God fulfills the desires of our subconscious. How to use subconscious to execute your desires? What is the genius of this technology

Top 10 errors

1. Education desire

4. Concentration

Concentrate on one wish if you give several diverse tasks at once - this will slow down the execution process. Therefore, it should be thoroughly reflecting to highlight the most cherished and important dream to reinforce the energy only it.


Giving orders to your subconscious, you should not just sit, folding your hands and wait for it. It is also important to act, then all will work out together. For example, you want to meet your love, but from the house practically do not go out, thinking only about how to make the Universe fulfill your desire? Select for a walk, concerts, communicate with new people ... Help yourself, do not expect your love just knocks your door.

6. Communication

Each time, telling someone about his dream, we spend part of the energy, so try not to waste her in vain. I do not encourage you with anyone to share the plans, just do it selectively, and with those people who can support you, and not devalue the impulses and opportunities. Such people, on the contrary, will be able to inspire you not only for accomplishment, but also the desires themselves.

7. Discipline

In the article, I talked about the fact that it is very important to be able to bring started to the end. What am I so? And to the fact that if, for example, you started with positive affirmations, but pronounce them in a day, or abandoned, the week Practicious - do not wait for quick results.

8. The person "not"

There is one important secret - in your speech and thoughts try to do without particle "not." The fact is that the subconscious of man misses her, does not notice, so if you say yourself: "I will not hurt this year," then it is precisely for a disease itself and program. Therefore, in order to correctly configure yourself and send the correct promise to the universe, track exactly how you formulate your goals.

By the way, it applies to the wishes to others, especially on holidays, try to follow our speech and in conventional communication.

9. Success

Make real desires, good ambitions, of course, fine, but if you require flying into space, it is unlikely that it will come true. The closer to reality your goal will be, the faster it will be. And in general, for beginnings, think about what happens if you still get what you wanted?

Sometimes we dream of something to achieve, thinking that it is then we can become happy. But, having received the expected, sometimes we feel disappointment, therefore, before instring some idea of \u200b\u200bsubconscious, thoroughly think about the pros and cons at successful implementation.

10. Speak wait

The universe knows better when it comes to that hour when it is better to fulfill your dream, how best to organize events to and you can notice opportunities and changes in life. If you are impatient, with time it will start increasing irritation, from which the power and energy of the send will decline. For example, imagine that at work you the head issued the task, and during the day constantly tweets about the progress in execution, requiring reports.

After some time, even if you had inspiration to do this work, you will feel that there is no strength in such a spirit, and you will force yourself to do it, spending tremendous energy, only already on the fight against you. So, do not change her vector, let it be productive, and will not be risen to unnecessary processes.

Look these free 30 lessons for working with subconscious. With their help, you will learn to work correctly with the subconscious, and also recognize real examples from life.


That's all, dear readers of my blog! I want to remind you that everything is in your hands, and some little things are you able to commit yourself in your life. Learn to hear your inner voice and correctly formulate your goals to help the universe to execute them. Successes to you, follow the recommendations, and everything will succeed.

If you subscribe to the update or join the VKontakte group, on the links to the right, you will not miss the exit of articles with very important tools to implement your plans. See once friends.

The desires have no weekends.
R. Burton

Do you know that if the desire is not executed, then is something inside you, what prevents the execution of this desire? And this is something - this is a conglomerate of your feelings, thoughts, emotions, bodily reactions that, digesting, became your beliefs, dogma and postulates, so to speak, the truth in the last instance. You may not be aware of this, but once you made a decision on the basis of certain external and internal stimuli, and this decision "studied" inside, sprout into your essence and now manages you and your life. And this happened in so early ageIt is possible to remember these solutions only under hypnosis.

So it turns out that our desires are not executed because of ourselves.

This thought constantly came across the eyes, insistently climbed into reality, leading to a kind of stupor, because it was not clear how to remember and cancel these solutions and finally achieve the desired one.

I read and read various texts on this topic, studied techniques and techniques NLP Programming, tried sims and immersion technique in " magical city" But it did not give any effect, and the question is: "How? How to finally do so that my desire is fulfilled? " - I got up in front of me in all my doomed - seeing splendor.

No person is able to overcome his hidden desires. He can only pretend to have reached them. - F. Verfel

Not so long ago, I again started playing with my subconscious, and decided on the next experiment. Finding on the Internet this methodAt first I treated him skeptically. But, after various ambiguous reviews, I decided to go through the experiment on my own, so as not to give off the opinion about him.

The technique turned out to be simple as "Siberian boots". But at the same time, not so simple, as it seems at first glance.

The technique is to personally register the most desired desires in the notebook, all that is needed to say that life has been able to. What is really necessary for a happy life.

I will not describe the formulation technique of desires, information on this issue is abuse.

But it will be more effective to go a little from the "Other Boca" and write down everything that prevents the execution of your desires, the absence of what makes you deeply in depression, in longing and hopelessness, everything that prevents you from and in general makes your deferrable desire.

Everything is simple.

We take notebook and write. I decided to go on the second path and write what I was lacking in life for what I could honestly say that life was a success.

The stupor began with the formulation of desire, just that it was necessary to formulate a desire based on the principles of the wording, so also some desires turned out to be somehow "not worthy" to be written. I reacted to the experiment with full seriousness, so I decided not to spray and write the five most cherished desires.

Desires are needed that life is constantly in motion. - S. Johnson

It must be said that the record made by hand has a huge fusion to the subconscious, in fact being a team of subconscious, which begins to execute immediately. Therefore, think about it several times before writing your desire, you can even try the pen, just as if "having agreed" with the subconscious, that this is, so to speak, an unknown version of your desire and you "work" above the wording.

The subconsciousness is conservative, and it does not "run" immediately perform all the teams of consciousness, as the teams for him are external and usually do not bring anything good. Therefore, the subconscious mind is trying to bypass this trend, offering options for writing desires on a computer, in electronic notepad or generally limited to a mental experiment. Accordingly, the teams then become not so obvious, but they are not taken into account at all.

Therefore, only paper and handle.

When you try to write wishes, you will feel a barrier, and the desire that you wanted that it turns out, becomes threatening your calm, which makes you think if it is necessary to write it at all.

This subconscious is leaving a loophole in order to make sure the truth of the desired one would make sure. After all, if you fulfill everything that our consciousness wants, which is subjected to every second information attacks, the action of a hormonal system, emotions and feelings is a direct path to self-dispersion.

Direct teams subconscious always lead to reformatting inner world man and this can not be considered. The subconscious will never give us the desired without changing anything in the representation of a person about himself. And the desired person will eventually receive, but only this will happen occolte pathsthat a variety of logical conclusions here are powerless. It may be such a series of randomness, absurdities and trouble, which is not amenable to any logic, and, most unpleasant, a person can be frightened and abandon what he wanted.

Imagine a train that is designed in such a way that the speed is practically lightning, and the starting mechanism is a certain energy that pushes the engine forward. And here is the train, subordinate to the energy pulse and the power of the engine, rushes to a certain point at the end of the path. And then the driver sees a huge wall in front of him, frightens and pulls the stop faucet. What will happen to the train? At best, it will remain intact to move on, but inside the train everything will be broken and spoiled.

So with our desires. Written from hand on paper, they are this energy that pushes the train forward. And if you get screamed and decide that your desire is already not so you need, you can imagine what will happen. Therefore, if you wish, then wish to the end!

Have you noticed that other people like playing getting what you could not get. While you are of all your strength, it seems - here it is desirable is near, only a hand of a long-standing, but constantly happens that it hinders the execution of desire. This is something just that the very beliefs, postulates and dogmas, those solutions that we once took for truth. And when you decide to roll back a desire, based on decisions taken, the subconscious is satisfied with the hellish bullshit to his owner. And if you decide again with the help of various techniques, run the mechanism of the fulfillment of desires, then the subconscious will arrange a cross-country race without any chance to get the desired.

So, writing from hand is a prerequisite for this technique, and when you write something for myself, there is a feeling of something shameful, in places of stupid and in general, which you want to throw out or not to do. This subconsciousness "protects" a person from rampant desires, since, I repeat, writing from the hand of my desire is this direct team to execute.

Another conditions for this technique is not to make money, as money is not an independent subject, and mostly all of them are needed to buy the desired things, travel, repair and other things. Therefore, it is necessary to make the repair, a trip, thing, but not money.

It is also not necessary to arrange a fun life and impose any restrictions. "That's if I find new job, I will definitely go to the gym "," If I have an apartment, then I will constantly collect friends together, "if it is unwound, I will drink." This is self-limiting additional programswhich impose a block to fulfill desire. You spoilly promised, but do not want to do, for example, do not want to go to the gym, think your desire to be fulfilled?

And do not include other people in your desires. At least try. That is, "I want to marry Vasya" will not roll. Family and children, happiness in marriage and family life - here is your wording.

If you do everything correctly, instructions for the subconscious, which will begin to be executed immediately, if there were no very beliefs about which we spoke at the beginning. Therefore, it is necessary under each desire to write a variety of "blocking" phrases, convictions, postulates, opinions that interfere with the execution of this desire, let's call them for brevity blocks. We write these blocks under each desire, and do not get distracted for anything else.

For example: I want to marry. " Blocks: a) I'm fat, and the thick married do not take, b) I do not know how to cook, and there will have, c) I'm afraid to give birth, but without children the family is not a family, d) I'm afraid he will change me and I will stay alone Children in the hands, e) I'm afraid that he will drink, and now it seems good. I think washed clear.

Next, the necessary condition for this technique is its regularity. It is desirable to write daily for each desire to block beliefs within one month. Do not throw in a couple of days, like and so everything is clear, and go to the end.

So, how I myself passed this experiment.

1 Week. Having written all the desires on separate sheets in the notebook, I formulated all the same blocks that lay on the surface, it turned out pretty cheerful and volume. For a week, it was pretty pretty a decent amount of notebook, but the blocks did not end, and I was intendered in joyful anticipation of going to pass the other weeks at the same pace. Basically, the most superficial block on the absence of the desired in my life rested in money. For each my "I want" the first block was: "There is no money for it," and the second "I want" and on the third. The intensity of desires did not weaken, and everything was easy.

2 weeks. The block in the form "No money" was no longer quoted, because the question immediately followed the question: "Why don't you have money?". And the rolls began to roll down when answering this question. Began to open up like ulcers, solar insults and complexes. They went blocks from childhood, a program was revealed on self-destruction, it seems like "I am unworthy of living on earth and should not have appeared." Began attacks of aggression, and wild irritability, everyone seemed to be the enemies that need to be destroyed. He tried to look at all this as a movie, as if not participating in this, and simply watching. After all, when you watch a movie, it does not oblige anything, you are not a participant, you are an observer. I realized that if there is no money (naturally in the quantity that sat me), which means that other people do not want to give them them (we do not take the salary). And there were questions already have another kind, why people do not want to give them them.

3 weeks: The blocks suddenly ended and went on the second round. Formulations are different - the essence is one. The block on the experiment itself and thought that all this is a waste of time and nothing will change. Unwillingness to write and come back to this again. The level of panic and chaos increased inside, sociopathy and increased excitability with the transition to aggression develops. Depreciating yourself and desires that wrote. Tired of writing blocks every night, I want to stop the experiment. Drop the stop crane. Dead end. Samosabotage. Excuses. Unwillingness to look into ourselves in the "depth".

4 weeks. Second wind. The feeling of infinity of the same action. Blocks appeared on blocks. For example, the block "I am not worthy of that", another block "I am worthy of, but ..." appears. Blocks that pop up do not pull the truth. The feeling that the blocks are concentrated on the surface and deep into the dump is impossible. The body resists. I want to and do not want to quickly finish the experiment. Fear that the experiment will solve my problem, because it opens his eyes. It becomes obvious that she used to notice before. The experiment is an antivirus program that finds and destroys those that threatens the operation of the system. Antivirus works. Insight with money. I understood why I don't have relationships with them. The feeling that was not able to hide the main thing that stretches from childhood and relationships with the world through parents / genus. The main thing is hiding in the depths of the subconscious and does not want that he would be pulled out to the light of God.

Recent days of experiment. The decision to extend another week, in a vain attempt to pull out the program coming from the early childhood. Did not work out. The desires "fucked" like balloon, And no matter whether they are fulfilled at all.

We rarely fully understand what we really want. - F. Larochefuky

The overall feeling of the experiment: All those parent settings pop up, fateful scenes from early childhood, where I had enough postulates, which I lived all my life. Powerful programs. It's not possible to fail at all "deep into the way", as if there is a wall there and it is bound to me. Filely all applied. Internal maturity. Understanding that it was myself who chose these beliefs once and live so far. Fatigue. There was an understanding that I was looking for one all my life, different paths. And it persistently knocked into my door, and waited when I open.

Leveling interpersonal relationshipAnd it is not clear that without all this husk now to do.

Result: Some desires "fell off" during the experiment, two months after the end of the experiment, two more were being implemented. And almost without any effort on my part. The subconsciously removed, destroyed those blocks that stood, and did not allow wishes to be fulfilled. Moreover, the mechanism of this destruction is still not clear. But it does not matter, it is important that what prevented over the years to live and demanded a solution as a result of a short experiment deserved the right to life. I know for sure that I will pass it again.

The experiment has the final phase. But if it sounds here, it will break the whole process. Everyone who risked to go through the experiment and in good faith month discharged blocks, I propose to request a text with the final phase.

I just want to warn that it is undesirable to find out that in the final phase of the experiment before it is passing, because otherwise everything will be ineffective.

The experiment will be effective once or twice, but this is a fairly powerful desires technique. I advise you to try and your life quickly and just starts to change for the better.

P.S. I have a mini-guide with a description of the design technique of desires that can be downloaded and saved to your phone, to a computer, print and read at a convenient time -

Good day, my dear friends! This topic is very relevant and I consider the basis of all the basicsand all the basics! Having learned how to correctly configure your subconscious, you can get everything you want!

To begin with, let's look at what is a consciousness and subconscious.

Consciousness and subconscious - These are two of your world, from the interaction of which the implementation of all goals depends. It is very important to understand them, so that it is faster to achieve their goals. Our mind consists of two worlds: the world of conscious and the world subconscious. Also, they can be called a conscious mind and subconscious mind. Consciousness is a part of the mind that is fully accessible to humans. All your thoughts, ideas occur at the level of conscious mind.

You can not think about one, but to get another. Can not plant Oats, and get wheat. Success and happiness is given to those who produce the ability to fully focus on one thing and does not leave it without attention until the end of the process.

Consciousness is an object or thinking mind. It is devoid of memory and can hold only one thought at every moment of time. It performs four major functions.

In fact, you can improve the quality of your life, using our own "brilliant mind", the power of its subconscious, having mastered the methods of its activation. To do this, you need to know how your subconscious mind is arranged and how it works.

Your subconscious - A huge data bank. His power is practically not limited. It keeps everything that is constantly going on with you. By the time you reach the age of twenty-one, you accumulate the amount of information, more than a hundred times the contents of the full British encyclopedia.

Older people under hypnosis can often with the ideal clarity to remember the events that occurred fifty years ago. Your subconscious memory is ideal. Doubtful only your ability to consciously remember.

Subconscious function - storage and issuance of information. It constantly checks whether you act in accurately in accordance with how programmed.

Your subconsciousness is subjective. It does not think and does not draw conclusions, but simply obeys the teams that receive from consciousness. If you imagine the consciousness of a gardener who sow seeds, then the subconscious is a garden or fertile for seed soil.

Your consciousness commands, and the subconscious obeys. The subconsciousness is not asking the recruitment of the servant, which day and night is working to ensure that your behavior is consistent with the scheme corresponding to your emotionally loaded thoughts, hopes and aspirations. Your subconscious breaks in the garden of your life flowers or weeds that you plant your mind-creating images.

Your subconscious has the so-called homeostatic impulse. It supports the temperature of your body at 37 ° C, as well as your regular respiration and a certain heart rate. Using autonomous nervous system It supports the balance between millions chemical substances In billions of your cells, so that all of your physiological mechanism works most of the time in full harmony.

Your subconscious is also practicing homeostasis in the mental sphere, supporting the correspondence of your thinking and things that you said and did in the past. All information about your mental habits and behavior is stored in the subconscious. It remembers your comfort zones and seeks to keep you in them. The subconscious causes a sense of emotional and physical discomfort with each of your attempt to do something in a new way, otherwise, change the well-established schemes of behavior.

You can feel how the subconsciousness pulls you back to the comfort zone at every attempt to do something new. Even the idea of \u200b\u200ba new business leads you to a tense, restless state.

Trying to find a new job, pass an exam for the right of driving a car, establishing contact with new customers, taking for a responsible task or communicating with the person of the opposite sex and experiencing awkwardness and nervousness, you feel that they left their comfort zone.

Example - So a woman knits without looking, carefully put into the plot of the series, her attention is all in the plot, and the hands act independently of consciousness, also driving a car - attention to the road, and the hands and legs act.

The main difference of leading from the ledbles is that the leaders always pushed themselves from the comfort zone. They know how fast the comfort zone in any area becomes a trap. They know that serenity is the greatest enemy of creativity and future opportunities.

To ensure our own growth, to easily go beyond the comfort zone, it is necessary to readiness to feel awkwardness and discomfort for a certain initial period of time. If it is worth it, then some inconvenience can suffer, as long as confidence does not appear and a new comfort zone corresponding to a higher level of achievements will not be built.

If you are not ready to endure the feeling of awkwardness and inadequacy on initial stage, whether it trade, management, Internet business, sports, relationships with other people, then stuck at a low level of achievements. You will always have to lead the greatest war With yourself, and the greatest difficulty you come with, will be in a breakthrough, exemption from old habits of thinking and behavior.

Remember: the subconscious does not check, good or bad your thoughts are true or false, it reacts in accordance with the nature of the proposed thoughts or proposals. For example, if you deliberately consider something as truth (although in fact it can be a lie), your subconscious mind will perceive the parcel as the truth and will achieve relevant results.

What exercise will help you correctly configure the subconsciousness so that it does not bother you and even become helping you? You need to periodically increase your level of norm. It is exciting and very interesting, although most people do not know what it is about.

Normal level

It is important to know - every person has a certain level of life. For someone, the level of the norm is a small apartment in a small town, a refrigerator, a TV.Someone else needs a cottage, good job, a house in a big city.

Take, for example, a rich man who used to live on enough high level. He cannot feel good, for example, if we are talking about a woman, without a daily manicure. Or, for example, a man who has a house, a steep car, a cottage on the shores of the Mediterranean, yacht and so on.

Select all these things from him, that is, artificially reduce it this level of the norm of life. And you will see that after a while everything will return to their circles. Everything will be with him again, because the neural connections have already been folded in a certain way, which will return it to their own place. This place is called "I simply can not do without it." Not only is he already knowing how to achieve it all, he is still accustomed to this. He seeks to this and without it can not.

And on the contrary, take a poor man and give him all the wealth that can be given. Give him all the wealth of a person from the previous example. After some time, his neural ties, his brain will return it back - he will lose everything and returns again, because in his head, the corresponding new life has neural connections. They need to be folded independently, performing certain exercises, and the more often we will do this, the stronger these links will become. It plays us on your hand.

"Improve the level of its norm to change your life and bring it to a new level of quality of life."

Exercises for configuring subconscious

What exercises need to be performed to teach your brain to put the right neural connections in our head so that everything worries you and everything is fulfilled? It is very important to adhere to the "Yin-Yang" concept. It would be possible to decompose on men and women, but it is wrong, because every kind has two sides, Yin and Yang. What it is?

# 1 tangency yang technique

Yang is a touch technique. You need to think about how your life will change when your desire turns out that it will be new? Where will you ride? Where will you go? Who will you communicate with? How will you dress? Which shops, restaurants, cinemas and so on to walk? How can your life change?

Come up with how you can already touch this life now. Touch technology - how you can already touch up the life that is waiting for you in the performance of all your desires.

So you, as if immerse yourself now in another atmosphere. You teach your brain to another life. At first he will resist, because you will be embarrassed, somehow not.

"To change your level of the norm, use physical touch techniques and the touch of the soul."

For example, you came to an expensive restaurant. Your brain is still not very comfortable, because you never went to such restaurants. You physically train it - you make you feel comfortable in the new conditions. At the same time, you raise the level of the norm and gradually you build new neural connections in your brain.

The more often you will do it, the stronger these neural connections will become, and your brain will not be sabotage, since this zone will become familiar for him. He will get used to her.

Many rich people, very rich, successful peopleThey always used the touch technique. Vladimir Dovgan, for example, removed the presidential room at the hotel to show his brain, what is good, beautiful life. This is a touch technique in action.

Vsevolod of Tatarinov, also a dollar millionaire, he periodically visited the Mariot Hotel, he came when he had no money, and read a book there. He could do it at home, but he came to the hotel and watched the rich people, catching his brain to be in this atmosphere.

Using tangency technique, you can, for example, take a test drive for those who want to buy a car. And not one, but several times, in different salons, to teach your brain to the fact that it is normal, this is a comfortable zone, and this does not need to be afraid.

"Find the opportunity to touch your desired life now to expand your influence zone. So you will quickly embody everything you wish. "

# 2 technique "Love yourself"

One touch technique is not enough, because it is only one side. It is also important for you to work on the side of Yin. How best to do it? This technique is called "Love yourself." This is a simple and effective technique. Moreover, men also concern. It is very important to approach yourself and its subconscious on the emotional side.

Stop the bustle, stop all the concern around yourself. In fact, stop the time, stop yourself, stop your thoughts, all worries. It is very important for you to allocate time on yourself, on your hobby, come up with some pleasures for yourself, for example, for 1 hour a day nobody touched you. This hour is only yours, for your pleasures.

Come up with something for yourself. Buy yourself some gifts, please yourself with some little things, come up with something pleasant for yourself. It is possible, a restaurant, a beauty salon, a massage entry, a swimming pool, a fitness club, a fishing campaign, shopping, self-education, yoga, meditation, and so on.

"So that you no longer sabotage your subconscious mind, show love to yourself, reward yourself. And then you will have more energy to achieve any goal. "

If we are approaching the tangency technique from the body, as if physically concerned their dreams, then in this technique we touch the soul, emotions. Thus, you will increase your level of the norm not only at the level of physics, but also at the level of emotions. And it turns out such a kind of double blocking your brain so that it does not sabotage, so that it was a comfortable, familiar zone for him, and to him and even like it.

# 3 Balance Wheel

To understand what direction of life you should pay more attention from the touch of touching Yin, you can beat more accurately on the most lagging spheres of your life, so as not to waste the energy in order to accurately understand, in which direction you should tighten yourself.

To do this, you need to perform a simple exercise wheel of the balance. This is a simple exercise, perform it and you will see what and where you are lame, and where you need to add a little energy.

The wheel of the balance is the usual circle that you draw on a piece of paper. Imagine a round cake that you cut on 8 parts - like this you need to divide the circle on 8 sectors. They need to sign in this way:

1) all that is associated with family and family relationships;

2) Your health that is connected with this (sport, bath, hardening, dietary, fitness, yoga, etc.);

3) your career;

4) everything related to finance;

5) everything related to relationships with other people, with friends;

6) everything related to your vacation, entertainment, hobbies, travel, that is, for the soul;

7) Personal growth and your self-education;

8) spirituality, charity, your mission, what benefit you give peace, people, animals and so on.

"This simple exercise will help see where you need to add your energy."

Take these 8 sectors. And go through them, appreciate them today on a 10-point scale, as far as you are implemented in each of these areas. Take and slight points from 0 to 10. And you will see what enough important areas of your life are lame, and you can already send your energy to it, using the technique of "Love yourself" (Yin).

You can also use Yang in the same areas.

Briefly about what should be remembered

1. Think of good, and you will get good. Think about evil, and evil will come. You are what you constantly think about.

2. Your subconsciousness does not argue with you, it takes to execute the order of consciousness. If you think that you can not afford something, it can reflect reality, but you should not say that. Prefer the best solution: "I buy it. I accept it with my mind. "

3. You have freedom of choice, so choose health and happiness. You may be friendly or unfriendly. Choose cooperation, joy, friendliness, love - and you will respond the whole world. This is the best way to turn into a wonderful person.

4. Your consciousness is a kind of gatekeeper. Its main feature is the protection of the subconscious from false instructions. Try to believe that something good can happen in your life that it is already carried out. Freedom of choice is the greatest strength. Choose you happiness and abundance.

5. The suggestion and instructions of other people do not have any power and can not bring you harm. The only force is the movement of your own thought. You can reject the thoughts and instructions of other people and approve good. You are free in choosing how to react.

6. Make sure that you are talking; You will have to keep an answer for every rapid word. Never say: "I will fail; I lose work; I can't pay rent. " Your subconsciousness does not understand jokes, it fills any instructions.

7. Your consciousness is not vicious; There are no vicious forces in nature. It all depends on how you will use natural forces. Use your mind for good, healing and inspiration of all people.

8. Never say: "I can't". Overcome your fear and tell me: I can do anything by the force of my subconscious. "

9. Start thinking from the point of view of eternal truths and principles of life, and not from the point of view of fears, ignorance and superstitions. Do not let others think for you. Think and make the decision yourself.

10. You are the captain of your soul (subconscious) and the owner of your destiny. Remember that you are free in your choice. Choose life! Choose love! Choose health! Choose Happiness!

11. What would your conscious mind assume and in whatever it believes, the subconscious will accept it and will fulfill. You need to believe in good fate, divine guidelines, the right actions and in all the good of life.

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Good day, dear readers Blog!

Today I will tell you how to fulfill my desire for the power of thought. Of course, you tell me that you are all known. That the strength of thought is real and fulfills the desire and need a strong will with faith. And perhaps, remember such an important thing as visualization. Yes, everything is true and there is.

But did you think about how often people write articles on how to fulfill the desires of the strength of thought and how does it work well enough? And now look around and remember how often do people fulfill wishes? Somewhere 50 to 50? Lucky is not lucky? Because knowing only half of the formula for the fulfillment of desires is impossible to perform it for all one hundred.

We are very difficult with you not only physically, but how to say so ... Magically, if you want. As in school, having learned the way to solve one task in mathematics, we easily solve the similar, but as soon as we meet a new condition or unknown without knowing mathematical laws we will not be able to solve it by analogy with the same. So in the magic of the fulfillment of desires, you can successfully solve some tasks under certain conditions. That's just our life is unique and diverse and these conditions are almost never repeated.

Therefore, my goal, as in the previous post on the techniques of the fulfillment of desires, talk about the laws that our inner strength and external energy . You will spend a little more time to read and realize written, but later you can decide any tasks with the help of the strength of thought and fulfill the desires with an almost one hundred percent probability instead of some miserable luck - you are not lucky.

I told the phrase "almost one hundred percent" because even understanding how the universe is arranged, one of the biggest difficulties is to manage your own thoughts, emotions and subconscious. Having learned how to manage it, or rather, you will fulfill the desires of the power of thought without applying any additional physical efforts. That is, the magic in reality.

Probably, the greatest success will be achieved by men, as more balanced, or vice versa, the most faithful women, as Faith removes fears and doubts. The personal PDD is about ninety percent of the fulfillment of desires, that is, nine out of ten. I am a typical girl with a pile of emotions, unfortunately, designed by the blind faith and accustomed to analyze. So, fears can cite in my soul and create obstacles. Perhaps you will succeed better than me. It all depends on you yourself.

What we think are able to build our reality and the future. And not even just capable, but builds. No matter if we want it not. And most of the events or incidents in our life comes from what we attracted it. Not always by the power of thought, but always our personal power.

What makes our strength?

  • This, of course, noted power of thought . What we can manage quite easily. Because most desires techniques are reduced to this force. What could be easier than thinking correctly, or about the right things? As you know, the law on which the power of thought works: everything we think about, or will happen. And, through the strength of thought, we can use such a well-known tool. As visualization. Or imagination. The brighter and more often we represent the desired, the more contributing to the implementation of the event. If you dig deeper the strength of thought is the tool that allows us to manage the two even more important parties to our nature. This is a subconscious and emotions. Thinking about something or visualizing, we indirectly deal with self-sufficiency, and simply customize our subconscious on the desired wave.
  • The second element of force is our subconscious , quiet underwater flow, which has a decisive role in the execution of desires. You can want to get a star from the sky as much as you like, but if somewhere in the depths of the soul, you do not want it, it will not happen. Subconsciousness This such thing in which our true desires, dreams, fears and knowledge are stored. And not only. Subconsciousness The only one of our senses can work with the external channels of the Universe . What we often call intuition and sixth feeling is it. Information obtained through these channels. Working with the subconscious is the most difficult part, since we practically do not feel it. Our thoughts and exterior life drown as much as possible. If sometimes the voice of your own subconscious mind breaks through all this in the form of an abstract "I want, I don't want, without visible, the information from the channels is more reduced to a vague foreboding, the feeling that is neoty. And often confused with our fears and experiences. Why does the subconsciously play a major role in the performance of the desires for the power of thought? It can work in two sides. Not only to take information from the outside about what will, but, on the contrary, move the streams of the universe in the right direction. By the same principle, according to which it can change our actions, the subconscious mind can change and external events. After all, the subconsciousness, or in a different soul, and there is a part of this flux of the universe. A small crossings among millions, but directing it and adjusting the strength of thought, we can completely change events and things around us. Yes, feel your Creator and start performing your dreams. Learn to listen. All knowledge is already inside us, even what I am writing about.
  • The third element of our spiritual power is feelings or emotions . To a greater extent, these are emotions, as they have a stronger energy due to bursts. And the feelings in nature are a more calm flow, and it is not possible to somehow significantly change our internal flows. What do our emotions do? They can harm, and can help, creating a splash of some point of directional action. I love to use this to fulfill my desires. Any thought or word, expressed during a strong tide of feelings, no matter what is more power than without them. This is a kind of dream execution catalyst. But. Here you should be careful. There are two points. The first is the type of emotion. Some of them, such as fear, grief, can directly affect our soul and thought. An attempt to use them for the fulfillment that we want will like a fairy tale about cancer and pike swan. The best assistant to fulfill the desires of thoughts will be those feelings that do not make us think and do not confuse our thoughts in the destructive direction. This is anger, apathy, laughter, hatred - no matter what direction, the main thing is that they do not impose their pictures in their heads. And the second moment about the balance in the universe. Again. Creating essentially a new vector of force - thought plus emotion, we break the balance of the universe. And lost harmony can be compensated. Up to the opposite. Therefore, it is better to use emotions carefully. Below I will write like.
  • There are also ways to strengthen our tandem even more - thought, emotion, shower thanks from imolisse of things in nature And in our mind. And back the power of a word We use them in rituals. But about it somehow another time.

In detail how to fulfill the desire for the power of thought.

    Fashion first . Go into a jet luck .

    If you read, there was a speech about "equilibrium in the universe." So, if you are not yet you are in equilibrium , To begin with, you need to be in it. I will briefly repeat. Yours independent state During the period of life, which now you have, should be even and calm and with a slight positive look into the future. If it is not, configure yourself correctly. This will be the jet of luck. The right attitude is not blind faith, but a calm knowledge of the future, like, for example, you know that tomorrow you will go to the store for bread. That is, you do not give your state of unnecessary value, this is the norm. Fears, uncertainty, pessimism equally, as well as a strong inspiration, a hyperactive positive look at life or a tide of strong happiness - there is no correct attitude.

    It did not work out to configure itself this way (and who said that it is easy?), Try to turn on the state of "don't care." That is, neither bad nor good, just indifferent. This is usually it turns out easier, although for the performance of our desire a little worse.

    Now it's time activate the strength of thoughts and. Just decide for yourself that your desire will be fulfilled. I do not say anything, just plan in general terms so you want. No superendar plans for execution methods! Just know that the result will be with you. By itself. From the sky will fall out. You are in the jet of luck (or pofigism, which is also in general, it works fine) and all will provide fate. Do not think about it constantly, you should have just awareness and nothing more. As in the example above about the store and bread. The main thing is that you do not come out of your luck flux, which created in paragraph one.

    The first three items are enough, but there is one remark. Sometimes we have desires, to the embodiment of which we are not ready. That is, we are waiting for a lot of money and wealth, and they themselves save each penny. Or we want a beautiful dress from the designer, but you don't even let yourself go into a boutique, and we buy in the old man in the mass market. Based on previous items, you already know that your dream will be. So what do you behave like a desire and will remain dreams? This means usually that you are not ready to execute them. So, desires have a chance not to be fulfilled. Therefore, remember the rule - live as if what you already wanted with you . Configure your subconscious on the right goal. Do not save money if you decide to become a rich, and go look at the dress, try it out, even if you don't have to buy it now. Live as if you already have something that you dreamed of, expanding your comfort zone, increase the quality of life. Do not visualize your desire, but feel like your desire has already been implemented. To some extent, it is also visualization, but the other. And as the comfort zone expands, and sticking to your jet of luck, you will be surprised how you are unnoticed for you with your dreams. And they switched from the discharge of dreams in the category of the usual purpose.

    But then desires are executed. When you by the power of your subconscious and thoughts make them just part of your everyday life.

    Method of the second . With the help of the strength of negative emotions, in particular, anger .

    Why malnosta? Honestly, because the emotion is very strong, and even if there is an attempt to compensate for its power from the universe, it only turns into its antipode - calm or joy. And in general, it should be from negative at least some benefit. In general, catch the moment.

    If you have a difficult situation in life, and you are very bad, thump your emotions out. Not disappointing or insult, but anger. At this point, just think about what you want and be angry. You can be angry with others, and of course to the universe and generally for life. If the emotion is really strong, usually grabs one evening, so that tomorrow everything has changed in your favor. Remember, I think you had such situations. The stronger anger, the faster the desire will be fulfilled.

    The fact is that anger is an emotion, the action of which is directed without insight, but on others. Often thanks to anger, other concomitant feelings go to the background. They spoke, won, and became exactly in the soul. Fear, uncertainty or insult - everything went. And these are the emotions that can create wrong thoughts in the head and interfere with us to customize our subconscious on the desired wave.

    Thus, we give the greatest energy impetus for our desire. Thanks to the emotions, it is easier for us to make your subconscious mind. They were always closer to our soul than our thoughts. Due to the fact that after splashing anger, we become calmer and neutral, we do not bother our own subconscious to fulfill our desire . Tips that the desire must be released from the same topic is to accidentally do not bring down the stream not to the other side by our own thoughts or feelings.

  • Method Third . Self-pressure . More precisely, not self-sucking, but sudden to your subconscious certain events. If you are systematic and persistent enough, you will see the result. It is the easiest, but also the longest (the forces is not enough) a way to make desires. All the essence is in affirmations.
    Take your dream, correctly formulate in the offer and say it yourself several times a day. Think yourself her. And speak others (unless, of course, it will not be a clear lie). For example, you want to find a job with a good salary. Speak yourself several times in the morning or evening. I earn well, I love my job. Or think it. Speak familiar what they earn well. Water stone sharpens, and after time your subconscious will believe in this and starts its process of changing the external fluxes of the universe in order for what you say and really was.

Fundamental rules

  1. The desire must be uttered in the present. Our goal is to convince the subconscious and through it and the Universe is that the reality is as follows.
  2. Visualize your desire if possible. That is, fantasize in my head. If it does not work in the head - draw, embroider, use magical rituals.
  3. It is necessary to believe in though to believe in what they say or that it takes place. If you know for sure that the desire will never fulfill, every time pronouncing it you will subconsciously think about that it is not true. And there will be a situation who will replay whom you will have your own subconsciousness, or it is you. The situation may be delayed for years.
  4. Do not use particles not or denial in sentences. Your subconsciousness does not understand words, but only images. That is, the phrase "I want not to be ill" will be interpreted as the image of the word "desire" and the words "disease". The image of prepositions and particles is not. By the way, in the proposal, the wrong time must be formulated so. "I am well". The image of yourself and the image of health. Exactly what is needed.

I signed three good ways to fulfill the desires for the power of thought, which can equally use. I always choose the first way, as it is essentially the option when you just wildly lucky in life. The second option would like to use more. And the third is completely difficult for me. Patience for all these manipulations is missing. But in the complex I often use it.

And the last instruction. If you are configured by the power of your thoughts, in parallel, try to realize it by physical forces. In the end, we will create our own life, and we can only help energy flows to move to our goals easily and without obstacles. Proceed to your desires. I can want a chocolate and not to do anything for this, but just try to fulfill the desire for the power of thought. Chocolate may well treat me.

But to learn foreign language, one desire is not enough, in any case you need to start learning it. Knowledge of the language in the head usually do not appear with anyone.

Therefore, help your dreams physically and energetically - and they will definitely come true!
That's all on the topic of today's lesson "How to fulfill your desire for thought."

Each person has its own desires - large and small, momentary and cherished, important and not very. Our subconscious is responsible for the implementation of all these desires. You can talk to him in the language of emotions, feelings and sensations. How to agree with the subconscious And convince him that to fulfill your desire is important and perhaps it will be discussed in this article.
Technician and exercise there are quite a lot: someone is engaged in self-hypanosis or yoga, someone works with, someone uses other methods.
On various sites, as well as on this, you can find hundreds of tips on this issue. How to determine which of them work better than all others and most correct? All and no. It all depends on a person, and not from the method!
It is impossible to unambiguously say than one method is better than others, just as it is impossible to say that some exercises will quickly lead you to the fulfillment of the dream. Only one thing is clear - for each person there is something that is suitable for him. The same exercise for one will be magic stickAnd for the other will have a completely opposite result.
I want to tell you about an exercise that I used. All exercises, as a rule, serve in order to speak with the subconscious, convince him of the need to realize your dream. This exercise will allow you to understand how to say to convince the subconscious to listen to you and agree that your desire must be executed.
The first thing to remember is: the subconscious understands only specific expressions. Here is an example of my own experience. I had a desire - I wanted to get on. The point did not move from the dead point until I added emotions and paints. "I'm going to the seminar to feel the energy of Alex, feel an emotional climb from communication with interesting people, catch the drive from the grandiosity of the event in my life ..." added more specific words and emotions that reached my subconscious. Immediately circumstances have developed in such a way that I went to such a seminar. Of course, there was something else, but I think you caught the essence.
Our subconscious is very sensitive, so it quickly reacts to what has a large emotional color. Speak with him clear and concrete words, as in detail as possible, drawing an accurate image of what you want, and the main thing is emotionally.
The exercise is as follows.
It is necessary to write the same simple desire in different ways. Start all the same - "I want ...", and in the continuation come up with several options. And see which of the written phrase causes you more trust, more emotions and more desire to get what you want.
A simple example. You want candy. Want then you want, but too lazy to go to the kitchen. And now try to write how the wrapper is slant, when you unfold it, like the nose catches the smell of chocolate, which bliss at the moment of biting a little piece and an extraordinary taste ... "Even if this candy will not move to you magically in the hand of her husband (and it happens) You will want to run behind it. Just do not forget that any desire is always an action, and you are much more often about yours.
Having done this exercise with one simple desire, and receiving the result, you can do the same with more serious desires.
No matter how skeptically treated with the strength of thought, it works in a completely different person and can get the desired anyone. And skepticism is often based on personal unsuccessful experience and disbelief. Many, trying those or other recommendations and without achieving the expected results, convince themselves and others that all empty chatter.
I can only say one thing: do not believe in anything that has been said and written, including on this site written by me. Not everything is true for everyone. The truth will only be what you want to believe! Use only those tips that are harmoniously responded in your subconscious and which you truly believed.
Believe all souls! Let your desires are executed!