means of communication:

2. We write and analyze the following sentence.

Although the traveler did not know the road, but still went to the village.

Replace the apparent concession by a considerable turnover .

Make a punctuation analysis.

Which of these proposals is more accurate expresses the value of the concession?

What other additions can be synonymous by heavily accomplice?

3. According to the following schemes, make a NGN with sedentary pressing (orally in the rows).

1., despite the fact that ...).

2. (Likewise ...).

3. [, (though ...),]

Write down any of the proposals in the notebook.

What else can we say about pressing concessions?

V. Fixing, systematization, application.

Work on handout.

Open brackets, arrange the missed punctuation marks:

  1. (Not) looking at the ice buses reached the line.
  2. (No) looking at me, he sullenly walked.
  3. Kui iron until cooled.
  4. We perfectly spent time (not) looking at the fact that summer was rainy.
  5. There are no such cases that a person would not have overcome.
  6. Where neither looks like a formidable sword, where the horse angry either will be shed, everywhere chapters fly off his shoulders ...

1. Remove the NGP proposal with seeding pressing, open brackets, spread, if necessary, missed the punctuation marks (verification).

(Emphasis: "Despite" in the compound alliance "despite the fact that" writhe pits, commas before "what" not necessary to put)

2. Work on options:

I option works with the first sentence;

II option - with the second sentence.

(With a collective check, the emphasis is on the compound writing "despite" in the composite pretext "Despite" and separately writing a particle notwith verbalism in the second sentence).

3. Build schemes of the remaining proposals.

What other suggestions met?

During work on options and drafting, a strong student works at the board with the following proposal:

Despite the fact that he lay on the table, he took an apple.

(In a collective check, an emphasis is made: it is a NGN with an extremely spectacular, "not looking" is written separately, before "what" in combination "in despite the fact that" put a comma).

Vi. The outcome of the lesson.

What offers got acquainted in the lesson?

Why were they so called?

What do the apparent concessions indicate?

With what are they joined by the main sentence?

VII. Homework.

  1. From text fiction Find and write down five NGNs with sedentary additives.
  2. P. 77, UPR. № 176 (II) (Russian: Tutorial for the 9th grade of general education institutions / [S.G. Barhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkov et al.] - 28th ed. - M: Education, 2006.).

The apparent concession refers to the entire main part and has a grade value - calls the situation, against which an event is carried out, named in the main part. To the apparent part you can put questions despite what? Contrary to what? The appropriate concession is joined by the subordinate unions, although (at least), despite the fact that, for nothing, let, let it be or the unused words, whoever, where neither, how much doesn't, etc.: On the street there was almost everywhere dirty, although the rain was still Last night (F. Sologub) - a means of communication - a union though. Whatever the feelings who broke the bomome, his faces did not leave the expression of a congenital nobility (I. Ilf and E. Petrov) - a means of communication - the Union Word of what is part of the faithful. As Ivan did not add a step, the distance between the persecuted and was not reduced to them (M. A. Bulgakov) - a means of communication - the union word, which is the circumstance. The union may be two-component with the second part, but, yes, however; These components can be used in the use of union words: oddly enough, the newswls of the paper slightly reassured the chairman (I. Ilf and E. Petrov). And at least an insensitive body equals everywhere to think, but closer to the cute limit I wanted to rest (A. S. Pushkin). SPP with add-on comparison comparison extends the entire main part. The main part content is compared with the content of the apparent one. From the main part to the apparent you can put questions like? like what? Like what? The apparent joining the comparative alliances as if, as if, just like, as if, as if, as if, as if: Prince Vasily was always lazily, as the actor tells the role of an old play. (L. N. Tolstoy) But from the ocean, a wide and deaf sound was flewing, as if the bubble burst in the sky. (A. N. Tolstoy) Rolling shake, rose from the chair, the tube fell out of his mouth, the purple lips were twisted, the uneven wanted and could not utter some word (A. N. Tolstoy). In the main part of the NGN with the apparatus comparative, the indicative word can be used so that, however, is not obligatory: he laughed so much, as if he heard the most witty joke in his life. It is necessary to distinguish the apparent comparative and comparative turnover. In the apparatus comparative, there is a leakable or secondary members of the group of the group, i.e., dependent on the said word. In the comparative turnover, the group of the facility is not represented: "Antilopa-GNU" received the prisoner of Grubian and rolled further, breaking like a funeral chariot (I. Ilf and E. Petrov) - a comparative turnover, circumstance. Close to SPP with apparent comparisons of SPP with apparent comparable, in which one part is associated with the other and the second joins the first with the help of anything - the topics; In both parts of such a proposal, comparative degrees of adjective or adverbs are presented: and the brighter they become in his imagination paint, the harder it was to sit on a typewriter (V. Nabokov). In these proposals the main part It is considered the second part containing the component of the union of topics. A special group inside the NGN with comparative appendages form such that relate not to the entire main part, and to one word in it - to the form comparative degree Adjective or adveria or the words other, another, otherwise, differently, otherwise. The dressing part joins the main thing with the help of alliances than than. Relationship between parts is comparative or comparable: time went slower than crawling clouds across the sky (M. Gorky).

Lesson number 39. Complexed proposals with appointed concessions, conditions. 9 Class

Glazdunova S.N., Russian teacher

language and literature MBOU "MSSH"

Purpose: Formation of punctuation literacy of students in Russian lessons.


    show features of NGN with apparent sedentary and conditional;

    to teach to distinguish the apparent concessions and conditions from other types of apparent;

    improve spelling and punctuation skills.

    develop speakers.

    educating love for the native language.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

II. Check your homework. Work at the board.

From UPR. 128 Disposition 2 offers with pressing time and produce syntactic analysis. Write out words with missing spells, explain.

III. Spelling work. (Mutual test).

An interesting picture is a script; Reproduction of work; perfect copy; the original is more beautiful than copy; original language; make a decision; Participated in; accepted guests; adopted in accordance with the Charter; accepted unanimously.

2. Work in a pare: Arrange the punctuation marks, determine the appendage of the apparent.

1. The tent must be stretching so that it goes like a drum. 2. Then it must be swallowed so that water flowed into the ditch on the sides of the tent and did not undermine the field. (K. Poyustovsky) 3. Almost no, that minute in the days so that the work in the freight fields does not boil. (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin) 4. I want to equate the pen to the bayonet. (V.Makovsky) 5. We must always speak honestly so that no one was ashamed. (K. Pouustovsky) 6. She loved Richardson not because she didn't even because she preferred Govdlason. (A. Pushkin)

Check yourself (on a multimedia board): The tent must be stretching so that it goes down like a drum. - Pressing image of action. as?

Then it must be inhaling, so that water flows into the ditch on the sides of the tent in the ditch on the sides and did not join the field. - Pressing goal for what purpose?

Almost no that minute in the days so that work is not boiling in the freight fields. - Puttingable definition to and to about y?

I want to equate the pen to the bayonet. - Putting-emptying hd oh?

We must always speak honestly so that no one was ashamed. - Pressing goal. for what purpose?

She loved Richardson not because she read, not because she preferred the Grandison. - Pressing reasons for what reason?

III. Message Topics and Objectives.

IV. Studying a new material.

1. Questions and tasks.

- What value are complex proposals with crushing causes, conditions, concessions, goals, consequences? (General value conditioned.)

- Consider the table on with. 84-85 Textbook § 19. Name the types of proposals with the meaning of conditionality.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with circumstantial concessions and conditions. (Setting the purpose and objectives of the lesson learning)

Working with a table (each on the desk)

Means of communication:


Union words:

although (at least)




for nothing

Pressing conditions belong to the whole main sentence.

Unions may act as a means of communicationif, if, kaba, if, when in meaningif a , as in meaningif a andtime in meaningif a .

In complex proposals, pressing conditions may occupy a position both before the main proposal and after the main offer.

You will never forget the beauty of this city, if you have ever seen it.

If you have ever seen this city, you will never forget his beauty.

Podidconcessions S. communicate about those conditions, contrary to which any actions are committed.

Little cooking was missing candy(despite what?), Despite the fact that they are harmful to teeth.

Applying concessions belong to the whole main sentence.

Communication facilities for applied concessions with the main part of the proposal may be alliancesalthough, let, let . As well asdespite the fact that, despite the fact that and evenfor nothing .

Applying proposal

Name the apparent; Determine the appendage of the apparent

When everything is already rushed, all the light bulbs were extinct at a huge pink theater. He stopped where the fire was burning. As soon as the dawn, we arrived at the station. When I feel good, or on the contrary, it hurts, I always remember this jazz melody. We went towards the forest, where the old man pointing us.

Pressing offer Conditions Question of the Union If if if when (\u003d if), if

SNPs with the apparent conditions (with what condition?) When there is no agreement in the comrades, they will not go to the way. Come hay to mow, (with what condition?) Only if there is no rain. Her face was best done, (with what condition?) When Mother smiled.


Game "Continue Proposal":

SPP with pressing conditions

I would like to meet you on Saturday if ...

You would win the contest, if ...

The team will be released in the final if ...

You would not get a bad assessment when (\u003d if) ....

SNP with pressing concessions

Continue the NGN with appointed concessions

We perfectly spent time, despite the fact ...

He came to the lesson, although ...

You do not achieve the result, like any ...

Fizpaus for eyes.

V. Fixing, systematization, application.

1. Work on UPR.133 (1-3Pertay), 134 (1-3)

2. UPR. 135 (1-4 Offer).

3. Expand brackets, spread the missed punctuation marks: (pairing)

    (Not) looking at the ice buses reached the line.

    (No) looking at me, he sullenly walked.

    Kui iron until cooled.

    We perfectly spent time (not) looking at the fact that summer was rainy.

    There are no such cases that a person would not have overcome.

    Where neither looks like a formidest sword, where the horse angry either will be trapped, everywhere chapter flies from the shoulders.

4 . Constructing NGN with apparent conditions and concessions (orally):

A) Complete the main offers putting conditions:

Nice to relax outside the city ...

Machine ... can serve ten more years.

B) Additional conditions for the main proposals:

If a go night on an unfamiliar road ...

If tomorrow the museum will be open ...

C) add unfinished proposals:

All the most excellent mood, despite the fact that ...

In March, usually snow melts, although ...


A) Specify the complex proposal with the apparent seeding.

In the spring, when nature comes to life, you feel an extraordinary tide of strength.

He understood then that Levinson wanted to check the combat readiness of the squad.

Despite the fact that there was sunny weather, we never went to the park.

I sat down on the bench not to fall.

B) Specify a complex proposal with the apparent conditions.

I had such a feeling that I was wrong in something.

If the team of our school will win tomorrow's match, it will come out in the final.

I looked at the fortress and tried to guess what story is connected with her.

Complex work with text. "Preparing for OGE." The task. Read the text, explain spelling and punctuation, define the topic and the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.

Vi.Conclusions by lesson. Reflection.

Using the beginning, create 2 sentences, applying knowledge obtained in the lesson, determine the appendage of the apparent, make a scheme:

I realized that ...


Several people read, explain.

VII. The outcome of the lesson.

What offers got acquainted in the lesson?

Why were they so called?

What do the apparent concessions indicate?

With what are they joined by the main sentence?

VIII. Homework.

    Learn the rules on page 84-85, § 19, for the 1group: UPR. No. 134 (5-6), 135 (5-7).

    Creative task for the 2group: From the texts of fiction, write down five SPPs with appointed concessions and conditions or draw up a fairy tale about pressing concessions and conditions.

The abstract of the lesson of the Russian language in the 9th grade (authors of the textbook: L.A.Trosttentsova, T.A. Malezhenskaya, A.D. Didikina, O.M. Alksandrov). Theme lesson: Complexed proposals With the apparent causes, conditions and concessions.

Purpose: The formation of skills: 1) identify the structure of a complex proposal with apparent causes, conditions and concessions, distinguish the specified types of apparent from other species; 2) properly arrange punctuation marks in complex proposals with studied apparent; 3) identify the stylistic features of unions connecting the apparent with the main.

    Organizing time.

    Check your homework.

    A connected story about complex departure and time suggestions.

    Fastening the topic "Complexed proposals with additives and time". Task: Record the offer and make a syntactic analysis:I kept looked at the fortress until she disappeared behind the turn.

    Message themes and lesson purposes.

    Studying a new material.

Working with a textbook. Pupils view schemes of complex proposals with the meaning of conditionality, call the types of these proposals, means of communication; read theoretical material on page 84-85; constitute a scheme of a complex proposal with apparentthe reasons:

why? from what? for what reason?

, (Unionsbecause, because, since, for )

Exercise exercises. UPR.131: To write down in three groups complex proposals with pressing causes, which costs: 1) After the main, 2) before the main, 3) in the middle of the main one.

Pupils read theoretical material on page 89, make up a scheme of a complex proposal with apparentconditional :

with what condition?

, (Unionsif when, kided )

Exercise exercises. UPR.138 orally (on a chain). Create diagrams of 1,4,57 sentences (on the board).

Conclusions (teacher comment):

    Conditional additive proposals belong to the entire main proposal; The means of communication between the main and pressing parts serve only the unions.

    Puttinglements can occupy any place in relation to the main one.

    The appendage view can be determined by the question.

    The most common union -if a .

Reading theoretical material on page 91-92, drafting a complex proposal scheme with apparentconcessions .

despite what?

, (Unionsalthough, let, let, despite Combinedno matter how much ).

Exercise exercises. UPR. 144 Written (Expert offers - 1 option, odd offers - 2 options). Multi-test.

    Fastening the material studied.

    Constructing NGN with apparent conditions and concessions (orally):

A) Complete the main offers of the apparent conditions:

Nice to relax outside the city ...

Machine ... can serve ten more years.

B) Additional conditions for the main proposals:

If a go Night on an unfamiliar road ...

If tomorrow the museum will be open ...

C) add unfinished proposals:

All the most excellent mood, despite the fact that ...

In March, usually snow melts, although ...

    Test tasks.

A) Specify the complex proposal with the apparent seeding.

    In the spring, when nature comes to life, you feel an extraordinary tide of strength.

    He understood then that Levinson wanted to check the combat readiness of the squad.

    Despite the fact that there was sunny weather, we never went to the park.

    I sat down on the bench not to fall.

B) Specify a complex proposal with the apparent conditions.

    I had such a feeling that I was wrong in something.

    If the team of our school will win tomorrow's match, it will come out in the final.

    I looked at the fortress and tried to guess what story is connected with her.

    Complex work with text. "Preparing for OGE."

The task. Read the text, explain spelling and punctuation, define the topic and the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.

Spariate complex sentences with apparent conditions, make their schemes.

True friendship is very pom .. and in grief, and in joy . In joy, after all, also need help (?) To feel happy..E to the depths of the soul, feel and divide (?) To them. Instructed (H, NN) Aya joy is not joy. The man spoils is happy..E if he is experiencing him alone. When will it be time for inappropriate time the loss again (?) Do not be alone. Mount man if he is alone. Therefore, take care of youth to deep old age. Appreciate everything good that pr .. in young years, do not waste youthful wealth.

There is a Russian proverb: "Take care of the honor of the Smoloda." All actions remain in memory, committed in youth. Good will delight bad - not to give to sleep! (according to D.S. Likhachev).

Vі. The outcome of the lesson.

Vі. Homework.

    Theoretical material of the textbook on the lesson.

    UPR. 151 (orally)

    The writing is a reasoning (at least 50 words) "What is friendship" with the use of complex suggestions with circumstantial pressing.

Russian language, grade 11.

Topic of the lesson: SPP with appointed concessions.

The purpose of the lesson:Continue to get acquainted with NGN with the apparent circumstances

; become acquainted with NGN with appointed concessions

recognize the apparent circumstances, determine their

place, improve punctuation skills.

Develop memory, speech.

Relieve respect for the discovers.

Equipment: Program PresentationPowerPoint, textbook, tasks for individual work.

During the classes: 1. Org.Moment.

- Greeting.

- Psychological attitude.

- Report on duty.

2. Survey of homework.

Frontal survey on the topic "SPP with apparent circumstances"

(by cluster).

Exercise 492- from pairs of simple proposals to make a STP with

pressing conditions using alliancesif a andwhen.

3. Graphic dictation.

Create SPP schemes.

1. Gerasim grew by a mute and mighty, like a tree grows on fertile soil.

2. When he saw Natasha, his face was spawned.

3. Apple tree chains stretched out where waste was.

4. In order to be happy, it is necessary not only to love people, but also to be loved.

5. Flowers, because they just watered them, published a wet, irritating smell.


1. [...], (like ..).

2. (When ...), [...].

3. [...], (where ...).

4. (In order ...), [...].

5. [..., (because ...), ...].

4. Message of a new topic.

Guys, today we will get acquainted with complex proposals with concessions (қSylyyyuyuyuyuңңңyli Sabakatas ұрмалас Сёлал).

Record the number and theme lesson (notebook design).

Completed proposals with concessions are answering the questiondespite what? They point out the action opposed to the action in the main sentence (denoted the events that could prevent, but did not prevent what they say in the main sentence) and join it with the help of alliances, although (at least), despite the fact that, despite As and union words, as nor. Nautical concessions occupy any position: they can stand ahead, in the middle and after the main offer. They refer to the whole main sentence.

For example:

    [This house was called a stoned courtyard], despite what?) ( although there was no yard near him).

    Scheme offer:

    [ ] , (although …)

Compinition signs with composite unions

    If a subordinate clause Joins the main sentence with the help of composite unions (since, as, because, because, despite the fact that, despite the fact that, etc.) the comma is set:

    Either before the constituent union, for example: breathing was getting deeper and freer,as rest and cooled his body.

    Either inside the composite union, so the first part of it enters the main offer, and the second is in the apparent one. Such a semicolon is determined by meaning emphasis and intonation: he did not come although Gave a solid promise.

5. Fastening the topic. Working with a textbook.

- Exercise 508 - divide the group for 2 options.

1 option - write down the STP with the apparent conditions;

2 Option - write down the SPP with appointed concessions.

The board has 2 student.


Pressing conditions: Pressure concessions:

- Individual work is underway (4 students work on


- verification of work performed.

- Well done boys! With the task you coped, which means that you have been well learned about the new topic.

6. And now we go to our lexical theme.

Our lexical topic is called "around the world." In this section, we began to talk about great people, cities and countries.

In the exercise 512, the text, which is called "Opening Christopher Columbus".

The name of Christopher Columbus is known from history and geography. This is a Spanish traveler, navigator, the discoverer of the American continent.

In 1451, October 27, a boy was born in Genoa. It knows a little about his childhood - after all, no one could think that this child would once glorify her name in the centuries. Boy called Christopher Columbus. In 1492-93, he led the Spanish Expedition to search for the shortest sea route to India; Crossed the Atlantic Ocean, opened Sargassovo Sea and reached 12.10.1492 about. Samana (official date of opening of America), later - the ancient Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti. In subsequent expeditions (1493-96, 1498-1500, 1502-1504) discovered large antilles, some of the small antillers and the coasts of South and Central America and the Caribbean Sea.

- Reading text.

- Wokery work.

    Publication - Basyl

    Fitter - Alғashқy Ashқan Adam

    Expedition - Arnai Tapsurma Boyyins Sapar

    Nadd - Kelіsti, Sai

- What have learned about the life of Christopher Columbus?

- Task by text.

  • Find in the text SPP with the appointed concessions and make a scheme.

- Check:

(Although the Islands and the coast of North America are visited by Normans over the hundreds of years earlier and he was not the discoverer of America), [but it was the discovery of Columbus who had a world-historical meaning].

despite what?

(…), […]

7. Workout.

1. What endsday andnight ? (b)

2. What endssummer And beginsfall ? (about)

3. In what word 40 vowels? (magpie)

4. In what word 100 consonants? (table, stack, moan)

5. In which verbnot is heard 100 times? (moaning)

6. What note is put in the soup? (salt)

7. What is the hare behind, and the Heron is ahead? (C)

8. Tidy lesson.

Guys, today we have studied the topic "SPP with prescript concessions."

Well, answer: what question is the recreation concessions answer?

With what unions and allied words they

attach to the main one?

9. Homework:

1) Exercise 517 - Insert allied words and place punctuation signs.

2) learn the rule.

10. Estimates.