Zinc interacts with every substance. Chemical properties of zinc and its compounds

Algorithm for setting a comma under circumstances expressed by a gerunds or adverbs

For example: "The Artamonovs lived without getting to know anyone." The adverbial turnover is not isolated, since it forms a semantic unity with the predicate verb ("The Artamonovs lived" without the adverbial turnover does not make sense). Another example: "Going on an excursion, the guys stocked up on everything they needed." The adverbial turnover is isolated, since it does not form a close semantic unity with the predicate. Compare: "The horses walked slowly" the single adverbial participle is not isolated, as it stands after the verb and answers the question "how." In the example: "Slowly, we headed to the sea." Here, the single adverb is in front of the predicate verb and is isolated.

Algorithm for setting punctuation marks for revolutions with the union "how":

For example: “Our garden is like a courtyard” (A. P. Chekhov). Turnover from "how" to this case does not stand apart, since the conjunction "how" adds a nominal predicate; the same is observed in the sentence: "The rain is pouring out of a bucket", where the comparative turnover approaches phraseological units.

Far from Moscow

1. The skiers set off at dawn, gliding quickly along the bright moonlit path that snaked on the ice of the river. 2. The stars were quickly extinguished, going into the depths of the sky. 3. Here the route moved away from the river, bypassing the chain of closely shifted hills. Approaching them, the engineers saw a large bird - it hovered low over the clearing, making strange sharp turns. 4. A slightly perceptible gray animal darted across the clearing from side to side, fearing the shadow of its pursuer floating in the snow. 5. Engineers climbed the hill, leaving behind

a Christmas tree of footprints in the snow. Having crossed the ridge, Alexey, who was walking in front, pushed off to slide down the slope. A snowdrift suddenly fell under him. (…) 6. The skis remained on their feet, he somehow took them off and, with force sticking into the snow, began to make his way through the snowdrift, looking for a way out. 7. He lay down for a while, listening to the echoing beats of his heart, and forced himself to calm down. Without haste, he wiped off his frozen face and again began to shovel the snow. Floundering in it, he stubbornly crawled forward, stopped for a second, rested and crawled again.

V. Azhaev "Far from Moscow".

(134 words)

The story of my contemporary

I involuntarily glanced at the top of the cliff, which stood on our side, at the turn of Lena. Until now, this place seemed to be some kind of dark vent, from where the mists still continued to creep out. Now above them, in the heights, on the pointed top of a stone cliff, the top of a pine tree and several already bare larches suddenly flashed and shone. Having broken through from somewhere from behind the mountain on the opposite bank, the first ray of the sun, which has not yet risen for us, has already touched this rocky ledge and a group of trees that have grown in its crevices. Above the cold blue shadows of our crack, they stood as if in the clouds, and quietly shone, rejoicing at the first caress of the morning. We all silently looked at this peak, as if afraid to frighten away the solemnly quiet joy of a lonely stone and a heap of larch trees. The boy stood motionless, holding on to his grandfather's sleeve. His eyes were wide, his pale face brightened and glowed with delight.

V. Korolenko "The history of my contemporary".

(131 words)


In the wilderness of the forest, in the wilderness of the green,

Always shady and damp

In a steep ravine under the mountain

A chilly spring beats out of the stones:

Boils, plays and hurries,

Spinning in crystal clubs

And under the branchy oaks

Runs with melted glass.

And the heavens and the mountain forest

They look, lost in thought,

As in the light moisture of the pebbles

They tremble with a patterned mosaic.

I. A. Bunin

White clothes

Arriving at the institute early, he sat down in his office by the window and, feeling frequent strong beats of his heart, as if drinking several cups of strong coffee, he watched the asphalt path leading to the entrance for twenty minutes. Anna Bogumilovna and Angela passed by, talking. I went with a new portfolio - Moscow - associate professor. Krasnov walked with a tennis ball in his hand, looking from afar like a bulky, slightly stooped primitive man looking for a root. And then she appeared - in a familiar knitted blouse, small, full of mystery. I almost ran, dreaming about something, drawn by some alluring goal. And Fyodor Ivanovich, rattling his chair, leaving the door open, flew out into the corridor and there immediately assumed an independent look. Lowering his head, as if thinking about something, he walked half the corridor, and then Elena Vladimirovna ran into him from around the corner, pushed him with both hands.

V. Dudintsev "White clothes".

From an African diary

Our path lies in Kisenyi. The road is amazingly picturesque. Here, as well as in Southern Uganda, all the mountain slopes have been developed. The population density is very high - one hundred and twenty people per square kilometer... We felt it at bus stops. As soon as we get out of the car, a crowd immediately gathers around us - about forty or fifty people. Picturesquely dressed women, in bright fabrics, with a burden on their heads. When they stop, they don't take off their luggage. I often had to watch two or three women stand with full jugs on their heads and chatter merrily for a long time, as if there was no weight at all. It is very rare to see an African carrying something in his hands. I remember a story when Vladimir Vladimirovich sent a boy to the post office for a stamp, he soon returned, carrying a stone on his head. It turns out that he put the stamp on his head, and so that it does not fly away, he crushed it with a large stone. It is especially interesting to watch the road on a market day. Swarms of Africans bring to the market all kinds of fruits and things for sale. Here the potter tied five pots with his foot between three poles, placed the middle one on his head and carried. Women and boys carry baskets of cassava and pineapples. A huge bunch of bananas can just lie on your head without any container. Large pots of banana beer are carried with the neck tilted slightly forward. When the pot is empty, the neck will be tilted downward as a sign that there is no beer.

A. Kapitsa "From the African Diary".

Makar Chudra

The opal distance of the sea is silent, the waves splash melodiously on the sand, and I am silent, looking into the distance of the sea. There are more and more silver spots on the water from moonbeams ... Our kettle is quietly boiling.

One of the waves playfully rolls onto the shore and, making a defiant noise, crawls towards Rahim's head. (...)

The sea is so impressively calm, and one can feel that in its fresh breath on the mountains, which have not yet cooled down from the heat of the day, a lot of powerful, restrained force is hidden. On the dark blue sky, with a golden pattern of stars, something solemn is written, enchanting the soul, confusing the mind with the sweet expectation of some kind of revelation.

Everything slumbers, but slumbers intensely, and it seems that in the next second everything will start up and sound in a harmonious harmony of inexplicably sweet sounds.

M. Gorky "Makar Chudra".

War and Peace

It was hot in the forest, the wind could not be heard. The birch tree, all covered with green sticky leaves, did not move, and from under last year's leaves, picking them up, crawled out green, the first grass and purple flowers. There was an oak tree at the edge of the road. Probably ten times older than the birches that make up the forest, it was ten times thicker and twice the height of each birch. It was a huge oak, in two girths, with branches that had been broken off for a long time, and with broken off bark, overgrown with old sores. With his huge clumsy, asymmetrically placed, gnarled hands and fingers, he was an old, angry and contemptuous ugly creature between the smiling birch trees. Only he alone did not want to submit to the charm of spring and did not want to see either spring or the sun. Prince Andrey glanced back at this oak several times, driving through the forest, as if he was expecting something from it.

It was already the beginning of June when Prince Andrey, returning home, drove again into that birch grove in which this old, gnarled oak so strangely and memorably struck him. Everything was full, shady and thick, and the young spruces, scattered in the forest, did not violate the overall beauty and, imitating the general character, gently green with fluffy, young shoots. The old oak tree, all transformed, spread out in a tent of lush greenery, melted, swaying slightly, in the rays of the evening sun. No gnarled fingers, no sores, no old mistrust and grief - nothing was visible.

L. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Gallant elephants

During the performance, the elephants do a lot of interesting things. Balance standing on balls. Carefully stepping over, move on these balls. Maintain balance, standing with two feet on the boom, with one foot on a small rotating pedestal. They rise on their hind legs, like a horse on their hind legs, perform a stand on the front legs, throwing their heavy body up. They play football: they push the ball towards themselves with their trunk and kick it. They dance: they rhythmically step over or spin in place - so to speak, they waltz. They play music: they hit the drum with the trunk, shake the maracas-rattles.

But this is only part of the performance. Various joint actions of elephants and acrobatic dancers are demonstrated on the arena. During the dances, the performers sit on trunks bent in an arc, and the elephants, holding their partners, waltz with them or evenly swing them.

K. Ganeshin "Gallant Elephants".

White clothes

The sky grew redder and brighter, then they began to emerge, the pink swan cries of the dawn broke through, and this made the frozen earth darker and darker blue. Leaving the park, he took a little to the right - to where there were endless potato fields of a suburban state farm. The darkness of the passing night and the deep numbness of the frost surrounded him, barred the road. There was no one here, the people were asleep, not knowing that the harvest had already died by seventy percent. Of course, instead of the tops killed in half an hour, a new one will eventually go, but the best months of growth will be lost. Turning back, Fyodor Ivanovich walked along the paved road to the city. When he turned to the pipes, the first joyful wine-pink rays hit him in the back. Morning sounds, waking up, cheerfully entered the awakening chorus. From across the park, the first rooks croaked, like the breaking voices of teenage boys playing football. In the distance, in the Uchkhoz, a frequent pistol crackle arose - a tractor launcher was brought in. A low, short exclamation of the steamer came from the river and was repeated several more times.

M. Dudintsev "White Clothes".

On the hunt in spring

The place of the draft was not far above the river in a shallow aspen forest. Arriving at the forest, Levin got down and led Oblonsky to the corner of a mossy and swampy clearing, which had already been freed from the snow. He himself returned to the other side to the twin birch tree and, leaning his gun against the fork in a dry lower knot, took off his caftan, girded himself, and tried the freedom of movement of his hands. Old Laska, who followed him, sat down cautiously opposite him and pricked her ears. The sun went down behind a large forest, and in the light of dawn, birch trees scattered over the aspen grove were clearly visible as their hanging branches with inflated buds ready to burst.

From the dense forest, where there was still snow, water flowed barely audibly in winding streams. Small birds chirped, occasionally flying from tree to tree. In the intervals of perfect silence, the rustle of last year's leaves was heard, stirring from the thawing of the earth and from the growth of grass. The hawk, slowly flapping its wings, flew high over the distant forest. An owl hooted nearby, and Laska, shuddering, began to listen.

L. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina".


On the last summer night, after a hot rainless rain, a muffled roar, playing with crimson flashes, a giant cloud swam over the Don without wind and burst into a thunderstorm downpour. The morning of a new day woke up like a summer warm, but autumn-hazy. Heavy clean drops hung on every blade of grass, on the leaves of trees, on pine needles and on the tips of cones. And, without going down to the puddles, the forest birds drank the water of those drops, quietly calling to each other.

The forest was quiet, and the water in the small river was quiet: neither a fish would splash, nor a duck would grunt. A heron descended like a gray, soundless shadow near the shore, orcas chirped in the worthless reeds, but nothing changed from this on the sleepy river. However, the heavy sleepiness that hung over the banks instantly disappeared as soon as the kingfisher whistled, seated on a low boat post. In the grayish twilight of dawn, only white specks stood out from all its motley plumage behind the eyes, and the bright orange chest, blue wings and blue back looked dull gray, as if damp from thick fog. After sitting on a post, the kingfisher flew to the other side, then returned and froze on an alder twig inclined to the stream of the river. Something went wrong on such a morning with a hunt, and the bird every now and then squatted impatiently, pulling up its tail, flew from place to place, but, not looking out for the correct prey, as if dozing on the same post.

And the sun had already risen behind the fog, dispersed the whitish mist, and its first ray immediately transformed the world, returning all the colors to it, and even adding to them the sparkle of sparks in raindrops.

L. Semago "Kingfisher".

(173 words)

The Art and Mystery of Frederic Ruysch

Peter I was interested in anatomy, attended autopsies at the Moscow Anatomical Theater many times and learned how to “methodically decompose human bodies” and perform some surgical operations.

When Peter came to Holland again in 1716, he met Frederic Ruysch as his old teacher, looked at the new collections with interest, and finally, after negotiations, bought the entire collection.

After the sale of his collection, Ruysch, despite his advanced age, continued to work: he created a new large collection and in 1724 published its catalog with a dedication to Peter I, hoping, apparently, that Russia would buy this collection too. The hope was not destined to come true, because Peter soon died. Then Ruysch published a new catalog, dedicating it now to the Paris Academy of Sciences, but she did not buy the collection either. Frederic Ruysch died at the age of 93. After his death, collections of drugs were sold at auction and scattered so that already in the middle of the last century, only a few specimens were found in Western European museums.

Only the collection, bought by Russia, remained for the descendants. It contained more than two thousand preparations on human embryology and anatomy. This collection was unusually rich for its time and was considered one of the best in Europe.

At first, everything brought from Holland was housed in the Summer Palace, as well as domestic collections previously transported from Moscow. The first Russian historical and natural science museum, as you know, was named the Kunstkamera.

V. Hrazdan "The Art and Mystery of Frederic Ruysch".

In the tundra

Shaggy gray clouds, like a broken flock of frightened birds, rush low over the sea. A piercing, harsh wind from the ocean either knocks them down into a dark solid mass, then, as if playing, tears and tosses, piling up into bizarre outlines.

The sea turned white, the weather began to rustle. Lead waters rise heavily and, swirling with bubbling foam, roll with a dull roar into the misty distance. The wind rumbles viciously over their shaggy surfaces, spreading salty spray far away. And along the radiant coast, a colossal ridge massively rise up white jagged piles of ice piled up on the shallows. It was as if the titans had thrown these gigantic debris in a heavy fight.

Breaking off with steep ledges from the coastal heights, a dense forest sullenly approached the sea itself. The wind hums between the red trunks of century-old pines, heels slender spruces, shaking them with sharp tops and showering fluffy snow from sadly drooping green branches. A restrained threat is sullenly heard in this even, dull noise, and a dead anguish blows from the wild desolation. Gray centuries pass without a trace over a silent country, and a dense forest stands and calmly, gloomily, as if in a deep thought, shakes its dark peaks. Not a single mighty trunk of it has yet fallen under the daring ax of an avaricious timber merchant: swamps and impenetrable swamps lie in its dark thicket.

A. Serafimovich "On the Ice".


She spoke, somehow singing especially the words, and they were easily strengthened in my memory, similar to flowers, the same tender, bright, juicy. When she smiled, her pupils, dark as cherries, dilated, flashing with an inexpressibly pleasant light, her smile cheerfully bared her white, strong teeth, and, despite the many wrinkles in the dark skin of her cheeks, her whole face seemed young and light. He was very spoiled by this loose nose with swollen nostrils and red at the end. She was sniffing tobacco from a black snuffbox decorated with silver. She was all dark, but shone from the inside - through her eyes - with an inextinguishable, cheerful and warm light. She stooped, almost hunchbacked, very plump, and moved lightly and dexterously, like a big cat, she is soft, just like this affectionate animal.

Before her, it was as if I was sleeping, hidden in the dark, but she appeared, woke up, brought out into the light, tied everything around me into a continuous thread, weaved into multi-colored lace and immediately became a friend for life, the closest to my heart, the most understandable and dear human. It was her unselfish love for the world that enriched me, saturating me with strong strength for a difficult life.

M. Gorky "Childhood".

(162 words)

After recovery

Thoughtlessly enjoying the life that had returned to her, Aksinya felt a great desire to touch everything with her hands, to look at everything. She wanted to touch the currant bush, blackened from dampness, to press her cheek against the branch of an apple tree covered with a bluish velvety bloom, she wanted to step over the destroyed spindle and go through the mud, roadless, to where, behind a wide ravine, the winter field was fabulously green, merging with the misty distance.

Aksinya spent several days waiting for Grigory to appear, but then she learned from the neighbors who came to the owner that the war was not over, that many Cossacks from Novorossiysk left by sea for Crimea, and those who remained went to the Red Army and mines.

By the end of the week, Aksinya decided to go home firmly, and then soon there was a companion for her. One evening a small stooped old man entered the hut without knocking. He bowed silently and began to unbutton the dirty English overcoat that was sitting on him baggy, ripped at the seams.

“What are you, good person, "Hello" did not say, but are you settling in for a residence permit? " - asked the host, looking at the intruder with amazement.

And he nimbly took off his overcoat, shook it at the threshold, carefully hung it on a hook and, stroking

a short-cropped, gray beard, smiled.

M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don".

Episode from the Chelyuskin era

At this time, Babushkin flew to Vankarem. His flight was truly brave. We were informed on the radio that Babushkin was flying. An hour and a half later, an airplane appeared over Vankarem - a small car. Through binoculars, we examined two people sitting openly, without any booth. Then we noticed that one ski was hanging by the plane, like the paw of a wounded goose. The ski is hanging, the car is going to land. They were scared: they would catch on, break. And you can't jump up, you can't fix it. We are waiting with bated breath. The car made a circle, the plane is approaching the airfield for landing. We see the ski has risen. It turns out that the mechanization was there on ropes. The car sat down, Babushkin and Valavin, his mechanic, get out. Grandmother's nose is frostbitten. Valavin is healthy - he did not hold the steering wheel and could close all the time. But it was not Babushkin's nose that excited us most, but the nose of the plane. While unloading Chelyuskin, this plane was dropped, its nose was crushed, repaired, dropped again, repaired again. As a result, it is all in patches, painted with a different paint, almost purple. The struts supporting the planes are also broken and tied with a string, the landing gear is attached with a string. And in such a car, in polar conditions, Babushkin risked flying. Even with his experience, and Babushkin is one of the best polar pilots, it was a great courage to fly on such an airplane. But he flew to help us fix the planes in Vankarem.

G. Ushakov "Episode from the Chelyuskin era".

Let's speak the language of all cultures

Culturology is not just knowledge, it is a special way of being: in the midst of cultures, at the crossroads of cultures. And that is why it is so essential that the culturologist purifies the culture to which it belongs by birth and language from fetishistic self-deification. If other specialists somehow live and act inside certain culture, unconsciously taking on its definitions, the cultural scientist makes the subject of definition the very culture and thus goes beyond its limits. This achieves the therapeutic effect of cultural studies on the consciousness of people obsessed with obsessions and complexes - imposed by one culture or another. Exposing the conventionality of each of them, cultural studies brings us closer to the unconditional.

And yet a culturologist can never, and should not completely free himself from his culture, the one within which his intellect and language are formed. The task is rather different: to become a representative of Culture in one's culture, to bring into it a pan-human scale and at the same time to love that smallness, partiality, convention, which is its lot in the kingdom of cultures. Perhaps, only returning from a wandering through cultures, having mastered the multiple system of their value coordinates, one can fully appreciate the charm and uniqueness of one's own culture, which no longer captivates cultural scientists like a prison, but shines on him like an abandoned and found home. He broke free from her chains and now returns to her arms. That which from the inside suppressed and oppressed, from the outside, the free consciousness, seems to be the desired, habitable closeness of the home paradise.

M. Epshtein "Let's Speak the Language of All Cultures".

In the sea

The night was dark, thick layers of shaggy clouds were moving across the sky, the sea was calm, black and thick as butter. It breathed a damp salty aroma and sounded affectionately, splashing on the sides of ships, on the shore, slightly shaking Chelkash's boat. The sea slept in the healthy, sound sleep of the worker, who had been very tired during the day.

Chelkash with a strong blow from the rudder pushed the boat into the strip of water between the barges, it quickly swam through the slippery water, and the water under the blows of the oars lit up with a bluish phosphoric glow, its long ribbon, softly sparkling, curled behind the stern.

The boat rushed off again, silently and easily spinning among the ships ... Suddenly it burst out of the crowd, and the sea - endless, mighty - unfolded in front of them, going into the blue distance, where from its waters mountains of clouds rose into the sky. The clouds crept slowly, sometimes merging, then overtaking each other, interfered with their colors and shapes, absorbing themselves and re-emerging in new outlines, majestic and gloomy ... It seemed that there, on the edge of the sea, there are infinitely many of them and they will always be so indifferent to creep up to the sky, having set the evil goal not to let him ever shine over the sleepy sea with millions of his golden eyes - multi-colored stars, living and dreamily shining, arousing high desires in people who value their pure brilliance.

M. Gorky "Chelkash".

(191 words)


I love you, my Russia,

for the clear light of your eyes,

One common fate

forever connected with you

I am proud of you, as a mother,

blessing for the fight.

In a minute of grief, in an hour of separation

I always kiss in my mind

your hard hands

in the hours of permanent labor.

On the dead night of a military thunderstorm

and on the bright afternoon of the celebration

I carry in me like a priceless gift,

fire of great kinship ...

I love you with your taiga,

sung thrice by reeds,

with the great Volga river,

with the mighty, fast Irtysh.

I love, I deeply understand

steppes brooding sadness.

I love everything that I call

in one broad word: "Rus".

But I sing and praise now

not your chamomile peace,

I glorify Russia as a heroine,

as the land of human pride.

S. Vasiliev


Tent of flowering trees

I revealed a sad secret

That the beauty is falling

A stream of lilac luminaries.

No birds dying feathers

Float over the path of love -

The bent branches drop

Spring in my palms.

The spring of your lips and wrists

The spring of your eyes and chela,

As if you're all weightless

Leaked through my fingers.

And stayed in the pink wind,

Like a woeful scent of perfume

Just a sad white mystery

Flowers scattered everywhere.

A. Gavrilov


Our winters have a special charm:

Blizzard will calm down in the evening

And the light will rush, as if on fire

Set on fire by the snow.

A crow sits on an oak as a firebird,

They are fenced in the forest tower,

And it seems: they are about to begin to happen,

As in a wise Russian fairy tale, miracles.

N. Rylenkov (38 words)


Even in the morning, black smoke swirls

Over your torn-up housing.

And the charred bird falls

Overtaken by mad fire.

Even at white nights we dream

Like heralds of a lost love

Living mountains of blue acacias

And there are enthusiastic nightingales in them.

Another war. But we stubbornly believe

That there will be a day - we will drink the pain

The wide world will reveal to us again

At dawn, a new silence will rise.

The last enemy. Last accurate

And the first glimpse of the morning

like glass.

My dear friend, and yet,

how fast,

How quickly our time has passed! ..

In memories we grieve

we will not,

Why cloud clarity with sadness

We have lived our good times

And for people.

G. Suvorov

Meetings with the first drop

The next day, spring began to breathe with warm breath, and all the flowers on the ground thawed, and the buds that began to swell warmed up, the quieter poultry cheered up. The day came out, soft, foggy and half asleep. It was as if spring, putting all its strength for the last onslaught, overcame the cold, knocked down and now itself lay half asleep, rested. On these warm days, the willow blossomed like yellow puffs in the bare, gray meadows. On a hot May day, she stands surrounded by the delicate scent and hum of bees. If you take a picture of her flowers against sunlight, then long stamen eyelashes with yellow heads are obtained in the form of a transparent glow surrounding a dark heart.

And what are the evenings at this time in the naked forest! You come to the felling before dawn, sit on a stump under a birch, and the first thing that strikes you is silence. Only in the evening dawn in the spring forest do you begin to understand what real silence is, for what we usually take for it is a constant and familiar noise. It is like a background of radio waves and interference in headphones, which you do not pay attention to, catching the desired squeak of the signal.

The silence of the undressed spring forest lives on, it is filled with the voices of birds, the rustle of drying foliage and drops that appear from nowhere on bare birch branches.

V. Petrov "Meetings with the first drop".

(171 words)

Pushkin's apartment on the Arbat

The decision to organize a memorial department of the Moscow Pushkin Museum was made by the Moscow City Council in 1972, and the life of a modest mansion near Smolenskaya Square changed. Dozens of families, densely inhabiting both floors, received new apartments. Research began on a building that had been distorted and rebuilt over many decades. Fortunately, the main walls have been completely preserved. Careful study of plans and drawings early XIX century, the preserved details of the facade helped the architects to restore the building to its former appearance, with great accuracy to restore the dimensions of the rooms, the balcony, decorations on the windows, the location of doorways, stoves.

At the same time, drawings of museum equipment were developed, orders were placed for the restoration of furniture, for sewing curtains and draperies, and so on. In a word, the mansion was experiencing its rebirth. However, what could fit into two or three lines on paper ("soon the fairy tale will tell ...") in life required many years of hard work, tireless efforts of people of different specialties and all kinds of professions.

The discovery of the Moscow engineer-physicist S. K. Romanyuk turned out to be very timely: in 1979 he found in the Central Historical Archives of Moscow the "Broker Book of the Prechistenskaya part of the broker Anisim Khlebnikov, 1831" (see "Science and Life", No. 6, 1979) ... The terms of renting the Arbat apartment recorded in it are sealed with Pushkin's handwritten signature. The document helped to clarify and comprehend a number of important details.

It followed from it that Pushkin, taking care that his first family apartment was spacious and comfortable, rented on January 23, 1831, a house "two-storey stone with a mezzanine and to it belonging to human services."

N. Volovich "Pushkin's apartment on the Arbat".

Copper (Cu) belongs to d-elements and is located in group IB of Mendeleev's periodic table. Electronic configuration a copper atom in the ground state is written as 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 1 instead of the assumed formula 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 9 4s 2. In other words, in the case of a copper atom, the so-called “electron slip” is observed from the 4s sublevel to the 3d sublevel. For copper, in addition to zero, oxidation states +1 and +2 are possible. The oxidation state +1 is prone to disproportionation and is stable only in insoluble compounds such as CuI, CuCl, Cu 2 O, etc., as well as in complex compounds, for example, Cl and OH. Copper compounds in the +1 oxidation state do not have a specific color. So, copper (I) oxide, depending on the size of the crystals, can be dark red (large crystals) and yellow (small crystals), CuCl and CuI - white, and Cu 2 S - black-blue. More chemically stable is the oxidation state of copper, equal to +2. Salts containing copper in this oxidation state are blue and blue-green in color.

Copper is a very soft, ductile and ductile metal with high electrical and thermal conductivity. The color of metallic copper is red-pink. Copper is in the line of metal activity to the right of hydrogen, i.e. refers to low-activity metals.

with oxygen

Under normal conditions, copper does not interact with oxygen. For the reaction to take place between them, heating is required. Depending on the excess or lack of oxygen and temperature conditions, it can form copper (II) oxide and copper (I) oxide:

with gray

The reaction of sulfur with copper, depending on the operating conditions, can lead to the formation of both copper (I) sulfide and copper (II) sulfide. When a mixture of powdered Cu and S is heated to a temperature of 300-400 ° C, copper (I) sulfide is formed:

With a lack of sulfur and the reaction is carried out at a temperature of more than 400 ° C, copper (II) sulfide is formed. However, more in a simple way obtaining copper (II) sulfide from simple substances is the interaction of copper with sulfur dissolved in carbon disulfide:

This reaction takes place at room temperature.

with halogens

Copper reacts with fluorine, chlorine and bromine, forming halides with general formula CuHal 2, where Hal is F, Cl or Br:

Cu + Br 2 = CuBr 2

In the case of iodine, the weakest oxidizing agent among halogens, copper (I) iodide is formed:

Copper does not interact with hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon and silicon.

with non-oxidizing acids

Almost all acids are non-oxidizing acids, except for concentrated sulfuric acid and nitric acid of any concentration. Since non-oxidizing acids are able to oxidize only metals that are in the range of activity to hydrogen; this means that copper does not react with such acids.

with oxidizing acids

- concentrated sulfuric acid

Copper reacts with concentrated sulfuric acid both when heated and at room temperature. When heated, the reaction proceeds in accordance with the equation:

Since copper is not a strong reducing agent, sulfur is reduced in this reaction only to the +4 oxidation state (in SO 2).

- with diluted nitric acid

The reaction of copper with dilute HNO 3 leads to the formation of copper (II) nitrate and nitrogen monoxide:

3Cu + 8HNO 3 (dil.) = 3Cu (NO 3) 2 + 2NO + 4H 2 O

- with concentrated nitric acid

Concentrated HNO 3 reacts readily with copper under normal conditions. The difference between the reaction of copper with concentrated nitric acid and the reaction with dilute nitric acid lies in the product of nitrogen reduction. In the case of concentrated HNO 3, nitrogen is reduced to a lesser extent: instead of nitric oxide (II), nitrogen oxide (IV) is formed, which is associated with greater competition between nitric acid molecules in concentrated acid for electrons of the reducing agent (Cu):

Cu + 4HNO 3 = Cu (NO 3) 2 + 2NO 2 + 2H 2 O

with oxides of non-metals

Copper reacts with some non-metal oxides. For example, with such oxides as NO 2, NO, N 2 O, copper is oxidized to copper (II) oxide, and nitrogen is reduced to oxidation state 0, i.e. a simple substance N 2 is formed:

In the case of sulfur dioxide, instead of a simple substance (sulfur), copper (I) sulfide is formed. This is due to the fact that copper with sulfur, unlike nitrogen, reacts:

with metal oxides

When sintering metallic copper with copper (II) oxide at a temperature of 1000-2000 ° C, copper (I) oxide can be obtained:

Also, metallic copper can be reduced by calcining iron (III) oxide to iron (II) oxide:

with metal salts

Copper displaces less active metals (to the right of it in the row of activity) from solutions of their salts:

Cu + 2AgNO 3 = Cu (NO 3) 2 + 2Ag ↓

An interesting reaction also takes place in which copper is dissolved in the salt of a more active metal - iron in the +3 oxidation state. However, there are no contradictions, since copper does not displace iron from its salt, but only restores it from the +3 oxidation state to the +2 oxidation state:

Fe 2 (SO 4) 3 + Cu = CuSO 4 + 2FeSO 4

Cu + 2FeCl 3 = CuCl 2 + 2FeCl 2

The latter reaction is used in the manufacture of microcircuits at the stage of etching copper plates.

Corrosion of copper

Copper corrodes over time when it comes into contact with moisture, carbon dioxide and oxygen in the air:

2Cu + H 2 O + CO 2 + O 2 = (CuOH) 2 CO 3

As a result of this reaction, copper products are covered with a loose blue-green bloom of copper (II) hydroxycarbonate.

Zinc chemical properties

Zinc Zn is in the IIB group of the IV-th period. The electronic configuration of the valence orbitals of the atoms of a chemical element in the ground state is 3d 10 4s 2. For zinc, only one single oxidation state is possible, equal to +2. Zinc oxide ZnO and zinc hydroxide Zn (OH) 2 have pronounced amphoteric properties.

Zinc, when stored in air, tarnishes, covered with a thin layer of ZnO oxide. Oxidation proceeds especially easily at high humidity and in the presence of carbon dioxide due to the reaction:

2Zn + H 2 O + O 2 + CO 2 → Zn 2 (OH) 2 CO 3

Zinc vapor burns in air, and a thin strip of zinc, after heating in a burner flame, burns in it with a greenish flame:

When heated, zinc metal also interacts with halogens, sulfur, phosphorus:

Zinc does not directly react with hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, silicon and boron.

Zinc reacts with non-oxidizing acids to release hydrogen:

Zn + H 2 SO 4 (20%) → ZnSO 4 + H 2

Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl 2 + H 2

Technical zinc is especially easily soluble in acids, since it contains impurities of other less active metals, in particular, cadmium and copper. High-purity zinc is resistant to acids for certain reasons. To speed up the reaction, a zinc sample high degree purity is brought into contact with copper or a little copper salt is added to the acid solution.

At a temperature of 800-900 o C (red heat), metallic zinc, being in a molten state, interacts with superheated steam, releasing hydrogen from it:

Zn + H 2 O = ZnO + H 2

Zinc also reacts with oxidizing acids: concentrated sulfuric acid and nitric acid.

Zinc as an active metal can form sulfur dioxide, elemental sulfur and even hydrogen sulfide with concentrated sulfuric acid.

Zn + 2H 2 SO 4 = ZnSO 4 + SO 2 + 2H 2 O

The composition of the nitric acid reduction products is determined by the concentration of the solution:

Zn + 4HNO 3 (conc.) = Zn (NO 3) 2 + 2NO 2 + 2H 2 O

3Zn + 8HNO 3 (40%) = 3Zn (NO 3) 2 + 2NO + 4H 2 O

4Zn + 10HNO 3 (20%) = 4Zn (NO 3) 2 + N 2 O + 5H 2 O

5Zn + 12HNO 3 (6%) = 5Zn (NO 3) 2 + N 2 + 6H 2 O

4Zn + 10HNO 3 (0.5%) = 4Zn (NO 3) 2 + NH 4 NO 3 + 3H 2 O

The direction of the process is also influenced by the temperature, the amount of acid, the purity of the metal, and the reaction time.

Zinc reacts with alkali solutions to form tetrahydroxozincates and hydrogen:

Zn + 2NaOH + 2H 2 O = Na 2 + H 2

Zn + Ba (OH) 2 + 2H 2 O = Ba + H 2

When alloyed with anhydrous alkalis, zinc forms zincates and hydrogen:

In a highly alkaline environment, zinc is an extremely strong reducing agent capable of reducing nitrogen in nitrates and nitrites to ammonia:

4Zn + NaNO 3 + 7NaOH + 6H 2 O → 4Na 2 + NH 3

Due to complexation, zinc slowly dissolves in ammonia solution, reducing hydrogen:

Zn + 4NH 3 H 2 O → (OH) 2 + H 2 + 2H 2 O

Zinc also reduces less active metals (to the right of it in the row of activity) from aqueous solutions of their salts:

Zn + CuCl 2 = Cu + ZnCl 2

Zn + FeSO 4 = Fe + ZnSO 4

Chemical properties of chromium

Chromium is an element of the VIB group of the periodic table. The electronic configuration of the chromium atom is written as 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 5 4s 1, i.e. in the case of chromium, as well as in the case of the copper atom, the so-called "electron slip" is observed

The most common oxidation states of chromium are +2, +3 and +6. They should be remembered, and within the framework of the USE program in chemistry, it can be assumed that chromium has no other oxidation states.

Under normal conditions, chromium is corrosion resistant both in air and in water.

Interaction with non-metals

with oxygen

Powdered metallic chromium heated to a temperature of more than 600 o C burns in pure oxygen to form chromium (III) oxide:

4Cr + 3O 2 = o t=> 2Cr 2 O 3

with halogens

Chromium reacts with chlorine and fluorine at lower temperatures than with oxygen (250 and 300 o C, respectively):

2Cr + 3F 2 = o t=> 2CrF 3

2Cr + 3Cl 2 = o t=> 2CrCl 3

Chromium reacts with bromine at the temperature of red heat (850-900 o C):

2Cr + 3Br 2 = o t=> 2CrBr 3

with nitrogen

Metallic chromium interacts with nitrogen at temperatures above 1000 o С:

2Cr + N 2 = ot=> 2CrN

with gray

With sulfur, chromium can form both chromium (II) sulfide and chromium (III) sulfide, which depends on the proportions of sulfur and chromium:

Cr + S = o t=> CrS

2Cr + 3S = o t=> Cr 2 S 3

Chromium does not react with hydrogen.

Interaction with complex substances

Interaction with water

Chromium belongs to metals of average activity (located in the row of metal activity between aluminum and hydrogen). This means that the reaction takes place between red-hot chromium and superheated steam:

2Cr + 3H 2 O = o t=> Cr 2 O 3 + 3H 2

5interactions with acids

Chromium under normal conditions is passivated with concentrated sulfuric and nitric acids, however, it dissolves in them during boiling, while oxidizing to the oxidation state +3:

Cr + 6HNO 3 (conc.) = t o=> Cr (NO 3) 3 + 3NO 2 + 3H 2 O

2Cr + 6H 2 SO 4 (conc) = t o=> Cr 2 (SO 4) 3 + 3SO 2 + 6H 2 O

In the case of dilute nitric acid, the main product of nitrogen reduction is the simple substance N 2:

10Cr + 36HNO 3 (diluted) = 10Cr (NO 3) 3 + 3N 2 + 18H 2 O

Chromium is located in the line of activity to the left of hydrogen, which means that it is able to release H 2 from solutions of non-oxidizing acids. In the course of such reactions in the absence of air oxygen access, chromium (II) salts are formed:

Cr + 2HCl = CrCl 2 + H 2

Cr + H 2 SO 4 (dil.) = CrSO 4 + H 2

When the reaction is carried out in the open air, bivalent chromium is instantly oxidized by the oxygen contained in the air to the oxidation state +3. In this case, for example, the equation with hydrochloric acid will take the form:

4Cr + 12HCl + 3O 2 = 4CrCl 3 + 6H 2 O

When alloying metallic chromium with strong oxidants in the presence of alkalis, chromium is oxidized to the oxidation state +6, forming chromates:

Iron chemical properties

Iron Fe, chemical element, which is in the VIIIB group and has a serial number 26 in the periodic table. The distribution of electrons in the iron atom is as follows 26 Fe1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 6 4s 2, that is, iron belongs to d-elements, since the d-sublevel is filled in its case. It is most characterized by two oxidation states +2 and +3. In oxide FeO and hydroxide Fe (OH) 2, the main properties prevail, in oxide Fe 2 O 3 and hydroxide Fe (OH) 3, amphoteric properties are noticeably expressed. Thus, iron oxide and hydroxide (lll) dissolve to some extent during boiling in concentrated alkali solutions, and also react with anhydrous alkalis during fusion. It should be noted that the oxidation state of iron +2 is very unstable, and easily transforms into the oxidation state +3. Also known are compounds of iron in the rare oxidation state +6 - ferrates, salts of non-existent "iron acid" H 2 FeO 4. These compounds are relatively stable only in the solid state, or in strongly alkaline solutions. With insufficient alkalinity of the medium, ferrates quite quickly oxidize even water, releasing oxygen from it.

Interaction with simple substances

With oxygen

When burned in pure oxygen, iron forms the so-called iron scale, having the formula Fe 3 O 4 and actually representing a mixed oxide, the composition of which can be conventionally represented by the formula FeO ∙ Fe 2 O 3. The combustion reaction of iron is as follows:

3Fe + 2O 2 = t o=> Fe 3 O 4

With gray

When heated, iron reacts with sulfur to form ferrous sulfide:

Fe + S = t o=> FeS

Or with an excess of sulfur iron disulfide:

Fe + 2S = t o=> FeS 2

With halogens

With all halogens, except for iodine, metallic iron is oxidized to the oxidation state +3, forming iron halides (lll):

2Fe + 3F 2 = t o=> 2FeF 3 - iron fluoride (lll)

2Fe + 3Cl 2 = t o=> 2FeCl 3 - ferric chloride (lll)

Iodine, as the weakest oxidizing agent among halogens, oxidizes iron only to the oxidation state +2:

Fe + I 2 = t o=> FeI 2 - iron iodide (ll)

It should be noted that ferric iron compounds easily oxidize iodide ions in aqueous solution to free iodine I 2 while reducing to the oxidation state +2. Examples of similar reactions from the FIPI bank:

2FeCl 3 + 2KI = 2FeCl 2 + I 2 + 2KCl

2Fe (OH) 3 + 6HI = 2FeI 2 + I 2 + 6H 2 O

Fe 2 O 3 + 6HI = 2FeI 2 + I 2 + 3H 2 O

With hydrogen

Iron does not react with hydrogen (only alkali metals and alkaline earth):

Interaction with complex substances

5interactions with acids

With non-oxidizing acids

Since iron is located in the row of activity to the left of hydrogen, this means that it is able to displace hydrogen from non-oxidizing acids (almost all acids except H 2 SO 4 (conc.) And HNO 3 of any concentration):

Fe + H 2 SO 4 (dil.) = FeSO 4 + H 2

Fe + 2HCl = FeCl 2 + H 2

It is necessary to pay attention to such a trick in tasks of the exam, as a question on the topic to what degree of oxidation iron will oxidize when exposed to dilute and concentrated hydrochloric acid. The correct answer is up to +2 in both cases.

The trap here lies in the intuitive expectation of a deeper oxidation of iron (up to s.d. +3) in the case of its interaction with concentrated hydrochloric acid.

Interaction with oxidizing acids

Iron does not react with concentrated sulfuric and nitric acids under normal conditions due to passivation. However, it reacts with them when boiled:

2Fe + 6H 2 SO 4 = o t=> Fe 2 (SO 4) 3 + 3SO 2 + 6H 2 O

Fe + 6HNO 3 = o t=> Fe (NO 3) 3 + 3NO 2 + 3H 2 O

Please note that diluted sulphuric acid oxidizes iron to the oxidation state +2, and concentrated iron to +3.

Corrosion (rusting) of iron

Iron will rust very quickly in humid air:

4Fe + 6H 2 O + 3O 2 = 4Fe (OH) 3

Iron does not react with water in the absence of oxygen either under normal conditions or during boiling. The reaction with water takes place only at temperatures above the red heat temperature (> 800 o C). those..

  • Designation - Zn (Zincum);
  • Period - IV;
  • Group - 12 (IIb);
  • Atomic mass - 65.39;
  • Atomic number - 30;
  • Atom radius = 138 pm;
  • Covalent radius = 125 pm;
  • Distribution of electrons - 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 2;
  • melting point = 419.88 ° C;
  • boiling point = 907 ° C;
  • Electronegativity (Pauling / Alpred and Rohov) = 1.65 / 1.66;
  • Oxidation state: +2, 0;
  • Density (n. At.) = 7.13 g / cm 3;
  • Molar volume = 9.2 cm 3 / mol.

People used zinc even before our era in the form of its alloy with copper - brass. For the first time, pure zinc was isolated by the Englishman William Champion in the 18th century.

V earth crust zinc contains 8.3 · 10 -3% by weight. A lot of zinc is found in thermal springs, from which zinc sulfides, which are of great industrial importance, are precipitated. Zinc plays an active role in the life of animals and plants, being an important micronutrient.

Rice. The structure of the zinc atom.

The electronic configuration of the zinc atom is 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 2 (see. Electronic structure of atoms). The penultimate electronic layer of the zinc atom is completely filled, and on the outer layer there are two s-electrons, which interact with other elements, therefore, the oxidation state of +2 appears in zinc compounds. (see Valence). Zinc is highly reactive.

Physical properties of zinc:

  • bluish white metal;
  • fragile at n. at .;
  • when heated above 100 ° C, it is well forged and rolled;
  • has good thermal and electrical conductivity.

Chemical properties zinc:

  • in air it quickly oxidizes, becoming covered with a thin film of zinc oxide, which protects the metal from further reaction;
  • when heated, it reacts with oxygen, chlorine, sulfur, forming oxides, chlorides, sulfides, respectively:
    2Zn + O 2 = 2ZnO; Zn + Cl 2 = ZnCl 2; Zn + S = ZnS.
  • reacts with dilute sulfuric acid and solutions of non-oxidizing acids, displacing hydrogen from them:
    Zn + H 2 SO 4 (sb.) = ZnSO 4 + H 2; Zn + 2HCl = ZnCl 2 + H 2;
  • reacts with nitric and concentrated sulfuric acid, reducing nitrogen or sulfur, respectively:
    Zn + H 2 SO 4 (knts.) = ZnSO 4 + SO 2 + 2H 2 O;
  • reacts when heated with alkali solutions, forming hydrozincates: Zn + 2NaOH + 2H 2 O = Na 2 + H 2;
  • displaces less active metals (see electrochemical series of metal voltages) from solutions of their salts: Zn + CuCl 2 = ZnCl 2 + Cu.

Getting zinc:

  • pure zinc is obtained by electrolysis of its salts;
  • industrially, zinc is obtained from sulfide ores:
    • in the first stage, zinc oxide is obtained by subjecting the ore to oxidative roasting: 2ZnS + 3O 2 = 2ZnO + 2SO 2;
    • in the second stage, zinc oxide is reduced with coal at a high temperature: ZnO + C = Zn + CO.

Application of zinc:

  • as an anti-corrosion coating for metal products (zinc plating);
  • for the manufacture of alloys widely used in mechanical engineering;
  • in batteries and dry cells;
  • in the paint and varnish industry (production of zinc white);
  • as a reducing agent in organic synthesis reactions.

Chemistry ... Check if I am reasoning correctly ... and got the best answer

Answer from Nadezhda Lyutova [guru]
No, the reasoning is completely wrong. The presented reaction equations too. According to the ease with which electrons are donated, metals are ranked in the line of activity. Na, Ca, Mg - are more active than Zn. Therefore, the less active metal (Zn) cannot displace the more active metal from the salt solution. This means that the 2,3,4-reactions do not go.
Reaction 1 is possible, since Cu is a less active metal, standing to the right of hydrogen in the row of activity. Zn, as a more active metal, displaces Cu from salt solutions.
Zn + CuSО4 = ZnsО4 + Cu.
Please remember: 1) Each metal of a series of activity displaces (restores) all the following metals from solutions of their salts.
2) The more to the left of the metal in the row of activity, the greater is its restorative capacity ...

Answer from Alexey Galushko[guru]
the answer is correct, but completely delusional reasoning (no offense)
The potential of Cu / Cu (2+) is higher than Zn / Zn (2+), and whoever has more potential is an oxidizing agent. There will be such a reaction:
CuSO4 + Zn = ZnSO4 + Cu

Zinc is a typical representative of the group of metallic elements and has the entire spectrum of their characteristics: metallic luster, plasticity, electrical and thermal conductivity. However, the chemical properties of zinc are somewhat different from the basic reactions inherent in most metals. Under certain conditions, an element can behave like a non-metal, for example, react with alkalis. This phenomenon is called amphotericity. In our article, we will explore physical properties zinc, and also consider the typical reactions characteristic of the metal and its compounds.

Position of an element in the periodic table and distribution in nature

The metal is located in a side subgroup of the second group periodic system... In addition to zinc, it includes cadmium and mercury. Zinc belongs to d-elements and is in the fourth period. V chemical reactions its atoms always donate electrons of the last energy level, therefore, in such compounds of the element as oxide, medium salts and hydroxide, the metal exhibits an oxidation state of +2. The structure of the atom explains all the physicochemical properties of zinc and its compounds. The total metal content in the soil is approximately 0.01 wt. %. It is found in minerals such as galmey and zinc blende. Since the zinc content in them is low, at first rocks are subjected to enrichment, which is carried out in shaft furnaces. Most of the zinc-bearing minerals are sulfides, carbonates, and sulfates. These are zinc salts, the chemical properties of which underlie their processing processes, such as roasting.

Getting metal

The harsh oxidation reaction of zinc carbonate or zinc sulfide leads to the production of zinc oxide. The process takes place in a fluidized bed. This is a special method based on close contact of finely ground mineral and a jet of hot air moving at high speed. Next, zinc oxide ZnO is reduced with coke and the formed metal vapors are removed from the reaction sphere. Another method of metal production, based on the chemical properties of zinc and its compounds, is the electrolysis of zinc sulfate solution. It is a redox reaction that takes place under the influence of an electric current. In this case, a high-purity metal is deposited on the electrode.

Physical characteristic

Bluish-silver, brittle metal under normal conditions. In the temperature range from 100 ° to 150 °, zinc becomes flexible and can be rolled into sheets. When heated above 200 °, the metal becomes unusually brittle. Under the influence of atmospheric oxygen, pieces of zinc are covered with a thin layer of oxide, and upon further oxidation, it turns into hydroxycarbonate, which plays the role of a protector and prevents further interaction of the metal with atmospheric oxygen. The physical and chemical properties of zinc are interrelated. Let us consider this using the example of the interaction of a metal with water and oxygen.

Severe oxidation and reaction with water

When heated strongly in air, zinc chips burn out with a blue flame, and zinc oxide is formed.

It exhibits amphoteric properties. In water vapor heated to a red-hot temperature, the metal displaces hydrogen from the H2O molecules, in addition, zinc oxide is formed. The chemical properties of the substance prove its ability to interact with both acids and alkalis.

Redox reactions involving zinc

Since an element in the row of metal activity stands before hydrogen, it is able to displace it from acid molecules.

The reaction products between zinc and acids will depend on two factors:

  • type of acid
  • her concentration

Zinc oxide

A white, porous powder that turns yellow when heated and returns to its original color when cooled is a metal oxide. The chemical properties of zinc oxide, the equations for the reactions of its interaction with acids and alkalis confirm the amphoteric nature of the compound. So, the substance cannot react with water, but interacts with both acids and alkalis. The reaction products will be medium salts (in the case of interaction with acids) or complex compounds - tetrahydroxozincates.

Zinc oxide is used in the production of a white paint called zinc white. In dermatology, the substance is part of ointments, powders and pastes that have an anti-inflammatory and drying effect on the skin. Most of the zinc oxide produced is used as a filler for rubber. Continuing to study the chemical properties of zinc and its compounds, consider the hydroxide Zn (OH) 2.

Amphoteric nature of zinc hydroxide

The white precipitate that precipitates under the action of alkali on solutions of metal salts is a zinc base. The compound dissolves quickly under the action of acids or alkalis. The first type of reaction ends with the formation of medium salts, the second - zincates. Complex salts - hydroxyzincates - were isolated in solid form. A feature of zinc hydroxide is its ability to dissolve in an aqueous solution of ammonia with the formation of tetraamminezinc hydroxide and water. Zinc base is a weak electrolyte, therefore, both its medium salts and zincates in aqueous solutions amenable to hydrolysis, that is, their ions interact with water and form zinc hydroxide molecules. Solutions of metal salts such as chloride or nitrate will have an acidic reaction due to the accumulation of excess hydrogen ions.

Characterization of zinc sulfate

The previously considered chemical properties of zinc, in particular, its reactions with dilute sulfate acid, confirm the formation of an average salt - zinc sulfate. These are colorless crystals, heating them up to 600 ° and above, you can get oxosulfates and sulfur trioxide. Upon further heating, zinc sulfate is converted to zinc oxide. The salt is soluble in water and glycerin. The substance is isolated from solution at temperatures up to 39 ° C in the form of crystalline hydrate, the formula of which is ZnSO 4 × 7H 2 O. In this form, it is called zinc sulfate.

In the temperature range of 39 ° -70 °, a hexahydrate salt is obtained, and above 70 °, only one water molecule remains in the composition of the crystalline hydrate. The physicochemical properties of zinc sulfate make it possible to use it as a bleach in the manufacture of paper, in the form of a mineral fertilizer in plant growing, as a top dressing in the diet of pets and poultry. In the textile industry, the compound is used in the production of viscose fabric, in dyeing chintz.

Zinc sulfate is also a part of the electrolyte solution used in the process of galvanic coating with a layer of zinc iron or steel products by diffusion or by hot-dip galvanizing. A zinc layer protects such structures from corrosion for a long time. Taking into account the chemical properties of zinc, it should be noted that in conditions of high salinity of water, significant fluctuations in temperature and air humidity, galvanizing does not give the desired effect. Therefore, metal alloys with copper, magnesium and aluminum are widely used in industry.

Application of zinc-containing alloys

To transport many chemical substances, for example, ammonia, through pipelines, special requirements are required for the composition of the metal from which the pipes are made. They are made on the basis of alloys of iron with magnesium, aluminum and zinc and have high corrosion resistance to aggressive chemical environment. In addition, zinc improves the mechanical properties of alloys and neutralizes the harmful effects of impurities such as nickel and copper. Alloys of copper and zinc are widely used in the processes of industrial electrolysis. Tankers are used to transport refined products. They are constructed from aluminum alloys containing, in addition to magnesium, chromium and manganese, a large proportion of zinc. Materials of this composition have not only high anti-corrosion properties and increased strength, but also cryogenic resistance.

The role of zinc in the human body

The content of Zn in cells is 0.0003%, therefore it is referred to as trace elements. The chemical properties, reactions of zinc and its compounds play an important role in the metabolism and maintenance of a normal level of homeostasis, both at the level of the cell and the whole organism as a whole. Metal ions are part of important enzymes and other biologically active substances. For example, it is known about the serious influence of zinc on the formation and function of the male reproductive system. It is part of the coenzyme of the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the fertility of the seminal fluid and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. The non-protein part of another important hormone, insulin, produced by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, also contains a trace element. The immune status of the body is also directly related to the concentration of Zn +2 ions in the cells, which are found in the thymus hormone - thymulin and thymopoietin. A high concentration of zinc is recorded in the structures of the nucleus - chromosomes containing deoxyribonucleic acid and involved in transmission hereditary information cells.

In our article, we studied the chemical functions of zinc and its compounds, and also determined its role in the life of the human body.