References (journal publications and publications in foreign languages ​​are not indicated). Ortega y Gasset Jose M ed in foreign litas

Brief bibliography

Ernesto Che Guevara, Guerrilla war... Per. with Spanish. M., Publishing house of foreign. literature, 1961.

Ernesto Che Guevara, Bolivian Diary. Supplement to No. 42 of the Novoye Vremya magazine dated October 18, 1968.

Fidel Castro, Speeches and Speeches. Per. with Spanish. M., Publishing house of foreign. literature, 1960.

Fidel Castro, Speeches and Speeches. 1961-1963. Per. with Spanish. M., Publishing house of foreign. literature, 1963.

Fidel Castro, Our cause is winning. Speeches and speeches. 1963-1964. Per. with Spanish. M., "Progress", 1965.

Fidel Castro Rus, May the immortal Lenin live forever. M., Gospolitizdat, 1970.

Fidel Castro, The power of the revolution lies in unity. Speeches, speeches, interviews during a visit to Chile November 10 - December 4, 1971 M., Politizdat, 1972.

"From the Sierra Maestra to Havana. Memoirs of Prominent Participants in the Cuban Revolution". Per. with Spanish. M., Military Publishing, 1965.

Rodney Arismendi, Problems of the Latin American Revolution. Per. with Spanish. M., publishing house "Progress", 1964.

Alfredo Varvla, Cuba is revolutionary. Per. with Spanish. M., Publishing house of social and economic. literature, 1962.

Wanda Vasilevskaya, Freedom Archipelago. M., publishing house "Pravda", 1962.

Timur Gaidar, From Havana by phone. M., publishing house "Young Guard", 1967.

IR Grigulevich, Cultural Revolution in Cuba. M., publishing house "Science", 1965.

A. M. Zorina, Camilo Cienfuegos - the hero of the Cuban people. M., publishing house "Science", 1966.

"Cuba. Historical and ethnographic essays". M., Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1961.

Julio Le Riverend, Economic history Cuba. Per. with Spanish. M., publishing house "Science", 1967.

Julio Le Riverend, Republic of Cuba. Addiction n revolution. Per. with Spanish. M., publishing house "Progress", 1970.

Jose Mart and, North American Scenes. Per. with Spanish. M., State. publishing house of art literature, 1963.

Robert Merle, Moncada. Fidel Castro's first battle. Per. from French M., publishing house "Progress", 1968.

Antonio Nunez Jimenez, Geography of Cuba. Per. with Spanish. M., Publishing house of foreign. literature, 1960.

Antonio Nunez Jimenez, The Yankee Empire is the enemy of Latin America. Per. with Spanish. M., Publishing house of social and economic. literature, 1962.

Emilio Roig de Leuchsenring, The Cuban People in the Struggle Against US Imperialism. Per. with Spanish. M., publishing house "Science", 1968.

Blas Roca, Cuba - Free Territory of America. Per. with Spanish. M., Publishing house of foreign. literature, 1961.

Raul Rune Gonzalez, Bolivia - Prometheus of the Andes. Per. with Spanish. M., Publishing house of foreign. literature, 1963.

L. Yu. Slezkin, History of the Cuban Republic. M., publishing house "Science", 1966.

V. E. Tikhmenev, Cuba - yes! M., Gospolitizdat, 1961.

V. Chichkov, Dawn over Cuba. Moscow, IMO Publishing House, 1960.

Vilma Espin de Castro, Cuba is fighting - Cuba will win. Per. with Spanish. M., Publishing house of social and economic. literature, 1960.

Cuba magazine (in Russian), 1965-1971.

E. Che Guevara, Obras. 1957-1967. V.I-II. La Habana, 1970.

Che, Una vida y un ejemplo. Recopilacion e introduction por J. Soto Acosta. La Habana, 1968.

"Tania - la guerrillera inolvidable". La Habana, 1970.

Fidel Castro, Octubre 15 y 18. "El Orientador Revolutionary". 1967, no. 26.

Rodney Arismendi, Lenin, la Revolution y America Latina, Montevideo, 1970.

The author expresses his gratitude to the architect Ernesto Guevara Lynch and Dr. Alberto Granados, secretary of the Commission for the Commemoration of Ernesto Guevara under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Lieutenant Luis Alvarez Ro-mu, employees of the Commission and other Cuban and Soviet comrades for their assistance in preparing this work.

Books of the series "ZhZL", published in 1972

1 (503). A. Steckley, Galileo

2 (509). A. Lukin, T. Gladkov, Nikolay Kuznetsov

3 (510). P. Belikov, V. Knyazeva, Roerich

5 (512). I. Lavretsky, Ernesto Che Guevara

6 (513). Yu Davydov, Senyavin

7 (514). S. Apt, Thomas Mann

8 (515). S. Semanov, Makarov

9 (516). R. Fish, Rumi

10 (517). V. Kardashov, Rokossovsky

11 (518). R. Ivanov, Franklin

12 (519). Collection "Innovators"

13 (520). Y. Loshits, Skovoroda

14 (521). T. Kakishev, Saken Seifullin


"Isis a thousand names, Isis of ten thousand names!" - cried the Egyptians to their goddess. Every reality in a certain sense is like that. Its components, its features, are innumerable. Isn't it too bold to try to designate an object, even the simplest, with just a few of the many names? It would be a happy coincidence if the signs we have singled out among many others really turned out to be decisive. This is especially unlikely when it comes about an emerging reality that is just beginning its path.

Moreover, it is quite possible that my attempt to describe the main features of the new art is completely wrong. As I conclude my essay, my interest in the question reawakens and the hope that the first experience will be followed by others, deeper ones.

But I would exacerbate the mistake if I tried to correct it by exaggerating one particular moment in the general picture. Artists usually fall for this mistake; talking about their art, they do not step aside in order to gain a broad view of things. And yet there is no doubt: the formula closest to the truth is the one that, in its most integral and complete form, is valid for many special cases and, like a loom, connects a thousand threads in one movement.

It was not anger or enthusiasm that guided me, but only the joy of understanding. I tried to understand the meaning of new artistic trends, which, of course, presupposes an a priori benevolent mood. However, is it possible to approach the topic differently without risking diluting it?

It may be said: the new art has not yet created anything that would be worth the effort of understanding; well, I'm pretty close to thinking so. From the new works I tried to extract their intention as the most essential in them, and I did not care about its implementation. Who knows what can grow out of this emerging style! It is already wonderful what they have now so eagerly undertaken - to create out of nothing. I hope that later they will claim less and achieve more.

But whatever the extremes of the new position, it, in my opinion, testifies to the indisputable - the impossibility of returning to the past. All objections to the work of new artists can be substantiated, and, however, this is not enough to condemn new art. One more thing should be added to the objections: to show art a different path, on which it would not become dehumanizing art, but would not repeat completely the hackneyed paths.

It is easy to shout that art is possible only within the framework of tradition. But this slick phrase does nothing for the artist who, with a brush or pen in hand, is waiting for a concrete inspiration.



(La deshumanisacion del arte). - O.S., 3, p. 353-419. It was first published in 1925 on the pages of El Sol. One of the most famous works of Ortega; has been published several times in Europe and America. (Fragments of the book were first published in Russian in the collection "Modern Book on Aesthetics. Anthology". Moscow, Publishing House of Foreign Literature, 1957, pp. 447-456.)

This work came to a foreign reader almost simultaneously with The Rise of the Masses and was perceived mainly in the general ideological context of the latter work. Ortega's prediction of the irreversibility of the development of new art in accordance with the "logic" of dehumanization, as well as the idea that such art becomes a "catalyst" of social differentiation, elicited either sharply critical or at least restrained responses to this work, which should be taken as a whole. The ideological pathos of criticism diminished the importance of those real problems that occupied (and still continue to occupy) the attention of specialists.

"Donna Bertha or Sir Martino,

If someone is generous, and someone loves to steal,

They are not judged together with God:

That one can get up, and this one can fall. "

(Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy. Paradise, XIII. Translated by M. Lozinsky. Donna Berta and Sir Martino here mean the first they meet).

"Ernani" is a play by Victor Hugo, whose premiere in February 1830, on the very eve of the revolution, served as a signal for the "battle of romantics with classics", which ended in the victory of romanticism.

Mostly (French).

Psalm 31, 9.

The Russian equivalent is "about Ivan and Marya", that is, a story describing the everyday realities of everyday existence.

"... And if you want to achieve my tears,

You yourself must grieve genuinely! "(Horace. The Art of Poetry. Per. Dmitriev).

In the article quoted in the commentary to the essay "Musicalia", the French literary critic Jacques Riviere wrote: "Art (if the word itself is still capable of being preserved) thus turns into a completely non-human activity (emphasis added. - O. Zh.), - if you like, into a function, into over-feeling, into a kind of creative astronomy "(Riviera J. Op. cit., p. 166).

This paradox clarifies the category of "relatedness" (of things): it indicates a greater or lesser degree of possession of common properties, the reciprocity of related sides of things, etc. (see: Aristotle. Categories, Ch. 6, 7. - Works, vol. 2. 1978).

"... Quite like Orbaneh, a painter from Ubeda, who, when asked what he writes, answered:" and what will come of it. " "se is a rooster" (see: "Don Quixote". Vol. 2, ch. 3. Trans. edited by V. A. Krzhevsky and A. A. Smirnov).

"Ultraism" is the first avant-garde movement in Spain. One of its leaders, Jorge Luis Borges, proclaimed the following fundamental principle of ultraist poetics: "... the reduction of lyrics to its original element of metaphor ... An ultraist poem consists of a series of metaphors, each of which contains a previously unknown vision of some fragment of life." ...

To whom; from whom (Latin).

Dadaism - a modernist trend in literature and art Western Europe(mainly France and Germany), who asserted illogism as the basis of the creative process, proclaiming the complete independence of the word.


(journal publications and publications on foreign languages not specified)

Alekseev V.P. Geography human races... M., "Thought", 1974.

Aliman A. Prehistoric Africa. M., Publishing house of foreign. literature, 1960.

Andronov M.S. Dravidian languages. M., "Science", 1965.

Antique geography. Compiled by M.S.Bodnarsky. M, Geografgiz, 1953.

Belousov V.V. Geotectonics. Moscow, Moscow State University Publishing House, 1976.

Belousov V.V. The Earth's crust and the upper mantle of the oceans. M., "Science", 1968.

Buzurg Ibn-Shahriyar. Wonders of India. M., Publishing house of East. literature, 1959.

Wegener A. The emergence of continents and oceans. M. - L., State Publishing House, 1925.

Woolley L. Ur of the Chaldeans. M., Publishing house of East. literature, 1961.

Gernbeck L. Through unexplored Madagascar. M., "Thought", 1963.

Gondwana. Sat. Int. geol. Congress, XXII session. Dokl. owls. geologists, problem 9.M., 1964.

Green L. Islands untouched by time. M., "Science", 1972.

Grinser P.A. Ancient Indian epic. M., "Science", 1974.

Dixit S.K. Introduction to Archeology. M., Publishing house of foreign. literature, 1960.

Diodorus Sicilian. Diodorus of Siculus historical library... Ch. 1-6, St. Petersburg, 1774-1775.

Drifting continents. M., "Mir", 1966.

Dyakonov I.M. Languages ​​of Ancient Western Asia, M., "Science", 1967.

Du Toit A. Geology of South Africa. M., 1957.

Elnitsky L.A. The oldest ocean voyages. M., Geografgiz, 1962.

Zograf G.A. Languages ​​of India, Pakistan, Ceylon and Nepal. M., Publishing house of foreign. literature, 1960.

Kanaev V.F., Neiman V.G., Parin N.V. Indian Ocean. M., "Thought", 1975.

Kink X. A. Egypt before the pharaohs. M., "Science", 1964.

Kondratov A.M. Lost civilizations. M., "Thought", 1968.

Kondratov A.M. Secrets of the Three Oceans. L., Gidrometeoizdat, 1971. Book of Marco Polo. M., 1955.

Kramer S. The story begins in Sumer. M., "Science", 1965.

Krachkovsky I. Yu. Selected Works. T. 4. Arabian geographical literature. M. - L., Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1957.

Kreps E. M."Vityaz" in Indian Ocean... M., Geografgiz, 1963.

Krishnan M.S. Geology of India and Burma. M., Publishing house of foreign. literature, 1954.

Leontiev O.K. Ocean floor. M., "Thought", 1968.

Leontiev O.K. A short course in marine geology. Moscow, Moscow State University Publishing House, 1963.

Lindberg G.W. Large fluctuations in sea level in the Quaternary. L., "Science", 1972.

McKay E. The oldest culture of the Indus Valley. M., Publishing house of foreign. literature, 1951.

E. N. Maksimov Papyrus No. 1115 from the collection of the State Hermitage (translation and some remarks). - In Sat: Ancient Egypt and Ancient Africa. M., "Science", 1967.

Massoy V.M., Sarianidi V.I. Central Asian terracotta of the Bronze Age. M., "Science", 1973.

Myths Ancient India. M, "Science", 1975.

Muratov M.V. Origin of continents and oceanic trenches. M., "Science", 1975.

Nesturkh M.F. Human Origins. M., "Science", 1970. New global tectonics. M., "World", 1974.

Og E. Geology. SPB, 1911.

Panov D.G. Origin of continents and oceans. M., Geografgiz, 1961.

Pigulevskaya N.V. Byzantium on the way to India. M. - L., Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1951.

After Marco Polo. M., "Science", 1968.

Preliminary message about the study of Proto-Indian texts. M., VINITI, 1965.

Prosperi F. On the Lunar Islands. M., Geografgiz, 1957.

Pseudo-Arrian. Swimming around the Eritrean Sea. - "Bulletin Ancient history", 1940, No. 2.

Puzanov I. I. Zoogeography. M., Uchpedgiz, 1938.

Travels Christopher Columbus. M., Geografgiz.

Ravich M.G. Mysteries of Gondwana. M., "Knowledge", 1972.

Raeder D. G. Myths and legends ancient Mesopotamia... M., "Science", 1965.

E.K. Redin Christian topography of Kozma Indikoplov according to Greek and Russian lists. M., 1916.

Reshetov Yu. G. The nature of the Earth and the origin of man. M., "Thought", 1966.

Roginsky Ya. Ya., Levin M.G. Anthropology. M., " graduate School", 1963,

The legend about the flood. - In the book: "Reader on history Ancient East», M., Publishing house of East. literature, 1963.

Message on the study of proto-Indian texts. Issue 1-2. M., "Science", 1972.

Strabo. Geography. M., "Science", 1965.

Takeuchi X. etc. Are continents moving? M., "Mir", 1970.

Tarling D., Tarling M. Moving continents. M., "Mir", 1973.

Thomson D. History of ancient geography. M., Publishing house of foreign. literature, 1953.

Turaev B.A. History of the Ancient East. T. 1-2. L., Socekgiz, 1936,

Wallace A. Tropical nature. M., "Thought", 1975.

Fourmarier P. Continental drift problems. M., 1971.

Henning R."Unknown lands". T. 1-4. M., Publishing house of foreign. literature, 1961-1963.

Childe G. The most ancient East in the light of new excavations. M., Publishing house of foreign. literature, 1956.

Cheboksarov N.N., Cheboksarova I.A.Peoples, races, cultures. M., "Science", 1971.

Epos about Gilgamesh. M. - L., Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1961.

From the book The Russian Orthodox Church and L. N. Tolstoy. Conflict through the eyes of contemporaries the author Orekhanov Archpriest George

From the book Soviet partisans. Legend and reality. 1941-1944 author Armstrong John

I. Soviet publications The bulk of the materials published in the USSR on partisan movement is the most valuable published source of guerrilla information. This is quite natural, since the authors of Soviet publications had the opportunity

From the book The Ominous Secrets of Antarctica. Swastika in ice the author Osovin Igor Alekseevich

Newspaper, magazine and Internet publications "Arguments and Facts", No. 17 of 22.04.2009; "Secret civilization under the sixth continent" (article by Savely Kashnitsky:; Arndt, Dale Robert; "Disk Aviation Industry of the Third Reich: 1922-1945 and Beyond":

the author

Main publications Ermakov S., Faminskaya T. Practical aspects of energy-information exchange. - M .: Ecology, 1996. Ermakov S., Faminskaya T. Secrets of the Living Earth. - M .: Association "Ecology of the Unknown", 1997. Ermakov S., Faminskaya T. Secrets of the Living Earth: ed. 2nd, rev. and add. - M .:

From the book The Time of the Gods and the Time of Men. Basics of the Slavic pagan calendar the author Dmitry A. Gavrilov

Major publications Gavrilov D. A., Yolkin S. V. Proto-language and traditionalism. - M: MEPhI, 1997. - 98 p. Gavrilov DA, Yolkin SV and others. Old and new column chess games. - M .: SINTEG, 1998. - 100 pp. Gavrilov D.A., Nagovitsyn A.E. Gods of the Slavs. Paganism. Tradition. - M .: Refl-Buk, 2002 .-- 464

the author

LIST OF USED LITERATURE IN RUSSIAN AND UKRAINIAN LANGUAGES Akunov V. Fraikory. German volunteer detachments in 1918-1923 M., 2004. Akunov V. Fraikory. A Tale of Germanic Volunteers. M., 2004. Akunov V. God's nobles. M., 2006. Akunov V. SS Division "Reich". History Second

From the book Honor and Loyalty. Leibstandart. History of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler the author Akunov Wolfgang Viktorovich

LIST OF USED LITERATURE IN GERMAN, ENGLISH AND FRENCH Alisby C .: SS: Role of Infantry. Osceola, W. I., 1997. Alisby C .: SS: Hell on the Eastern Front. Staplehurst, Spellmount, 1998 Barker F.J. Waffen SS at War. London, 1982 Boldt G. Hitlers letzte Tage. Berlin, 1947. Radley O.N. A Soldier's Story. New York, 1951.Bukey, Evan Burr. Hitler's Austria - Popular Sentiment in the Nazi Era. 1938-1945.

From the book History Of the Far East... East and Southeast Asia by Crofts Alfred

Scientific publications Since the beginning of the XX century. scientific journals were published throughout East Asia; most, especially government-funded, were printed on English language... In 1937, the Japanese published in their language 6 journals on astronomy, 5 on mathematics, 22 on

From the book Alexander III and his time the author Tolmachev Evgeny Petrovich

Bibliography of literature in foreign languages ​​459. Gever W. M. The Rise of Nationalism in the Balkans 1800-1930. N. Y., 1931.460. Monypenny W. T. and Buckle G. E. Life of Benjamen Oisraeli, earl of Beaconsfield. vol. Vi. New York,

From the book Paradoxes and Quirks of Philosemitism and Anti-Semitism in Russia the author Dudakov Savely Yurievich

From the book Theory of Wars the author Kvasha Grigory Semyonovich

Selected publications

From the book The Art of the Ancient East: A Study Guide the author Petrakova Anna Evgenievna

List of literature on the course in foreign languages ​​Dictionary of the Ancient Near East (in association with the British museum). Ed. by P. Bienkowsky, A. Millard. London, 2000 Shaw I., Nicholson P. The Dictionary of Ancient Egypt (in association with the British museum). London,

From the book Kaluzhanin-hero. Feat of non-commissioned officer Starichkov the author Bessonov V.A.

Newspaper publications 1. А. Т.B. Take care of the banner! // Knight. 1907.9 Aug. (No. 29) .2. Balaev B. In memory of the hero // Banner. 1979.5 apr. (No. 80) .3. Barinov B. Feat is always with us // Banner. 1972.15 March (No. 62). 4. Bessonov V.A. Preserved the banner // News. 2001.11 Jan. (No. 7) 5. He's the same. "This heroic feat ..." // Patron of the Arts. 2005.2

From the book The Grand Ducal Opposition in Russia 1915-1917. the author Bityukov Konstantin Olegovich

I. Publications of documents 7. The death of tsarist Petrograd: the February revolution through the eyes of the mayor A.P. Balka // Russian past. 1991. Book. 1.P. 7–72.8. From the history of the struggle at the top on the eve of the February Revolution: new documents // Russian past. 1996. Book. 6, pp. 148–180. 9. TO

From the book Oral History the author Shcheglova Tatiana Kirillovna

List of used literature in foreign languages ​​Les, archives orales // Annales. - 1980. - No. 1. Oral History Association (US) [Electronic resource] - URL: http: // www. history projects. Helping your application. - Cardiff, 2004. - P. 5 Stephen E. Everett Oral history techniques and procedures // Center of Military History. United States Army. - Washington, D. C., 1992. - P. 3. What is Oral

From the book Russia and the formation of Serbian statehood. 1812-1856 the author Kudryavtseva Elena Petrovna

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Published works of the author on the topic of research:
A.V. Kruglov Methodology for the formation of effective management decisions and ensuring sustainable development of entrepreneurial structures. The genesis and challenges of sustainable
development. Creativity of management decisions. Innovative activity. Economic security / Under scientific. ed. Dr. econ. Sciences, Professor JI.C. Tarasevich. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2005, 16.5 pp.
Kruglov A.V., Nimenya I.P. Conceptual foundations for the formation of investment decisions in the entrepreneurial activity of natural monopolies: Preprint.- St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2005, 1.5 pp. (author 1.0 pp.).
A.V. Kruglov The theory of formation and features of the development of entrepreneurial structures in Russia / Ed. Dr. econ. Sciences, Professor JI.C. Tarasevich. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2004, 8.75 pp.
Kruglov A.V., Zaytal X, Tatarenko V.N. Operations Research Methodology in Marketing Systems / Ed. edited by Dr. Econ. Sciences, prof. Bagieva G.L. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2004. - 7.75 pp. (author - 2, 5 pp.).
A.V. Kruglov Marketing Environment and Sustainability of Entrepreneurial Structures: Preprint. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2004, 1.4 pp.
A.V. Kruglov A comprehensive study of tools to ensure the sustainability of entrepreneurship in the financial market. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2003, 8.0 pp.
Kruglov A.V., Kazakova M.A. Currency control of commodity transactions in Russian commercial banks. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 1996, 8.0 pp. (Author - 4.0 pp.).
Development conditions and state of the art entrepreneurial activity in Russia: Monograph / A team of authors. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2000, 11.3 pp. (author - 3 pp.).
The concept of creating a system of regional guarantee funds in Russian Federation: Preprint. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 1997, 1.9 pp.
A.V. Kruglov On the issue of predictive orientation of investment decisions in the entrepreneurial activity of natural monopolies / In the book: Collection of reports of the All-Russian conference. - Voronezh, 2005, 0.5 pp.
A.V. Kruglov On the development and adoption of management decisions in vertically integrated business structures.- SPb .: Modern aspects of the economy.- 2005, No. 7 (74), 0.4 pp.
Kruglov A.V., Tarasevich JI.C., Bagiev G.L. Conceptual and methodological foundations of the economic assessment of the effectiveness of marketing activities / Proceedings of the IAS HS, issue 10.- SPb .: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2005, 0.6 pp. (Author - 0.3 pp.).
A.V. Kruglov On the issue of the formation of management decisions in vertically integrated business structures.- SPb .: Modern aspects of the economy.- 2005, No. 4 (71), 0.5 pp.
A.V. Kruglov Conceptual foundations for the formation of programs for marketing support for entrepreneurship / In the book: Marketing in Russia and abroad: education. Competence. Business efficiency. Collection of materials of the international symposium (St. Petersburg, October 4-5, 2004) in 2 parts. Part 2 / Under scientific. ed. academician MANVSH G.L. Bagieva.-SPb .: Publishing house of SPb GUEF, 2004, 0.6 pp.
A.V. Kruglov, A.V. Gorbunov On the issue of economic assessment of the effectiveness of innovative projects. - St. Petersburg: Modern aspects of the economy. - 2004, No. 12 (63), 0.37 pp. (Author - 0.2 pp.)
A.V. Kruglov Organization of the process of developing and making management decisions in vertically integrated business structures: methodological aspect. - Voronezh, 2005, "Production organizer" No. 3, 0.7 pp.
A.V. Kruglov Regulation of the external and internal environment of business structures as the basis for their sustainable development. - Izvestia SPbGUEF, 2004, No. 4, 1.0 pp.
A.V. Kruglov Management of the company's creative potential and its importance in the market economy. - Problems of the modern economy, 2004, No. 4, 0.6 pp.
Kruglov A.V., Renker K. Marketing concept of transformation of Russian entrepreneurship / In the book: Commerce and logistics: Memorial collection dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor A.A. Iotkovsky .- SPb .: Publishing house of SPbGUEF, 2004, 0.5 pp. (author - 0.25 pp.).
A.V. Kruglov Practical aspects of regional investment policy. - Proceedings of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 1997, No. 4, 0.4 pp.
A.V. Kruglov The state and prospects of foreign investment in St. Petersburg / In the book: Ways to improve the interaction of law enforcement agencies and non-governmental organizations to ensure the safety of individuals, property and entrepreneurship: theses of the second international scientific and practical conference .- SPb .: Life and Security, 1999, 0.2 pp.
** Evenko L.I. Organizational structures of management of industrial corporations in the United States. - M., 1987.

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The science of the Old Church Slavonic language and its tasks (§ 1-3) - p. 5
The origin is old Slavic writing(§4) - p. 9
On the folk-linguistic basis of the Old Church Slavonic language (§ 5-7) - p. 11
Slavic alphabets (§ 8-14) - p. 17
Monuments of the Old Slavonic language (§ 15-17) - p. 27

The sound system of the Old Church Slavonic language of the second half of the 9th century. (§ 18) - p. 34
Vowel system (§ 19-20) - p. 35
Positional vowel change (§ 21-23) - p. 37
Use of vowels at the beginning of a word (§24) - p. 38
The consonant system (§ 25-28) - p. 40
The later sound processes reflected in the monuments of the 11th and partly the 10th century. (§ 29) - p. 43
The fate of the reduced [b] and [b] (§ 30-33) - p. 43
Reduced [y] and [i] (§ 34) - p. 49
Consequences of the fall of the reduced [b] and [b] (§ 35) - p. 50
Processes not associated with the fall of the reduced (§ 36-39) - p. 52
The sound system of the Old Church Slavonic language in comparative historical coverage (§ 40-41) - p. 59
The origin of vowels in the common Slavic language (§ 42-51) - p. 60
Diphthongs and diphthongic combinations (§ 52-56) - p. 66
Diphthongic combinations with smooth [r] and (§ 57) - p. 71
Diphthongic combinations with smooth [r] and in the middle of a word between consonants (§58) - p. 72
Diphthongic combinations with smooth at the beginning of a word (§59) - p. 74
Combinations of reduced with smooth (§60) - p. 75
The consonant system (§ 61-63) - p. 77
The origin of sound (§64) - p. 79
Palatalization of the posterior palatal consonants (§ 65-67) - p. 81
Changing consonant groups before front vowels (§ 68) - p. 84
Combinations of consonants followed by [j] (§ 69-73) - p. 86
Simplification of consonant groups (§74) - p. 91
End-of-Word Phenomena (§ 75-79) - p. 95
Vowel alternation (§ 80-81) - p. 100
Introduction (§ 82-84) - p. 106
Nouns (§ 85-86) - p. 107
Types of nominal declensions (§87) - p. 113
Declination of nouns stemming from -ŏ (§ 88) - p. 114
Declination of nouns with stems ending in -ă (§ 89) - p. 116
Declination of nouns stemming from -ŭ (§ 90) - p. 118
Declination of nouns stemming from -ĭ (§ 91) - p. 118
Declension of nouns based on a consonant (§92) - p. 119
Declination of nouns stemming from -ŭ (§ 93) - p. 121
Processes of changing the noun declension (§ 94) - p. 122
The origin of case inflections (§ 95-110) - p. 126
Pronoun (§ 111) - p. 134
Declination of personal pronouns (§112) - p. 134
Declension of impersonal pronouns. Pronouns distinguishing gender and number (§ 113-115) - p. 136
Pronouns that do not distinguish between gender and number (§116) - p. 138
Adjectives (§ 117-120) - p. 139
Comparative degree (§ 121-123) - p. 143
Numerals (§ 124-130) - p. 148
Verb (§ 131) - p. 151
Verb stems (§ 132-133) - p. 152
Present time (§ 134-135) - p. 157
Present tense verb endings and their origins (# 136) - p. 160
Imperative mood (# 137) - p. 162
The origin of the forms of the imperative mood (§ 138) - p. 164
Imperfect (§ 139) - p. 166
The Origin of Imperfect Forms (# 140) - p. 169
Aorist 170
A Simple Aorist (# 141) - p. 170
The Origin of the Simple Aorist Forms (# 142) - p. 172
The Sigmatic Aorist (§ 143-145) - p. 172
The Origin of the Sigmatic Aorist Forms (# 146) - p. 175
The sacraments 177
Active participles present tense (# 147) - p. 177
The origin of the active participle forms of the present tense (§148) - p. 181
Active Past participles (§ 149) - p. 182
The origin of the active participles of the past tense (§ 150) - p. 185
Passive participles (§ 151-152) - p. 186
Conditional Mood (§ 153) - p. 190
Perfect (§154) - p. 191
Plusquamperfect (# 155) - p. 192
Future tense (§156) - p. 192
Infinitive. Supin (# 157) - p. 193
Texts 194
Dictionary to Texts 208


The course of the Old Slavonic language opens up reading a number of historical linguistic disciplines necessary for the preparation of Slavic philologists.
The study of the Old Church Slavonic language by students always causes great difficulties. This course is especially difficult for part-time students. These difficulties are aggravated by the fact that there is still no textbook corresponding to the guidelines of the “Program for the course of the Old Church Slavonic language (for students of philological faculties of state universities)”.
Therefore, this book is an attempt, to some extent, to help students master the material of the Old Church Slavonic language in accordance with the existing program.
It is based on the lectures given by the author over a number of years at Moscow University. However, it lacks a statement of the syntax of the Old Church Slavonic language. The sections on adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions have also been omitted. The author is still working on these materials and hopes to publish them over time.
When presenting the material, the author does not dwell on the history of the solution of a particular issue, but gives mainly the studied facts such explanations that he considers the most consistent with the truth.
To facilitate the assimilation of the material, when explaining the origin of forms, the chronology is not kept in explaining phonetic changes.
Despite all this, the author decides to publish this book, since he believes that it will be useful to students to a certain extent.
The author expresses his deep gratitude to R.I. critical remarks made by him while working on this book.


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