Master and Margiti read the chapters. Experience reading: "Master and Margarita" - holy

Roman was written in 1937 by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. The novel is considered not a finished work, as the writer died, so without completing it. The writer began working on this work in 1928. 1966-1967 The first publication of the work in abbreviated form was released.

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About the novel

This novel is one of the best works of Bulgakov. At the very beginning, he is impregnated by the secret, which the reader can not understand. The work is a mystical character. Everything that happens there is not amenable to any explanations. It is just - which makes this novel wonderful.

Before starting short description content, you need to get acquainted with the heroes participating in this work

Main characters:

Messir and his team

Secondary heroes:

Listed characters that will often appear in the novel, let's start reading summary online.

Part 1


  1. Never talk to unknown.
  2. Pontius Pilate.
  3. Seventh proof.
  4. Chase.
  5. It was the case in Griboedov.
  6. Schizophrenia, as mentioned.
  7. Non-good apartment.
  8. Fight between professor and poet.
  9. Koroviev jokes.
  10. News from Yalta.
  11. Split Ivan.
  12. Black magic and its exposure.
  13. The phenomenon of the hero.
  14. Glory Petukhu.
  15. Nikanra Ivanovich's sleep.
  16. Execution.
  17. Restless day.
  18. Unfortunate visits.

Short retelling

1. The first chapter begins with the two members of the "massolist" Berlioz and Ivan walked on the patriarching ponds. The conversation came about the existence of Jesus Christ. The fact is that the editor gave the task of Ivan on an anti-religious topic. Ivan Nikolaevich quickly fulfilled this task, but his poem presented Jesus in very black colors, and therefore the editor demanded everyone to remake. Berlioz argued that Jesus did not exist and it was necessary to convey in the poem.

Suddenly, a stranger intervened in their conversation and asked Berliosis, whether he believed in God. He replied that he did not believe. Then a strange stranger similar to a foreigner asks the question: who manages life if God does not exist. Berlioz replied that the man himself manages his life. After that, a foreigner predicts the death of Berliosis from the hands of Komsomol and because Annushka flashes oil.

Ivan and the homeless begin to suspect a stranger in espionage, but he places evidence of his innocence, showing them the documents. He said that he was a specialist in black magic and was invited to Moscow to give a submission of black magic. After that, he began the story about Pontius Pilate to prove the existence of Jesus.

2. To the court to the prosecutor General Pontius Pilate brought a prisoner. His name was Yeshua Ga-Nochri. He was 27 years old, he was beaten and poorly dressed. He was accused of taking people to destroy temples. The procurator suffered a headache, so it was difficult for him to lead trial And sometimes he did not even realize the questions he creates. But Yeshua helped the procurator of some unprecedented miracle to heal the sick head of Pilate.

After the conversation of Pilate from Ga-Nozri, the procurator really liked the young man and he even tried to help him. He tries to make young man abandoning those words that he attributed to the court. But Yeshua does not see danger and confess the fact that Judas said in his den. And described there that Ga-Nochri opposes power. The procurator does not remain anything to do how to blame the young man and sentence him to the death penalty.

But he makes another attempt to save the young man. In a conversation with the high priest, he petitions for the two criminals to be pardoned by Ga-Nochri. But Caifa refuses him in this and the young man finally sentenced to death. And the murderer and robber of the Var Ravbane liberate.

3. Having heard the story of a stranger, Berlioz told him that it was not evidence. A stranger, insulting, said that he himself was at these events. Satellites immediately realized that a foreigner was spooky and better not to provoke him. After Berliosis asked a specialist in black magic, where he will live. He answered that he would live in the apartment of Berlioz, after that Mikhail Alexandrovich headed for the phone to report on the crazy citizen. Having reached the rails, he clogs and falls on the rails, where he cuts the head of the tram wheel, behind the wheel of which Komsomolka sat.

4. After an unexpected tragedy, Ivan hear a conversation, which mentioned Annushka, spilling oil. Remembering the words of a stranger, the poet decides that it is involved in this death and decides to investigate himself. Going to the bench, he sees that a subject is sitting next to a foreigner, dressed in a checkered jacket. It was regent. Ivan begins to interrogate a foreigner, but he pretends that he does not understand him. After, two sitting on the bench began to be quickly removed. Soon they join the cat a huge cat. The poet is pursuing, but quickly behind them.

Ivan did not stop and first invaded an unfamiliar apartment, I will bring samples and a candle from there. Then, for incomprehensible reasons, he went to Moscow river. There he took off his clothes, gave it to an unfamiliar beard and began to swim in the river. After he got to the shore, it was discovered that his clothes were disappeared, and instead were torn pants and shirt. He moved into this clothes and went to the restaurant "At Griboedov" in the hope of finding criminals.

5. The action takes place in Griboedov House. This restaurant belongs to the trade union "Massol". Being a member of this trade union is very profitable, as many privileges are provided to its members, you can get an apartment for free in Moscow and cheap dine in a good restaurant.

In this restaurant, 12 writers were gathered in anticipation of the chairman of Berlioz. And having learned about his death, they grieve, but it continues for a short time. Soon this event is forgotten. Suddenly, Ivan appears in the restaurant in torn pants, barefoot, with icon and candles. He begins to look for a foreigner in a restaurant and accuses him of him in the death of Berlioz. Everyone who was in the restaurant, counted him mentally ill and began to calm down. But Ivan stubbornly resisted and started a fight. The waiters had to tie it with towels. Soon he was taken to a psychiatric hospital.

6. The action takes place in a psychiatric hospital. Doctor asks Ivan to tell the whole story. The poet is very glad that at least someone is ready to listen to him and tells an incredible story, about how the Black Magic Consultant adjusted the death of Berlioz to some kind of mystically. He then says that you need to call the police, but I did not list. Then Ivan is trying to escape from the hospital. He is trying to knock the glass, but it turns out to be very durable. After that, it is placed in the ward with a diagnosis of "schizophrenia".

7. The next chapter begins with the fact that the director Variety Stepan Lijameev wakes up in his apartment with a hangover and discovers a number of a sitting person in black apparel. This apartment Lyarkheev shared with the late Berlioz. This apartment has a bad fame - rumors have been rumored that the past tenants of this apartment were missing.

Let's return to what is happening in the apartment. The man in Black said he was a professor of black magic and agreed yesterday with Likameev, give an idea. Naturally, Likameev does not remember anything, since he drank all day. Therefore, he decided to check the reliability of the words of the professor a call to the theater. There confirmed the words of the professor. After the call, Lyarkheev discovers that a man is sitting next to a stranger in the checkered jacket and a big cat that drank vodka. Then he saw that red-haired dwarfs named Azazello came out of the mirror. Azazello offered to throw out Lyarkheev from Moscow. The next day, Lyarkheev wakes up on the shore of Yalta.

8. Nurse and Dr. Stravinsky come to Ivan the homeless. He asks to repeat the story and asked Ivan that he will do when it will be released from the hospital. The poet said he would call the police and tell all what happened to Berlioz. The doctor says that he will not believe him, and again will lead here and therefore it is better for him to stay here, relax and set out everything in writing. Ivan agrees to this proposal.

9. On Nicarra Ivanovich Bosoy, Chairman of the residential department in the house where Berlioz lived, there is serious pressure from the applicants for an apartment. He decides to look there and discovers there a man who seems to be a korovyev and reports that he is an artist translator. Then he offers rent and bribe for renting an apartment. Bosoy with joy takes a bribe and hides her at home. Woland reports that he no longer wants to see him here. Koroviev is calling the police and reports that Nikano Ivanovich is kept in the house illegal currency. After that, the apartment is being searched and employees find the dollars from Nicanor.

10. Fin. The director of theater of Roman and Varenuha do not understand why Lyarkheev is not yet in the theater. But soon Varenuh comes a telegram from Yalta, which says that a person who calls himself Likameev, came to the local branch, and demanded his identity in the response telegram to send him home. Varenuha and Roman considered this letter to the draw, as Lyarkheev called them 4 hours ago. During this time, he could not be in Yalta. But soon Varenuha decides to send a response letter. Going down the street, a huge cat and red dwarf attack him. After, he turns out to be beaten in an unfamiliar apartment. Suddenly, the red-haired naked girl began to approach him.

11. After Soothing Ukolov, Ivan began to think about what perhaps it was possible to calmly listen to the stranger and ask him about Pontius Pilate, and not to start a chast. Suddenly a stranger appears in the window ...

12. The next day, Woland, accompanied by a cat and Koroviev, gave presentations with black magic. They made several incredible tricks, but the entertainer argued that it was a massive hypnosis. After that, the cat pulled his head, but the audience regretted him and wave ordered to fasten his head into place. After that, they began to distribute to women perfume and new clothes, In exchange for their old.

13. A man who called himself was hit by the homeless, who called himself a master and the proof showed his hat with the letter M. He told that he also came here because of Pontius Pilate. It turns out that this novel wrote the master himself. He tells how he wrote the novel and because of the criticism of his work began to go crazy and soon got here. He said to Ivan that a stranger, for whom he chased - Satan.

14. The action takes place in the theater. Roman sees from the window of two women who have all the clothes in one point. These ladies were just changed at the Voland's representation. Soon on the door knocked the missing Varenuha and said that everything that happened to Likameev just a joke. Fin. The director notes that Varenuha is very pale, he behaves strangely and at the end he did not reflect the shadow. After that, naked woman flew out the window. Roman was so frightened that he had grown her hair. But suddenly there was a crock of a rooster, and two guests jumped out the window and flew away.

15. At the interrogation, Nikanor Ivanovich tells law enforcement officers that no currency in the house kept, bribe took, but rubles. To the question of how the currency came to him, he answered that unclean power in Apartment No. 50 is involved. There was an outfit, but did not find anything, and Bosoy was sent to a psychiatric hospital. There he had a dream, as if he was interrogated again, but the action was going on in the theater and asked him to give all the currency.

16. The action takes place on Bald Mount. Yeshua are brought to the death penalty. He was crucified on the cross along with two other criminals. There was very hot weather, which was unbearable for the poor fellowship. Student Yeshua, Levi Matvey, trying to get up to the mountain and stabbing his teacher to save him from painful death. But he does not work. Soon the commander orders the prisoners. After that, the Levi took off all three, and Ishua's body kidnaps.

17. The Lastochkin Theater accountant is completely confused. All control theater disappeared, and their search turns out to be useless. There are many strange rumors in Moscow. Lastochkin decided to go to the commissions of the spectacle and entertainment, but there he discovers that instead of the chairman sat costume and signed the paper. The frightened secretary told that a huge cat came to the chairman.

After that, Lastochkin goes to the branch of the Commission, but there was another oddity there. A certain person in the checkered jacket organized a whole circle of singing, which did not shut a whole day. After all the experienced Lastochka decides to pass all the revenue into the finiserial sector. But instead of rubles, he has dollars. It is immediately arrested.

18. Uncle of the deceased Berlioz arrives in Moscow. Interestingly, the letter who came to him was signed by Berlioz himself. Uncle was not upset that his nephew was killed. He was interested in the apartment in Moscow, who was supposed to be inherited. And when he came to the apartment, I discovered Coroviev there, who told the whole story in tragic paints. Then the cat spoke to him and asked for a passport. After presenting a passport, Azazelo throws out a guest.

Immediately after him, a buffetter comes in a variety of juices and tells that all his worms turned into a paper. Woland voices his claims to him that the food was the second grade. The buffet is not agreed with this and requires that he returned to the money. After that, all his papers changed to Chervonians. Woland predicted the death of a buffet 9 months from the liver cancer.

Buffetcher, frightened by the statements in his direction, went to the doctor and paid the Chervonians, who after his departure turned into a paper again.

Part 2


  1. Margarita.
  2. Azazello cream.
  3. Flight.
  4. With candlelight.
  5. Great ball at Satan.
  6. Removing the wizard.
  7. As the procurator tried to save Judas.
  8. Break.
  9. End of an apartment number 50.
  10. The latest adventures of Koroviev and Hippo.
  11. The fate of the Master and Margarita is defined.
  12. It's time! It's time!
  13. On the sparrow mountains.
  14. Farewell and eternal shelter.

Short retelling

1. Margarita still remembered the masters and loved him. On that day, when there was a strange story with a buffet, Margarita had a master. She decides to walk through the streets of Moscow and hits the funeral of Berlioz. There she meets Azazelo and he invites her to go to visit to a nonestly foreigner. Margarita does not agree. After that, Azazello quotes several lines from the Master's novel. Margarita agrees to fulfill his request hoping to learn about the wizard. Azazello gives her magic cream and instructions.

2. Margarita flashes with cream. After that, she starts young and acquires the ability to fly. After that he writes her husband farewell letter And flies in front of Natasha's maid and neighbor Nikolai Ivanovich.

3. Becoming invisible, Margarita flies in Moscow and makes various pranks. Soon, Natasha is catching up. It turned out that Natasha also stood up with this cream and also anointed a neighbor. As a result, she turned into a witch, and a neighbor in Borov. main character It was swimming in the river, and after the village in the flying car subsided her.

4. Koroviev escorts the main heroine in a bad apartment and says that royal blood flows in it, and it should help to hold the ball. In a small apartment, a whole ballroom is surprisingly placed. Koroviev explained that this is due to the fifth dimension. In the bedroom, Margarita met all the members of the Sweet and Woland himself.

5. Preparations of the ball begins. Margarita bathe in the blood and pink oil, then put on her queen regalia. She stood at the stairs and met long-dead dead criminals. There Koroviev tells her the story of Frida, who killed the newborn, shutting up his mouth with a handkerchief. Since then, she has been brought every morning that the most scarf.

Ball ends, Margarita takes pleasure halls. Woland, which is presented on the dish Berlioz's head, takes his skull and turns into the bowl, and he sends him into oblivion. The bowl is filled with Barona Mayegel's blood, which Azazello killed. The bowl is made by Margarita, then she drinks it and the ball ends.

6. Margarita fears that they will not give her awards, but she does not say anything about this. After that, Woland said that she did correctly, without asking for award. For this, wave promised to fulfill any desire for Margarita. Thinking, Margarita said that Frida no longer served a handkerchief. Woland said that this is a trifle desire, and since she is the queen, herself can order no longer serve a handkerchief. Then Margarita said that she immediately returned the masters.

The master is in front of her on a chair. He does not believe in everything that is happening. Woland, interested in his work about Pontius Pilate, gets a manuscript that turns out to be completely whole. Margarita asks them to live as before. Woland fulfills her will: gives the documents to the master, returns them to the housing, in which the "friend" of Master Magarych, who wrote to him the storage of illegal literature on him. Natasha left a witch, and Nikolay Ivanovich returned his appearance. Then the Varenuha appears and asks for him to be released from vampires, since it is not bloodeered.

7. The head of the secret service of Afranius reports to the Pilate that the execution was accomplished and no concern was observed. Pilate says Afrania that an attempted at night will take place on the Judea, thereby he ordered the murder to the head of the secret service.

8. Afranja visits the girl named Niza in which Judas loved. She appoints him a date. He comes to the meeting place, but there are three killers there, one of which was Afran. When he, he had a bag with thirty silners, came to the procurator and reported that the task was fulfilled and the proof presented a bag with money. Soon the prosecutor learns that the body of Yeshua is at Levie Matvey, who did not want to give the corpse. But learning that the body will be buried, has come and appeared to the procurator. There he said that he would kill Judas, but the procurator did it for him.

9. Following the case of a bad apartment continues and there are employees to identify evidence. There they find a cat with a primus, he provokes a shootout, but the affected miracle does not turn out. After that, gasoline is poured out of the primus, which himself caught fire, and 4 silhouettes flew out of the apartment, one of them female. The apartment is quickly burning.

10. In the store selling products for the currency foreigners, cows and a subject like a cat appear. The cat begins to eat everything that is on the shop window, and Koroviev calls everyone to protest. When the militia appears, they are hidden by arranging a fire. Then they are heading to the Griboedov restaurant and soon the fire begins.

11. Azazello and Woland talk on the terrace of the Moscow building. Levi Matvey appears and says that Yeshua asks to give the master and Margarita Eternal Peace. Woland orders Azazelo to arrange everything.

12. Azazello appears in the cellary of the beloved. Before that, they led to the conversation about the past events. The master is trying to convince Margarita to leave him and not to ruin himself. Margarita does not listen to him. After the arrival of Azazelo, all three sit on the horses and fly out of the apartment. The apartment lights up. On the path, the master flew to Ivan, called him his student and bequeathed to write a continuation of the story.

13. Azazello, Master and Margarita join Woland, Cow and Hippo. The master says goodbye to the city. Everyone is ready to leave the city.

14. Under the lunar light, the heroes begin to change their appearance. Koroviev turns into a knight, on which the violet armor is dressed, Azazelo - in the deserted demon-killer. Hippo - in a slim boy a group. The wizard appears gray braid and spurs. Margarita does not see his transformation. Woland explained that today is a special night when all the scores are booked.

Riders see in front of him a pilate with his dog. He has been dreaming the same dream for two thousand years - as he goes along the lunar road towards Yeshua. The master screams to him that he is free. Pilate gets up and goes along the lunar road to Yeshua. This means that the novel is finished. And Masters and Margarita is waiting for eternal peace.

After reviewing the brief content of the novel, we advise you to read full version Books, as a summary helps to present only the plot. In the fullest version you will feel the beauty of the narrative.

Roman "Master and Margarita" Bulgakov (1928-1940) - a book in the book. The story about the visit of Satan to Moscow began the beginning of the twentieth century, the novel of the new covenant was inscribed, which allegedly composed one of the Bulgaki characters - a master. At the end, two works are connected: the master meets his main character - the procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate - and mercifully solves his fate.

Finished the work on Roman Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov prevented death. First journaling "Masters and Margarita" dated 1966-1967, in 1969, a book with a large number of abbreviations was printed in Germany, and at the home of the writer the full text of the novel was released only in 1973. You can get acquainted with his plot and basic ideas by reading the online summary of the "Master and Margarita" on the chapters.

main characters

Master - Nameless writer, author of the novel about Pontius Pilate. Without having injured from Soviet critics, goes crazy.

Margarita - His beloved. Having lost the wizard, hesitates on him and in the hope again to see him agrees to become the queen on the annual balus of Satan.

Wave - Mysterious black magician, turning in the end of Satan himself.

Azazello - a member of the Woland Sweet, a low red-haired fangy subject.

Koroviev - Voland satellite, high thin type in the checkered jacket and pensne with one knocked glass.

hippopotamus - Clown of Voland, from a huge speaker black cat turning into a low fat man "With cat burns" and back.

Pontius Pilate - Fifth prosecutor Judea, in which human feelings Fight official debt.

Yeshua Ga-Nochri - Stray philosopher, for his ideas convicted on crucifixion.

Other characters

Mikhail Berlioz - Chairman of the massolist, trade union of writers. It believes that a person himself determines his fate, but dies as a result of an accident.

Ivan homeless - Poet, a member of the massolist, after a meeting with the wave and the tragic death of Berlioza goes crazy.

Gella - The maid of Voland, an attractive red-haired vampire.

Stepa Lyarkheev - Director of the Theater Variety, neighbor Berlioz. Mysteriously moved from Moscow to Yalta to free apartment for Voland and his suits.

Ivan Vareuha - Administrator Variety. In edification for ignorance and addiction to lies, Svita Voland turns him into a vampire.

Grigory Rimsky - Financial director Variety, almost fallen victim of the Varenuhi Vampire attack and Gella.

Andrei Sokov - Buffetter Variety.

Vasily Lastochkin - Accountant Variety.

Natasha - Domrabota Margarita, a young attractive girl, following the mistress turns into a witch.

Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoya - Chairman of the residential department in the house where the "Cursed Apartment" No. 50, bribemer.

Alisia Mogarych - Traitor Master, pretended by a friend.

Levi Matvey - The Yerschalaye collector of the filings, which are so fascinated by the speeches of Yeshua, that he becomes his follower.

Judas from Kiriafa "The young man who betrayed Heshua Ga-Nochri, having hugging at the reward." In punishment for it slaughtered.

High Priest Caifa - The ideological opponent of Pilate, destroying the last hope for the salvation of the convict Jeshua: Instead, they will be released by the Robber Var Ravbane.

Afrana - Head of the Secret Procurator Service.

Part one

Chapter 1. Never talk to unknown

On the Patriarch ponds in Moscow, the chairman of the union of writers of the Massolite Mikhail Berlioz and the poet Ivan Homeless are taking a conversation about Jesus Christ. Berlioz reproaches Ivan that he in his poem has created a negative image of this character instead of refuting the fact of its existence itself, and leads many arguments in the proof of the non-existence of Christ.

In the conversation of the writers intervened a stranger, similar to a foreigner. He asks a question who does not have God, manages human life. Cutting the answer that "the man himself and manages," he predicts Berliosa death: he will cut the head "Russian woman, Komsomolskaya" - and very soon, because some Annushka has already spilled sunflower oil.

Berlioz and homeless suspected of a stranger of a spy, but he shows them the documents and says that he is invited to Moscow as a specialist-consultant on black magic, after which he declares that Jesus still existed. Berlioosis requires evidence, and the foreigner begins to talk about Pontius Pilate.

Chapter 2. Pontius Pilate

The court of the procurator of Pontia Pilate leads the beaten and poorly dressed man about twenty-seven years old. Migraine Pilate must approve the death sentence issued by Holy Sedrin: the accused Ishua Ga-Nozri allegedly called for the destruction of the temple. However, after a conversation with Yeshua, the Pilate begins to sympathize with the smart and educated prisoner, which as if by magic saved him from headache and all people considers good. The procurator tries to bring Yeshua to the fact that he refuses the words that they attribute to him. But he, as if not sickness, easily confirms the information contained in the denunciation of a certain Judah from Kiriaf - what spoke against any power, which means that the Great Caesar authorities. After that, the Pilate is obliged to approve the sentence.
But he makes another attempt to save Yeshua. In a private conversation with the high priest, Caifa, he petitions that from the two prisoners according to the Office of the Sanhedrin, it was Yeshua. However, Caifa refuses, preferring to bestow the life of the rowers and the Karban killer.

Chapter 3. Seventh Proof

Berlioz says consultant that the reality of his history is impossible to prove. A foreigner claims that he was present at these events personally. The head of the massolist suspects that in front of him is crazy, especially since the consultant intends to live in the apartment of Berlioz. By charging the strange subject to the homeless, Berlioz goes to the telephone machine to call the Bureau of Aliens. Following the consultant asks him to believe at least the devil and promises some kind of reliable evidence.

Berlioz is going to cross the tram paths, but it is sculpted on spilled sunflower oil and flies on the rails. The tram wheel, which manages the woman car traded in the Komsomol red golk, Berliozu cuts off his head.

Chapter 4. Pogona

The poet affected by the tragedy hears that the butter on which Berlioz slipped, there was a certain annuna with a garden. Ivan compares these words with said mysterious foreigners and decides to call him to answer. However, the consultant, who spoken well-spoken in Russian, pretends that he does not understand the poet. In his defense, it is an unbearable subject in the checkered jacket, and a little later Ivan sees them away together and besides, accompanied by a huge black cat. Despite all the efforts of the poet to catch up with them, they hide.

Further actions of Ivana look strange. He invades an unfamiliar apartment, being sure that the Zlokoznaya Professor is hiding there. Abduppings from there the samples and a candle, the homeless continues to pursue and moves to the Moscow River. There he decides to swim, after which it discovers that his clothes are stolen. Dressed in the fact that there is a ripped sweatshirt and pants - Ivan decides to search for a foreigner "Griboedov" - in the restaurant massolist.

Chapter 5. It was the case in Griboedov

"House Griboedov" - building massolist. To be a writer - a member of the trade union is very profitable: you can qualify for housing in Moscow and cottages in a prestigious village, ride to creative holidays, tasty and cheap is in a luxurious restaurant "for your".

12 writers who gathered at the meeting of the massolist are waiting for the chairman of Berlioz, and not waiting, go down to the restaurant. Having learned about the tragic death of Berlioz, they grieve, but not long: "Yes, died, killed ... But we are alive!" - And they continue to eat.

The restaurant appears Ivan homeless - barefoot, in the pants, with an icon and a candle - and begins to look for a consultant under the tables, which accuses to the death of Berlioz. Colleagues are trying to calm him down, but Ivan comes into rabies, suits the fight, the waiters are associated with his towels, and the poet is being taken to a psychiatric hospital.

Chapter 6. Schizophrenia, as it was said

With Ivan, the doctor talks to the doctor. The poet is very happy that he is finally ready to listen to him, and sets him his fantastic history about a consultant who is familiar with the unclean power, "attached" Berliosis under the tram and personally familiar with Pontius Pilate.

In the middle of the story, the homeless remembers that it is necessary to call the police, but they do not listen to the poet from the madhouse. Ivan is trying to escape from the hospital, knocking the window, but the special glass is withstanding, and the homeless is placed in the ward with a diagnosis of "schizophrenia".

Chapter 7. Non-good apartment

The director of the Moscow Theater Variety Stepa Likameev wakes up with a hangover in his apartment, which divides the late Berlioz. The apartment has a bad fame - there are rumors that the former tenants disappeared without a trace and the unclean power is supposedly involved.

Stepa sees a stranger in black, who claims that Lyarkheev appointed him a meeting. He calls himself a professor of black magic Woland and wishes to clarify the details on the prisoner and the contract already paid to the speeches in the variety, which Stepa does not remember anything. By calling the theater and confirming the word of the guest, Lyarkheev discovers it no longer alone, but with a checkered type in Pensna and a huge speaking black cat, which drinks vodka. Woland declares the steppe that he is superfluous in the apartment, and a low red-haired fangible entity named Azazello who came out of the mirror named Azazello "Throw it to all your trapping from Moscow."

Step turns out to be on the seashore in an unfamiliar city and finds out the passerby that it is Yalta.

Chapter 8. Duel between Professor and Poet

To Ivan the homeless in the hospital, doctors arrive at the head of Dr. Stravinsky. He asks Ivan to repeat his story again and is interested in what he will do if he is now being released from the hospital. The homeless responds that he will go straight to the police report about the damned consultant. Stravinsky convinces the poet that he is too upset by the death of Berlioz to behave adequately, and therefore he will not believe and immediately return to the hospital. The doctor suggests Ivan to relax in the comfortable chamber, and the statement to the police formulate writing. The poet agrees.

Chapter 9. Koroviev

Nicanra Ivanovich Bosoy, Chairman of the residential in the house on the garden, where Berlioz lived, precipitates the applicants for the released area of \u200b\u200bthe deceased. Bosoya visits the apartment himself. A subject is sitting in the sealed cabinet of Berlioz, which is represented by a korovyev, the translator of a foreign artist of Voland, who lives at Likameev to resolve the owner in Yalta. He offers barefoot to hand over the artist Berlioz apartments and immediately gives him a rent and a bribe.

Nikanor Ivanovich leaves, and Woland expresses the wish to no longer appear. Koroviev calls on the phone and reports that the chairman of the residential department illegally keeps the house currency. Bosomes come with a search and instead of rubles, which gave him Koroviev, find dollars. Bosoy arrested.

Chapter 10. Move from Yalta

In the office of the financial director, the Varenuha administrator is sitting in the office of Roman. They are perplexed where Lyarkheev disappeared. At this time, an urgent telegram from Yalta comes in the name of Varenuhi - someone arguing that he says that he is Stepan Lyarkheev, and the confirmation of his personality. The administrator and the fid director decide that this is a draw: Lyarkheev called four hours ago from his apartment, promising soon to come to the theater, and since then he could not move from Moscow to Crimea.

Varenuha is called to the steppe apartment, where he is informed that he left for the city to ride the car. New version: "Yalta" - Cheburenny, where Lyarkheev got drunk together with a local telegraphist and having fun, sending telegrams to work.

Roman magnitude Varenuchi attributed telegrams into the police. An unfamiliar vile voice by phone orders the administrator to the telegrams not to wear anywhere, but he still goes to the department. On the way, a fat man is attacked, like a cat, and a low fangy subject. They deliver their sacrifice in the Lyarkayev apartment. The last thing that sees the Varenuha is to nourish a redhead girl with burning eyes, which is approaching him.

Chapter 11. Split Ivan

Ivan Homeless in the hospital is trying to make an application to the police, but he cannot clearly state what happened. In addition, it bothers his thunderstorm outside the window. After the soothing injection, the poet lies and speaks "in the mind" himself. One of the internal "interlocutors" continues to worry about the tragedy with Berlioz, the other is confident that instead of panic and chase, it was necessary to politely ask the consultant more about Pilate and learn the continuation of history.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar man appears on the balcony outside the window.

Chapter 12. Black Magic and its exposure

The findirector variety Roman gazes, where Varenuha disappeared. He wants to call about this in the police, but all the phones in the theater are broken. Wanda arrives in Varya, accompanied by Koroviev and Cat.

Bengali's entertainer represents Voland to the public, stating that no black magic, of course, does not exist, and the artist is only a magician virtuoso. "Session with the exposure" wave begins with a philosophical conversation with Koroviev, who is named after Fagot, that Moscow and its inhabitants have changed much outwardly, but much more important than the questionwhether they were different internally. Bengalsky explains the hall that the foreign artist is admired by Moscow and Muscovites, but the artists immediately object to that they did not say anything.

Koroviev-Fagot shows a focus with a deck of cards, which is found in the wallet of one of the audience. Skeptic who has decided that this viewer is in conspiracy with a magician, finds a pack of money in his own pocket. After that, the Chervonians begin to fall from the ceiling, and people catch them. The entertainer calls what is happening "mass hypnosis" and assures the hall that the papers are unreal, but the artists again refute his words. Bassoon declares that Bengalsky is tired of him, and asks the audience to do with this liar. From the hall heard the proposal: "He's head to tear!" - And the cat takes off the Bengal head. The audiences regret the conference, wave argues out loud that people, in general, remain the same, "the apartment question only spoiled them," and make the head back. Bengalsky leaves the scene, and his ambassadors takes off.

"Taperich, when this was bored to spark, let's open the ladies' store!" - Pronounces Koroviev. The scene appears showcases, mirrors and rows of clothing, and the exchange of old dresses of spectators to new ones begins. When the store disappears, the voice from the audience requires promised exposure. In response, Fagot exposes its owner - that yesterday he was not at all at work, but at the mistress. The session is completed by a scandal.

Chapter 13. Hero Phenomenon

The stranger from the balcony enters the ward of Ivan. This is also a patient. With him, he has a bundle of keys stolen from Feldscher, but to the question why he, having them, will not escape from the hospital, the guest replies that he will surprise him. He informs the homeless about the new patient, all the time the hard-on currency in ventilation, and is interested in the poet, as he himself came here. Having learned that "because of Pontius Pilate," requires details and tells Ivan that he met Satan on the patriarchal ponds.

A stranger in the hospital also led Pontius Pilate - the guest of Ivana wrote a novel about him. It seems to be a homeless "master" and in proof makes a hat with the letter M, which she sewed for him some "she". Next, the master tells the poet his story - as one day he won a hundred thousand rubles, he threw the work at the museum, took the apartment in the basement and began to write a novel, and soon met his beloved: "Love jumped out before us, how the murderer pops out from under the earth, And struck us at once both! So amazes lightning, so amazes the Finnish knife! " . Just like the master itself, his secret wife loved his novel, saying that his whole life was. However, the book did not take the book, and when the passage was still published, the reviews in the newspapers were failing - critics called Pilatchina Roman, and the author branded "Bogomaz" and "Militant Old Believers." Someone Latunsky, whom the favorite master promised to kill, especially learned. Soon after that, the Master made friends with a fan of literature named Aloiezia Mogarych, who really did not like his beloved. Reviews meanwhile continued to go out, and the master began to go crazy. He burned his romance in the oven - the widged woman managed to save only a few burnt sheets, - and on the same night he was evicted and he fell into the hospital. The beloved master has not seen since then.
A patient is placed in the neighboring chamber who complains about the allegedly torn head. When the noise subsides, Ivan asks the interlocutor, why he did not give her beloved about himself, and he answers that he did not want to make her unhappy: "Poor woman. However, I have hope that she forgot me! " .

Chapter 14. Glory Petukhu!

The fondar director variety Roman from the window sees several ladies from which the clothes suddenly disappeared - this is unlucky clients of the Fagota store. He must make a few calls about today's scandals, but he prohibits this "depraved female voice" by phone.

By midnight, Roman remains in the theater alone, and here the Varenuha appears with the story about Lyarkaev. According to him, Stepa really got drunk in Cheburenny "Yalta" with a telegraphist and arranged a draw with telegrams, and also learned a lot of ugly trimming, being in the end in the detox. Roman begins to notice that the administrator behaves suspiciously - hoses from the bulb of the newspaper, acquired the habit of combing, strangely pale, and on his neck he has a scarf, despite the heat. Finally, the financial director sees that Varenuha does not discard the shadows.

The exposed vampire closes the cabinet door from the inside, and a redhead nagging girl penetrates through the window. However, these two do not have time to deal with Roman - there is a kerching cry. A miraculously saved the phondar, who went overnight, hastily leaves for Leningrad.

Chapter 15. Sleep Nicarra Ivanovich

Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoya on all issues of law enforcement about the currency talks about an unclean force, a scounding-translator and its complete non-involvement in dollars found in his ventilation system. He confessed: "I took, but I took our Soviet people!" . It is transmitted to psychiatrists. In the apartment number 50, the outfit is sent to check the words of the barefoot about the translator, but finds it empty, and printing on the doors - integers.

In the hospital, Nikanor Ivanovich sees a dream - he is interrogated again about dollars, but it happens in the room of some strange theater, in which in parallel with the concert program from the audience requires to take currency. He screams in a dream, she calms the Feldsheritsa.

Bosoy screams woke his neighbors on the hospital. When Ivan homeless falls asleep again, he begins to dream of the continuation of the story about Pilate.

Chapter 16. Cassen

The bald mountain is taken by the death penalty, including Yeshua. The location of the crucifixion is stupid: the procurator fears that convicts will try to repel in the ministers of the law.

Shortly after the crucifixion, the audience leave the mountain, without preparing the heat. Soldiers remain and suffer from heat. But another person was attached to the mountain - this is a student of Yeshua, the former Yerschalaim collector Levy Matvey. When suicide workers were brought to the place of execution, he wanted to get to the Ga-Nozri and stole him with a knife stolen in the bread shop, having relived from a painful death, but he failed. He blame himself in what happened to Yeshua - left the teacher of one, did not get sick in time, - and asks the Lord to give death to Ga-Nozri. However, the Most High is not in a hurry to execute the request, and then Levy Matvey begins to rap and curse him. As if in response to the blasphemy, a thunderstorm gather, the soldiers leave the hill, and the commander of the cohort in the crimson chlamyide rises to the mountain. According to his order, the sufferers on the pillars are killed by a spear in the heart, Welers to lay a generous procurator.

The thunderstorm begins, the hill is empty. Levy Matvey is approaching the columns and removes all three corpses from them, after which the Ishua body is abducted.

Chapter 17. Restless Day

Accountant Variety Lastochkin, who remained in the theater for the main thing, has no idea how to respond to rumors that Moscow is full, and what to do with the incessant phone calls and investigators with the dog, who came to seek missing Roman. The dog, by the way, behaves strangely - at the same time angry, afraid and howls, like an unclean force - and no use does not bring a search. It turns out that all the documents on Voland in Vary disappeared - even the poster is not left.

Lastochkin is sent with a report to the commissions of the spectacle and entertainment. There he discovers that in the chair of the chair instead of a man sits an empty suit and signs paper. According to the secretary of the secretary, her boss visited a fat man like a cat. The accountant decides to visit the branch of the Commission - but there, a certain checkered type in the broken Pensna organized a circle of choral singing, he himself disappeared, and the singers could not silenced.

Finally, Lastochkin comes to the Finnish sector, wanting to hand over the revenue from yesterday's performance. However, instead of rubles in his portfolio, currency turns out. Accountant are arrested.

Chapter 18. Unfortunate Visitors

Uncle of the late Berlioz Maxim Poplavsky arrives in Moscow from Kiev. He came a strange telegram on the death of a relative, signed by the name of Berlioz himself. Poplavsky wants to claim inheritance - housing in the capital.

In the apartment of the nephew Poplavsky meets with Korovyev, who spares and in the colors describes the death of Berlioz. With Poplavsky speaks the cat, reports that he gave a telegram, and requires a passport from the guest, and then informs him that his presence at the funeral is canceled. Azazello expels Poplavsky Vaughn, Welers and not dream of an apartment in Moscow.

Immediately at Poplavsky in the "bad" apartment comes a buffet variety of juices. Woland voiced him a number of claims to his work - a greenhouse green, sturgeon "second freshness", tea "looks like a fear." The juices, in turn, complain that the Chervonians in the checkout turned into a cut paper. Woland and his retinue sympathize with him and pass - predict the death of liver cancer in nine months, and when the juice wants to show them former money, the paper turns out to be chervonians again.

The buffetter rushes to the doctor and begs him to cure the disease. He pays for his visit all the same Chervonians, and after his care, they turn into wine labels.

Part two

Chapter 19. Margarita

The beloved masters, Margarita Nikolaevna, did not forget him at all, and his life in the mansion did not make her husband. On the day of strange events with a buffet and Poplavsky, she wakes up with the feeling that something happens. For the first time during the separation, the master dreamed of her, and she goes through the relics associated with him - this is his photo portrait, dried pink petals, savings book with the remnants of his winnings and burnt pages of the novel.

Walking in Moscow, Margarita sees Berlioz's funeral. Next to her is embarrassed by a small, red and with a sticking fang of a citizen and tells her about the dead stuffed to someone, after which, calling her by name, invites you to visit "to one very nonestly foreigner." Margarita wants to leave, but Azazelo quotes her after the row from the Master's novel and hints that, having agreed, she could learn about the beloved. The woman agrees, and Azazello hands her a kind of magic cream and gives instructions.

Chapter 20. Azazello Cream

Fixing cream, Margarita youth, good and acquires the ability to fly. "Forgive me and forget me as soon as possible. I leave you forever. Do not look for me, it is useless. I became a witch from grief and disasters that struck me. I have to go. Goodbye, "she writes her husband. It enters her maid Natasha, sees it and recognizes about the magic cream. Margarita calls Azazello and says that it is time to crawl - and the living brush rushes into the room. Seceded her, Margarita in front of Natasha and the neighbor, from below, Nicholas Ivanovich flies out the window.

Chapter 21. Flight

Margarita becomes invisible and, flying through the night Moscow, having fun shallow cants, scaring people. But here she sees a luxurious house in which writers live, and among them - critic Latunsky, who destroyed the masters. Margarita through the window penetrates his apartment and suits the pogrom there.

When she continues the flight, it caught up with Natasha riding on Borov. It turns out that the housekeeper was overthrown by the remnants of the magic cream and the neighbor of Nikolai Ivanovich was assured, as a result of which she became a witch, and he was Borov. Oakdating in the night river, Margarita goes back to Moscow on a flying car submitted by it.

Chapter 22. Candle

In Moscow, Koroviev accompanies Margarita to the "bad" apartment and tells about the annual Ball of Satan, on which she will be a queen, mentioning that royal blood flows in Margarita itself. The ballrooms are placed incomprehensible inside the apartment, and Koroviev explains it with the use of fifth dimension.

Woland lies in the bedroom, playing with a hippopotamus in chess, and Hella rubs the ointment of his sore knee. Margarita replaces Gella, Woland asks Guest, does she suffer from anything: "Maybe you have any sadness, poisoning soul, longing?" But Margarita responds negatively. Until midnight, a little left, and they will be repeated to prepare for the ball.

Chapter 23. Great Ball at Satan

Margarita bathe in the blood and pink oil, put on the regalia of the Queen and lead it to the stairs to meet guests - long dead, but for the ball for one night for one night criminals: states, summers, fake, murderers, traitors. Among them - a young woman named Frida, whose story Margarita tells Koroviev: "When she served in a cafe, the owner somehow called her to the storage room, and in nine months she gave birth to a boy, carried him into the forest and put him in his handkerchief in his mouth, And then buried the boy in the ground. In court, she said that she had nothing to feed the child. " Since then, for 30 years, Frida has been brought every morning that the most scarf.

The reception ends, and margarita should fly around the halls and pay attention to guests. Wolve comes out to which Azazello on the dish brings the head of Berlioz. Woland releases Berliosa to non-existence, and his skull turns into a bowl. This vessel fill the blood shot by Azazello Barona Mayegel - a Moscow official, the only living guest on the ball, in which Woland calculated the spy. The bowl is made by Margarita, and she drinks. The ball ends, everything disappears and a modest living room and a fitted door to the bedroom of Voland turns out on the site of a huge hall.

Chapter 24. Master Removing

Margarita has no more concerns that the rewards for the presence of the Satan Ball will not be, but herself herself to remind her a woman does not want from pride and even on the direct question of Voland that she does not need anything. "Never ask for nothing! Never anything, and especially those who are stronger than you. Yourself will offer and everyone will give! " - Says pleased with her Woland and offers to fulfill any desire for Margarita. However, instead of solving its problem, she demands that Freeda cease to file a handkerchief. Woland says that such a smallness of the queen can do and herself, and his proposal remains in force - and then Margarita finally wants her "Siah a second they returned her lover, master."

The Master is in front of her. Woland, having heard about the novel about Pilate, is incorporated by him. The manuscript that the master burned, turns out to be in the hands of Voland completely whole - "manuscripts are not burning."
Margarita asks to return her and the beloved in his basement, and that everything became like. The master is skeptical: others live in his apartment, he has no documents, he will be searched for the escape from the hospital. All these problems are solved, and it turns out that the master's housing took His "friend" Mogarych, who wrote a denunciation on him that the master keeps illegal literature.

Natasha at the request of her and Margarita leave the witch. Nikolai Ivanovich neighbor, who returned his appearance, requires a certificate for the police and wife, which spent the night on the ball at Satan, and the cat immediately composes it. The administrator of the Varenuha appears and begins to let him down from vampires, because it is not blooded.

The farewell of Woland promises the master that his work still raises his surprises. Lovers will be taking into their basement. There the master falls asleep, and happy Margarita reread his novel.

Chapter 25. As the procurator tried to save Judas

A thunderstorm rages over Yershalaim. The head of the secret service of Afranu is the head of the secret service and reports that the execution has accomplished, there is no mood in the city of unrest and the mood is generally quite satisfactory. In addition, he tells about the last hours of Yeshua's life, by quoting the words of Ga-Nozri that "among the human vices one of the most important things he considers cowardice."

Pilat Melith Afrania urgently and secretly betray the Earth of the body of all three executed and take care of the security of Judah from Kiriaf, who, as he allegedly heard, should be slaughtered this night "Secret Friends of Ga-Nozri." In fact, the procurator itself right now allegorically orders the head of the secret guarantee this murder.

Chapter 26. Burial

The procurator understands that today something very important and no orders will not be returned to this. He finds some consolation only in communicating with his favorite dog Bangoy.

Aphony, meanwhile, visits a young woman named Niza. Soon she is found in the city with a love in her Juda from Kiriaf, who just received a fee from Caifa for the betrayal of Yeshua. She appoints a young man in the garden near Ershalaim. Instead of the girl, Judas meet there three men, kill him with a knife and take a wallet with thirty sober. One of these three - Afranny - returns to the city where the procurator is waiting for a report to sleep. In his Gresses, Yeshua is alive and goes around with him on the lunar road, both of them are happy to argue about the necessary and important things, and the prosecutor understands that, indeed, there is no vice worse than cowardice - but it was the cowardice that he showed, afraid to justify the philosopher-free-rope to the detriment of his career.

Afranny says that Judas is dead, and a package with silver and a note "Return the damned money" fell up to the High Priest Caife. Pilate Melting Afranje to raise the rumor that Judas he himself committed suicide. Next, the head of the secret service reports that the body of Yeshua was found close to the execution of the execution of a certain Levie Matvey, who did not want to give him, but learning that Ga-Nozri would be buried, resigned.

Levi Matthews lead to the procurator, who asks him to show his parchment with the words Yeshua. Levia reproaches Pilate in the death of Ga-Nozri, to which he notices that Yeshua himself did not blame anyone. A former tax collector warns that I am going to kill Judas, but the procurator tells him that the traitor is already dead and did it, Pilate.

Chapter 27. End of Apartment No. 50

In Moscow, the investigation on the case of Voland continues, and the police are once again going to the "bad" apartment, where all the ends lead. There is a speaking cat with a primus. He provokes a shootout, which, however, is without affected. Voland's voices, Koroviev and Azazello votes, saying that it is time to leave Moscow - and the cat, apologizing, disappears, spill burning gasoline from the primus. The apartment is glowing, and four silhouettes fly out of its windows - three men and one female.

A subject in the checkered jacket and a fat man with a premus in the hands, like a cat, come to the store trading for the currency. The fat man eats with the showcase of tangerines, herring and chocolate, and Koroviev calls for people to protest against the fact that scarce products sell foreigners for currency, and not their own rubles. If the police appears, the partners are hidden by setting up a pre-fire, and move to the Griboedov restaurant. He will soon light up.

Chapter 29. The fate of the Master and Margarita is defined

Woland and Azazello talk on the terrace of one of the Moscow buildings, looking at the city. To them is Levy Matvey and reports that "he" - I mean Yeshua - I read the Master's novel and asks Woland to give the author and his beloved deserved peace. Woland tells Azazello "go to them and all arrange".

Chapter 30. It's time! It's time!

Azazelo visits the masters and Margarita in their basement. Before that, they are talking about the events of the last night - the master is still trying to comprehend them and convince Margarita to leave him and do not destroy themselves with him, she also believes Voland.

Azazello fits the apartment, and all three, sowing on black horses, are carried into the sky.

On the way, the Master says goodbye to the homeless, whom he calls the student, and will make him write a continuation of the story about Pilate.

Chapter 31. On the Sparrow Mountains

Azazello, Master and Margarita are reunited with Woland, Korovyev and Begepid. The master says goodbye to the city. "In the first moments to the heart, the leaning sadness was drunk, but it was very quickly replaced by a sweetly alarm, stray gypsy excitement. [...] His excitement passed, as it seemed to him, in the feeling of bitter resentment. But she was unstable, disappeared and for some reason changed to predeveloped indifference, and it was an estimation of constant peace. "

Chapter 32. Farewell and Eternal Shelter

Night comes, and in the light of the Moon, the riders flying across the sky are clear. Koroviev turns into a gloomy knight in purple armor, Azazelo - in the deserted murderer, hippopotamus - in a slim young man-page, "The best joke, which ever existed in the world." Margarita does not see his transformation, but the master in her eyes will acquire a gray sideways and spurs. Woland explains that today is such a night when all the scores are reduced. In addition, he informs the master that Yeshua read his novel and noted that he, unfortunately, was not over.

Before the eyes of riders appear sitting in the chair of a man and nearby - a dog. Pontius Pilate has sees the same dream for two thousand years - the lunar road, which cannot go. "Free! Free! He is waiting for you!" - Screams the master, releasing his hero and completing the novel, and the Pilate finally goes along with his dog along the lunar road to where His Yeshua awaits.

The master of the master and his beloved is waiting for, as promised, peace. "Surely you do not want to walk with your girlfriend under the cherries that are starting to bloom, and in the evening listen to Schubert music? Really, you will not be nice to write when candles goose feather? Do you really do not want, like a thumb, sit over the retort in the hope that you will be able to cut a new gomunkul? There, there. There is already waiting for you a house and an old servant, the candles are already burning, and soon they will be nervous, because you will immediately meet the dawn, "so describes his wave. "Look, in front of your eternal house that you were given as a reward. I already see the Venetian window and curling grapes, it rises to the roof itself. I know that in the evening they will come to you who you love, whom you are interested in and who does not alarm. They will play you, they will sing you, you will see what light in the room when candles are burning. You will fall asleep, put your salted and eternal cap, you will fall asleep with a smile on the lips. Sleep will strengthen you, you will argue wisely. And you no longer be driven. Bearing your dream I will be, "Margarita picks up. The master himself feels that someone lets his freedom, as he himself just let go of Pilate.


The investigation into the case of Woland went to a dead end, and in the end, all the oddities in Moscow were explained by the misty of gangs of hypnotists. Varenuha stopped lying and rude, Bengalsky threw the conference, preferring to live on savings, Roman abandoned the position of the Phondriker variety, and his place was taken by an enterprising aliasis Mogarych. Ivan Homeless left the hospital and became a professor of philosophy, and only on the full moon his dreams about Pilat and Yeshua, a master and margarita.


The Roman "Master and Margarita" Bulgakov was originally planned as Satira about the Devil called "Black Mag" or "Great Chancellor". But after six editions, one of whom Bulgakov szled himself, turned out to be a book not so much satirical as philosophical, in which the devil in the image of the mysterious Black Magician Voland became only one of the characters. The motifs of eternal love, mercy, the search for the truth and the celebration of justice came to the first place.

A brief movement of the "Master and Margarita" on the chapters is enough only to exemplary understanding the plot and the main ideas of the work - we recommend to familiarize yourself with the full text of the novel.

Test on the novel

And you remember well a summary of the work of Bulgakov? Pass the test!

Rating Repeatchair

Average rating: 4.5. Total ratings obtained: 26742.

The art series of Vladimir Bortko "Master and Margarita" was awarded a special prize of the International FiPA Festival, which was held in January 2007 in Biarritz (France).

The fate of the most famous novel Mikhail Bulgakov developed not easy, but the readers had an unconditional success and covered the name of the writer of immortal glory. The text is literally Rastaskan on quotes, on the basis of the novel, several theatrical performances were created, including in the theater on Taganka, and only the film was still haunged by the evil rock.

"For me, reader! Who told you that there is no in the light of the real, faithful, eternal love? Yes, it will be cut off his vile language! For me, my reader, and only for me, and I will show you such love!"

"... Dark, who came from the Mediterranean Sea, covered the city hated by the procurator. The hanging bridges that connect the temple with a terrible Anthony Tower were disappeared, descended from the sky the abyss and flooded the winged gods over the hippodrome, the Hasmeneian palace with braces, bazaars, caravan sheds, lanes , ponds ... lost to Yershalaim - the Great City, as if it did not exist in the world ... "

Oleg Basilashvili.invited to play Voland, does not consider his hero with unclean power. According to the veteran of cinema and scene, in the Roman Bulgakov SatanRather, "a major official of a certain" departments from there, "who flew to the ground to see what happens in the country that had refused to God."

"From the side of all flew, blistering steel of armor, Azazello. The moon changed his face. Disappeared without a trace ridiculous cannon, and the squint turned out to be false. Both eyes Azazello were the same, empty and black, and the face is white and cold. Now Azazello flew in his present The form, like a demon of anhydrous desert, demon-killer. "

Actor Alexander FilippenkoActing Azazello, I am sure that this image is quite consistent with its role. He believes that after he played Koschery Immortal and Death, the role of Azazello was very easy to suit. And the sample decision itself was born in disputes with the director. The actor sincerely considers the screening of the novel by a great project. He admitted that it was and honored to participate in it, and responsibly. Although, personally, to him, as the actors of the older generation, it was difficult to work when new filming technologies had to use. With a particular dislike, the actor remembers the scenes taken for subsequent computer processing.

"Gods, my gods! .. What did this woman needed, in the eyes of which always burned some incomprehensible lights that it was necessary for this slightly mounted on one eye of the witch, who decides himself then in spring mistresses? I do not know. I do not know. Obviously She told the truth, she needed he, a master, in not a gothic mansion, and not a separate garden, and not money. She loved him, she told the truth. "

Anna Kovalchuk It was not easy to work in the way. For example, for shooting the scene of the ball, she was dressed in a corset weighing 16 kg (in which she could only lie or stand), iron crown and metal shoes, which were unreleased with the legs, leaving abnormal abrasions. And at the same time, the actress complained, I also had to fly upside down. But now, seeing the finished result, Anna is experiencing a pleasure, recognizing that the role Margarita - Higher blessing in her acting career.

"In the White Cloak with a bloody approach, scaring a cavalry gait, early in the morning of the fourteenth day of the spring month, Nisana was found in the covered colonnade between the two wings of the Pondi Pilate's Palace of the Great. The procurator of Pontius Pilate was released. Most of all the prosecutor hated the smell of rose oil in the world, and all now foreshadowed a bad day. So this smell began to pursue the procurator from dawn ... "

Despite the fact that the plot of the books did not undergo any changes and the creators of the telenovella were very careful with the text of the original source, the audience is still waiting for a surprise. Some actors played two roles, and this is a fully conscious course of the director who emphasized the relationship of various, it would seem character.

Dmitry Nagiyev Played not only Jude, but also barona Maygelwhose blood in the bowl of the skull of long-suffering Berlioza They bring Margarita on the ball with the words that there, where this blood spilled, grape vines have long grown. And Judas, and Maigel √ traitors, and this is the common feature that allowed the director to combine them by choosing one actor into two roles.

Valentin Gaft. grew not only in the image Caaif. He became I. Man in fries. The latter is a certain collective image, whose replicas are scattered throughout the novel and in the aggregate create a completely complete impression of the abstract functionar of Soviet times. And Caifa, and a person in France allegedly stand on the protection of the state, the existing ideology.

According to the general director of the TV channel "Russia" Anton ZlatopolskyThe television series budget amounted to more than $ 5 million.

Vladimir Bortko was awarded the "Teffe-2006" award in the nomination "Director of the Television Art Film / Serial" ("Master and Margarita").

Director and script writer: Vladimir Bortko
Producer: Valery Todorovsky
Artist: Vladimir Svezaraov
Operator: Valery Mühulgaut
Composer: Igor Cornelyuk
Cast: Alexander Galibin, Anna Kovalchuk, Oleg Basilashvili, Alexander Abdulov, Alexander Bashirov, Alexander Filippenko, Sergey Bezrukov, Kirill Lavrov, Valentin Gaft, Vladislav Galkin, Alexander Adabashyan, Alexander Pankratov-Black, Valery Zolotukhin, Roman Kartsev, Ilya Oleynikov, Nina Usatova, Dmitry Nagiyev, Leo Borisov, Vadim Lobanov, Vasily Livanov, Ksenia Nazarova, Irina Rakshin, Semen Furman, Tatyana Tkach, Lev Durov, Galina Bokashevskaya, Julia Aug

This is a mystical novel. Bulgakov practically in this novel invested his worldview. He wrote a not fictional history, but the real life of our days. And now there is this Margarita. The highest strength exists. In one person, she is Jesus and Woland, and the rest of God's energy as it were to spread in the universe and who also knows how the Bulgakov and the master has exactly the divine essence, but not the Java of that very Margarita and Woland and Luzi and the source and the Absolute. 😉. This Margarita is known to many who have such knowledge and moreover about it everywhere mentioned - in films, songs, etc. Master, Ivan Homeless, Matvey, Yeshua. Margarita, PP, Bingo dog, Matvey, Woland, are the same faces. Jiuda, Alisia Magarych, Latunsky, neighbor from below Margarita, this is a kind of Judah. While the master is sitting in the hospital as a PP in hell 2,000 years for cowardice, Margarita as Jesus on the cross suffers for those who seem to her kind Jesus living in ignorance. Voland's retinue like Wolve himself is the real dark side of this world. After all, Azazel, Hippo is demons. And if you think about the wave in the novel, although it is involved as a hypnotist, magician, but in essence it is an unclean force that appeared from nowhere. Why exactly this margarita? Believe the highest forces do not make anything just so, there is always a reasonable effect and Margarita is that part of the higher forces. They found it and started the action from her dating. The master as a writer wrote what they had in knowledge, but they did not recognize about the real essence. After all, it's not aware of his fate and mission of a person who does not know. Margarita knew nothing, but the whole dark side of the universe was to her. I repeat, Margarita on the ball at Satan suffered as well as Yeshua on the cross, because of human sins. Noticed similarity? Master is the reincarnation of Yeshua. And Jesus is Margarita. Higher forces are punched among themselves, and this suggests that this is a single force. And my personal opinion is that Margarita is a bright queen in the dark strength and there is the most important force and Jesus, and the master of knowledge as Levy Matvey, an assistant whose mission is to be a faithful servant, assistant. The master writes the novel, Margarita as Wolda saves him from the betrayal of people. But do not forget that Margarita also suffers with him, and he drinks the blood of the traitors of Jesus, being witness to the death of Judas, which reincarnated. If the Master Yeshua, then why is Margarita on the ball drinks the blood of one who ruined Jesus and collapses the world, the ball? It grows all the built air locks of traitors of higher strength. Woland is already not in Rvanina, but a ward costume, a defender who spawned it. And Margarita is bulling. She lives a double life, and therefore in the basements she says mentally with whom who does not think about Jesus, but this is essentially the Judas who betrayed her, and again ruined the dark power again Jesus Margarita, because of human sinful cases. In general it is space)))

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M. Bulgakov worked on the novel of 12 years (1928-1940), the last inserts were dictated by his wife three weeks before death. Initially, the work was conceived as Satira about the devil and had different variants titles: "Black Mag", "Prince of Darkness", "Consultant with hoof" or "Great Chancellor". But after eight editions, one of which was burned by the author, the work was not satyric, but the philosophical, and the Devil in the image of the mysterious Black Magician Voland became just one of the characters, far from the main thing. The topics of eternal love, creativity, finding the truth and the celebration of justice came out. For the first time, Roman was published in 1966-1967. In the magazine "Moscow", and without a bill - only in 1973, textual work on the work still continues, since the final author's editorial board does not exist. Bulgakov did not finish the novel, although he worked on him until the last days of his life. After his death, for many years, his widow was engaged in the right of the novel and attempted to publish it.


Name and composition

The name and epigraph define the main themes of the work. The title concluded the topic of love and creativity. The epigraph is taken by the strings I. Goethe from Faust: ... So who are you finally? "I am part of the strength that he always wants evil and always makes benefit." So the author introduces philosophical topic The confrontations of good and evil, and also indicates another very important character of the novel - Voland. In front of the reader double romance or romance in the novel: The story about the fate of the master and visit Satan to Moscow at the beginning of the twentieth century a work about Pontius Pilate, created by the Master based on the New Testament. The Moscow line is interspersed with the line of Ersshalaim so that at the end of the work to connect - the master meets his hero (the Roman procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate) and solves his fate. The characters of one line duplicate the characters of another. The work is addressed to the educated reader, which will be understood by allusions on artworks and references to historical events. Roman is multicone and allows various interpretations.


Double Images

The composition of the novel is symmetrical: the heroes of the same line have their twins in another line. In the novel Dana different types Human characters: Master and Yeshua (Creator and Teacher), Ivan Homeless and Levy Matvey (student), Aloyias and Judas (provocateur and traitor). You can trace the connection between the Master and Pontius Pilate: their overall problem is cowardice.


Yeshua Ga-Nochri

The philosophical meaning of the novel is the comprehension of truth. The image of Yeshua raises the topic of high duty of serving truth. Each person carries good and love. In the name of this truth, Yeshua went to death and fully performed his high destination. The prototype of this character in the novel is Jesus Christ, but this is not the Godhead, but an ordinary mortal who knows the truth and carries it to people. He claims that a person can build a new society, and that "the time will come, when there will be no cesarians or any other power." Yeshua believes in a good start in every person. And that the "the kingdom of truth and justice" will necessarily come.



Pilate is the personification of power in the novel. Pontius Pilate - historical personThis is the Roman procurator at which, it is believed to be executed Jesus Christ. In the novel, he brutally peaks the fate of people, he is called the "fierce monster." The procurator is proud of this nickname, because the world rules those who possess the authorities, and wins only a strong, not knowing pity. Pilate knows that the winner is always alone and he cannot have friends - only enemies and envious. However, power and greatness did not make it happy. The only creature to which the Pondi Pilate is attached is a dog. He insincerely pronounces the laudatory words in honor of the Emperor Tiberia despised and understands that Yeshua is right in their assessment of power. He, sending innocent to death, makes violence that does not have any excuse. Pilate is robs and his soul, bringing the sentence of Yeshua. The procurator of Stroyl, was afraid to be accused of state treason. For this, he got a terrifying punishment - the eternal torment of conscience ("Twelve thousand Lun") and eternal loneliness.


The image of Satan in the novel. Non-progressive: he does not embody evil, does not push people on bad acts. Prince Darkness appears in Moscow to experience the morality of Muscovites; To find out if people have changed for the centuries-old path that mankind has passed since the time of the events of which is told in the Master's Master's novel. He watches Moscow as a researcher, puts a kind of experiment on its inhabitants. And if his retinue (Azazello, Hippopot Cat, Koroviev-Fagot, Witch Gella) makes small dirty dusts (deserved you get drunkitsa Lyarkheev, Hama Varenuh, Atheist Berliozu, a randomly curious viewer Arkady Smempleyarov, greedy and dishonest barefoot and swallow Another), then the Messir himself remains away from their leprosy, keeping calm and politeness. Appeal to the images of the unclean forces, which in the name of justice are committing good deeds - an interesting artistic reception that helps Bulgakov to disclose the problems of society and depict the duality of human nature.


The master is called a skillful and outstanding person in its own case; A man who has achieved a big skill in work or creative business. The main character of the novel is not name, the whole essence of his life is creativity. The image is a wide generalization, since the fate of the hero is the fate of many artists and writers who are forced to silence in the era of totalitarianism. The traits of Bulgakov himself are guessed in the master: there is an external similarity (leaning, hat-ermolka), individual episodes of his literary fate, common to both feeling of despair from the inability to release their creations to light, thirst for peace. But in contrast to the master, the author did not refuse his brainchild. The master showed the foolishness and under pressure from life circumstances refused to fight for the truth and bear her light to people, did not fulfill his mission to the end (hid in a crazy house). In the finals of Roman, the hero acquires peace, his muse remains with him. Margarita, he plunges into the world of nature and music to comprehend the wisdom of life and create. Perhaps that Bulgakov himself wished.



Margarita sells soul to the devil, takes on a huge sin to save a loved one. The plot of the works of Goethe "Faust" is reflected in the Roman Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". The main character repeats the fate of the Göthev Faust, only Faust sold the soul to the devil for the sake of passion for knowledge, betraying the love of his Margarita. And the Bulgakov Margarita becomes a witch and comes to the devilish ball for love for the master, recklessly sharing his fate with him.


Satire in the novel

These are numerous parodies: at the trendy in Soviet times and nonsense abbreviations (Mass, by analogy with the organization that existed then), on writing pseudonyms, emphasizing belonging to the class of disadvantaged (fictional Ivan Homeless, by analogy with real Demar Poor and Maxim Gorky), for bribery (Nikanor Bosoya), on drunkenness (Stepan Lyarkheev), greed (fight in varnight for falling worms), etc.



Chapter 1. Never talk to unknown

In Moscow, on the patriarching ponds, two writers are talking to the hot spring evening. This is Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, editor of a Tolstoy Art Journal and Chairman of the Board of one of the largest Moscow literary associations, abbreviated by the "Massol" and the poet Ivan Nikolayevich reireed, writing under the pseudonym homeless.

The conversation of the writers was about Jesus Christ. The editor ordered the poet an anti-Religious poem, which the homeless composed, but absolutely did not satisfy the requirements of the order. At the poet, the image of Jesus Christ turned out to be very alive, although endowed with all negative features. Berlioz demands that Ivan hand over the reader the main idea - such a person has never existed.

That is why a well-read and highly educated editor reads a poet lecture, in which it refers to various ancient sources, proving that all stories about Christ are an ordinary myth. A stranger, similar to a foreigner, unexpectedly joins the conversation. He is surprised that God does not exist, and asks who then manages the life of man. The homeless answer is that "man himself and manages."

A strange stranger objects: the mortal cannot manage, because it does not even know what will do in today's evening. He predicts Berlioz to the ambulance (Russian woman, Komsomolka, will cut his head), because some Annushka "already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought, but even poured."

The writers are perplexed that in front of them for a person: they accept a stranger for the crazy, then suspect that this is a spy. However, the mysterious stranger shows them the documents: he is Professor W and invited to Moscow as a Consultant for Black Magic.

The mysterious scientist is convinced that Jesus existed, tells the interlocutors from the life of the procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate.

Chapter 2. Pontius Pilate

To Pontius Pilate leads beaten, poorly dressed man who is striking, his wisdom, extraordinary turnover and kindness. This is Yeshua Ga-Nozri, sentenced to a small Sanhedrin to the death penalty for the fact that he spoke to people with preaching against power. The sentence must approve Pontius Pilate.

However, in a conversation with Yeshua, the prosecutor is convinced of his innocence. The accused is sympathetic. In addition, Yeshua somehow guessed about the painful headache of Pilate and the miracle from her got rid of it. The procurator thinks about the possibility of saving a young man.

The fact is that more criminals were sentenced to execution: Dismas, Gestas and Var Ravban. One of the sentences in honor of the upcoming Easter is given freedom. Pontius Pilate appeals to the Jewish High Priest Caaif to pardon Ga-Nochri. But the Sanhedrion is released by var valbane.

Chapter 3. Seventh Proof

The story about the pilot was amazing writers, and the strange stranger assured that personally
attended. Berlioz decided that before them was crazy and, leaving him with homeless, hurried to the telephone device to cause doctors.

Following the outgoing foreigner asked at least to believe in the existence of the devil, promising to provide evidence in the very near future.

Crossing the tram paths, Berlioz is picked up on spilled sunflower oil and flies on rails. The prediction of the consultant is coming - the tram wheel, which manages the Komsomol in the Red Slove, Berliozu cuts his head.

Chapter 4. Pogona

The terrible death of the colleague, which occurred in the eyes of Ivan the homeless, shook the poet. Ivan understands that a foreigner somehow is involved in the death of Berlioz, because he spoke about his head, and about the girl, and about the abolition of today's meeting, and about the spilled oil.

Homeless returns to the bench and tries to delay Professor. However, this prevents suddenly emerged regent in a cellular suit. The poet rushes to chase at the professor and his retinue - a huge black cat joined the company. He long pursues fugitives in the city, but in the end loses them out of sight.

Ivan breaks into someone else's apartment - for some reason he is sure that finding a foreigner in the house N 13, in the apartment N 47. There he clings to his chest paper icon, takes a candle in his hands. Unhappy begins to understand that the stranger is not a professor, but the devil himself.

Then the homeless man goes to the Moscow River, being confident that the professor is nowhere to hide. The poet decided to come to himself and swim in the river. Having emerged ashore, he discovered that his clothes were stolen.

Ivan remains in pants and torn sweatshirt. In this form, it is strongly sent to the luxurious restaurant of the massolist in the "Griboedov House".

Chapter 5. It was the case in Griboedov and Chapter 6. Schizophrenia, as mentioned

The homeless man appeared in the restaurant behaved extremely strange, told the insane history of what happened to this evening and even learned the fight. He was taken to a famous psychiatric hospital outside the city. There, the homeless begins to inspire the doctor all incredible history, and then trying to escape through the window.

The poet is placed in the ward. Colleague Ryukhin, who brought the poet to the hospital, the doctor says that the poet Schizophrenia.

Chapter 7. Non-good apartment

At the apartment N 50 houses 302-bis on Sadovaya Street, bad glory. There were rumors that her tenants disappeared without a trace and that unclean power is involved.

The director of the theater Variety Stepan Lyarkheev, the neighbor of the late Berlioz live, lives here. Step wakes up in a state of hard hooky and sees an unfamiliar man in black, calling himself a professor of black magic. He argues that Lyarkheev appointed him a meeting and shows the contract signed by him on the speech of Professor Voland in Variety.

Stupa does not remember anything. He calls the theater - there really cook posses to the speech of the Black Magician. And in the apartment there are checkered type in Pensna and a huge talking black cat. Woland announces Lijameev that he is superfluous in the apartment, and the red-haired and cuffy azazello who came out of the mirror offers "throw it out to all the trapping from Moscow."

In the MiG Likameev turns out to be on the seashore in Yalta.

Chapter 8. Duel between Professor and Poet

Ivan Homeless is located in the clinic of Professor Stravinsky. He rushes to catch a damned consultant, guilty of the death of Berlioz. Professor convinces the poet to relax in a comfortable environment and write a written application to the police. Homeless agreed.

Chapter 9. Koroviev

After the death of Berlioz, many tenants claim to be vacant living space in the apartment N 50, departing by the statements of the chairman of the housing partnership Nicano Ivanovich Bosoy. He visits the apartment and cares in the sealed room of man
In the checkered jacket and a cracked pens.

A strange man is represented by Korovyev, calls himself a translator of the artist of Voland, suggests bare to pass the housing to a foreigner and presents him a bribe. Nikanor Ivanovich takes money and leaves, and Woland expresses a wish to no longer appear. Then Koroviev reports on the telephone to the authorities that Bosoy illegally keeps the house currency. The chairman come with a search, they find hidden dollars and arrest it.

Chapter 10. Move from Yalta

The Financial Director of the Theater Variety Roman and the Varenuha administrator is unsuccessfully trying to find Lyarkheev and wondering, receiving telegrams from him, in which he reports that Woland's hypnosis is thrown in Yalta, asks to confirm his identity and send him money. Deciding that these are a fool's jokes of Lyarkheev (he could not move from Moscow for 4 hours), Roman sends Varenuhu to attribute telegrams "where necessary".

Looking into your cabinet behind the cap, the administrator answered the phone call. The vile voice in the tube ordered Varenuhe not anywhere and the telegrams did not take anywhere. Without obeying, Ivan Savelievich cruelly paid - in the restroom near
Varieta was beaten (a fat man, similar to a cat, and a low fangy subject), and then they dragged the unfortunate administrator in Lyarkayev's apartment.

"Here both robber have been crossed, and instead of them appeared in the front of absolutely nagging the maiden." Varenuha lost his feelings from fear when redhead gella was approaching him.

Chapter 11. Split Ivan

In the clinic, Ivan homeless many times is trying to make a written application for the police, but it can not clearly state the exciting events. The swollen thunderstorm affected the poet in depressing. The blooming and frightened Ivan was made to the injection, after which he begins to talk with himself and tries to appreciate everything that happened.

He really wants to know the continuation of the Isto-Rii about Pontius Pilate. Suddenly outside the window
Houseless chambers appear unfamiliar man.

Chapter 12. Black Magic and its exposure

In the evening, a session of black magic begins in Varuta with the participation of the Foreign Magician of Voland and his suits - the hippad and korovyva cat, whom the magician calls Baby. Bassoon shows a focus with a deck of cards, then a shot of a pistol causes money rain - the audiences catch the Chervonians falling from the dome. The entertainer Bengalsky fails to comment on everything that is happening.

Fagot declares that Bengalsky is tired, and asks the audience, what to do with it. Applies from Gallery: "He's head to tear!" The cat throws on the entertainer and takes off his head. Spectators come to horror, asking to return the head of the unfortunate. Fagot asks Woland, how to do. Messir aloud argues: "People like people. They love money, but it has always been ...

Humanity loves money, of which they would be made, from Leather Leather, from paper Lee, from bronze or gold ... and mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts ... the apartment question
Only spoiled them ... ", and tells to return the Bengal head. The entertainer left the scene, but felt so bad that I had to call an ambulance.

Unnoticed for all disappeared and wave. And Fagot continued to work wonders: he opened the ladies' store on stage and invited women to change their belongings for free. The ladies lined up in the queue, and from a wonderful store already went out in wonderful new clothes. From the lodges of a certain Arkady Apollonovich sampler requires the exposure of focus, but himself immediately exposes the Fagota as an incorrect husband. The evening ends with a scandal, and foreign guests disappear.

Chapter 13. Hero Phenomenon

An unknown man appeared in the window of the Ivana homeless chamber, also the patient of the clinic. He has the keys stolen from the Feldscher, - he could escape, but there was nowhere to go. Ivan tells her neighbor as he found himself in the house of sorrow and about a mysterious foreigner who destroyed Berlioz. He assures that Ivan met on the patriarchs of Satan himself.

The night guest calls himself a master and tells that he, as well as homeless, was in the clinic because of Pontius Pilate. Historian for education, he worked in one of the Moscow museums and once won a hundred thousand rubles into the lottery.

Then he left the job, scaled books, took two rooms in one of Arbatsky lanes in the basement of a small house and began writing a novel about Pontius Pilate. Once he met Margarita, beautiful woman With unprecedented loneliness in the eyes. "Love jumped out before us, how from under the earth pops up the murderer in the alley, and struck us at once.

So amazes lightning, so amazes the Finnish knife! " Margarita, although it was a wife of a worthy person, became a mystery wife of the master. She came every day. The master wrote a novel who was absorbed and her too. She said "that in this novel is her life."

When the novel was ready, he was given to read the editor. The book did not take the book: But for the author's manuscript named after the author, he was accused of "Pilatcin", called "Bogomaz", "Militant Old Believers" (critic Latunsky was especially trying).

The masters had signs of illness - his night covered fear (the master it seemed that "some very flexible and cold sprocket with his tentacles" he was selected directly to his heart), and he burned a novel (the last Margarita managed to save only the last pages from the fire).

Margarita goes to explain to her husband, in order to return to the master forever in the morning. And at night, the Masters are thrown out of the apartment on the street of the neighbor's alcohol, Mogarych.

He thought to rush under the tram, but then after the whole city he went to this clinic, which heard. In the clinic, the master lives the fourth month without a name and surname,
Just sick from the room N 118. He hopes that Margarita will soon forget him and will be happy.

Chapter 14. Glory Petukhu!

After the end of the presentation, the fined director variety Roman sees the window, like things purchased by women in the Stagota store, disappear without a trace - gullible ladies in a panic droop into the streets in one lingerie. Roman, anticipating trouble, hiding
in the office. However, the scandal was dispersed quickly.

"It's time to act, had to drink a bitter bowl of responsibility. The devices were corrected during the third branch, it was necessary to call, report what happened, to ask for help, to loosen, pour everything on Lyarkheev, stroke yourself and so on. "

However, the phone rang himself, "inching and depraved female voice" banned somewhere to handle.

By midnight, Roman remains in the same theater. Varenuha suddenly appears. It seems strange: smacks, covered by the light of the newspaper. It begins to tell what he learned about Lyarkaev, but Roman realizes that all his words are a lie.

The financial director notes that Varenuha does not discard the shadows, that is, he is a vampire! Through the window penetrates the naked maiden girl. But they do not have time to deal with Roman - a kerching cry is heard.

Used, miraculously saved Roman hastily leaving Moscow.

Chapter 15. Sleep Nicarra Ivanovich

Bosoy interrogated in the bodies of the currency found. It is recognized that I took a bribe ("I took, but I took our, Soviet!"), And all the time it is told that in the apartment N 50 there was a damn. At the address guide the outfit, but the apartment is empty and printing on the doors. Bosoy transmit psychiatrists. In the clinic, Nikanor Ivanovich again falls into hysterics and shouts.

Its anxiety is transmitted to other clinic patients. When doctors manage to calm everyone, Ivan Homeless falls asleep again and he dreams of continuing the story about Pontius Pilate.

Chapter 16. Cassen

The chapter describes the execution on Bald Mount. The student of Ga-Nozri, Levi Matvey, wanted to ride Yeshua himself on the road to the place of execution, to save him from torment, but he could not succeed. He prayed to the Most High Send Yeshua death, but he did not hear prayers.

Levy Matvey vinit in the death of Ga-Nochri itself - left the teacher of one, not in time fell ill. He wops on God, curses him, and as if terrible thunderstorm begins in response.

The sufferers, crucified on the pillars, the soldiers kill the spears in the heart. The scene is empty. Levi Matvey removes the dead bodies from the crosses and takes the body of Yeshua.

Chapter 17. Restless Day

In the theater, Varieta cannot find a Roman nor Varenuhu, nor Lyarkayev. Bengali sent to a psychiatric clinic. All contracts with wave disappeared, even posters left. In the queue for tickets there is a multi-thousand crowd. The performance is canceled, the investigative group arrives.

Accountant Lastochkin Rides a report to the Commission of Spectacle and Miscellaneous, but there sees an empty suit in the chair, signing paper. According to the secretary, the boss visited a fat man like a cat.

Lastochkin goes to a branch of the Commission - and there on the eve of a type of choiring in the checkest, and today all employees, in addition to the will, the chorus sing "The Glorious Sea - Sacred Baikal". The accountant goes to hand over the revenue, but instead of rubles he has foreign money. Swallow is arrested. Chervonians in taxi drivers and in the buffet turn into a paper.

Chapter 18. Unfortunate visits

The uncle of the late Berlioz Maximilian Poplavsky arrives in the apartment N 50, applying for a living space. He is expelled by Koroviev, Azazello and Hippopotamus and vendor about the apartment in the capital do not even dream. Behind Poplavsky comes a buffet variety of juices.

He complains that Chervonians at the box office turned into a cut paper, but when she unfolds his package, he sees money again in it. Woland makes him remarks for a bad job (tea looks like a fever, a greenhouse green, stupid sturgeon), and Koroviev predicts him death 9 months from the liver cancer. The buffet immediately runs to the doctor, begging to prevent the disease, and pays for the visits the same Chervonians.

Money after its care is turning into wine labels, and then in a black kitten.


Chapter 19. Margarita

Margarita did not forget the wizard. She woke up with the forebunction that this day will happen, and went for a walk to the Alexander Garden. There is a funeral procession in front of it: a scandalous story with the deceased Berlioz - someone stole his head. Margarita reflects about his beloved, hopes at least for some sign on his part.

Azazello is sitting onto the bench and invites you to visit a well-known foreigner. For persistent, he quotes the lines from the Master's novel, and Margarita takes an invitation, hoping to learn anything about the beloved.

Azazello hands her cream: "Tonight, exactly half the tenth, bother, undressing donag, rub the face and the whole body in this ointment. Next do what you want, but do not move away from the phone. At ten I will call you and everything you need, I say. "

Chapter 20. Azazello Cream

Fucking cream, Margarita changes: young people, feels free, acquires the ability to fly. She writes her husband to a farewell note. Natasha's maid includes, looks at the changed mistress, recognizes about the magic cream.

Calls Azazello - says it's time to fly out. Floor brush flies into the room. "Margarita screamed from delight and jumped on a riding brush." Flying over the gate, she screams, as Azazello taught: "Invisible!"

Chapter 21. Flight

Flying past the house of writers, Margarita stops and suits the defeat in the apartment of the critic of the Latunsky, destroying the master. Then she continues to fly, and she caught up with Natasha Riding on Borov (she squeezed the remnants of the cream - became a witch, the neighbor of Nikolai Ivanovich, which turned into a borov).

Oakdating in the night river, Margarita sees witches and mermaids, which make her a solemn reception.

Then, on the driver's flying car (behind the wheel of the long-axis rhok), Margarita returns to Moscow.

Chapter 22. Candle

Margarita meets Azazelo and leads to the apartment NQ 50, introducing a wave and his retinue. Woland asks Margarita to become a queen on his annual ball.

Chapter 23. Great Ball at Satan

Margarita bathe in the blood and pink oil, put on rose petals and a royal diamond crown, hang on a chest image of a black poodle on a heavy chain and lead to the staircase to meet guests. For several hours, she welcomes guests, substituting for a kisses knee.

Guests - the dead and resurrected per night criminals - killers, fake rigors, poisoners, futures, traitors. Among them, Margarit is remembered by Unhappy Frida, pleading to remember her name.

Once the owner called her to the storage room, and after nine months Frida gave birth to a child, whom he suffered in the woods with a handkerchief. And for 30 years she serves this handkerchief every morning, awakening the torment of conscience. The reception ends - the Queen of the Bala takes pleasure halls, providing attention to the fun guests. The apartment N 50 is amazingly placed a rainforest, orchestra, a ballroom with columns, a swimming pool with champagne.

Outlook Woland. Azazelo brings him on the dish Berlioz's head. Woland turns his skull into a precious bowl and fills it with blood immediately shot down earnings and spy Barona Mayegel. He drinks from her for the health of guests and makes the same bowl Margarita. Ball is over.

Luxury premises again turn into a modest living room.

Chapter 24. Master Removing

Margarita, Woland and his retinue again in the bedroom, where everything turned out to be before the ball. For a very long time, everything is talking, they are discussing the ball. Finally, Margarita is decided to leave, but feels deceived, because it does not receive any thanks for his dedication.

Woland is pleased with her behavior: "Never ask for nothing! .. In particular, those who are stronger than you. It will offer themselves and everyone will give themselves. " He asks what she wants. Margarita asks to pardon Frido and stopped serving a shawl every day. It is executed, but wave asks what she wants for himself. Then Margarita asks: "I want me to now, by this second, I returned to my lover, master."

The master immediately appears, "he was in his hospital attire - in a bathrobe, shoes and a black hat, which was not parted." The master thinks that he has hallucinations due to illness. Drinking what was poured into a glass, the patient comes to himself.

Woland asks why Margarita calls him a master. "She is too high of the opinion about the novel that I wrote," the beloved answers her. Woland asks to read the novel, but the master says that he burned him. Then the Messir returns him a full version with the words: "Do not burn manuscripts."

Margarita asks to return them to the master in the house on Arbat, in which they were happy. The master complains that "another person lives in this basement for a long time." Then the Aliasis of Mogarych appears, which he wrote a complaint on his neighbor.

Aloisia accused the master in the storage of illegal literature, because he wanted to move to his room. The traitor was thrown out of the bad apartment and at the same time from the house on Arbat.

Koroviev gave the master documents, destroyed his hospital case, corrected entries in the house book. Margarita he returned "Notebook with burnt edges, dried rose, photograph and, with special care, savings book."

Natasha's housekeeper asked to make her witch, and the neighbor, on which she arrived at the Satan Ball, demanded a certificate about where he spent the night for his wife and police.

An unhappy Varenuha appeared, who does not want to be a vampire. He promised no longer to lie. Loves again turn out to be in their apartment, the ripped margarita begins to reread the Master's novel.

Chapter 25. As the procurator tried to save Judas from Kiriaf

The head of the secret service of Afranius came to the procurator, who reported that the execution was accomplished, and passed last words Yeshua ("Among the human defects, one of the most important things he considers cowardice").

Pontius Pilate Melith Afrania Take care of the burial of bodies of executed and about the security of Judas from Kiriaf, who, as he heard, must be slaughtered by the secret friends of Ga-Nozri (in fact he orders Afranja murder of Judas).

Chapter 26. Burial

Pilate realized that there was no vice, worse cowardice, and that he showed the cowardice, having afraid to justify Yeshua. He finds only a consolation in communicating with his favorite dog Bangoy. On behalf of Afran, the beauty of Niza knit Jude (who had just received 30 Srebrenikov from Caifa for the betrayal of Yeshua) to the Gefseiman Garden, where three men killed him.

Levi Matthew led to Pilate, who found the body of Yeshua. He reproached the procurator in the death of his teacher and warned that he would kill Judas. Pilat reports that he has already killed a traitor himself.

Chapter 27. End of an apartment N 50

In the Moscow institution there is a consequence in the case of Voland. All traces lead to the apartment N 50. Militiamen are broken into it and detect the speaking cat with a primus. Hippo provokes a shootout, but it costs without affected.

Invisible Woland, Koroviev and Azazello say it is time to leave Moscow. The cat, apologizing, disappears, spill burning gasoline from the primus. The house begins fire.

"While the bell tower on the garden heard the frightening hearts on the garden on rapidly carrying from all parts of the city of red long cars, the people rushed in the yard seemed to be three dark, as shown, men's silhouette and one silhouette. Nude woman. "

Chapter 28. The latest adheres of Koroviev and Hippo

A fat man like a cat, and a long citizen in the checkered jacket appeared in the currency store. There they arrange a scandal, and then arson. The next appearance of Griboyedov's home in the restaurant was not less memorable.

In the restaurant, the couple is trying to catch policemen, but the troubleshooters immediately dissolve in the air. From the primus hippo "hit the fire post directly to the awning", after which a panic and a fire begins. From the burning building, "incompensive" writers run.

Chapter 29. The fate of the Master and Margarita is defined.

Woland and Azazello "Highly over the city on the stone terrace of one of the most beautiful buildings in Moscow" talk and watch the house Griboyedov burns. Woland is Levia Matvey and says that he implies Yeshua, read the Master's novel and asks Woland to give him and his beloved deserved peace. Azazello goes
arrange everything.

Chapter 30. It's time! It's time!

The master and Margarita is Azazello, treats them poisoned wine - both fall out. At the same time, Margarita Nikolaevna dies in his house, and in the clinic - the patient in the ward N 118.

For all these two dead. Azazelo returns them to life, set fire to the house on Arbat, and all three, saddled black horses, are carried into the sky. On the way, the master says goodbye to the clinic with Ivan Homeless, calling him his student.

Chapter 31. On Sparrow Mountains

Azazello, Master and Margarita are reunited with Woland, Korovyev and Begepid. Master for forever says goodbye to Moscow.

Chapter 32. Forgiveness and eternal shelter

The night comes, and the lunar light changes the guise of all heroes. Koroviev becomes a gloomy knight, Behemoth's Cat - Page Demom, Azazelo - Dead. The master itself changes. Woland says to the master that his novel was read and "they said only one thing that he, unfortunately, was not over." Master showed Pontius Pilate.

The procurator for about two thousand years now sees the same dream - the lunar road, on which he dreams of going and talking with Ga-Nozri, but cannot do that. "Free! Free! He is waiting for you!" - Screams the Master, Ringing Pilate and ending his novel. And wave shows the way to Master and Margarita to their eternal house.

And the master feels like someone let him go free - just as he himself had just let the hero himself had created.


Rumors about the unclean power in Moscow did not subside for a long time, the investigation continued for a long time, but he went into a dead end. They suffered after the appearance of Woland not only people, but also many black cats, who were trying to attract to the court in many ways.