Tears Three streams The value of phraseologism. Cm

In three streams. Expres 1. About rampant crying. - I remember that Eustolak was still, Malaya, came to the bench to the old man Rzhanov, bought the sands of the sand of sugar and scattered on the floor. I have tears in three streams, and I licked the sand from the floor. And Rzhanov, the old man came out due to the desk: "Not a big de request of a guy. Blue mass will be. The old man was guess (I. sharks. Kasyan Casual). 2. On the abundant selection of sweat. From the general already sweat in three streams, but the plow is not inferior to anyone. Well done, Seryoga! Mark keeps what you need! (Al. Ivanov. Day with general).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, Ast. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

Watch what is "in three streams" in other dictionaries:

    In three streams - In three streams about tears in abundance. Cf. Tears ... ready to splash in three streams. Goncharov. Ordinary Eastor ...

    in three streams - About tears in abundance of Wed. Tears ... Ready to splash in three streams. Goncharov. Ordinary story ...

    in three streams - Narch, Number of synonyms: 2 bitter (35) strongly (190) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Tears in three streams (stream) flow - Tears in three streams (stream) flowing. Cf. It includes a d " Ostrovskiy ... ... ... Large intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (original spelling)

    tears in three streams (stream) flow - cf. It includes a girl (in the church), in her face neither the bloodstream, the eyes are burning, stared at the groom, the whole trembling, exactly fisted ... she became baptized, and the tears were thrown into three streams. Ostrovsky. Last victim. 12 … Mikhelson's Big Thick-Frazological Dictionary

    Tears in three streams. - Know on the eyes, what kind of sadness. Tears in three streams. See Joy Mountain ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

    crying in three streams - Approx., Number of synonyms: 22 Holder (50) Bowing (32) Gorky crying (21) ... Synonym dictionary

    break into three streams - Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Expres Gorky, long and unrestrained crying. Often in the night I did not sleep a lonely girl, but how caught rye a high, tears in three streams lila! (Nekrasov. Corobeinists) ... Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Pour into three streams - Sib. Jelly Iron. Lie down FSS, 78 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings


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  • Good fairy with sharp teeth, Sakharov T.V. .. Beauties cry too! Rich beauties are sobbing in three streams. Anna Silver - the young hostess of the investment company - it is necessary. In the interruptions between business events, she is forced ...

Pour tears in three express streams. Gorky, long and unrestrained crying. Often in the night I did not sleep a lonely girl, but how caught rye a high, tears in three streams lila! (Nekrasov. Corobeinists).

The phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, Ast. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

Watch what is "pouring tears in three streams" in other dictionaries:

    pour - Lew, pour; lei; LIL, LA /, Li / Lo; Li / Ty; lit, a /, whether / then; nsv. See the TZH. to pour 1) a) what to force to flow, leak which l. liquid. Pour water. b) OTT. Pour Pour kerosene in a barrel ... Dictionary of many expressions

    pour - Lew, pour; lei; Lil, La, Lilo; cast; lit, a, lito; nsv. 1. What. Make a leak liquid. L. Water. // pour, pour where l. L. Kerosene in a barrel. L. Oil in a frying pan. // shed, pour. L. Water to the floor. L. on hand ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    pour tears - rum roar, swell, squat, hump, dissolve snot, sculpting, cry, cry, cry in the voice, drown in tears, let the tear, breed damp, roar, roam, rotten, shed tears, roar of good mate, roar roaring, roar ... ... ... Synonym dictionary

    chop down tears - To roar by Bluggy, cry, bitterly cry, swell, shed tears, leaning tears, roaring the rhea, roar, sprinkle, cry, cry, pour tears, cry in three streams, crying spill, break out the stream, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    cry - yeah, throw, vote, roar, sob, dig, whine, harp, sob, hump, squeal; Tears are sharpening, crying the vanity, roar roar. Possed, make sure, hit the tears, raise howl, rise, poured (flammable tears), ... ... Synonym dictionary

    howl - See crying ... dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions in the meaningful. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. To scream, cry; Treating, upgrading, nurse, cry in three streams, drown in tears, break out the stream, sob, tears ... ... Synonym dictionary

    vote - See crying ... dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions in the meaningful. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Vote to pour into tears, roar of good mat, shed tears, roar, roar root, roar by Bluggy, click, pour tears ... Synonym dictionary

    fill in tears - chopped in tears, pour tears, throw, vote, wrap, cry with flammable tears, cry, cry in three streams, cry, cry, spill the stream, roar by Blue, shed tears, roar, cry, cry, cry, cry ... ... Synonym dictionary

Expres Gorky, long and unrestrained crying. Often in the night I did not sleep a lonely girl, but how caught rye a high, tears in three streams lila! (Nekrasov. Corobeinists).

  • - See Creek ...

    Dictionary of metallurgical terms

  • - or Brill - Valley of the Creek of Medling, South Vienna, known for its picturesque location ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - cf. In the orphanhood there is only tears to pour, live the syrontics, that the pea on the road: who will pass, he will break. N.I. Melnikov. In forests. eighteen...
  • - About tears in abundance of Wed. Tears ... Ready to sprinkle. Goncharov. Ordinary story ...

    Mikhilson's intelligent-phrase dictionary

  • - Lime to live - tears pour. Cf. Lime to live - only tears pour; Listing the syrontics that the pea on the road: who will be held, Tot and Tempeck. P. I. Melnikov. In Lѣsah. 1, 8. See peas in the field that the girl is in the house ...
  • - In three streams - about tears in abundance. Cf. Tears ... ready to splash in three streams. Goncharov. Ordinary Eastor ...

    The intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (Orig. ORF)

  • - Review. Expres 1. About the unrestrained ...
  • - Review. Iron. Musicly complaining, preferably, hesitate to regret anything. - It's time to stop interfering in someone else's life! - Reflected Antonina ...

    Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Expres. Gorky cry. - Yes, the husband walks, with God's burning, with the joy of whether the god news, and the wife of tears pouring ...

    Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - See Children -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - Sib. Slot.-Iron. Lie down FSS, 78 ...
  • - Review. Hypocritely complain, pretended, insincere regretting about whom F 1, 281 ...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Narach, Number of synonyms: 2 bitterly strongly ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

  • - Rube roar, throw, squat, hump, dissolve snot, swelling with a bluish, cry, cry into the voice, drown in tears, let the tears, to breed the damp, roar, roam, rotten, shed tears, roar of good mate, ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Pour tears in three streams" in books

"Tears ... but caustic adult tears ..."

From the book dead "yes" Author Steiger Anatoly Sergeevich

"Tears ... But caustic adult tears ..." Tears ... But caustic adult tears. Roses ... But in general, there are roses in general - in Nice and everywhere there are many roses. Tears and roses ... But only without posture, soberly, aimlessly and very

Great streams of loss

by Shalamov Varlam

The lot of the loss of the loss of the creek of the loss, and he is not to speeches. Ice noodle compressed, chips the stream. It is boil in the granite hole, overcoming the ice, and the cold stones stones full of mouth. And the cosonial stream is incomprehensible to anyone, isn't it a flock of the bird that flies to

Set of a stream

From the book Kolyma Notebook by Shalamov Varlam

The mouth of the stream is a rustling stream, unnamed, unnecessary, for our nights are not southern enough, where there are flights and a polar leu, glowing ice emerald color. Forgotten in winter in an inaccessible gorge, winter on my housewarming, where directly forward through the ice three-meter flies

111-112. Blowing a stream

From the book imagined sonnets [Collection] Author Li Hamilton Eugene

111-112. The creek of the first despair of his heartless days weaving poems I drive, hoping that my future is my future to be more authentic. But in the shreds, I would tear them, I must get up with a fishing rod in my hands on the dawn of May; Let the paper pops up a dumb down the creek and kalnet

"Teach me tears do not pour ..."

From the book "Is it possible to the woman dead praise? ..": Memories and poems Author Vaxel Olga Aleksandrovna

"Teach me tears not pouring ..." Teach me tears do not pour, teach me grief not to know. Here again, I am alone on the chest of spring earth. If you lose it all, you can throw out all the sadness, but again it will sweep away from that native shoulder ... But when it breaks away with a thin tricky,

Along the forest stream

From the book of the Ugreshskaya Lira. Issue 3. Author Egorova Elena Nikolaevna

A stream flew along the forest stream, the patterned leaves floated, and bloomed the sprout penetrated and dust. The coolness of the waters called in the edge, where the air is walked by a fiber, where our shadows were rested on the mossy banks of the stream. The chance of meetings was given ... on

Creek Kozhel

From the book in steel thunderstorms author Junger Ernst

Skisel's creek on December 9, 1917 after a few days of peace, even before my vacation, we changed the tenth rot on the front line. The position was, as I have already reported, near the village of Visa An-Artoi. On the right, the plot of my company was limited to the Arras - Cambra Highway, on the left - the wetlands

Again at the stream of the unexpected

From the book my front skiing Author Herodist Gennady Iosifovich

Again at the stream of an inadvertent in the stream of the inadequate, where we were once there, there is a hot battle. An enskaya separate infantry brigade, which mentioned even more than our skibat, restrains the enemy from the north. True, no tanks, no artillery from the enemy - do not allow the swamps and

Deer at the stream

From the book 12 of the great ancient philosophers Author Collective authors

Deer at the stream that we despise, it is more useful to us that they praise. Bass will reveal to us. Deer, drunk from the stream, stayed here and reflections saw her in the water. He is divided into branching branches, praises them, painting too thin feet of vice. But here screams the cry of hunters

Tip number 145 does not need to pour anything to the tank, except for gasoline (or diesel fuel, if you have a diesel engine)

From the book of the author

Tip No. 145 does not need to pour anything to the tank, except for gasoline (or diesel fuel, if you have a diesel engine) You can find additives for cleaning the fuel system. It is better not to use them at all. Such a additive can easily raise the dirt exhibiting in

Black Bile Soft Giant: What makes Microsoft pour dirt on a competitor? Evgeny Zolotov

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Black Bile Soft Giant: What makes Microsoft pour dirt on a competitor? Evgeny Zhotov published on November 26, 2013 for several days now - and however, maybe weeks, no one knows exactly - Microsoft trades interesting and unusual for her

That pour on stones

From the book a blueberry diet. New Miracle Slimming Author Valley Svetlana

That pouring on the stones in the chair poured most often just clean waterBut you can add beer, kvass or fragrant herbs to water. But we will use the blueberries with you. History (blueberry leaves) has long been used for a bath case. In Russia, even washed in blueberry decoctions.

Tears of rich and tears of poor

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Tears of rich and tears of poor

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Tears of rich and tears of poor Victor Kozhemyako: So one another year flew. Each time, looking back to the living, first of all, you ask for a question: did this year for the country and the people are swivel from the worst for the better? Alas, I have no such feeling. And you, Valentine

Alpurn out from the stream

From the book Literary Newspaper 6449 (No. 6 2014) Author Literary newspaper

Alpass from the poet's stream, presented in this selection, belong to different generations and different stylistic traditions. Unites all three one - they perceive poetry not as a literary craft, bringing those or other dividends, but as a selfless service

2 cry in three streams

3 cry in three streams



4 cry in three streams


cOLLOQ. liet Gaužas Asaras, Raudāt (Liet) Gaužas Asaras

5 in three streams

(cry, flood with tears, etc.)


shed Floods of Tears; Melt Into Tears; BURST INTO TEARS.

What should I do, "say, because it is ungrateful! .. Finally, he fell into three streams with tears. (F. Dostoevsky, Player) - "FOR GOD" s Sake, What am i to do? TELL ME THAT! IT "S Ingratitude! .. He ended by Fairly Melting Into Tears.

[Nearby] blushed, clogged, began to hide his hands and buried in three streams. (I. Turgenev, Hunter's Notes) - He Flushed, SHUT HIS EYES, WAVED HIS ARMS AND BURST INTO TEARS.

See also in other dictionaries:

    Cry in three streams - Unrestrained, bitterly, abundantly shedding tears. FSVchie ... Terms of psychology

    Cry for three streams - Review. Many, long, shed a large amount of tears (cry). SGP 2001, 68; Glukhov 1988, 82 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    break into three streams - Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Pour tears in three streams - Expres. Gorky, long and unrestrained crying. Often in the night I did not sleep a lonely girl, but how caught rye a high, tears in three streams lila! (Nekrasov. Corobeinists) ... Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    cry - yeah, throw, vote, roar, sob, dig, whine, harp, sob, hump, squeal; Tears are sharpening, crying the vanity, roar roar. Possed, make sure, hit the tears, raise howl, rise, poured (flammable tears), ... ... Synonym dictionary

    three - Trey, three, three /, about three; numbers Colich. See the TZH. Third 1) a) number 3. Three times three nine. T., multiplied by ten. Write a number three. Bus number three. I think up to three, opening ... Dictionary of many expressions

    three - Trey, three, three, about three, numbers. Colich. 1. Number 3. Three times three nine. Write a number three. || Quantity 3. Three sisters. Three steps. House in three floors. 2. The same as the Troika (in 2 meanings). ◊ two three; Two three in three streams ((cry, sob, etc.)) ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    three - Three, three, three, about three; numbers Colich. 1. Number 3. Three times t. Nine. T., multiplied by ten. Write a number t. Bus number t. I consider to three, I open my eyes in front of me. // Quantity 3. T. Sisters. House in t. Floor. T Tent eggs. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    gorky cry - Rying, wrap, cry to voice, vote, throw, rum roar, roar of good mat, pouring tears, roar by Blue, roar, drown in tears, crying to spill, break out the streams, poured with tears, cry overvrapers, cry in three streams, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    cry a lot - Write [wash] tears. pour. Drown in tears. Leave. Pour tears in three streams. Split the river. Tears flow the [stream] river. Do not dry tears. Eyes are not dried. Shed a lot of tears. sprinkle [pay] eyes. ... ... The ideographic dictionary of the Russian language

    roar - See screaming, crying the rher roar ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions in the meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. To root to shout as a cut, nurse, to throw, noise, shouting like cut, threshing, choking ... ... ... Synonym dictionary