Philosophical saturation of poetry Boris Pasternak. Features of the philosophical lyrics Pasternak

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N. A. Zatumin

Philosophical Number of Poetry Boris Pasternak

B. L. Pasternak is one of the largest Russian poets and Writers of the twentieth century, an artist in deep spiritual tension living in large cultural interests. He let the world in his books with all his ordinary realities, with his joys and sadness, let live and imprinted his life very much. Listen to his conversation with us:

I am under Moscow this winter,

But in Stuzh, the snow and the burynal is always when necessary

The case in the city was.

I went out at such a time

When there is no ZGI on the street

And scratching his crepure steps with timber threads.<.. .>

Through the past peripetics and years of wars and poverty I silently recognized Russia unique features.

("On early trains")

Even at the dawn of poetic activity B. Pasternak, O. E. Mandelstam gave a wonderful and correct assessment: "Pasternak poems read - throat, breathing strengthened. We now have no more healthy poetry. "

Boris Pasternak's poetry is not easy for perception. The point here is not only the complexity of his poetics, but also in the depths and dynamics of thought. Once the poet noticed that philosophy - foliage of poetry; Reading his poems, make sure this again and again. The philosophical tradition in Russian lyrics is represented by such names as E. A. Baratsky, A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, F. I. Tyutchev. In his work, they reflected on the issues of being, life and death, human destination and spirituality, the relationship between humans and peace, humans and nature. The ideals of truth, good and beauty find their expression in the works of all the great artists, regardless of the place and time of their existence, because it is these values \u200b\u200bthat determine human life as a whole: they are the essence of it, and first-pool.

The originality of the majority of Pasternak poems is determined by the solution of global philosophical, ideological issues. The idea of \u200b\u200bman's unity with nature, about the merger with the Universe represents the Pasternak concept of life. "Nature all my life was his only full-fledged muse, his secret interlocutor, his bride and a beloved, his wife and widow - she was the same thing to him than Russia. He remained faithful to her to the end, and she awarded him in a tsaristi, "said Anna Akhmatova on the poet with the world in his reflections on poets of contemporaries.

The philosophical orientation of Pasternak lyrics is largely due to biographical factors. Music, painting and literature determined the atmosphere as a poet's childhood. His father was a famous artist, a mother-gifted pianist; The guests of the house were Valentin Serov, Mikhail Vrubel, Alexander Scriabin, Sergey Rakhmaninov, Lion Tolstoy. The future poet intensively absorbs all new, comprehends the common nature of the whole art and, ultimately, every spirituality. All manifestations of the human spirit have their result summarizing the philosophical system of views; To study, young Pasternak decides to become a professional philosopher, enters the philosophical department of the historical philabled faculty, then the classes in Marburg (Germany) continues. And although the final choice of him fell on poetry, the poet for life remains "tied" to philosophical themes, which is organically entering its poetry, not suppressing without weakening it. Rather, on the contrary, Lyric Pasternak only wins from such a convergence, gaining unheard of depth and power of exposure.

Poetry B. Pasternak is reflections on the sacrament of love, about life and death, about the miracle of human communication, about the future, about the nature of art. It is overwhelmed with bright love for people, light.

In the biographical essay "People and Regulations" (1956, 1957) B. Pasternak writes: "My constant care has been for the content, my constant dream was that the poem itself is something contained that it contains a new thought or a new picture. In order for all his peculiarities, it was engaged in the book and spoke with her pages with all his silence and all the colors of its black, silent printing. "

The peculiarity of the philosophical thought of Pasternak, or, more precisely, the method of its expression, - in the fact that it is not explicitly given by anywhere, openly. There are no poetry in general, but Pasternak has a depth subtext of the verse encrypted, hidden especially sophisticated, on the verge of risk, that the lazy and unlock reader will not be able to catch it. A person who reads Pasternak must go through the way from a poetic image to philosophical generalization: the author never represents a clearly "final conclusion of the earthly wisdom", clear for him. It gives the source material for intense thinking, however, scattering here and there hints, milestones to indicate the path. And the main philosophical position of the poet remains as if "for the scenes".

Without pretending to complete and unambiguously interpretation, we will try to describe the basic principles of Pasternakovsky worldview.

The main philosophical problem is the problem of being. In some sense, there is no one for the parsnik. He has the world exists - and that's it. Without any "why" and "why":

Do not interpret

Why so ceremonially garrena and lemon sprinkled foliage.1

("Let's drop the words")

The existence of the world is approved by the entire Pasternak poetry. She herself is a constant expression of surprise and reverence in front of the miracle of life. Because life in all its diverse manifestations is an incredit miracle whose unusuality is so great that any pain can heal:

There is no longguing in the world

Which snow would not cure.1

("January 1919")

The hero of Pasternak's poetry takes being such what it is; Perfection, feasibility does not cause doubts. "My sister is life," he says. And life enters his poems as in his house: the poet with her on "you", between them there is no distance, as evidenced by these lines:

With me, with my candle the world of worlds blooming hanging 1

("Like a bronze waggery ...")

The hero takes the world, and life in it seems to him simple and not burdened by the wisdom created artificially:

Easy to wake up and overlook

The verbal litter of the heart is silent and live without clogging in the future.

All this is not a big trick 1

("Loving other - heavy cross.")

The reverence of life applies to all its shapes, without degrading the great spirit of division into eternal and transient, on the elevated and landed:

Oh Lord, how are your perfect doing, - I thought the sick, -Open, and people, and walls,

Death Night and Night City.1

("In the hospital")

As a rule, in the works of Pasternak, the theme of death is almost absent in its pure form. Death does not violate the laws and the flow of life, it also has a part of being. Death is, rather, the transition to another stage of existence. The hero does not feel fear before neby, because there is no non-existence. This is the poem of the "English lessons". The name seems strange: there is nothing English in the poem itself (except that the implied name of Shakespeare), and as for the lessons, then who and who they are given, and what lessons? Dzamemon, dying, sobs on IWA; Ophelia leaves the life "With the Supka Verb and Celebrela." What is the final lines of poem, which should reveal its essence? Here they are:

Giving passion from shoulders to fly like rubbish,

Entered, with hearts with a fear,

In the pool of the Universe, the mill will love and stun on the worlds.

("English lessons")

The heroine, rejecting the "bitterness of the dreams", reveal themselves to meet the world, nature, eternity. Before us is not the tragic end of life, and its new discovery, illusion, liberation from the burden of "human passions".

Reflecting on the foundations of being, Pasternak on the first place puts love. Love is simple human feeling, but the principle of life, its first-pool. She has compliance in the world of natural - this is a general connection of all phenomena and things. In one of the poems, the poet holds a parallel between the love of the hero and the life of marine elements: the hero is tied to his beloved as the sea to the shore. In the poem "Let's drop words." On the question of who manages the world, "who orders" is given: "The All-Fusion God of Love, Yagaylov and Jutyign." These names are not chosen by chance - once the marriage, the combination of the Polish Queen of Jadwig and Lithuanian Prince Yagailo gave the beginning of the new state.

Feeling of love Rodnith man and world:

And gardens, and ponds, and fences,

And boiling with white screaming the universe - only the passion of the discharge,

Human heart accumulated

("Let's drop words.")

It is love that gives a person the opportunity to understand the world. The problem of peaceopony is very important for Pasternak, and its only decision in the author's poetry is the complete adoption of all the guys.

Amazing the amazing attitude of Pasternak to a woman. This topic passes the red thread in many of his poems. Female image at the poet is devoid of extremes of other authors. This is not a "genius of pure beauty," not embodied inquiry and variability that does not suffer from the victim of male superiority, not a symbol of eternal femininity. Tangibly some elusive reverence "before the miracle of female hands", putting a woman with some wonderful quality. It is the original proximity to nature, its naturalness, persuasiveness and appruteness worthy of being impressed:

My beauty, all to become,

All the essence of your heart,

Everything breaks the music to become

And all the rhymes ask 2

("My beautiful, the whole of becoming.")

Describing the wonderful moments of life, the poet usually does not tire their detail. All his poetry is a kind of anthem details, details. The poetic declaration of this approach to peace and creativity is a poem "Let's drop words. " This Creator "Not Non Melko": he

Immersed in the decoration of the maple leaf.

("February. Get ink and cry!")

Life exists in detail, in detail - this is a solution to her mystery. Describe - it means to show connections between objects, their "relationship", in a sense of their love. So, in one of the first verses of Pasternak Spring - "Black". Spring? It's time for love, hopes, and suddenly. However, the poet wanted to show Others: After the snowy, white winter, black soil is exposed, which precedes and feeds the summer greens. The anthem details - sometimes unusual - becomes a hymn of life itself.

The poet formulated its definition of the meaning of human life in the poem, which can be called software for his work - "In all I want to walk." A person must live, comprehending the laws of this world - the laws of love in just everything. In accordance with them, his life should be built:

But you have to live without impostations,

So live, in the end, attract the love of space to itself,

Hear the future call.1

("Being famous ugly")

The work at the same time acts as the purpose of being and its form: the hero speaks of the bliss of "classes", that "idleness is to curse."

The book "Having a philosophy" of the book "My Sister - Life" consists of mediative poems with the same type headlines: "Determination of poetry", "Definition of the Soul", "Definition of Creativity". In the context of these poems, art - eternally, it reflects life with its multifaceted, with its memorable moral values:

It is a cool whistle,

This is a clicker sampled ice,

It is a night chilling leaf,

These are two Solovyov Fight 2

("Determination of Poetry")

The cycle expressed all the pain of the poet for the imperfection of life ("our Motherland burned"; "The Universe is a deaf place"). Motifs "Storms", "Chaos", "Diseases", developed in the book include it in context artistic Mira Pasternak. In the novel, "Dr. Zhivago" The image of the Motherland, burned beard, develops into a deployed metaphor: "With Russia, the roof has disrupted." The motive of the "Earth's disease", correlated with the motive of "high illness" in the poem of the same name, speaks of flour, the suffering of land during periods of social cataclysms:

That's shower. Glitter Pipes,

Whirlwind, scraps of mad saliva.

But from where? From clouds, from the field, from Clasma or from a sardonic pine? 2

("Earth disease")

The question of time relates to a poet with his own views on the world, with ideas about life, death and immortality. The artist, by Pasternak, is closely connected with his time, but he is also a representative of eternity, because the immortality reaches through creativity.

1 quote. By: Pasternak B. L. Cathed. So: at 5 t. - T. 2. - M.: Art. lit., 1989.

2 quote. By: Pasternak B. L. Favorites.: in 2 t. - T. 1. - M.: Art. lit., 1985.

In the poem "Night" (1956), reflecting the ideas of the French writer Anguan de Saint-Exupery about the responsibility of a person for everything that happened on the "Planet of People", Pasternak speaks of overcoming time and death as a task of the artist. The poet is likened to the poem by the pilot, rising above the Earth, as a star, overlooking the sky and feel responsible for world life.

He looks at the planet,

As if the sky refers to the subject of its night worries.

Do not sleep, do not sleep, work,

Do not interrupt labor

Do not sleep, fight with dormary,

As a pilot like a star.1

Pasternak introduced his vision of the world: "Meadow, Escock, Senokos, Runza Raskat" in their uniqueness and vital strength. He has his own understanding of the world and its way of its expression: expressive, dynamic, metaphorized. The essence of its method, as well as the right to him, the poet determined in his notes as follows: "The genius is a blood tangible right to measure everything in the world in its own way, a sense of shortness from the universe, the availability of all living things."

Pasternak philosophy - life-affirming and optimistic. There are many tragedies and adversity in this world, but they lead us to new altitudes of life understanding. The world is imperfect, but it exists, and that's fine.


1. Mandelshtam O. E. Notes on Poetry // Satr. So.: In 4 tons. - M.: Art Business Center, 1993. - T. 2. - P. 556.

2. Akhmatova A. A. Pasternak path // Meetings with the past. - M.: OV. Russia, 1978. Vol. 3.

3. Pasternak B. L. People and Positions: Tale. Articles. Dramatic works. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 634 p.

The article Received June 29, 2010

Philosophical Conception of Boris Pasternak's Poetry

The Poetry of B. Pasternak Is Not Easy to Understand. The Matter Is That It Is Not Only Difficult for Perception But It Is Deep and Dynamic. The Main Characteristic Of His Poams Are Defined by Solving Global Philosophical Problems. His Concept of Life Represents The Connection Of A Man and Nature, a man and the universe. His Poetry Is Full Of Thoughts ABOUT MYSTERY OF LOVE, ABOUT LIFE AND DEATH, ABOUT THE MIRACLE OF HUMAN COMMUNITY AND FUTURE. We Find The Same Intensity of His Feelings WHEN HE SPEAKS ABOUT THE NATURE OF ART. The Problem of Existence Is The Fundamental Philosophical Problem. It is reflected and confirmed by All Pasternak's Poetry. The Existence of the World IS Confirmed by All His Poetic Work. His Poetry Is The Reflection of Astonishment and Awe of The Miracle of Love. His Poetry Is Increasingly Absorbed By This Motive. The Pasternak's Main Hero Takes The Existence As IT IS. HE HAS NO DOUBT IN THE PERFECTION AND ADVISABILITY OF THE EXISTENCE. The Awe of Life Spreads to All Its Forms. There Is No Division Into Internal and Ordinary Things in His Poetry. Thinking ABOUT THE GROUND OF THE HUMAN EXISTENCE PASTERNAK GIVES THE FIST PLACE TO LOVE. According to Him Love Is Not Only The Simple Human Feeling But It Is The Main Principle of Life. HE WAS KEENER TO REPRESENT LOVE AS ITS FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE. HE FINDS THE SAME PRINCIPAL IN NATURE - IT IS THE UNIVERSAL CONNECTION OF ALL PENOMENA AND THINGS. All His Poetry Is The Sort of The Hymn to Details and Particularities. He His His Own Understanding of the World and He Has His Own Dynamic, Expressive and Metaphorical Way of His Expression. PASTERNAK'S PHILOSOPHY IS Life-Asserting and Optimistic.

Key Words: Philosophical Problems, Depth and Dynamics Of Thought, The Problem of Existence, Awe Of Life, Love Is the Fundamental Principle of Life, Hymn to Details, His Own Vision Of The World, Life-Asserting and Optimistic.

Among the Russian poets silver century B. Pasternak occupies a special place. His works are characterized by philosophically configured regardless of whether he wrote about nature, or about the state of his own soul, or about complex human relationships.
A tendency to philosophical

The understanding of life characterizes all creativity B. Pasternak. He is a phoned poet, and with the earliest poems thinks about the essence of the world. Central category of poetic philosophy B. Pasternak - " living life". She is a powerful comprehensive element that unites human personality And her environment:
It seemed Alpha and Omega, -
We are with one cut:
And all year round, in the snow, without snow,
She lived like alter ego,
And I called her sister.
Therefore, nature in the image B. Pasternak is not an object of description, but a living and actual personality. Not a poet meets and escorts spring or winter, admires summer thunderstorms or winter chairs, wanders shady alleys and forest paths, and all these trees and bushes, clouds and rains, winter and spring penetrated and live inside his soul. Nature and state of the soul of the poet are merged together. This unity is especially brightly felt in the poems "July thunderstorm", "no one will be in the house. "," Winter night”.
The philosophy of lyrics B. Pasternak is determined by its constant thinking effort aimed at searching for the foundations, endful goals and root causes:
In all I want to get
Until the very essence:
In work, in search of the way,
In the heartless confusion.
To the essence of the proof days
Before their reason
Before the foundations, to the roots,
Before the core.
In many works by B. Pasternak, belonging to the most different periods of his work, a significantly insistent desire to "get to the bottom". Therefore, speaking of any things, he not only seeks to show what they are, but also to penetrate their nature.
My friend, you ask who tells
So that a whitewashed speech?
In the nature of Lip, in nature slabs,
In the nature of the summer it was burning.
This is a typical thoughts of B. Pasternak: not "summer was hot", but "in the nature of the summer it was burning," that is, the essence of summer. And the poet constantly peering into every subject, trying to penetrate deep into. Often B. Pasternak builds a poem as a definition, transmitting not only the impression of the subject, but also its concept, idea. Separate poems are called: "Definition of the Soul", "Definition of Poetry", etc. And in many of his verses there are such defining structures that reproducing almost the style of the textbook or intelligent dictionary:
Poetry, I will swear
You, and Konch, Prokhripyev:
You are not posture of sweet-eyed,
You are summer with a place in the third grade,
You are a suburb, not chorus.
The poet is not afraid of dryness of conclusions. He willingly displays the formulas of the depicted, examines its properties and composition, calculates:
We were in Georgia. POWN
Need for tenderness, hell to paradise,
Greenhouse ice take the foot down
And we will get this edge.
In the late work of B. Pasternak, the subject of philosophical understanding becomes fate, as well as the relationship between humans and history. Personality, which is carrier of genuine moral values, is externally inconspicuous, which is not a deposit, but makes a feat of a voluntary victim, self-dedication in the name of the celebration of life, being, history. Single personality It has absolute significance, but only in harmony and unity with life:
Your campaign will change the area.
Under the cast iron of your horseshoes,
Blonding shortness
Language waves are hung.
Roof cities expensive
Every hut porch,
Every poplar poplar
Will know you in the face.
B. Pasternaku had to survive terrible times: two world wars, revolutions, Stalin terror, ruin of post-war years. For all years of life and creativity of an outstanding poet, it is possible to apply his words: "And in our days and the air smells the death: open the window - what the residentials handle." But the poems B. Pasternak with their aspiration to the bottom, with their statement of life and harmony, opposed the time and the very fact of their existence served the revival of culture.

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Boris Leonidovich Pasternak - Poet for thinking reader. I would say - for a reader with a thinking heart. He, as it is clear, sought to "walk to the very essence" and, of course, from the very beginning was not just a poet, but also a philosopher. Yes, if Pasternak was not a philosopher, we would not have learned so many deep poetic revelations. And his prose is also the fruit of philosophical thinking about the meaning of being.
One of the cycles of poems Pasternak is called "classes of philosophy". Even in the title feels a feature of the poet. He did not name his cycle simply "philosophical poems", and accurate "classes", that is, to understand the world in the whole manifold, of course, it is impossible. Man is given only to learn to open it for himself. One manages to a greater extent to the other in a smaller. Pasternaka, as written, with God's help I managed to make a lot of beautiful, sad and sometimes stunning discoveries for my life.
So, the poet was inclined to definitions, and not to evidence:
Our homeland burned burns. Do you know your nest, the chick? .. Oh, do not be afraid, surprised the song! And where to break back to us? Ah, the advent of the deadly "here" - the non-domestic sodro-coat.
This is from the poem "Definition of the Soul". I am close and understandable to the scattered storms of time human manthat did not lose the ability to subtly react to nature. The soul knows that nature depends on its state in the same way as it depends on the state of nature. Therefore, Pasternaka, Nature robes with human soul, and there is neither fear, nor doubt that harmony will fall into poems.
But the philosophical definition of poetry:
It is a sweet stuffy peas, it is the tears of the universe in the blades, it is from the remotes and flutes - Figaro is lowered by a hail on the garden.
The combination of low and high gives rise to poetry - this is the main philosophical thought of the poet. But to bring into a single whole so far the lagging friend from a friend of the semantic concepts is a matter of genius. And, as we see, "Figaro" and "Sweet Plowing Pea" turn out to be in the center of the poetic universe and are well coexistent.
Many poets have addiction to the definition of their creativity. This basically gives rise to a lot of uninteresting reader poems about verses. Pasternaku and this topic "plays", can be awesome like love lyrics. Here is the Pasternakovskoe "definition of creativity":
Having squeezed shirts, hairy, like a torso from Beethoven, covers palm like checkers. Juice and conscience, and night, and love it.
And the last stanza:
Both gardens, ponds, and fences, and boiling with white screaming the universe - only the passion of the discharge, the human heart of the accumulated.
Magnificent thought of Pasternak on the materialization of human consciousness. Perhaps the universe can actually have a reflection of our spiritual life to some extent. No wonder Pasternak, nature often acts as a person:
Thunderstorm, like a priest, burned lilac and smoke sacrificial stacking eyes and clouds. Place the lips to dislocate the ant.
So selfish nature will give a chance to blindly manifest the soul - good and latter, gentle and indifferent. Soul lyrical hero Pasternak is phenomenal in its compassion to everything alive and in general - in love. His human essence touches the fragility of life on Earth and catastrophic lack Feelings of compassion.
These qualities of the soul of the lyrical hero of Pasternak and determine, in my opinion, his philosophical lyrics.

Writing on literature on the topic: Philosophical motifs Lyrics B. Pasternak

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Philosophical Motifs Lyrics B. Pasternak

The peculiarity of the expression method of philosophical lyrics Pasternak is that it is not open anywhere. In general, it is atypically for poetry, however the author has a deeply encrypted poetic subtext, hidden very thinly, almost on the risk line. The reader should do the path itself, starting from the poetic image, ending with the philosophical generalization, the main direction of the philosophical lyrics of Pasternak. The poet proposed primary material for enhanced mental search, they also provided pointers of paths using different hints. And "as it were," the main author's philosophical position is behind the scenes. In the philosophical poetry, Pasternak is treated by the foundations of being, but the first place is engaged in love, which is not just a sense, but by the life principle, of primary life. Only thanks to love, a person can know the world. Love has an analogue in the natural world, presented by the universal interconnection of all things and phenomena. In the philosophical verses of Pasternak, a large role is assigned to the problem of worldview, the only solution of which is the recognition of fully all varieties of life. The purpose of Pasternak's poetic creativity is self-expression, dedication. It is not passionate about human glory directly: the poet should be treated in such a way that he can conquer world love.

It is just the deep meaning of the Pasternak philosophical poetry, which consists of the dedication of the creator and the poet. The world expects the labor of the Word Wizard just like the Labor of the landpasher. The poet must be implemented by his purpose, which he has on the Barnish Earth, and he is not entitled to collapse from his own way, refusing to fulfill his role. This is a certain fatal fatalism of Pasternak's philosophical poetry. However, fatalism is happy, as it is provided over. It was the philosophical lyricist that the author tried to tell readers about the outside of events, about their deep sense; He was very worried about the accurate transmission of the essence of the vital phenomena depicted by him, he was very worried about the preservation of eternal moral human values \u200b\u200bin the real reality.

In the philosophical lyrical works, Pasternak borrowed an idea of \u200b\u200bthe calling of poetry to some extent in the classics, but making generalizations, Lirik calls his poetry in a new way. It is called a sponge poetry absorbing the whole worldTo later after it is replaced, people will get their own world. She will try to open it to them. In all this and consists of a high purpose of poetry, as only the poet has a special, complete, one hundred percent and at the same time primary knowledge about the world. Boris Pasternak is one of the great poets philosophers of his era.

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Among the Russian poets of the Silver Age B. Pasternak occupies a special place. His works are characterized by philosophically configured regardless of whether he wrote about nature, or about the state of his own soul, or about complex human relationships.

The tendency to the philosophical understanding of life characterizes all creativity B. Pasternak. He is a phoned poet, and with the earliest poems thinks about the essence of the world. The central category of poetic philosophy B. Pasternak - "Living Life". She is a powerful comprehensive element that unites the human personality and its environment:

It seemed Alpha and Omega, -

We are with one cut:

And all year round, in the snow, without snow,

She lived like annener iono,

And I called her sister.

Therefore, nature in the image B. Pasternak is not an object of description, but a living and actual personality. Not a poet meets and escorts the spring or winter, admires summer thunderstorms or winter sings, wanders shady alleys and forest paths, and all these trees and bushes, clouds and rains, winter and spring penetrated and live inside his soul. Nature and state of the soul of the poet are merged together. Especially brightly, this unity is felt in the poems "July thunderstorm", "no one will be in the house ...", "Winter night".

The philosophy of lyrics B. Pasternak is determined by its constant thinking effort aimed at searching for the foundations, endful goals and root causes:

In all I want to get

Until the very essence:

In work, in search of the way,

In the heartless confusion.

To the essence of the proof days

Before their reason

Before the foundations, to the roots,

Before the core.

In many works by B. Pasternak, belonging to the most different periods of his creativity, the persistent desire to "get to the essence" is noticeable. Therefore, speaking of any things he not only seeks to show what they are, but also to penetrate their nature.

My friend, you ask who tells

So that a whitewashed speech?

In the nature of Lip, in nature slabs,

In the nature of the summer it was burning.

This is a typical thoughts of B. Pasternak: not "summer was hot," and "In the nature of the summer it was burning," that is, the essence of summer. And the poet constantly peering into every subject, trying to penetrate deep into. Often B. Pasternak builds a poem as a definition, transmitting not only the impression of the subject, but also its concept, idea. Some of his poems are called: "Definition of the Soul", "Determination of Poetry", etc. And in many of his verses there are such defining structures that reproduce almost the style of a textbook or an intelligent dictionary:

Poetry, I will swear

You, and Konch, Prokhripyev:

You are not posture of sweet-eyed,

You- Summer with a place in the third grade,

You are a suburb, not chorus.

The poet is not afraid of dryness of conclusions. He willingly displays the formulas of the depicted, examines its properties and composition, calculates:

We were in Georgia. POWN

Need for tenderness, hell to paradise,

Greenhouse ice take the foot down

And we will get this edge.

In the late work of B. Pasternak, the subject of philosophical understanding becomes fate, as well as the relationship between humans and history. The personality that is carrier of genuine moral values \u200b\u200bis externally inconspicuous, does not live at the bottom, but makes a feat of a voluntary sacrifice, self-dedication in the name of the celebration of life, being, history. A separate personality has absolute significance, but only in harmony and unity with life:

Your campaign will change the area.

Under the cast iron of your horseshoes,

Blonding shortness

Language waves are hung.

Roof cities expensive

Every hut porch,

Every poplar poplar

Will know you in the face.

B. Pasternaku had to survive terrible times: two world wars, revolutions, Stalin terror, ruin of post-war years. For all years of life and creativity of an outstanding poet, it is possible to apply his words: "And nowadays and the air smells the air: open the window - what the residentials turn out." But the poems B. Pasternak with their aspiration to the bottom, with their statement of life and harmony, opposed the time and the very fact of their existence served the revival of culture.

Boris Pasternak's poetry is not easy for perception. The point here is not only the complexity of his poetics, but also in the depths and dynamics of thought. Once the poet noticed that philosophy - foliage of poetry; Reading his poems, make sure this again and again. The philosophical tradition in Russian lyrics is represented by such names as Baratinsky, Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev. In his work, they reflected on the issues of being, life and death, human destination and spirituality, the relationship between humans and peace, humans and nature. The ideals of truth, good and beauty find their expression in the works of all the great artists, regardless of the place and time of their existence, because it is these values \u200b\u200bthat determine human life as a whole: they are the essence of it, and first-pool.

The philosophical orientation of Pasternak lyrics is largely due to biographical factors. Music, painting and literature determined the atmosphere as a poet's childhood. His father was a famous artist, a mother-gifted pianist; Guests of the house were serov, Vrubel, Scriabin, Rachmaninov, Lion Tolstoy. The future poet intensively absorbs all new, comprehends the common nature of the whole art and, ultimately, every spirituality. All manifestations of the human spirit have their result summarizing the philosophical system of views; To study, young Pasternak decides to become a professional philosopher, enters the philosophical department of the historical and philological faculty, then continues the classes in Marburg. And although the final choice fell on poetry (which, in my opinion, you should only rejoice), the poet for life remains "tied" to philosophical themes, which is organically entering its poetry, not suppressing without weakening it. Rather, on the contrary, Lyric Pasternak only wins from such a convergence, gaining unheard of depth and power of exposure.

The peculiarity of the philosophical thought of Pasternak, or, more precisely, the method of its expression is that it is not clear anywhere, openly. There are no poetry in general, but Pasternak has a depth subtext of the verse encrypted, hidden especially sophisticated, on the verge of risk, that the lazy and unlock reader will not be able to catch it. Well, it means that such a reader does not need verses. A person who reads Pasternak must go through the way from a poetic image to philosophical generalization: the author never represents a clearly "final conclusion of the earthly wisdom", clear for him. It gives the source material for intense thinking, however, scattering here and there hints, milestones to indicate the path. And the main philosophical position of the poet remains as if "for the scenes".

Without pretending to complete and unambiguously interpretation, we will try to describe the basic principles of Pasternakovsky worldview.

The main philosophical problem is the problem of being. In some sense, there is no one for the parsnik. He has the world exists - and that's it. Without any "why" and "why":

Do not interpret

Why so ceremonial

Marrene and Lemon.

Sprinkled foliage.

The existence of the world is approved by the entire Pasternak poetry. She herself is unchanged expressing