Neuro-linguistic programming. What is Neurolinguistic Programming? NLP Applications

Have you noticed that some people achieve phenomenal success, while others, being in exactly the same conditions, remain catching up and all their efforts do not bring the expected result? Most likely, yes, they did. Here's another example: when communicating with someone, at some point you realize that you are starting to do what is beneficial to your interlocutor, as if under hypnosis. All of this is the result of applying NLP techniques, often unconsciously. Let's talk about this in more detail.

What is neuro-linguistic programming?

Already from the name itself it becomes clear that this direction is associated with the influence of phrases and verbal forms on a person in order to "tune" the listener in "his own way".

It sounds mysterious - it is. Even today, many scientific minds do not want to recognize the teachings of NLP, conditioning the effect only by the technique of hypnosis. As a result, among readers and those interested in this area, there are disputes about what NLP is all the same - it is hypnosis or a speech form that is originally constructed in terms of meaning, with the help of which information is conveyed to the interlocutor.

NLP is one of the areas of practical psychology, which combines psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and some techniques of hypnosis. In other words, NLP collects the techniques and methods used by people who have achieved success, systematizes them and makes them generally available to the population.

NLP is becoming more and more popular today. However, the opinion that NLP is one of the methods of manipulation is erroneous. On the contrary, it helps to build productive communication with the opponent, to speak convincingly and confidently, to build speech competently, to understand the needs and needs of other people, etc.

NLP techniques

NLP takes into account the signals from our body that we give, admiring and happy about something, or even upset. A person has a lot of such motor and other reactions: movement of arms and legs, eyes, sighs, nervous manifestations, verbal reactions.

Systematizing the accumulated data over the years, the NLP practitioner begins to quietly give certain signs in a conversation. The body of the interlocutor perceives these signals on a subconscious level, not realizing that it is under the influence. As a result, at the right moment of negotiations, a person can strengthen or weaken the meaning and influence of what was said. This is the simplest example and explanation that allows us to understand what NLP is.

By subconsciously accentuating any action or thought, an NLP practitioner can consciously make an emphasis for the interlocutor. For example, at the right moment, pat on the shoulder of a person or laugh, thereby further attaching the person to the desired behavior.

The manifestation of our emotions to many reactions is the same: we smile when we are having fun and funny, we cry when we are upset, etc. Therefore, using body language in relation to the "subject" can cause him the desired reaction, and therefore change his mood and thoughts. It is a powerful tool for influencing a person.


NLP is used in many areas of our life:

  • when raising children (sometimes, unconsciously);
  • in psychotherapy;
  • in management;
  • when dealing with people and the opposite sex;
  • in oratory and acting;
  • in law and business;

In addition, NLP is directed towards personal development:

  • a person recognizes himself, analyzes;
  • develops flexibility of thinking and versatility of behavior (in order to master this technique, a person must think impartially and objectively, and not based on his emotions and subjective judgments);
  • learns to competently and consistently build his speech;
  • learns to interact and choose the right style of behavior with others.

NLP calls for observing others and removing feedback, while simultaneously giving a new result. Neuro-linguistic programming is a powerful tool for a modern person, but with the same probability this tool can be used to deceive people, which is often used by fraudsters.

NLP is a system that can be learned. But, it is not so easy, it will take time, practice, experience, failures, work on mistakes, correction of your knowledge.

The teaching of the technique is more focused on practical use and expanding skills and knowledge mainly during activities. Therefore, as a rule, this direction is recommended to be studied at trainings.

How to learn the NLP method

To one degree or another, we all use NLP methods: we wanted to buy a new car, imagined how great and convenient it was, received a positive charge of emotions and began to work on ourselves to achieve this goal. The result is a new car in your garage. These are simple examples that are taken for granted by NLP in relation to oneself. Neuro-linguistic programming professionals own the minds of the masses. And this is so (even the purchase of goods of a certain type is the result of work on creating a brand and methods for promoting it by an NLP practice).

Based on the principles of neurolinguistic programming, any person is able to master all the techniques this method(self-hypnosis, model of correct goal setting, etc.). But before that, it is better to familiarize yourself with the standard course of psychology in order to have an idea of ​​the various terms and techniques that are used in this area.

  • The first thing to learn is NLP skills and how to put them into practice.
  • Second, consider and analyze NLP techniques.
  • And the last - to study the skills of public speaking, some basics of interaction with the public, the psychology of communication. Basically, this is taught in special courses and trainings dedicated to this topic.

Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP is a direction in psychology, the foundation for which is the copying of a person's verbal and non-verbal behavior. NLP was created in the 60s – 70s of the twentieth century, it is used in psychological trainings.

The official psychology of NLP does not recognize: sometimes the direction is called pseudoscience. This is due to the fact that most of the methods he uses are scientifically unsubstantiated and ineffective, although there are research results proving the opposite.

Neuro-linguistic programming examines the experience of psychotherapists and psychoanalysts, linguists, hypnotists in order to make the techniques they use publicly available. NLP is:

  • Possession of the skill of a clear goal setting. Ability to see obstacles on the way to the goal and eliminate them.
  • Mindfulness and sensitivity to what is happening inside yourself and in the environment outside world... The skill is needed to control your own activities in the process of implementing your plans.
  • Flexibility in actions on the way to achieving the goal, the ability to change actions until the result appears.

Part of the name "Neuro" indicates that in order to display human experience, one must be competent in the field of brain activity that is responsible for processing, storing and disseminating information.

The importance of language in displaying the device of behavior, thinking, interaction between people is demonstrated by the word "Linguistic".

"Programming" - assumes the exact sequence of stages in the advancement of the goal. This is the consistency of reasoning and behavior.

Neuro-linguistic programming is a combination of skills that help to quickly change a person's thinking (manipulate) in order to influence him. Such an effect on the psyche is not recognized by the object and is performed with the aim of getting rid of problems, development, or as a remedy.

The foundation of NLP is interaction with human consciousness. In the process of working with people, blocking of the conscious is used in order to release the unconscious.

The history of the emergence of neurolinguistic programming

The development of neurolinguistic programming began in the late 1960s at the University of California, led by anthropologist Gregory Bateson. The study was designed to identify patterns of effective communication of some psychotherapists with patients.

Richard Bandler and John Grinder studied methods, techniques, techniques, methods of interaction, analyzed them, observing the work of psychotherapists with their wards. The methods used by Virginia Satir, Milton Erickson, Fritz Perzl were monitored.

Later, the investigated methods were organized as species and shown in the form of models of the influence of people on each other. The conclusions of the study are set out in the works “The structure of magic. Volume 1 "(1975)," The structure of magic. Volume 2 "(1976). Together with Virginia Satir in 1976 he wrote the book "Changes in the Family".

The result of the research was the metamodel, which served as the basis for the continuation of the study. This is how practical psychology, or rather a separate direction called "neurolinguistic programming", arose.

In the early 80s of the twentieth century, each of the creators of NLP began to follow a separate path, which led to the emergence by the end of the 80s of several associations with unique approaches. At the same time, NLP came to Russia. The first Russian scientists from Novosibirsk were taught by John Grinder himself. He taught with almost all Russian coaches, twice held seminars in Russia: in 1997 and 2004.

Using NLP

Neuro-linguistic programming teaches you to understand yourself and people nearby, observation and influence using communicative and psychotherapeutic methods. NLP is used by people in the following areas of life:

  • Oratory.
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Journalism.
  • Management.
  • Studies.
  • Commercial activity.
  • Acting skills.
  • Law and law, jurisprudence.
  • Organization of time and its efficient use.

Mastering NLP practices helps to improve communication skills, determines personal growth, treats fears and phobias, and maintain mental health and performance at a normal level.

How to learn it

NLP techniques are available to anyone. Mastering them is not difficult. This is evidenced by the basic provisions of the doctrine.

There are three main stages of training:

  • The standard course "NLP Practitioner" is preferable if you are only interested in communication skills and counseling. Also "NLP Practitioner" is recommended for beginners. The duration of such a course is 21 days. Graduates receive the qualification of NLP practitioners, which indicates their knowledge of the technique and the ability to apply it when conducting practices for beginners. "NLP-Practician" is a basic educational course, the training in which is built on the principle from simple to complex.
  • If you want to deepen your knowledge, work with persuasion and modeling, the NLP Master course will help.
  • "NLP-Trainer" will teach you how to work with an audience, introduce you to the peculiarities of teaching neurolinguistic programming.

Trainings and face-to-face courses last for months, and you have to pay a tidy sum for training. But not everything is so sad. Most of the techniques can be learned on your own.

To do this, you need to read special books on NLP, diligently apply the learned techniques in practical activities... Continuous use of the acquired knowledge and skills in life will allow improving the skills in neurolinguistic programming.

The designers of NLP, while modeling the techniques of famous psychotherapists, applied several laws that these professionals used. All laws are connected in a system of presuppositions - axioms-instruments that make the applied techniques effective.

More than one book has been written on neurolinguistic programming: there are a great many of them. Often, such books do not contain as much useful information as we would like, and reading them, expecting an impressive result, is pointless. The best in this field, the most famous and useful are the following books:

A "NLP Practitioner". The book was authored by Bob Bodenhamer and Michael Hall. The book contains the most interesting materials. Includes general information, description of techniques, techniques, exercises, examples. "NLP-practitioner" is equally highly appreciated by people who first became interested in teaching, as well as by those who already had some knowledge in this area and wanted to improve it.

B The book "From frogs to princes" by Richard Bandler and John Grinder is intended for specialists in the field of psychology (psychotherapists, sociologists, psychologists), as well as everyone who is interested in the psychology of interaction between people. It will be useful for beginners to learn NLP to familiarize yourself with the contents of the book.

In "The State of Solved Problems" - a book by S. Jacobson, which describes a universal model. It can be used by people to solve problems in any area of ​​life. The model was based on the laws of thinking, life and activity.

D "Reframing. Personality Orientation Using Speech Strategies "- by Richard Bandler. The book examines the psychology of reframing, that is, changes in thinking and perception in order to get rid of unfavorable mental patterns. Not only an active practitioner or specialist will read the work with interest, the outlined models and application methods can be successfully used ordinary people.

Manipulation and NLP

Any active interaction between people is manipulation. Communicating with each other, people on an unconscious level want to get the reaction of the interlocutor. If there are goals that cannot be achieved alone, manipulation during communication is observed in 100% of cases.

You can manipulate other people explicitly or covertly, the difference is that in the first case, a person voices his goal or what kind of reaction he wants to see. Every day from the very birth between people there is an interaction that accompanies manipulation.

Psychology has determined that it is possible to manipulate human consciousness using special methods:

  • Hypnosis and trance.

Hypnosis has been known to mankind since ancient times; at present, a similar method is used as a means of treating addictions, ailments and phobias. Each person falls into a state of trance in a natural way: the point of concentration of attention shifts, immersion in their own thoughts occurs. Everything that people have mastered happened when the brain switched to another mode of operation, was in a state of trance (a state of altered consciousness). Deep trance (hypnosis) is considered the most vulnerable state to manipulate consciousness: a person perceives information through the senses, logic is turned off, there is no criticality.

Psychology has developed techniques for achieving goals. NLP is a competent systematization of all the best. It combines the methods of cognitive psychology, gestalt psychotherapy, behaviorism and others. The techniques that psychology have collected in NLP can be easily turned into a manual for manipulating human consciousness. Moreover, such actions can be detected by someone who himself owns such techniques.

  • Psychotronic weapons.

It is impossible to find information about such weapons in open sources. There is not even irrefutable evidence that it actually exists, since the information is classified. Psychotronic weapons are directional waves through which the behavior of a person or a crowd is manipulated (wave vibrations make people panic, run or stop). The basis for the creation of weapons was what psychology studied as a science.

NLP institutes and courses are informal, as psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry do not officially recognize neurolinguistic programming. This is explained by the fact that the technique is not theoretically substantiated and has no scientific confirmation of its effectiveness. However, all the methods used to influence the consciousness and thinking of a person are based on laws, regulations, rules, developments in psychology, psychotherapy, confirmed and proven by science.

IN last years all over the world in various fields social activities more and more application is finding such a way of influencing the human psyche, as neuro-linguistic programming, or NLP. The theoretical and practical foundations of NLP are presented in various monographs.

NLP methods widely used in business, politics, education, medicine, advertising and other spheres of public life use various techniques designed to change the chain mental processes leading to a particular form of behavior, change the strategy of human behavior. For this, a rich arsenal of means is used to penetrate the unconscious of a person, designed to ensure good contact during work, in particular, to "merge" with him, making, if possible, a single whole with this person. These actions are called synchronization or adjustment in NLP.

However, long-term practice has shown that various specialists who use NLP methods in their work, much more often themselves experience serious changes in well-being, depression occurs more often, and fatigue appears. Clients also frequently experience changes that cannot be triggered by the methods used. It is clear that people interact according to parameters unknown in NLP. Experience suggested that this could be a bioenergy information exchange.

It is known from physics that when adjusting, when two or more objects are synchronized, they enter into resonance and form a single system in which the energies are "aligned". And this, in the case of people, leads to the transfer of the emotional, mental and physical state from one person to another, which is already a serious danger to the health of these people. And studies were given to assess the degree of danger of using NLP methods for all participants in this process. Research methodology

The study consisted in registering changes in the electromagnetic manifestations of the biological field (aura) of a person using the Kirlian method. The principle of this method is that the radiation of the biological field, depending on the mental and physical state of a person, has a different intensity and spectrum of radiation. This radiation is recorded on photo or film and carries information about the functioning of both individual organs and mental and physicochemical processes of the body. Observing in dynamics from Kirlian photographs the change in the radiation of the human field when interacting with external factors, one can judge the degree of their influence on the organism of this person.

The condition of the specialists and their patients was recorded before, during and after the adjustment. The specialists were mainly psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, teachers, and their patients were alcoholics, drug addicts, people with serious mental and physical health problems. Some of the patients were people who did not have serious health problems, but who applied for stuttering, weight correction, or, for example, for advice. Studies have also been conducted to change mental state consumers under the influence of TV shows and films. Registration of their state was also carried out before, during and after the session.

While the patient's radiation becomes similar to the radiation of a healthy person, the therapist's powerful and light energy begins to resemble the aura of a very sick person. That is, after the adjustment and formation of a unified system, the energy of the specialist and his patient merges. Having become a single whole, they take over the mental and physical state from each other, there is an energy exchange of all vital functions. Moreover, the higher the body weight of one of the sides, the more pronounced the changes in his aura and the longer this person is in the current state, the more energetically he influences his counterpart. That is, its energy potential depends both on body weight and on the “length of time” of the disease. It fits into the laws of physics.

Figuratively speaking, the human body is like a battery or a capacitor. The more its capacity and the longer the charging time, the more changes it will cause when connected to any system. It follows from this that the child's condition can be changed much faster. A psychotherapist, having worked, for example, with a drug addict and adopting his state, can transfer this state to a teenager who comes for advice, who has every chance of becoming a drug addict as well. Additional studies have shown that drug addicts have such a strong deformation of energy structures that people who are in close contact with them (what is not an adjustment?) - relatives, friends, co-workers often experience the same changes in well-being as drug addicts themselves. And, trying to overcome these changes, they are often simply forced to turn to drugs for help.

Even C.G. Jung wrote about his observations in the clinic: The impact that a doctor or nurse is exposed to can be very deep. I am aware of cases where, when dealing with borderline cases of schizophrenia, brief periods of psychosis were indeed "taken over", while patients during these periods felt better than usual. I even had to deal with a case of secondary paranoia from a doctor who was testing with a woman who was experiencing the early stages of latent persecution mania. There is nothing surprising here, since some mental disorders can be extremely contagious if the doctor has a hidden predisposition of a similar orientation.

So, to create a hidden predisposition of a similar orientation, it is precisely the techniques of adjustment and guidance that are used in NLP.

And not only mental disorders can be contagious. Observations have shown that many diseases are transmitted in a similar way, including oncology (deformation of energy structures in cancer patients is often even stronger than, for example, in drug addicts), and various life circumstances - everything that is usually called fate. That. not only a doctor, but also, for example, a businessman who uses NLP techniques as a means of communication and persuasion of partners can easily take over not only diseases, but also a "black line" in business from their less successful colleagues.

Concepts such as TRANSFER and INVOLVEMENT are familiar to anyone who was interested in at least the basics. analytical psychology, and mean the same phenomena as described above. However, even the authors of psychoanalysis S. Freud and K. Jung, not to mention their followers, have always considered these phenomena extremely undesirable and fought them in every possible way. And they are still fighting. The creators of NLP and their numerous supporters, in order to obtain a quick result and immediate benefit, not only turn a blind eye to these phenomena, but even elevated them to the rank of the Law. And although they then check their work for environmental friendliness, many changes in the body appear only long after, so such an environmental test is often just a meaningless formality.

Like a latent infection, NLP methods are the transmission link of many ailments and serious illnesses, and any person, be it a businessman, politician, or teacher, who uses these methods in his work, risks himself greatly and bears a serious danger to the mental and physical health of the people around him. The greatest danger is precisely those people who actively use these methods in their work.

NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) are techniques, methods of influencing a person in order to change his inner beliefs, attitudes, life values and priorities. The practice of NLP is currently being carried out almost everywhere, including the hidden techniques of NLP are used not only in psychotherapeutic and psycho-training practice, but also in ordinary, public life and in everyday life.

Combat NLP is a method of manipulating people in order to subjugate them to yourself and covertly control them: their consciousness, thinking, feelings and behavior.

How NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques) and Combat NLP appeared

The psychological technique "Neuro-Linguistic Programming" (NLP, or reprogramming, since each person already has some kind of internal program (life scenario), primarily created through unconscious social and parental programming) was created to change the deepest beliefs of a person preventing him from becoming successful and happy in life.

In the last century, American psychologist and writer Richard Bandler and linguist (also a writer) John Grinder with co-authorship of Frank Pucelik, based on the methods of gestalt therapy by Frederick Perls and Ericksonian hypnosis (Milton Erickson), created a new direction in psychological assistance - NLP (neurolinguistic) training. ...

Combat NLP- this is already the application of initially psychotherapeutic techniques to influence and manipulate a person, turning him into a zombie person ... and using various sects, real or virtual illegal communities for their sometimes illegal purposes, for example, when recruiting into ISIS ...

NLP psychology: methods and techniques of human neurolinguistic programming and combat NLP

The methods and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in general, and combat NLP in particular, use connections between verbal, linguistic forms (forms of speech, including written and internal) and non-verbal - body language (facial expressions, gestures, postures, gait ...), direction and movement eyes, as well as representative, sensory systems of a person, all types of memory (from operational to emotional) and images drawn in consciousness.

For example, combat NLP can be used in any spheres of life - in business, commerce, ideology, politics, both internal and external, in war, in society and even in everyday life, in family, parent-child relationships.

Almost any person can be programmed (reprogrammed), especially people with low education (a diploma is not yet an education), not high level intelligence ...
Depressive, in stressful condition, with neurotic disorders, weak-willed, overly gullible people ... yes, just overstrained, tired, especially a person with an immature personality and a weak psyche (adolescent children, young men-maximalists, infantile, not thinking adults, marginalized and old people) - reprogram, transform into a zombie personality is very easy, especially for a professional in the field of combat NLP.

Why influence people, manipulate a person using combat NLP

"The masters of life", people in power since the creation of the world, wanted to have unlimited, literal power, full influence on a person. And in order to create obedient "little people" in all ages used various physical, including psychological, methods and techniques of influencing and manipulating people.

Probably, many of the readers will notice that the desire for power, the ability to influence, influence on a person, the requirement from him to obey, manipulate them is inherent in almost all people.
For example, in a family, parents demand the obedience of children, a husband wants to have power over his wife, and vice versa; the teacher manipulates - the students, and they manipulate them; the doctor often dominates the patient, demanding compliance with the instructions ...

It is even easier to use combat NLP if you act not on one person, but on the crowd, for example, for political purposes - creating modern color revolutions, rallies, protests ... It works even better when using means of communication, propaganda, the media - television, radio, newspapers ... and of course the Internet ...

Even in seemingly harmless advertisements on TV, radio, banners, billboards on the roads ..., or in a modern supermarket, one can find manipulation of human consciousness using NLP techniques (including combat NLP).
For example, as mentioned above, programming uses speech (including writing), images, body language (including the direction of gaze, relative to the right or left hemisphere) and repetition to use memorization at the subconscious level.

Correctly selected slogans, labels on packages and calls to action, as well as correctly laid out goods on the shelves, affect the subconscious of a person, automatically forcing him to make a purchase that is often unnecessary.

There is even such a profession - a Merchandiser - a specialist in displaying goods on shelves, for example, a product that needs to be "sold" can be placed on a showcase with frequent repetition ...

Note that every TV ad has a number of repetitions (usually at least three - at the beginning, middle and end), for example, the name of the product. You can watch the advertisement itself, without even realizing it, several times in a row, while, say, watching a movie. Also, any advertising (presentation of goods) from packaging to billboards on the street has its own images, colors, information placement locations, etc. to influence the subconscious memory, so that a person unconsciously, without thinking, buys, sometimes unnecessary or unnecessary goods. This is especially developed in drug marketing.

Any marketing from the network to the promotion of goods in the supermarket in one way or another uses the techniques of combat NLP, in fact, methods of manipulation and impact on a person.

This cannot be called a fraud, since there is no obvious deception or breach of trust. Well, what's criminal if a price tag hangs under a half-kilogram piece of cheese, where in large letters - 50 rubles, and in very small letters - for 100 grams ... what a deception ?! Or in a home appliance store - interest-free installment plan - substitution of concepts - credit and installment plan - not a crime, but hiding in small print about payment for services of managing your account and insurance is like a "trifle" ...

How to avoid self-manipulation and the effects of combat NLP

The best way to avoid self-manipulation is to change your life scenario, through transactional analysis and the same method of neurolinguistic programming or psycho-training.

To resist the effects of combat NLP, it is not at all necessary to study how NLP methods and techniques work in general, it is enough to understand, realize yourself, your inner "I" and your weaknesses, the so-called "control buttons", your weaknesses ...
The most common human weakness, often used in NLP techniques, is the subconscious desire for freebies (simply - freebies).

Also, often in combat NLP such weaknesses of a person are used as his altered state of consciousness, going into a trance (for example, existence not in the present time at the moment "here and now", but in the past or the future), personal, life disorder, failure and chronic bad luck , lack of motivation for success, lack of attention, recognition, emotional warmth and acceptance, empathy (sympathy) ... complexes, internal fears, neurotic states ... chronic fatigue and neuropsychic stress ... - all this can be used by specialists in the field of combat NLP as “ buttons to control you, i.e. against you ...

NLP (neurolinguistic programming)popular direction of practical psychology and psychotherapy, which has spread widely in various spheres of life. A person who is proficient in NLP influences the subconscious of his listeners or his subconscious with the help of specially selected phrases - linguistic constructions. NLP has become one of the most popular psychological practices, with the help of which a person can change his psyche and influence other people in order to model their behavior.

The influence of NLP on the subconscious occurs through mild Ericksonian hypnosis. It is very different from the classical technique, which completely turns off the mind. A proficient in NLP can put his interlocutor into a light trance by adjusting the breathing rate, eye contact, metaphors and figurative phrases that correspond to the mental characteristics of a person. The trance state helps to shift attention to the inner "I", facilitates the flow of information into the subconscious. The interlocutor's consciousness is not turned off. But the speaker gets the opportunity to bypass his "filters", which allows you to inspire sympathy and build confidence.

Scope of NLP

In recent decades, NLP has been widely used in psychotherapy and Everyday life.

  • NLP in psychotherapy and psychological counseling. Elements of NLP are used to treat: psychological trauma, phobias, depression, psychosomatic disorders, and the elimination of bad habits. It is used in family counseling and sports psychology. In psychological trainings to increase stress resistance and other personal qualities.
  • NLP in everyday life is widely used by training companies and coaches when conducting trainings and seminars on personal growth, improving the efficiency of personnel of commercial companies, specialists working in the field of sales and advertising. The pickup or modern art of seduction was also based on the principles of NLP.

Basic concept in NLP is "subjective experience" - the knowledge of the surrounding world through the organs of perception. It includes three interrelated components: perception, ideas, and beliefs. Experience determines a person's feelings, his way of thinking - and therefore behavior. Based personal experience, each builds his own picture of the world, his own reality. Observing behavior can understand subjective experience and provide clues to behavior change. Therefore, in NLP, the approach to each person should be purely individual. The use of standard schemes and template approaches causes rejection and hostility towards the user of the technique.

The history of the emergence of NLP

The technique was developed in the 60s and 70s in University of California... Three experts were involved in its creation: psychologist Richard Bandler, linguist John Grinder, and cyberneticist and anthropologist Gregory Bateson. They analyzed the work of three well-known and very successful psychotherapists working in different directions: F. Perls, V. Satir and M. Erickson (the founder of Ericksonian hypnosis). After studying their methods of working with the conscious and unconscious, the researchers compiled the algorithms that later became the basis of NLP.

How NLP was created

The authors of NLP, and later their followers, found successful psychotherapists and people who successfully coped with psychological problems, and adopted their secrets. They analyzed the information received, decomposed it into components, and then created step-by-step instructions for solving this problem.

How Neurolinguistic Programming Works

NLP gives practical advice and clear instructions, using which you can understand the motives of a person's actions and convey your point of view to him, make him a supporter, arouse sympathy and change his command, get rid of psychological problems.

Effectiveness of NLP depends from a number of factors:

  • Uncritical perception of the basics of NLP. Doubting people who are critical of presuppositions and demand scientific evidence controversial statements will not be able to effectively influence the interlocutor. To convince your opponent, you yourself need to believe in what you are doing and saying.
  • Individual approach to each person... Does not exist ideal techniques NLP suitable for all people and working in all situations. In each case, you need to analyze, be flexible and choose what is more appropriate.
  • Correct selection of NLP techniques and their competent combination. Even when working with one person, several techniques are required. Some of them may turn out to be ineffective, while others stop working over time, so you need to be fluent in many techniques.
  • Exact adherence to all the details of the technique. All the nuances of the technique are very important. For example, if it is indicated that during psychotherapy with the help of NLP the patient should be in a state of trance, then this rule cannot be neglected. Otherwise, the suggestion will not work.
  • Skills and communication skills. NLP can be quickly mastered by people who know the basics of psychology, are used to communicating and do it naturally - psychologists, psychotherapists, teachers, coaches. Those who do not have these skills will have to practice a lot.

Basic principles of NLP - presuppositions

Basic principles of NLP
(they are also called presuppositions) are statements and postulates that are the theoretical basis of the methodology. NLP practitioners take presuppositions as axioms that do not require proof. These statements are intended to change the person's perspective on the situation in order to simplify problem solving.

  1. The map is not a territory. Just as the map of the area is not the territory that it describes, so our vision of reality does not coincide with the "objective reality" that actually exists. Our vision depends on past experience, upbringing, mood, attitudes and principles. Therefore, the same situation is perceived by different people in their own way. NLP teaches you to understand that real world wider than the map drawn by our experience. Each person has their own vision, and this must be taken into account. No card is genuine and correct, but rather the one that gives more opportunities for solving problems. Alien pictures of the world can help you see the problem from a new angle and find an unexpected solution. Understanding how a person sees reality helps to build an effective model of communication with him.
  2. Body and "consciousness" are a single system. Well-being depends on a person's thoughts, and at the same time, well-being significantly affects the way of thinking. Changes in consciousness and emotions affect bodily sensations, as they can relieve or increase muscle tone, improve or worsen blood circulation and innervation. For example, remembering the rest, a person feels peace. Without noticing it, it relaxes the muscles, which helps relieve muscle spasms, improve blood circulation and relieve pain.
  3. At the heart of all behavior is a positive intention that is associated with the original environment. A person always “wants the best,” that is, he is driven by a positive intention. But the actions that he takes to achieve the goal are not always approved by society. For example, to provide for the family, one will steal, and the other will work. The choice of action (behavior) depends on the situation in which the decision was made, upbringing, character, moral standards. It happens that reality changes, and the behavior that was previously acceptable no longer works. In this case, you need to understand what intention became the basis. this behavior and then change the behavior to positive. For example, enuresis is based on the child's subconscious intention to attract the attention of the parents. Therefore, in order to get rid of undesirable behavior, you need to help the child achieve the goal in a different way, offering a healthy alternative - to communicate well with him, spend more time together.
  4. All life experiences are stored in the nervous system... Everything that once happened to a person is recorded in his nervous system and remains in the memory, although sometimes access to these memories can be difficult. In NLP, the past is not always seen as the root of problems. Past experience is a source of resources to help you find solutions in difficult situations. Also, examples of good behavior can be found in the experiences of other people and fictional characters.
  5. Subjective experience is divided into sights, sounds, smells, sensations, and tastes. NLP distinguishes five channels of information perception - visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory and kinesthetic (body receptors and facial expressions). One of the senses is the leading one, through which a person receives basic information. Based on the information, he builds his judgments and intentions, which affect behavior. Knowing the modality of a person, that is, what kind of analyzer he has, the master of NLP can more effectively convey the necessary information to him. Thus, he influences the behavior of the interlocutor. For example: in order to reach the subconscious of a person whose leading is the kinesthetic channel, and convince him to go with you, you can construct a phrase in this way: “Feel how hot sand burns your skin, how it refreshes sea ​​water».
  6. There are no defeats, but only feedback. What people used to think of as defeat or failure is actually a new experience and useful information, which makes a person more perfect and brings him closer to success. For example, after an interview, a person was not hired. The situation can be seen as a rewarding experience. After analyzing the mistakes, you can draw conclusions: how to behave next time, what skills and abilities are required for the interview to be successful.
  7. The meaning of communication is in the reaction it evokes. When a person speaks, he has a definite intention: to convey or receive information, an emotional reaction, to induce the interlocutor to action. It also happens that words cause a reaction opposite to that which the speaker expected. In response to a neutral phrase or praise, the interlocutor may be offended. This means that the action (statement) did not correspond to your intention. NLP offers a way out that will help to get the desired reaction from the opponent - to change the action, choose a different tone, phrases, situation. That is, if the person's reaction shows that your arguments do not convince him, then you should change your tactics. For example, not to tell, but to ask questions.
  8. Behavior - choosing the best option from what is available on this moment ... A person in any situation chooses the best and most effective from what is available. Usually this choice is fixed, and it behaves in a similar way in similar situations, even if the technique has lost its effectiveness. For example, a person may constantly shout to constructive criticism if it worked once. The more his capabilities (mental, financial, physical), the richer the choice of strategies for behavior. The NLP technique is aimed at developing behavioral flexibility and new non-standard behaviors in various situations. This increases the ability to adapt to constantly changing conditions, and thereby become more successful. Within the framework of psychotherapy, this presupposition helps to learn not to regret what was done in the past - after all, it was the best decision in that situation, and we were guided exclusively by positive intentions.
  9. Everyone has all the resources they need... Resources in NLP mean knowledge, skills, beliefs, abilities, time, finances, things and people. This is all that allows you to expand the choice of solutions to the problem. For example, the task is to make repairs. If you have enough resources, then you can choose one of three options: 1) you can do it yourself, spending time and effort; 2) you can attract friends; 3) you can pay hired workers. If there are not enough resources (no time, no money), then the number of options decreases. The more resources, the wider the choice and the easier it is to deal with the problem. The Presupposition claims that everyone has the necessary resources. At first glance, it is difficult to agree with this statement. But NLP proponents argue that it is enough for a person to start acting as if he has the resources, and they really will appear.

  10. The universe favors us and is abundant in resources.
    The world filled with resources. In the process of evolution, mankind has learned to use them, which put man on top of the pyramid. If people only avoided danger and did not try to achieve more, this would not happen. This presupposition tells us to believe in the good intentions of others and boldly use all available resources. In this case, the universe will become even more friendly and generous.

These presuppositions are quite general, they are difficult to prove with the help of scientific experiments. Therefore, NLP advocates suggest simply taking them on faith, or acting as if you are confident in the correctness of these theses. After a change in behavior, both the feeling of the world and the train of thought begin to change. Thus, NLP proposes to perform conscious actions in order to get subconscious results by influencing the deep structures of the psyche.

On the basis of presuppositions, a large number of models, techniques and techniques of NLP have been created. Each author and trainer adds something of their own. This article will cover the most popular techniques.

NLP Applications

Learning how to apply NLP in practice is carried out at seminars and trainings, but you can learn this on your own, with enough time and perseverance. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the models, techniques and techniques of NLP, take online trainings and apply the knowledge gained in practice.

NLP Models

NLP models are different ways of perceiving situations. Models are ways of thinking that can be used to find original and effective approaches to people.


The "Tricks of the tongue" model allows you to change the opponent's beliefs and work with his objections. Thus, it provides an advantage in the dispute, applying NLP in everyday life. Knowledge of her techniques makes it possible to improve their public activities, which is important for those working in the field of training, sales, and politics. And for psychologists and psychotherapists, these techniques allow you to change the client's position on this issue, change his worldview to a more positive and healthy one.

In fact, "Tricks of the tongue" is a set of speech models that help to quickly convince the interlocutor. With their help, you can make your opponent doubt the correctness of his judgments, by shifting the focus of attention to new aspects of the discussed problem.

There are fourteen tricks of the tongue. They are used depending on the situation and type nervous system interlocutor.

  • The focus of language is intention

The essence of the method is to intuitively determine the goal that drives a person, which is hidden behind his statement. Then the person is asked to perform an action for this purpose.

- I appreciate your rationality and responsibility, that is why I think that you will cope with this task better than others.

  • The focus of the language is overriding

The essence of the method is to replace one of the words in the interlocutor's utterance with a close one in meaning, but with a different context.

- I will not do what is not included in my job duties.

“You cannot say,“ I don’t want to do this, ”while at work.

Or more positive:

- Indeed, it is not your duty. But could you please help me?

  • The Focus of Language - Consequences

The essence of the method is to outline to the interlocutor the consequences of his choice. They can be both positive and negative, depending on the key in which the conversation is being built.

- I will not do what is not included in my job responsibilities.

- I would like to remind you that the distribution of bonuses to the best employees of the year is being considered. Your decision may influence this question.

  • The focus of the language is separation

The essence of the method is to disassemble in detail each element of the opponent's utterance.

- I will not do what is not included in my job responsibilities.

- What exactly from what I ask is not spelled out in your duties. Let's break it down point by point.

  • The focus of the language is unification

The essence of the method is to generalize part of the belief. This makes it possible to change the relationship between the parts of the statement.

- I will not do what is not included in my job responsibilities.

- We are all going beyond the scope of official duties here. Otherwise, the work would have stopped.

  • The focus of language is an analogy

The essence of the method is to find an analogy that gives the interlocutor's statement a different meaning. It is good if it is an anecdote, a parable, a proverb. But any metaphor that is associated with this situation will do.

- I will not do what is not included in my job responsibilities.

- And Noah was a winemaker. He was also not responsible for saving the world from the flood.

  • The trick of the tongue is resizing the frame

The essence of the method is to look at the situation from the point of view of the past or the future.

- I will not do what is not included in my job responsibilities.

- If you were told that you would have to perform these functions when you got a job at our enterprise? Would you still be interested in employment?

  • Tongue focus - a different result

The essence of the method is to show that a given action can have a more significant result than what the opponent claims.

- I will not do what is not included in my job responsibilities.

- Perhaps this is not spelled out in your job description, but it can increase our profits by an order of magnitude, attract more customers.

  • The focus of language is the model of the world

The essence of the method is to reevaluate the situation from a different point of view, to use a different model of the world. It is advisable to do this from the position of a person who is significant and authoritative for the opponent.

- I will not do what is not included in my job responsibilities.

“If Harrison Ford hadn't gone beyond his duties, everyone would still be driving steam cars.

  • Focus of language - strategy of reality

The essence of the method is to refer to real facts that are comprehended through logic and analytical thinking. At the same time, speculation, intuitive conclusions and emotions of the opponent are swept aside.

- I will not do what is not included in my job responsibilities.

- Let's leave emotions and talk to the point. In fact, this is your responsibility. This is stated in paragraph No.

  • The focus of language is the opposite example

The essence of the method - you need to find an exception to the rules and give it as an example. This makes the interlocutor's persuasion less weighty.

- I will not do what is not included in my job responsibilities.

- It is not my responsibility to train employees either, but I am doing this now. In addition, many in our team have an additional load.

  • The focus of the language is the hierarchy of criteria

The essence of the method is to overestimate the interlocutor's statement in terms of a more important criterion.

- I will not do what is not included in my job responsibilities.

- We are here to help people. It's more important than following job descriptions.

  • Tongue Focus - Apply to Yourself

The essence of the method is whether the interlocutor applies to himself the rule that he is guided by at the moment.

- I will not do what is not included in my job responsibilities.

- Then you shouldn't ask for such exceptions as flexible hours, the possibility of remote work.

  • The focus of the language is the meta-frame

The essence of the method is that time is changing, what was previously correct has lost its relevance.

- I will not do what is not included in my job responsibilities.

- So it was possible to reason before the crisis. Now you need to fight with all your might for the client and for your own workplace.


In NLP, the term "anchor" means stimulus causing a reaction or conditioned reflex. In turn, the stimulus for creating an anchor can be any word, object, person, or anything else (gesture, posture, melody, smell) that triggers an emotion or state. If the anchor is set on purpose, then something unusual is used as a stimulus, but which can be exactly repeated at the right time: an unusual gesture, a new keychain.

NLP anchoring has the same principle as conditioned reflex formation. For example, on vacation you started using a new eau de toilette. After that, the experience of relaxation is associated with this scent. After a while, using this eau de toilette, you yourself, without wanting to, will evoke the memories of your vacation. This is how the fragrance became an anchor that triggers pleasant emotions.

Depending on what kind of experience is causing the anchor, it can be positive or negative.

  • Positive anchor evokes pleasant emotions and resource states that are useful for solving problems. It helps to induce this state at the right time. For example, efficiency in the workplace, cheerfulness at the end of the day, etc.
  • Negative anchor causes negatively colored experiences that complicate the activity. It can be used to treat bad habits (overeating, smoking).

Various actions can be performed with anchors:

  • Anchoring- an action as a result of which one stimulus causes two different states... So, to increase efficiency, a working tool (for example, a tablet) can be made an anchor that triggers vigor and interest.
  • Collapse of anchors- This is a state when anchors denoting opposite emotions and states (for example, fear and calmness) neutralize each other. As a result, both reflexes associated with them no longer work, and the stimulus itself does not evoke any emotions.
  • Over-anchoring- replacing the state that the anchor previously caused by another. For example, if a school backpack caused anxiety in a child related to possible troubles at school, then after over-anchoring it will arouse interest or self-confidence.
  • Integration of anchors- unification of several positive or several negative states on one anchor. For example, after integrating anchors, a cigarette can become an anchor for disgust, nausea, and dislike, which will help a person cope with a bad habit.

The anchor model in NLP is one of the most popular. More details about setting an anchor and using this model in practice are described in the “Anchoring resource states” technique.


Imagine a situation - you got nasty on the street. In this case, two variants of the perception of the situation are possible.

  • Association- You see the situation with your own eyes and are a direct participant in it. You look at the flushed face of your opponent, hear his voice, feel how anger and resentment overwhelm you, how the blood rushes to your face and pounds at your temples. When you associate, you perceive what is happening with all your senses. Because of this, a lot of emotions arise that can both help in resolving the situation and harm.
  • Dissociation- this is a way of perception when you see yourself in this situation from the outside. You look at yourself, the conflicting person, and at your opponent. You see and hear everything that happens, but you do not feel emotions that would prevent you from accepting rational decision... You can look at yourself from above, over the shoulder, from the side.

What is the association-dissociation model used for? Association is needed when you want to evoke the emotions that you experienced in that situation. When talking with a loved one, on vacation, during sex, at the moment of triumph. These states are used to set the anchor.

Dissociation helps to look at the situation without unnecessary emotions. This can help at a time when you need to control yourself, for example, in a quarrel with the boss. A detached gaze helps reduce anxiety. For example, when you suffer from insomnia due to the fact that you are worried about events that may or may not happen in the future. Also, the dissociation method is used to combat phobias and psychological trauma.


Metaprograms are filters that determine what information gets into consciousness and what a person's attention is focused on. Having defined the metaprogram of a person, you can predict his behavior, achieve understanding, effectively motivate, determine the position where he will be most useful.

It should be borne in mind that metaprograms are not a stable phenomenon. The same person can exhibit different metaprograms in different situations. For example, at work, he relies only on his own opinion, and in family matters he listens to the opinion of his wife. The severity of the metaprogram also depends on the state of health and other factors. Therefore, it is required to select an individual approach to the same person at each meeting.

Types of metaprograms:

At the moment, there are more than 50 metaprograms. Let's briefly describe the most common of them.

  1. Metaprogram "OT-K motivation"

The OT-K motivation metaprogram divides people into two groups.

  • Motivation K(30% of people). People who are motivated by K are oriented towards success. They are leaders by nature. They are interested in what they can achieve, what they can acquire. For example, a person will be more interested in how to move up the career ladder. At the same time, the question: "how to avoid the anger of the authorities and the hostility of colleagues" does not bother him.
  • OT motivation(60%) is typical for people who avoid failure and negativity. They tend to set small goals for themselves that can be achieved quickly. They value stability. They do not like risks and changes that can lead to changes for the worse. They tend to get rid of problems and shortcomings. For example, they'd rather buy a hypoallergenic shampoo that promises relief from dandruff and hair loss than a shampoo for beautiful lush and thick hair.
  1. Metaprogram "WAY OF THINKING"

The "way of thinking" metaprogram describes the way information is processed. People are divided into 3 groups, based on whether a person prefers to enlarge, downsize or look for analogies

  • Generalization. These people tend to highlight the general essential properties of objects and phenomena. Based on observations of minor and special cases, they draw conclusions about the entire category. For example, such a woman would argue that all men are polygamous on the basis of one betrayal.
  • Downsizing. People are characterized by deductive thinking. From knowledge of the general, with the help of inferences, they draw conclusions about the particular. For example, parrots can talk, so any budgie can be taught to talk.
  • Analogies. People with this way of thinking draw conclusions based on the similarity of equivalents: if Masha is 10 years old, then her classmates are also 10 years old.
  1. Metaprogram "MOTIVES"

Conventionally, people can be divided into 4 categories, according to the motives that drive them.

  • Power... These people are motivated by power, the ability to influence the emotions and actions of others. They put their prestige, importance and respect from others above all else. They are good managers and natural leaders.
  • Involvement... Team players. They are always in the mood for communication, love to make new acquaintances, maintain old connections. These people are always in the spotlight and need recognition and communication. They work well in a group, they are able to perform monotonous work for a long time, they do not seek to take up responsible positions.
  • Achievement... People of this kind prefer complex tasks, research, new projects that no one else has done before. They do not need companions and assistants, preferring to work alone. Constantly strive for improvement and development. Should be better than others and better than themselves in the past.
  • Avoidance... These people, above all, value safety. They try to avoid all possible risks, often feel helpless. Their fear program is launched for the most insignificant reason. They are executive, but they are afraid to take the initiative. They do not express their opinion, trying not to provoke a conflict.
  1. Metaprogram "REFERENCE"

Metaprogram "Reference" helps to divide people into two groups, taking into account which values ​​are leading in decision-making: internal or external.

  1. Metaprogram "PREFERRED MODALITY"

The "Preferred modality" metaprogram describes the channel through which a person prefers to receive information about the outside world. The leading channel can be: sight, hearing, feelings (tactile sensations, taste and smell) or internal dialogue. Knowing the preferred modality of the interlocutor makes it possible to adapt to his way of thinking, which gives advantages when communicating with him.






The number among the population

Leading channel

Body sensations, smell, taste, movement

Meaning, functionality

Predicates - keywords

Sit, watch, bright, colorful, colored

Listen, loud, rhythmic, sounds

Feel, touch, warm, gentle

Rational, efficient

Character traits

When communicating, consider the interlocutor. Appearance is more important than functionality. For memorization and perception, they need: diagrams, graphs, images.

Very sociable. They love to talk and listen. They often have a pleasant expressive voice and a good ear for music. For memorization, they say it aloud or to themselves.

When communicating, they tend to touch the interlocutor - shake hands, straighten clothes. Not too talkative. They value convenience and comfort. They are constantly in action, rarely sit still, twirl something in their hands. Impulsive. They don't like to plan.

They prefer to reason, highlight the important, analyze the situation, and adopt someone else's experience. Critical thinking, believe only strong evidence. Outwardly calm, trying to avoid strong emotions, which are very painful for them.

What appreciates

View, see, image, layout, draw

Touch, touch, contact

Hear about all sides of the issue, discuss the topic

Proofs, references, certificates

The impact on a person with this NLP metaprogram can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Human analysis. Determination of its representative system. What channel is his leading: hearing, sight, feelings.
  2. Adjustment to the representative system of the subject. For example, we say to the visual - "I see that you are right", to the auditor - "Everything that you say is correct", kinesthetics - "I feel you are right", and to the digital - "You are right on all counts."
  3. Influence on the subject using various techniques. After adjustment, the appropriate technique is selected for the situation.

All metaprograms are inherent in every person to varying degrees. For example, your interlocutor shows “OT” motivation by 70%, internal reference is 80%, and visual is 90%. But in other cases, he can show motivation "k" or properties of a kinesthetic. Therefore, when communicating, you need to carefully monitor what kind of response your words evoke.

NLP techniques

NLP techniques are step by step instructions that allow you to solve the problem without going deep into the reasons for its occurrence. Let's take a look at the most productive NLP techniques.

Technique VZMAH

The "Sweep" technique is one of the most demanded techniques operating at the subconscious level. It helps to get rid of bad habits: smoking, alcoholism, overeating, nail biting.

Step one

  1. Clarifying intentions: Why do you need this? What do you get from this? - I smoke to calm down and enjoy.
  2. Clarification of secondary benefits: What other benefits do you get? What are you using it for? - Smoking helps to communicate with colleagues and while away the time at work.
  3. Benefits from the new state: why do you want to get rid of this habit? What are the benefits of quitting smoking? - Health, self-respect.
  4. Ecology check: are negative consequences possible after getting rid of this habit? What is the threat of refusal from it? Is it possible to somehow reduce the negative consequences?

Step two

Drawing up representations. Depending on the modality of the person (which dominates - sight, hearing, sensations, etc.), two pictures are drawn. One symbolizes the image or sensation that occurs when an unwanted program is launched. The second is the image of a person free from a bad habit.

Consider an example, an attempt to get rid of nicotine addiction in a person with a leading visual analyzer.

  1. Scene 1 - a hand bringing a lit cigarette to its mouth.
  2. Scene two - a photo of a happy and successful person who has managed to quit smoking.

Step three

  1. Scene 1. It is necessary to present the picture of a "hand with a cigarette" in close-up, making it as clear, colorful and contrasting as possible.
  2. Scene 2. In the dark corner of the first picture, you need to place the second - small and dim.
  3. Performing a "swing". Pictures are instantly swapped. The cigarette picture becomes black and white, dull and small. The picture unfolds perfectly, filled with colors and details. The action takes place in a split second.
  4. Black screen. After the perfect picture has been detailed, you need to "clear the screen". Both pictures disappear, leaving a black background.
  5. Repeat changing pictures 12-15 times. Repeat the exercise daily until the craving for smoking completely disappears.


Using the technique of "anchoring resource states", at the right time, you can call up a state or emotion. This makes it possible to manage feelings in any situation.

Step one

  1. Clarification of purpose: in what situation is an additional resource needed? - when working, when communicating with the opposite sex.
  2. Determining the required resource: what do you lack in this situation in order to successfully cope with it? For example, calmness in an exam, courage in public speaking, inspiration during creative work.
  3. Ecology check: if you had this resource, would you use it? Wouldn't your behavior make the situation worse?

Step two

  1. Remember the situation when you had the necessary resource: when you felt confident, calm, joyful. If you have not had such a positive experience, you can come up with a story in which you showed the desired quality.
  2. Come up with an anchor... This may not be your usual gesture. For example, grasp the wrist of your right hand with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand, or weave your hands into a lock, straightening and connecting the index fingers.
  3. Anchoring... Imagine the chosen situation to the smallest detail: who was present, what they said, smells, atmosphere. Remember the resource sensation you would like to experience. When positive experiences reach their highest point, then at this moment it is necessary to attach an anchor. After anchoring, it is necessary to interrupt the playback of the situation.
  4. Securing an anchor... The chain: "reproduction of the situation - peak of the resource state - anchor - interruption of the situation" is repeated 7-10 times. This number of repetitions is usually enough to fix the conditioned reflex.

Step three

  1. Checking the anchor... Go about your daily activities. After a while, perform the anchor action. Following this, a resource state (calmness, confidence) should involuntarily arise. If it does not arise, then the anchoring is repeated 5-7 more times.
  2. Playing a problem situation... Imagine a situation in which you lacked confidence before. For example, you are at the table where the exam tickets are laid out, the teacher is sitting opposite. You are filled with excitement and anxiety. Use the anchor to induce the desired state.
  3. Consolidation of the conditioned reflex... Practice using the anchor as often as possible to reinforce the skill.

Using this technique, you can get rid of not only obsessive fears and phobias, but also any strong emotions: hatred, anger, envy.