Australia map unmarked. Physical map of Australia

Australia is an unusual country. Unusual in the first place because it is the only country that occupies the whole continent. Australia as a country is the sixth largest country in the world, but the mainland Australia is considered to be a rather small continent. The mainland is located in the Southern Hemisphere and is washed by the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Australia is eucalyptus and bamboo thickets, platypuses, koalas and kangaroos, the Blue Mountains and rainforests. But all this needs to be seen only with your own eyes, having arrived in this amazing land.

Interactive map of Australia in Russian

Below is an interactive map of Australia in Russian from Google. You can move the map to the right and left, up and down with the mouse, and also change the scale of the map with the "+" and "-" icons, which are located at the bottom right side of the map, or with the mouse wheel. In order to find out where Australia is located on the world map, use the same method to further reduce the scale of the map.

In addition to the map with the names of the objects, you can look at Australia from the satellite if you click on the "Show satellite map" switch in the lower left corner of the map.

Two more maps of Australia are shown below. In order to see each map in full size, click on it and it will open in a new window. You can also print them out and take with you on the road.

Geographic map of Australia

You were presented with the most basic and detailed maps of Australia, which you can always use to find the object of interest to you or for any other purposes. Enjoy your travels!

28 November 2019 -

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January 20, 2017 -
December 7, 2016 -

The state in the Southern Hemisphere includes the continent of the same name, an island and several more islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. On the smallest continent, 7.7 million square meters. km, the sixth largest country in the world is located. The state has no borders with other countries, it is surrounded on all sides by seas and oceans. Almost 25 million people live in Australia, most of them settled on the east coast.

In arid Australia, three-quarters of the territory is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts, but there is fertile soils in the east and savannahs in the north. The coastal areas have enough rainfall, the vegetation is rich and varied, with alpine meadows and tropical jungle. In the north-west along the coast stretches with elite resorts - the main attraction of Australia. On the east coast there is a mountain range - the Great Dividing Range, its highest point is Cape Kostsyushko (2,228 m). Two large rivers“Murray and Murrumbidgee, the Darling River runs dry. These waterways and large underground reserves are the main source of fresh water. There are many deep rivers in Tasmania. In the south of Australia, there is an abundance of saline drainless lakes filled with rainwater, the largest - Eyre occupies 9,500 square meters. km and is located 16 m below sea level.

Australia's climate is shaped by ocean currents that create droughts and cyclones in the north of the continent. In the north, a tropical climate prevails, in the southwest - Mediterranean, in the southeast - temperate.

The remoteness and antiquity of the continent contributed to the preservation of the unique flora and fauna. There are many animals and plants in Australia that are not found anywhere else on the planet, for example, platypuses, echidnas, koalas, kangaroos, wombats.

Australia is the name of the continent located in the Eastern Hemisphere, south of the equator (the Southern Tropic crosses it almost in the center). The length of this land area from north to south is about 3.7 thousand km, and even more from west to east - about 4 thousand km. The northern part of the continent is washed by the seas of the Pacific Ocean basin - Timor and Arafura; east - Koralovoye and Tasmanovo. The western and southern coasts are washed by the Indian Ocean.

Australia lies south of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, the Republics of East Timor and Indonesia. To the northeast are the island states of Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands, French New Caledonia. To the east and slightly south of the lower tip of Australia is New Zealand. The largest of all coral reefs currently existing in the world - the Great Barrier Reef, over 2 thousand km long, encircles the northeastern Australian coast.

The Australian continent, together with the large island of Tasmania located to the south and several coastal islands in the Indian and Pacific are part of the sixth largest state in the world - the Australian Union. total area countries - 7 692 024 km² (including more than 32 thousand km² of the area of ​​coastal islands).

Since its discovery in 1606, mainland Australia has long been a British colony. In fact, the Australian Union was recognized as an independent state (dominion) in 1907, but it still recognizes the Queen of Great Britain as the head of state.

Physical map Australia in Russian.

Australia is a country located on the territory of the mainland Australia, Tasmania and several Pacific and Indian oceans. Satellite map Australia shows that the country has only water borders with other states: East Timor, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Indonesia, New Caledonia and Vanuatu.

Australia area - 7 692 024 sq. km., which makes it the sixth largest state in the world. Most of the country's territory is occupied by deserts, therefore, populous cities can be found only in the southeast and north of the country.

Sydney Opera House

Australia is divided into 6 states (Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania, South and Western Australia) and two mainland territories (Northern Territory and Federal Capital Territory). Largest cities countries - Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. The capital of the state is Canberra.

Australia has one of the most developed economies in the world, based on the service sector, mining natural resources and agriculture... The main problem of the country in last years XX century was fresh water. As a result, numerous desalination plants are being built on the territory of the country, and bans are imposed on the use of fresh water.

Great Barrier Reef

A Brief History of Australia

1606 - Discovery of Australia by European sailors

XVII-XVIII centuries - the study of the borders of Australia, the emergence of colonies, the settlement of colonies by convicts brought from Europe

1788 - Establishment of the first colony - British colony of New South Wales

1850s - gold rush

1901 - Establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia - Federation of Colonies

1907 Commonwealth of Australia becomes dominion of the British Empire

1927 - capital in Canberra

1939 - adoption of the Westminster Statute: English monarch is the official head of the dominions

1970s - policy of encouraging immigrants from Europe

Uluru Rock (Ayers Rock)

Australia landmarks

On Show detailed map From a satellite, you can see that almost the entire central territory of the country is occupied by deserts. The most famous deserts are the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert and the Great Artesian Basin semi-desert.

But in Australia you can see not only deserts. Tourists will be interested in National parks Port Campbell, Grampians and Cape Le Grand, Currumbin Sanctuary and Lown Pine Koala Koala Sanctuary.

Blue Mountains National Park

Australia's natural attractions include the Great Barrier Reef, Uluru Rock, Port Jackson Bay, Lake Eyre, Hayman and Fraser Islands, the Whitsunday Archipelago, Jenolan Caves and the Blue Mountains.

Most tourists tend to visit the main cities of Australia - Sydney and Melbourne. In Sydney, it is worth seeing the Sydney Opera House, Harbor Bridge, TV Tower and Aquarium, and in Melbourne - Royal botanical gardens, the zoo, the Eureka tower and the concert center.

Melbourne and Eureka Tower

Tourist notes

Gulrypsh - a summer cottage for celebrities

There is an urban-type settlement Gulrypsh on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, the appearance of which is closely associated with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. Case decided the matter.