How will a person live in 1000 years? What will a person look like in a thousand years?

If you look back at least to the last century, the world has changed in many ways. So many inventions! According to research, over the past 150 years, people have “grown” by 10 centimeters and began to live longer by as much as 20 years!

Life changes daily, new technologies are developed, and today's result is far from final. Therefore, the question “what will happen in 1000 years” is very relevant. And the robots that will take our jobs are not the only thing that is already known. But don't be scared! So, What waiting for us:

1. The eyes will be... red

Although... And the same can be said about today. Same characteristic a person who works at a computer.

2. Eyes may get bigger

Only because humanity learns to control the human gene can big eyes come into fashion. They are still considered the key to beauty.

3. Skin will be darker

And it will darken because global warming. People will spend more time outdoors, resulting in a more tanned skin tone.

4. Robots will replace people

Technology is developing too quickly. And robots will begin to displace us even sooner than in 1000 years. Machines will work instead of humans. Apparently, they will succeed quickly and efficiently.

5. Your brain will get bigger

Climate change will affect the human brain. And in 1000 years it will be a little larger.

6. Vision will deteriorate

We do so many things that damage our eyesight: surf the Internet, watch TV for hours. But don't worry. In the future, bionic lenses will help us out.

7. We will have bionic body parts!

Now this technology, usually associated with robots and machines. But in the future, humanity will equip itself with bionic body parts. This is especially true for those bodies that are failing us today.

8. Nanobots will fight diseases

Nanobots are microscopic self-propelled devices designed to fight disease. The idea is still in development mode. But according to the plan, nanobots will fight cancer.

9. We will be able to interfere with the genes of embryos

Similar work has already been done with animals and plants. Scientists have recently tested gene modification in human embryos. The best thing that technology provides is the elimination of diseases.

10. We will be smarter

This is just a guess. But in the future, people will definitely match technology.

11. The child’s appearance and abilities can be customized

But it's dangerous! And researchers are already talking about this. Parents will be able to choose which sperm and eggs should meet. Of course, the choice will be determined by the desire to make your child perfect. Thus, there will be a split between the “upper class” (the dominant population) and the “lower class” (the oppressed population).

12. We will be taller and thinner

As a rule, people with this body type find it easier to tolerate excess external heat. The new body will allow a person to live in high temperatures on Earth.

13. Sexual life... will move to a new stage

Scientists disagreed. Some say that the size of male genitalia will decrease/increase. Others note that desire will decrease.

14. There will be fewer languages

There are more than 7,000 languages ​​around the world. Every two weeks one language disappears. How many languages ​​will remain in 1000 years?

15. Cars will be driverless

Some cities have already allowed driverless transport. But in the future it will be exclusively him.

Isn’t it a little scary in places? I hope that in 1000 years people will become much smarter and kinder, and they will spend a lot of free time (after all, robots will work) usefully! Leave this publication on your page, because your friends are not yet aware of what awaits us all ahead.

Have you ever wondered how long humanity will exist on Earth? Or will people ever disappear? There are many different answers to these questions, but today we will talk about a few things that can affect humanity in the long term. Here are 25 reasons why humans will become extinct in 1000 years.

25. Overpopulation

This has been discussed several times already. Before industrial revolution the question of how to provide people with everything they needed was not so vital. Certainly, railways, steam engines and large farms came to our aid in time, but will our luck last another 10 centuries?

24. Nuclear Armageddon

Photo: pixabay

One press of a button is enough for it to explode. Will humanity be able to control itself for so long?
Note: This will become increasingly difficult as everything more countries acquire nuclear warheads.

23. Antibiotic resistance

Photo: pixabay

Although scientists in the United States have recently succeeded in developing novel superbiotics, we are rapidly approaching a time when all of our current antibiotics will be useless against evolved microbes.

22. Gamma-ray burst

Photo: pixabay

It is unlikely, but possible, that an explosion in a distant galaxy that releases large amounts of energy (a supernova) would have long-term consequences for the planet. Will this happen in the next thousand years? Probably not, but we want our analysis to be thorough.

21. Change of magnetic poles

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The Earth's magnetic poles have changed positions several times before, and some theorists believe this could have affected our civilization. Depending on how you look at it, we will have to go through another change in the near future, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Other scientists deny that such geomagnetic reversals have led to the extinction of civilizations in the past, so how can we predict how they will affect us in the future?

20. Cyberwar

Photo: pixabay

This is directly related to terrorism and the increase in the number of participants on the world stage. While small, organized gangs once had to stick to local guerrilla tactics, today they can wreak havoc on systems around the world with the click of a button. This may not destroy humanity, but it will certainly create enough chaos to drive it to extinction.

19. Depletion of natural resources

Photo: pixabay

This may not lead directly to the extinction of humanity, but it may well lead to civilization. And the end of civilization is a slippery slope, to say the least.

18. Super colliders

Photo: pixabay

While the Large Hadron Collider is certainly helping us understand how the world works, there is a small chance that we could accidentally create a miniature black hole.

17. Drought

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We are surrounded by water, but most of it is not drinkable. And with our fresh water supplies dwindling, this could soon become a big problem.

16. Apathy

Photo: pixabay

The fact that nothing has yet destroyed humans to date may lead humanity to view apocalyptic events as unlikely, resulting in a failure to adequately prepare.

15. Hunger

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If you're reading this, you probably take food for granted. But assuming things don't change, the math says that soon our planet won't be able to feed itself.

14. Superhumans

Photo: pixabay

With advances in genetics making "designer babies" a reality, what's to stop governments from competing to make their citizens "cooler"? And at what point will they stop being human? This would lead to the extinction of humanity as a result of artificially created evolution.

13. Gray slime

Photo: pixabay

This is what scientists call a hypothetical incident in which uncontrolled, self-replicating nanotechnology grows until it completely takes over the Earth.

12. Biological warfare

Photo: pixabay

As genetic engineering becomes more and more advanced, pretty soon it will be possible to easily create some nasty things. This is almost the same thing as antibiotic resistance, except that in in this case it is not accidental, but deliberate.

11. Lack of population

Photo: pixabay

So we've discussed the dangers of overpopulation, but what about the other side of the coin? There is evidence that as countries become more developed, people are choosing to have fewer or no children. And when will people stop having children?

Note: If you think this is funny, then you are clearly not Japanese. The government there is banging its head against the wall trying to find a way to force young Japanese men into relationships. If they fail, Japan will face a demographic crisis (with Europe already nipping at its heels).

10. Aliens

Photo: pixabay

It's great that you're not wearing a tin foil hat, but listen. Most scientists agree that the likelihood of the existence of extraterrestrial life is quite high. In addition, this is most likely a more advanced civilization than us. It is for this reason that people like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk oppose sending messages into space through the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program. If the aliens are smart enough to understand our message, they are either as smart as us... or much smarter. The second is more likely.

9. Solar storms

Photo: pixabay

Although most solar storms relatively harmless, they are known for frying transformers and negatively impacting our power grid. How much damage will a major storm cause? We won't know until it happens, but if the storm is powerful enough, it could easily throw the world into chaos.

8. Mercury

Photo: pixabay

Scientists note that there is a 1% chance that its orbit will become unstable due to Jupiter's gravitational pull. Modeling the situation gives four options for the development of events: ejection from solar system, falling into the Sun, colliding with Venus or colliding with Earth.

Note: The 1% probability refers to the lifetime of the Sun. So the likelihood of this happening within 1000 years is quite low. But who knows?

7. Global warming

Photo: pixabay

It may not seem serious, but our climate is not going to get colder in the next thousand years.

6. Asteroid

Photo: pixabay

There are actually quite a few other rocks than our Earth, and if you know anything about dinosaurs... they can be deadly. Of course, humanity can avoid potential threats (provided we aren't too busy fighting each other).

5. Mega tsunami

Photo: pixabay

With climate change comes instability. One consequence of this instability is the possibility of a mega-tsunami. While they are unlikely to wipe out all life on the planet, the waves could be powerful enough to upset the balance and start a downward spiral.

4. Super volcano

Photo: pixabay

This seems very unlikely, and even if this happened, we most likely could find a way out, but pride does not lead to good...

3. Siri

Photo: pixabay

It may seem like a silly sci-fi show now, but if Siri suddenly became conscious... well, you've seen a movie.

2. The End of the American World

Photo: pixabay

In times of empires, the world is generally at peace because empires provide global order. First, it was the Roman Peace (Pax Romana), then the British Peace (Pax Britannica), and now the American Peace (Pax Americana). Although the American Peace was the most peaceful time in human history, the Peace does not seem to last long Given the resistance to America's global influence both at home and abroad, it is likely that the United States will ultimately focus on domestic policy. What will happen then? It may be anyone's guess, but most experts agree that the most likely path is economic decline and disorder.

Note: The news may sound different, but we are truly living in the most peaceful era in history. For the first time in history, according to statistics, more people die from “old age” rather than from violence, especially men. As we said, this may change, especially after Pax American ends. Entropy is real...

1. Information war

Photo: pixabay

There are forces that ensure the liberalization of human thought and easy access to information on the Internet, but the irony is that they also provide the injection of such truth that provokes hundreds of thousands of people into hostility. Will humanity find a way out of this difficult situation or will we just kill each other out of paranoia? Who knows? You can’t even confirm whether what we wrote here is true...

Robot portrait of a man in the year 3000, according to fantastic foresight
British magazine "The Sun". D.R.
Homo sapiens 3000. Man of the future.
(I wouldn't like to meet him! Ed.N.)
In the year 3000, according to the sci-fi prediction of the Sun daily
human evolution will lead to the creation of a larger individual (individual),
with big eyes but a small brain.

The controversial British tabloid The Sun once again proved its free handling of facts (combined with scientific rigor of presentation) by publishing its view of a future man who has experienced 1000 years of evolutionary development. As the portrait created for the occasion by the artist shows, evolution will not be too gentle towards the human race! The person of the future will probably be larger than today, have fewer teeth (due to the consumption of soft foods and nutritional pills), a small brain (used less intensively due to computerization), large eyes (since information exchange will be more visual than oral ), he has a square chin and less hair (since he lives in warm rooms), small testicles (due to decreased reproductive capacity). The intestines will be shorter to avoid obesity due to excessive consumption of sugar and fat. In conclusion, we note that Homo sapiens in the year 3000 will have longer arms and fingers in order to reach increasingly distant objects without moving.
To make such more than fantastic conclusions, the diary obviously did not rely on reliable Scientific research specialists, but simply turned to a strange group of pseudo-specialists: a dentist, an osteopath and a cosmetic surgeon.

Human evolution continues. In fact, the only thing the magazine can be proud of isThe Sun , this is the thesis that despite all the advances in medicine and technology, despite the habit of living in increasing alienation from the natural environment, human evolution continues to this day. This was established by Doctor Virpi Lummaa (Virpi Lummaa, University of Sheffield, Britain) based on a study of 6,000 inhabitants of Finland who lived from 1700 to the present day (see.PNAS, Scientific Reports of the American Academy). Of course, according to the researchers, “despite the selectivity of stress, an increase in life expectancy and an increase in the chances of finding a partner for procreation, a person has changed over the foreseeable time.”
Since the factors influencing natural selection, can change quite rapidly, biologists believe that it is generally impossible to predict the changes that will cause the evolution of the morphology of any species. Extrapolating from modern trends, we can only say that our great-great grandchildren will not have wisdom teeth, but poo. These molars are superfluous in our way of eating. A third of humanity is already born without wisdom teeth, however, this phenomenon significantly depends on the region of residence (not a single indigenous Mexican has wisdom teeth, while all residents of Tasmania have them)
The man of the future will be “less hairy,” but it cannot be said that the differences will appear in such a short period of evolution as a thousand years. On the other hand, the current trend towards increased height is consistent with a response to selective stress, although in fact modern man much higher than the australopithecines that inhabited Africa many millions of years ago. The increase in height by several centimeters on average in recent decades is most likely explained by improved nutrition and hygiene.

Reporter for the newspaper Figaro.
Cyrille Vanlerberghe/12/10/2012 à 15:06

series "uncork a bottle of champagne,
or re-read Figaro's newspaper."

Translation into Russian is mine.